The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 09, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Acts gently on thl
Kidneys, Liver
and bovels
Cleanses the System
rca Vul or iu oaufc-i rax tte m torn.
Saturday's Daily.
J. K. WooJorci and wife are io from
B. L. White imb. of Cross Keys, is
regialerel at tbe Umatilla.
W. II. Bigzs went down to Spragae
today; or to tbe springs near there.
Mies Mabel Cross returned last night
from few days' stay at Meveniou.
Frof. J. s. Lan ier i was a piscnger
on tbe boa: this morning fcr J'crtlanJ.
E. Y. JoU, of tl e PenJ!etin woolen
mills, rattier (loan from that place yes
terday. N. Harris went down yesterday to
jiin bis family at Ocean Park, Lor.g
Mis Mabel Bannhaaer, cf Portland,
is in Hie city, the guest of Miss Anna
Miss Lena Moore left this morning; to
spend a short time with friends at
Clatsop beach.
Mies Annie Taylor came home laet
night, after a visit with friends in Port
land and Oregon City.
Mrs. liobt. Teagne has been visitirg
friends in Portland and rctarned home
last evening on the boat.
Mis ManJe Gilbert will join tbe
campers at Stevenson today, having
ooe down on this morning's boat.
Mis. Thoc Driver and family left to
day to spend a time near 1iet Like. Tom
will join them this afternoon, going
down by train.
F. A. Yoon and family retnrned last
night from Long Beach, where they
have spent their vacation. They ate
now on their way to Kidgeway.
Will Evans went down on the boat
this morning to swell the crowd camped
t Stevenson, and will be one of "the
boys" in Carey Ballard's camp.
Miss Maude Clarke is a;ain at her
casein the Chronicle office, having re
tnrned from her vacation spent at Ham
ilton, on the Watbington side of tbe
Among those bound for camp this
morning were a party from Dry Hollow,
mnsif.ingof Misses Kitta Taylor, Kertha
Hill, Lolu Cooper and Mr. John Wherry.
They were chaperoned by Mrs. Robert
Cooper, and will spend few weeks at
Wind river.
The big toar, composed of Dr. Ktnrda
want, Victor Manlen, Harry Liebe and
Bherman t rank, left on the boat this
morning, and from the fishing baskets,
tackle, etc., which were in evidence, tbe
"little fishes" in the little White Salmon
It ad better keep their eyes peeled.
Otis Patterson dropped in on Friday
night's train ami devoted the time until
his morning's departure handnhnking.
Patt's genial presence had tbe effect of
dislodging the gloom of business de
pression while lie was here with those
he earne in contact with. Ileppner
Monday' Dully.
J. PI.erar fa in from his home at
Fherar's Bridge.
Mrs. Frank Fnlton came down from
Biggs this morning.
James Warrick arrived on this morn
ing's stage from Antelope.
George Joies left this morning for the
fand Galcb mines near Antonc, Or.
Win. Smith and family were visitors
in tbe city from Arlington yet teiday.
Bert Hollister, of C. F. Stephens'
tore, it spending a few days in Port
land. R. II. Lonsdale left this morning to
pen 1 his vacation at Portland and the
Emily Crossen went to Portland todav,
where she will be tbe guest of Mrs. E.
E. Lytle.
Misses Grace and Lizzie Lauer left on
the boat this morning to visit friends in
Mrs. John Micbell and daoghter, Miss
Maode, were passengers on the boat this
morning bound for Portland.
Mrs. J. It. Scotland two sons arrived
Irora Cnrvalli Saturday night and will
snake Tbe Dalle their futnre home.
Mrs. J. A. Donthlt and family and
Mra. J. A. UeisendorQer went down to
Cascades today to spend some time
Mr. Duottit aoiupanied
ia camp.
tuena to arrange tteir tents and K-e Item
c)l aettlej ttere.
MiM Irene Aiatcs, of Tte Dalle.
