THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JULY 5 1893. WILL MUSTER-OUT AT 'FRISCO Caaap at rmMlt-6. 3.r Cs.aa.tag. i n uji 'iui... . - ia their desire to Lava th wlonteers tnasterexl out at home, and bar taken Matters tx moot iato their own baa J. failing to coosiJer tb wishes of thitlke0 fcer from severe i:!ce. boys in the matter, or tha financial ;Je ot the question, which to os paleU into iainioanc com pared with thethcajht T their beicj welcomed first t re'a - tire and friend and on the shares of their own tate. Ttn we considered tbe c: ature of meeticc item at mey . i . v.:. ...,-. wwiNitwuuii..miT.i the first tJ greet them. Xj wonder Oreconian are d:irpo:n:e4. Rnt If seema the Wxi hare tiktn - uumui nr ii mir vianri.m " - " Chootvl rr-.sco. we ij not - . that thu i any d:s!oyi!ty to tbeir state, bQttimp'yaquet:cnor i more expedient. It also eeem from report that tbe tfotioient in faror of 'Frisco w no uunioiuB5, -""i tie made a trip to Seattle this spring who! troth is known it will no douVt'.- i unn..i n.nn(h. E;n k.n appear that the majority were in faror at ran ami. ,imt carinr nu Heni -- - done regarding the financial gain to be made by the decision, an J it is claimed the difference in pay. If any, will amount to only a few cent for privates. The effi eers.however reap much thereby. Should the rolunteers be mustered out here, they will save their ration money. It will take moth longer to master out bere, as there will not be such a rush to get the business over, and the soldier will draw pay during the interval. However, Dalle people, with the rest ct Oregonians, must (hare the disap pointment and await developments j which will determine cor share in their j srreetinz, for from the following dispatch ; irom frjn i ranciico vetterdar tliere is little hope that present f'mi i'l be changed. The dispatch says : 'It bas been almost definitely de termined to land the Oregon volunteers tomorrow morn-nc The transport Citv ! -T00D wom,n ,rora U,i utf' to of Para wtll leave the transport dock ! PPinted by the governor. Tbe ap thia afternoon f ;r Mati a and tte trans- P'-Clut ,ane' 18 -ve,rs olJ ! ports Ou3 aad .ewfort, with the t:nt ,nd industrious, possessed of OreitnboT, on board, will 611 the gipUl!: nJ '"ir abt;ity for drawing; left rv tve Pra ! laieniion njcsi oa to cecome seii- "Thev wi.J be dx-kel late tonight or 1 "Pr'ting in the arts cf practical de tomorrow mcri.:rf. General Sha.'ter j ,:a' nPon ?Jaation, and ber circum- Lae arrar 1 t, have a suitable ecort from the Presidio reaJr to mar ritb tae returned s;.'.J:cr? fa the varade tlV trior row acd later to escort camp at the Presidio. "Tte OiU:er:r.-cut process ll.eni to take two or three wetks. Governor G.-er, of 1!T oit n.e sc:io:r- Oreson, tnl his ttj will leave for'hiP'a ren ,re8 of charge, but does Portland tomorrow afternoon after ,he i not include board or materials. ptmde." I T-h'e er ,s gocxl one, and there are, j doubtless, many younij ladies In this A SEATTLE M4N"S SUCCESS. ' state who would be plea?ed to receive j this appointment, and spend a year at a vr.rtbr m.. i. scpioc . it.,,.,, ! lhe tcuoo, which ia said to be a most '.excellent institution. The school effers In spite of the many discourage re-1 port which continae to com from the ( A!aia miLing cistncts, there is jast enough of good news to keep tbe fever going concerting that section and to whet the desire to try oaa's lack ia the froceo reiocs of the Xorth. Judgment ehoutd, however, be brought into piay and the f.ct taken in consi.ieration that the aniocky outaeih tbe Incky. A private letter from Ska sazcav re csived yesterday, tells of tbe cxd for- , , , .. . . tonebfamau wed known throughout . . , , . . ! the Xi.Tthwts;, pail:co.a:ly for his; worth cf character and the eland he has ! always taken in a moral way. We refer I . 