IX THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JULY 1 yV"1. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES l tr-j -l-l-a. The Irstal firm f Dufjr A Mesefe-e Is w of t.i most y-rra:r-er.t and tr.t fui in Eastern Ortgoa. Tti riiT m era ser esiab.-.! hi lw oSc fcre S pJiM nh;p with his c-o-j:3 fc.m 1 y-ar i.c. bat atr dissolved, it:f oc:.rs-:n.o l (Mint Ik bt-si.-je-s en hw r.rivate e count, which h did till :'. wha ti' imni firm was farmed. Tri gratifying nnm with whin th rrra ha ait is but th k-sntiaiAi reward of a kawel, r.f th liw b1 irT".r.- t k. fcir. Bota (tnt;!-raTi hv v! at-j lualiaw la Wasco nJ sr.:-u c-uf.i. and av a lu:ri:c timtx in fortlrw cf th ?!i!- Snator I--f-ar i Vm ia Vrtant Var a t. lU. Twiv yr ia'.rr il parrc: rnr! to WKrjiiL ir yoncc Dufiir rr.t Ct yi.r cf hi bor bnod. In fc raane na ha jvrr.t t Orew. arJ fc :nf rSjJ t!i:5 sxate. Cic:iir. a: xoci:nc at F rt lasd acad;r. fc r-iJ in Tri- a- terpri Wiih (trl -jocs- aad caa at- tained th ajr f bfor a tarr.ed B. attr.ikn to th stiiJy of !w. H frs: , rrad In th of th w:i-kaowa r rtm nf K-:::;n it VoreljISid. a,d Tit ad-1 cmtted to th bar ta L.M. H e.abbs. ; his fSo ia this city tb folSowlrt year ad sooa win d;t:Dtx-a as an abi aa- unrJ vzs r.i ."ur. jvn.i - - - . t mri :ar5 SEmI . r . l jjj th Stat. mastr cf Uw. Ser-atc Ii:;.;r rcv.J -j, b-jildir aow cwc;od ty ta st& J -y-mirti Weeks ar Importers and his first poiitkal preferment la I:, wbea was built prly for it us three years j dwk:T, j nQ fcotcsi and native arraa b was eictd a moibr of In Stat ies;- ao. and conshus all ta ieEeEls of I in )tAin aIMj vnDOCt mar Me istarar OB th laiVpendest ticket. rrn - iesirab:l:.y in a stati. H J iijht aod j olrner- and manufaciurer. as wrta in u:moK uiinira r.. cvn- the fm. is a nativ Oretrocjan. tavir.f elesaeat. la 1 al the cic:iation cl a r--Td MEitatioo. aod tn cieana .n.untai work. Th products of thes ' , 7 "' t a minimum cost, host of fnt. he a:a a; pard .a orler cf ta place tnak it truly an mxrk ,urxed out dunr.g the last Ave they will PP' ..VTrCom- poblic lif. this uw as a ridt f .,0011 asac-e livry atab Eor some of th handsom- Th Daut Optical and state senator, to wtKh c-.c h was )ct- j ln rolc, of k. vehicles and ta rn- oentr, m ,h state, and It is fair P ' HSr p" fwr Daut Is a w by a s3r majcrty. It is bat . paraphernalia whxh go to mak up r u , hous tetter " fpT dDhT. OmicaU'oIles. t. y Sator rfur tas marJfested th , Etia Urry no ,xrns ha. u; to mt th demand, of last. d L" K CoUeg of wfn- t"t?0tCkS:V0' t! r""-" and a who Ike outfit of , u,,,, work. the Tbr1 W I to 1 g . chamber iha, chiracter-jed kii a. tti, ifci u nvX surra by that of ConM A Wwtk, oy none but .1- r;inM' which J conceded to be a member of th leg-j-iatur. T other ia th ci:v. From 15 to S h-ll . .k: cutters, and Berlin, oermany. " . . . . - - . .t-r.m.. . .. - - . fir,, in the wona. Jir. omuin .r- rracs, jee;e. ie j.ui v or Dot are aeti i'- nerj ,tujw. i w - . wc4k Is don by tneir bw bora in this city, where fc received ma s driving, gent) horses for lad;s sus cbooJ:rg. H began ridir.g law with driving, fir; carriag horse and lads' his preseat pane' ia. 1ST, and wis two geot iema ndinr fcors. years latr adir-itted to it hir. He xh ruling stock tnclud carriares. came a memier of the atv ftrra la I-W-: sir.gi and doubi bugfne. surrey, buc k and at once took an active part ia puKJc board, and. in short, everythir.g usuilly affairs. He was elected city recorder ia ' found ia a nrst-cSass livery atabi. This 11 and lsi. and ia March. was ap-.ttai, n, supply hunting, fishing or rointed to nU ta nbexTred term of 3- 1 -trf.:r.g o;tSts. or can furnish lourist V. B!:ob as mayor, to whirh honor i jj, rimifrt or three-sa ters. accun h ws twice afterwards called, beir.g ' rnjj by xprienced drivers familiar elected for tw j rcs;ve term. ! a;i places of Interest in or rear t'ue I city. H. H. HIDDF-LL. liesides doing a general livery business. , hors are boarded by th day. week or isaaaier. s jj-.j ,he pr.jpritc-r girtr.g them and The I" cited S-.at ha th nv-.t rr-j the vehicle left In hi care the same ek ferl postal STim of aay government ia i c;nt attention hi own stock rece-ves. the we-rd. This may t large.y attnb- Another si-K-iaiiy of the business Is the wted to th ec:.enc of our rai.wiy r- Tare, hct it is ia c sasa.l detrre d:rct!y traceab&e to th meet who hold positions oT atRhcrT.y or trust ia ts der-artmeEt. When o rea!iJ th rf"n:M;ity at- tarhed to ta oS-tl duties of prtm!er. the Importance of iestailirg mea of :r- ling worth and character become at on apoarest- The present postmaster of The Dalies, i H. H. Ri-1:-. 