The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 02, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chroniele.
JVt 'nek
O it t&eh r If In HUy II M
r n, in'bM and under lour lnc!t 1
OrT four lm-h.u4 under lwelrmchi . : warriorJ ,t the present juncture,
n lnrh or le, per inch w
Over out inch ai d under lour inchea i
0r four inrhfa and under twelve tuche . 1
Over twelve incoea a)
niiniMv ucor
. .... . . . ' v h i n t nn oww
ber in mind, that it is "ineirs not 10 s " j
reason whv," bis future woul.l prol-lin the war. Hut tbey tan. cot .c-j. "Ml
ably cot be behind Lim. m it i now. j coroplish. an) thing. Every m.nn who j
The military lockjaw which atHlcte! ; has figured with any prominence io: whM ,he (ftnt cf the sh,w Com
the 'ate Col, Bryan woulJ be the 1 the war belongs to the Republican j pallJ trtlTt jlt the city announcing that
correct sort of a visitation for all our j party except Wheeler, and Wheeler j e were to have a week of the theater
.!!,.., .,,.,,.1. i:L- Reno . ctn on m lae iniuo.o 01 summer, w ..rU w.
i (ta 9V J J U amw " f " -
Cleveland strikers and tbeir
sympathizers arc encouraged by the
j apparent success of the boycott in
No calamity party is in sight for j operation against t e Big Consoli
fcextyear. Its foundation has gone j dated company and its patrons, but
to pieces. Nebraska b.naks teportjthey have not explained how tbej
deposits amounting to 2 1, 000,000. ! are to maintain this sMleof warfare.
the "imperialist" question that no
Democratic convention would
nalc him.
jour residents (particular the theater-
gjer) are away (row I lie city, we con-
non"" 1 fees we Mt a little ekeptical as to the
! result of tucb a move. After the ap-
j of the band yesterday, how
In the opinion of the Baltimore . eTer our OpiDi0Ct was somewhat shaken
.Sun, the leading Democratic paper j n Opon arriving at the opera hon?e
of Maryland, the instant the silver . last eveuinS and encounterini the crowd
plack of the Chicago convention is
reaffirmed "the electiou of a lii-
endeavoriog to gain admittance, it was
a foregone conclusion that the Shaw
Company would have one full liouse at
publican president in I'JOO becomes least a, the p'.av, "The Westerner,
lathe daik d.nys cf the Cleveland says the Spokesman-Kevien-. ir ' a absolute certainty. AO evidence j proceeded it was a self-evident fact mat
failure and the Bryan scare, the ! have thev any hope that it wilJ force ' appears any where that the soun 1 , they would have many, for the company
have changed 19 eooa one- " 11,1 uul "c "umuu,
perhaps, tlie cast could not uae ueen
Nebraska bank deposits amounted ' the B:g Consolidated corporation to j money men of 1896
Young Girls
Fading Away.
Symptoms that seem like consumption; a lack
blood; friends feared one girl would fall dead on it
street; restored to health by a sensible uomtf,
She gained 1 strength rapidlv .
was in perfect fc tilts K '
"Since then I have rv ...
"she was white JZrr 'n5(
to only 11,000.000. They have! terms.
doubled under a Republican adaiin-J As an act of ictaliation the Clevc
is'ration. Bryan, if renominated, j land boycott may be justified. Since
wilt be pushed hard in Nebraska, j the Bis; Consolidated company rc
Thu2b elate pride is enlisted in fuses to employ men at Ihcir terms,
behalf of a second trial, the R-pub-! one can sec the justice in refusing j
llcan vote has grown since ISOO.jaidand comfort to patrons of the
The fusion plurality last year was j Big Consolidated, and the method of
only 2721 for governor, the Kepub J showing disapproval might b.ive
Leans carrying the legislature and ; some tffect were it general enough,
gaining a senator. Bryan has no It is impossible, however, in a city
certainty in Nebraska in 1000. In j the size of Cleveland to prevent the
fact, the chancs are the other way. J purchase of food if one has the
Some of the Western states in his j money. Probably many of those
list before are sure to go against him j who arc boycotted rre able to leave
nest year. One cf these is Wash-' Cleveland and 20 clsewhnre for a
their opinion cf the Chicago platform.
