THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JULY 19 1899 rSBSOMAI. MMTIOS. Saturday's Daily. MiM Kate Baird. of Portland. la in tbe city, the guest of Mist Carrie Butler. m.rnr Gilbert acouipanied the family of Prof. UrrgfeM toColiint' Lnd log todty. Mn. A. G. Bathrodt, of Portland, it pending tome weeks with Mr. and Mrt. Brane, at Kockland. Mies Maude Warren returned to Hood Biver this morning, having spent tome day aith tbe Mitset Nickelten. Jees Dunbar, one of Goldendale'e leading young men, rame over from that berg yesterday and will return to morrow. Mita Christina Xickelsen left for Collins tbi morninp, where tbe will join tbe family of J. Leut wbo are camping there. Prof, and Mrt, Vm. Birgfeld and family hare chosen Collina Landing at tbeir favorite camping place and left this morning ou the boat bound tbilher. For the past week Archie McCully bat been confined to hit room with tonsilitis, and, with the hope of receiving benefit from tbe change, left tbit morning lor the camping district at Cascade!. Sayre, Earl, Carl and Philip Rinehart loined the campers at Caeca Jet today The dots are going into the camp for the summer with the intention of get ting all the fun they can out of it. The camping ground at Cascades will be populated by Dalles people soon. This morning Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cush in and family and Mrs. W. H. Hobson and family left on the Regulator to spend the summer at that favorite resort, Monday's Dally. Bert Bane.t it np from Portland. II. D. Parkina left on tbe boat this morning for Cascades. O. Kinersly was a passenger on the boat this morning for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of Portland are guests of Sheriff and Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. M. T. Nolan and two children left this morning for a visit in Portland. F. S. Hamilton, a prominent sheep man from Trout Creek, is in the city today. Mr. and Mre. J. Rees returned Sator diy night from a camping trip to Sprague. Mijs Daisie Allaway returned Satur day evening from their camp at Lower Cascades. Mies Vesta Bolton returned last night from a three weeks visit in Portland and Oregon City. Will Whelan, representing D. M. Iann & Co., is in the city today repre senting bis company. E. Jncobsen returned from Portland last night, and will leave Wednesday for a trip into the interior. Messrs. W. II. Wilson and D. S. Dufur returned yesterday from Fossil, where they have been on legal business. Mise Nora Turner, of tbe Baptist Sentinel, left this mornine for Bridal Veil, where she will spend her vacation with fiiends. Thos. Maloney, accompanied by his Bister, left this morning for Stevenson. He is improving slowly and hopes to re ceive great benefit. Misses Frankieand Mattie FilzGerald, lormeri? uanet girls, arrived fridav evening, and will spend a few dayt of their vacation here. Mrs. E. L. Smith and daughter, Mist Anna, came np from Hood River Satur day evening and are guests at the home oi airs. w. . Myers. Mrs. J. B. Condon end grandson, Vinion, leu cn me early morning train on their way to the S. French cottage at Seaview, Ilwaco beach. Alfred Huot, who has been attending the Portland business college, returned on the boat Saturday evening and left for his home on 8-Mile later. Mr. and Mrt. Robt. Cooper, of 3-Mile, left the city yeeterday alternoon for Hood River, to be present at the funeral of their niece, Cynthia Dimmick. Mrt. O. W. Lcwit and ber daughter, Mrs. R. G. Davenport, left on yester day's afternoon ttain for Portland. From there they will visit the seaside. M. Z. Donnell has returned from Cas cades, where he spent a week in camp. He reports that place rapidly being pop ulated with Dalles people and uiany camps made. This morning Mrs. Truman Butler and Miss Virginia Marden left for Centralia, Wash. They will there be joined bv Mrs. Dysart and together leave for Kkaguay, Alaska, to sptnd several weeks in that famous little city. Mrs. II. Glenn and daughters, Misses Bertie, Grace and Hattie, left this morn ing bound for Seaview, Ilwaco beach, to spend the summer. Mr. Glenn hat erectec" a neat cottage there and thev anticipate a more enjoyable time, if possible, than during any'previons year. Mrs. W. W. Floyd, nee Miss