1 or.e of our prominent young attoraey. He is a rat.ve Ore- BosOaa. kavir.g been b-rn in SaVm April . l!X He case in 11 10 Wasco county. where bis father er.gared ln stor k-raisirc and what-rrowlrg. Not contented wua the lBducetrnts offered by farm Mf. yovcg Riddel early determined to fit him- elf f : a profe.isior.a! career, and with that commendable otject ia view, in th I fall of lsi entered the Wasco Inilepen-!e-,t Arademr from whkh Institution he grad amted with t-veors In I'pon romriel- Ibc his studies at the academy. Haywarl eosnmen-'ed rea-lirg law with th weil knewn firm of May Huntington He later tox-k a course of lecture at th law rbool of th I'r.iversity of regon. con lBisirr hi utMle with untiring et In th Sees of Dolr-h. Biiir.cr. Mallory k Stasia, on cf Portland's foremost law tiraBS. Mr. PJMell was admitted to the har Jun I aad ln-med!atly re tarBMd to The Wle. where he prac td with most gratifying su'-cess. Rrspw5ir!g to th appointment of Pre Ment MKialey. Mr RiddMl rharre of th postoSre in this city April 1 r4 th fTesert yar The efBciency with w-W-h be has thu far conducted the (office presages tb utmost satisfaction tn this branch C'f th sn1c during his in ewmbetvy. Whi Mr P.iddell is not a aeeker for political preferment, he has al ways a-.anifested a keen Interest In pub lic a?airs. and holds his present office try virtue of his especial fitness. Th Ea" Is on af th roost Important aostofEr- In th state. It ts the distrlhut Insr point for all irU directed to points la Wasco and Crock counties, and for the snaor part of the mail matter for Kli'ki tat cconiy. Wash . and Grant- Harney and L&ke counties in this state. The city mail is conservatively estimated at pieces' per month, and the matter for oth er poir.ts passing through th ofnee is very ukely trebie or quadruple that amount. Th.s will be readily apparent " re.iii ir.ai nearly ... posi-i- ,n(. M no,e, r,.amltr,t anA fam. fices are scpp.ied direct from the offic , lr (rad , th, t).y ard hf wU(, r. in this city cour.tirrg the four daily I quairi,anre brings to this market, as well, trains and the various stages and steam- ) oor,!,.,rable countrr trade. Mr. Phir Vjats daily arriving ar.d departing from 1 ,, erM. i, customers with his pro tfais point, there are eUht roaiis per day v,rhiai pleasant welcome, and endeavors received and forwarded. This necessitates ! tn giY tn, i,,, ruts that ran 1. nad for the employment of three efficient assist- : mmeY anvwher ln the state. ants ln the office. It la an Interesting fact, not generally known, that postofflces re.-etv their rat- II. C. IICIJEi, la by virtu of the amount of stamps 1 Mid durlrg the course of the fiscal year, j Tty are rated also by the population of the corrn-. unity In which they are sltU' atJ. Towns of population or hav ing- a postofP. ce selling F10 worth of swstage stamp per year, are given a ear. rier sen-toe. n view of this fart. ens of Th Dalles hav every cause to measured only by his needs, he is en rejolce. for the stamp sale of this office , ahied to carry a large and well-selected borders hopefully near on the 1Kii.) mark, 'sto-.-k. and his store has become known as and with Ih rapidly Increasing business the place where the largest and best as. f this locality, there ts even- reason to sortment of goods in the several line car xpect that convenience and distinction at rie.l can be found. BO remote date. The stock carried at present Is replete ' !wlth the latest styles, and has been se- FtRLF.I A I'RWK. I levied with espec ial referem e lo attract- , ; In the fashionable trade of the city. II addlery. Include complete lines of clothing, hats. It may be doubted if there Is a name c-aps. boots, shoes and furnishing goods, rnc-r widely and favorably known In ihe Cloihing Is bought from lending manufac- addle ry and harness business in Origon than that of a. J. Farler It may be Id without iniustice lo others that he rs one or the most prominent merchant n nu i.ne ia tn;s section of the tate Th business of which h I now the sole serviceable hobnailed brogan to the fine proprietor w as established 2 years ago footwear suited to th wardrob of th tT L D. Frank, and Mr. Farley first most faultlessly dressed. The line of liecam Interested In th house in lsvj. gentlemen furnishing, neckwear, etc.. From that time until Mr. Franks demise. I very full and complete, and each arti the business was conducted by th firm, cl bears th nam of a clbratd manu and Mr. Farley haa since retained his facturer. Uordon and Creedmore hats In former partner's nam In the title of the first grade, and the Raven In a his house aa a mark of respect. cheaper brand, are carried, while Gordon On purchasing an Interest In Mr. A Ferguson gloves and Standard shirts Frank's business. Mr. Farley became im- are no le conspicuous In their rpc eed'.ately Identified with the trade and tlve line. A line of trunk and valts with the people, and many goods of his I handled, and many other articles too manufacture have since become known numerous to mention. among ranchers, farmer and cattlemen , There Is a tailoring department to this mm a standard of excellence for goods ' business, consisting of an agency for Ros of their kind. Only the best of skilled V Company, the metropolitan tailoring workmen are- employed In the manufac- house of Chicago. About iuo samples, em ture of harness and saddle, which are bracing the latest novel tie In suitings, awad to order, and to keep the stock trouserings, vesting, and top-coatings, are f ..v.. 1 t . L.'rn:v Kv. or csa-.r-l '-a '.br o: y -i a kx5 rji:t-r . :s.