The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 29, 1899, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Gbronicle.
A4.rsllac Ka.s
Oiati.cBor in r-sity II
tm.s inches and ander four tnche. 1
..Wised enthuse of frieo have J h... foun.ULc elusion TaWy
through dicuiion come dangerous ; so strong to indicate a oiimuiu
Irnwrto bctnS common butts for j to break up p., ty lines if the race. .
ridicule prcoicai cou;a w sc. ei.-. .v -
Through all this season o' valor ' Smith -ill be rrmcrebeied si one of
in flcrolsnd's cabinet.
incompetency, leiiousiy, oureiucnui. , iuc . v.
o Mir inches and ndet tncna . I interference, misrepresentation, slan-1 H MMt
OrrWitcbv.... ........ 1 , .... ' . . 4 . I ..;.
u-r otw iich d oJ ivwr mene.. .... ! has ursued the even tenor of hi
for a "mugwump." Ore-
ortwviviacao 1 00 way and comes out the hero, tue
r i efficient otEcer, the gentleman, the
SEW CABLES, (person of common sense. It is very
It was anuouuced
recently that ! remarkable tint, placed Le hss
the Brith steamer Ecria had ar- been in many trying situations, be
rived at F.jquiraalt to surrey the hs mistake. A key to it
uteforthe IlritirU Columbia and U way perils oe lounu 10 n.s
ti... :m vJ answer to a ouestion put to nim by
.ire,i ri-.lp !in. beein in!an Associated Pres correspondent
the very near future, so that within! on Monday at Trieste.
The cable-
... . , . i. . i.
.i.... i.n A;ri sram oi mat aar aaia iu uru
lew J rata luric nt o
asked wnat ue tuougut icgsruiujc
We know of a herd of milk cows
nearSalem that was recently sub
jected to lie tuberculin test for
tuberculosis. What, readers, do you
think happened ? Why, it was found
necessaiy to kill just half of the
whole uumbcr. And these cows had
been supplying milk right up to the
time they were sacrificed! We do
i not wish to unduly alaim anyone
ccmmunicaiion across
the TaciSc.
The Americans are also active m
working up a trans-Pacific cable
project It is proposed to connect
San Francisco with the Philippines.
The British route is from E-quimalt
to Honolulu and thence to Apia and
Australia. The Au.ericrn line wi!l
run from San Francisco to the
Hawaiian islands, thence to Wake
and Guam, thence to Semar, and
from tint point to the Philippines.
Another lice is projected from some
American port to the Aleutian isl
ands and (hence to Japan. These
new cable lines have been talked ot
for yeirs, and it is only a matter of a
comparatively short time before
some of them are in operation.
2ew Atlantic cables are also being
constructed The German-American
line will be ready for business in
n few months. This will give the
United States direct communication
with Germany and France. It is
something that is needed, for the
service now is inadequate to the
growing demands of trade.
The service with South Amtiica
will also be improved in the near
future. At present it is very slow
and inefficient, and the rates charged
are almost prohibitive. The presi- I
dent thought the matter of sufficient
importance to call the attention of
congress to it in his last me. sage and
he suggested that the various nations
interested ought to come to some
suitable agreement in regard to the
reduction of rates, possibly through
international ownership. Spokesman-Review.
England, the admiral replied, "
have uot thought anything yet.
Dewey is a genius.
It is a very remarkable thing, that
for more than a year Admiral Dewey
has not committed an act or said
a word with which the American
people have bad occasion to find
fault, says the Review. Since May
1, 1698. he has perhaps been the
most conspicuous citizen of the
country. Large authority was en
trusted to hi til and he has performed
his duty to the satisfaction of every
body. Correspondents hedged him
about eager to get a word on any
and every subject relating to war or
to peace. Many ships wi;h ambitious
commnndeis were in his fleet but no
fllcer has bad a difference with him.
II had to co-operate with the at my,
but while he was at Manila there wns
no friction. To the management of
the affairs given over to his charge
there has been no complaint. No
fault hs been found with anything
he has done; no criticism has been
passed on anything ho has said. No
charges Lave been brought because
of diplomatic indiscretion, favoritism
to certain commands, shabby treat
ment of t nlisted men, poor rations
or a lick of ability to meet every
situation that presented itself. On
.the contrary it has been a persistent
repetition of "Well done, good and
faithful servant."
