The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 19, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Gbroniele.
AdvartUlac Kataa.
ftr tnck
OitlMbor leas in Daily " 50
O r lo inrho. and ouder f.ur lnrh I
Orer four tncae aai uuder twvlTiucbaa.. Ti
Oref twelve iix-h.
One inch or K-m. -r liioh F-
Wer c.ce liu-h a d uad.-r Jour inohea. 2 w
Citvt four inf he. and uutter juehca . 1
States at the present time ii Kreater than are found in nj other land
! a Ti f - : - - aar 1
tbe past, and: except tits own. me ivar
End many things to inteiel Liai in
this country, if be decides to come.
The fact that it has as miith wealth
as England and France in corohina
tio:i, which aie Ibe lo richest
than it ever was in
why it promises to be still greater in
the immediate future.
j Dall.a r-ala shaala riaa ta Attaad
' laa Chaataaqaa Aaaambly.
Seldom has tbe secoul half of a
year opened as auspiciously in a
busiDeis sense as has that of 1899,
says the Globe-Democrat. In all
particulars tbe record of tbe first
half was encouraging. Secretary
Gage estimated in bis annual report
to congress last December that tbe
deficit in tbe D?cal year which ended
on June 30, 1833, would be 112.
000.000. It amounted to only about
Few catastrophes in this country ! couat,-ies in Europe, will gratify h:
bate been ss widespread as Ibe floods ivaii t.f powtr. The fait that its
in Texas that are sweeping tbe great i -rritorial area sweeps from a point
!area of 32,j00 square miles. That j far Up beyond tbe Arctic Circle to
is lour limes me size vi t ilDC beiovr ike irepic or ciuitr,
chusctt. It is ncsrly as large as Lmj tj, thc summer sun never sets
Indiana, and larger than South j on jU domain, will apical irressUtibly
Carolina or West Virginia. Houses t0 Dj sense of magnitude and might,
are gone, piesert subsistence swept j Xbe Emperor of Germany should
aay, and, most threatening of al1, 1 certain!y visit the SL Louis World's
the crops to supply food for the
coming year bare been destroyed.
A great deal of sickness, caused by
exposure and hardships, is certain
to be added to tbe general destitu
tion. On!i one way exists to meet
moOO.000, or 24,000,000 less than j lhj. CMtmilyt ftnd that is by organi
the secretary seven months ago ! zalioDi peDerous and general aid, and
figured it would be. Tart of tts j measure3 continued as long as may
improvement came from a falling m j be ncCessary. Prompt assistance will j
in expenditures, but a considerate : t;Je ovcr lLe present emergency, as
tart is due to a gain in teceipls. j far as iamia t5oti can be made
There was a surplus in the month of j effect;vet but standing relief boards
June, the government's receipts ex ! sLoulJ be fotwCi at 0cce and the
ceeding its expenditures by nearly j sufferers helped to struggle to their
I6,0u0,000. June, however, is j feet They have lost not only
usually a month of comparatively , their houscJ an(j ft!1 thljr possessions,
libt expenditures. In July the , jhtir held upon nature's bounty
government's income will probably j ,lscIf for los period. Tbcy will
fll short of its outgo. The general , niw lLj9 ynf no wLeat to eal nor
tendency, however, hereafter will be , coUon to sel, Thcir Iabor for the
toward larger and larger receipts, j gca90D up t0 lLU Ume ,s wasted.
while the expenditures notwithstand- j u an iluiuslnous population that
ing the increase of tbe army which fin(,3 iUelf jn tLis slrait from n
the Philippine campaign is making disaster that is seen to be phenomenal,
necessary, are likely to be kept be- Another like it might not occur in
low the receipts in tbe grand aggre- a century. A, tbe waters recede
gate of the entire year. j lLe huDgry must be fed and sheltered
The record in the general business i ant, lbe skk cre(, for xhose able
of the country is even more favorable i tQ work sboul(, be Slirpied with lhe
than the government's exhibit. The j impements to make a beginning and
country's exports of merchandise j ,Q get jnt0 gha,)C tQ aplly lheir ,al)0r
to advantage. Texas is a prosper
ous and spirited state and will do its
share. Its neighboring states will
stand by it, and so will the country
at large, which ' now realizes the
extraordinary extent of the damage.
these davs are at tbe highest figures i
ever touched. In the item of ex
orls of manulactures, which is the
lest of industrial expansion, the
country is surpassing all past records.