' VI?
! Dr.
litin at tbe ticus of her sister,
J. W. Mcteoith. iiitcQ Statesman.
Miss EJna G'.enn wi'.! speed tl.e neit
three werk at their cottafe et S-eaview,
liaraco bract), hTiL left tliij morning.
Mm. A. Joalvn ha returned from a
tieit a
with friends ia Portland, aDa also
the farni! of Z. F. Moodj in
Mrs. Iaac Jylts and dangbter. Mi?s
. Fear!, were ptecyen ou tbe boat tin
i morning b-.und for PortiacJ, where tbey
j will visit Mrs. C. Alden.
j Mrs. P. Criiu went down on the boat
.this morning to meet her daughter, Mrs.
; G. W. MrXamara. who W on her way
j Iroai California to viil in tbis city.
Mrs. M. Wilkerson, of Tort'and. and
, l er friend, Mrs. Dr. Heffrrnan, il l'mt,
; Aritona, cauie op from Portland S.tor
) ay aixi spent yesterday nilh Mr. and
: Mrs. Elakciey, returning this morning.
TicttUj s I)ai!y.
Miss Carrie Butler has rttorned
a visit in camp at Cascades.
L. E. Crowe niida a trip to Portland
yest-rday afuraoon.
Mr. and Mr-!. W. A. Johnston are
spending a few days in Portland.
Gov. A. II. Burk is in tbe city in
specting the land office at this plate.
Miss Daisv Deane k-.'t yesterday to
spend lime lime in camp at Cascades.
Mrs. J. M. Filloon and son retorned
last nigbt from a week's stay in Port
land. Miss Effie Davis went down to Hood
River this morning to visit with her
Mrs. H. GonrUyand MissTessie Kelly
left this morning to spend their vacation
at Ocean Park.
Mrs. J. C. O'Leary and daughter,
Miss Edith, w;re paosengera on tbe
boat this morning for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. McRae, who have
been guests at tbe home of J. T. Peters,
left today for their home at DayviHe.
Lily Blazen. who has been visiting at
tbe borne of E I. Beck, returned yester
day to Portland, accompanied by Esther
W. S. Byers, of the Goldendale Sen
tinel, is in the city today on his way to
Portland to participate in the reception
given to the boys.
H. Purdom, who has filled the position
of nigbt operator at theO. R. & N. otbee
during Mr. Swart'a absence, will leave
today for Atbena.
The family of Rev. J. II. Wood left
this morning to j dn the campers at
.Stevenson, where tney will remain until
it is decided where Mr. Wood will be
stationed for the next year.
G. T. Parr, of the Eastern Orfgon
Land Co., left this afternoon for Port
land, where he will meet his family and
accompany them to this city. They will
occupy the Magee house on Fourth
Dr. C. II. MeUenbaucb, of St. Louis,
an old friend of Dr. Geisendorffer, came
up from Portland last evening and re
mained over until this morning with
him. They have not seen each other for
over nine years and tbe hours were most
pleasantly spent.
Mr. fl. S. Mason, of Des Moines,
Iowa, has spent today in The Dalles
looking about the cily, and although be
has been unfortunate in encountering
one of onr heavy wind storms, he is
much pleased with the surroundings.
Mr. Mason has traveled a great deal,
and his verdict is that the scenery com
ing up the Columbia is ahead of any
thing he has yet seen.
II. W, Swart, the Grover Cleveland of
the O. R. & X. office here, returned yes
terday from a fishing trip, not to Grav
Gables, but Bingham Springs. "Grover"
reports fishing fine in the streams about
Bingham, and pays that not only the
"speckled" beauties, but other beauties
were so much in evidence as to convert
him into a protectionist. To say the
least he was in the swim.