Nellie Fulton accompanied by her two children, Ruth and Leland, arrived on the morn . ing train from their home at Rilsville, Wash. Mrt. Floyd is well and favorably kr.own throughout tbit country, nnd hat oeen awny irom our city for about eight years. Her many friends welcome her back with her two pretty children to spend me summer bere and on the coast. Tuesday's Dally. J. II, Griffin, of Portland, is a vlritor n me cny. Mrs. Js. Ireland went to Cascades to- aay to tpend a few weeks in camp. She was accompanied by ber sister. Mrs. J. M. Filloon and the Misses Crooke.of Prineville, left on the boat this morning, on their way to the seaside. Mr. Chat. Marab, of Athena, is in the city attending tbe Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W. and is the guest of Rev. Rushing. Fred Tielsen, a very wsrm friend of the late Edward Jenkins, arrived on last night's train to attend tbe funeral this evening. Dr. Philbrook, of Salem, Is spending few days in The Dalles making in quiries regarding tbe city with the view to locating here. Leslie Butler returned from Centralia last night, accompanied by bit grand children, Lloyd and Avis Dytart, who will spend the tumwer here. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen left on the 11 :45 train last night bound for their childhood homes in Denmark. They will be absent a beat two months. G. S. O. Humbert, of the Eugene Di vinity School, is in The Dalles today in tbe interest of that institution, and re ports splendid tuccest in our city. Frank Dellaff. a brother of P. W. De Huff, accompanied bv bis wile, it in tbe city from York, Pa., vidtiog Mr. and Mrt. DeHuff. They will visit Mrt. Cates at Cascades tomorrow. Misset Katie and Susie Barrel), wbo have tpent the past month in Portland visiting their grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Hart, will leave this week for the Wil lows at Long beach. They will return tbe latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Guthiie and family and Mrt. A. M. Kelsay and family, boarded tbe Regulator this morn ing, bound for the camping grounds at Cascades, where they will tpend the heated term. Mrs. Wm. Michel! and Miss Minnie Michell left on the afternoon train for Portland, the former on a visit to Mrs E. E. Lvlle and the latter to attend the Cbautauqna assembly and spend the re mainder of her vacation with friends in tbe metropolis. W. J. Clark, editor of the Gervait Star, is among the delegates to the A. O. U. W. grand lodge. He is ac companied by Mrs. Clark. Mr. Clark is an Oregonian in every sense of the word, and is conversant with every section of the state, particularly tbe southern portion. MABKIED. At Warm Springs, Wednesday, July 12th, Matthew A. Brown, of Seattle, and Mies Hester A. Speer, sister of the offici ating clergyman, Rev. J. A. Speer. BORN In this city July 14, to the wife of Leopold Mayer, a son. In this citv, Tuesday morning, to the wifo of E. Cameron, a son. Schedule of Expenditure Showing the amounts of all claims pre sented, the nameo of all claimants, the article or claim for which payment is made, the amounts allowed and the claims continued or rejected at the Jnly term, 1899, of the Couny Court of Wasco county. Oregon. The following list, however, does not contain any claim for which the salary or fees are provided for by statute: Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies 56 20 Glass & Prudhouime " 41 00 Dalles Lumber Co,wcod for paup ets 3 25 C E Bayard, Juntie Peace fees. . . 101 62 ,1 II Jackson, Constable feet.... 85 50 Krank Hill, Constable fees 13 00 F Ci Connolly, Constable fees. . . 39 60 D P & A N Co, transportation of paupers 24 50 J H Cross, supplies to pauper... $ 4 75 E J Glisan, burial of pauper 20 00 Dr A O Smith, profession! eery 40 00 Dr O C Holliater, " " 40 00 Dr Win Shackleford " . " 12 50 Dr M F Shaw, " " Dr H Logan, " " A S Blowers & Son, supplies J T Peters & Co, mdse for road . . F M Warner, appraising road... . 10 00 10 00 10 55 16 39 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 vv a Hunter, " " .... H O'Neal, " " .... E L Smith, " A 8 Blowers, " " . . . . B R Tucker, " " . . . . Chronicle Pub Co, publishing and printing 70 25 D S Dufur, court reporter 7 50 II Clongh, repairing lock 1 50 II Glenn, labor and material.... 