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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1899)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3 1899. riorn TOD ALL KNOW. Frank Al.lrieh, the wheat barer, came over Irosi iio denize yesu rday. Mr. H. L. Jones and Utile son, Guy, Hi oa the bo it this ni.rnin,; for Steven con. Mis EJna R.rnett m anions those who left t lUj.-iil;.; to camp at Stevenson. Mm. O. Kitiers'y an 1 family mere the runners who letl tor Meven- boa this uuiriiinu. Gears Rviltott cmie in from Moro yesterday an.J ti.y j:n-.-l the Moro people at Wind riv-r. Mrs. T. J. Kiik nn.! .Iuii't came don from A ii n s yvtfrluiy il are visiting frienJa l.ero. T. M. Joimtton a-i.l 1 ! r r-;n, Dr. Vo. Johnston, of l.- A-iv-, cauie io from I'u.'cir yesterday. Geo. E. ShepMon and ife, of it. Paal, who are inskin a tour cf the coast, spent today in The D.iiles. Miss Maude Clatke, of the Chronicle fjree, left for Cascades' this morniuz to spend a week it!i her mother in camp. Chrs. H. Green, the San Francisco wool buyer, is again in the city, lie is BVill depending on his crutch for sup port. J, B. and W. Ho.-fcrd and L. K. Moore were Moto peop eon the toat this morn ing bound fur Wind river, where their fiuiiiiee are cauiping. Alfred 1 1 not left this morning for Portland. He was accompanied by the Misse Grenier, who have len visiting with the Mieses Huot on 8-Miie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolton and family and Miss Josie Jenkins left on the boat this morning to spend the rest of the ea:umtrat their old camping place at Stevenson. J. E. Adcock wis paseenzer on the ! boat this mo.ning for Ionian J nn a business trip, lie was accompanied by his mother. Mrs Norman, and bis child ren, who will visit friends there. Joe Heroox left this morninz for Port land. Joe does not teem to be content' with beini a hero in name on v, and is I coateiuplating enlisting in the regular army, lie has not as yet fully dtci.led,. however. Otis Patterson passed through the city this afternoon, cn his way from UVpniier to Portland. Mrs Pat! will join him here and rtnrn to land to spend the remainder tnmmer. Eecorder and F. V. W Its v- "vr 5tv.--:v-v.;v.-.. .- -A. fl til rKT T:ll WHET'TLB. j A BKIVS to t Mtii liiiui. ; taoa. . Mail p. U. init I ok' , Fwr.ver. Ft., Ft W.irtr., Oi'iahii, Kn- Mtil &- i-uw.;' . t- - . . .-'.5 i--'--.. -f ' : p.V-ifk Jii.'l;-t:-." ' -?- V X r vj ! p-kene AVhlla tVJU. P,.tne.. gkane Vlvl'ftfl' s .-C- '. iTixr-: "--':V',-it. i t;u, , ;.;.!,ni-,K,i.i.. St. rui., Vljer. '-.'-,. fV-,. ,x:r'-:;W - --A -':".'4--:.v;.,i '.-. r -.V (. &:tSb. m.t iulutii. Milwaukee.. 5:ua.ia v ?;;Hvt:t: ifS??? ! 'IVi-" p.m. I Feoa P,.klsi. I 4p.m. i-,:-. T'-a'-r-a.-J F?:;sr;ly !rvA 7?a lfi- I'A t Occa 1 a iff and at a Popular T is grovra in tbs r:cuctain district cf Ceylcn ad SPECIALLY prepared to suit Tuc American trsde. It is packed on the garden where crown, in cnround, half-pound and quarter-pound soldered cir-tight lead packages, thereby retaining a!l its wonderful fragrance. It is sold only in these lead packages never in bulk. If you want the very best tea, ask your grocer for NABAN. OWNERS OF THE CELEBRATED '&r73h ctrtflB - Imo. ! 4 p. m. Ex.euuday Columbia Rv. Stearners. Ez.buiiiia) To Atok!a and Way; Buturday j LauJings. 10 p. m. 6a.m. ! Willimitti Riveh. !4:30p. m Ex.suuday On-con 1 ity. Neurberc, Ex.suuday 7 a. m, Tnet.l hur. aud tut. W ILLA If FT TR ANDYAX-' 3:30 P Mnu.,Wed HILL KIVEHS. Oresron t.'ity, iayton,t and Way jindiuga. m. and Eri, S a. m. I Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. TucThur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue., 1 hur and bat.i and Way-Landings. I CANNED FRUITS AND TGETABLES, COFFEE, BAKING POVDER, EJLTRAC7S AND TABLE LUXURIES. Frank un EV3acVeagk & Co., Chicago. -FOR SALE BY- bijPEuf & mays, Exclusive Bpls. were seen on the lower derk of the , , ..,,.. , Dalles City as it ml!ed out this mom- fr Ume .al Kingey yesterday and in,. Prnmahl,thrnot.lira.!rnD left l0V,6,t fr,ends in passeoicers. but will' be allowed in the j rortland- cabin later. Xlipy were cn their way to epend Sunday at Spragoe. Chris Schwabe, of the Chronicle force, was the most popular young man of the party which left this morning for Stevenson, and we hare no idea that Mr. Bolton will dispute bis claim. His accident of a few weeks ago cause J the Toon? ladies to determine to see that he learn to swim, and he is in for a number of fecaine duckiogs. C. L. Ireland, of the Obeei ver " down from Moro today. F. W. Strowbridge and wife came in from Wamic yesterday. JSr. and Mrs. M. Long pined the campers at Spragne today. E. C. Mahn and wife are np frcm Hood River visiting relatives. 