Miss Annie Coffin, who formerly lived
in The Dalles, and has also taught
school io several districts near here,
cinie up from Seattle Friday evening
and after visiting friends here, left this
morning to return home. For the past
ten years she has been a successful
teacher in the Seattle schools, and feel
ing a longing to see Tbe Dalles and her
friends here, made a short trip, to her
old home. She expresses herself as
much pleased with the improvements In
fie city.
D Editor's Opinion.
Here's what a Carlinvilte, III., editor
says about The Dalles, and one thing
is certain, none of tbe exaggerated
stories whicli were told some of the
editors reached his, ears, for he has, if
anything, underestimated his figures
concerning our commercial value. He
says :
"The first city of importance we
reached in the Columbia valley was
The Dalles, which looked stately with
its magnificent trees, large brick blocks,
maxmoth warehouses, beautiful resi
dences and well kept lawns. We were
surprised to learn that The Dalles,
where Generals Grant and Sheridan
learnel the rudiments of warfare, is one
of the chief commercial cities of the
Xorthwest. The surrounding country
is noted for its magnificent fruit lands,
broad plateaus with their waving grain
and a great expanse of country
that produceo meat to feed an empire
and clothe a nation.
"The Dalles is the head of navigation
on the Middle Co'umbia; owns its own
waterworks at a cost of $150,000, has
tbe best water, being brought from the
foothills of Mt. Hood ; tbe center of tbe
best fruit belt on the coast; the greatest
original shipping point In the United
States. It ships annually 2500 tons of
canned salmon, (75,000 worth of fresh
fish, 600,000 bushels of wheat, 5000 head
of cattle, 100,000 head of sheep, 0,000,-
;C30 joqd1 oi wool. Tt eoontrj sends
: fjO.CuM worth of strawtwre to the-
Etern markets, and .jf a.1V
worth of fruit.
Am .Igrd Cyclist.
OiUer CromweU Eartme, of H.xvJ
KiTer, spent yesterday ia this c:tr, t a ;
rotate to Easvce here he to visit;
t lo nieces lo reeiae in cat
Sartiner-a expc'.s to csver tie)
major '
part of the trip a he!, bvii:g on
Wednesday ridJen from Portland to t!::
city, a distance of over fifty miles, in
lets than nine hoars. He left the
metropolis at 7 :00 o'clock that moru'tit
and reached tbe Capital City aU at
4 o'clock ia tbe afternoon. Tte fict
that Mr. Earliest covered this
aa bed in tbe time sptciSed would not
appear nncsnal or arocse any particular
notice, were it not that tbe rider will
celebrate Lis eightieth birtbday on
October 1st., next. Although so nearly
an octogenarian, Mr. Bartineca U ia tbe
best of health and his faculties are not
impaired in the least. Ia fot be is a
very active person for one of bis yejrs.
He was, naturally, quite exhausted
after his long bicycle ri le and decided
to remain in this city yesterday fcr rest,
expecting to resume his journey this
morning, although, when seen yesterday
afternoon, he had not decided whether
he would continue op the valley awheel
or abandon that trode of travel for the
more comfortable and expeditious pas
senger train. Salem Statesman.
A ytcht of Tarror.
anxiety was felt
"Awful anxiety was felt for the
widow of the brave General Borobam of
Machias, Me., when the doctors said
she could not lve till morning," writes
Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thought she
must soon die from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's Xew Discovery,
saying it had mere than once saved her
life, and had cured her of Consumption
After three small doses she slept easily
all night, and its further use completely
cured her." This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and 1.00.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drng store. 1
Advertised I. altera.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloffice at The Dalles un
called for August 5, 1699. Persons
calling for tbe same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Bychman, Harry Tryon. Perl
Behmonr. J W
Van Camp, Perry
Compton, J G
Waggett, G
Williams, Walt
Mavberrv, W S
Philbrook, E B -2
Keom, Frank
Tybron. A
i idler, Geo
Johnson, Peter
McCoy. J P
Rolston, Albert
Turner, A W
Cooley Grace
Bissell, Flora
Taylor. Anno
Wright, W W
Lucas, Viola
Rose, Lena
Wolds, Eunice
Wright, Dally.
