The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 12, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
O it Ita or ! ia Dsu it
0 tVO 3'. aiMl UlkJM f.XIT ISC
.rt 'r it., ae. Mil uidf Ii ux-Im
Orw tc.T i:ks
BailT 1 WHltT
o Inch or W. rr ieA -Oxer
iae S a-J urvier f Mir iis
Over Svjr .:ebea aa4 wader r. i:x-:
Oxer tarelx iX
j land is o uoio,ue a proceeding, con
sidering tbe ambitions of the parties
' eoncerce d. that il will lc aiin
wonder if all sort of e
Frmrk eoa. biriaiioo are hinted at
'j But Governor Rooe veil Las b-co
frank in giving out the real object of
Tli x'.a-a Onr Vtliiiwi ar nTa
p( Jlkall Ik MkI4I at ll
K r k.
Tr. hme-cicirf of the seo-.d Ore
pn it rear i hand, in fat
thev a-e e -ec'.ed in !-an Fraiuisco next
h:j visit, and Kooevc'.l i not ot the Wednesday or Thursday.
Rirt'ett Siaclair, whorr some labor
turona regard as a tyrast ar.d whom
order-.ovicg peo;.;e look vp-ja a a
sensible and ..eternised man. made
a speech at Ke"o.: on the Fourth of
July, and ia speaking of the presence
of federal troop io iLe Ctur
dA!en. said -they are l.ere to
preserve or Jet which is ocly another
way of saying tLey are here to assist
t-e state. coxmacder has yet
deeied it his duly or province to
pronounce laws for the
d'A'.ece. They have simply inquird!
what the law, orders and prociarxa
tio$ were that they rxih; afford all
tee Jed in their exccu'.iou.
There has been uo dej-ar'.ure
this j -re gram. Gecer'. Merriam pr
rxi'.ted n sol lie r to so f either tbao
co-operate wi-.h the s'.a'.e authorities,
in the enforcement of it laws.
; class of politicians who cot.stder un
1 truths legitimate. His worJ is as
cood as Lis U'nJ with most Ameri
cans, and bis protnisos are kept to
the letter. In tusnnniD' him for
.Iiiob to Ko C.lsosi mmd I'rorni o
turn Carried i.
The lnwi mi l be at Astoria ar.J
trinvrrrAl lo rivrr teuir sureJ by ;
It cuijuiltee fr tht imrpos. The'
u. , j oTrr lifty itetiaers tJ aecomnio- '.
.!-r-.Vi xcaricni: hie been do-'
Orvat f rerrtK n have ten ns ie t D4!rj u U.e i-ouiai:ite b their oner j
d rTrrrnt to jire t:.e
rait ici .vhI we'ron. nJ r 1on Il
i.e uioutb i.4 the rir with 1
f.rauiboa! ud ho them thir wrvu-r
were da appreciiteJ. aJ tht we
consultation ss to the coxpetency of b.v bi f rrun H e prom s u -.e
.-r.. .1 when they Ml, to tire theiu a rookie
meet?, the aJmiaistraiion domon-
tixewhen thr returned. The Pa'.'.e
has been freparicf Knie tiae. a:iJ,
strate that the Icssods of the war in providing the waiir n!idnl - ihe
Cuba have been of soxe value. To
the aislaVes of Aler in appointing
sots of cors:ren)en and senstors.
for the J. lrin.rr wi'l meet troojs
: t. llr'rn, tf'irif down the river
to ':-rr-t. a.tiCf a procession
ov-er to tiiiV ! r f.
On rriv: ! I'ortind the trx.p will
tw !ndrd at Ainorih dcik, berea
reception t-e hel-1 for rei.itives only,
ho will h aiiuit'.eJ by tickets. After j
the rcettion the trxps wi'.l be escorted i
to the Mj:tnomh field unJ from there j
leeks euaid b put in operation, the ,,j t! t the Eip-jsition buiid-
Kfo'tor mouM carry hundreds if iar
c:tins to the city by the , where
relatives of icfluectial xl:t:ciats and fJ por,itnj
Other gentlemen with "pu'.ls" wss However, a difficulty in thi mt!er
due a larje srt of the suffering has arisen, for yesterdar a d:ptcu
w bice followed the landing of the stated that the transports were needed
. , t, ,.v, at Maci'.a and must be returned as socn
troops at Mntisjo. The crLeers . , . , , .
