THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 5. 1S99 The Weekly Ghronlele. tMIC OKEGOM "TTrKICIAL FAfEK Of WASCO COCKTV. Pnbluhed in two parti, on Wtdnetdayt 4nd Saturaavt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. IT KAIL, rOSTAGI rUfilB, W ADTASCX. II so 7.1 to On )'' aix month tire mouth Advertising rate reasonable, and made known mil 'oimnnnlnUoui to'THF CHRON ICLK." The Dailea, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Wednesday'! Dally. F. C. Sexton has Bold Lis feed yard io the Eist End to Chaa. Payette, of Cen terville, who took possession yesterday. We understand that S. Wilkinson has purchased the I.nsher property on Fourth 6treet. This is a very desirable piece of property and when the house is all renovated ana improved, u will nuke a very pretty home. One of the leading orchardiets of our city was heard to question a young gentleman today concerning what com bination of fruit he thought best. The jonng man, who is known to be a masher, quickly answered "I prefer a date with a 'peach.' " Riubard Barter, or "Pretty Dick," as be was always known in The Dalles, has again been appointed a patrolman in Portland. He seems to be a favorite as a policeman, having filled that place very satisfactorily for a number of years before. W. J. Roberts is down from Pullman and will spend a few dys In the city on business connected with the proposed sewer system, and to consult with Judge Bennett, who ha9 been engaged as at torney. Soon the property will be taxsd and the new sewer system bfe a sure go. Lieutenant Lewis, who is in our city for the purpose of obtaining recruits for the 3oth regiment, U. 6. Volunteers, has bad many applicants, some of whom be was compelled to refuse. Eight were examined this afternoon, and are now anxious to know whether they passed. The lieutenant attended the drill of company D last night. The Columbia Southern Railway Com pany has appealed to the supreme court from the judgment rendered in Judge Sears' court, May 2, 1899, in favor of S. W. AUlrich for about (4000. The suit was to recover on acontract for building road, and the defendants concede that about (2000 of the amount sued for is due. Next Mon lay evening the Georgia Minstrels w ill make their first appear ance in the city at the Vogt. This is not the same company which visited The Dalles some time since. It is com posed of colored people, who are noted for their harmonious singing. The way they sing the old Southern melodies is said to win them great favor. Ten comedians help pass the evening. W. P.Clayton, of Provo, Utah, J. G. Workman and VV. L. Flint, of Parker, Idaho, and A. T. Flinders, of Ogden, Utah, are Morman elders, who have been Jin the city for seyeral days making arrangements to hold meetings here. With the consent of the mayor they will hold services on the corner of Second aud Washington streets each evening, presumably commencing to morrow night. It is again Salem vs. Portland. This time it Is a question of receiving the returning soldier boys. Silem people are planning to raise money to assist in bringing them to the capital city, where a big reception would be given them and the expenses of the boys whose homes are in Southern Oregon paid to return thither. This will no doubt wake Portland up and renewed efforts along that line be commenced. Gov. T. T. Geer. has received a letter 'rom Brigadier-General Row, of New Vork slate, Inviting the Oregon National uuard and Naval Militia to attend the reception to Admiral George Dewey, npou his arrival in New York about October 1st, and participle in the paraue on that occasion. At the ex pense of transportation etc. is to be borne by the state, it is not likely that the militia will be ordered to go to New lork. The Oregonian lays that if this weather continues. Portland will be 'vorite summer resort. And it will hve a formidable rival in The Dalles, where the weather could not be im proved on, If 'twere not that an entire change it necessary when one expects o receive benefit from a vacation, it would not be necessary to leave home lhi year, for while the beat will be op pressive for a few days, along comes J"t as many cool days, when the air "oli off and the weather is perfect. Yesterday we called attention to the tl'ist'e notice published by the marshal, ho intends to rigidly enforce the same. This will probably interest those who hve property which It not occupied fore than any one else, for there It the place to find a good crop. If, however, oners could raise a crop of their own nd not distribute their harvest over ol"r people', lawns