i TiE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JULY 29 1899. . i Wednesday rai'.T. P. G. Paul went to CascaJe loJav. Mr. II. Die'ieS left thi mornicj for a abort il iu Poit'anJ. Mr. an.1 Mr. A. K Strang, of Salem, wera in the c-ty je'.triay. DonaM MrLeiinan nJ A. McLennan came in from Ar.t:oj:e yetterday. Mn.G. A. L-et a a passenger on thi norning' boat, tv.aiid (or IVrl!nJ, where the wi.Iviiit relative. Georpe Mj, who aocomrjanied the body ot George Ycnuf to thi city, I tarnea today to bi hooie Jt V'r'oni. Georze Herlert. ih-) o'ed to thia citr oo accoont of ta dca". t-f bit; mother, rrturced Ut nig'.t to t. s home at Cornucopia. Miaa Beia Snipes rrt-:,-ned lt evenioc from a viit to Portland. M wa av?mtanied by Fiancia Parrot, who wiil be her gaest for a few week. G. G. C!ark arrived in the city yeter 'ir frcm Pend'eton. He mill reiieva jSiht Or-erator V. H. Swart, who pxi to B:ohani Spricgt to rpend bis vacation. Eer. and Mr. WyivrT and Miss Clara Bailey, of Sn Franci.-o, who have been rtirtta o' Mr. and Mr. Peaes for the paet two day, left for home on the after noon train.' Mr. and Mr. Thoe. Wood and T. A. Van Nordrn left on the boat this morn ing Ijr Wind river, where they will aprod the remainder of the warm weather in camp. Mr. and Mr. Wrr.. Ho!Jer and child rew, Mr. J. B. Hosford and Mis '.. Maeon came in from Moro yesterday and left oo the boat this morning to camp oo Wind river. Mis Anna Thompson, wbo graduated at the Monmouth normal reboot come weeks ago, and who has since been visiting in Portland, returned home on tbe boat last evening. Howard M. Fairfowl, who bas spent tbe past two year io the Klondike re.on. returned from Dawson last uiithr, baving left there two week ?. Mrs. Fairfowl has been stopping in this citv with Mr. and Mrs. Svbenck during his absence. Tba.-5lj Di'.J'. D. C. Ilerrin is in the city. A. R. Ly!e came in from Cross Keys yesterday. Lola Blakeney went to Cascade to day to spend a few wteks with friends. Leslie Barter was a pitsenger this morning f.r Port'.aud. Mrs. J. G. Djwt.ey 'eft tbi rr.orning for ber home in Vancouver, Vah. Dr. Cha. Adams, of TtjI came np last night from a v:sit in the Valley. Mies E'.ie Ball came np from tln-ir camping p'acs at Col.icg Landing last evening. Dr. Eel'e K'nehait will leave on the afternoon train for a stiotl busiLees trip to Portland. Frank Woodcock, Jr., returned frrm a trip to Portland last evening, and left this morning for bis borne at Wamic. Mr. and Mr. F. L. Hocghton and Mrs. W. Lord started yefterday lor tlie Lord cot' a- st Seaview, Ilcaco beach. Mr. Eliza Young, wbo came to this city to attend the funeral of her eon, George, returned yesterday afternoon to ber borne in Portland. H. M. Beal, wbo bas spent the past ten days with his family in Portland, returned last night. Mr. Beall bas been ni foor belth and his rest bas some what beoefited him. Misses Frankie and Mattie FitzGerald, who have spent about ten davs in Tbe Dalles, left tb:s morning or San Fran cisco. The former is a teacher in tbe schools there, and the latter is employed in tbe postoffice. Fred C. Drews, bookkeeper in tbe O. R. A X. shops at Alb'na, Or., is taking a thirty days' layoff, which be is spending io Colfz, the goet cf his brother, E. C. Drews, oiansgtrr of the Inland Telephone 4 TeWraph Company. He leaves Col iaz neat Saturday. f riJj Daily. F. X. Jones is in from Shersrs Bridge. John Parutt was a passenger for Port land this morning. G. A. Thomas and wife came np from White Salmon yesterday. Mrs. Civde B- nnev came np from her bome at Hood Kiver last evening. John Cates ami to Cascades this morning to spend a few weeks wilb