This can be said of few men who
held prominent positions dnring the
war. McKinley has been called a
drifter, Alzet has been thrown ont
bcause of wholesale dissatisfaction
n the part of the country, Corbin
has been "sized up" as a mere bundle
ot pompous incompetency, talking
with newspapers has thrown Miles
into discredit, Roosevelt bas been
referred to as an earnest bronco
busting volunteer, Shafter wi'l go
down in history as a man of weight
merely through avoirdupois, Otis is
called an old granny, Merritt a
soured military theorist, Sampson
and Schley, through their own mis
taken efforts cr because of the ill-
The outlook for wheal and coin
in the United Slates is better, on the
whole, than was expected a few
weeks ago, says the Globe-Democrat.
Translated into quantity, the
most recent report of the department
of agriculture indicates a jield of
about 500,000,000 bushels of wheat
and of 2,121,000,000 bushels of corn.
The Ggures for wheat agree with the
estimates cf most of the authoiities,
but those here cited for coin, and
which are given on the basis of the
computation made by the statistician
of the New York Produce Exchange,
are somewhat above those arrived at
by other experts. The lowest esti
mate, however, docs not bring the
coin crop below the 2,000,000,000
Ail this is highly encouraging to
American farmers. The wheal yield,
as here given, has never been ex
ceeded in the United States except
in 1S91, when it was 612,000,000
bushels, and in 1893, when it was
C7i,000,000. The corn crop has
gone above the 2,000,000,000 line in
1889, 1891, 1895 and 189G. The
corn yield in all ihoso years exciltd
surprise. This y tar's crop may go
up to the figures of any of those
years except 189C, when the reduc
tion was 2,383,875,105, as figured by
the department of agriculture after
the crop was gathered. The most
optimistic estimates thus far made
do not indicate a crop in 1899 quite
up to the 1896 mark, but it may
break the record for all the other
Foreign crop reports, as just out
lined by the department of agri
culture in Washington, make the
si'.uation peculiar' encouraging to
the American farmer. Russia is the
chief rival of the UniteJ Slates
among Europe's exporters of wheat.
Russia's wheat crop of 1899 will be
from 85,000,000 lo 120,000,000
bushels short of the yield of 1893.
This year Russia wiil have hardly
enough wheat to supply its borne
needs, and will not export any of it.
France's wheat crop will be slightly
above the average, Prussia's and
Auslna's will be about at last year's
figures, which were r.ot flattering,
while the crop in Italy and Spain
will be below 'last j-ear's n.aik.
Taking Europe fcs a whole, Ihe wheat
crop will be considerably below that
of 1898. This will enlarge the
market f r the United States' prod
uct. While the American consumer
will probably not have to pay much
more for his food than he did last
year, the American fanner is sure of
a market abroad for all his surplus.
here; but how do you know the
milk you are di inking is not filled
with the germs of consumption?
There is but one way to know. That
test ought to be made universal and
regular. The law contemplates this.
But the law is not enforced. There
are plenty of healthy cows. Most
ot the cows are bcalihy. But it
would not hurt these to be legularly
subjected to the test. Statesman.
In a year the net amount of gold
in the treasury has increased from
189,0( 0,000 to 21G,000,000, and
Ihe country's supply of gold has gone
up to 975,000,000, the largest held
by one nation.
Dewey is leportcd to have said at
Tiicste: "I .believe peace can be
made wiih the insurgents long before
the rainy seison is over." This
optimistic opinion may result in an
other round robin.
Grant was praised for his reticence
hbout plans, but it seems from some
later critics that a commanding
general with this trait deserves to be
summarily removed.
Kobbcry at Dufur.
II ,ke Smit'i, editor of the Atlanta
Journal, favors discontinuance cf
the war in the Philippines and the
retirement of our troops from tLe
islands. He says be hopes and be
lieves our arms will fail, and he
declares that the South is opposed to
continuance of the war. On the
other hand, Clark Howell, editor of
the Atlanta Constitution, says thai
there are a great many people in the
South who believe in standing by
the administration in circumstances
like those at present shaping our
policy, and that the South is par
ticularly interested in upholding the
government in Cuba. Mr. Howell
says further that the Democratic
party should be cautious in its utter
ances on this subject Travelers
through the Southern states say they
Monday night Dufur was treated to a
gennine robberr, but, for fear of frustrat
ing the plans of the officers to caplure
the culprit, no publicity was given to
the matter.
At 9 o'clock that evening someone cnt
a hole in the g'ass door of Johnston's
storo and putting his arm through, un
locked it and thus gained an entrance.