-.v. W fe-K a i.ri or Eta Was.-..rt n. T. :- wa..ca ' cr.e :he knd is i.i cauaty. i t-t Hi rr.es. bit war r--. t..iix due-.r aJ-J xerytr.ir.g & ' f -l M .- . 1. . ' .ii l! : ri.;y-.r :o I C'i u tui-. fr :s j-ti r , . -on i.f x:;:r. itii oi I t yr. arl Sk a it -Fj-tt-y."" a rl ! rtNKan. H t Tr Th J-r-.Ejt wr.ifh '.: k a lrn ;r.:nl ia party .ut5fil ad fca Eirt tr.an rJ in aa ff-iil rt- pi v Tfc .'-T tra-it-i t-t Jivffui car.T -i. a.J tf.xi in ai maf.r cf a f:::ic: u!a. aaJ k i -.nl ak ty tmwr cf U iaru. AID kLK' XHE srr ibi - a. Panrr. rrrttr, Tfc llniit LJTery aad Ssai sa. is of th oJi: livery i.i-meE. 0 Ts til. aad. as wo. or of la j :ry. well aj-j i.-w e.i.. . .-not;- them to r3ads'.r for gentie- parr has and sale of horses, both for th s;at.; and for patrons, and the buyer and : se.er whose horse ar sold at this stable ;may hav th assuranc that each has 'taken his stock to an honest market j L. A. Porter i a native of Hanoi. He can-. to Ti Dalle seven yars ago. 'and until h becam proprietor of th Murchi Livery and Sal Stab!, was in the emplov of the well-known firm of ' Pease Mays. He is an experienced ! Judge of horseflesh, as Is richly evidenced 'by the flr.e animals he ha in his regular livery service. He is. as well, a man of ' excet tlonal Judgment ln business affairs, 'and one of the very few men of his age I who hold a title to the business property 1 they occupy. ! COLIUBI l P KIG IOHPAS V. Isrsrsorste.. This Is an enterprise worthy of a much larger city, and one whkh contributes in no small degre toward swelling the vol- U1I V. I 1 . 1 1 . . I. Dllliuaii; iidiiwiiu ' Th. Tiu't.. Tti- nimnanv wait orsAniked and Incorporated to succeed to one of the oldest established markets In the city. The business embraces dealing In prime beef. veal. pork, mutton, sausage, etc., it wholesale and retail, and the purchase and sale of llvestotk. The supply of stock is drawn from the surrounding country, about one-iuarter being used for butchering purpose and the balance shipped to the various points where stock Lf ln demand. The abattoir of this market Is situ ated well out of Ihe city, and is pro vided with all the modern conveniences for cleaning, handling and preparing treats for th market. The refrigerator faci'.iti of th market ar unsurpassed and every appllan.f for handling fresh ar.d cured meats In the most approved tnarner Is afforded. During the packing season, considerable pork Is cured, both for sale at the market ar.d for whole sale. There is a branch house at Wasco. Sherman county, which is ln all essen tials the counterpart of the parent mar-k-t. Th Columbia Packing Company's plae of business, commonly known as the Cen tral market, is in charge of E. C. Phir man. a butcher of fifteen years' expe rience In this city, and a man who exer ci s a discriminating judgment in Ihe selection of stock for slaughter. He sup- Clothier. H. C. Nielsen Is. In point of seniority, one of the oldest merchants ln The Dalles. He established his business here in 117. i-inc which time it has been con ducted by himself as sole proprietor. Pos- .. . . " - 1 J - wsaaw- r- -.j- asr-kcM vlnaisLofi A r reau rru citi-!sessed of an ample capital and a credit turers of the Kaet. and th line I Ihor oughly up-to-date In point of styles. Fine ' boots and shoes from the celebrated Mliier and Cahn A Ni. He. berg factorl- are car. rled In all grades, from th rough but h-rt frvai wki.R I-'.!- -'- f : a-, us, net r-v.r-.r.g a rwiy--jr --xr.t- f t M O. Nk. l I-A- H " s:n - hi ts-a a rvic.r.t i " ' H ir.:"ra fc-e-tv :s a - l--?- C T ' T .. fr; jti:J br a riTr -a .... ia ccr.:nbi;tir ( t rc ecierr-r -- THE n V H.K OtKBU: tiKK. CoaalsU A Wrrka. t . -ir h .i.bred if ttrv i aa .teT- i r- ;a ts !.;; ni " -" inJn urw mo i rta w.vks tKi form th i.b.wt o. tfcl brief krtcn ar.ami. ti.- w :.ra . fcadtoB tah-t. tr. irom iaw ar J-.iTtd to th KMU tomrt C:-h nr for -.