The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 12, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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flie Weekly Gbfoniele.
"hhfhcl in luo parti, uu Wtdtutdayi
thd Minnaw.
One ir .
4tx iH((Iltk,l
r.. tll.llllhS
AiTertisiiiB rates reasonable. nd made known
cmnmunicsttnits to"THF CHRON
fcli." i"lie L"1""' Oregon.
11 .VJ
j road petitioned for by Davis Divert et
a!., the petition wis granted sod the
l road ordered opened and declared a
I County road snd public highway. In
J regard to the petition for a road by E. E.
Robertson el al., tlie petition mas
granted and the roati established npon ' are anxious to get back to tl
rJ'uK iur uainages. lite : their birth but,ueu ior uv A, a. isonney et ; account of the lack of transports. Let
al., was granted and the road dec'.a.ed a j ns remember the old saying, "Put vour.
public highwjy. W. H. Whipple, as- self in hi, pUce" alld be jual. well
sessor was granted an extentien of time loyal.
- men 10 u.e me tax roll ot tsyy anil The Walla Waila Union
same will be bled the first Monday in
Saturday' Daily
Last night D. P. Ketcbum shipped a
car of sheep to the Portland market.
It is easy to see through people who
ire always making epeclacles of them
lelves. The Obarr hotel is receiving a coat of
white paint which adds vsry much to
the appearance of the building.
The county commissioners of Ska
mania county hiive ordered a vault
to be built for the safe keeping of the
comity records.
Word was received last night from the
r.uree takiiu care of Edward Jenkins,
Hying he was resting easy and there
were no alarming indications.
U. P. Sam '8 on '''s annual tour
through the country, ?ays the Harney
County News, and Iiatj been entertain
ing the people on the street the laet few
evening; with comic songs and violin.
Commander Booth-Tucker, the great
en Snlvrtt ion Army man in America,
and one of the greatest in the world, ar
rived in Portland on the 8 o'clock over
land from San Francisco this morning.
The river for the past week has re
mained nearly stationary but Is gradual
ly falling . This morning it registered
38.6. The danger of high water is near
ly past and our citizens can rest assured
that it has reached the highest mark it
aill reach this year.
In the matter of the State of Oregon
vs. Clirisuian Bros., which was on trial
in Justit'-) Bayard's court yesterday, the
jury brouiiht in a verdict about 10 o'clock
last night, finding the defendents guilty
u charged. Justice Bayard fined the
defendants twenty dollars each. The
case will be appealed to the circuit
The telephone line which Is to run
from Arlington to Fossil via Condon, is
at last commenced. The workmen hav
ing passed through Condon surveying
and making arrangements for the line
and the work of setting poles and at
taching wires will soon be under full
lieadway. The company think they
ill have the line completed within fix
The counterfeiter, Johnson, who was
arrested yesterday, left several of his
ipurions oins at different places in the
city belore being arrested. IJe visited
Ben Wilson's saloon and tried to play
the nickel-in-lhe-slot machine, but the
nickels were too large and the machine
would not work, so he made hiinsell
scarca. He also visited the Ganibrinns
saloon nnd played fli.O't in the machine
but failed to win anything.
The building occupied bv the rSntler
I'rug Co. is to be thoroughly renovated
remodeled. The front is to be
, C.
Fowler, is in the city from
Arlington, ia in the
taken out and replaced by plate glass,
hile a stairway will be built entering
from Second street to the upper story
liieh will he fitted up for rent. A
Partition will be placed in the center of
Hie store and things in general changed
round. When completed it will be
or"of the handsomest drugstores ic the
Piy and will add much to the appear
Mee of Second Btreet.