Going to the till he secured about 6 or
7 in ch ng". Then opeuiog a salo w hicb
belonged to A. J. Briham, thecoml ina
lion of which was not in use, (30 or $40
was taken and . lot of valuable papers.
Word was sent to the sheriff I. ere and
Deputy Sheriff Sexton went out Tuesday.
Work as begun on the case and Jeff.
Walton, of this city a painter who is
woll known here, was arrested as a sus
pect. It appears Walton had gone out
from this city Saturday and had been
hanging around the g'.ore all day Mon
day, none knowing what his business
was. Then it was determined that the
g!as had been cnt with a diamond which
is also used by painters as a DUtty knife.
These, with many other evidences,
pointed strong ')' to him as the rinht man,
a .d he was arretted. Mr. Walton has
never been loukpd upon as that sort of
a man by people here, and many are
surprised that he slicnld have gjtteu
mixed np in snrh an affair.
Deputy Suton returned last night, at
which time no date hud been set for the
A t hlld Knjoxa.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothim; effect of Syrup of Fir, hen in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the mod
gratifying results follow Its ore; to that
it is the best family remedy known and
every family should havo a bottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrnp Co.
Three horsej Juno 18, 1S99, described
as follows: two weighing about 1400
each. Ooe a light chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Black horse branded
C on left shoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weighing about 1200; reached
rrane. A liberal reward for information
of the herealout, or the return of
same. A. Masox, J. Bats. Contractors,
Viento, Or., or E. V. Husband, Motier,
Or. j2S-lm
"What m'ght have been" if tl at
little cough hadn't been neglected,'! the
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. One Minute Cough Cnre cure
cough and Cjlds. Butier Drog Co.
ThotiMnri are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of'a Cream Babn, the most effective cure
for Cntarrh and Cold in Heed, we hare pre.
pered a generons trial aize for 10 cent.
Get it of your drnggint or send 19 rent to
TXT BROS., 60 Warren Bt., K. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the wont kind
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
cure, bat Ely' Cream Balm eeeme to do
even that Many Bcqnaintaneee have need
it with excellent reaulta. Oacar Oatrum, I
45 Warren At., Chicago, 111.
Ik Wind
f V
S -v 1
We have lately taken the agency for the Aermo
ter Windmill, and carry a stock on hand.
We also carry a com plete stock stock of Deep and
Shallow Well Pomps, as well a Pitcher Spout and
Spray Purups. See us before bnyiug elsewhere.
The Aermotor Mill is considered the best ma
chine on the market. Call and eee it.
Anti Freezing Windmill Force Pumps,
This pump has been perfected to m?et the requirements of the principal Winl
mill manufacturers in the United States, for a better Windmill Forca Pump, whhi
three way valve, thaa had heretofore been produced. It has become the leading Anti
Freezing'three way pump, an 1 is accepted by Windmill manufacturers and dealeri
generally, as the best three way Wind'nill Force Pump on the market. The Union
Klhow C mpling for connecting to the underground discharge pipe is of Braw inJ
... hi (lia r.ff Ilia r rA Ta all. i.homKAv - n . i
diameter, wmcn insure ease oi opereuon anu n aieauy now oi water. Tue Hose Coop. A
Kng on the spout also adds to the convenience of this pump. 9
MJUER & BENTON, caoty: The Dalles, Or. J
Curiosity Displayed Kcrrtln Crlml
nala aod Their Victims Alia
in I'rlTate Lire.
For a paper which just hits the nail on
the head and attacks wrong in a msnner
which is commendable, and calculated
to shovr them up in a fearless manner,
which ehcu'd make the guilty parties
hide their faces in very shame, com
mend us to the Telegram.
Iftheieisa trait of human nature
which is disgusting to those who have a
spark cf refined feelings, it ia the morbid
curiosity which prompts, not only the
riffraff, but those who claim to be re
spectable people, to snarm about a jail
where an a leged murderer or other
criminal is confined, in the hope of gain
ing a glimpse at the prisoner. The more
henious the crime he is charged with,
the more anxious do they appear to
strew flowers in his pathway or heap at
tention upon him. Equally as revolt
ing is the habit of fairly troddiug upon
one another in the effort to gaiu d-the reins,
It i not urprUing during these
beautiful evening9, when to many are
taking advantage of the opportunity to
enjoy a rid and thus benefit by the
cooling atmotphere. that accidents or-
I rtilnna 1 1 ninn 11. a fc t
FJy. Cream Balm ia the acknowledged IZ 7 'J . " . 7 "r"1
ure foe catarrh and eonteina no cocaine, :M won n 001 u"n P'. partlco-
mitUnce to the morgue where is the
corpee of his victim. What possible satis
faction can there be in gnzing upon the
lifeless features of a poor unfortunate
who has met such a fate as did Clara
Fitch last week in Portlaud, and yet the
papers tell ns that it would seem one
half of the populace of that city visited
the morgue in the endeavor to gain a
glimpse of her face.