8. S. Smith, of the Farmers' Hotel, made a -trip to Case ides today. E. B. Hood wts a passenger on the boat this morning for l'urtlond. Mies Jeeie Fisher left this morning to spend a lew weeks in Portland. Cha. Clarke returned to Hood River today, after a week spent at Dufur. Frank Cram has retnrned from a week's vacation spent in Union. Or. Miss. Pearl Ward, of this city, went to Portland this morning to visit friends. Misc Loniee Uintonl went to Collins' Landing this mornirg to join the campers there. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kranse went down oa the boat this morning to epend a few days at Drano, Wash. (iny Burgett went ont into Sherman county yesterday, where he will be em ployed for some time. F. S. Flood, w ho vp-nt several montls here during the winter, was in the city yesterday on his way to Lewiston. Mim Dora Koldt, a sister of Mrs. Fred Drews, who has been vMling some time here, left yesterday for her home atUrand Inland, reb. Dan Roberts, who Is now making his borne in Spokane, is down from that city visiting his mother, brothers and Bisters at their home on Dry Hollow. Joseph Pruddiiome, of Glass A 1'rud.l bome, of Portland, and T. Birdeall, who tave made the trip to Mt. Hood, came up to this city last evening and left this morning for Portland. Elder W. B. Clifton, of the Calvary Baptist rhurch, accompanied by his family, started tor Johns' mill this morn ing, where tbey will spend the remain der of the week. He will retnrn in time to hold service next Sunday. Geo. B. Bush, assistant (op9rintendent I the Oregon Telephone Company, called at the Chbomci.b- office this after noon. He is on his way to Prineville to attend to the business of the company there. Char. Hatch was down from Arlington yesterday. Judge Mays was a passenger for Port land today John Karlin came in from Bjkeoven yesterday on business. Hon. John Sommerville came in from Hay Creek yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Burgess were in from their borne at Antelope yesterday. Dr. Darrin and wife paseed through the city last night on their way to Baker City. Prof. P. G. TUrjt and wife went to Ca-cades this morning to spend their vacation io camp. Chaa. Hilton was in the city lt evening on his way from Portland to hi. ranch near Fossil. Miss Cassia Thornluro came to from John Weigel joined the family of M. Cnshing in camp at Cascades today. Mr. Weigel is already there. John Marlin left on the afternoon train bound for the Sandwich Inlands, where he delights to make his home. Miss Frances Harris, who lias been the guest of Miss Nellie Butler for two weeks past, returned to Portland this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher and daughter, Miss E lie, went down on the boat this morning to join the campers at Stevenson. E. R. Cary, who has been spending some time in California, came np from Portland last niht on his way to his home in Prinevi.le. This morning Grant Mays and W. E. Watther started out on an extended trip into the Priueville country in the interest of Mays it Crowe's hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. Ribt. B.tllou came over from Uoldendaln yesterday, at which place they had just been married, and left thU morning fur a bridal trip to Portland. Among the crowd which left this mormiig for the camping ground at Stevenson were Mises Anna and Lena Thompson and their guest, Mrs. Shoe make, and the Miters Julia and Clara Xickeleen. Menry Maier returned this morning from a two-weeks visit at his old home in Bellevue, Iow.i. He, of course, en joyed the trip immensely, although it was very warm, being over 100 a portion of the time. Yoleautc Eruptions Are grand, bjt skin eruptions rob life of jiy. Bucklen's Arnic Sa'.ve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Bjils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pilo cure cn earth. Drives ont pains and cches. Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by El.ikeley & Houghton, drug Bieta. r YELLOW FEVER IN TOE EAST Discovered Imti Iunales of a Soltlcrs1 Home. LONG TIME FINDING IT Thirty-Four Cases, Six Deaths Before Properly Diagnosed Thirty Cases Now Under Treatment. Xokfolk, Va., July 31. A message from Governor Woodfin, of the Soldiers' Home at Hampton, says there have been three deaths from yellow fever since yesterday. Thirty cases are now nnder treatment. Expert surgeons and immune curses are being .installed, and rigid quarantine regulations enforced. He does not think the diseaee will spread beyond the home. Ask your 1 Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains r.o cocaine, nvrrenry rnr any othor injurious drag. It Is Quicker Absorbed. tiivet lieiicf at once, t J!- the -Nal I'wq. pfjl fl lb U E" A T Allay Inflammation. llkftll Itcala and Protect tl.e Membrane. Kctore the ft-nsca of Tote and Mnell. i'nli Six tvc. Trial izeioe. 1 at Urnruiita or hf mSL t-LX JUTMlik.&4 Waxraa Straat. Sew Tort CATARRH k . IS Of 4 4 U Situation Is Serious. Washington-, July 31. Surgeon-General Sternberg received the following from Lieutenant-Colonel Dewitt: "Ft. Monroe, Va. At 4 p. ni. yester day Sorgeon Pettus, United Sutes ma rine hospital service, quarantine officer, officially etated that yeilow fever was at the National Soldiers' Home at Hamp ton. There have been twenty-four csees w ith six deaths. The commanding offi cer took immediate measures for quarantine. "General Corbiu says conditions are serious, and there is no telling how far Lt RIparia daity FN EI P. ITER. Riparia to Lewiston. and Eat. I.EATa LlWIKTO!f dally Pnrilei desl:lni! to ro to Hoppt-er should vuk.v .-o. ieving j tie unties m o:;w p. m maklne direct roniieotlons at Henniier Itinction Kelurtiiiig ntHkingdireetcotinectiun at IU'ppner jmiftlon vilthNo. 1, arriving at Tlie Dalies at :io p. in. Xo. ili, throiiqht (reisht, ea-t bound, does not carry pussengt'rs; ariives 2:'JU a. m., Ui'partk O.t. M. 111. No. 2, lorol freicbt, carries passengers, east bound; arrives i.M p. m departs (t:li p. m. No. 1, tt eiit 1) luud tbmuh f rx'itit, does not carry passengers; arrivea :15 p iu., departs V p. III. No. west bound Ineiil frelfrlit, curries pas senders; arrivea 5:13 p. m., GeMUtt;!K a. m. For full particulars call on O. agent Xbeliallea. or address R. N. Co.' W. n. HfRLBURT. Oen Pas. Ait., Fortlaud, Cr, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THU Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Tortlai 6:00 r. U. J OVERLAND EX- press, galem. Rose- 1 burg, Ashland, Sac-1 ntmento, Ogdcn.San I Franciseo, Mniave, ( Ix Angeles, El Paso, t New Orleans and Kast I 8:30 A. y,lr!,'8e'urg and way tta- fVia Woodbur." "forS" MuAngPl, Hiivurton, irowns- 3 eld aud J Dally except Suudaya West Solo, Br ville.sprlngfiel INatrou .... ... t7:30 A. M. jforyallii and wayj ! '""" ) A. M. Daily except Sundays. 5 50 P.M. ISDEPENDEXfE PASSENGER. Expresa train Daily (except Sunday). l:Mp. m. rLv Portland ...Ar.) 8:25 a. m Ai...McMinnville..Lv. 4;60a,m I Ar.. Independence.. Lv.) 8:30 p. in. Daily. tDany, except Buntlnr. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET 8LFEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING CARh Attached to all Through Tral:ia. Direct connection at yn KraTiftKn m-ttK nw. dental anl oiiental and Pncitic inaii temshtp Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sidling dates on u plication. Kates hmi t!.-kets to Ftern points and Eu-rnpe-, Alsi JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU ant Al'blKAl.lA. All above trains arrlre at and rfrm.rt imtw. Urand Ceutrai eutlou. Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Patsenger Depot, foot of Jeilerson street. Ive for Rherldnn. week days, at 4:30 p. ro Arrive at Portlaud, :: a, ru. Iave for A1RI.IE on Monday, Wednesday and Frliav at 9:4n a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tuea dur, Thursday and Saturdai it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. K.. E .LER, lanaer. (i, If. MARKHAM, Asst. O. V. di Pas, At Through Tieket Offlrc, 1M Third street, where Sania Fe lloule OJIO Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallydlgeststhefoodandaids rature Id Btrengthenlnf and recon structlntrthe exhausted dlirestlve or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieTea and permanently cures Dyapepsu, Indltfestlon, neartburn, flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIcklleadache.Gastralfrla Cramps.and all ot her resu 1 ts of 1 mperf ec t d I (rest Ion. Prepared by t. C DtWltt Co.. Crjlcaoo. . t i . i """ urHti ui nn points in the Fsstern me iinciiiuu mar lo iHi-iwi., i.x-y rifl.