The secretary of the Dewey Home
fund has made another appeal for
aid to the American people. It is
a pit sucb meddlers can't be put in
Ijiil, or in the idiot ward of some
asylum anywhere to stop their ap
peals. Admiral Dewey has not
asked for any home.
accept it. It was a foolish idea to
begin wiib. Salem Statesman
When one country invents a
j machine to throw 113 pounds of ex-
plosive gelatine through armor ith-
ington. Bryan's anti-expansion views ; time, if need be. And the boycott out exploding and has further means
i . . it !. : - . . . . .
aione semes mai. uasumgion is or sutn a general cuaratier cannot of exploding the
for commercial development on the : last long enough to do eerious barm.
TaciSc. Its Republican plurality For a little while it causes tncon-
lastyear was 8023, quite a change
from Bryan's 12,493 in lODG.
venience, then the men who engi
neer it grow weary, the "spotters"
Kansas has parted company with cease to spot and the result is loss of
Cue silver party. Its Republican ; business to the small trsdesmcn and
plurality last year was 15,870. Kan-1 no ber.eGi to the strikers and their
sas and Washington combined take ' sympathizers.
fourteen electoral votes from the J Boycotts confined to a single
Bryan column. A change of 1C00 , article and a single manufacturer
votes last fall would have given ' bave many times accomplished their
Nebraska and South Dakota to . the , obiect. but only because it
Republicans. The gains of Re-j competitors an advantage. In Clcve-1 lhe U,"t!d S'at?s Volunteer Army, and
land thcie is no competitor to lhejd 0r to make application without
charge msi'ie a
vessel or fort it may be directed
against, it is high lime lhe peace
conference sent the dplegntes of
other countries home to invent some
means of Gghting back.
Krrtuitlnsr Officer Lew In In lhe try to
IZerelve .toy Who .Mny Iltiir,
tu Enllt.
A number of young men in our city
gavc ' have been contemplating enlisting in
publican congressmen in the trans.
Mississippi stales last November were
remarkable, and bad the high dis
tinction cf saving the bouse. All of
Big Consolidated street car system
worthy of the name, and the patrons
of the road must look to it for trans-
Nebraska's neighboring stales arc as ! portation until some other means of
prosperous as itself, and can match j quick .travel comes along. If it
its increase in deposits. Speaking in j were possible for the strikers to
the light of mathematical facts.
Rryan's prospects in the states west
of the Mississippi have generally
faded. Figures of all kinds prove
it. Nor can he count on gain" east
cf the Mississippi, unless in Kentucky,
in which the Democratic party at
prcent i more seriously divided
thin in 189C. The facts in the case
suggest a change in the Democratic
cindidate, but even that might cost
more votes than it would gain.
lV'ierity, expansion and sound
money are a winning combination.
Very indignantly .the New York
Sun burls the following into the gold
bu camp. Let every bug take
notice :
"Once moie Calumny bellows from
Ler loathsome lair the yarn that
Gen. Adoniratn Judson Warner, of'
Ohio, doesn't believe that the silver
question will be the leading issue in
1900. Gen. Warner believes that
silver will be the leading question in
1900, 2000, 2900, 29000, forever!
and a week. lie may be said to
have issued the silver issue, and he
UI not consent to withdraw it from
circulation while tbeic is a moon in
the sky and cheese in the moon.
(Jen. Warner knows that great
issues are no', to be taken in lightly,
like a week's washing ic a smill
establish a line of automobiles and
parallel the car lines, then a boycott
might have sonic effect.
Grievances of labor will be ad
justed only when the laboter learns
to send the proper men to legisla
tures, or when he elects men to
office who will enforce the laws en
acted in his behalf. Violeuce cannot
win. In the history of the strikes of
Europe and America no victory lias
ever been gained by blowing up
mills and few results have been last
ing wbich were obtained by using
the club of a general boycott.
leaving the city, Recruiting Oflieer
Lieutenant Lewis being no' in the city
reidy to receive applications for enlist
ment, lie will probably remain here
two weeks, having his headquarters at
No. 09, Second street, between Court
and Union.
A man who chooses to enlist now,
having full knowledge of what it means
from the experiences of their immediate
friends and no excitement such as
prompted those who heard the . words
"Itemeruber the Mains" ringing in their
ears, must have studied the matter and
in sober judgment, decided to ive their
better filled, and the play itself was a
very pleasing one, at once eliciting sym
pathy aud unmitigated interest, which
changes to intense excitement in the
third act when each listner is himself
buying stuck in San Diablo and has as
much at etake as did Matthew La ton,
whoso fortune depended on the mine.
