THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 5 1899. riOf LI tOV ALL KSiOW. Wednesday a Daily. J. C. Ward, of K'D6sy, i in the city. C E. Fish wat in tha c;ty last night from HeU'Utr. Will Crvmn srenl Jovn to Lyle by boat ttiii morning. Tho. Balfour came op from Lyle en! tbe boat yesterday. J. E. Aih'ick returned l.t n:gLt from j L-OciDes trip to Portland. W. Lor-1 left uiornini for bi tot-' tage at Sesview, iiw.'.co Iio.l-!i. A. A. .Tayr.e returned thij r on.inn to tLeir cam pin a? iUie near its-.T. J. C. and C. U. Ablo:t. f'!.i rj from ITapiuitia, arrived iu town tooay. A. L. rt-ill: I S and wife e: visitor, ia the city from flood F.iivcr today. Mrs. C. V. Buiiter went down to Seevenfoa this tnoin)D to join tl.e camper there. Mr, lsateile Gray left this morning to pend a thort tiu.e v:si tiojf friendi in Independence, Or. Miet Carrie Ketebum moid up from Portland !at nigbt and will ff end her Y -'cation at botce. Mr. and Mr. Ricbsrd Ilinton and family, who bave spent a tnk at New port, Yiquina beach, returned last nig Lt on tbe boit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glaeius were pac engstra on tbe boat tbia morning bound for Coliina' Landing to ipeod a few weeks in camp. Ed. Mich el I cam np from Stevenson last evening and will be employed in the Times-Mountaineer office for tbe ensuing month. Miss Ida loss, wbo has been attend ing tbe teachers' institute at Goldendale, came over today and spent tbe after awn with Mrs. M. Parkins on ber way to l.oxl River. Misses Lei a Godd.ird and Hannah Conley, of Portland, who are spentfi g their vacation mcampdosn the river, carue np last night to remain a few days with Pearl Joles. Thursday's Dai:y W. H. Patiaorj is in from Dufur. Rosa C. Finley, of Crvallis, arrived in the city lest night. F. C. Savage, representing the North western, is io the city today. H. F. Woodecci, of Warnic, returned last night from a trip to Portland. R. B. Smnott. who has spent some time in Portland and Salem, returned oa last evening's train. C. L. Ireland, who has been in the city for several ilays, returned to Moro on latt evening's train. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth came in from the r ranch near Day villo yester day, and lett for Portland this morning. Mrs. Geo. Johnston ii ien.linza few days with Mrs. A. $. MacAilister, dur ing tbe absence of Mr. Johnston in Portland. Ernest L'leddeman returned last evening t- bis duties in French & Co.' bank, having spent ten days ia Portland and at Scaview, Ilwaco beach. Mnjjr and Mrs. Cowan and E. W. Ripf? and wife caroe in from Warm Spring in privato conveyance yesterday, and left this morning for Portland. Eev. and Mrs. Wm. Hofk ins, of Prine ville arrived in the city yeeteiday on their way to attend the Methodist con ference, and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Parkins. Hon. John Soumervlllo and son, John, came up from Portland last night on their way to Hay Creek. Tbe former ia contemplating removing bis family to this city in the fall and is looking about lor a suitable residence. J. B. and Mrs. Pchenck, Mre. Alice Sheldon and Mrs. Hugh Logan left the city last night bound for Bingham Springs, near Pendleton. Thi is a de lightful resort arid very popular with tbe people of that section. A. Ertkine, of Erekineville, who is so well known in Sherman and Wasco counties, called at tbe Ciihonicle office today. Mr. Errkine says the grain has received some injury, but there will yet be a generous yield. Ha ia proud of Sherman connty, and says tie knew what it would be' when be settled there nineteen years ago. Jndge A. S. Bennett and family are today moving into l heir handsome new residence on west Fonrlh street. Situ ated on a knoll, from which a splendid view of Mt. Adams Bnd the river can be obtained, it