and gardens, it oold not be to bad; bat not only those ho w are the onet to reap. If pride n Tour own property doet not prompt Too to heed the maithal't warning, be , unselfish enough to consider yoor neigh- uor ana ine trouble which yoa are e using him. In the West it is quite the proper thing for rejected suitors totnd the lives of those who dare to refuse them. These are generally white men, however; but the East goes us one better and doe. not permit a white woman to refuse her hand to even an Indian. A dispatch tellt of a graduate from the Indian school at Carlisle, Pa., who shot and killed a girl in Amherst, Mast. The Indian had been employed on the farm for abont a year, and during tbat time be had paid much attention to the girl. iiie murder, without doubt, was the resalt of her refusal of bis attentions. Mrs. E. B. Crccker hat con?ved as a gift to the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elke, of Sacra memo, rier mansion in that city, which, with the surrounding grounds. is valued at 190.000. The Dronertr in the old home of E. B. Crocker and is connected by a covered passage with the Crocker art gallery, presented some yean ago by the widow of Judge Crocker to the city. The building it spaciout and well built and the grounds are ex icubivo ana nigniy improved. It is understood that the gift is absolute, and the only requirements are tbat the mansion and grounds shall be kept in good condition. don, of this city, it attorney for Wasco county. Like the Telegram and all the rest of the "leading" journals, Th Chbosicli not exempt frjra errors and so on Babies are all right in their place, and it is a strange person who does not love a it ever to small; but there are places where babies are n the "wrong pew," and one is at the theater or other large gatherings where it it nn comfortable it9elf; shares that feeling with its parents, and when it gets enough of the performance, proceeds to let everyone present know such is the case by announcing the fact in any thing but a pleasant tone of voice. We realize tnat it sometimes seems neces sary for parents to take; the babe or mies the show themselves; but when such is the rate they should know just wnen to arise, take up their babe and walk; or in otiier words, when it ciies, leave the hail until it is again quiet. Thursday's Daily. The first peach plums were shipped last niisht, when Judge Bennett tent a carload to New York. We understand that G. T. Parr, cf the Eastern Oregon Land Company, has leased the Magee property on Fourth street whicn is now occupied by the family of Leslie Butler. Ralph E. Moody, the well known at torney, has been honored with appoint ment to the office of dietrict deputy grand exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks for the state of Oregon. Mr. Moody is a mem ber of Portland lodge, No. 142, and the local herd is well pleased with this recognition shown them. Last night at their home on the Mill creek road about two miles from the city Chester, the 7-year-old son of Albert and Clara Burns, died of brain fever. Ilia parents moved from the Valley last fall, and shortly after Chester was u'ken with typhoid and has never been well aince. The funeral will take place to morrow at 10 o'clock from the residence. The Daily Astorian has been sold to a corporation called the Astorian Publish ing Company. John Adams, John T. Lighter and George Gray are named as the incorporators, and a cash consider ation was paid for the paper and its Dlant. It is understood the new com pany has ample financial backing, and the Astorian will be immediately inv proved and enlarged. List night Mr. Shaw promised the audience at the Baldwin that if possible he would havea number of raised seats placed in the back of the hall for the convenience of those who have general admission tickets. He now announces that benches have been put in which will accommodate 200 porsons, and add greatly to their comfort, while it does much to preserve quiet in the building, The horse canning buslnest must te on the boom at Linnton. Three thous- ant head have recently been bought up on the Simcoe Indian leservation, and are being brought here and shipped to that preserver of horse flesh. They are fine looking animal?, too. Laet year amona those that were bought for that purpose, a gentleman saved out a team, for which he has since been offered $150. In SDeakios of a trip made by the Ora, the steamer of which O. S. Waud a captain, the Nugget, a newspaper rnblihed at Dawson, savs: I be pat- tengere who ctme on the 'Ora' tpeak In the highest terms of the skill ehown