The comedy of the play was splendidly
carried cnt by the sporty Deacon Dean9
! and his wife, who was equally as sporty
He would notion then.l. Both are first class, and
kept the audience in a roar of Uughtrr
w ith their assumed sportiness.
Shaw himself is one of those aclorr,
who, like Sol Smith Russell, has a per
sonality which from the moment he
steps on the stage demands attention,
and keeps each one wondering what he
is about to do next. Ilia cool manner
makes him perfectly at home aud puts
him in the place of the character be
represent. Those are the actors of
whom one never tires and of whom it
may be Baid that to study them n'.or.e
and their interpretations of a play is
worth much to those who are privileged
to see them. The entire cast w as well
taken, each ono seeming to fit in to the
part assigned to them.
io listen to tno orchestra was
worth more than the price of admission.
Indeed, their rendition of " The Forge in
the Forest" was a great treat to all who
had the slightest taste for mudic. The
xylophone solo was perhaps the viest
that has ever, been heard in The
D.tilea and was enthusiastically en
cored. The specially work by the Irish
characters, including some extra fine
dancing, was also much appreciated.
The majority of ehows which visit
The Dalles treat the people here in an
extremely shabby manner, playing in
Portia ud and other cities at about buif
and sometimes less, than they do here.
This ciupany comes to us giving a fiist
class show at reasonable prices, and
which admits of all attending and feel
ing that they bave received more than
the worth of their money.
After society comedy they will make
a switch to melodrama for to-night, sc-
7-iany girls of sixtttn years teem to
have consumption, although they have it
Their anxious parents and friends watch
them slowly fade away.
A death-like pallor, transparent com
plexion and listlessness are signs of this
The body lacks blood.
Mrs. John Tansey knows the meaning
of these symptoms, and the cure.
She lives at 130 Baker Street, Detroit,
Her advice to mothers has been of great
value Io her neighbors. She tells the story
to help others who are at a distance.
She said:
" When my daughter was sixteen years
old she begaa to waste away.
"Had I not known there was no taint of
consumption in the family I wculd have
believed her lungs were affected.
" She grew thinner and thinner every day.
She lacked only the hacking cough to show
all the outward signs of consumption.
"Our doctor called the disease by an odd
name, which I learned meant simply weak
u No treatment seemed to do her any good.
I "She was fading away before our eyes.
"I was induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, and the change they
made was almost magical.
"Before she had taken hilf a box there
was a great improvement in her looks, ap
petite and weight.
afraid she would fall dead Tk Z'
when she went out. '
her to try them. They tWiT'
derfullv. orobabtv Ja ry?,'
stored her to perfect health. NoJl1
.-...uuu,.g to io omeryou!).,-.
"I earnestly advise motC
toe daugntm to keep Dr. ViIl
Pills always on hand as a roidm
Many women's fives ire
cause such ivmotom, nr -r '
daughter showed were neglected wt?'
were developing into womanti r '
that period of rapid development,'
needs the highest degree of strenphh ,
pair the tissues that are rapidly WJ
These needed elements are succU i
Dr Williams; Pir.k P0k fee
The vegetable ingredients of the $ ,
like magic in restoring strength to t&n,
des and roses to the cheeks of growim.
or adults weakened by overwork.
for Pale People. They cost 50 cenbj i
six boxes $2.50.
and ten cents a pound. They can be
avoided, however, by the housekeeper
who will bear in min 1 that all baking
powders sold at twenty-five cents or less
T. 8. Land Office, Thk Dai.uj.Oij
Juneau, ij. 'i
Xo'.ioo Is hPTobr given that in cnnnlio-
per pound are liable to contain alum, as J""e 3. lfTs. entitled "An net tor the J
pure creitii) of tart3r b king powders
cannot be produced at anything like
this prico.
Water C'uuitulftftluuers Meet.
Whenever organized labor becomes
a mob defying law, and disputing
j with violence the right of any man
j to employ whom or work for whom
'he may please, then the original
i disputes arc lost sight of, says the
Statesman. Then it becomes the
duly of organized society to demand
a wholesome respect for its necessary
rules 'or its laws and to enfoice
lhe demand at whatever cost. Hence
the very proper use of the state
militia in the Cleveland, Ohio,
! troubles growing out of the strike of
the street car men. There were
likely two sides originally. There
best senici to their country. Deeming being for his play Milton Noble's story
it possible that among the Chronicle's
readers aie some who are contemplating
such amove, the following requirements
will give some enlightenment on the
subject :
Tho term cf service is for the period
ending Juno 30, 1901. Applicants for
enlistment must be between the aites of
eighteen and thirty-five years, of good
character and habit, able-bodied, and
freo from disease. Persons who are not
physiraliy perfect will bo rejected, and
if will be as:e of time for those know
ing themselves to be unsound to apply.
