THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2. 1899 I . . I ' - . . 'HWHHI 1 I 1 ... I . I ' The Weekly Gbroniele. THfc KAIL"' - OKKCiON ""official fafkh or wasco coumtv. fuUUhed in two parti, on Wednetdayt and Saturday. 8CBSCRIPTI0N RATES. IT MAIL, POST AOS FurAtO, IB ADVAKCS. One year Qix mouths Tore months. . . II M 7S SO Advertising rate reasonable, and made known an application. A.l.lreos all communications to "Till CHRON ICLE." The l;aUua, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday's Daily Tbe East Oregoaiaa eays "Thomas Harlao, of The Dalles, is in town. He proposes t establish th Pacific Demo crat, a weekly paper in Portland." A ileaeant sorpriss was given Miss Frances Prrott in fie shape of a very enjoyable lawn party last evening at the home of Miss Bessie Snipes, where she is at present visiting. The funeral of John Irvine took place this morning at ti e Christian church, Rev. Rushing conducting tho service. Tha pall bearers were : Geo. Snipes, E. P. Filz Gerald, G. A. Liebe, II. C. Niel sen, John Micbeil and Emil Schanno. Yesterday Sheriff Kelly went to Cas cades for the purpose of levying on the steam launch "Water Witch," fore closing a chattle mortgage held by the Cascade Construction Company. Fri day, the 11th day of August, is set for the sale. The Dufur Dispatch tolls ns that "F, C. Sexton, deputy sheriff of The Dil'es, spent several diys in town working on the Johnston burglary." Murder will out, and burglary also; but we never dreamed it of the sexton. Another good man gone wrong. Dottetive Ford arrived from Portland last night and this morning returned with the prisoners captured the night before. They are wanted in Portland for holding up and robbing a man. The negro is a deeerter from the company now stationed at Vancouver, having left there Wednesday night. The Dalles is again to loose Leslie Butler as a resident, at least for a time, as he has accepted a position In the credit and collection department of Wadhams &. Kerr Bros., wholesale grocers. This firm is particularly fortunate in securing the eervices of Mr. Butler, who is a splendid business man and thoroughly understand,) the grocery business. List evening about 8:30 the sky looked clouded, the lightning flashed in the east nnd everyone imagined they smelt rain in the air. Indeed, many declare they felt a few drops. That there should have been a good thunder storm was too goud to be true, and all indications soon passed away. The lightning was probably what is termed "heal lightning." A Chicago paper says that members of the girls' clubs of several southern Kansas towns have resolved not to marry a man unless lie served with the fa mous Twentieth Kansas. They say they re determined to keep their agreement and that eooner than marry a man who stayed nt home they. will remain single all their lives. The girls ought to have le't a loophole for escape, because the fighting Kansans might have made other arrangements. me case of Jeff Walton, who is charged with robbery from Johnston's store at Dufur last Monday, is being tried in Justice Bayard's court this afternoon, Judge Bennett appearing for the defense. Among the witnesses who have been subpoenaed and are in 'he city are: T. II. Johnston, (Mar round, lieorge Brown, Lindray Thomas, Mrs. Ja. Wilson, Mrs. Bird, Mrs, Ilart lett and Miss Margaret Covey. Up to the time of going to press no dicision had been reached. The following tew books have been added to the already largo collection at the public library : "The Bough Riders," by Roosevelt; "Eipirita Santo," by Skinner; "McTt ajue," by Norris, and "Utniriiicencap," t2 vols) McCarthy. Bummer is an excellent time to Join the library as jou then have the advantage of taking with you some good reading you go on your vecation trips, for if ou do n jt roturn in time to exchange a Da-, filendi will do it for you, and thus Jou reciiva much satisfsction therefrom. The following letter is a rare example: "My darlii,' Pevgy : I met yon last light hu'. ym rever camel I'll meet you again tonight whether you come or whether you stop away. If I'm there first ure I'll write my name on tho We to tell ycu of it; and if it's you that's first wliy rub It out, darhn', and no one will be the wiser. I'll never 'iltobe at the tustin' place, Peggy; ffi faith, I can't keep away from the "pot whera jou are, whether you're there or whether you're not. You're own Mike." The arrangements recently made hereby tha rut tic'uts to and from he points along ti e river are good on Saturday's afternoon train, Is good one. It wag somewhat of an Incon venience for those who wished to spend Sunday with their friends at camp, to compelled to leave on the early morn lnH train and then be so late In return- ...,. ,uia arrangement win also give them much more time in camp and a good night's sleep away from the beat which keeps one awake most oi the night and makes them feel as little rested when they arise as when they retired. V believe there was an nr.iini-. passed by the city cjuncl ordering all bicyclists to carry a lantern when riding at night. If such is the case it should be enforced and if not law should be passed. We cannot escape serious ac cidents if the present state of