51 16 Chronicle Pub Co, printing and publishing 119 35 O T & T E Co, messages and rent 11 80 A G Slogsdill, assessing 66 00 C L Gilbert, expense account. ... 26 50 J r Neff, examining teachers. ... 18 00 Jno Gavin, examining teachers.. 18 00 Chas T Powell, assessing 30 00 Krank Hill, constable fees 63 00 C W Haight, " " 90 00 J W Koontz " " 1 00 W II Whipple, assessing 212 00 Win Michell, framing map 6 25 Robt Kelly, eheriff sundry bills.. 165 15 C I Brown, coroners juror.... 1 00 JM Huntington, " " 1 00 C W Emerson, " " .... 1 00 A G Hoering " " 1 00 S I) Garner " 1 00 M Remington, witness inquest . . 1 60 AFCailson, " " ..150 C W Emerson, " " . . 1 50 E F Sharp, surveying 4 00 W E Garretson, work on county clock - 25 00 St. Louis Art Metal C. supplies 6 40 J B Goit, turveying 24 00 GeoMcManemv, deputy astetsor 55 00 .1 W Haworth, "printing 8 50 Robt Mays, transportation pauper 5 00 N C Evans " "1 80 W II Wilson, professional services 520 00 r 8 Gunning, blacksmilhing. . . . 5 70 Hansen A lhomsen repair on clock 1 50 D W Vause, window glass 7 30 Mays Crowe, supplies county road 125 46 Dr J F Watt, professional tervicet 32 70 Dalles Lumbering Co., wood for pauper Snipes-Kinertly Drug Co, medi cine for pauper P Llmroth, trimming trees Dallea City Water Workt, water rent Robt Kelly, transportation Micbeal Bohan, quarantine guard 3 25 0 70 3 00 11 20 46 25 21 00 I, A. M. Keltay, County Clerk Wasco county, State of Oregon, for do hereby certify that the above and fore going is a full and complete statement ol tbe claims presented and action taken tbercon by the County Court of Wasco county, Oregon, sitting for the transac tion of county business at the July term, 1899, thereof, save and except all claims the salary or fees for which are provided tor by statute. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court affixed, this 18tb day of July, 1899. seal. A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk. Ask your grocer for Clarke A Falk't para concentrated flavoring extract I. tf 1 A- O. U W. AINU u. ur n. aunuiuum, oi-u ! a a x t A v 1 . i . r 0,tr 30O llgaee to Ike Grand Lodge Mow lo Our Cl7 Th Kuur. For the past few days delegates have been arriving in The Dalles, singly and in partiet, and last evening a renewed and extended delegation made tbeir annearance. until at present over 300 guests from all over tbe state are in our midst, spending the greater portion of their time in the Vogt opera house and the K. of P. hail, but on our atreets long ennrwh to form an impression of the city and its people. We acknowledge it is a very unfavor able season of tbe year for visitors to receive a fair idea of the real beauty of our city and the geniality of its citizens on account of the extreme warm weather and the fact that so many are out of town. Then, too, the heat bat a tendency to make ail feel depressed and in anything but good spirits. We, how ever, welcome the A. O. U. W. and D. of II. delegates and trust they will spend the time pleasantly among us. From reports of many whom we have had occasion to meet, we are inclined to believe a mistake has been made in their reception which will convey a wrong impression ol our people to tbeir guests. While a few members of tbe local order are doing tbeir doty in that regard, it certainly seems that had eth one done his or her best, the unnecessary trouble caused in finding entertainment for the delegates might have been obvi ated and they would not have been compelled to search for rooms them selves. We understand, however, that much of the confusion was caused by a misunderstanding with tbe proprietors of the hotels, whom it was understood could accommodate more guestt. They are now comfortably eituated and we trust nothing further will disturb their pleasure. An excursion on the Columbia tonight has been planned, and that will be a fitting reception for the first evening, which cannot fail to be enjoyed. Tbit moining the A. O. U. W. met In grand session at the Vogt opera house, with the following officers present: P. G. M. W., 8 A McFadden, Salem; G. M. W., D C Herrin, The Dalles; G. F. G., F Berchtold, Corvallis; G. O., Ralph Feeney, Portland; Recorder, Newton Claik, Hood River; Receiver, R L Dunbar, Portland; G. G., II