by Captain Waud in bringing the . boat safely through the dangerous watert of Thirty-Mile." The captain it all right whether on Alaskan watert or mose oi oar own Columbia. New formt of mortgage and notes, adopted by tho land board recently, to take the place of the forms used in the past, have been tent to the attorneyt of tho board locaieu in mo riuu of the ttate, and the new formt will hereafter be used in the new loans made by the board. The new formt were adopted for the reason that In all old blank! the old name oi me wmm mV- printed, at did the rate per cent of Interest then charged by the ttate, both o( which were changed Dy tne iieg Itlatoreattht last tettion. J.W.Con- Tuesday last in speaking of the arrest of Fred Walthar, we said he was fined (5 for attempting to choke the ton ot John Walthar. We should have said the ton of John Matthews. Fred objects to having it said tbat he was arrested for chastising any of his own relation! (if there were such a boy) although betayt he'd shake them np if they needed it. Burglars seem to have chosen that portion of the hill near Mays' residence as their favorite rendevous, and lat niht one of them hid in a dry goods hex in Mr. Wm. Cates yard and after that gentleman had gone to bed called upon Lira, without the usual ceremonies. After he had gained entrance, however, air. ates heard him and got up to receive him with open revolver ; but he was not so sociably inclined and not only backed out, but ran out before he was accoeted. Mr. Cates' faciily is away, and no valuables were left around, so his visit was fruitless. Last night about 8:20 President Mel ten's special train passed through thit city from Portland. Ou board was also President Mohler, of the O. R. &. N. There has been much stir in railroad circles since the arrival of President Mellen, and his visit is said to relate to the future traffic arrangements between the O. R. & N. and the Northern Pacific. Curing his visit Mr. Mellen declared that unless the Union Pacific gave the Northern Pacific traffic arrangements over the O. R. & N. to Portland his road would build a direct line there. The result of his visit is not yet known. As proof of the condition of our side walks an accident which happened to an old lady on Third street this morn ing is sufficient. When coming leisure ly along, she ran up against one of those ever-present spikes known as nails, and stumbling, fell to the ground. Luckily she escaped injury, but 'twas not be cause any condition of our sidewalks prevented it. The sidewalk question is an old one, out it cannot oe at old as some of the walks. Among others which are tottering and broken down with age are two which lead to the bluff, one on Fiftli street, going up from Washington, and the other in front of the old Fulton property. Either one of these might be responsible for any num ber of broken legs were the pedestrians not aware of their terriblo condition and failed to step carefully. Regarding the Georgia Minstrels, which appear at the Vogt Monday, an exchange says: "Far superior to the ordinary farce-comedy is that of the Georgia Up-to-Date Co. as seen last night for the first time at Love's opera houe. They are the cleverest of dark comedians, and are so well drilled that it is a pleasure to note the thorough system that characterizes all their work. The opera house was packed and jam med to its utmost capacity and the laughter and applause were almost con tinuous. The vocalization was fine, the dancing simply wondeiful, and all the gag9 and songs were new. From the first rise of the curtain to the last drop the audience is assailed with the finest singing ever heard here by any company, l tie nrst act opens aown in Georgia before tho war and carries you up to the swell upper-ten of the colored 400, to close with a grand medley of the late comic operas- iy well pleased with the purchase as the stock are fine, large and well adapt ed to the Wyoming country, to which ttate they will be shipped. He left last night for Spokane to join his family Last night the city paps ordertd the bicycle ordiuanc strictly enforced. Now the cyclists must not bide their light under a bushel, but let everyone known it when they're out at night They must also give the tU'ewalks the ' go by." W. J. Roberta will return to Pullman thit evening, having enlightened tbe council on tome minutia regarding the proposed sewer system. Mr. Roberts it associate principle of mathematics and civil engineering in the college at Pullman. We are sorry to learn that for many reasons (real and also imaginary) our evaporator has