1 T . ... . . . I to jr. i.if py. oi peattie, tne leader in l . 31. t. A. c.rcles tliere. The story ot I hi Alaska is cf a touching Eszars of the Doctors' Patchwork; You Can Cure Yourself af Home. The this vile poison, and only attempt to rtina m TV.'. system, and endeavor to keep it shut ml lniinurf Th tnntith nt tKivwt aud mercury. The mouth and throat FOR BLOOD POISON iokj sorrs, ana tne ngn is coniinuea icaenniteiy, the a rugs aoing the system tote damage than the disease itself. Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: "I had spent a auoarea aeuars wiu ue ooctors, wnen l reansea tnat they could do me no rood. I had large spots all over my bedy, and these soon broke out into running sores, and X Xdared all the suffering which this vile disease pro duoei. I decided to try 8. 8. S. a a last resort, and was ooo greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direo- ttOns for Self-Treatment,' and the large splotches on my 5 heat began to grow paler and smaller, and before long appeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin baa been is clear as glass ever since. I cured my elf at home, after the doctors had failed completely." It i Taknable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be- jooa their sklil. bwirts Ppecifle G. G. S. FOR THE BLOOD acta In aa entirely different way from potash and mercury it forse the jftiaoa oat of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Henoe it cures the tUaetJe, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat sbeot places a cure within the reach of alL VTs give all necessary medical ad Tiee, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of publijslT ' Write for fOli Uformatwo to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. autar, making hit final loeceM rratl ? I -in tsk rta frin,tsL . v. .... t j A vr asa, with Kit w;f and aJopteJ IchiMb left Slt: for Ptaascn C:ty. ! 1 i,nri tin, after hi arrival, tha fhi!J ; -ickeneJ ana Jietl. Lack swatej to t afcaiu?i u i ai , iuj uuui;ii ub rirj t j, claims JiJ Dot em to pan out : -nj j,. Br-W liiahearteneJ. Iaproint ' anj worry caused Mr. Lippy j -jii, her with acute) rheatuati-ui, ! ,nj jr ro0Btfci she iu unable to rise J (rotn the ij. j One day when dire want vm starir.g j ,h!n ; the flce Mr. Lippy caaie into ' the nXlia W;,U a ran containing a few j, .cJ . m,u Tbe sigi.t .. .. . . j tu: small amount fave oca conraj to . ,he oitheartoned , tickeced wife that tbe I beffn to recover and in a day or two I' r.i;n. : W C 1. t VU V V " " . W .- . Il-ILKIU i rhn mat aw tail an ne. nere.i a.a tne i wa,Licg and from a few dollar In tbe ; firjt p4ntoon wshed out 40to the pan. Af:ertwodiTi the husband tgan the work tht hi chosen a her-a and fina!- j jT W4Shea oat fMO to the pan. j he WM pffored h?f n,i:iion for the j-ju;uf uau ian uut i .J i j u 1 1 iud j. v. . u . j . - t -v. . v. - ' winter. Since retarning he has e'eaned np from it 1200 pounds and has not ha'f finished tbe work. It is thought he will realize between (000,000 and 700,000 from it. While we realize some bare made and a ill continue to make fortune in Alaska, it is gratifying to feel that it has fallen to the lot of such a worthy man as Mr. L;ppy to be numbered amor.g those fortunate ones amoiig tbe many who return worse off than tbey went. A Free Brholarshlp. In Guv. T. T. Geer's cflioe Wedneedav, there was received a letter from Mrs. 1 Fhsxce E'.inbeth Cory, president of ; the school of industrial art and tech- ; nicl design for women, of "ew York City, offering a free scholarship to one : s:,DCi ooa ,M"M Pi" neea cf Ih'a assistance. The aim cf the j cool is to hela these