affairs continue. Last night five cyclists came up Third 6treet abreast, none earn ing any kind of a light uor seemingly having bells on their wheels. It was by mere chance that a 'bugy going down the street paieed them, ai.they eonld not be seen. Something should he done re garding the matter before a serious uc- J cidenl takes place Coroner Hart and George Talmar came over from Goldendale Thursday evening iu mo n esmngton siue oi the river where a body was fouud floating in the river that day. No inquest was held and yesterday the body was buried near the place where it was found. The man was about 35 years of age, and .vaa well dressed. In his pocket was found a letter, but the writing had been so blurred that it could not be read. Many have thought it mieht be one of the Whitney brothers, who were drowned in the Snake; but the description did nit tally with the one given of Elmer Whitney, whose body was not found. From the immense crowds which throng the boats every morning bound for the seaside and numerous camping places along the river, it would 6eem that The Dalles would soon be entirely deserted. However, a few of tho best ol us slill remain to carry in the duties lelt behind. Truly Dalles people are fortunate in being an situated that in a few hours they may be "far from the maddening crowd" (of which we form a part) and by the side of the sea or in some cool mountain resort. Such trips, too, are so inexpensive that it is within the reach of all tornjoy the opportunity afforded. We do not appreciate this fact as we would were we for a few years shut out in some of the inland cities of the state, where, with a large majority, it is impossible to make these enjoyable trips. Mcnduy's Dully. J. L. Story, formerly of this city, has purchased the R. E. Smith residence in Union, and removed to the same. This looks as if Mr. Story intended remaining in Union. Saturday evening J. B. Neeley was arrested for being d. d. and d. and when taken to the jail thoughtfully left $3 with the marshal as bail for his ap pearance today. He has not shown up as yet, but his fine is thereall right. Tbe Walton caso ended in acquittal of the accused, evidence not being suffi cient to convict him of the Dufur burg lary. Judge Bennett and X. J. Sinnott appeared for the defense, while Frank Menefee was for tbe state. Tygh Valley lias always had ths repu tation of being a splendid place to go for a few days sport fishing. This year is not an exception; but as C. L. Phil lips has iust returned, we would advise others to wait until some more fish have grown to a size large enough to catch. A large number of town people spent the day yesterday on Mill creek. After all plans had been made, the weather turned cooler and although it was not reallv necessary to leave on account of the heat, the day was spent most pleas antly under tho cool shade of the trees along the banks of the creek. Friday night the Budget building in Astoria c une near burning to the ground the tire starting from the txplosion of a lamp. The Astoria-Herald offica occu pied the upper story and Is a total wreck ; while the Budget office down sUirs was considerably damaged by water. The damage will aggregato nearly $'.'000. So much tcsineas is transacted be tween Prinevilio and The Dalles, that telephone connection with that place was almost a necessity. This the Oregon Telephone Co. has now accoiuplisiieu an 1 this morning a "Hello" came over their wires which was heard distinctly at the office here. It win ue a great cmvenienca to all our bminess men. John C. Hertz, formerly of this city, In connection with two other gentlemen, has purchased the c'othing store ol A. B. Steinb. ch & Co. In Salem, air. Herts and his partner, Mr. Riely, will superintend th business there, while tho other partner will travel and pur chase goods for the firm. John s menus here wish hint will in Ms new enter-prise. The Astoria railroal is now getting .. . , I .i,l..-lIFill excite 1 finn iraveioio w m c. reap the benefit. SaMirlay afternoon another reduction whs aim mo rates are now as follow : Astoria to Portland. M .20; round trip, $1.80; Port land to Seaside, round trip, $1.30; Port land to Flave1, roun 1 tup, fJ.lj; ori land to Long Bead), round trip, JI M; Portland to Ilwaco, round trip, fs.80. From Mr. H. T. Curnm, who came in today from Wit-nlc, we learn that a dis astrous fire ocurred In that neighbor hood Thursday night when the home of V. Lewis was burned to the ground and all its contents. Occurring as It did in tin night, It had gained such a headway that no time was given to save anything. Mr. Lewis came to this city today to purchase household good, etc. He is a man with a large family, making the occurrence doubly oufortuuate. Portlacd is again preparing to receive the boys. We knew she would. They reach that city on the 10th, leaving San Francisco on the S:h. The train will move in three seclious, tin first containing ht aoquarters. the field and ing been kicked in the breast by boire. His daughter, Alice, accompanied him. Charles Covert, of Endersby, teceived a kick on the knee from the tame horse and has been laid up a couple of weeks. For an unusually large shipment of wool the one shipped today from the