ia a mo-t desirable resi dence property, while tbe residence itself is not only handsome in appear ance, but replete in every detail. Care has been taken to leave not aq iota un done toward ir.odern convenieuce. Such homes are a credit to the city. Friday. A. E. Like is in from Wamic. Cbas. Powne and wife are in from Antelope. George Johnston returned last night from Portland. James Cunningham, of Yakima, was in The Dalles yesterday. Mrs. M, dishing returned to camp at Cascades thia' morning. R. B. Hood returned last night from a business trip to Portland. Misa Maud Cockerline, of Boyd, ia a guest of Mrs. Marie Periano. C. A. Van Honten came in from Hay Creek on the stage tbia morning'. MIt-s Hattie Cram waa a returning passenger from Cascades last evening. i Mra. Wm. Michell returned home last evening, having spent two weeka with friends in Portland. . s Misa Mala Cnshing, who baa spent several week in camp at Cascades, re turned home last evening. Misa Carrie St. Johns, who ha spent her ten-day vacation in Portland, re turned home on last evening' tram. 8. F. Btythe, of the Hood River Glacier, came np from that little city yesterday and spent the day here. Mr. F. B. Sommerville and her friends, MiMe Vifger and Tracy, came la from Hay Creek yesterday. The former left for Portland yesterday, while j , jstftJL--.C'i' V i ' f' VifS&VY' ; V t V f . ?7 Si'iV Jr-i Acts oently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels C lEANSES THE 5YSTEM EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES LrriJ I -V PERMANENTLY 'T5B!CT5. Buy THt 4NWINt-MNT 0 6y l3mvRlIATG1SYR'P(. .DX'yr.t. "' evoaw" rMUumuimuWirwm tot rugornt the two latter were passengers on tbe boat thia morning. ilra. tretl Nan Borden anil little son left this morning to si. end a month with friends in N en berg, McMinnville and other towns in the valley. Arming himself with flrbinz tackle and naiuercus bundles of provisions rbich he also expects to tackle, li. uulur returned to their camping place at ma river today. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fish and X. J Sinnott packed up this morning and Mt for the vicinitv of Trout Jodd hail the hotel hack nelv painted and mado into a miniature hotel, and lissetartet out with the intention of taking life easy for a few weeks, flush Blakeney and his sister Mrs, Mary Thompson, who have been visiting meir mother, .Mrs. raney Klakeney, and eiitur, Mrs. Win. McClure, at Moaier, returned to the citv veeterdav Mrs. Thompson r.nd dan z titer, Mary, will leave this evening for their home at Uaaer city. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION. I'rudoctiot lha Noiihwt Will All l!c Exhibited at Urn Fair This Fall. People who attended the exposition at Portland last autumn were pleased and tatUCed with the Bights they saw, and the instruction and amusement af forded. And they will be pleased to learn that the exposition to bo held this season will aim to excel all its predeces sors. It will bein September 28, and end October 28. and its success is al ready assured ; enterprising men of af fairs are at its bead, and the vat ions committees are working in a wav that cuarantera the best exposition ever held in tbe Northwest. Tho products of tbe farm, forest, mines, stream and factory are all going to be on exhibition at the exposition, which will make it an ob- j-ct leson instructive and invaluable to all. The exposition management will take to Portland free of charge all ex hibit ; shipping tags and full particu lars will be sent if yon wiil drop a line to "Secretary Industrial Exposition, Portland, Oreg m." Bennett'a full military band of thirty two pieces, which furnished such splen did music at last season's exposition, has been again engaged, and the amufe nient feature of the fa'r will be as