Catarrh Cannot ba Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the diseaee. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the Jalood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It wag was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined w ith
the best blood purifieis, acting directly
on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chesev & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. 12
A Warning- tn the Brant.
For some time past some beast (for e
will not call him a man) has chosen to
use our show windows as a spittoon in
preference to the street, thereby dis
figuring the glass and causing us no
little trouble. That it is done malicious
ly is a self evident fact; and further we
wish it understood that we are cognizant
o! the party who has perpetrated the
i.isult, and take this means of warning
him as to the result should he continue
its practice.
F. Vas Xobde.v,
Dact Optical A Jewki.ry Co.
A frightful Blander
Will often caubo a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen'i Arnica
Salve, tbe best in the world, will kill
tbe pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. - 1
Yon need have no boils if you will
buy Clarke A Falk's.snre cure for bolls.
Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and
wanting- dlacascs, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
Mood builder. Brings the
, i , . , ,
t Si " pinn glow io paiecnccKsanr
restores the fire of youth.
uymauoocper box; boxes
for HT2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Clinton Jackson sta, CHICAGO, ILL.
rut ! cHrrn, j Aits
rva i'" biixi;. Faa.
i .
Ft 't l-'. IVtn r. Ft I F"t
V.i VVjit.i. Ounii. Kit-' Mil
p. ia. m :'y. f- 3:15 p ni
tint j nl taU j W:i.,' erokat.
t.t Jtfin'-.nif'U''. M. faul. Hjer.
5 p. m.i i) ii i u : h, it:viiiii,, -VCti a. m
t p. I
Faoa tViTi.1 sr.
For F.'nri-'o
ill evi-rr uve diji
4 p. m.
S i. m. ! 4 !. m.
Ex.7uuii Columbia Rv. steamers. Ex.suuda
To AiTvikia and Wayi
&turday : Landings. '
lu p. ia. I
a.m. ' Wiuismi Rivrt i 4:30p m.
Ex.suuday Ori..u t ity. NevtUfrg, Ex.feundaJ
I bateiu it n ay ijuid ;
Wuiaiirrra aD Yah-! 8:30 p m.
Tue.Tb'ir. HILL KirKk.
aud eat. Orecon t'lty, Dayton,
j and Wey-I jwdings.
and FrL
6 a.m. ! Willi Ma-rra Rivia. I 4 30 p.m.
Tue..Tbur, Portland to t'orvallia, Tue., Thui
ana bat. ; and w ay-Landinga. I tuaeu.
Rlparia to Lewiaton.
Lv R'parta
daijy i
Parties denirio lo eo to Depniier ebon Id
ue io. 4, leaving 1 ne Danes at o:.iu p. m
making direc: connections at Hdihiier Junction
Returning makingdiwtrniinection at Heppner
jimetiun lin f.o. 1, arming at llie Dalien al
-1.15 p. m.
No. 22, throucht freight, east bound, does not
carry passengers ; arrives 2:50 a. in., departs
3:50 a. in.
No. local freight, Carrie passengers, east
bound: arrives 4:du p. m., departs K:15 p. m.
No. 21, wt..t btund through freight, does not
carry passengers; arrives 6:15 p m., departs
::) p. tu.
No. 23, went bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. N. Co.'i
agent The 1allea. or address
Hen Fas. Art.. Portland, Or,
Bo Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sin. Regulator S Dalles Citj
Pally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way win's on both side of the
lojumma river.
Both of the above steamers hare been rebuilt.
and are in excellent shape for the season of lxw.
The Krgulator Line will endeavor to give its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and rieaaure,
travel by the sU-amers of The Regulator
The above steamers leave The Dalles at ft a. m.
and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at destina
tion in ampl time lor outgoing trains.