-r than rvd ipto th ir.terK-r set uHe ... t' Ir,n.v,ik': Tt P2 Mart-; ora ar.d fsv years iro or wari. - wr lun4iat!y ax-coevVd ta rccT.i ik worthy k- xcuonl a t mrM and mcitf cuttr. anl a a km of ctear - bs man of sterflsg interri'y I. Aaril Ust Mr. Wks r - !,tS aa interest ia th b-Jne. ana, tfcrr l n;y m to lUt of b iwnw. " tereior. b afe!y caaed taai in jstUiS" .rr - ta:ie h , in tB, prfttcl skill of jnrratr by any firm of the kind Importrrs. of ail kind or Him a h of lb own skilled hand. They carry engrav ings of ;he latest dem of monumental work from Italian and Vermont marble and from native and Imported granites Estimates are ubmitted with designs, and ail work carries with it the guaran tee of th firm. Louie CV.mir.1 was bom runny Italy, but has spent many years on this side of the water. Before establishing the above bustm-sa he was employed on the Cascade Locks, which bear mute testi mony to the excellence of his workman ship F. D. Weeks was bora in Massa chusetts, but lived six years In Portland, this state, where h learned his trade in tis father's place of business. When the war broke out he enlisted in com pany E. of the Second Oregon, and sailed on the first expedition to Manila, where he was taken sick with dysentery and rient six weeks in the hospital, after whkh he was rmistered out of the serv ice and sent home to regain his health. He cam to Th Dalles in April, and has since been engaged in his present business. ROBERT KELLY, Sheriff. The sheriff of Wasco county, a man 36 years old on June 14. 1. came to thi coast in the year l7ft. after the great fire in Chicago, where he had been engaged in the dry goods business. Owing to his then wife s failing health, he was advised by prominent physlc'ans lo locate on the highlands of Eastern Oregon, and. after viewing the country over, he took up a farm 25 miles south of The Dalle and devoted his attention to the farming and horseraising business. There being no postofnee at that tim narer than Dalles City, he established a postoflic and store, located and laid out the town of Kingsley. In the year I'M Mr. Kelly was urgently requested, and with some reluctance gave up his business In that vicinity, to accept the position of deputy sheriff, which of fice he held for four consecutive years, during which tiro he demonstrated his fitness for that position by straightening up the records and collecting for th county years of ba-k and delinquent taxes, thereby enabling the county 10 call in quite a number of outstanding, warrants. In he was made a candi date by the republican party for sheriff, and was elected by an overwhelming ma jority at the polls on the th of June, since which time he has discharged the duties of his office with fearless disregard for the lawless element. Sheriff Kelly Is no less scrupulous on the matter of his clerical duties, and has emnloyed the best approved system of bookkeeping In filing the records of his office. n. V. V AI sE. Wall Paper, Palais. Oils. I.las. Hie. D. W. Vause began business in T.-.e Dalle six years ago as a member of the firm of P. Krefl St Co.. which he suc ceeded a year later. He has gained a well-earned reputation for honesty and correct business methods, as well as f- r his exceptional skiil ln his chof-n line of work. He has demonstrated his ability as a firsa-class mechanic, and can point with becoming pride to his work as seen on the Interiors and exterior of many of the finest residenc e and business bio- k of The Dalles and Wasco county. His specialties are painting, paper-hanging and interior d-ooraiing. Mr. Vause store is located on Thirl street. In easy access of both th ri- denc and business portions of the city. Therein can 1 seen displayed com- plete and select line of pialn and deco- 1 that lion.-ty and Intt-grlty mark the charac ratlve wall papers of the most dell-ate 1 ter of the Incnmlx'iit than In the one which lint and exquisite designs, ranging in ; to d.i with the guarding and dispensing quality from the cheaper grades to the : , pu,,,f fllnd,. , n ffl,.,. w ,, finest goods. The stock of paints and . .i . rfcl..)i Ib .1. i-.r, TfunW.A in. 1 . , 1 ... a full line e.f the celebrated Masu'ry paints i ' 1"',,1-r ,""'r rl,', " ""-ccd lilin and varnishes, for whkh Mr. Vause Ij '''' local agent. The slock of brushes com- J Among the public men of Wsm-ii county, prise's everything in the line known to ' alio have had charge of the tre asury depart the trade, ln window glass the stock Is ; nier.t. none has rccvlve-d a more fitting trih-d-Mgned to meet the lo al demand. I nu. ,,, (,, ,.fH,., ncv and pn.l.llT than county D. W Vause hail, from Albion. 8n''- j treaurer, C. L. I'liillirm- Khv't.-d l,i Hll,v true to his nativity, followed the sea for ' .... , , . . . , - .... ... i wi ... . i Ihe small niapirltT of one ItuiMlred votes, he a livellhoexl In his youth. On one of his ,, , . . , " . , , vovages to Portland. year ago. he de- dl-'arr-d his official duties with such scru-c-ld'ed to quit the water, and accordingly . Pl" "" and manifest ability flint, when settled in this state, where he has slm ' "Mid time a candidate fin- I lie iffli-i. his redeel. most of the time In The Dalles, victory was a lalkmrr. Ills second term as In connection with his business her, he does carriage pn!r.tl"g and commands a Talr n," of the trade In this line. DtIT OPTICAL AAD JEW KI.HV t OWPIIV. Th Dnut Optical and Jewelry Company I especially worthy of mention in a trade .Iowa. In Kef. In Ift'il his rolatlve-s