failed to materialize. " iwere ever inns," and tte best way to do is never to feel sure of anything until yoa are sure It will not evaporate before your very eyes. Prof. W. Smith, who was formerly principal of tho public schools in The Dalles, came up at far as Cascades yesterday. lie was accompanied by Mrs. Smith, he having been recently married. He is now principal of the schools in Grass Valley, California. Yesterday afternoon Willard Ferguson was arrested, charged with larceny from the dwelling of Theo. Mesplio on Mill creek. lie had been employed by Mr. Meepl'e for about seven years, but of recent years has not been making bis borne with them. He was arraigned this mnrnip.ff And in hnrmcr li!a fetal this afternoon. I A fine rain visited this section Friday night and Saturday morning. The dust was put out of business for a while aud the crops very much benefited. Dan Rinehart reported having heard of one man who was kicking about the rain because bis bny was in tbe field but lie did notgivo bis name. Condon Globe. Lieutenant Lewis informs us that out of thirty-five applicants he has accepted eight recruits and rejected tw enty-seven. Five left this morning and three will leave tomorrow. Others are being ex amined daily , and no doubt quite a number will betaken into the regular! service before the lieutenant leaves tbe city. The following telegram was received in Portland yesterday by General Beebe from General Summers: "Will leave here Tuesday, 5 p. m-, and arrive home Thur8davP2p.m. Will bring through fully COO men or more as a regiment. Arrange for a reasonable parade. At the end of the parade the colors will be presented to the governor, also the gov ernor can review tho parade. Havea band for the regiment, us ours had to turn their instruments back." Surely there is not such a marked difference between the weather in The Dalles and Portland. And yet an ad in The Telegram last night beaded "Ex citement," would indicate that they are having wintery weather. The cut rep resents a in n rushing to the office on J Wednesday evening, with a big fur coat on and his hands in his pockets while the wintry wind was whistling around. Evidently the ad man hud used one of last winter's old cuts . Some of the boys of our city, between the aaer. of 8 and 13, fail to remember tbat "lis a sin to steal a pin," or iny thing however small, and therefore sev eral in the West End of town have teen in the habit of swiping everything ly ing loose about their neighbors' prem ises garden hose, hammers, tools of all kinds. Yesterday two or threo of them went Into a yard and unscrewing a new brass faucet from a hydrant, walked away with it, leaving tho water running. It was afterward found by the owner in a boy's pocket. The gentleman bad compassion on the boy and refrained from having him punished as he de i served; but if these petty thefts con tinue "somethin' mnst-drap." Parents should give more heed to their boys' ac tions and when anything is found in their pockets unaccounted for, invest! sate the matter. Such small thieves are but fitting themselves to fill a cell in the penitentiaries, "for great trees from lit tle acorns grow." Really they should be tent to our reform schools. Friday's Dully. The bridge which will be nied in the play tonight at the Baldwin it the work of Mr. Shaw, he having painted tbe scene himself. What'e the matter with the opposi- tion boat line? Are they waiting for a more convenient season, or hat it failed toconnectT It takes more than wind to run a steamboat line; there must be some steam back of it. The black nightingale, Mme Ryan, has no peer as a soprano among the col ored raca. She has been called tne col ored Ellen Beach Yaw on account of ber great range. You will hear her with the latest Soothern skit, ueorgia up-io Date. J. W. Blaks, of Thermopolit, Wyo., jutt returned from a trip Into the Prine- ille country. w hue tnere ne pnrcnasea 450 Rambouillet bucks and 60 Lincoln buck! from the Prlneville Land and Live Stock Company. Mr. Blake It espectai- Kemurhable Beacue. Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Plainfipld, 111. makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lunge; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hcpeles victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; sha t ought a bottle and to her deliuht found herself benefited from the first dose. She con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottle of this Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Only 50 cents anil (I evry bottle guaranteed. 