Portland Office. fhe Dalles Office.
Oak bt. lock. Court htieet
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
.st. mrs
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Name of
Jesus and Mary.
This Institution is T)lcaa;itlv situated nr
the Columbia on thj line ol the I'nlon I'aclllc;
thence it is easy ol excess for all those who dn-
sire to secure a coinfurtuhle home and a progres
sive sent im learning mr ineir aiiiigntcis or
wards. The loeatlnn of the Aeademv In one of
the most healthy on the partite, slope, this por
tion of On (on being proverbial for Its pute
water, bracing air and ttlcturesnun snotuTv
The Academy is I ncrrau-d and authorized by
Board and lutltlon per scholastic vear tifin.
puioies win oe resumea luesnny, Hcpteinher Jh.
For detailed Information apply to the HWter
A Beautiful Skin.
Ladles, If yon desire a transparent, clear and
fresh complexion use lr. llniirdon't Kreneli
Arsenic Complexion Wa'ers. Their effect is
slmplv magical, possessing the wlrard touch
In producing and preserving a beautilul trans
parency and pellucid clearness of complexion,
shapely contour of form, brilliant ees, soft
and smooth skin where the reverse exists. Kven
the coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by
freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgsr
r-dness, vellow and muddy skin areirermsm-nt-ly
removed, and a dclicioualy clear and refined
complexion assured.
trice ptr small box, fin cenU; large box, II, or
six huge boxes, .',. H,-nt to any aiiclress post
paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt of
the above amount. Write lor free circular.
The Parisian Drug Co.,
131 Monlfomory St.San Francisco Cal
Physician and Snrgcon,
Special attention given to surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. J Vogt Block
Santa Fe Rife
Offers travelers choice of the following
routes east. Tbey are ail famous for
their scenic attraction.
O. K. A X. view Oien and Denver.
Shasta Route view Saciamento.Ogdea
and Denver.
Shasta Route view Sacramento, Los
Angeles and Alberquerque.
A dailv line of through PULLMAN
from San Francisco and Los Angeles to
Chicago. This is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the agents of the O. 11. & K.
Co. or the undersigned, ior ioiuera aDt
descriptive literature.
Oen. Agt. Worcester. B'dg. Portland, Or.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai.
Eress, Balem, Kose- 1
org, Ashland, nao-1
ramento, Ogdeu.San 1
Fraueiseo, Mojave, (
Ixa Angeles, Elf aso.
New Orleans and I
East J
:00 T. M.
t A. M.
8:30 A. M.
Roseburc and way sta
tions I Via Woodbura fori
MuAngel, Bilverton,
W est Scio, Browns-
vllle,t5prlueneld aud
Natron j
17:30 A. M
tcnrraiua ana wayr 5;50p M
Daily (except Sunday).
4:60p.m. (Lv Portland ...Ar.) 8:29a.m
7:31) p. m. .i.. j:cMinn1Uc..Lv. 5;A0a, m.
8:W)p. m. (Ar..lndiiendcuce..Lv.) 4:60a.m.
'Daily. t Daily, except banany.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at !!sn rrancisco with Oocl
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing date on
ai plication.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
All above trains arrive at and depart froir
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, loot ol Jederson street.
lave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portlaud, i:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIK on Monday, Wednesday and
KrMay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday,
R. Ki-K'-.lER, O, H. MARKHAM,
Xanaaer. Asst. U. F. 4 Pass. A .ft
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, whore
through tli-kcta to all points In the Fasten)
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. K. KIUKLAND, Ticket Agent,
V. 8. Land Orni E, The Dulles, Ore. j
Julv 2."i, ls'.m. I
Notice Is hereby given that the order of De
cembers, 1NU, tcnipornrlly wlthdrnwlng from
disposal, for the rurposiai of a tKiat railway, the
lauds fin the south side and within six miles of
the Columbia river, between 'I he Dulles and
Celllo, has been revoked by the president, ex
cept as to the following desciibed parcels: one in
the NWof Sec 31, V 2 N.K1I 1-, containing
aliout four and one half acre', and the other in
the SW H. Sec 21, T 2 N, K 15 K, containing about
half an acre.