movi-d to number of Th Chronlcl. a having on ' Nebraska. In which state he resreivesl hi of th most attractiv and artistic jew-j early education. Seven yean later Ihe fam elry stores In The Dalles. The elegance lljr mlv , Nap. California, and In t to and newness of everything give the Im- v ... ' presslon that the content, of the beautiful i ""n , hU",'tn' n T,- " howcas. and window, have Just come ln ,,Ty XnU T "n'"""l t" kralsliig from the hands of Ihe artists who mad ," P"!l'-l preferment was In 4, thvm. j when he was elesMestt county cironer. The fine stock carrieel by this house Is complete In every detail. mbrartng th ' best American watch, clock and sll-! verwar. In sterling and plat, ornamental I Jwery. diamond and other precious stones. Th proprttor ar watchmnk. ers and diamond-setters of long expert- enca and arreat ability, and mak a spe- , f th bi(ht gr-J.- '-f .etea and --sr. k r.rvtH.me'.er is..'. r .1 .-.. ipttjni.:. e-f previous rs.-.. A irr.uT4'iur.r.it x : czr 1! k.r.d., of we:rv 1:1 s r tr.-N ,.i:. sueb rr.ediis. b-.c-rs r::.s- M-Tr t.d t r rulir. icirk- t-r o " -.. ar..l c-:d 5'.ry. h:run.ir. vr ... th newe: nl ' ........ ,u .t a m-sler..!- 4-.t r at a IT3'Ki-rT.- inJifa:cj y i' I"'- fci'vr r. cf :a Iaut CptK-al ar.,1 J- - f r- Vir.; ary i by no ict-n cr.r.nt-i i" C!ry nJ wati hmakir. A no l-s !Tr. -,Ttar rtir.t ftur of the bui1r.rs is i-' -i .t.r.mmi-r.t. b..th mJntr ff tr rro i-:r.t priJuat optician of year rt:c ar.d invaluaM Hrer. T-. eyeih Ufirm lo fat! at abcut the e of i but many eye are o" i Mrta. or b-c.m so In chilJhonJ- T"-e fat y eminent ocu!!?t. - ;rfet scht. without the ue cf proper v ntteJ i.ta-i. i a rare thin."- Lh-- . .. r . r..r in m.nv way, and perw-r.s suffer from many illmmn which, . . . . - . .... i i r found to be ' . ll)rr. ar found to be - lmf,rfect refraction. The Jl. ' m, , ,h. rhau. I th - - . . . tn . i .k.;..k. ru..Ma ?rv lit cure 111 ..'v ti. th. npht way. In such ' ..v. much medicine th suffer- , J , can never be perma- m-r.t'v effec ted until tn paiieni re... i .: .nrt wearina those suited to th leye. removes th cause of trouble, and , hence ui . i ne ot . r ... .itK u m th modern appii- .c 7o : testing the sight, incuding the ,,k.imm.,pr and opthalmoscope. . -;ntiong wnich have don more i'th0 re.,ef of " the lotions in tne caiewurj m The stock of lenses carried includes ev erything necesssary to correct every known variation from natural siuht. and a specialty is made of grinding lense to fill prescription of oculists In other clt i .ml towns. Eves are tested and pro- fessional advice given free of charge celved his sheepskin from the Trowbridge Optical College, of Winona. Minn. Both gentlemen have devoted years to their profession. ?nd it is not too much to say there is no more efficient optical firm iia the state than they. 1LEXHDER M. KELSAV. t'oaaiy t lerk aal Recorder. Alexander M. Kelsay. our present coun ty clerk and recorder. 1 a striking ex ample of the energetic and enterprising Western man. so frequently commented on by Eastern people traveling through the Western states. As a politician and a business man. he has made a career no less commendable than it has been suc cessful, and his character as a citizen and public officer is above reproach. A. M. Ke'.say first saw the light in Clin ton counts-. Mo., in the year lv.. Leaving his native state he went to California at the age of Ij. where he remained seven years. He came next to Cregon. settling in Was:-o county, where he has since re sided, following various business pursuits. He still retains large Interests ln this county, and in the southern portion of the state, where he was for years engaged in stockraising. Mr. Kelsay received his first political preferment in 14. when he was elected by a handsome majority to the official po sition he ha since filled with such credit to himself and satisfaction to the general pub!ic. having twice succeeded himself In office. Mr. Kelsay has a deputy and two assistants. He Is a thoroughly practical man. and manifestly the right man In the right place. His system of keeping the county records is entirely original, and a subject worthy of most favorable comment. We doubt if Oregon has another county which can boast so well regulated a county clerk s office as this, and cer tainty there is none superior. A. A. JAVE. nialrlrt Attorney. The Dalles may be said to be especially fortunate In the character and attain ments of her professional men. Most of -.hem are men of education and experi ence, and to accord them a place among the Mrst ln the state Is to nnVr thm sh.i ln.ir Esieciany , tnl9 true of the legal proftssion. which is represent I In th s city by some of the brightest law yers the country has produced. Among those who have won distinction within the space of a comparatively few y?ars. we take pleasure In calling attention to A. A. Jayne. our prfsent district aitorney. Mr. Jayne is a native of Iowa, In which state he received his early schooling. He read law In the office of a prominent law firm of Chicago and was admitted to the tar in lv. In Colorado. He tlrst prac 1 eel in Arlington, where he won an n v.able reputation for brilliancy, and later moved to The Dall. s. where he has s.ncc resiled. He was e!.