women to help ' !leals"es- ine:r app.ic&iions must be entered cot later than September 1, lS;. The next school year begins a scholarship to one appointee fiom eath tat?t tbe rMpect;ve governors to name lhe fortnn.,B ,,,,,.pn. Stage Was Overturned. Vaxcocveh, Wash., July 12 Mrs. Ciark and Miss Russeil, of Leaisville, , Wash., who were passengers on the Van j couver-Aniboy stage yesterday, er.fTt'red . painfu'. ir.jaries as the result of the over- turr.inj of the stags n bileeu route. Mrs, D ,, . . , , ' . Ruisell sustained several severe biuises. - . Xeuher case is serious, For sal. One eecond-haud tiuck wagon, nd one new 3U-inch Eain truik vacon at f . . I T ' JOn30-2w There is not the slightest doubt that the doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of this loathsome disease would be much better off to-day if they had never allowed them selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the only remedies which the doctors ever give for blood poison. doctors are wholly unable to get rid of heal up the outward appearance of the .1. W A l .V- .- .1 in with their constant doses of potash i an tl. Hl;..t .u V..k. . and other delicate parts then break out Caaaty Caar. Tha folJowinj U list of bii!s illot at tha Utt terra of tbe county court C11ND JfaOKS. I f- . ia so 12 ia 11 10 2d S l0 11 0 t ola ! g W Cwit - Vm F.oJersb-. . . to! I V A ... i J c i:b .;axd ji bt mntn. ; Peter Mohr. i ? ."J1 ! j, nhoay'. .. .. '. ... '. '. '. j H U sn?r. ................ ... 2 2 6 8 5 -S 6 G ti 4 9 Bin UnJUa) ... of ; p." waprp.uauup.i j tenaa Jim UnJian) I Dr Charlie (InJiau) .!.'.'.... .. Kd Marphy... Chat Maon . .... ' c. . c... ; O M Cornett . . &i :u ;wn. 6 21 21 Tommy. Indian) F M Dial P A Kirchbeimer. X W Wallace 21 00 X K Biird 43 00 l E T Giisan J D Tunny 21 CO $,m Covers 21 00 22 00 E C Diekereou 21 00 R 3 Pilkingtoo 21 00 F W Bishop 21 CO James Hamilton 21 00 W E Kemp 21 00 W H Herman 22 00 DMcKelvev 17 00 Al Esping 21 00 I F W Silvertooth 21 00 M E Miller S 03 Mrs Stella Miller. CC O'Xeil Jno Little W Bolton J U Hampshire. . . Andrew IJaldwin. L Snipes 2 00 18 SO 17 00 21 00 4 00 2 00 3 60 J D Cooper. . . 8 00 Eddie Ueckman 7 61 B UO Jl'KOES W H Taylor Frank Gabel 17 60 Peter Kopkie 13 00 L B Kelly 16 00 Jno loz 13 40 G J Friend 13 00 CC Masiker 13 GO S G Ledford 17 CO O V Cor.k 9 40 M Kennedy lo 00 F 11 Kramer 8 00 M W rreeman 10 60 ! J O lt-nson 9 00 A J Breeding 21 20 L Davis 14 00 A M Lane 1 00 Leslie Butler 1 00 T P Green 1 00 M Randall 1 W CF Stephens 1 00 WITNESSES. W Bolton H 50 J D Tunny 14 50 Frank Bishop 14 50 J M Hamilton 14 50 V J Ash by 14 50 Andrew Baldwin 1 50 F W Silvertooth 1 50 R B Sinnott 1 50 A Baldwin 1 50 F G Connolly l 50 R ger S'nnott 1 50 Allen Roberts 5 9,) Rufns Patterson 6 0 C M Xiokelsen 5 70 Mrs C Wyss 5 so Wm Shsckleford 150 Roy Kelly I 50 Chas Hearth 1 II S Hanna 1 50 50 V M Bonner H 10 Chris Nitkelsen 11 10 Tom Smith 10 50 Emit Hncbier 11 10 A Derthh k 9 30 ThosCompton 11 10 W F Trother 1 50 A C Thomas 1 50 Willi Hendrix 1 50 Robt O'Brien 1 50 L A Porter M Ja Thrall 50 Djn Hiker 1 51 I J C Morten 2 50 j Julins Mesplie 2 30 11 Cheesman 2 50 (i E Lsudis 1 50 C Lowe 1 so Jas White 1 50 UMBeall 150 iscr.LtaxEor. Irwin-Hods Co, supplies Glass & Proilhotnme " Dalles Lumber Co, wood for panp- 56 20 41 00 3 23 C E Rayaid, Jtistic Peace fees. J 11 Jack'on, Constable fees. . 101 t;2 8- 50 Frank lliil. Constable fees 13 (6 r a Connelly, Constable fees. . . D P A A X Co, transportation of 39 60 24 50 4 75 20 00 40 00 40 00 12 50 10 00 10 00 10 55 1C 39 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 paapers J H ("rets, supplies lo panper...