' s possib.e. Cor.seqoentlT it wonlil be
were loyal enough, most of them !mo, itnpo,.ibi for ,neni to Use the
were wsliins aud anxious to do um to eon.e np from 'Frisco to Port-
right, tut ILey latse.1 the experience, una. ureal pressure is 0f Col. Ee-le.
the phvsiO'JC, acJ ther lacked the lo l" however, and mny te!egru,s
;K'"- eoDfiJcrce of the re2ubr aimy chief- -; " u.e ,o ru,.. i:,cord-. vn, k-p..
fr.'32 , una have teen directed to the gjvern- ;
nient insisting that the t returned j PALLE City, Or., July 3, 1S00.
home by water. 7 ,,. .Vtivur and Common Council
Cnas. F. Beet chairman, and Pan J. ; ,,f I rtll't t'ifv:
Moore, secretary ot t!.e executive com- ' Your Kecorder submits this his report
mittee on reepticn of the Toiunteers, 0f the financial htfairs and csndition of
irjt nnier the management of the ladies'
committee. In the evening a public re
ception wii! be given at the Multnomah
. cei 1.
Te river parade wi'.l be in charge of
Capt. E. F.dards, United Mates in
spector, who has taken everv precaution
and made ai! arrangements to have the
river parade a grand success.
The line of march in Portland has
been arranged and will be under the
tains who for vcats bsd t-cen accus-
. torueJ to perfectly trsined subaiUra?.
It seeiEj to lo taci.Iy aJontted by
the administration list it male a
Th s disr.jes cf sotre of tLe ss-;
sertiocs Meriiax aci the trili-'
tiry were rucr.icg things w;-.h a h:gli'
hacJ, and that the general was'
arbitrarily usisg Lis power to abridge
rights guaranteed t the cocjutu'.ion.
As has aljs been maintained.
General Merriiai and his soldiers
have rxerely c-xperated with the
stv.e authorities and Lave acted
solely as a police power for the state.
Teaching fcpoa the itghta of Ubor
aod if lar;.r tintocs. Mr. tsnclair
said: -Libor bss a'.l the rights of,
capital. Muscle or brain should
have the same legal considerations
as isoiiey or olLer property. It is
Lhe rigLt of labor to organize for
protection. 1 believe that all work
inga;en should combine for mutual
improvement. I l-elievc that a
wot kingman's compCLsatiuD is a mat
ter he should seek religiously to
increase. A laborer is worthy of
h:s hire. If their interest can be
advanced by strikes, it is their right
to sti ;ke. In order to make a stiikc
successful there is no leasonable
ob jection to the use of persuasion in
any direction that does not involve
the commission of crime. But be
yond that they have no right to go.
Threats or assaults, or the use of
fotce to attain success is as criminal
!gnovous mi;
take at the outset
hive sent the fj.iowing telegram to the city during the city' fiscal year com- j
President Mckinley and Em;er Her- ' ruencinf Jiry 1st, iS, and ending June
' niaLii, acJ hope it will have the desired , 30th 1K.
ments about to form. In a w;iy. tirxl: 1 Xhe stateu.ent is. uiven in two periods!
Ihe peopie id the state are making of six months eacn. said periods being
hostilities, and it is sotting about
avoid the same pitfails in the regi-
Doctors have given the Greek
! IIL.I J!..-..
name Anmia, meaning pioouicss-i
ness"toa disease which is much U
more prevalent among young
women than is generally believed.
In its early stages the disease is not
marked by any decided symptoms
an t ntren makes considerab e ad-
..,'. hf.ire ir nresenie is noticed. V
An unusual feeline of fatieue after wkJLi
siichtexer.-ise. breathless and pallor are the first noticeable sirn
In ancemia the blood becomes thin, the heart flabby, tiie skin paif aM
waxy. If the disease become chronic (persistent anmia 1 it often resdr
fatallv. The one successful method of treating this disease is to buiH L,
the blood. The best blood builder in the world is "
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
This remedy has cured more cases of anxmia than all others combine!.
Mia Cordelia Moore, of Malone, N. Y until recently, ha been a life,
lonir Invalid from palpitation of tlie heart and weaknosi of the bljod.