usual new and attractive. Tho railroad and steamboat lines will give specially low rates, eo that the en joyment and benefits of the great ex position will be within the reach of all. Went Into Deep Water. Centralis, Aug. 2. Misa Vera War ren, the 17 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. M. E. Warren, was drowned thia afternoon in the Skookumchnck river at this place. Miss Warren, her sister Nellie and Miss Hazel Tw its wero bath ing. Misa Warren and her sister got in. to deep water. Miss Twiss went to their assistance and got the younger one to the bank. Both girla clung to a limb nntii help arrived, but Vera waa drown ed. The body was recovered three quarteraof an hour later in 15 feet of water. The father of the drowned girl is io Alaska. A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroya tlu nervoa system, and predisposes to Insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cared by Kodol Dyspepsia Care. It has cored thonsmds of cafes aud is raring tbetu every day. Ita ingredienta are such that it can't help curing. Rnipes-Kinersly Drat; Co. Gun-shot wounds snl powder-burns, cuts, braises, spraini, wounds from rusty nails, insects stints and Ivy poison mz quickly deal I by DeYViti'a Witch Haul 8ale. Positively prevents b!ood poisoning. Beware ol counterfeits. De YViti'a is mft and ir. Botler Drag Co. IN "LOVE AND LAW Mora Tfca Fair Wa the Shaw Company Lat Sight. Thursday Dal'.?. Love and Law" which was rut on tbe boards br tbe Sba Company last strongest yei ! given, from the fact that it rtquin j much character work, which al red so wars j tests ?.!? ; tbe streegth of a cast, e must hoarever, that stood iseu, iur sib iiui vatw -.. -j j found containing so many artists iu ti e! j character line; one that can put seven j almost fjuUless character artitts on in j It .. t tartan a irr-nr one play, each one seeming to thorough ly ur.d -rclaud the part and enter into! the spii it of it, from the Italian organ-j grinder, ahich we consider an extreme-j ly difficult role an 1 perfectly taken by Al. II. llaliett, to tbe Datch po'.iceuiau. J Ia make-up, dialect, manner and act-j ing Mr. ilallett was certainly immense, i and succeeded in making all despise him. In Mrs. 8haw, as "Old Rosa "xi:: had support rone the less perfect conscientious work of tbe lady in every ? character she assumes is apparent, and last night's performance it would fScalt to imagine one who could sur pass her. Of Mr. Shaw as "Felix O Pall.:' an Irish attorney, we can but reiterate what was said of his first performance. So perfect ia his understanding of every character he has so far appeared in here, that bis audience ia at once charmed with him and then led to atudy his rendition of each character. He ia one of tbe most fascinating actors Dalles people have ever heard. "Cockney Jim" was a splendid role when in tbe hands of M. J. Hooley, wbo played it for all there waa in it He ia all right and such waa the verdict of tbe audience. Jennie Kelton also had a difficult part in Retta, tbe street singer, but she met every requirement and showed herself equal to a heavy part as well as lighter ones, in which she had prevously appeared. As Kit tie O'P.ourke, tbe Irish servant, Louise Carter was"too cute for anything" as a young lady waa neara to remars. While her brogue might have been im proved upon, her tnal;e-np and her act ing were tbe "real thing." X lie nil diencedid not blame ber for admiring Policeman HofTineier.for Dan Dougherty was "one of tho buest , and is also a high stepper. Stanley Koes had the thankless put of a villian, and it was hard to make the audience believe be was tbe same per son wbo assumed the roll of the charm ing lover the first eight, eo much of a villian was he. Although it would not seem to, II. W. Gilbert had a