6. Lost. Three horses June 10, 1899, described as follows: two weighing abont 1400 each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. One bald faced sorrel weighing about 1200; roached mane. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return of tame. A. Masox, J. Bats, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Husband, Moaier, Or. j28-lm pain's Oreatcat N..d. Mr. R. P. Olivia, ol Barcelona, Spain, spends his wintert at Aiken, S. C. Week nervet had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain toon left him. He says thit grand medicine la what hit country needs. All America knows that it cores liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. It weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 5oc. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1 Money Ta Loan On improved farms, low rate ot In terest. T. A. Hudson, Tbe Dalles, Or. jly29-ii HOK.1. This morning, Aug. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fitb, a daughter. fl GENUINE SUWER SflliE Of garments for warm days and sultry nights. oucn is ine sale now in progress at our store in the jorm oi ngnt-weiglit under garments for tho ladies. They range in price from a 25c garment at 17c to an 85c garment at 59c in all styles, all pi ices, all shades. Why swelter now and dread vour state When garments light as feather weight Can bo had in lots galoro At Peaso & Mays' dry goods store. These garments you will find the thing In pink and blue, ecru and cream. For afternoons when crowds en masso Turn out to view tho band go past; When evening zephyrs 'round you play, You feel content to go and stay ' To see Shaw's peoplo try their' best To please and entertain their guests. If you, dear friends, could only seo How nice these garments fit and please, You'd come at once to our great store And buy these garments by tho score. -(Joaquin) Miller. 5 Leaders for the "Warm Weather in our Clothing Department. Bargain 1st Boys' Wash Suits, all sizes $ ,G5 each Bargain 2d Crash Suits for Boys, ages from 7 to 15 years 1.15 each Bargain 3d Men's Crash Suits, reg. $4.50, reduced to 2.85 each Firsl,'Tvt!;j,TTr9,,Vr,VVe da no' intend to carry theso goods over. Bargain 4th Men's and Boys' Crash Hats: all the newest styles and colors at Actual Cost Bargain 5th Straw Hats at Half Prico In our Gents' Furnishings Department 3-011 can find a splendid assortment of Madras, Oxford and Per cale Shirts at prices that will astonish you. SEE OUR WINDOWS. All Cooda Marked In Plain Figures. Pease & lays. ..chas. mU- 1 Butehefs and Farmer's ..Exchange. Keep" on draught tho celebrated COLUMBIA HKKK, HTkliowl Kllfed the best bwr In Tho lalk', at the UKiial price. Come In, try It and be convinced. Alto the Fluent brand of Wine, Uuor and Cigar. Sanduiiehes of all Kind alwayi on hand. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Mini. Tfionc til A Beautiful Skin. T.ndlen, U ynn dvMre a transparent, clear and In-Bli complexion use Ir. llonnlon' Krenoh. Arheiiie Complexion Wn'vra. Their effect i iniplv nmificHl 1. ., tho wizard touctx in pnxtiii liix and preervtiiK a beautilul traiw pureiicy anil pellucid clenrnes of complexion, ahnpely contour ol form, brilliant e, m.i aiid.iii.Krtli sxin where the r. v, extata. Kyco the conniea! and mmt repu (.He skin, marred bv frecklca, moth, blackhead, pimples, vulsar r.dnea, yellow mid muddy i-kin ate permanent ly removed, and a delieloaaly clear aud renued. complexion nnsuroil. Hrlce per miiall box, SO cents; large box, l,cr aix lar(fe boxes, ;,. Kent to any aOdreaa pott paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt it the above amount. Write lor free circular The Parisian fli ng Co., lol Montgomery 8t,9an Krmiclsco Cml lann OAvm MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room 39 and 40, over U. 8. Land Offlc. Loat. A whit arrow head, itick pin, be tween Washington and Federal itreeti on Second. A reward will be given to ilia perton who will leara it at tbe itore ot II. C. Llebe. 4-3t Preserves at r-frolt. I oil lea. elcklaa oreatann ara am m mora easily, mora qulrkly, mora 4W neaiiniuuy aeaiea wlta lunnta ' Psrmmn. wax than by any oibar method. Doaaoa of otoar usua WU1 tjm '"Refined Paraffins Wax In Trry booMhoM. It ta cImo, UatlMi and olorlp -lr, wur nd mrA proof. Oiet pound ck of u wiin a mm or iim mmaj uiwa from roar drujnrlstor grocer. Moid ewrjrwlitrti MfuU hjr TAVbAUD Oil. fat. Give Schilling's Best tea baking powder coiTee flavortrig extracts soda and spices a chance to tell their own story, and get your mo ney back here, if the story doesn't please you. u For sale by Vandugn, Adams & Co. TychVaJley.Otw.