In kpeakiuir oftbis experience sliesaid:
I wb In a terrible condition. I could not eat. My fare wan ghutlr
white, and mv hand were almost transparent. I n to weak n (i,
utlerlv inipoitle for me to go up stair.
rmet a friend who spoke of lr. Williams' Pink Pills for TalePeonV
and advised me to try them. Before the first box was ued I began' lo
regain my appetite and felt better generally. I bouKhi six more boi-,
and took them. I grew strong rapidly and trained In Mesh. Ihecanw
better In every wav. I never felt better In my lire than now.and eonsnkr
mvKflf cured. I cannot say too much regarding; Dr. Willliiuis Pini l'ui!
for Pale People." From lite (Jazettr, Malone, A. 1'.
No discovery of modern times has proved such a blessing to mankind
as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood
and nerves, invigorating the body, regulating the Tunctions, thev restore
the strength and health in the exhausted patient when every ettort of the
physician proves unavailing.
"These pills are sold In boxe at SO cent a Nix or six t.oxs forC.'A and mtt
he had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Ir. W illiams -Medicine u,
Schenectady, N. V.
notice is served on tLe unscrupulous
politicians that their interfei ence in
great preparations to receive the Oregon fro:a J iv 1st to December 31st, ISt'S,
and from Jar,uiry lst,l!W to June ;!0;h,
t pericd. lulr
A irraliit marine dinnns'ri.
.1 - 1 . :M . V "
me wr uepantueut w.u 1.0 luusci ic ,:on of ortT tlf.Mm etie9 ,iM been-isyd.
toletaled. To obtain a command in arranged to meet transports in the i Revenues and expenditures for fi
ICe at Uiy Ot lUe lUl.iplUCS w.uiji hici u "."inr kwh IXPESI'fVBSS
1 d sappoint 0,i.-,r M;:ie.
troops are cot j '-t
' 1 I tiT
k'lii io rori ir.a rv siiin. ana will i i'..nrelerartnietit
direct the movements and care for ( ,Jeftr0V . .t,p0flonUy for employing ; .'A:.'! ""er
the comfort of the enlisted men. It . ihs tacst effective features of demon- Sundries
means evcrvthin z for the success cf stration. People are omiDg from all
quire ph
in the ait
I il lat l UUk'lUtS "III If- : vviuu. I - .chjiuc
vsical petfection. experience troos to Poft'ni. It will
, , ., . . the people ereatlv if the troi
:t of fighting, and ability to . , . . ...
- brought to Portland bv shii
into ron'Me-ration a. a qualified expen- ei'her office.
diture; $otX)of thin sum wax, by termg ! The floating of $2,500,000 in piper,
of the charter, required lo be put into j with which the laboring people ar? paid,
said fund ; ai.d in considering the future ' and which is practically worthies!, ha
expenditures ot the city's money, il j led to much suffering in all parti oltbt
must !e remeinoered that it is impera- country.
tive on the council to tako out of the '
i . i,.,. . . ! 'itfmn Vnlitntitar Udriim.nlc lt..:i.
i (.4 ; ciiy e gt uerai nind at least fiwo tjeiore uvS.unun ui namii.
yi .It ' tlie r)ll-v ' 'H' eatn H1,J every year i W.miiiixgtox, July 10. Uenerl Oiii
for a long time to come. cables the following:
!'- M... . - . . ...
l,:ii s 1 .u'jbv icep-rciiuny miiiniiie'i, ine veteran reguuents assnred, aili
future operations in the islands in , rarts of the state to participate. Secret j
T:a! cxi-ne for ix mimih..
Ir.iere!-! 011 dtbr lor x icoutb
. 1710 IV
state of insurrection, and il wiil be
.the cause of preventing the terrible ; lion.te ,he Q of 1j0M
orders are chartering boats from the' T"'1
to:5 7)
Transportation companies;
The funds are ; e!.ji.n iiceu
ln nf lifo wl.irli daikpn tli victrt. ' ... t iu ; M iicen-
' -w. - . J 1 "V- . . .7 J .V i ' . I V.liVILJl'lI.IJ ( , .
Xed. H. Gates,
Recorder of Palles Citv.
ries in the West Indies.
Iv li'-en.