hi children. P. P. MeCnllv. of the Gotdnda!e Sentinfl, came over from that place on Lis wheel today. Miss Lizzie Bonn, who has spent some weeks in Portland, returned home last night on the boat. Miss MtltelCrors accompanied Miss -Rail to Collins Ltnding today, and will J ttve campers there. T. A. Hudson, drove out to D'ifnr on bsainess trip today, We can't (ay that we envy him the' ride. Leo Kewman left cn the boat this Bjnrm'wig for bis home in Portland, after a few days' visit in the city. Mrs. W. II. Wilson Mi this morning to pae tbe remainder of the warm weather io camp at Cascades. A. R. Thompson says it' too warm io The Dal, and returned to camp ear I food River this n urning. Mies flattie Cram was a passenger on thia morning's boat. She will visit M m Grace Hobson at Cascades. Miss Cassia Bailey, who ha been at Grass Valley for the pact three wcks, returned to ber home in this city last evening. Mrs. E. B. Shoemake arrived in the city from Portland a few evening since td is a guest at tbe bom of J. L, Tboojpsoo. Mies May Jon, left tbe eitv veeter day for foda Spring, in Klickitat roonty, where she will be tbe gaettof Miea Bertba Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclnnis and family left this morning for Seaview, Ilwaeo beach. Mr. Mclnnis will retnrn Run. rtay, leaving tbe family to enjoy the aeajSmiib,A li Ireeae daring th tammer month. j I -Tf THE LAST RIVER CROSSED. t to L. .'il Vv I . . .. . ... hi., .i ! lr 14 IT V A 1. "' 1 ' ' i,, V.i .nAih ..i, iir hit nnJ tht !il ' i ,5 ' Uocg joorner, louiirt.l with mhich aM j j rv;-.: VSUA'.f J other, are notLiuf. Tbe final rirer has : ' ' "C, yi J be. crosseJ anJ ? toe'.J be jonJ J I heTc'A V A? i iHn fljcd" turn upon tU i j fj ' !'C'ki4fIStf 7 X"? fof ne a to a acicD those who ia. - o picndtjhoaill.e vw cf the . Pullman 5S - river cf the Pacific coast men bv tn j L.It ruh:'S very oi after u.ontlj of inrt ' t" i'Qt" -rvel through Urren p'nics. Eut forty-! -t-itoallt wZiB X&mZ lrzrzz ar v x - I iuu IU luun lraia avuu . 1 i" t t - " W r - .a, V"W A- Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ruAN5E5 THE 5Y5TEM n EFFECTUALLY BITUALCONST'PATION ma lutiumtnmu u niKrni. Th Maw Dmr Ciapiif, Every time a place of business is re modeled, fitted np on the most modern plan and starts on a new basis, tbe citr is Deoeuteu tberehy, tor dv the a d pearauce of its business houses, many stranger will judge of a town. And so by purchasing tho Snipes-Kinersly drug store and placing so many improvements therein, the Butler Drug Co., has signal Iv added to the appearance of that block and will greatly enhance the patronage er.jiyed by tbe former owners. One would scarcely recognize it as the same stand were it not for the Unte Elk which still browses therein. The large pla'e gla-s windows have wonderfully trn'orriied it, and the tearing down of the weedtn awnirg and putting in its ! place a neat canva shade adJ mnch to tbe outside appearaiice. But if the outside has Improved, what of tbe interior, which looks a clean a a new pin? A partition has been placed across tbe building dividing it in half or allowing a 53-foot front room. Then shelving, painted pure white, encircles this portion, while at the back stands the neat perscriptkn case, one of the nicest and most bandy imaginable. Be side, the entire building bas been re painted, papered and the floor newly covered, making it look cool and in viting. The new firm bas made a great out lay in putting in new drugs of all kinds and a fresh stock in genera!. They wiil also keep a large stock of paints, oil and wall paper of the latest styles. A drug store without a gooi druggist, however, is