$ E J Glisan, I urial of pauper Dr A C Smith, professionl serv Dr OC Hollister, " ' Ir Wm Shackltford " " Dr M K Shaw, " " Dr H Logan. " A S Blowers A Son. snpplies J T Peters A Co, indse for road. . F M Warner, appraising road... . W A Monter, " II O'Xeil, " ' . E L Smith. " " A 8 Blowers, " " ' V-H ' Pub Co, publishing i and printing 70 25 j l) s Dutur, court rtporter 7 60 I 60 51 18 119 35 11 80 tU) 00 28 50 it llongti, repairiug lock H Glenn, labor and material CimoNici.a Pub Co, printing and publishing O T A T E Co, message and rent A G Stogsdili, assessing C L Gilbert, expense account J T Xeff, examining teacher. . . . Jno Gavin, examining teachers.. Chas T Powell, assessing Frank Hill, constable fee C W Height, " " J W Koon'x " " W H Whipple, assessing Wm Michel), framing map Robt Kelly, sheriff sundry bills.. C I Brown, coroners jnror.... Hnntington, " " C W Emerson, " " .... A O Hoering " " .. 8 D Garner " " . . . . M Remington, witness Inquest . . AFCailson. " 13 00 18 00 30 00 63 00 90 00 1 00 212 00 0 25 18-5 15 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 60 4 00 O W Kmerion. " " - F Sharp, surveying ! W E Garrstsoo, work on coontj ! v S5 00 6 40 24 00 55 00 8 50 5 I'O 1 60 V "-v - - ; - eJ i St. Louis Art Metal 0, supplies J B Cioit, sarveyin 'GeoMcManetny, deputy aseor W Haaotth, 'printing . K bt l att, transportation panper X C tvana W H Wileon. professional serricef 520 00 ' r & OunmniT, uiacamiiDirg ilaiisen A Ibomsen repair oo ! ct.-k ; D V Vaue, window glasa ! Mavi A Crowe, suppliea county '.ad 5 70 1 50 7 30 125 46 32 70 00! 00. tj 40, t S) 40 ! rO i CO 0 ) oo ; 00 ! 40 I ' Pr J F Watt, profreional service I:'.e Lutubrring Co., wood for ' pauper. Snipei-Kinerely Drug Co, medi cine for pauper ( P Limruth, trimminit trees i Dalle City Water Works, water ! rent..." R bt Keily. transportation M;chea! Bahan.qiiiiantine guard 3 25 C 70 3 00 11 20 46 25 21 00 rCR90XAL MENTION, i A. D. BwiHon, of Boyd, was in tbe city t0 ; todT- 00 i F. X. Jones of Bakeoven is in the city CO on business. T. J. Stiles, formerly postmaster at oo ! Albany, is in tbe city. Theo. J. Davis, the wool buyer left for Portland this morning. Dr. J. II. Rosenberg, of Piineville, was in the city yesterday. Miss B. Patterson returned last even- ing frcm a short visit to Wasco. Johnnie Flanaagin, the shepherd poet, is in tbe city from Sherar'a bridge. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jayne left on the boat this morning for Wind river. Miss L. Golden arrived in the city this afternoon Irom Goldendale. Clias. Butler and son, of Port Towns end are registered at tbe Umatilla House. J- H. Preston came up from Hood River yesterday and returned this 1 mog. I W. C. Crossen left this morning for ' Sprague where in company with Cbas. ! ha .ill ..icf IU n it I "n. 1. wui taw list a u u ui vi a a- D. Farkins. Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Sargent, Miss Katie Sarzent acd Miss Rachel Morgan left on the Regulator this morning for a day's outing on tbe river. Mrs. J. M. Marden left on the boat this morning for the Cascades, where she w ill visit with her daughter, Mrs. Don ne!, who h:.s established a camp at the above place. Thursday'! Daily. Chas. Hiiton came in from hia ranch tody on his w ay to Portland. R. H. Barclay, superintendent of the mail service, 19 in the city on business. John Baker, an old time Dalies man, is down from Antone, Grant county. Mrs. Ad Keller end family left this morning for Stevenson ou a camping triD. Zach. and Robert Keys came in Irom Mitchell yesterday to dispose of their wool here. Mrs. D. M. French and 'amily left on the boat this morning for their cottage at Seavicw, Iiwaco beach. Mies Irene Adams accompanied Mrs. D. M. French to the eeaside toduy, and will spend her vacation there. J. Barnhouse, of Caleb, who is a well known sheep man throughout Eastern Oregon, is a visitor in The Dalles today. Thos. Wood made a trip down the river this morning in order to secure a camping place, where his family will go later. Mr. and Mrs. Smith French left on the delayed train today for their cottage at Seaview, Iiwaco beach, where they will spend the sommer months. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Catron and Mies Thomas, of Walla Walla, who have been gnests Ht the home of E. Schanno for the patt fe days, returned home last evening. Mrs. W. C. Allaway and family and Mrs. Flank Clarke and sons went down lo Hamilton, near Cascades, this morn ing, where they will spend some months camping. Miss Applegate, who has rharee of the training department of the Mon month normal school, and Mies Wilds, of Albany, arrived in thecilr last niulit ! and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jav P. Lucas. Fiidny. Donald McRae came in from Antelope yeMeruay. Hon.W. W. Sleiwer is in from Fosb'iI, teaching here this morning. Mrs. A. Murchie and child arrived yesterday afternoon from Wasco. Geo. Steel and Adam Appell are reg istered at the Umatilla from Portland. H.S.James, one of Grass Valley's wide-awake residnts, came in from that section yesterday, John Sommervillp. Jr.. arrived in n m today from Hay Creek, on his way for a vacation In Portland. Mrs.J. A. Donthit and children re tured vesterday from a month's visit wi'h relatives in Crook county. Mrs. J. W. Baker arrived In the city last evening from La Grande, and Is the guest of her niece, Mrs. W. A. Kirbv. Mrs. A. H. Smith, who has spent some months with her daughters, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Smith, returned to Pendleton eunesaay evening. B. F. Lsushlin and f.miU lrt n boat this luornlni for Whita Ml nmn wnere inev will tie taken h t. Glen wood for a camping trip. , . BOOII. JOHK OAVI. MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms ts and 40, over U. t. lnd Office. PRED. W.WItON, Al TORN EY-AT t.AW. .... TlIK DALCK8, ORECION. Oflies ov First Nat Bank. a s rwTiiaoToH a ( wilsor HCNTIKOTOM A WlimiN, ATTOa.NEVH AT LAW, The Busy Store. E.icb day our business shows the people are finriing out we are pushmg to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work, Charles Burchtorf,opPM. NirNaravaNaNrsarNasia Just What You uiant. Xcw lde6 in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real invita tion creton e Herts at ordinary prices. Good papers rt cheaii paper prices. Elegant deHgns, taet:ful colorisis, vours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Alton foil line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Preserves 4 frnia, Jlllf, plrklmormwnp art (4 4A mora eanliy, mora aulckir. mora nmitiiKitij miea wiiQ neana friuWn limn by any other method. Down, of other uaeawllltM found for n . rteiinen Paraffins Vax In trrrj iionMhoM. It Is clon, Itutclmi nil clorlrm itir, wur and arid proof. o, t a potinil raka of It nitli a lift of Ita many uaea from your drwnrlst or unnor. Mold every whera. Milehy I 1T1MDAUDDII. I IL ACit VI I ALITv. LOST V'GOR ANO MANHOOD Cures Iin potency, Nipht Emissions and wasting dlseasea, all ctlccta of eclf. t-23 abuse, or exect-s and India-&-3d! crttl()n- AiicrvotonlcRiHl tuooti Lnlliler. Urinus the f K RI0W lo ',alc c,ieck3 anr1 restores the f;re of youth. wi.w R t t'y m.iufioopcr box; f Ikncs for fjt'J.nO; with a written Btinrnii tco to euro or refund tho moucy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson 8t, CHICAGO, ILL. Notice of Filing Final Account alter as the mailer k! J'l I'OI.K 1ICTI.KR, Assignee. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. nonce is nerehj in. i Omgo ron, lor naacn County, my Dual account ot th. -,tV cVl r W.Teil. d" a1 ml ecascil, and hi ainri 11J, ',: V ni.rurr 01 in l oiinly Court Id, mad June I, Ivw, Monday, July g, I Ihfl 11 mat ami Ilia -....Ht. a. !ru";'.V"T iV."".'""- !' - h'lngot r.,v.:id"e."i,,.fl,u' ,nt' '" ohjeetli mm jun S II r. r. V AY a, Administrator, mm Notice la herahv given that the nrrtorslgn-d, II. the aaa anra ol J. w u. t. ,, '", i . , d , ui ,7 ... r,. ,,N,re, ari'i i to H a s Of ortKoti, to, Wasco comity, hi. final I S-Tir' -': !' Mm. win Z T heard i--.. ... oy wm circuit court on lhe 1st dy ' the n-t rcgulir term of ..Id rircultl wli, Hi. November, li-w.terni thereof It lhe hour ol ten o kI.s . . a atain inerc f CITATION. TX THK COrNTY tOrRT r . I ot Oregon, for the CwnJ Jw THl To Mis. Einelioe Dvl v J n Mrs. Uad J. Fm. , . Cora r r, a. Alien- ,.;..,.',u,?.,l-.'avla. KnOT t , k . . . . . . the ounty eou.i of th.".""?1 eoumy ol Waaeo, at the cou?t iJ?""""-! ; o clock in the forenoon if tn.t a..1 5 thei to .how eauae, If a1T "f. thej 2 ; order of lhe above em t IttcJu,, I madedircetlDg B. F. UughU? L 2 ; doeir. the mortKai pren.iKa tetoSX- ette. or if aaid redemi.tioi hi " 4 I r-dienr. that aaid admT.!is .Ut brfl ; and directed to sell ,11 of the real S-Mt" ing to the e-tate of nid dL-ceaid '? "' l-rly described aa followaTl1 .r block No. , of Uallea tlty irmi?.4 ; Ity, Waaeocoautv, Orego n ,llI7 and the north half of thi a,Tu bli.f5' aection U iu township 2 north ol q0f 10 Oreifon, containin- ajo acre'. mor''1Twua hand, in the manner prewribed bv u. J1 prtK-eoda of uch Mle to held bi" traur and dUpoaed of as may be rem r??10 order of the above entitled court ' " WiTsasn, the Hon. Robert Man i,m . County Court of Ihe So 'Sr, County of with the ia oUaa 'Tkm.' 8'OUd a,T 01 Juoe"-M Junu-u' Attest: A. M. KELSay, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOS. Land Ornca at Vahcocvib, W4ih , Notice la hprnhv Hvm t ). . . ...... ' named aettkra have filed notice of their hSS tion to make final proof in .uppi,, 'of S claims, and that aaid proof, will be m.n?klf W B. Prejhy, I'nited States cLmKt m Z lli.trict of W aahtngton. at hi. office in GoTto dale. Washing-ton, ou Monday, August ljiaj Stephen Marlatt. Homestead Entry No. 9094, for the 9 S K i. N. K. i 8. E. Section 18, and s. W.'ft k T KJtTmn Me'rTOWnSh'P 3 Sorth' "tt4 He names the' following vitnenrs to prove hi, continuous reaidence upon and cultivsiiun S said land, via: w :ar Franzen, Christian Franzen, Porter L Hardlaon, Marion bpluwn.all of LyleP.a.Wui Farter L. Hardlson. Homestead Entry No. 9051, for the g I Vni B. E. of Section 19; the 8. V. U ot 8 WY Heetiou J); E. H of N. E. Vt of section H lowa.' shiu 3 North, of KaiiRe 13 East, Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to ymt his continuous residence upou.snd cultivatian of said land, viz.: Carl Franzen, ChristUn Frr.r.zTi, 8tcphi Marlett, Marlon Sj.lawn, all of Lyk' P. 0 , Whs, JljS ii W. R. tif xb'aR, Rcgllr. NOTICE FOR rUBLICATlOX U. 8. Land Orrict, Tub Dali-hs. o , Juneau, j No-Ice Is hertbv given that In comtiltaM with the nrovlsiims of the sot of emigre o( June 3, 187H, entitled "An act for the Kale ol ilnibfr lauds ill lhe states oi California, Oreznti, Nevada and WaMiingum lertitorv," t'lmrta tloaann, of The Dalles, county of hmo, tiu o( Origon, has this day filed In this office bu sworn statement No. I ll, for the purcheof the lot and .E' 8 of Sec. No. 20, In Townblp i iniiKU ,f. it r., auu Hill olicr prool u show that the land sought Is inoro vslmblcfor its timber or stone than for sgrituliural pur poses, and to KtoLlish hisclnim to mid Una be fore the register and reoi'ivcr of thi. olboe tt lhe Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 11th ila; oi September, Ir'JK. He names us witnesses, A. Turner, W. Clark. Peter