I soldiers nntil emclovment ran be had. Team ii-en
Few men are better qualified than ; We 'stimate the fund will reach U000.
r, . ., I We respectfoiiy ask vou on behalf of
Governor Roosevelt to sivc the, . , . ;
ki- .-- j vnjiii mat tuc iha'J'b urxr
needed advice to President McKin-
lev. Indeed, a happy solution of!
the war department problems would!
be his appointment as secretary of!
that department. Hut be has
I brought to Portland by water.'
Good Words for Oref on.
AH olbcr !iceu-"
rme and forfeitures
Total for tirt peri(l . ..
I BEl'ariTl'LaTION.
I Total Income
i To'al ex jiii
The fourteenth annual convention of j T'' income over expenditure
it: in 1
. ! !
lv. m 1
. HJ .VI
14.; IV
lul ;
t'.l ) :
fully ' tl e -auona! tjitonal Association closed
. 1 'in 1 oil ana vesteruav atternoon. Ihe
as important ork on hand in Newt , ,
... . ! place selected for the next meeting is
; 1 or siaie, ami iue pvojnc ui xijl i few Orleans
second irlil. mmf ncinfr Jan. 1st and ending
JuLe :i,.h, I'.
Officer' salaries
Kire deirt:iieiit
Uregon was honored at 1 -iar
... . . . ! I'once
Burglar Alarm Goinij Off Accidentally
Causes Death of Female Physician !tnUy
In San Francisco.
enlistabout 10,000 men. You canapp-iiut
eleven second lieutenants fur First and
nine for Second reimrnt to recruit ii
the United Mates veteran rolunteet in
Adjutant-General Corbin cabled Uet
eral Otis that these designations tcc'J
not Ik- allowed for Philippine regiment!,
and in oider to save confusion, the;
would be called Thirty-sixlh and Thirty,
seventh United Slates volunteer ii-
commonwealth will noi willingly part !u,e annual election by Albert Tczier. of
with bis services. The sole cause of j Portland, being elected third vice presi-
his summons to the White house is'ent-
exercise of common scnc on the
patt of the president which the
nation will applaud. And the system
I ewer
f dapartmeut
.San Francisco. July 10 Death called
Mary C. KJmonds, a well known
The cammittee on resolutions re- i "aurrent
unu:ie . .
ported in part as follows:
"This, the 1-lth section of Ihe N'atici
1 K iitoiial Association, held in the
J metropolis of the TaciJc Northwest, has
as such acts or agencies would be in
trie perpetration of a mis lerr.eanur or
might with propriety be followed by j ben ail in all one of the most deliirht- j at;- taxe
Total expenditure for xcn'id r-eriod .
lnlere! cn deb: lor ix iiioiitlis
Total expenditure for second period
. ,ir .!-.-- . . ! fn! a.l ,, ' 1 . ' ., -1 . , , al.i!i ll.nnes .
caincg on oilier tricii volunteer oiu- . , c , nw 1fv1Mf!
I'di 11
lul ; i Dr
.... . . I
it (.! physician of this city, in a tragic fashion
j J at her home at U13 Hush street. The ac
:u mi i cidental setlinij off of a burglar alarm
Is tj: ,.
n nrakni u uer nerves to bucii a Strain
that she suffered death by fright. She
went lo a window and blew a whistle.
Help came, bui just km she opened the
from door clie tottered and fell dead. I
H770 v;
1710 l)
I'.lS) J7
' frnm .t.e f.r I lu' " ""iciawon. lira ID Oil T ! 'T '"
.verj man bas. under the, . . , , ; jaurneyins across the continent, from Kunm-rs li.ernn
the r'-ht to chooe; 1 i .""J1. WKU I Kxst and t-outh and Middle West, our ' "'Tn
iuc I...JI in uocse ,, , trx l,n . .n n iv. ni ,.t t ruiexaud forfeitures .
for l ..m hP will ,ltt Y, h K , '"' " "'v l"' . pleasures have been augmented bv the ' Kent
tor Lorn ne wm work, but he has no tiousness ns those of Govcmori . , , " . 'K.idtx.
,. : ... . . ' o ,. perfection of arrangements, by the evi- Ji-Mcilaneons Income
ri-hl to exer i-v that prerogative in Roosevelt. , i
Total income for second period
American fjia.
tehtlf of his netohbor. There is no
Is w that enables you or me to sav
for wha or f-r whom our neiahbor
shall work. To aiumpl its exercise
dent desire to please, and by the com- !
Cood Sanirills.