lacking in an essential feature. Therefore Mr. E. M. Morse, a first-class druggist from Portland, has been engaged. We notice, too, that the Eastman kodak, which is not excelled, still keeps it abode in this headquarters, and the proprietor tell us tbey will keep the best cameras and supplies for tho tame. I tils orng stora has lor years been a stand-by for Dalle people, andalttiouyb it bas put on a new dress and presents amoreattractiveappearance.it is still the came tried friend a of yore. Otl iShawt The most successful of all the theatri cal companies playing at popular prices on the PaciBe coast is that capable and favorite orgAnization, The Shaw Com pany. This is an organization headed by Sam T. Shaw, and composed of clever people, presenting up-to-date plays, elegantly equipped from a scenic stand point, elaborately costumed and carry ing their own silver cornet band and operalic orchestra. The reputation which Mr. Shaw ha earned during tbe five yeara in which be has been touring; tbe west is a guar antee that everything will be exactly a represented. N'o expense ha been spared to place the company at the head of organization of it kind. Tbe company will begin a week 'en gagement in The Dalle Monday even ing, July 31, presenting Edward E. Rose' comedy drama "The Westerner" and changing the bill nightly. Watch for tbe parade Monday at 11 30 a. m. Advartla Letters. Following 1 tbe list of letter remain ing in tbe postoffice at The Dallea no called for July, 28, 1899. Person calling for tbe ame will give date on which they were advertised: Braida, M Y Chamber, Calvin Cars, l-orian Davis, Eugene uangtierty, barab (ieorge, h i Johnson, Frank Hardx, J W Hashing, F L Hall, I. Lamesy, Charley Hackett, Jennie Mealv, H A Miller, J S Sao It. Ueorge Morgan, Nellie Martin, Delia Stewart, D F fceggling, Petter II. II, RlDDCLL, P. M. ' RIVER CROSSED. passed from a yjucg man of 116 years,) with life befo re him, to tl.e rife year cf j three-score and thirteen, fcr on hi lai-t birthday be wa 73 rears old. j For five year he bas Wen a eontinoo . ! sufferer from consumption, and for over a year the enl ba een expected almost j daily. No doubt it wa hoped for by bim i who grew weary of the tedious mouths of pain, and who welcomed the hour shortly af;er noon yesterday which brought bim relief. Coming from Indiana to Oregon in '52, hi first borne was what is now knovn a tbe Snipes ranch at Rowena, eight miles below this city. A iew years after ward be sold it to George Snipes and coming to The Dalles, wa married to Miss Catherine Kieth, purchasing from her father a ranch (now the Kelsay place) three mile below town and making his borne there. Here tbey lived, with an interruption of but five year spent at Klamath, until a few years since. In '54, when the massacre occurred on the Snake river, Mr. Irvine enlisted a a volunteer, but outside of thia bis life has been comparatively uneventful, for while be watched The Dalles grow from a place which contained only about three families, those of Judge Laoghlin, Dr. Shang and W. C. Keith (not considering a slight scattering popnlation) to its present thriving ren dition, bis life was spent on the farm in a quiet manner. To Mr. and Mrs. Irvine were born six children Frank, Emma, Alice (Mrs. Lnurensen), John, Will and Anna (Mrs. Ed. Spencei). Of these three are living Frank at Antelope, Mrs. Laurensen and Mrs. Spencer in this city. Mrs. and Irvine died abcut three vears ago wa buried here. His life contained much of sorrow and perplexities, but be waa ever good natured and pleasant to those about him, while he was honeet in the strict est sense of the terms. Word