Married men will not be enlisted ex
cept npon the approval of a regimental
No person under eighteen years of
age will he enlisted or re-enlisted ; and
minors between the ages of eighteen
and twenty-nn will net be enlisted or
re-enlisted without the written consent
of father, oniy surviving parent, or
legally appointed guardian.
All soldiers receive from the govern
ment (in addition to their pay) rations,
clothing, bedding, medicines, and med
ical attendance.
Whenever a soldier is honorably dis-
of mining camp Mo entitled "From
Sire to Son." The play deals with life
in California during the rush for gold.
It is melO'drarna.full of strong situations
and surprising climaxes wuhout des
cending to the level of btood and thund
Names ul Horns or the 1'rlncrp! Brandt
8ul! In ThU Vicinity.
can be but one side now. So with I charged at the expiration of his enlist
the case of the mining riots in the
Idaho district. But in the latter
organized labor simply stood for
organized crime, before the riots.
Millionaire James Doyle, of Colo
rado, who thought his wealth would
save him when he refused to obey
(Jen. Anderson talks too much.
The United States nrmy, on several
decisions, h-is had orators. James
Wilkinson was one of thctn. Win
fo ld Scott wu3 another. Nelson A.
Miles was one more. Their lluency
wiih lhe tongue was, on more than
one occasion, a humiliation to them
nnd nr. embarrassment to the country,
nil's tlio ftlntip I)imrirrnt. Tf Wil.
,. II. i . ii .i more powei less to act in civil juda
kmMiti had done less talking there ' J
would be fewer counts in that; ' j.
indittment which history has brought j There arc at least two reasons
ngainst him. Had Scott been a ! why that project, or alleged project,
little more reticent he would bave j of Ex-Secretary of the Navy Whit
contributed less to the gayety of j ney to get Dewey to let the Demo
tjaiions, but lie would have got more crats nominato him for president
ment, or on uccount of disability not
caused by I. is own misconduct, his travel
pay is ample to carry him to the place
of enlistment.
Tht ThroM.Inu neadachn
Wonld quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King'a ew Lifo Pills. Thousands
of sulTdrers have proved thiir matchless
1 merit f ir Si,V mid Xervnna 1 li.i loM
an order of the court, is weary of j Tliey mHkJ pui0 t)loo., Bri(1 tronjJ
his quarters in Jail. His imprison-J nerves and nild up your health. Kiev
ment for contempt is now sought to i t0 tae- Try them. Only 2 cents.
be nullified 113 appeal to the United
i Stales circuit court. It will be bad
ifoi justice if the appeal is granted,
I because lower courts will be mndc
electoral votes in 18j2, and proba
b y he would bave been nominated in
1818 instead of Taylor, nnd elected.
If Miles bad acted on that great
truth which soldiers always ought to
will fail. In the Orst place, Dewey
will not accept a nomination from
any party, and in the tecond place
he is a Republican. It is natural
that the Democrats want to put up
Money back if not cured. S.dd
LSiakeley & Houghton, dru'ims.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofonm for the
tcetn. tf
tcrnVtf At!Tv.
A'0 rVAililOOr
Cures Impotcncy.KIght Errd.Mions ?.nd
v.a?tlnT diseases, all e.Tect3 of rcif.
TV abuse, or excess and lndld-
e.- Jf iietiuu. vviuTvuioiiicuiitl
; hlMHl builder. Bi iiiira the
1 y nine giow lOjiaiecucbKsaiv
' rcstore9 t'ie f J'Oiith.
lCl,.V( Hy mallfiOc per box: boxes
for -.r0; with a written guaran
tee to euro or refund tho money.
Clinton Jackson St CHICAGO, ILL,
Tho recent discussion in the papers of
the effect upon the human system of
food made with alum baking powder
and the opinions that have been pub
lished from noted scientists to the effect
that such powders render the food un
wholesome, have caused numerous Its
quii ies for the mines of the various altim
The following list of baking powders
containing alum is made np from the re
ports of State Chemist Nicholson of
Nehraskn, the city chemist of St. Louis,
the food commissioner of Minnesota, or
other reliable authority:
Baking I'ondtra Containing- Alum.