; forts and luxuries which have been so 1
f reel V tendered bv official of tranenor- Total Income, second neri.wl
oii ciir'uh', Mcouu i-enoa
Dj nnto others as von would that 1 tation companies and by eit'iens every
thev ttiould .U unto vou." is a maxim where. To the citizens of Portland, w ho ! Total income over exnditur .
that ia asold as tfie hills, and one that ' met ns on the borders of their irreat
more closelv. would make state, and who uurneved with us.
pleasanter and we wooid ail have showering" courtesies
of our liberty is itifrinsed ' better regard for our fellow beinc. 1 tion with lavish bands and beartv boa
17 IO
.' mi
in l.i
S7 I17 .'
MVl H7
Three hcrss June l'J, 1S99. deecriW
as follows: two weighing about
each. One a light chestnut branded D
on lefl shoulder. Black horse branded
C on left shoulder. One bald fwsl
sorrel weighing about 1200; rowl.ed
mane. A literal rewnrd for information
of the whereabouts, or the return of
same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractor),
Viento, Or., or K. V. IUsbaxd, Mofiff.
Or. W
by force is a crime, which one state liTfd to
at least will take notice of. The ' life pleasante
Total imoine over expendiliire, tlrs per-
! lumped From a Train.
Mrs. hdinonda was a very talented an I ! r,,, ivBI Lm Cal.. Jnlv 10.-A. K
:h io : successful iihysician of this ritr. Sim i i. i. i...,.-.l a Sonthera
j , (, ( - ...... uiri, ui i'aviuii, in., jiiiiit'.-.
;.: to ; " -he widow of Judjn late i prtcitic train near Burbank, and taking
jj; of the supenoreourt, and leaves tw.son. I penknife Irom his cket, lie W
u no ; and a uaiiithter. 1 he latter. Mis Annie ,.-.i.i f., ...i. ut l.i throat. The train
Kdmonds, is a lem-her at Berkeley, and ! . ..o,.,..i ,l n,..,n nut on turd
one of her eons, Frank W. F I,,',,. nds. Knd bro'iuhl t.j this citv. His onlj in-
who ha l.eencniriu-te.l with the Unite.l ! jry j, 0. of utlJiH. It ia thonztil tlirt
States geodetic survey for year, is no j Kramer became temporarily ineanelrom
in Alafka. Her other son. Dr. Harrv I ti, l.r.f Moiivn desert. Be ''
F.lmoii.l-. U h physician pra. ticimf in I considerable money with him, M
rresno Conn! v.
1M 65
nd kind! atten-I wrU
. , 1. : . i t . i i
iu no a ueievc in i
' Torsi amt. of income oxer expcniLture
u ' 'ear SlI
In March, 1S99, the city made a tax
levy of 6. mills on the dollar ; the lev
ies made heretofore f ir previous years
were o mills, so that in order toromnnre
his horse, coming across the river on the ladies of our party, onr earnest thanks ! the results of the diffaretit fiscal vears
If there has been a fairer or frank-1 'err.T to get Dine medicine for bis sister j are dne and most sincerely extended. ! with the present one this extra 1 '., milU
er statement than Ibat of Mr Sinclair !Wboiqailei"'tbonle- The ladies of Oregon stand pre-eminent 'should be taken into consideration,
aeoodmanv ,eonl h.vo f.i'.l ,j At'er procuring the necessary articles , among the first and best of America's This extra 1 4 mills have up to June 30,
6 ii" uj i-cyic uati ai.en io , ,he lt(j ,)0 j. on!y Brjoot t;e;ve vears ! cultured and noble women, and we feel lou. Lromrht in 7ti fit . Kts.
I as a return ticket to Dayton.
when one man or body of men die- However, we generally think of self first pitaiity, we return our most grateful
tate to another man or bodv of men "Uer ,h" 'r ,be comfort 'oJ weIN ,hnks'
t ..I u.iiti o. i. -. titiiiiif m rioi ui a. : 'J - i.iiiTg s ui iiaim HI1U
Dries, who lives on Hiirh Prairie.' other towns of the s'ate. whu hava mn.
onions, nut I no not believe in crimes .Wash., rode down to Rocklaud and left ! tributed so much to the pleasures of the
or coercion.
see il. lr there is a single principle , of age, started for the ferry, but owing honored to have shared their gracious ! the total amount of income) over en
set forth which can not be approved, ! to the lateness of the hour it had ceased ; and generous hospitality, and their ' ditures for the present fiscal year, at a
liea person i"no- e ur,n young ana: many attentions ana xinanesse win o mul rate, as follow :
riahts and obi iff a I lw,,",icI'.v stranger, was heart-broken ever be borne in grealfnl remembrance, j lot' amount ol income over e.xnd.