was sent to hi son, Fraok at Antelope, wbo arrived this afternoon. The funeral will occur at 11 o'clock tomorrow from the Christian church. THE APPENDIX. The Foreign Bodies Ttiat Ara Sumttlines Fnasd Io It. Dr. Charles Phelps reported this case before the Soc'ety of Anoint of Bellevue hospital. He stated, says The Xew York Medical Journal, that the attack bad be gun eight day before, but the patient had not come under hi observation un til three day before the operation. A smail abscea bad been found and evac uated. A perfectly smooth mass, feeling like a kidney, had been brought into the wound, and had been found to contain the appendix. Within this appendix was a minute piece cf hone. Tbe irri tation produced by thi foreign body bad resulted in the production of this mas of infltmmatory exudate. Some surgeons, he said, maintained thai they had never found a foreign body in their case of appendicitis; he had found them quite frequently, but thia was tbe most minute one that be had met with. Dr. R ibert T Morris said that usually the thing which are called grape seeds etc., proved, on searching microscopical and chemical examination, to be ordi nary concretions of insoluble salts, mixed, in uoet cases, with more or less faecal matter. For this reason one should be careful in determining this point. He bad found a pitce of apple core in one appendix, and it wa tbe only foreign body that be bad discovered In bi case. In one of Dr. Wyeth't cases be had seen some lemon seeds. THE SILK SKIRT WRIST. There s a new disease prevailing, each nhvsl cian ssxiii ssmning, and in twitting diagno sis It oerversetv d..th nertUt- Tho' no micnbe In it's linking, 'lis Insldioailv woiking, and tbe healers le tor once have dubbed It simply -silk shirt wrist." It attacks the winsome maiden with her sum mer freshness lad.'B. and routine itself eclulvelT unto the fairer sex: And tliev do not care to cure it, but are willing to endure It, and they level In the glory which this new diseaac reflect. It require a proper holding of the onter skirl. and foldina, to nsone the bright-hiled nearailk underneath satflciently. That the silken robe, may dangle Into view, a certain anslaol the band inu.l be maintained with flrmueaa and persistently. 8o a maiJen soon discover that the end affliction hover all around her, yet abe never for a moment bas a fear: But she trip the highway with her garments rustling gay ly. and she holds them In such manner toat tac sua one doth appear. What are aehlng wrist and finger, or the pain thai in them linger? What a the dlrterenre If the silk skirt wrist disea attack the maid? For 'tis better far to (after than In be a silly duffer and go out noon the street without tbe swishing skirt displayed. Now when next jon hear a rustle, mark tbe region of the bnstle and you'.l so with what dexterltr she aivea tha r mwr tarlal To the overaklit. disclnaing gaudy silk that la nfwanng nnqerneam ll -and men rest a urred she ha th "silk skirt wrist." For Fire Dollar yon can boy a Camera that will take larger picture than any other Camera on the market. For tale by Clark A Falk. tf 11 ORTHERN y PACIFIC R Y. 1 Sleeping Can, Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. I'.U L MlNNEtrOl.l Dl LI TH rAKOO OI1ANU FOR CROOK9TOS WISMPEO IIELKNA no uriTi TO Through Tiekets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA KBW VOKK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, map and ticket, cal on or writ to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. J6 ARLTOX. Asst. G. P. A., mon Cor. Third, fortland Orrvci EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TraiDt leave and are due to arrive at 1'ortlai ! OVERLAND EX j prs hnk'm. Roae 1 I bunt, Ashland, ee-1 v j rnmento, Ogden.Min ! . 