K- c l -''on tains alum
. . ,. ,. Ja'luf -vfU- Chicago.
CALL -M r. r. . . . . . . i-onsalns Alum
Calumet linking I'ovciter Co., Chicwin
1IOM K ( "iniu'in Alum
llnmr HnHvg Powaer Co., .Sin Ftnwin-n.
rariHc Chrmical II orlj, Tnrnmn.
tKK3Cfc.Nl' Contains Alum
WHITE UI.Y t-niilaii Alum
i.n- t. J'- ter'"tt& - Tarvma.
IlEI'.-im h contains Alum
n ."'"'"outim Mf'J- Co., San Franrirrn.
BON IJO.N contains Alum
. '"-1"! t'Hemlral Co., Chiraqo.
IIEHAM K. Contains Alum
, ' "r,lnn'l L'otfce d( Spin Co., Vtirtlnnd.
1 OKTLANO Contains Alunv
V.cno 4- I'mIUi, rmtlamt.
In addition to these, it (s learned that
many grocers are selling w hat they call
their own private or spcciul brands.
These powders are put up for the grocer
un I his name put upon the labels ,y
manufacturers of alum powders in St.
Lnuis, Chicago, Kansas City, TncMina,
San Francisco nnd elsewhere. The
manufacturers, it is said, find their ef
forts to market their goods in this way
greatly aided by tho ambition of the
groeer to sell a powder with his own
name npon the label, especially when
the grocer can make an abnormal profit
upon it. Many grocers, doubtless, do
riot know that the powders they arc
pnehing are alum powders which oull
be actually contraband In many sections
If sold withoiit disguise.
It Is quite impossible to givo the
names of all the alain baking powders
in the market. They are constant! ap
pearing in all sorts of disguises, under
A meeting of the water ommissioners
was held in the recorder's office at 8
o'clock ast evening, with J.F.Moore,
M. Randall, F. J. Seufeit and Aag.
Buchler present.
After lhe minutes had been read and
approved a motion was made by Moore
and carried that the superintendent be
authorized to employ another man
to assiet the rne now working at Dou
river, the head of the city water supply.
The report of the superintendent nnd
treasurer were read and approved, the
later being as follows :
Julv 1 Balance cash on hand. .$2889 16
Cash ree'd dining month for
water rent 1218 (K)
Total $4107 18
By warrants redeemed 070 08
Balance on hand July 31 $3430.43
Then were read the following claims,
which were allowed:
J B Goit, work on waterwork's
map $28 00
F. F Sharp, surveying 5 CO
VVm A Gates, sawing wood 50
I. A Porter, team hire 9 00
W A Kir'y, mdse 75
Maler A Benton, mdse 5 4,"
F S (iiinninit, repairs 1 ()()
I C Nickelst1!!. mdse 80
O L Walter, hauling 5 Oil
Ward & Robertson, team hire 6 00
Mays & Crowe, mdse 12 7"
Win Moricantield, labor 24 1)0
J VV Webber, labor 21 UO
S R Brooks, pasturage 3 DO
A A Urquhart, labir 21 40
John Garner, labor 20 00
L Johneon, team hire 8 00
J B Crossen, eupt. salary (W 00
tiias unrdere, he! per " 00 00
.Sed Gales, secretary's " 10 00
Catarrh Uannot be Cured
with local applications, as tbey cannot
reach the seat of the disease. ' Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to euro it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken infernally, and acts directly on
the blood and inncons surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of tho best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh, tend for testimonials,
F. J. Ciirn'ey & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrngififts, price 7.V.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
tinib-r luiids in lhe utaten of ( alifnrni.
Nevada anil Washington territory," (hu
(iofcson. of The Dalle, mmnlv of ..... .
Or, Ron, tins thia day (lU-d in this office hit
sworn statement No. ill, for thewirciintoffe
lot 4 nnd tE-i 8WJ.4 of See. No. 'i'.i.tu Towo-Mi
No 1 S, rane No. ij K, ami will Oder print t
biii.w mai lui- iiiuii pnin,'Mi in more ratuitiut
its timber or stone than lor Herli-ultural put
poses, nnd to eMa'jllsh his claim to ml :.nn.
fore the n-Kls-er and receiver of thiioffij
Th6 Dalles, Orejoii.on Friday, the IJJi te tl
September, 1MW.
He names as witnesses, A Turner, ff. C!i!
reter im:i. o. hitnmre, all of Th Di ta.0r.