role difficult to take, as much depends on the ease with which a lover's part is carried out, and he was perfectly nt home as Sir Randall Burns. Albert Watson as "Septimns Sawyer" also acted the part of the lawyer well. T ho so who have heard Misa Myer in the previoua performinces were bettor pleased with ber iu last night's play, for she seemed more at home. Due allow ance must be made for her, however, as this ia her fiist appearance in this repertoire, having juat joined the company here, snd being compelled to learn a new role each day. She U said to be a first class actrees when at her best. Her make up waa also better last night, she being inclined to use too much make-np for thia stage. A little ess rouge, as well as powder, would add to her appearance. The play which Mr. Shaw has selected for tbia evening ia the stoiy of Cuba's struggle for freedom, "The Last Stroke." It can hardly be called a war drama. 'A dramatic incident iu a war setting" would be a more accurate description of t. But what's in a name? A play by ny other name would be as pood (if presented by the Shaw company) so get your seats early and you will not be compelled to stand op. WILL HAVE MEDALS- Governor Geer Iropoaea to Reward ths Volauteer. Gov. T. T. Geer has conceived the idea of giving each volunteer of the Second Oregon regiment a memento of their campaign, and one which will be cherished by every soldier as a keepsake during life, and an heirloom to hand down to posterity. The governor pro poses to secure, from General Shafter, a bronze cannon, captured in the Philip pines, to be made up into medals, and ever member of the regiment ia to re ceive one of the medals from the state, For the purpose cf having the medals as soon as possible, the governor Tuesday addressed the following to General Shafter, at the Presidio, fan Francisco, and he will doubtless bear- from that officer in few dayi. "My Dear Sir: I have decided to have made, for each of the returning Oregon volunteers, a bronze medal aa memento of the appreciation we have of their heroic services in the Philippine war. It baa occurred to me that lt would be a very appropriate thing to secure, if possible, captured cannon (captnred at the Philippine islands) from which to make the medals. "I write to know if yon could aid me in securing such cannon, aa It ia de aired to bave the work dona aa soon as possible. "Attain thanking you for the many kindnessea shown myself and stafT, dur ing our recent a'.ay In your city, aud to ALL FAIR our soldier boys since, I am, very tin eerety yours, (Signed) T. T. Geer, governor." Immediately opon tl.e rtceipt of a favorable answer, steps will betaken by the governor to bave the cannon brought to this state, and tbe medals ma le for uniriouuun uioii iu. t.u.iw ............ to them. Statesman. ,heun;Tli3 Dilla Rniaui aiil Astoria Navigation Co.' Pi at- ).-sm-r -v aw i sirs. Kesulator & Dalles City Pciljr (except Fund iv) between bel, - 1 iAO 1ailcoi HOOd KlVer, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at war poin'a on both tides of tbe Columbia river. Both of the above steamera have been rebuilt, and are In excellent ihape for the season of 1WJ. Tha Krculklor Llnowill endeavor to give iti patrooi the bett service possible. For Comfort. Economy and Tleaaore, travel by the steamers oi Th Kegnlatdr Line. The above steamers leave The Dalles at 8 a. m. and Cortland at 7 a. m., und arrive nt destina tion in smpl time for outgoing trains. Portlsnd Ollke. The Pnlles Office. Oak nt. Duck. t ourl Street w. c. llaway, General A?ct. PART roK t:k sriiEni'LE. rom Dalles. Aurivi Pbom. Fast Mail ll:Je p. m. Suit Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omi'.ha, Kan sss lily, St. Louis, Chicago and Last, Fat Mail 3:15 p m Si ekniic river Walla Walla, Fpokane, Jlinr.aajioliR. !