1 FrauoiBtMi, Mojave, j S.OO F 9 A. M. Loa Angek'S.f.l ftum New Orleans an I Et J '8 30 A. M Ko'l,ur- and wuy u : ( Via tVoodbura for i Daily F Mt. Angel, Silverton, Daily except t -v " ;1n i west sxmo, Hrowns- UunUitrs ille.prlnpneld and Sunday. mruQ i IT: A. M. (CorvalHs I stations. . n! 5:50 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train I'ajty lexcepi aunaay;. 1:50 p.m. jLv Portland ...Ar.) 8:25a.m . . p. m. iai. . VcMinnville. .Lv. 5;50a 8:a) p. m. fAr.. independence.. Lv.) 4:o0a.m, Daily. tDany, except suiifluv. DINING CARS ON OGDKN ROCTK. PCLLMAN BCFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARs Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at !an Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Paeilic mail steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing date on ptiuaunu. hates and tickets to Fa-tern nolnta inrtFn rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU am AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart fru urauu teuiru euuon, ruio uia Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, loot of Jeoerson street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 D. m . . V'l ,iuu, M .MJ 111 . Lave ror aiklik on Monday, Wednesday and Fri.iav at 9:40 a.m. Arrivo at Portland. Tues- uav, inurraay ana Saturday it 3:05 p.m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. B. KcE'-.i.ER, Jtanaaer. , H. MARKHAM, Asst. U. F. A t'aaa. Art Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, whew through tioketa to ail points in the Eastern Sutex, Canada and Euro can be obtained at uwest raies irom J. B. KIHKI.AXn Tlckot !.., or N, WHE.VLDON. " The Dalles. Portland anl Astori Navigation Co.' Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at wy poin'a on both tides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent shape for the season of m-st. 1 ha Kegolafr line will endeavor to give Its r " - i i. fwmuie. For Coaifmi, Kennomjr aart Plaaanre, travel by lh steamer of The Hegolator Th. . V. i .. fc ana Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at deatlna- r leave i n panes at a a. m. wine lor ourgoing tralna. rortiana ome. Oak et. Dock. The Dallea Office. ouri Btreet W. C. Alia way, General Agent, DRlffiS i v -jr !:.''fe- -.a sirs. Kegulator Dalles City atUKAOOSE.nil r t"r rVm Mil I V inr , ,u m, mlU r"',lr'n. T. r..n. riRT roa via WHIM'LI. Ataiva Faun. Sclt Lak Denver, Ft Fat Mail 3:15 p m Worth. Omaha, Kan-) p. to. aa City, ft. Louia, Chicago and taU Etckaue .Wnlla Walla. Ppokane, Spokane Flyer. V00 a. m Fiver I Mlnnai)Oli. et Haul,) 5 j p. m.! iJ u 1 u t b, Milwaukee.! I C hicago and taL 8 p. m. FaoM PoaTLiKn. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco Jitiiuary 22, and every live days thereafter. p. m. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. sunday Colombia Rv. Steamers. F-x.bunda) To Astoria and Way I gsturJny : ljiudiiiga. I 10 p. m. I a.m. I Willamette Rivkr. I 4:30 p m. Ex.sundcy Oreaun City, Newberg, Ex.ounday eaiem a na; Land . 7 a. m, Toe,T hur. and cat. WlLLAM'TTK AND YAM I HILL KIVER8. . Orepon City, Dayton, and Way-ljtndings. Mun and Fri. 6 am. Willamette Rivee. 4:30 T. m. Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvaliia,: Tue.,ihur and gat. and Way-Landings. . . iiiui id Eat. Smaee Riveb. Riparia to Lewis ton. Leave Lewiktoh daily Lv Riparia daily Ptiriies desiring to eo to IletDi.er ghonld wkt o. i. leaving i ne Danes at :; p. m mating direct connections at Meppner Junction Keturulng makiiigdirecteonnertion at Hejipner junction with No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at 1:15 p. ni. No. 42, throucht freight, east bound, does not carry pasenger9; arrives 2;jo a. in., departs 3:Wa. m. No 24, local freight, carries pasrengers, east bound; arrives 4:au p. m., departs tt:15 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives !:ld p m departs 9:S0p. m. No. 23. went bound local freight, enrriea pas sengers; arrives 5:1ft p. in., depart 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. A N. C'c's agent The Dallea. or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen Pa. Agt., Portland. Or. Administrator's Notice. Notice is herebv given that the nnrterlirn1 has been duly appointed by the Hon. County C ourt of the the folate of Oregon, for Wa-eo county, as administrator of the estateof Adolph Agiilius, deceased. All pel sons having claims against said eittatc are hereby notilied to present the same properly verified to me at the offlce of my attormjs, Dufur Menefee, within nix nionllis from the date of this notice. Dated at The Dalle, Oregon, June 1SW. . , , , J V- AlilDICtf, Administrator of the Estate of Adolpb Agidlus, dei-eased. 7,jj Notice of Filing Final Account Notice is hereby given that the urderMcncd, the assignee of J. W. Moore, H. K. Mire, and I. W. and H. K. Moore, Insolvent debtors, has (lied lth the cletk of the circuit court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco countv, his final ac count as such anslgnee: li e same' will be henrd and imssci upon b said circuit court on Hie l.t day of the next regulr term of i-nid circuit court, to-wlt, the November, lv.H),term thereof, at the hour of ten o'clock a, m., or us soon there after as the matter ran be reached 1'UI.K HITLER, Assignee. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.AKD OFrilg AT TH DaM.IH, OKFflONJ .... , t June in, I.-W9. ) Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that siid proof 111 be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satuidar. July -X), lw, viz: " I'aula Crlmaiiil, widow of Tlerre iirimaud. deecaseil, of The lnlle; H. K No. UKi,, for the E . K'. bee "I. Tp. 1 north. r K. W M: lie name the following witnesses ti prove , ini.inuT upon aim cultivation ol aiJ 1 ml. viz: Clias. A. Sclint7, Rock Cary. louls Ranjoj Andrew I niuhart, all of The Dalles, Oregon JmiU-U JAY P. I.I CAS, Register. I'xec-utor's Notice. Notice is hereby glv.'n that the undersigned lias n-.-Mi only nppoinud by ih ,on .table . , ,miii oi me r.tie oi oiegon. for Wasoo li '!' ' , "" """ "lc estate of rhcli" J " nn per-ons naving ei:uis ounn.si i!ii esuiie are ncreiiv notltltd to pre sent the ame, i.roK-rly velltliVl, lo me at mv oineein Danes! ity. Oiegnn, within six mouth's ..-li. mh- urn,. 1 1 infl nuiice. Dated thi ,'th ilny of Julv, ). K K A N K MKNHFEE. r-xeeumr ot the ctnte of 1'helw J. llaiuht deceased. JiyMi NOTICE OF FISAL SETTLEMENT. i. S".,,,,''e.1.",hrebv lv(,n ,h"t 'he undersigned has tiled his lllinl aeeomit as nivm,,, ..i , i... ... Ute of Sarah McAfee with t:ie clerk ot the county court nf ihestaln of Or..n,. i... i county, and that Thursday, the 1:1th day of Julv. a.!'. . , "ur"' "ciiH g a. m. has lHn tlxejl as the tlmo and the county c .nrt room in Dalles itv as lha t, c l... .hi h J..Y.. ..." 