Fiora i. O. Whitmore, all of The rall, Or. Any and all poisons clsitning atlverMly the alxiva dtscnbeil lauds ae refiictc-1 to rile their claims iu this otnee on or belore said Slh day of September, l9. J. P. l.l', JlyS-il Kigiiter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOS. Land Ornca at The Dai.lfs, Or.roo-, July W, Ibw. I Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settles have lile-1 notice ol Intention lo ," ii nm I'riNiI 111 suptHiri. OI vurir claims t-eforo the register and receiver. I Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on buturday, August 19, 1W, viz.: L.vl CI. rtirlaman. of Tha Dalles. Or! on II. E. No. M!9, for fS SW', and S'jaWM, set'tiou 7, township 1 south, range IStaat, W.k, r. aok rbmmao, of I lia Dalle., nr.; on It. K. No. 5134. for N' NH' ,'. tectloii 12. town ship 1 soulh, range 1.' east, and h' j.NWJi.sW lion 7, township 1 south, range l:leJt. W. )l. unew-tca: p. r. Iinwias arrj n. i'. o,,v. . The Dalles, Oregon, and tl. W. Covert slid U. .Mutaiveyoi tnueisty, Ulegon. I AY P. LrCA3, jlyl-VU Kegister. NOTICE FOR rUBLICATIOS. V. S. Land Crni , at Tits 0u.,( Jl LY .1, lM'J. I v..(iAA i. u , ,h rniioslnf named settler has filed notice of his Intention!, make Ii ti nl pnaif In mipport of hi" elaim, sm that said pr.iol will be made before lhe Kcri aim necciver a( tne uaties, uregon, m Aug. lM,v.9,Tis: rrrry J. Van Camp, of Tlia llalles.Or.! Itoniestiail Eutrv, No. V.i.iO, hrtbeW'j.f' and .Hi,,NW;.i-tlon H.Tp- 2S.. lt.lE,. II" iiniiips the following aitnesses iopniven foiitlnuons resldene-e uou and culllvstwa said laud, viz: . I'. J. Agl.llu., Mnrtln Fagan. K. A. Inn and Oliver Hum era, all of Tne Dulles, Oregon. JAV P. Uii'Arl. .lyill Kmuttt CONTEST NOTICE, V. B. IuND Cm , TlIK Paltg". "a 11, l.- 1.. A snftlrlent conlpi.t afll.lavit nnvliig nem "i In this i, nice by Janus Toullr, e,,l,t,"?; nguliist hoincsirud enlrv No. I, S 4lh. I mm. for h', h , S K'4 8W ',,-c". W;"" ship 3 It IS K, and NV' j NW'. ie; X town hip 4 K, K 13 t, bv Thomas Jeflreis, omle In which it is alh-ged that he h h'!"''?!l said tract for more limn t. months. Hld t"S are hereby notitl.Ml to appear, nl oiler evidence Pinching sni.l llV"iinv't", o clock a. in. on Hept. 4, before tha fT,. and receiver at the I'nlted fctalea laud omcei lhe Hall,-.. Or. The aald contcatant having In a jrnpjj amdavlt. filed July 1st, 1M-9. set which show that after due dlllgcnre. per'"" service ot tin. notice, ran not bo msu- hereby ordered and directed lhat uch nolice given by due aud proper publication. , Jiyi: II ' jaV . LI cas, Kcguwr Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby glvsn that " ndT'!''t. haalan duly api-.lntod by the Hon. Court of tha the Male of Oregon, ' ",. eounty, as .diulnislralor of the estateol A"' "I Aglilliis.di'nwaeil. Allpc'"'" h"" gainst said estate are hereby notified I" 'JfTof or same property verinea 10 me - tii ny atlormys, Dnfnr k Menefee, wlliim monihs from the dale ol this notice Deled al Th. Dallea, Oregon, lune " J. V A,illMI ,iifc Administrator ol th. Estate of Adolph Agi"; Jj dteaiaal. Executor's Notice. Nolle. Is hereby given that the "n'lJJ! ha. been duly appolnUd by the "'Jco Comity t ourt of tha Male of lr''nV'ih.ia7j. county, aa e a ecu tor ol Ih. ealal. r",'.m. llalght, deceased. All peoon. hn V, "Br. against aald ealal. ar. hereby doIIMhi v r ent th. same, properly vctllicd, to ' ' ., olllco in Dalles I lly, Oregon, ItWn l a""" tmm th dale ol this nolle. Dated this 6111 day ol July, I"'. RANK W'-s;rS:Y,M. i,.l, ,.f ak. ..i.i. ..I I'heb. J. I1"1"".; decea. J1' Yon need Uve no toils it J ""l imy Clark A Falk'f ura enra for boll. lai i baney and Kffie Kmi i," ?''" MirT? feaae. aud K, v u.TrT.. "a 'rtD,. vuui, raorti,-v-C