-t. Paul, i u I u t h, Miiuaukee, Chicago and East. Spokane r "Ijt-r. 5:00 a. m 5:40 p. m. 8 p. m. From Portlsno. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco Jar.uary 12, and every live days thereafter. 4 p. m. 1 p. m. Er.bunday Columbia Rv. Bteamers.'Ex.Sund'as ..uiui.j JJtllUIIlgS. iu p. 111. 6a.m. Wii.i.iwwTT Prvvo 4:30 p. m. tx.sunday Oregon city. New bcrsr, Ex.buudnj baleui & Way Land s.l 7a.m. :Willaiwtt ivnv.u. Tues.Thur. hili. Kivkrs. 3:30 r. m. Mon.,Wed and Fri. and tat. , Oregon City, linvton, and Way-Ijiudlng's. 6R.m. WlLLiHETTI RlVt. A-Onw. M Tue..Thur, Portland to corvallis.'Tiie.. r'hui and Sat.i and W ay-Landings. and Sat. Skake River. Riparia to Lcwiston. Lv Hlparia t.KAVI Lew i i-ton daily aiu.y fSf Tarlies desiring to to Ilcppner should take No. 4, leaving 'I he Dalles at 5:30 p. m making direct conneciioiis at IIeiner junction lieturnlng niakhigdireetronner torn at Ilcppner Junction MithNo. 1, arriving at The Dalles at ( lop. m. No. if.', throncht frej!ht, ca--t bound, does not carry psseiiaers; arrives v;& a. m., departs 3:0a. ui. No. '24, local frclirbt, carries passengers, east bound; arrives 4::i p. ni.. dw.arts x s t, i.i No. 21, wei-t bound through freight, docs not carry passengers; arrives :1.' p in., departs 9.:m p. in. No. , westbound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. iu., departs 8 a. m. For full particulars call on O. It. di N. Co 's agent The Dalles, or address W. H. nURLBL'RT, Pas. Ant., Portland, Gen Or, .st. inn Under the direction of the Sistera of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Institution ia pleasantly situated near the Columbia on th.; line ol the Cnton I'bcIiIc thence it is easy of excess for all those who de sire to secure a comfortable homo and a progres sive scat of learning lor their daughlcia or wards. The location of tho Academy is one of the most healthy on the pari tie slope, this pur tion ol (ir.gnii Ivlng proveihiil for lis pore water, embracing air and picturesque scenery. The Academy is liicor.iralt'd and authorized by the Slate to confer Academic honors. Iloardand tutltlon ter scholastic year M0, Studies will be resumed Tuesday, September Mb Kor detailed Information apply to the Sister Superior. Hoises 1 sale 11 head of Good Work Horses. For terms apply to WM. WATERMAN, At M. M. Waterman's, on 8-iulle. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Of THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrulDS leave and are due to arrive at Porthu. r ov:r j I press, I I bury, As OVERLAND Ashland, cue- I uto, og'ien.Saa I L'iseo, Hoiave, ( ttiiein, t.oM- 6:w f.m.Ti.";:.,.. lx AUk'eies,r.i riuH, 1 1 New orieaua and I I I Et . , Roseburg aud way sta T.0 A. 31. , If Via Woodbury tori Dnf'y exeunt I Mt.Aneel, Bilvertou, i West 8cio, Browns- I Tille,!itirlugDeldaud I Natron j Dally except Sundays. '30A.M.j'.... j6:P. IXDtTENDENVE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except bunday). l:5op. m. (Lv Portland Ar.) 8:25. m 7:aup. m. JAi..VcMinuville..l.v. 5:60a, m s.ajp. m. (Ar..Indepeudence..Lv.) :oOa.m. Daily. fDany, except Bunanv. IiXIN CAK3 ON OGDEN ROUTE. PCLLMAN BCFFET BLEEPER3 AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING CAEb Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fcan Munclsco with Ocel dental and Oiiental and Pactilc mail steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA Balling dates on a plication. Katea and tickets to Eastern points and Eu tin. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc AThTKALjA. All aoove trains arrive at and depart I row Grand Ceutral btatlon, Flitb and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jerierson street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:S0 D. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIC on Monday, WcdneadaT and Friday at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Exoept Saturday. R. K..K.lB. , IT. MARKHAM, jlanaer. Asst. U. F. A Pasa. Act Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points iu the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can bo obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent or ST. WHEALDON. Oilers travelers choice of the following routes east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. K. & N. view O'den and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Ogdon and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Lea Angeles and Alberquerque. A dailv line of through PULLMAN PiLACK and TOURIST SLEEPER. from San Francisco and Los Angeles to ( -1 : t VlllCUgO, AU1S IS The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. R. & N. Co. or the undersigned, for folders aDC descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Aet. Worcester. BIdg. Portland, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vakcocvsr, Wash..) July. InWi. j Notice Is hereby given liint the following named scttli r have fikil notice of their inten tion to miiku ri iiiti prmf In suppoit of their claims, and that said proofs will be made b-fore V. K. I'reshy, t'nited Slates ComniiHsioiier for District of Washington, at his olllce In (iolden dale, WashingUiii, on Monday, August 14, ls'jy, Stephen Marlett. Home-tend Entry No. 0094, for the S. i N. E U N. E. '4 8. E. Section Hi. and s. V.'4 X. Wr' of seeilmi 20, Township i North, of Uange 13 Lost, ill. Mer. lie iiaini s the following nitnoss prn-o his continuous residence upon and cultivation snid laml, viz: Carl Kranzcn, rhrlsllan Franzen, Porter L. llardisou, 51ar!..nspluwii,all of Lyle P.O..W ash. Torter I.. Ilardlsnn. Entry No. K1, for the 8. E 'iof f. K. of Section pi; the s. W. . of S. W.V;, Section a): E. K of N. E. i of SectTin 3), Town ship 3 North, of lUngo 1H East, Will. Mer. Ilii names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz. : Carl Friiuzeii, Frnnz-n, Stephen -Marlett, Marion Siilawn, all of l.yi p. O , Wash. J'-v8 11 W, R. DI NBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The, Omtnotr, v . , . , July l i. ( Notice is hereby given that tlio follnwlns naincd sctllcrs have litd notice nf i n ten I ion to mnk" final proof in support of their n'siMvilve claims beforo the register unit receiver at I he via . ' 0rvt?""' on Saturday, August Hi, Ihj-j Levi C. Chrlsman, of The Ilallea, Or.: on It. E. No. .1110, for 8' NW',4", and N'4 nv sectioj 7, township 1 south, rouge la cast, W. M, F .auk Chrlsman, of The Dalles, Or.j on H. E. No. lilfH, for Kj N K'.(. section 12. town ship 1 south, ratine 12 east, aud N'vNW'i sec tion (, townshiti 1 south, range I:; eit, W. M itnessea: H. R. lir.)lts and S. D. Springer of The I alles. Orceon.and (1. W. Covert and U. W. Met alvey of Eudeisby, Oregon. JlylMI I.V P. I.CCA3, Kcglsier. NOTICE. U. 8. Ikd Ornrg, The Dalles, Ore. . July 2.", lBd'j. nonce is nercDy given that ths order ol De cember 8, 1HU, temporarily withdrawing from disposal, for the purposes nf a bimt railway, the audi i on the south side and wlihlu six miles of I- iii """""'a rlver. neiwien The Dulles and (elllo, haa been revoked by the president, e rJ" th? '""'"ng dcsctllad parcels: one in Jj".,40' "' i:.2 N'"" :. containing theNW ,Hce21, T 2 N , It 15 K, cotitalnliig about On and after September I, Ihm, we will reeelre applications lor any vacant lands included J. P. I l l Art, viwrjintKis, Krglster. Receiver. Jlyvfll NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NnMce Is hereby given that the undersigned tt yvZrmni,nt h" tarn of Sarah McAtei with Cm clerk of the county court of ihestate of Oregon, for Wasco ,nVhnt Tnr-'-y. 1 Ith'day of Ju7y V., at the hour of In o'clock a. m. haa been I 1 1 1 Citv JJjJJ. thl t a. r..a Ikl I . .1 . ' KMnniitoiinidl1nlccou!it mid Mttlvmeut of asm esptte. listed July 11 isao lun Ml THOS. NORVAU tsecuUir. IRED. W.WIfOJI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllco ove, First Nat ItVng. r "' Till 111 I i i. j nnrr.n.i B HURTIMnTOK T f L'NTISIITllHI X M ma wiuoif II ATIOKNKYH aVlaW, fill ..... THK 1)11 I v. iiDvutu Omce ov"r rat Nat, Uaua Santa ft pie CITATION f S THE COTNTY fit" rt 1 of Oregon, for the tJiu J,MT THl In the matrer of !,. . y.01 13 if . " - ."