1" JwMlons to said final aeoount and ettlemeut of Dated Julv 1:1. Ik'iO THIS. Jun H I NORVAI Kxirubir. PROFESSIONALS. JA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office oer French A Co.'s Hank Phone t, THE DALLES, OREGON jyn- UEisijinnRrrtR Physician anil Surgeon, B peels I attention given lo surgery. Room and 22. Tel. ta Voat tlloek IRKD. W.WIION, ATTORN E V AT LAW, Oftlc. ove, Fir,, N.t BVug". a s arirriwaTow TTUNTINOTOV A WllJmw. wiuoa il ATIOHNKVH AT I A w Til II I 111 Jl Office oWr k.. C -. "ujn W. MOOR. JOH R OAVIM MOORE & GAVIN, ai lun.MTI AT LAW. Rooini 39 and , over U. 8. I .and Ofnc. CITATION. JX THE fOCNTY Ofer of Oiefeon, farTthe t2BuR,Jor5-j;H n In the matter of the est., of bila W. I'avis.dwwd.j "TATioi .u .ib. r.menne Ilvis, i f. ra r Ils Allafta b r.. m.i ti .. h.nu. k. ali" a . .'7 llams, W. H. V.nHiooer snfi.h' .A" H. J Pear, and Roa. E. eUib,BV t ... u uame OI me state of Oreir l ou are berebv ei ii . . I K t a c.cl.k in tee foren.xi:: of that n.v u there to show cause, if anv ihl'i ' lt Older of the above entitle! fc,,, made directing B. F. laughlin . u J of said estate if bi.., w. D. i ,w, ih. m,..i.,....... 1 " ueceise,!. l, , UK. itrKti ;,s",toi. Ml. in u ID Ute of iwia dwwsM .nT l-rly desciibed as folluw" toTu l2 K y Wasco countv. Ore ? all??iR 1-V. .f. III LHllPH I It ,- , - ' H nl thA H.trthurisvS .. . s.ss x iiuai and Ibe iiorta ball of seetion li in t.wnhlp north of rsn,J of the Willamette meridian in W.J lr Oregonontaiuing ill acre more , h sale to be made atiublic suction Io,.M:4 h"'"in H ,n?Dner Pribe.l b ui Z ,il rrnddtrpTa order of the above entitled court 1 W " Wit.nehs, the Hon. Robert Mats, Judge nf is. County :..urt of the state of or.T County of Wasco, wirh th- ,u.,i ' atbjed tbi Second day of June A. tt. lm juna-lt ArrtsT: A. M. KEIAY.Clert NOTICE. U. S. Land Orn a, The Dalles, Ore.) Notice la hereby given that" thiforter' ol ha eember a, lMH, temporarily withdrawing frS disposal, forthepurpoaeaof a boat rsilwVlS land on tbe outh side and within six Mb, the Columbia river, betweeu The Dallw .n3 Celilo,haa been revoked by the preiidt cepta t the following described parcels- oni abont four and one-half sciw. and the ouJii the SW'K, Sec21. T 2 N, R 15 E.coataiiunVab half an a' re. On and after September 1, 1x99, we will rtreln application tor any vacant lands included tnJ?.in- J. V. LL't'As. OilS r ATTh RS"N, iniiXn. Receiver. iif.i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica at Vakcoitvir, Wash.,) Julyo, 1MB. I Notice la hereby given thut the follnwint named setth r have filed notice of their iniec tion to mukc final pnaif in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be madebslore W. h. Prevhy, I'nited States Commissioner for District of Washington, nt his otike in Oolden dale, Washington, on ilonday, Augutl4, lcjs, viz.: Stephen Marlatt. Homestead Entry No. 9094, for the S. ' !. I N. K. i 8. E. M Section lit. and H. W. '4 N. vX nf r-ection JO, Township 3 North, of Rsniell East, Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove hll continuous residence upon and cultivaiiou mid land, viz: Carl Franzen, Christian Frsnzen, Porter L Hardison, Marion 8plawn,all of l.jle P.0.,Wuh. I'orter L. Hardison. Homestead Entry No. WVil, for the 8. 1. of . E. of Section lit: tho 8. W. '4 of a. Vi., Section 20; K. i of N. E. l of Hei'tl.in S), Town ship 3 North, of Range U East, Vt ill. Mer. lie name Ihe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz.: Carl Franzen, Christian Franzm, Stephen .Marlett, Marion Splawu, ail of Lyle P. 0 , naan. Jly8 il W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Crncg, atTnx Dai.i.s.0ii., Jl'LY S, IK I Notice 1 hereby given that the following named settler has Aled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that ssid proof will be made before The Keriitn and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, Aug. 18, 1SSD, vl: Ferry J. Van Camp, of Tlia Palles.Or.; Homestead Entry, No. VM, for the BW:, and sji N Hr-Un 1. Tp. 