-ett.l district attor ney in ls;-l. and the efficiency with which he has performed hi official duties may best be judged from the fact that he has twice succttcil himself in office. Mr. Jayne is still a young man. being yet In his thirties, and is no Jess promi nent as a citixen than as a master of h's profe-sslcn. He is closely Identified with the various interests of The Dalle and tf Was'-o county, and has done much by his puMic spirit to promo! the general aelfare of city, county and state. L. PHILLIP. Tressarer. ! In no official position Is It more ewntlal i n satisfactorily filleil for an nflVlal term count, trenr r glvi-s the same satisfaction t ,, constituents : il the public al large , t(la, r.Ti,.nr,.A ,,,.,, ,,,, flrM .rm , and II I not too much lo say that he ns-e-lv.-s the commendation of member of all parties, j his political rivals not cv-cpt.-d. ' ' L. I hllllpe was tmrn In Jackson county, I. V t IIJIII, l ivery. Feed and Hal Hiahle. j Th abov business ha been conducted since January I. this year by Mr U N Wilson, a gentleman e.f varied experience In hi. line, who formerly owned and man- faa.d th popular Eat End fd yard. The buiiilinir is a.i imm-r.ie three-tory truc- lure. pro'Uel 1VII a il iir ii. . . . j Tni-n-e for the busineiia, Iniluding am ple t-..ed room for the r.umerou Vehicle a!wa found in connection mith ao ex i.r.iiv hiiur linE bUKilies. The stable , have accommodations for over one bun 1 1 r ",i i hi 1 1 luoni i". xi tuin 1. a M sourlan Bv Blrtn. but has been upon this coast for nearly 14 I years. During his residence here of th l-ast two years he has made a large clr- CI OI ltiUUHaiH..ai I HELLS V. KIMHABT, M. I. ! Civilization marches apace. A few years ' atro woman unknown In the professions, ' and was looked upon a a usurpe r even in 1 the Holds of Industry. 1 he woman wno was ;,hro, upon her own resource, had either j to cook or ply thenedle fur a meagre llveli i hood. In exceptional case .he might teach a country school or give le-asem In music or painting. Tixlay .he graces almost every walk of life, the Is ihe mistress of the kin dergarten, grammar und high schools: she is foremost In clerical and stenographic work; she heads the departments In many of our I mercantile establishments, and Is frequently the owner of extensive business Interests which are conducted under her personal management, but It 1. In the professions, and especially In medicine and surgery, that she has made her mark. There 1. now scarce ly a city of any importance in the country that ha. not It. able woman physician and surgtson. Scarcely a class Is graduated at the leading medical college that has not Its quota of feminine M. I. Dr. Belle C. Rlnehart l the widow of the late Dr. IV. E. Klneliart, before his death a prominent physician of this city. Always I Interested In medicine and surgery, her lius- band. large library and extensive practice afforded her ample opportunity to gratify her tastes, and. at thetlme of his demise, she had gained a knowledge) of the profes sion which would hav entitled her to prac tice; but, desiring to perfect her education, she took the regular course at the nieellcul department of the University of Oregon, freim which Institution she received her de gree. During her reslilsnce In Portland, she had a valuableexperlence tn hospital prac tice. Returning to The Dalles, the doctor was at once tendered a most gratifying prac-tle-o. which Is the most genuine compliment the community could pay to her talent and skill as a physician. Medicine and surgery seem a natural field for woman. Her tenderness especially fit. her for the care of the sick, while her deli cacy of touch In operative cases renders her of the utmost value. Bi-sldes. there Is a modesty In woman which is fittingly sub served by summoning a physician of her own se x. and when It Is realized that four-fifths of the sickness requiring physical examina tion ex-curs among women, the propriety of woman In the noblest of professions Is self evident. Dr. Rlnehart Is a specialist in gynecology aud obstetrics, and number among her patients many of the most re fined and cultured ladle, In the city. She treats children, us well, und Is especially skilled n aural, nasal and throat disorders. Dr. Rlnehart owns a beautiful home on the verge of the bluff, from which the city ap pears as a panorama. She bus four Inter esting sons, to whom she is devoted, and lias a wide circle of admiring friends. Her womanly sympathy for the suffering and open hand In giving for the support of all worthy