In the important element of pig iron
. r
iirvuucuuu, m e nave The ImporUnl thinff is to look after
the most urgent duties with all
possible energy and to form corn-
Fair in 1903, take a tour through
tie United Slates and with his quick
intelligence and bis comprehensive
grasp ef facts and their significance
he will see more marvels in this
country than tbe Qneen of Sheba
saw in King Solomon's realm.
George Evans, former deputy state
auditor, bad tbe decency not to
burden the state with the expenses
of a trial, when he pleaded guilty to
forgery. His example is a refresh
ing one so fir as admission of
palpable guilt is concerned. Other
public officials who have been
caught stealing the money of the
people have invariably attempted to
escape t'is' consequences of tbe ii
crimes, and it has cost the state
enormous sums to land them in the
penitentiary. Review.
J Va da not bliee that the people of
; our city fully ppreciate just what it
j rr.eans to have each an institution in
ror state, and K near of access, as is
j the ChiuUu jqj Aseujb'v, which meets
each year at Gla.Utne rr. just ten
uiinutet riJe fmui Oregon City or forty
i minutes ride from rorllaud. It is a
i luiiful spot, or natural park on the
! banks of the Clackamas river, where
jthebvstot causing privileges are af
forded, or, 11 visitor so aeeiirs, mean
can be secured at the restaurants for 25
rents and a ted for C5 cents at Oregon
Cit.r, U'.adtloo o Park Place. Thosj
who have attenJel in other years from
The Dailes have been more than satis
fied and are anxious that all shonld reap
the benefit derived.
Ths year's prograai is to he an excep
tional one, among the noted speakers
being Sam Junes, John Dewitt Miller,
Frank Beard, tbe cartoonist, Rev. Cam
Jen M. Cobem, Emerson E. White, and
many others. Beeid6 the best of elo
cutionist and musicians have been
The rate on the motor lino from Port
land is 25 cents for the round trip.
Season tickets to the grounds, including
camping privi!ece, $1.50; eiDg'e tickets
25 cents, and children under 10 free.
Tl.ia year's session bcg'ns Tuesday, the
JSth, and closes Saturday, the 29ih.
Dalles people wculd do well to look
this matter up ai.d see if they have not
I been missing something in the past sir
years. We are positive you would en-
jy not only the outing, but receive
much benefit from the meetings.
An artful boomer in the Klondike
asserts that the cold of Alaska puts
a crop of hair upon the baldest head.
It is hardly worth while to go so fat
away for a hair tonic wheD liquid
air can be produced for 3 cents a
quart and of a temrerature several
hundred degrees below zero.
led England and all the other
countries, I be present output is
ahead of all tbe figures of the past,
and the general tendency is upward.
Notwithstanding the increase in pro
duction, however, tbe demand keeps
ahead of supply. V.-nk clearances
ure far in excess of those of any
previous period, last week's gain over
the corresponding time in 1898 being
41 per cent. The postal receipts,
wtiicb are an excellent index of
general business, were about $0o,
000,000 fcr tbe fiscal year, which
was about $0,000,000 in excess of
those of the year which ended twelve
months .tgo. The number of busi
ness failures between January 1st
this year and June 30th and the lia
bilitie3 involved have been smaller
than in the corresponding period in
ny other year since 1881, and
making allowance for the number of
persons in trade and the amount of
money invested, the record is much
belter even than it was in 1881.
Kvrry body looks for a repetition
mittecs ibat will follow up tbe work
perseveringly throughout the whole
devastated region. History teaches
that floods are more destructive than
Gre, and this example is one of the
worst recorded.
It is easy to believe that the
Kaiser may be induced to visit the
World's F'air in St. Louis in 11)03.
No monarch of a great nation has
ever come to the United States.
T :e I'.mperor of Brazil, in the clays
when Brazil had a crown-wearer,
visited this countiy more than once.