Not alone do we eee this trait ex
hibited in sucbcjse?, but the inqutaitive
ness displayed at a private funeral is
only another feature of the same innate
curiosity; when many who in life per
haps had never seen the one whom
friends are paying the last respects to,
or at any rate, had never spoken with,
hasten to the home (which perhaps will
scarcely accommodate the nearest friends
of the deceased) merely through a feel
ing borne of cuiiosity. Often have we
seen mothers lift the infant child to
gaze upon the features of one whom the
little one had never seen and could not
realize w hat it ail meant, but returned
home to have its dreams disturbed by
the myslery which had been thus par
tially revealed to it.
These are unpleasant subjects upon
which to dwell, but nevertheless have
become ao familiar to all that it is im
possible to pass them by unnoticed.
Regarding the case now being tried in
Portland and touching on the same
subject, the Telegram says :
" Morbid and disgusting curiosity,
springing from the soil of silly mind
and operating in an atmosphere of bad
manners, brings a swarm of silly young
female to the city jail, eager for a
chance to gaze longingly upon the
prisoner McDaniel. These mentally and
morally unlovely specimen of femininity
would hug and kis him if they could,
on ihe theory that he ia a local Durrani
and a monster who after Injnring one of
their sex during her life strangled her to
death. Tbu isn't proved yet, by a long
way ; but these idiotic creature suppose
he ia guilty j otherwise they wouldn't be
"stuck" on him. It is a pity the whole
warm can't be locked np for sixty
the buggies, and the little care which
the rider) seem to take to keep from
under the horses' hoofs.
What might havo been a very serious
accident took place Wednesday night at
8:45, on the courthouse corner, when a
team diiven by James Simonson collided
with Frauk Menefee's horse and buggy.
Tho former was going up Union street
and about to turn the corner of Third,
and Mr. Menefee, who had Prof. Gilbert
out driving, was coming down the
street. It was quite dusk, but the
gentlemen claim they had plenty of
room to pass had not several little girls
on whncls attempted to turn the corner
at the same time, and to avoid running
over them Mr. Simonson gave his horse
a slight turn, coming in contact with the
wheels of Mr. Menefee' buggy. This
frightened the horee, which reared up
and almost got its feet into the other
buggy, The tongue struck Mr. Gilbert
on the left leg, but in some manner he
succeeded in getting out cf the buggy.
Mr. Menefee also got cut, but held to
until seeinir Mr. Gilbert'
condition, and knowing how helpless he
was to get oat of the horse's way, he
let go of the reins and went to his is A number had gathered, and it
was soon found he was not seriously
hurt, having received a slight bruise on
the leg which was injured before, and
another bruise on bis arm. He was
shaken up pretty badly, anil in his
weak, helpless condition, it ia a mercy
he was not killed. Mr. Huntingirn
came along with his buggy and con
veyed Mr. Gilbert to his home. He
has not been able to walk at all, merely
crawling about, and has creatiy ei j iyc-d
ths ride which Mr. Mene.'ee has given
Being let loose, Menefee's horse lit
out for Second street, and in front of
the poiitolllce lie r in became entangled
in the wheel and slackened his ppeed,
when Lewi Porter stopped him.
The young lady who was diivinu with
Mr. Simonson jumped from the buggy
and was not hurt. Mr. Simonson sron
got his team under control.
It was an accident in which no one
seemed to be to blame, and was, after
all, a fortunate one for those concerned.
As Mr. Gilbert said to his family, "I
am a subject for congratu'ation." To
hi friends he seem to be particularly
unforlunate as regard accidents.
An Honest Man.