charities amply attest the fact that the sterner realities of business have not lessoned the finer sensibilities of u noble womanhood. SKlFEitT C(IMll TKLErilO.NE COMPANY. Incnrpnrated. It may 1h asserted without Injustice that no Invention of modern time lias con tributed more to Hie dispatch of business than the telephone. For short distance im niiinii'iitlon Its value Is' Incsl Iniahle, and the tlnii- that Is dully savestl by this modern con. veiilotici', even In The Dulles alone, were It possible to compute It. would seem liu'restl II, le. The Dalles Is very fortunate In having a telephone system, which, for the efticleiicy of the service and the cheapness of rate's, Is without a competitor on the const. This U ail t he more gratifying when It Instated that the company owning and operating this excellent system Is a home corporiit Ion, com posed of residents of The Dulles, whose In terests are here- and whose purpose It Is to make friends us well as patrons. The !v-iifcrt Condon Telephone' Com pany was organized and Incorporated In .May, Wo. The be'st telephone apparatus that minify could buy was purchased und Installed, and the company began busliii ss with tin-good wlshesanil hearty support of the entire community . as Is cTlilem-i.i by their constantly IncrcasiiigsiiWrlptlun list. Their June issue of the telephone directory would do credit to tiny telephone company in the country. The Seufcrt A Condon Telephone Company now hasnlHces at The Ihilles, Might Mile, lioyd. Hufiir. (lorniiin's, Kingsley und Tygh Valley, on Its own line, ami hus alHiut four hunilred snhse'rllMTs In The Dalles who are sevuring telephone service at rales that niak It hlniost InillsiMMisahle. The mm. ..f this statement Is Imsi'.l on the company's j published rates, w hich lire ll.ao per month ; for business houses and ll.ui per inonth for ! reside s. These rates are for Individual linee. iki party llui-s whatever lielng In use ; on this systfin, Thustlicpatroiisofthi' home tiipany arc reaping the rewards of a pM- trlotic suppiirt ..f home Industry aud enter ' prise. IIEMIY KICK. HarBssa and Stock Kaiidis.. I T name of Henry I.. Knck. harness j maker and saduler has for the past thirteen I ; years l. n prominent In hi. e of manu facture In The Hallos ami t hrouglioiit the I wide mug of country commercially trll. : nlary. That It will very likely long remain so may U' Judged from the fact Hint he lias one of the largest and most complete assort menu of harness and saddlery In Wasco I county. Mr. Kuck Is one of ths most ixmiilur n,..r. I chant, and n.auiifai turer. In The Hall. .. He Im an ample capital for all Ihe i .kU of j hta business, and counts among hi host of patron, many old-tlm friends. HI. name has la-en o long associate.,! win, tl, mrn,.M and saddlery trade, that 1,1, p ,,. r. have iNN-ome a Dopular resort . .armors, caiuomen anil turfmen all user the ,1-ouiurT. as wen a tor the purchaser, nf hots goods In the Immeellnte vicinity, lie j transacts both a wholesale and retail trad... and the limit of his trad.. .............. ... ... I - - ,., Eastern Oregon and Waslilnai.m I...I e Jr-d head of hores. and ar frequently ( niu-..i work , and the ii,u,r "ull t, :aii to their utmost, so popular ar they p,,,,t of skill. In harm'.pv 'E'plu-, K. j aith horsemen of thi vicinity. A doaen mechanical apu..hitn e,,t " fUn hors and th same number of ri(f ar : Henry L Ku. k u ' kept for livery purpose. The stables ' ' a cf ,w . . 'have some excellent saddle horses ! i.Ti hi ki ' .1. .li.D-.al of the many patrons. I 1 T . '"tli- " -an,e rtt . W - ...... t.. ; senile of hi. (..si. hare been (old lo.toekmcn Inthegrailng district, of Idaho and Mon - " The.t.s k carrieel consl.i. f , romplele line of ham., and saddles, entirely Ihe prtxlurt of Mr. K'a elude fvrvilii: spur. hr and mai 't . wen lo state lhat the ,i . 11 - i all tue appliances iaipW i,i. . . ' in iur oetr c i.-j. i lrvu merchant aud reulj! J Dalle. The ucce ,v l ai w!rT r j legitimate) reward of , v 1st peoples wants, of . vni"" f a. .i i .. . . nr ... mem in lue Uest Dfissiij; years of fair und hoiiura J,e manner, aa 4 he public lc.mar:IdeC wide ..-qualntance with srkm boy, from whom be re. ..i ; '"r"e ilt j T"ge h,ttt utflu h.v, ' be specialty, to which he de.!?,, jor part of 1,1, own time and lk 7 tens of The Dalles have Just pa d,! tial tribute to the worth and boJ Mr.Kuck. by calling him to In the resDon.ible office f mhyt "I C. L. UILHEIIT, Coittr taiii.i..d... ... , st.M(k The educational Institution, of thr Mates lead the world and In man, rJl uU.r.,PU.!.,.C ,'h"1 "ysU,t0 ' nirS 1 hlle thi, may be attributed toT causes, not the least Important of thu the unquestioned ability and sterlln.TL? of the men ahd women occupyn, of responsibility and trust. The public school., with It. vrlousdep.r and head, of departments, I. ccdcW methodically as that of the government tal service As the