Wasco warehouse is a good example. ' uiwjuuancio, Ilia unu ,1 VI ...... . . , . staff and the First battalion ; the second, I '"'Ellerv, the wool buyer who is wen, ftuvnu iuuijk suerpmen the Second battalion, and the third, the Third battalion. At the present time it is the intention to drop off at all the principal points up the valley where the several companies came from, in order that tho resident of theee morj distant cities from Portland may have opportunity tj see the command. A dispatch in another column tells cf the fate of an unfortunate vounsr ladv at Arlington who dared reject a Portland suitor. It would seem from the number of cases of a similar nature that tl young ladies now have but two courses to persuo accept everv euitor who presents himself or part with life as a result of her refusal. Here is a eplen did opportunity for woman's rights advocates to get in a strong point, if it has come to such a pass that a woman has not a right in such a matter. The best means to employ in such a case is for the young ladv to carry a revolver and make her refusal an emphasized one. For some time the 7-months-old daughter of D. C. Saling, of Ballston, Or., has been suffering from what was apparently an ailment of the throat. The child was taken to a doctor, who said that there was a gathering in the throat, which in a few day a would be rea Jv for the lance. A few days later the child's grandmother noticed a small pimple at the side ol the jaw, and upon examination found the point of some object imbedded in the flesh. Working at this a moment, she succeeded in get ting hold of it, and pulled out a feather about two inches long. It is presumed that the child bad, when in bed, put the feather in her nifuth, and that it had caught in her tonsils and the sharp quill had worked i'.B way to the surface. W. W. Uuion. A number of Indians were seen on our street today, which is quite an un usual eight in these late years, and at tracted no little attention. A few years ago the presence of poor "Lo" in our midst would not have been noticed, when now it always creates more or less commotion among the little folks and dogs. These Indians, having read in the columns of the Chronicle of a tribe of Red Men having a wigwam here, con cluded to come over and visit them, and whin interviewed by a reporter informed him that those who represented them selves as Red Men were "hias cultos Boston tillicums," and did not under stand "siwash wawa," and they would none of them, and gathering their pesisBies gracefully about them strode away. La Grande Chronicle. Yesterday JuJJ Fish received a paper from an Illinois editor, who was a member of the editorial excursion party which visited our state recently. In his write-up of their trip down the Columbia, he gives The Dalles a eplen did send-off, and speaks of tho dinner served at the Umatilla in the best of terms. He also mentioned tho large salmon on display there, which rivaled the Indians in tho attention it drew. The complimentary terms which tbe editors used in regard to tfie eurround ings of the city, the cordiality with which the people received them and the dinner as they left The Dalles was enough, to persuade those who listened that they were highly pleased. The only thing that marred the visit at all was the short time given them here, giving the proprietors of tho hotel no time to prepare the second table and visitors little time for eiijoying their meal. Messrs. Douthit and Blakeley deserved much credit for their efforts to raise the sum required, which is never a pleasant duty at best; the citizens also did their part in responding, acd Sin nott A Fish spared no pains to make the spread a good one. They should, there fore, have been given more time in the citv. Tucnlity s Dally. The Butler Drug Co. have just re ceived a new stock of Eastman kodaks. They intend to carry a complete lino of camera supplies aim nave a new ue- veloper that will interest amateurs. M. Markille, late of the Mover Cloth ing Company, of Portland, has accepted a position in the furnishing department of Pease A Mays' store. Ha arrived in the city last night accompanied by Mrs. Markille. This morning Fred Walters was ar rested, being charged with attempting to choke and otherwise injuring the 11-yoar-old son of John II. Waltheis, a wheelwright in the Fist End, Saturday. He was brought before Justice Bayard this morning, plead guilty arid was lined $". The water commission can make no inovoin regard to bettering the supply of city water. It rests with the citizens to make tho initiatory steps. Will they doit? Let a meeting be called and see what can be done, or else let ns ceaso complaining as we have no one but our selves to blame. Mr. Stevens returned to his home at Oregon City, after a few days' visit with his son, Ed, who has been very ill at the home of J.W. Dickson a. Endersby, hav- so wen Known anion throughout the state, shipped twenty carloads of baled wool to Hollowell A Donald at Boston. This would atuonnt to about f S0.0O0. Old "Wasco Chailey" has always bet n considered n "bias slookum" In dian; but he fell from grace last night and getting mixed up with tanglefoot was found hv Fhirman at thn foot of Washington street