Ou and after September 1, lsw, we will receive
applications tor any vacant lands Included
therein. J. P. LUCAS,
Receiver. Jlyjg 1
Notice Is hereby given thit I have filed with
the clerk of the County Court of lha Htata nf
Oregon, for Wasco County, my final arcount as
administrator of the estate of C. W. Rets, de
ceased, and by an order of the County court
aforesaid, made June 1, 1MH, Monday, July 3.
lat'J, at the hour ol 2n'clik p.m., has Ik-cu
fixed as the time and the County Court nm
In Dalles cliy ss the place lor the heailngof
objections to said final account, and tbe settle-
meni oi saiu estate.
V P Mira
Jn S-ll Adiiiliilstnitor.
Notice of Filing Final Arcount
Notice Is lierphv frfrrm thn tho ii,.Hl.....l
... ' o"" i" .'osire, and
J. vt. and II. K. Slcaire, insolvent debtors, hss
iiun wiin uieciera or ino circuit court, of trie
.......... .,,,K.,, :,, i;,,uill , III!, l ,C-
count as such assignee: the same will ho heard
and passed Uion by said circuit court on I lie lt
day of the next regular term of said circuit
c inrt, to wit, the November, lMs.i,term thereof, at
t ie hour (if tIMI o'tiMl. a m . . i
-- --- -- -' .., fi n. ayiwt tnerv
a 'er as the matter can be reached.
J 15U PUI.K BUTLER, Assignee,
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby glvrn that thn undersigned
has b-n duly appointed by the hnnomble
t oiihty Court of the State of Oregon, for W asco
county, as executor of the estate of PhelieJ.
Ilaight, deceased. All per.ons having claims
against said estate are hereby unfilled lo pre
sent the same, properly veilllcd, to me at my
olhce In Kiillca City. Oregon, within six months
Iroin the date nf this notice.
Dated this 6th day of July, 1!I0.
F.xccntor of the estate of Phebe J. Ilalght.
deceased. jjy
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has Hied his final si-comit ss executor of the es
tate of rtarah McAten with t ie clerk of the
county court of (hastate ol Oregon, for Wasno
f,,",lty"' th"lT,h'ir"lay (he I.Uh dayof July,
is'satthehourof 10 ocliwk a. m. has been
hird as the time and the county Court room In
a lie. City s. the p ace for the hearing of oh-
aadest"ate"" "0OU"t n'1 ""'e'neut of
Dated July 1.1, 18ti. THOS. NORVAL.
an M 1 ExecuUr.
Poises for S3
11 head of Good Work
Horses. For terms apply
At M. M. Waterman's, on 8-n.lle.
X o Oregon, fo, the County 0 wJE
In the matter of tte estate i,fi
Bilas W. I'avU. dw,tMhj j ciutioi
To Mis. Emeline Dvi. i .
Mrs. Lizzie j. Karri., HiA?il.S
l'avis, Aneit" (rniici. M.-w Vi ' 4''':-a
l.-uey and affie tt,iC; t "VJ;
hums. W. H. Vai.Biblwr . b ,,ith i'lt
ft, aud Kos , K. iUX't
the county court of the siate l.7i P l0
county of Was -o, at tue t I ',n :a
TheUallcs. o,e-,on. iu the'em, r'(
M.nday, the third day ol Ju?v , j
o'cl-ck in f.e forenoon if th.' dar'TsJ?
thoie bshow turn, if any iter " "
uidir of the above entitled enu'it sW.ia11'
ma.le direc ting B. F. Uughliu 1,1 Z
of id estate of w. 11," ;. 0?"
decip the morusged preiuises bel, 'l'
l-rly desciibed as foll, 1,,1',.' V
bl.a k No. . of Dalle, ity proptr Vn1''
ity, W a-vo couutv, Oregon f alUT ',&
ol the northwest quarter, the tiMrth., U M
and lhe nottn hall of tni son he. q
seelion U in Ir.wn-hlp 2 nonh M 7UT'
of the Willamette meridian, in ,! l
Oreson containing S.-) acres ,n:e of uS"
ssle to be made attnbllc auction for '."V
hand, in the manner prescribe,! by i .",2
preeds of such sale to be held Lv said
trator and dispred of as may be ra,im5?
order ol the above entitled cJul 1 UCd bl
W itness, the Hon. Robert Mnvs, Jadw m .
Connly Court ol the State of Or f ,1
County of Wasco, wiib the seal of ssld fL
affld this Secoi d day of JuLTa. D. toi.1
Juu3-U Attest: A. M. KELSAY, Clcrt.
Land Office at Vancopvis, Wuh i
July5.1S9S. "j
Notice la hereby given that the lolhwl
named settlers have Hied notice of their lr Tii2
cluims. and that said proofs will be msdeblb!!
W. B. Preshv. ITniii-d Vn.ti.. i-.J.Krr
District of W ashington, at his office in Golde?
dahs, Washington, ou Monday, August 14,1
Stephen Marlett.
Homestead Entry No. 9004, for the 9.
x.. j o. jc. yA peciion ia, and 8. W
of Section 20, Township 3 North.
Ea.t, W ill. Mer. '
h, of Range J
He names the following w itness to prove bit
continuous residence upon and culUvsiioo
said land, viz:
Carl Franzen, Christian Kranzen, Porter L
Hardlson, M arion Splaw n, nil of L le P. 0.,ft uh.
Porter L. Hardlson.
Homestead Entry No. r.i, for the 8. tUtt
S. E. !4 of Section 19: the 8. W. i of 8. w
Section 20; K. '4 of N. E. V. of Section 30,To
ship 3 North, of Range 13 East, Will. Mer.
lie names the following witnesses to pro,
his continuous residence upou.snd cultivstim
of said land, viz.:
Curl Franzen, Christian Franzn, 8'mAm
Marlett, Murion Splawn, all of Lyle p. 0 , Wul
Ij8 U W. R. DUNBAR, Rerliter.
U. S. Land Office, The Dai.i.h, 0a ,
Juueau, j
No! ice la hereby given that In cnmpliam
with the provisions of the act of congrew if
June 3, 1X7S, entitled "An act for the wlenl
timber luuds in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and W ashington territory," I'hitla
(.ossein, ol The Dalles, comity of Waneo, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In t his oUire bis
sworn statement No. Ml, for tbe purchnfeof the
lot 4 and SVVjj of Sec. No. 2il, in Tornhip
No. 1 N, range No. 12 K, and will oflcr pmi lo
show that the land sought Is more vsluablclm
its timber or stone than for agricultural pus
poses, and to establish his cinim to s lUi Isnil be
fore the register and receiver of this nllioe t
The Dalles, Orejon, oil Frliluy, the lith duf ol
September, 18'jil.
Ho names as witnesses, A Turner, W. Clsrk.
reter Faga i, O. W'hilmore, all of The Dalles, Or.
Ativ and all persons cluiming adverlT tl
above descriheil lauds are rciuertcd to file thHr
claims in this office on or before saiil 15th darii
September, InW. J. P. LUUAB,
Jlys-ii lU'jiiler.
U. 8. Land Office, at The Dalles, 0u.,
July 3, U'J9. I
Notice Is herebv given that the folloslnf-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, au
that said i.risif will he linule before The Kefl'W
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on FridaJ,
Aug. ls, into, yiz:
rrry J. Vaa Camp, ofThe Dallel.Or-;
Homestead Entry, No. -INO, for the wU,
and b'4,NWW, Section 1S,T. 2 N., it. 13 E, -
He names the following witnesses tn proveu
continuous residence upon and cultivatlofia
said land, viz: . .