, 2 ' and did not know what to do. He rame ! Les'eiua 1, mills "-'I1.?,1
een man and man. I 4 ....... ..... : Rpti.s .f r.f. Tsiasisen. I ' "
. a . .
me aissenier must lie a
rant c f the mutual
imio a . 1...
o-o.? kii.iii m mrrn uian ami man. . 4 .1 . . -: -1 -
1 u)i lua u tinu aiMjij. nail pa-t eill. ws ' i .
Sinclair's doc trine is that which all f.nnl by Gns Bonn, sobbing a, though j The p-ograu, a, published in the Ore-1 T.?Bt
gOOl citizens indorse, and which they ' his heart would break. He was asked ' Ionian of today is authentic, and will' I" conclusion the following ia a coin
want .to see upheld Spokesman-i "ht ,he matterwasand thelittle fellow : s,, c,rrieJ out accordingly. Th com- ! P"''800 of ,f'9 present fiscal year witli
Rcview. : explained as hest tie could, and said be mjtte on transportation will end to me tfle ,r,vio or-"s: For the year coiu-
! wou Juke very inucli to get across the tomorrow three hundred tickets for the . roencin J"17 1, and ending June
Silver Has Been Made Contraband and
AO Iteward.
A reward of o0 will be paid by ll'
undersined for the recovery
of Bert W hilnev. diownnl in in
river at Palonse Kapids, nenr Lp"
Ferry, on May 23, ISO!'.
nt'uf'UI I'T 1 1 1 V
Itart WkllsM was 21 vea'n old ; lfct
-k..... 1--. tioiifbt 3 feet. II
Bankers are Forced to rice Frmi . i .i. hair. Hf
imooin snaveu ; uara. ,
the Land. ; wort dark pants wiiu light stripe,
l I I . X. .. - . I... a tU II 01 't-
jeMvv la.ett tuuit, ua ,
-.i 1 .1. i(r hack nide
coiorca nair vn too i-..i
t 1 . . 1 Itnrtv.
limn j two uurtt rrtu o .,,
ti. r.r... ..,lintf the body "
please wire v
24-2w St. Helen!, 0r.
j river as bis sister was seriously ill and i .teamer "Dalles City" from Portland to : r-0, 1S!'7, IDOU' o' expenditures over I every bit of arable. I
, be rial medicine !r Her; otherwise he , t,. transports and return, which I will ,m ,unt ' 'ncome was 4-. Irt ; troin Jnlv
The Visit Of Governor Kooscfelt' OU,d U 'lUiaf '",it "'orn"'-1 sell at one di:.r each. This amount 10 Jone -"y1' -monntol ex-
uas put on his tnin in cap ami tinai- jfoes to the reception committee for the i Penuitures over amount of income was
Drips and told him the
be an
' that
. 1 Xl'u:. ....... I 1 : 1
tUtc u.i: UU!e at... u.a -miao,,, en.bered that Kl Kuril bad a
.with President McKinley will fur- ; rjo ,0 the lad was brought to the ex-
nish unlimited material for conibi-: press office and the story was repeater
Dslions on paper id the future, says
the Spokesman-I.eview. Not for
years has a os4ible presidential rival
been taken into such intimate as
sociation with the gentleman in the
executive mansion. Conferences
there have been with the leaders cf
the party, and there hae been
private audiences almost without
number; but to pass the whole day
and night onder the same roof with
tbe president, to eat and sleep io the
homt of the first gentleman in tbe
Sax Franc 1 .sco, July 10. Several
leading citizens of (itiatemaln, juet ar
rived on the steamer San Juan, conflr.11
the report that a revolution ia threat
ened in that country. A prominent
planter here said :
"The inflated currency, combined
with the surplus production of colb-e,
explains the condition. Uf la to tears
and has been ne,l
for tlie growth of coffee, wild a result
that there iaover production,"
The Cali savs that President ......