in a hilarious condi tion. He was "taken to the city jail" and there like a little mau potlatched mox dollars for his fun. Ytsterday the morphine fiends a man and woman who inhabited Buch ler's hog pen for some titte, returned to the city, after some time spent in tbe cointry. They were found legging up in Thompson's addition, and were ar rested'Mud placed in jail until this morn ing, when the city was rid of th?rn as they left on the boat for Portland. Last Friday a man came to Wilson's livery stable In the East End and hired one of his best horses saying he wanted togooutin the country to get some horses he had in pasture. As he did not return Mr. Wilson became suspicious and nad Sheriff Kelly write out to in quire concerning tho matter, which he did and discovered there were no such horses there. Mr. Wilson particularly regrets the occurrence since tho horse was a fine animal and beionired to his daughter, Miss Blanche. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Biggs came down from Wasco last evening and will return tonight. Mr. Biggs expects to leave soon to tho springs at Sprngue. He says that is a favorite resort for Sherman county people, who have great faith in the curative powers of the water. He says one man who went down all crippled up with rheumatism, returned and is able to walk around as well as anyone. The only disadvantage is in the accommodations afforded at the hotel, or house rather, where all who do not camp are compelled to stay. There are some people who seem to think that when they have paid Si cents for a theater ticket they own the whole building, and are privileged to do and act as they see fit, regardless of the comfort of others. They therefore wait until a play has got well under way, and just when all are intensely in terested1 in the stage, march In with all the nerve imaginable and attract the attention oi every one until they are fairly seated and their goods nnd chat tels checked. Or perchance they may have gotten tired of the conversation they have carried on during the first two acts and in the third come to the conclusion they need a constitutional, and with squeaky boots or shoes walk clear across the hall and out of the door just as stocks have begun to go tip on the San Diablo. Such people shoul I either remain at home or bring a police man witn m em to see that ottiers are not annoyed. Another annoying ele ment is the crowd of small bovs who persist in sending forth the shrillest whistles on the slightest, provocation and keeping np a continual clutter throughout the entire performance. It's all right for the boys to enjoy them selves, but it would be well were their parents along to see that they do not deny ottiers the same privilege. WHOLESALE. The following lines are to be found at RETAIL. Rflays & Crowe. FULL ASSORTMENT. LOW PRICES. Garden Tools, Deep Well Pumps Rubber and Cotton Hose Winchester and Maj-liu Rifles, latest models r ishmg Tackle Bicycles and Sundiies Smith A Wesson and Colt's Revolvers Blacksmith's Tools Bar Iron and Steel Blacksmith's Coal Wagon Maker's Supplies Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings Barb Wire and Nails. Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust TinwareWarranted We will replace every piece if found rusted. Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware. A Complete Line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. PUnet Jr. Garden Toils Rnshford Waone John Deere Plows and Harrows Racine Buggies and Carriages Bean Spray Pumps Buckeye and Piano Mowers and Reapers Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft. Our stock of Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools is complete in every detail. Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves. Before buying els9where examine our Stock. A STATE AF-FAIR. To Bs Held at the Old Stand In Septem ber Let's Help It Along. The Must l nklnlet Cut of All." There a much in a name when it comes to confusing that of The Dalles and Heppuer just at the present time, and, though we have forgiven the Teh- gram seven times seventy times for its seeming ignorance in regard to our city, particularly when it so otten makes the mistake' of confusing Dallas with The Dalles, we consider now that we have received the "most unklndeet cut'of all." During Receiver Patterson's visit to Portland Sunday, the reporter of that paper evidently had a conversation with him regarding the smallpox scare at Heppner, and in his report of the same in last night's Telegram lie says "the recent smallpox icure at The Dalles lias died out," and then goes on to describe the situation at Heppner as if it were at this city. In the heading, however, the name Heppner is us-ed, which will prob ably vaccinate the article sufficiently so tlmt we will be saved the damaging i Heels which would naturally follow such n report. Wo rea'.iz i that such a mistake might easily be overlooked by a proof-reader, as jut above it speks of Mr. Patterson as being fiom Ti e Dalles; but he should have been doubly careful in regard to such an bi ticie, realizing how much it means to a city to have such n iir. pressiou given credence throughout the surrounding country. Certainly tho Telegram will