R Cyrus, Warrtnton ;G. I. W.,J M Dixon Lafayette; G. O. W., F Rosenzwig Athena; Med. Director, Dr. D. Walker, The delegates answering to roll call were as folfbws : Hope, No 1 I S Thomas, Charles Riveare. Protection, No 2. Frank Davey, FL Williams, B F West. Temple, No 3 F Lemke, C J Crandall Fidelity, No 4 Thos Ford, J F. Burns T H Murphy. Milton, No 5 E L Malley. Si lon, No 6 E W Rea. Charity, No 7 W H Fletcher. Industry, No 8 Jno W Paddock, SC Beach, J II Misner, W A Witherell, II Clausenius, Wm Kcchler, Grant Mc Donald. Fraternity, No 9 W J Clark. Creecent, No 10 W 8 Frink. Haines, No 11 David Wilcox. Seaside, No 12 Nat Jones, Wm Kelly, r u tv ioton. Safety, No 13 W H Lee, O P Dan- nals, W H Warner. Friendship, No 14 Jesse Spencer, F P Sheasgren. Eugene, No 15 E B McElroy, L N Boney. Roseburg, No 16 L A Sanctuary. Pacific, No 17, B S French. Valley, No 13 Wm Buck. Huntingtcn, No. 19 J P Hannon. Sherwood, No 20 J N Hoffman. Aurora, No 21 Geo X Gooding. Independence, No 22 A J Wolcott. Bonner, No 23-J A Wilson. Home, No 24 55 L Dimmick. Bandon, No25 Elbert Dyer. Portland, No 27 C II Preceraider, G K Freeman, T H Feary. Harmony, No. 28 Edward Hadaway. Lyons, No 30 W R Surrey. Lafayette, No 31 J P Johnson. Almeda, No 32 W II Rambo. Tabor, No 33 J C Miller. Sheridan, No 34 T R Heider. Union, No 35 I T Mason. Soio, No 36 John B Smith. Woodburn, No 23 Wm G Walker. Honcr, No 38 Edward Palmer. Harrisbnrg, No 39 E E Upmeyer. Currinsville, No 42 E II Burkbardt. Sunrise, No 43 Allison Baker. Joseph, No 54 Albert Werxweiler. Gavel, No 55 D R Dimmick. Clackamas, No 57 J ATalbert. Helix, No 58 R II Simpson. Fall City, No 59 Joseph Fromong, J. Froman, C II Dye. Forest Grove, No 60 Jot Bailey. Hilltboro, No 61 W O Donnelton. Drain, No 62 Ira Wlmberly. Arlington, No 63 F W Tohey. Moro, No 64 H D Thompson. Grass Valley, No 65 Emmett Olds. Ashland, No 66 B D Mil kier. Brooklyn, No t7 Wm Slavard. Riverside, No 68 Geo T Prather. lone, No 69 John G Wilson. Champion, No 70 Jones Eldrldge. Weston, No 71 Geo B Proebstel. Mt Hoad, No 72 D J Bingham. Stanford, No 75 Arthur Borland. Star, No 76 N Drew. Umpqua, No 77 J F Dougherty. Naggett, No 801 K Debacy. Wstco, No 83 John O Potter. Santiam, No 86 E Miller. Monmouth, 87 S Anderson. Hontsvilie, No 90 F L Powell. Greenleaf, No 61 L II Siegel. Tualatin, No 92 Saml Galbreath. Cascade, No 94-J O Carter. Anchor, No 95 J D Ellis. Strawberry, No G6 Joseph Pruett. Medford, No 68 C W Walters. Baker, No 100 C W James. Ochoco, N 101-H P Belknap. Sunset, No 10911 II Buckner. Linksville, No 110 Geo 8 Nickerson. Josephine, 112 C L Elgerton, D S Cook. Congonville, No U3-Thos Wilson. Viola, No 114-Pbilip McBnon, T W Reenes. Junction City, No 123 J II Miller. Eureka, No 125 Donald Allison, J E Dunn. Antelope No 44 CliasT Powne. Wbitinore, No 45 W P Scriver. Elkton, No 46 J M Stork. Columbia, No 47 J L Calvert. Multnomah, No 48 J P Barkhart. Oregooian, No 49 E T Morrison. Astoria, No 50 M M Fiynn. Mission, No 57 W F Davidson. Tigardville, No 53 E F Wood. Upchurch, No 120 Richard Durkin, W A Crewson, A W Allen. Perpetual, No 131 T B Wilson. Newberg, No 192 A Bowman. LaGrande, No 133 Wm Grant. Pig Iron, No 135 Lena Davidson. Dkpree or Ho.nob. At the same hour the ladies of the D. of II. convened in the K. of P. hall, with the following officers present: P G C, of Arlington ; G C, Mrs Martha Arm strong, Salem; G L H, Miss Maggie Barker, Albany ;G C C, Mrs Stephens, Dalles; G R, Mrs Margaret Herrin, Portland; G F, Mis Minnie Mason, Lal'as; G U, Mrs Wilder Belknap, Prineville; G I G, Mrs AP Fastaband; GOG, Mrs Kipple, Medford. the past grand chiefs present are Susan Gwilt, Kate Young, Carrie Hoi man, Julia A Gault, Anna R Bewley, and Maggie Houston. The following delegates answered to roll call : Mary Bleeg, Portland ; A. F. Barnes, Portland ; Mary Peoples, Moro; Laura Smith, Baker City ; Dora Smock, Sher wood; Hattie McCorniack, Marshfleld ; Mary R. Moorehend, Junction City; Corinne Martin, Junction City; Emma Perkins, Tillamook; America Thomp son, ami City; bertha Lucas, Gardi ner; Minnie Vinton, McMinnville; Jessie Lingren, McMinnville; Fannie Wilson, Jacksonville; Mrs. V. A. Pur dick, Mrs. Mary A. Randall, Anna Kadderly, Portland; Einma Hembree, Maggie Bryan, Lifayette ; S.F. Hathwa.r, Central Point; Elizibuth Bertram, Day ton; Hattie Shields, Amity; Ella M. Flage, Salem; Flora Jariech, Oswego: Mary Simmons, Grants Pass; Amelia Lewis, Portland; Lucretia Purdom lalla M. Sears, Albany; M. A Warner, Oregon City ; Lulu Crandall, The Dalles ; Ella Peterson, Corvallis; Florence Hen drix, Carlton ; Margaret Wilson, Scio; Mattie Smead, Heppner; Rosa White, LaGrande; S. E. Bone, Halsey; Mrs. Cartwrightyllarrisbtug; Laura J. Clark, Gervais; Lillian Carlson, Pendleton; Louisa Rosenzweig, Athena ; Sadie E. Moore, Prinevi'le; Sarah D. Wilson, Canyonville; Mary Platts, Hubbard; Amelia Dickenson, Antelope; F. Leedy, Tigardville ; Mary Tuek, Independence ; Anna Siege, Jefferson ; E. O. Crandall, Hillsboro; Carrie MInkler, Ashland; Emma Lyons, Lyons; Nettle Read, Aumsville ; Georgia Taylor, Prairie City ; C. C. Headley, Dallas ; Hattie Cruson. Lebanon ; Sarah Henderson, Yoncalla; A. P. Fastaband, Astoria; Anna Max well, Arlington; Alice Smith, Monta ville; Edith E. Spanlding. Portland: Hattie Sahistroin, Astoria ; Mary Carter, Detroit. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ng in the posloflice at The Dalles un called for July, 15th, 1899. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Campbell, John A Compers, Henry Clarile. Marin Complin, F G Compton, A L Lassey, Miss E McHenry, John II Norris, Geo St Claer, Alice Legee, Lewit Frisham, Mahlon McLean, Wm Moore, Jennie Johnson, Rev J B Li nor, Hot Tunnier, Ida Kellerdouk, Miss L Gentros. Fred Eaton, Harry Huser, Walter riarri", J W Hollett, Mattie Glass, Edyth Hess, Alice Thompson, C W Davis, T W Brown, Florence Bewley, O Ryese. O 8 Snmig, Rev John II Walker, Julia Wade, K M Sladden, Frank Gust. Fred Thomas, Lee Finnsetb, MrsP Davidson. Albert. Boolllock, Charley Allen, P Byd, Ray Warton, Fred Wagner, Howard Taylor, Loren II. H. Riddem., P. M, Ws have told many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon In all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sod bv Blakelev A Houghton Druggists. NOTICE OF FINAL 8ETTLEMENT. Notice la hnhv lvfn that lh. nn.Hi.nui has filed hla Hnal M-cnunt xmutor of thn ea Ut ol Harah MrAtt! with t:,a rlf-rk ..l n.. county court of theatatn or Oregon, for Wim comity, and that Thnrxljy, the l.llh (lnr of July, inn., ai me nour 01 in o clock a. m haa hcvn flxwl aa the lime and the county c mrt room in ballet city aa the D ace for tin. hrin. i Jcctlona to antd final account and aettluiienl of Mid Future. Dated July 13, IftW. THOH. NORVAL. un M-l kii-cnLor STEAM LAUNDRY, Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high a3 some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR Teeth Extracted FREE SHTURDHY. The best work at the least possible cost. 800 tets teeth in one year it our n. cord in our Portland office. Satisfaction guaranteed in eyery case. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Best Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold), per tooth 4.50 Best set teeth. Guaranteed km Best Gold Filling .' .'. ... "."..".".'.'.'.' "fl.00 up Beet silver or alloy filling 50cop Chapman Block, Second St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. How About Your Title? erty to insure, give us a call. We are agents for four of the best fire insurance companies in the world. If you have property for sale, list it with ns and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phone 31. "Harmony" CHhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HANI) MADE S01K MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t Ameri can Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. Whisks? irom IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.00 to 12.00 perallorrrTirto 20 years old.! A LIIOBBIA IBABLIIB turn 3.W to to ir gsilon."'T4 to 11 yeartl. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTlfPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. nd JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle. r RE YOU SURE it is all right? Remember it is the H RECORD that governs. It is our business to search the records and show what thev contain in relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no nun' word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co. I Val Blati and Olympia Beer In bottle"