-nie oil Mums, W. H. VanBiM.r' J . . Aa" M s Pease aud tolTi y VT-:,ami W,"- i... -uii uort. ord r f the bove entitled .Un sh '71'' madedirectlnir B. F. Uuahlin of said estate of Silas W. llil h -""i-- dei'in the mortira?ed prenuw-s 11 T,wi' " it estate, or If sa.d rciemViion fc. ?!,, 3 prdient, that said .dmi:!i.,,7 iS aud dl.ected to sel. all ,'f the rl, ?U Lia to the e-tate of .i,i rt ' f'.,,e 1-rly described as MLl,,-?' Tt b!wk No. 9, of Dulles Citv ,,J"U,.-N City, Waeoiutv.6Vo i.l.r k r' of thej,ortheM quarter t" e ut f,! T1" iui iiuim nan oi the south... ""w, section 14 in u.wn-hip 2 north of '""J"3 of tbe WiUamene n.eri.llan i ' C.f Oregon, containing 3jo acres n'or. , tun'. . ... u uinuucr prescribed br law r? ? prKjeeds oi such sale to be held bv T' trau.r and disposed ..f a may be order of the above entitled court 1 " ISKALl aay ol June A. D. im Jun 3-U Attest: A. M. KELSAY.Cltrt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Orrica, Thr Dallm.o, Juneau, it;), 'I Nollce Is hereby given that In sni with the provisions of the act of S 2 June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for tKS 2 timber iauds in the states of &ui5j Sjevada and Washington territory' (hKi Gossou, of The Dilles, county of ttasoo stSL rf Oregon, haa this day flledln tmToi kh sworn statement No. 141, for the purchase ii! lot 4 and SE S WJ4 of Sec. No. Tin To" Sib No. 1 h, range No. U E, and will oflev proof sf show that the land sought is more vslJZto IU timber or ilnne than for agrlcultnrsl i sSf poses, and to establish hisclsim tosildu JsL' fore the register and receiver of this oriic. The Dalles, Orejou, on Jfrida,, th uffi 2 September, lsw. misisi rfonameaas witnesses, A. Turner, W. Cliri Peter Faga3i. Q. Whitmore, all of The Dalles 0, Any aud all nersona ciuiiim. .a.. i.'X above described lands are rebutted to n Is tha? claims In this office on or beore said 15th darof beiitember. lsiw. j u ir...a " NOTICE FOH PCBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles. Obi ,i JULV 3, 16119. j Notice Is herebv Elven thst ih tntini.. named settler hu. rileii notice of his intention to make linul proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Tim kmri, and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oa Friday, Aug. IS, lswi, viz: rerry J. Van Camp, iif The Dalln.Or.; Homestead Entrv. No. 41):. for the wi swi. and S1 , N WU, Section la, Tp. 2 X., K. 13 , W.S. He names the following witnesses to prove Hit continuous residence ujion and cultivations' snid land, viz: P. J. Agidfus, Martin Fagan, E. A. Leonuit and Oliver Dow ers, all of Tne Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LUCA8, JlyS-ii Roister CONTEST NOTICE. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or. July 11,1mm. I A suQlcient contest aflliiavit having been fll) in this office by Jans Foulk, cuntemsnl, against homestead entrv No. I'.'