-s.('anmla and Europe can be obtained at cureion parlies have been comiru t O ! ' '"""' r"tl! . Point, Newport Xers and N.'.lie,s' -r N. wiieaiIdon. Ticket Agent. Home. Many of them have minU j with the soldiers, (Jorbiri savi. Uu theory on the way the fever nik-tit Imve been brought to the home is thsim e id the soldiers recently visited r-Ht.uif-. He returned some time since, fi.lleiinu with what the physicians thoiwiit ! In dengue. It seems it was not until the inmates of the home began to die tli it the disease was discovered to Le fever. "The ofliiiials of the war department are very much concerned on ace. nut of the sitmtion. Corbin snl K'ernlierv had aconferero early this morn at and it was decided to hold everything in readiness to take care of the y.-ll.. fever should it appear among the troopa. Garrison Removed. Washington, Jnly 31. Orders have been issued by the war department for removing the garrison at Fort Monroe to some point on the northern coast, to be selected by General Merritt. A few officers and enlisted tr.en will remain at Fort Monroe as guards. Surgeon-General Van Raypcn, of the navy depart ment, said be did not believe it would be necessary to suspend operation at Norfolk. The navy.yard, however, will be quarantined. Of-ra travelers choice of the follow inn riui.a .H.t. They are all famous for t.Vir areinc attraction. O. K. A N. view Orfden and Denver. Mia-ia U iutH view Saciamento.Oifden Hint lHnve. K inte view Sacramento, L;s Anneli-a anl Alberqneraue. A ilailv line of throiiirli PUI.T.MAN PLA K mi.I TOUKIsr 8I.KKPER, f"m S-n Frannsco and Los Angeles to iiiv-nyi. I ins If The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. R. A N. Co. or the undersigned, for folders anr" descriptive literature. J. J. DEVERKUX, Gen. Agt, Worcester. BMg. Portland. Or. Best Work at Least Possible Cost Guaranteed to give salisfar tion. We are here to stay; therefore effort will Le made to establish a business. Jt will pay you to ex'am' work and consult our prices. " ,Ee cur CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Beet Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold), per tooth Fest set teeth, guaranteed Beet Gold Fillini: Best silver or alloy filling Teeth extracted without pain 1450 fe.OO ... 11.00 tip 50c nn 50c , Chapman Block, Second St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. How About YourTitle? f EE YOU SURE it is all right? Remember it i? the M RECORD that governs. It is our business to i search the records and show what thev contain in relation to land titles. If yon contemplate buying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no man' word, but insist upon knowing what the record ihoira regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential at a deed, liinat on having it. Wo have the only set of . Abstract Book9 in the County. All work promptly n toiled and satisfaction guaranteed. It volt have Lron. ertv to insure, give us n call. We are agents for fnur of the beet fire insurance companies in the world. K yon have property for sale, list it with us aad wu'll finds buyer. J, M. Huntington & Co. Phone 81. 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams tt Co. SaVZ&'ES0SEa'aVHNJTsBV31'SS9 STSSBSBjaLgyfaajriyj "Harmony" CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. sco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oirii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. siTlV'So Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn Jb lOUr T,'i'! l'I"nr 18 nnufactnred expressly for family . ., ue; every suck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. lleBftl Ollr IWnll Inu or thm. .. !.,..... ;.. .i . . .. .l . think so call and set rur prices and le convimed. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats, S vTl,-vV ' asasssWJ 0 113-lnoh Motor.) Impulse Wheels Motors MANtlACTl'llKD BY MOOBSJ. 'DHS OAVIII MOOIiK & GAVIN, iitiK.MH AT LAW, Rooms 3 and l, over U. H. Und Ofllc. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVINd GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DAIXE4, OREGON un20 Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle.