THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JULY 26 1899. Saturday Pally. Dick Griffith, one of John Daj'i lead ing sheepmen, it io the city. O. Kinertly r returning paesen lr from Portland last evening. Mr. sad Mrs. Kicbard Hinton and family are in from Bakeovea for a few days. Mrs. G. V. Sander and family left this morning to join the camper at Cticadee. Retr. AlfreJ Herrin returned last night from an extended Hip in the Valley towns. Mr. and Mr. D. L. Cates returned to their tome at Cascade on yeiterJay't afternoon train. Miss Florence Hilton returned to Portland this niornin. after spending a few day with friend here. Ernest LaedJeman, of French & Co.'a bank, left thii morniuz tu spend a two- week' vacation in Portland and at the beach. Mr. C. II. Uleim and ton made the trip from Portland on jesterday' after noon train, returning by boat thii morning. Mr. O. J. Lewi and Mr. R. G. Davenport returned last night after a visit in Portland and a thort time at liwaco beach. O. D.Taylor and daughter. Miss Anna, went to Portland thia morning. The latter will attend the Chautauqua at Gladstone park. Mis Louise Ruch returned on the afternoon train from Spokane, where he ha cpent a month with her sister, Mr. James Sutherland. Mr. and Airs. K. B. Dnfur and family went to Spragoe this morniog, where they will make camp and where Mr. Lhifur and the children will spend the warm weather. F. W. Wilson returned this efter Boon from Wasco, where be helped cel ebrate yesterday. Fred says Sherxan coonty people know how to enjoy them seise and are brim full o' patriotism. Monday' Daily. Wm. Kelsay came in from Antelope yesterday. Geo. Johnston came in from bis home at Dufur today. L. E. Crowe left yesterday afternoon tot a short trip to Portland. II. Glenn left Saturday to join bis family at the seaside. A. A. Keller went dowu to join bis family at Sprague today. Archie McCulIy returned last night from Cascade much improved in health. Leo Newman it op from Portland to spend a few day visiting bit friends here. Mrs. Alics Sheldon has returned from a three-weeks visit with friends in Portland. Mifses Melissa and Julia Hill left this morning to spend their vacation at Ocean Park. Miss Fannie Schwartz, of Vancouver, who spent yesterday in the city, returned houe today. Mies Hilda Beck, who has pnt some months past with friends in Portland, returned nouie Saturday evening. Mies Harris, a teacher in the Port land schools, arrived in the city last night and is the guest of Miss Butler. Mis Ua Foss, m ho has been teaching in the neighbo-hood of TrontJ Lake, came np from Hood River yesterdav to this city. W. E. Walther arrived home from Portland yesterday, accompanied by Mr. WaHher, who ha been under the care of physicians there. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherar returned to their borne at Sberar'e Bridge Saturdav accompanied by Mrs. C. M. Grimes and ber daughter, Miss Pearl. Mrs. II. Nielsen and family were pas eenpors this morning on the boat, bound for Ocean Park, livritco leach, wbese tbey will spend the summer. Mr. M. Lyle and danghter, Miss Alice, left this morning for Portland, the former to spend a few weeks and the latter to remain during the summer. Zuhary Taylor arrived in the city Saturday evening from Spokane, on bis way to Antelope. Mr. Taylor's sin is under the care of Dr. Sutherland at that place. The ladies of The Dalles, who are interested in l-eaiuifnl needlework, will beuladto know of Mrs. Hamric k's ar rival. Display at A. M. Williams. Newest designs from Chicago. Charles Clarke catne np from Hood River Saturday, and left yesterday to spend a short vacation at Dufur. Charles says hunting in that vicinity is good. Wonder if he won't capture a oear r Otis Patterson mads a trip to Prrtland Saturday afternoon aud returned yes terday accompanied by Mrs. Pattereen, who has spent some time there. She will return Saturday and make a trip to the seaside. Mis Deli.i Greeley, the young Eastern milliner, who was the priest of Mrs. Marie Perrano during hr brief visit in the early spring, and who accepted a position in tlm iiio't. fshionabl mil-1 liner store at Walla Walla, i ulti it. ' Kaeti 01 yj rs. rerrano. Frank Pell n If and wife. mhi I.avp been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dellnff lor ten Hay pat. left thia mornintf r.n their way to their home in York. Penn. They were accompanied lo Portland bv Mr. Teter DeHulT. Mis Kate Baird, who has been the truest of Mis Carrie Butler, retnrned to net home in Portland. She was mom panied as far as Cacad' s by Miss Carrie, who will spend some time with Miss Grace Hobaon in camp there. Taeaday s Daily. R.J. Gorman went to Hoo J River to. lay. Deputy Government Inspec'or Bntler It in the city. II. E. Bartho'emew cam down from Pendleton yesterday. Prof. Birgf!d was a passenger on the biat front Spragae last evening. Mita Christint JJ'cksJieo relumed last night from a week stay In camp at Syrague. B. !- Murchie came down from Wasco yesterday and (peat today transacting bntinees bere. C. M. Elklns. the Lyle merchant, came np on business yesterday, return ing th:s morning. Mrs. F. W. McCone and family "1; j,ia the camper at boragne, caving. voac down this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Metca.f, c , an- I Ciuver. Wadi., are vismug his mother,. Mrs. M. A. Ewing, of this city. j W. P. Watson, an old-time Dalles; .. i . resident, came up irom nooa iuver lasi n-ght and spect today in the city. Last evening Mrs. Dcnnell and Mrs. M. Z. Douneil and fun.ilv returntd from tbtii campir.g trip at Cascade. Mrs. Mary Downey came up from Var cuver yesterday to be present at the laneral tf Ler brother, Geo. Young, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Wells returned last night from a few day.' with Mr. in.l Mrs. A. Henderson at hlte Salmon. Mrs. J. P. Abbott and children and r , . i . ; tv. V'"'0 , 1.. :':""'""! yesieraay ana leu ior xoriiaca oy uob. this morning. E. R. Allen, the advance agent for the Shaw Dramatic Company, is in the city today making arrangements for the tn gage'meut of bis company in this city. M. Holden, representing the Park Dvis drug company, of Detroit, is in the city in the interest of bis company He is accompanied by Mrs. Holden. This morning Paul Kreft left for Portland, where he goes to consult specialists regarding his case. He will also visit the seaside before returning. E. B. Clark, agent for theO. R. A N. at Hood li ter, panied by Mrs. Clark, spent yesterday with Mrs. M. Parkin on their way to rpend tbe:r vacation at Roslyn, B. C. John Beckit, traveling freight agent for the Rio Grande Western, is in the city from Portland. Mr. Beckit was a former school chum of H. W. French in DeKalb, III., and stopped off to spend the day with Hal. Mrs. Bacbroadt, of Portland, who baa been the guest of Mrs. Wm. Brnen.ou the Washington sido of the river, is now visitinic Mrs. A. Buchler. She will leave tomorrow for Portland. Mrs. Mensing end daughter, Miss Tessie, who have spent the past two weeks with friends here, left thin morn ing for their home in Tacoma. Mri. Mensing was formerly a resident of The Dalies, and this is her firet visit In seven years. MAUKIED At the home of the bride's parents in Dufur, July 19, by Rev. O. V. White, Miss Alice Powell, of Dufur, and Mr. A. Barzee, of The Dalles. Remarkable Reaeun. Mrs. Michael Cirtain, PiainfHd, 111. makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her f:mi1y physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopsles victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to ber delight found herself benefited from the first dose. She con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well; now does ber own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottte of this Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough ton's dru;; store Only 50 cents and fl. Every bottle guaranteed. 6 Fhfi. n Pri Wv- ili-vvv T is growu in t;:5 ! dii':rict cf Ceriaii cf! SrFPIAT.T.V prepared to f;i;it tl:e Ar:e:icar. trade. It h packed on the garden where, i:i c;i3-rou::d. liulf-r.our.d r.nd nnrffr-nmitirl soldered air-li.jht lend r.-ack.tcs, thereby rstasahts all its wonderful fragrance. It h sc-lt1. cv.i- it: these lead j-acka-es never in bulk. If you want the very l;c-,t icn, cuk your giocer for KAL'AN. OWNERS Of THE CELEBRATED CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, COFFEE, BAKING PONDER EXTRACTS AND TABLE LUXURIES. Franklin (VJacVeagh & Co., Chicago. -KOI SALES BY- PEG & PIS Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula it the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often the result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S. fa fc , remedy which goe deep , . ! enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out f fa ud curei worst cases. !C!uri,;T' '"'J? T .'"Z with fiemfu i. and ha nfrml aa that it was - ... ... H , brad and body ware a , mass of aorea, and bU jeyeaight also became ar e dThkTw. ihourht would relieve - aim. "but he grvw worse V. f ; until hi ooiictitiou w t.. . - , ; indeed piuaMe. HudwJ j X.'Tured. '.. ,....,, .i I e nlm 8- s- ' ! iSvifl'a Snecinr). A tie eided Imororf mcnt wu the result, and after ne naa taken a dosen bottles, no one of his former dreadful condiUon would hara ne naa utcen a oosen ootiiea. no one vno anew reeaniiie,i him. All the sorea on tola bocr have healed, his skin is perfeetli lv clear aud smooth, and ha has been restored to perfect ! health. Mas. 8. S. Mabky. 990 Kim St., Macon, tia. For real blood troubles it is a waste of time to expect a cure from the doc tors. Blood diseases are beyond their skill. Swift's Specific, S.S.S.rBlood reaches all deep-seated case which bther remedies have no effect upon. It it the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot ash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Comlaf Next Week. The Dalles is to ba congratulated upon the comiug engagement of the Shaw Company, which will be seen at the Baldwin opera bouse for a week, com mencing Monday, July 31st. The company is one of the best known organizations of its kind in the West, having been playing on the coast for the past five seasons. And although they are strangers here now, it is safe to pre dict that their friends in The Dalles will be legion before the week is paet. Their repertoire is composed of the latest np to-uato fcaatern successes which are produced with that careful attention to detail, whirl) cannot fail lo bring forth a satisfactory result in the performances. Each play is cast with the idea to fit each part to the actor who has to por tray it. Special scenery is carried for each piece. The costumes are elaborate, and, what is uore to the point, they are correct. The company's orchestra isoneofthe be?t oiganizitions of its kind on the playing all classes of music from the heavy classes to the modern "Rag time" melodies thus touching in turn a responsive chord in every heart. Their band parade, concert and military is a feature of each day, Thomas Rhoads, Ceuterfield, O., writes : "I suffered from piles seven or eiht years. Xo remedy gave me relief until DeWitt's Witch liazel Salve, Uss than a liox of which permanently cured me." Soothing,, perfectly harm less. Bewati of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. h th 17$M$A aada I VviVa w pricJ. J, T7 : Y' V ' Exclusive Bps FIRE AT CASCADES. The Sew Milt a AdJolaU Balld B(a leatryd lO.OOO Uamafra. Word reached the city atout 2 o'clock this afternoon that the fate of Cascade Lock was bangicg in the balance; that a destructive fire was raging, and as the wind was high and there was no means of fighting It fucessfully, the entire loan was liable to go. The fire started from a pile of sawdust which is continually burning near the new Rnsscil fc Smith siw mill, and the mill was soon ablz?. Everyone fought it as if frantic, but in vain, the main building and all adjoining buildings used by the company were soon de stroyed. A bigh wind was blowing in the op posite direction from two large structures I near by, and the only way to save the town was to secure them. Everything was removed from them, bnt a the wind kept in the tame direction thev were saved, and with them the little city. Word wa sent here to Sheriff Kelly, who authorized a deputy to take charge of goods carried out of buildings. It looked very dubious for a time there and the residents began to fear their property was doomed. The loss to the company is about $10, 000. The conflagration is doubly on fortunate as the mill Gas been finished bnt a few months, and was first-class in every respect. All of the books and valuable papers are said to have been saved. OPINION OF ONE WHO KNOWS What Secretary Wllaoo Thinks ot East ern Oregon. Regarding his trip in Eastern Oregon last Friday, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson said among other things: "I consider the ride np the Columbia to be the finest on earth, I have never seen its equal. "Above the dalles I saw an orchard which proved to me that fruit will do wonders there. The only mistake made was in putting out varieties of trees whose fruit is designed for immediate consumption. If such an orchard was near a large city, it would be a money maker instead of having its fruit wasting on the ground as now. The owner will change the variety of his trees and make the place a paying proposition. I con sider the dried fruit industry of Eastern r . uregon as one oi great promise. I pro- prose to buy and ship some dried fruit from the Columbia valley and send it to the Orient on trial, and publish full details of results, and will do the same with canned salmon. ' This is my first visit on the Pacific coast and I am thoroughly looking into your resources. The posnibilities for this western country ore simply wonder ful. It is just budding into an imuienee imuu wuii trie tjrieni. i visited a steamer a few days ago at Tacoma being loaded for the East. There was cotton from Alabama, tobacco, Milwaukee beer, oleomargarine, machinery and many other products of this lund. A few years ago the goods wero shipped from west to the Atlantic, but now the tables have turned and the tide of trade has started westward for the Orient. There are great possibilities in the trade with China, Japan, the Philippines and other eastern lands. I am a firm be liever in expansion and I believe all you western people are of a like mind, at any rate you should be. "In regard to your lumber trade, at the preetnt rate of destruction to your timber in fifteen years you will be short. It is cause for alarm the great damage being done to your forests by Ore, and at present I have a man in the Geld to investigate the matlor of preserving the timbers of this slate. The Em is draw ing on your toft woods, besides the Orient and your home consumption, and with all these markets, beside the great daTiaKe by fire, the splendid forests of this state will soon be de pleted." The amount of sickness in our city and the Cimionici.k'h bint Saturday as to the water being the caue, Iirs awakened interest in the matter and the question will be canvnssed thoroughly in the immediate future. It is not a matter to be trifled with, for the health of theentire community is hanging on the du ixlon to be made by our citizens re.ardir,g it. No place has a better op- portiirnly to secure the purest, clearest water than The fallis, and it is the height of folly to neu'ect If. With sn expenditure of 1 15,000 a pipe can be laid, as far as the Wick's place, or beyond, escaping all the farms It now run through and is used to Irrigate. The water in the large reservoir is said to be better, being taken in at Mespiie's, bat that of the small reservoir, which I re ceived near the Bennett place, Is the cause of the most disturbance. A meet ing should be called at once and some action taken in the matter. JTo doubt every comomer I ready to do bis share, Improved Magazine cyclone are win ner. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly show them to yon. 5 repair shop. 1 1 Undertaker W AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Cunsmlth, and Machine work. Charles Burchtorf.oppS. The Busy Store. Each day our business shows the people are finding out we are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Tie Dalles. Portland an! Astoria Navigation Co.' Relator Dalles City DhIIjt (cxocjit HundnY) bttwecn Tho Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way rnin nn both aide, of the iniunirjia river. Moth nt th nbo"e nti-dineni hnve boen rebuilt, and are in vxcvlkr.t hnio for the M-.-o.ori of iwj. 1 ho Krculalnr l.tnr Mill rodi'nvor to give ll pHtruua trie b;kt aervke jmmiblo. Kor Cnirrt, Kr into my and I'lraanm, travel by the atinmcis of The Itrculator The above ntciimera lenve The lnllr nl a m. and I'ortliiiid Ht 7 a. in., and nrnvo at ik'Mliiu-, Uon In .niil- time fur outgoing train. Portland )!!e. ne ,,,,, n!af Oak 6t. D.k . court Btr.t W. C. Allaway, (jenerul A sent. BROS (iEN'KHAL .' Wagon and Carriage Vork. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I TMrd aai Jet. Ptone 159 F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Por. Sccoiifl & LaDnbliD, ' Ttoue 157 BlacKsmitls ...AND... Rooms on Third Street One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3w 33s any awoi"" rABT TIME aCHIDULI. 1 FOB iaOM Dallis. fuZ1 Fast 8alt Lake, Denyer, Ft ?. Mail Worth, Omaha, KanJ M.II 11:50 p.m. ana City, tit. Louii, ;u,B Chicago r.nd Eat, Bpokane Walla Walla, gpokant, Swku. Hyer Miuneanolia. St. I'aul, 'fu 5:40 p.m. on 1 u t b, Milwaukee, 5:00,., Chicago and East. 8 p.m. Fbom Portland. ip.B, Ocean Sremblps. For oan Francisco Jaouary !U, and every live days thereafter. 8 p. m. 4 a. n Ex.Bunday Columbia Ry. gteamern. Ex.bun4 To Astoria and Way! Saturday Landings. 1 10 p. m. 6 a.m. Willahktti Riven. I Ex.Bunday Oregon City, NewbergvELbundij buiem Ji Way Land n. 7 a. m, Willamtt and Va- 8:30 b m. Tnca.Th'.ir. hill Kiveks. Mon.,Hl aud bhi, Oregon City, Diiyton.j audfri. aud Way ljindings. 6 a. m. Willam KTTK Rivra. I 4:30 p. nr. TucThnr,, Portland to Corvallis. Tue., Ihrrr and Sat. and Way-ljuidings. and Sal Bnakk Rivkr. Ijmvi Lt Rlpnrla Ripuriu to Luwlnton. Liwinol dui.y daily TV Partiea desiring to go to Ut-ppr er abonid take No. 4. leaving 'I he linllcfl at 6::!0 p. ra making direct ronneciiona at ilcppner junction Kfhirnlng maliingdlri'ctcoiiiiection at Heppner Junction with No, 1, arriving at The Uaiiea at 1:16 p. m. No. 82, through! freight, ent bound, dot (4 carry paanengcra; arttvea X:S0 a. ro., dtparli 3:50 a. in. No. -u, local freight, earrli-a pastenirert, uil bound; arnvcn 4 U p. in., dcpurU :15 p. ra. No. 21, went b.piiud through freight, duo i carry paaacngera; arrive :li p m., derrB ::) p. m. No. 23, weat bound local freight, cirriea p cngera; arrirea S:lo p. m., ocparU8:3iia. m. For full particnlnra call on O. P.. 4 N. Co-'" agent The lialie. or addreaa W. If. IIUKLBCBT, Gen I'aa. Agt., l orUand, Or, OlTtr traveler clioire of the folloin routes east. They are all famont M their tcenic attraction. O. H. A N. view Og.ien ami Penw MiRHta Kunto view SaciameiitOjOgie11 and Denver. . Khaeta Kont view S;cramen!o, W Angele nml Allrerqnercjiie. s A clailv line of through VUIM PALACE ami TOUKIST iSl.ELPEF. from San Francisco and !) Angeleiw Chicago. This Is rhe Short Line from southern California To the East. Am.1v to the neont of tho O. K. A: Co. or the undersigned, for folder" u dencriptivo literature. J. J. PF.VKIil.i"' iinn. Agt. Worcester. VAj. Pr rllan l."'1 NOTICE. f. R. l.AKDOrrni!,Thc'.orc. Notice la hereby given thai tb' "r'l,,r ci'iiilierH. I.vil, temiMinirllv wlthdriiwli'" illKpnanl, for Ilia pnrH.a..-a of I""-' r,""""iol Hvcn t nil i" """ ,..,, Inmla on the aouih .ide anil wiinin .j tho Crilunilil river, helwten l he ""'". . ( clllo, haa lie.Mi revokeil bv lh pre.n 1' Cida.' to the following d.wcriti-d r"r,,,l":,?,'n, hi. N.f Heeai.fl N.HII K, ; ) ',5 ilMiut four and one hnlf acre', ami t h ,'"'b,jUi hcNW u.HecJI. T 2 N. 11 15 K, eoulnl'dl'1 " ie,i the aliout four and one hull ai re', ami ' " , ' ,i,,ul nun an Hi r. liilf an Hi r.". rrciHl' On and after rVptember I, irf ipplliallona lor any vacant . 1 " " ' ' a liereln. 1- ' f.tir. OTIH PATTKRNON, jly.6l Keeelvur. NOTICE OF FINAL BETTLEMEST. Notice la ben-by given Ilia! h ""''''."he'r haa lllr. I hla llnaf acrinmt aa exeeuror i i.t. ..i ti.. . .lib tua clerk ' count rourt of theautte of Oregon, fo' .,,, county, and that Thnraday.the l:lth '"!" couutv, and that Thnraday.the mm f " I mm, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. r" llxeil aa (he lima and the county e " Halloa Cilyaalhe p'aee forth hear nrr (J J.-ellona loaald dual account a"11 aettli""- aalil e.tuti.. vnlil'll. Sap Fe p :nlid July 1:1, IKiS. Jun 14 I