Any and all tiersnna el liininj aivwlr
above described lands are re"ii.twl tn tils lb
rlaimsin tliiNotnceon or before saidl'ith dirol
BeiremDer, iiw. j. v. licas.
Jlja-ii liijiiter,
l 8. Land Omre, Tim Dalles, Os.
.Ii Iv 11. 1M.
A sufficient contest ullilavit Imviiig been tisl
in I Ilia otliee by James Honlk, conlesliii.
araini.t boinesten'l entrv No. i ijs, made S.
4tli, IVJ3. for S-i b4, NE'i Stt '. IMm
hl3e). K 1 , and s'j, NW.Sec, J, torn
thit 4 H, K ia K, hy Thomas Ji-rlievs, conlnltt,
In which it is alleged that he has ubandoniie
said tract tor more Ihu't tl -nontlis. Said partits
aie tieieby nolitied to tipiietir. mr-'iid
cltt-r evidence touehinff -:ii(l alli'iratiou, it
o'cli?k a. m. on Se;it. 4, lw, hefjrethereriiw
and receiver at the I'uiled States liod oitea
1 he liallea, Or.
The Kuld contestant having In t protfl
aflidavit, tiled July 1st. I.Mfli. set lorth lies
which shnw that after due li!irencc. personil
service til this notice can not be made, it a
hereby ordered and directed that sucti notice be
Elven hy due aud proper piiMicauoD.
Jill- -n
JaY 1'. LUCAS, Begii
B I I ..V
Trapi Mw
Anrnna sendlna asVelcti and lertrtcn"
quickly ascenam our opinion '.""".mi.
Invention Is prohanly patenlal. la
I Ions l rlctly c .undent l.-il. 1 1 iiihIIxios on I
sent freo. oldest airen. T for serurnv ,PJ'f
r.itnots taken tim.uth Maim to. rewt
iprrint notic, without entree, iuiu
Scientific American
A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. JL""1
filiation of any seiontlUe )..ui-naL
yer: for months. L Bold by all tie"""1"
BrliVeh ort.J.7B F ft. WashiasK
The Dalles. Porilani and latS
Navigation Co.'
Heiolalor 4 Dalles Cn
Imlly (except Hundav) latw'n
Tho Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade LoiM
and Portland.
allklodiof pricep, ven as low aa five Drug Co
Thonsisnils lira Try Inn It,
In order to provs tha great mnrit of'a Crcnm itnlin, fin most efl'ective onra
for Cutnrrh and Cold in llmul, wo bnvo prn.
pared a goiinroiis trial aizo for 10 eeiit
Out it of your druggist or Bend 10 ccnta to
ELY 1SUOS., C Warrou St., N. Y. City.
I infrared from catarrh of tho worst kind
Tor Binno ii boy, and I never hoped fur
euro, luit l'Jy'a Cream llnliu recinc to do
e?on tlmt. M:my nciiiainlunceH liars uaod
it Willi excellent result. Bcp.r Oatruui
43 Warren Ave., Cliicrago, 111. '
L"Iy' Cream Ttahn ia tho acltnowledi'cd
euro for catarrh ami contniiia no co uine,
mercury nor nny injiiriona dru. Triua,
COcoiita. At ilniKKiMt or hy niuit
Thotniia lihoadn, CerTirfiHld, ().,
wiitee: "I infTered from piles aeven or
t-inht year?. No remedy gave ma relief
until I)eVilt'a Wiirl. 11,. ...I u..i.... i .
... - .. ..v.. eriiivn. iisa ' . ..
than a hox of which iernianently cured j For Five Dollar- you can ht'T cDn
Motnimr, lealintr.ierf.ctlyharm. that will take larger picture
lmicliiiiff at way poin's on lth l'lr
Ilntli of the slKi'. e steamers have la-en fcl'" a
anil are In escellet.t shaia-for in- ... ,,e IB
Hit. Krcnlalor l.lna will ci'"!;'"'"
patrons tne Di-si scr n-v r i.issor
For 4'.,nir..rt. Keonnmy is
tiavel liy tho steaineis oi
S.ltl,?. . u a A
I. ..Or, SI
The ahove steamers leave l io- ... ,i,.,iu
and fortland at 7 a. in., and "'"', .,
lion in ainpw nine ior oo K'" . fl(
Portlanl Otlle. 1 ' .,', street
una oi, I'trt ,
W. C. Aliaw;-
l.eneral Af
Iiowaiv of countorfoits. Hutler
other Camera on the market.
by Clarke A I'alk.