."s, mude Nov. 4ih, DM. for S'i bW, NEW Sti.,-,cc. W.tosn ship 3 S. R PI K, and N W'i SW'i. Sec, 3, town ship 4 S, K 13 E, bv Thomas Jeflrevs, eonlestw, in which lt is alii-ged that he has abtudnnod said tract for more than 6 months. Said parties are heteby notiflil to appear, respond list f iler evidence touching said sllcgstlon, st 10 o'clo"k a. m. on Sept. 4. lsie.i, befure the ntr and receiver at tbe United States loud office in 1 he Dalles, Or. The anid contestant having In a tiroprr affidavit, filed July 1st. 1W., set forth Iscut which show thut after due diligence, penonil service ol this notice con not be insas, Ills hereby ordered and directed that such notice b given by due and proier publication. Jljli-li JaY P. LUCAS, Kcglsier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, ObiookI June 10, iwsj. I Notice is herebv given that tho folloalnr named settler haa filed notice of his intenHun to make final priad in support of his clslm.iM that sild proof w ill be made before tho rlt and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Ssturosr, July 2!, IxVJ, viz: I'aula Orlmaud. widow of Pierre tiilmaud. drcessod. of TM Dalles; H. V.. No. Sti;t-, for Ine E'j SK.'iSec.J. 1 p. 1 north, R 12 K. W M. , He names Ihe following witnesses to prmt his continuous residence upon and cultivatloa of said lsnd, viz: , Cbas. A.Sehutz, RncE t arv, unns Andrew Uruuhart. nil of The Dalles, otwon. junU li JAY P. Lt CAS, llegulo. Administrator's Notice. Notice is herebv g Ivsn that the nndePliMj has been dulv eiiiKiinltJ by the Hon. I ''""l Court of the tho state of Oregon, fur s w county, as administrator of the eMtateof AP Airidlus, (li-otoscl. AUeisons having eiin against said estate are hereby uotllicil M r"! the same nrotierlv verllled to me at th otnw my atlorniys, Dufur iV Menefee, within months irom Ihe date of this notice. ill Dated at Ihe Dalles, Oregon, June?;': IV Atilllif Administrator of the Estate of Adolpn A deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. .. I I w. i ik.l I hvA filed i.wni-r in urn-uj ai'!! 7 .i dials (B the Clerk of the County Court of He '',, Oregon, for Wasco County, my tlnsl """"Z sulminislruUir of the estate ol C. eeoMil, and by nn order of the t -ounw Jj , aforesaid, made June 1, lN'J, n --jL ists.i, at the hour ol 1 ocha-E p.m., ZTa fixed as the time and the County ( onrl ,ns . in Dalles City aa the place for the objections to said filial account, and the"' tnent ol said estate. . ... F. P. MA V. jun 3 II Aduilnl""""- Notice of Filing Final Account v ... r i i i i. tindcrsi linen. the asslEiiee of . W.Moore, H. h. '"" v I-.I.III-V IIITKIIT kivcii inn. - . Hiiu hs J. W. and H. K. Miaire, Insolvent ''ii"". IM men wtin Ihe clerk oi me cirin. " i te state nf Oregon, for Wasco county, m ""V-j count aa such asslgni: the same win "lh,rt and passed upon by said circuit court on day of the next regular term ol "!'' ' court, to wit, the November, Is'.Kt.term "''There the hour of len o'clock a, m., or as soon " after aa the matter ran be reached ,..,,n(a, Jly Li 11 POLK llli TLF.Ri Assignee. Executor's Notice. Notice la hereby given that the nJ'",,!0 haa bn duly apjailiited by the !'" tw0 County Court of the State of Oregon. "'; M j. county, as executor of Ihe estate i r ri , Halght, dceeaiKsl. All per.ons haUng v against said estate are hereby J,",I"V 1, m i iit the some, properly veilfled; , t roe " olllce In Uallea city, Oregon, within sl mm from Ihe dale of thia notice. Dated ,h,,5tl, day of July. l-K K,Fg Ki?otitor of th eitate of J- " You can'l cure dyiPpi d'f iB Eat good, wholeeome ooJ. nJ P1"' ' ' of it-Kodol Dripepti Uure "V. food without aid from tha tomacb, ii ruadt) to curt. Botler Dro Co. w.uweused.j CIUTla To Mrs. Eaiellue D-vi. v ' . Mra. LiieJ. Karri., : , ( C. Davis, Anetre t,u-U m" ,UV " u honey aud tiBe Etnei i,.Ti' HsrTif h-ilas W. D,ivi. d.....L.laM' '-firs . ,'.J"- iu the name of the ststc ol n, ou aic hereby ci le.1 an,i tbe couury court o the mI'T1 ! Moiiday. lha ihird dT ,, ju?. u J tilirita v PIHJW TH f .. t Mini n itkehh, the Hon. Robert Mavs Jnrt. County Court of the State of Oie i " County of Wasco, wi.h the se IV?11 mixed this Secoid day of June a r. i00"