P. J. Agldlus, Martin Fagnn, E. A. I
and Oliver Dowers, all of Trie Dalles, Oreruo.
JAV P. LUi as.
JlyS-ii RuH""
U. 8. Land Office, The Dallas. Oi. I
jLlylUi'-'J. I.
A snfllclent contest affidavit linvlim been
in this office by James Foulk, cimtftJJ
against homestead entry No. 4:i m'l
4th, 1MW. for S! !, N V'.'i BW!Se. .
ship 3 S, K 13 K, and s'i N W' riec, S, un
ship 4 S, K 1,1 E, bv Thomas Jellrevs, crniW
in which It la nlicged that he has absii
said tract for mure tliiiu 6 months. Sniii pt"J
are hetebr notified to aptaar. ropiHKl
idler evidence touching said allegation,
o'clock a. in. on Scot. 4. ls'.r.i, before the
and receiver at the United States laud !
I lie I miles, Or.
Iho aald contestant hnving lu J"T
affidavit, tiled Julv 1st, IM". set lortli
which show that alter due diligence. pen
service ol this notice can not be '""''''"u
hereby ordered and directed that such none"
given by due and proia-r punlieallon.
Jljlf-Ii JAY P. Li t AS, i:""
Land Office at The Dam s.
June 10, IKS-
Sollcc la hereby given that the ''I'"" '
named settler has II led notice of his
to make llnal proof In support of hl lv,m
that sild priM.f will be made before the
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oil Haisnw
July 20, WW, viz:
I'anla (Irlmau.l, . ru
widow of Pierre (irlmauil, dreca""!.
Dalles: II. K. No. fsi7il, for the K'a at5 w
Tp. 1 north, K 12 K, W M. ,. .n
He names lhe following wltnissc t"
his continuous residence upon and cu'u
ol said Imil, viz; . 0,,,
t hus. A
a. Hcniitx. Kicx t'arv, !-"-
Junll II
Unjuhart, all of The Dalles. i n
Administrator's Notice-
Notice Is hereby glvsn that the n
hns la-en duly si.iK.lnted by the ""J1' -,n
Court of the thn Mate of Oregon, I f A)1(.tp
county, as administrator of the estate'"
Aglillus, dmswl. All pet sons having
against said estate are hereby notllM 1 w 1 t
the same proierly yerlHiai to me st th' ' a
my attormya, Dufur Mcnef.i', wi"""
months from tbe date of this nolle"
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, l'inc, .
J P I, AtiJI
Administrator of the Estate ot A'l'.lp" ;
Land Orrtca at The Dai.i.e,
July I ljJri
Notice Is hrn'hy given that the H" ,
named sxttlets have flle l notice of Wv ,
mase nnai priail 111 supsir "" ' ., at1"
Plalma ladore the register and rcceij sj
Dalles, Uregon, on baturday, Atigu"
l-'eTl C. Chrlainan, mt Tbe VU
on II. E. No. Ml!), for H'i NW";, "',J;.W
etlon 7, township 1 south, rangu 1,1 ,.,
Frssk ( hrlaman, mt The l'"""'
on II. K. No. H1IU, for N' NE!a'.'''7',""'vl;'
ship I south, range 12 east, and K i - q. t
tlon 7, township I south, range 13 t(H
W'ltness.n: hi. K, Br.a.ks and S. " I",!
n HiiimsstH, n. n. PI'"'" " ...n V
Tha Dalles, Oreon, aud ii. W. Covert
Ufia'alu.. . . .1. t tiss.awlin.
p..lienr, mat said adminlMrator he .,l 10
iYtjf in imiiu'ibi'7, vs'- " v p I yi
JlyH 11