County SuperlnteXt hasthesch.xil.of the entire county ZZ his personal supervision. It Is apparent Z falsi, a responsible position. Wasco CoZ ty Is fortunate in the present Incumbent that office. C. L. Gilbert 1 a native of Ohio, mown born near Mt. Blanchard, Janu.ry a. isj, where he spent hi boyhood. He recelred his education at the National Xorm.l ahool at Lebanon, Ohio, and, holding a ufP(n. plomaln this state, is especially Itted for the work he has chosen. After tewkint several years In Ohio, he came to thbcoi lnlWTand became IdentiBed with the U Angele-s Business College, the Urgent Insti tution of Its kind In Southern Californli, Remaining with them two and a halt years, he came to this state in the fall of Is, md taught at Hood River for over five jean, the last few years having acted a prlncipiL I'pon coming to The Dalles he took an it. live purt In educational matter, .nil la July 108 was elected to his present office bj a miwt gratifying majority. So satlsfactoe lly did he display hi, executive ability lie fulfill the requirement, of his official pral tion. that at the lust election lie wajrela stated. Mr. Gilbert gained a ralnablt knowledge of county affairs whlleactlngu deputy assessor under the administration of J. L. Koontz. and also In the office of the county clerk as deputy clerk. HON. A. S. BENNETT. Attorney at Law. A. S. Bennett, one of the moat prone attorneys In Eastern Oregon, ta an Hon luent Iowan by birth, having been born ln Du buque. June 10, ItcM. Eleven years later he came with hi. parents to Oregon, where he received his education. He commenced reading law In the offices of Judge J. B. Condon, and applied himself with uoh as siduous care that. In 18H), hu was udnilttrtl to the bar. Since establishing himself In his profession lu this city, Mr. Bennett has met with a de gree of success that can le directly attri buted tit his masterful knowledge of the ..... .... 1 I .. ...II hi. iiii.iij i.-iuiueui pciiina oi lai.wncu untiring efforts in the behalf of clients, HU practice Is an extensive one and hi I a I" miliar face before the courts of thlt and several adjoining counties. Mr. Menuett has not only one of tbr largest private law libraries In the stute. It contain ing many thousand volumes, accumulated during years of pructlce; but, a well, one which Is up to date In the matter of recent editions and lute reference work. HlasulW of office's Is flttiMl with espevial reference te the requirement of the busy lawyer. and M feature conducive to facilitating the busi ness of the day Is lucking. Mr. Bennett has large and varied anf erty Interests which ix-e-upy nosmall anion' of his valuable time. He has recently M a handsome resilience, that, from an arcae tectural point of view, would adorn the no exclusive boulevard. W. H. Ullll-I'LK. Assessor. W. II. Whipple was Isirii In I he fi1 M stale- of Ohio. July al, IKI. where he l'"1 Ihe first nineteen ye ars of his life, "u celved Ills education. In ii 'm' pan led hi, parents lo Iowa ami Inter "' sas. whe re young W hipple was rnjaH'-" lB merchandising and varlousotln rrnterprl' conducteM with his characteristic eni'WJ and siii'ci'ss. Always a hard worker, "r. Whipple I essentially a solf-m nlc man. and can attribute his success In life to the lr slst.'nt and Well directed efforts nni'le tl"n a young man, and to his Indomitable '"' power. Coming to Oregon In 1H77, Mr. Whipple be eiiiuo Intereste-el III mi-n'hainllsitiK ,ld ''''' In contracting and building. Many "Mil Hue resldriico. and biislui'ss blocks nf Walla. Mlll.m and Diifnr evidence hi "j ocllcnl workmanship. Mr. W I . I I1" r ixilltlcnl prof.rniciit In the state w when ho was el.-ctvd county ' ft majority of tlir.-e hundred over tin' '" ' ! cnnilld.ite of tbo thre'C nppeislng P-'r , I The cuuniv's acknowloilunieiil of Mr. ""'P" pie's Illness for this ..ffl.-e was apirP"'r tendered by the tine majority lie rei-lv"d " his re-el.s-tlon to the assi'ssorslili It' ......i MA I Ell MatNTOM. Ilarelwara and llri.erl'- The firm of Mnler Benton was f ornx-d ln ... . . . .....men I" I mi i i ... l.r.lnrc liilslii1"" A. It.. hp a lino of groccrl"1 ' later added, and th slock In Ih.i h j mi nt I, very full and complete. In ""- ware, evi rTlliltig In shelf and heavy I I carried. Including Im rs' h.ird" i nuvliunlcs- t.a.l. cm lory. Moves nml r"le kitchen utensils, etc. In gioeerlos thei"" " I I. .I.-.I.....I ... ...n H.e Ix-st family f" 1 of city and country. of city and country. . ,j This house. I. agent for "1 leveland Crawford." bicycles, "liarland" '""! . "Malt.-seCro'' brand nr'" " . I.- and Kus.ell" rnglnet .nd ton .. j ..on ... mo ami nnwii i-.ia... . j I. 1 . . are c.rrl'H ei- jirv ,-.s r r..i. a.i.e ,.rj pM ..... - nar ' st.s k, a. well a. Ihe Ingredient. '"r,,7L , lug a.ilullon, for the eatermlnai l'n " T" pessi Anoll.er.t.lrc...ftheh...ln.-'', sale of cord wood. A shop I maintain"1 re.i,Mlon. I