come out at once and correct Its grievous error. A ( lilld Knjuys. The pleasant flavor, gentle sctior, and soothing effect of Syrup ol Fi.s, when in need of a laxative, and if Ilia father or mother bo costive or bilii us, tin most gratifying results follow Its use; o that it is the best family remedy known and every family should lihvo a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. In spite of the efforts of Portland and its assistants throughout the state to de prive Salem of the state fair, which for thirty-nine years has been held at the capital city, the state board of agricul ture, now reducad to five members, is do ing business at the old stand, nnd hav ing paid ail the indebtedness, is now starting in with renewed vigor to make the fair of 1800 a howling success. Many complaints have been raised within the past few years us to its management; but what have those who raised these objections done toward as sisting in making the meeting a success? Seemingly forgetting that it is a state fair, they have left the management and everything connected with it entirely in the hands of Marion county people (par ticularly Salemites) and then, not even taking tho pains to attend, they have proceeded to listen to the report of a few sore-heads, whom nothing would please, and then ripped the affair, as the saying is "up the back." Portland and many onls-ideis claim that were it to be held in Portland, a great cbango would be noticed. Would it? We doubt it. Removed from the place where for neatly forty years it has been sustained and from the fostering care of those who have grown up to be lieve it is their protege, we much fear it would have been short-lived. Ferhaps for a yeiir or two a renewed interest would have been taken but it would soon wane (like that taken in the exposition) and it would have died a natural death in four yeus instead cf forty. But it is to be held at the old ttand In Sleiri, commencing on September 15th and closing on thel'2J, and as Its pro moters are making great efforts to make this the year, when new vigor is put into the meeting, every citizen of the state should deem it a privilege ami duty to assist them by sending in exhibits, in troducing their best stcck, trying the speed of their horses, and then enjoying the fair by taking the family down and attending. In short let us remember that its a stale af-fair. us a furtherdemonstration of his artistic ability if he is not unfortunate in taking a sleeper, forget the brakes and getting between the cogs. The Muinllpox at Ileppuer. The Heppner Gazette says in part: "Dr. Blalock arrived on Monday night's train and early next morning went to the homes of both the Driskell and Smut families, making a careful ex amination of the cases and pronouncing them most emphatically smallpox, and assures that verdict from any physician who may be called. In an Intervitw with tho CiHzette the doctor spoke very complimentary of the town's prompt action in the matter, assuring us that in the early stages of the disease no con tagion from the uflliction is liable. The quarantine had been morn thun ample, and advited the release of many quar antined. About quarantining the to tt he thought it most Inadvisable, as a majority of the towns in the northwest had cases of it and a thorough quaran tine would take in the entire nortnwest. The disease is being held in check by ttie intelligent co-operation of the com munities effected, and In these towns is interfering in no way Willi business. "The scare and general demoralization of business in email towns like ours la the remit of stnationul agitution. It seems natural for most people to try to go the other fellow 'one better," and thus the sensation i xtends." A lland.uine l)-cratvd Window. Such is tho dry goods window of Pease & Mavs. We, like many others, ad mired the artistic decorations very much and aslted, what we afterwards thought might be considered impertinent ques tions, regarding tho decorations. We were anxious to know if it were to be photographed as a competing window for honors in the contest for original windows, as offered by the Dry (ioods Kconoin'st. Wo were informed by the gentlemen in charge that be did not take the credit of the work, that all he did was to furnish tho goods and the articles. Mr. Carle, of Denver, did tho work. The work indeed Is very credit able and might have ensily passed as the work of the usual decorator, but Mr. Miller says "honor to whom honor be longs," and while ho wishes that he might do as well, yet ho wi u'd l o Indeed glad if ho c mid remove the dec.irations in as artistic ft iii:inuer as they have been put in the w indow. Mr. Carle is a gentleman of elegant lelcure, travel ling en-cog, and may at some future time visit our little city agtln and give Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels manses the System d3 effectually; OVERCOMES Lrft) ' h4B,TUALcSsTlPAT,0N i umu PERMANENTLY. 1T5b.,c,aect5. Buy th gcnvini - mn'f o ey (AUI?r?NIATGPSYRVP& V RV. COW. , M.K.Tl roa au by u oiuixiii'i rmu io H nuu Cash In lour Cheek. All countv warrants registered prior to October 1,1S'.3, will be paid at my oil re. Interest ceases after July Xti, IHlU. C. L. 1'iiili.ips, County Treasurer.