So did the King of the Sandwich
Is'ands. Heirs apparent of a few
great monaichies, like the present
Piincc of Wales, have been here,
and so have pretenders to great
thrones, like Don Carlos. Czars,
kaisers and kings pass from one
country to the other in Europe.
in lbe second half of the year of the They occasionally take outings on
favorable conditions shown in the the Mediterranean, tbe Baltic and
past six months. More business is I the Black Seas, but none of them
being done at present than was ever thus far have crossed over lo the
Nearly fifty naval vessels are
under construction in this countiy,
including a number for foreign
powers. Our big sbip-yr.rds arc
certain to be kept busy for a long
period of years.
It will not take the primary classes
in Manila long to learn that tbe
American dollar is worth twice as
much as tbo Mexican coin to which
the Filipinos have long been accustomed.
On tlie Oraili of Judge Martin.
"tlone before in the Uniled States,
and it is being done under safer
conditions. There is a solid financial
prosperity throughout lhe country at
the present time which was never
-exceeded in the best business eras of
"the past, ami was seldom closely ap
proached. All this is due to the fact
that the political conditions are
sound and permanent. The Ke
publican party makes no reckless
experiments in financiering, but is
governed by the lessons of experi
ence and the most enlightened judg
ment of the world. By its victory
in 180C, it defeated the last formid
able assault which will ever be made
on the gold standard. The fight will
be renewed in 1900, for tbe Demo
cratic party is bound to make one
more canvass in favor of repudiation.
This time, however, tbe Republican
party will gain a more sweeping
victory than it got in 1890, and tbe
victory will be final. No intelligent
person feels any doubt that the de
feat of tbe Democracy in 1900 in its
championship of debased money will
finish that folly as a political issue.
This is wby the volume of industrial
expansion throughout tbe Uniled
United States.
In many very important respects,
Iiiwcvcr, William II. is c law unto
himself. He is tbe most versatile
potentate whom Europe lias seen
since Napotcon I. He is the most
original monarch which any great
nation of the world has bad since
Peter the Great. No crown-wearer
since Charles V. talks and thinks in
so many languages. He can as
easily and as gracefully adapt him
self to circumstances and conditions
as Henry of Navarre. He cares less
for the prejudices and predilections
cf political prudes than any other
monarch of a great nation since
Diocletian. A weak and cowardly
regard for the traditions of his guild
would have dcterreJ every other
monarch since Bonaparte from mak
ing the proffers of the olive branch
to an avowed enemy which the
Kaiser has recently done to France.
His purpose to visit the Paris expo
sition in 1900 will undoubtedly be
carried out.
William II has good reason to be
in an especially amiable mood
toward tbe United Stales. More of
bis race are citizens of this country
At a meeting cf the county judges,
eoinriiiseiontrs an 1 assessors of the fol
lowing named counties, Baker, Benton,
Craokainas, Clatsop, Gilliam, Lane,
Lincoln, Multnomah, Marion, Sherman
Cuiatiila Wasco and Yamhill, the fol
lowing resolutions were passed in mem
ory of Judge William Martin, of Uma
tilla county :
Whekeas, Judge William Martin de
parted this iifo on the 25tli diy cf June,
1S9D, at Pendleton, Oregon, while com
pleting the eieventh year as county
judge of Umatilla county, and
Whekeas, our former association and
the wite counsel given to the several
members of former conventions has been
of much value and the knowledge re
ceived from hi in has always been for the
benefit of the people cf this state, where
he has made his homa since 1843,
therefore, he It
Retailed, By the county judges, as
sessors and commissioners hre as
sembled that in the death of Judge Mar
tin, of Umatilla county, Or., this state
hag lost a pioneer of great worth and
integrity, a constant guardian of the
rights and interests of bis county and
this state, and his family have lost a
loving and devoted husband and
Retohed, Further, that we extend lo
his family our heartfelt smypatby in
thcir sad bereavement, and that a copy
of these resolutions be sent to his family
and furnished the papers of Umatilla
county and Portland, Oregon, for publi
cation. Portland, July 13. 18'J9.
RonEitT Mays,
W. W. Thavii.uos,
Lous A. Kood.