Jsis. Rlmonsnn and Frank Munrfae Col
lide While Out Driving -Mo
Ssrlons Injury.
mercury nor any lnjnrtcm draft. Trie.,
V eente. as arnggiaia or VJ mau.
larly so wbeo wa consider the number of
bicycles which (lid to and fro among
Some time ego Gov. T. T. Geer received
a call from a discharged Convict, who,
like many of the men in I.I condition,
desired financial afsisstance, to enable
him to reach some point where he could
secure work. The man, who wa a
cripple, did not ask for a large nx, fl
being all he required. The governor told
him that many similar call were made
upon him, and he could not furnish all
discharged prisoner with mean to be
gin life anew, bnt, in Ihi case, he
would assiat the petitioner, npon the
latter' promise to refund the amount,
when he earned money and could apare
it. This wa several months ago, and.
one day last week, the governor received
several letter from Ihe ex-prismer.tit.
ing that he had earned money oj tu
sheep range in Eastern Oregoti.sndthit
he would forward the amount of hi deb!
at the first opportunity. This wwktU
money came, in the shape ot t moat;
order for fl. Governor Geer it much
pleased, not cn account of tb moon
involved, but for the honesty ihosn bj
the ex-prisoner. Sulem Statefman.
Ask your '
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
lujurious drag
It la quickly Absorbed.
Gives Ilelief at once.
It onens nnd cleanses
the Nasal I'nsssgrs.
AII.m rnfl.tnmalinn
TI...1. I.i.t. ,h V..inhrH. RMlomtM
8ene of Taste and bmell. Full oueK.jTra
Vun lOe. ; at Drnirgists or by mail.
bLY JsOTUEii.6 Warren BtnwtHetl
A Beautiful Skin.
T xtlo If run rfore trali.mront. Clear III
fresh complexion me Dr. llourd"ii'
Arsenic Complexion U s ers. Their efiett B
Imply maical possmlnn the wlwra loet
In producing and preserving a beautilul tone
psrency and peiluclil rloariicxi of cnmpleiu
slmpelr contour of form, brilliant ;w, a
and kmooth sain where the revere exUUJtva
the conrsest and most re,.ulve klii.nurraHi
freckles, moth, blackheads, p.mplo. '"
r.dness, vellow and muddy ckln arc rroawnt
ly removed, and a duliciounly clear and nana
Price per ciimll Nix. !J0 r?nt: 1rpebx.
Mill l n J -."--r
plx tnrpre boxen, .
prtid mid under in
tlie abore amount.
pNfd mid under .UIn wri-wr ui-i rrwipi
w in iur Ill-ST V--"
The Parisian Drns: Co,
l:,l Montgomery St,Min Kranciseu Csl
1 1
HtstsinVlf ALIKi
Cures Impotcncy, KIpht Emission"
irllnff ll jnnaoa. .ill Cllt'CtS Of W
A?"iS2i obuse, or exccsJ and inJ
crctio'n. AiK-rvctonlcaK
ff-3ftt . llrilfStM
,i rdnk row to lccheeksand
fr,V restores the lire of J1
By mall fiOc pt h:0;"
lor '.'.r0; with ft written gua'"
'. I .l.o mOllCJ
coo to euro or rciuim
iifnuia mm e-niraL CO.
ivunvi i m mc-wiw-
Clinton eV Jackson Sts., CHICACfV
Give Schilling's Best
tea linking Pwlcr
cotlee flavoring extracts
soda and spites
a chance to tell their own
story, and get your mo
ney back here, if the story
doesn't please you. 140
For sal by
Yandugn, Adams & Co.
Tyjh Valley, Off.
Under the direction of th
Sisters of the Holy Name of
Jesus end Mary.
This InatltiiMnn U T1ently 'I'fjw
Ihe Columbia on the Hue of the I
hence It la easy ol excess for sll in
sire lo secure a oomfoi Uhlc houi" V or
aire Nest ol lesrnln- for their ,,)
ards The bx sllnn of the Acai
tho most ht-slthy on the rsrlllc sM. .
lion of Orriroii belns; proverbial " J ' wry.
water, emhrsclna air and .lMiir-lie w
Th. Acleiny is Tncorporat.-I and author"-
.... . ' . ... . i.. l.i.nrs.
ine nun. i', conrer Acif mi. ?" , . .par
lb Hint and tuition per "''"''"...Jnliei
Hllldlea Mill b resumed I ue
Kor dt lullcd Information
Horses lo
Horses. For terms appu
t0 WM. WATERMAttfl
At M. M. Waterrosn's.on
last, In th.. city. ,
watch. Waltham movement. .
reward (a offered to th finder if rem
a v.llina. " "
to Ibis ofnes or to fc. w