'J N, K. 13 , W.M. He iiaine the following witnesses to prove UK continuous residence un and cultivation ot said land, vlt: . P. J. Agidlus, Martin Fagan. E. A. Icnrt and Oliver Uowera, all of Tne Dalles, Oregon. JAY 1'. l-l'i AS, Jlj-8-ll ReiiJter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Orncg at Til g Dallks, unroos, Julv 1:1, lfW- I Notice Is herebw given that tlie followlM named settlers have tllel notice of InteniiiH make linal .r.a.f in support of tliclr respec5'' claims before the register and nceiverst i Dalltw, Oregon, uu buturday, August W. I viz.: Levi C. Chrlaman, of Tha Dalles. Or., on It. E. No. :I10, for 8' NW1;. and N'ifW'j' tectiou 7, township 1 soulh, range iaut, r.aak 4 hrlaman, of The Dalles, Or; on II. E. No. MSL for N; NK'V-section ship 1 south, range 12 cist, and Vj '' lion 7, Uiwushlo I south, range l leut, W. a. Witnewa: 8. R. ltr.aika and S. D. fipringerot The Dallea. Oregon, and . W. Covert and (1. MoCalvcyof Kndeisby, Oregon. j irrAJ jlyl.VII Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Orrica, Tlia tm.' r. 0a , June J. 1 '.'' ' Nollce I herebe given Hint In eompllsafj with the provision of Ihe act of rongrw June :l, Ihts, entitled "An act for the tlmbr lands In the states ol California. "'S'."! Nevada anil Washington territory, IliMiinti nlThnh.llM m,nntv ill W Bfl. Oregon, haa this day Bled In this "fflw sworn statement No. I ll, for the r"'h""0.hin lot 4 and KK', HW 1 of (S No. .-.1, In ln'r No. 1 N, range No. Iz K. and will oiler P""'' " show that tbe land sought Is more vluspwi Its limber or atone than for sgriculiiirl P"T poses, and lo establish bis claim to ml foreth register and revolver of ,l""1Di The Dalles, Oregon, oil Friday, the 11th dI September, lw.1t. ... ri., lie name as witnesses, A. Turner, " ''"I ' Pctr Fsgai. U. W hltmore. all of I he l"1' Anv anil all iwrmiii rlallning adversely. ' nty 01 v w'n".k n In Ihn ?.'? ahov deacrlbnl lands are renueste l to I . claims In this omen on or before said, "tn " September, law. J. Jljt-H CONTEST NOTICE. t'. 8. Lakd Orrica, Til Di.i. Jr.lv 11. i 1., A snfnclenl contest affidavit fiavlug n this oniea hv James Toulk, contest;"! against homestead entry No. 4!iv, ' tn, ix. for h'. HWij, NKV n , , . . . ;-"w0. ship 3 K, R in K, and NW- N W 1 , . snip 4 r, K 13 K, bv Thomas jenrei". ' v,n,K In which It I alleged that h ha. b""2 said tract for mora than 6 months. ,nd are hvrvbr notified to apt-ar. rff"'"", , r fler evidence touching said allegation, 0 clock a. m. on Kept. 4, lwi, beb.r ndreeelvcratth I'nited HUte lsl mem 1 he Dallea, Or. , . rorr The aalii eonU-Unt having ,n J'cui affidavit, filed July 1st, W. '"r'?.,nAl rd Ju y 1st, lM, 1 .'T,,nal that lb-r line diligence, ja-r"" a notice can not be '""''"liit, 1 and dlreete.1 that such miUca" which show tl service ol thia herebv ordered I given ny uu ana proper puoio JlyU II JaV V. LI CArt, Regl"- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is herehy given that I nave "mat tht leik ol tha Counlf Court of 1" "'".t a Oregon, for Wasco County, my final ace' administrator of th estate ot I . 'en rt ceal, and by an order of the I 1. j, aforeaahl, made June I. IM. , bVa Isw, at th hour of lo'rl.a-k V m ' , ' tlve.1 a Ihe time and the County "'"",, In Dalle i lly as the place for tha new objection to said final account, ami w Blent nf ld eatat. MV. jun II adminl-in iou are Hereby cited and tvo,,.. the county court of ihv C, 'T Hr rouuty of Was o, at the cou7t l. 1 he Dalies. Oregon, in the XLZZ Ui'UU. 1113 I lillll fl!ll of I.. estate, or if said redemption he pedient. that said a.lmini" ,Jl. ,dml . u..,.,lu I'Teinises r, ....... kiiu uirwiea io i?ii nil .r 1 ' . "..n.-uaiur Dv l.