: :.mamf mm
Oe Best tea In !De mm
IT is grown in the mountain district cf Ceylon and SPECIE
prepared to suit the American trade. It is packed on the garden
where grown, in one-pound, half-pound and quarter-pomj
soldered air-tight lead packages, thereby retaining all its wondeifa
fragrance. It is sold only in these lead packages never in, hlk jj
you want the very best tea, ask your grocer for NABAN.
Orrgnn Ganie Laws liolluft Dowo fur
Keaily liefpreuce.
For the benetlt of hunters, the game
laws of Oregon are here presented iu a
very brief form. The wording of the
statutes has been cut down, hut the
gUl remains :
Eeaver Close season lasts 20 years
from February 'io, Ihdi.
Birds Nightinga'e, skylark, gray
eir.ging thrush, black thrush, linnet,
goldfinch, greenfinch, caffiiich, bullfinch,
red-breasted Earopean robin, black
starling, gro?ebeak, Oregon robin or
meadow lark, mocking-bird, close
season lasts the year around. Eggs and
nests are exempt from disturbance.
Deer Cioee season, 1st ol November
to loth of July following. Cannot be
hunted for market al all.
Ducks Mallard, wood duck, widgeon,
tea, spoonbill, gray, black, springtail or
canvas-back, close season between March
loth and September 1st. Mast not he
hunted at night. Ducks and geese may
be shot when injuring grain fields how
ever. Elk Close season lasts until the first
day of December, 1910.
Grouse Prairie chicken, pheasant,
quail or partri 'ge, cloee season from
December 1 to October I following in
Western Oregon; November 1 to August
1 in Eastern Oregon. Mongolian pheas
ants must not be killed at any time
for three years iu Clatsop, Coos, Curry,
Jackson or Josephine counties.
Moose and mountain .sheep Same as
Pheasant and Mongolian pheaeant
Same as grouse.
Partridge Same as grouse.
Quail Same as grouse.
Seagulls Close season perpetual.
Snipe Close season from February 1
to September 1 each year.
Squirrel Silver gray, close season
from January 1 to October 1, Burrow
ing squirrels are not protected.
Swan Saiae as ducks.
Wild turkey or Euglish partridge
Close season from January 31, 1899, to
February 1, 1904. Oregonian.
In Memory of Mr. flalght.
Catarrh Cannot la Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional diseaie, and
in order to cure it you. must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure i
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ona of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the lest blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination ol the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial,
F. J. Chkxky A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, pries 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the bei-t. 12
On July 9th at Pound Ridge, New
York, the former home of Mrs. Jennie
Haight, deceased, a memorial service
was held for her. An article published
in the Stamford Telegram says In part:
"The services at the Pound Ri lge
church were conducted by Rev. Isaac
Brown, the pastor, who made the open
ing prayer, and Mr. Theodore Dibble
made the address. Both spoke in the
highest terms of the deceased both as a
Christian woman, a faithful guardian of
the trusts committed to her care and
her charitable nature. There were many
carriages on the East Woods urounds
showing th great interest taken by the
community in the services.
"In her will she devises that one-tenth
of her sayings shall U given to the Lord
and her relatives will faithfully carry out
the rsqnesf A portion will be given to
the church at The Dalles, of which she
was a faithful me niber, and a portion
goes to the church at East Woods from
which she took her letter to the ehnrch
in The Dalles thirteen years ago. Mrs.
Haight visited here about two years ago
and tier friend sand relatives endeavored
to persuade her to remain here but she
felt that her duties called her hack, and
th ere she settled op everything and pre
pared for the passing away she knew to
he near."
VsIBH IB afOaar (jhtcki.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to August 1,1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Jane 9.
1899. O. L. PniLLirs,
County Treasurer.
Franklin TsacVeagh & Co., Chicago.
PEASE & 113,
Exclusive it
Wasco W
areiiouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oicii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
ci I n o fnn -a? ty T- And all klndt
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOM. FlOUT This Flour is manufactured expressly for familf
Qee; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don'ttoinkM
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
4 tr!.
113-lncri M j.-.)
Wfc "Impulse
si Iftll I-
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
on20 the DALLES, OREGON.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Burget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
It will be our aim to carry a
Complete Line of
the Purest Drugs.
And we invite your attotitlon lo our stock ol
Successor to Bnlpes-Klnerslr Drug Co.