Ask your grocer for ClarksA
pure concentrated navonw"--"
Saturday s Pslly.
Thos. Batty, of Wapmiti. is m t,s
the city
in 1 . . . 1
recent ion fun I. AI. tlma mi).;ra ,,-''' - ror me oreseni nsca venr t m i ia c .ar..u,l in. i ...
r .v,, . -, - a- m"imk (.riii-re,i tlie coin-
ecure tickets on the '-Dalles City" w ill , ctUil "mount of income over lh ex-. age of a silver standard piece, liOo fine
Diease annlr at Tl ia not Hafin i, penditures was .!0tl f it: and at a 5 null 1 in ft! 1. f nl ti f
toMr. Kins anJ Vic Schmidt an i out , y known what day the reception ill r,e ssn.ount of income over the ex-! storm about his ears and he lail'lle
of the goodness of thei, hearts they iu.- uke pUc,t ,0 are therefore anable to , Pl'tores for the present fiscal year j blame upon the superintendent of tl'
mediatel v allayed the fears of young give Information in regard to Ihe steam-' "onlJ hve -0?.30. mint, m ho now lira in i til
Hon. T. If. Mctireer is m
f k st t a In s.a
. xi;.l,.ll. is I"""
i-.ngene ixioney, 01
city on business.
A. J. Brlghain.of Dufur, in '
at thM I'liialilla HiMISe.
... nf Port'
I ... XI- UlnfiPIOII. "
ira 1 11 kii. I rttioriiev tiro, . i-'-i
kstnlatnr " Tht rk.nni ... 1T virtue of our ate charter it ia r. T.. . I... . . . i.- . ... I -U il.u .ol v loilaV.
be. rrived. cross the Cointubia without , eTer, that tbe water will be low enongh ! ,','r,, "' " I0tK shall be i made a demand upon the banks for sub-1 Mis. Myrtle Michell left this nior'
t to anow toe locKs 10 oe osed ; ia which ' ' ins tu j , on or neiore the sidles of silver. This waa refuse 1 win ' 'or a sliort visit in l oruaiu..
On reaching the opposite shore at I Cae we will ran the "Regulator" down 1,1 d"r of ' h year for the the re.uit of n, . i m;.. nl Astoria. Is ''""
Rorenda Devella, of ihe 3,mk ol Eiur i "l 'iJn'" ol 1r' ,AI"n' 1 jo
latr..l .n.l il.- ( 1 .1 . ... a. t" . I l7.baviVfn.
obllgalione amoiintlne to tS7 ma. . w ' ..r,.m,r , "J." ...T k are in lh "
Aliril ( I .en.OI thM ll.nb i.l A. ..- I lillllllUil'l 1IVUI v
i this sum was borrowed by the ritv
about sis years ago, the council few
about 9 o'clock, the boy was so grate- with excursionists who wish lo go that j ""'P08 f creating a sinking fund for
fol that be could hardly speak and,..,. Aa toon aa II ia noaaihlo in rf , the future payment of the citv'a laow.t
being somew hat flostrated he thanked
his benefactors as follows: ''Boys, I
hope you will be in the sac.e fix some
day so I ran do as mach for you."
Use Clarke A Falks Roeofoam for the
teeta. tf
aononocexents will be made in regard
to tbe "Regulator." Oregon is going to
give her beys the grandest, heartiest
greeting, unexcelled a the annals 0 m0"!'" rnsferred XX) into said
htltnpf . ! fi.n.l f ... .n 1 1. a .:..'. 1 ,
I 11.7 s nenrrai lond,
V . U Allaw at, making 1000 for each of said six vtart
Gen. Agent, Regulator Line, so that this sum should also be taken
A Krali ....... f ..... I, . .
-"-.,, .,1 .no nana 01 America,
Silver has been made coiinlrabrand.
All (inatemalans who attempt to ship it
are apprehended and Incarcerated.
The treasury, foreign relations and
public works portfolios in Ihe rabinet
are now vacant, no one caring to accept evening
... 1 I... and family " .
mr, ..iu ..... - -- wveni""
I ho hoal this nioriiina .mrnaf.
111 ...-m l.,r the 100""
w 111-iv uiri am i r
Miss Mamie Huchler, ho ,
visiting In Portland lor ine v -0
oka alrn.t hilUia OH H'O