The daring deed of the two men who
'nt through the gorge of the Deschutes
"nder Sherar's bridge is making the
,0l'nd of the newspapers and is credited
t0'wo employers of the Oregon Tele
or" Co., says the Dr.fnr Dispatch.
rl" men who actually made the peril
ous voyage were "Earnest Middlebrook
"I Foster, log drivers for the "Slier
Co. Lumber Camp," and they did
u In preference to taking the chance of
'Wring their ,nBt hy lmilljng t rolln,l
'aphis.. Both men are expert boat
"n and confidence in their skill, not
fessily, u, tie cause of taking the
Ut night Cedar Circle No. 8, W. of
-installed ollicers and the following
J"" "'billed by Mrs.C.F. Stephens:
'A-.Mrs. .;ia (Joshing; Adv., Mrs.
R n,' ,ill'neyj Clerk, Miss Louise
'"""I; Magician, Miss l.enit Jackson;
r-'''"t, Mrs. Kate Kreft; O. S.,
-liruIi;,:.(jf MM ,.,, M(ir
M,,!, "",'ian' Maie dishing:
ti'.r!1 T "' I,',rkl,", A,,f,r installa
le'r, 1 program whs ren-
"'"I refreshments, consisting of
"'Tea,,,. ...,L.. ..... ..... . . .
, . nerries ami lenionaili!
serve, I
each member pre-
Souvenir of rirnntion
i lie eve
will. warn
,rnl. mid all hrt'tutrit ulll .1 ...
:im nin IIWMI llll'linillli
'tern"'y "'" "' ,,,rno,' vesterday
Laving K .tl.-,, thrnngh with
Among other thiims thev
" nlias warrant bii..,I,,.,I i
Hi. .1...
dirt.,',xr',,i'',rti,e pl,rlH!7
'olW.i f'e sheriir for
" matter of the county
Novembti .
Monday i Paily,
W. II.
Chas. Lord, of
city today.
H. D. Parkins returned this
to Sprague.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Wilkinson
returned from Heppner.
August Standard patterns just re
ceived at Pease k Mays'.
John Karlin, a prominent sheepman
from Grass Valiey, is in the city.
A. A. Roberts, deputy United States
marshal, is in the city from Heppner.
Henry Stegman, wife and family are
in the city from their home near Center
ville. Miss Daisie and Master Delwin Alia
wayleftcn tho boat this uiornin;? for
During the absenca of M. Z. Donnell,
Fred Schmidt will attend to the pre
scriptions. Miss Myrtle Micheit returned last
evening from Portland, where she spent
a couple of dayB.
The river is gradually falling, and at
noon today was only thirty-eight feet
above the low water mark.
Ben E. Snipes who has been in the
city for the past few days returned this
morning to his home at Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mays, who have
just returned from a wedding trip to
Alatka, spent yesterday in the city.
C. G. Hickok, representing Hoi.y
ni an, Da Hart & Co., of Portland, is in
The Dalles in the interest of his firm.
Capt. Ward and wife, of San Fran
cisco, spent yesterday in the city, and
left on the Regulator this morning for
E. Hard ick will cloie bis pawn shop
and will move to Walla Walla next week
wliera he intends to make bis home in
the future.
Mrs. Hulling, accompanied by Miss
Slina Phirmun, will leave on the
evening train for Mrs. Hoiling's home
near Spokat.e.
A freak of nature passed through
yesterday evening on No. 1 bound for
Portland. It was a double-headed calf
and first saw the light of day on Long
Mr. and Mrs. M. Z. Donnell and Mrs.
C. T. Donnell left on the boat this morn
ing for the Cascade Locks, where they
will establish a camp and remain during
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Houghton and
Mrs. W. Lord left on the Regulator this
morning on a camping expedition. They
will pitch their tent in tho vicinity of
Mt. Adams.
July 7 was the first anniversary of the
annexation of Hawaii. In all the ex
citement over the Philippines and Cuba
everybody seemr to have forgotten
those little islands.
A coach is sidetracked near the foot of
Washington stieet, which accommodates
two young men w ho are taking views
for the O. R. & X. company to be used
in advertising their road.
V. A. Cmm. of The Dalles, lias been i;i
our city for the past week, says the
Prineville Review, looking at the situa
tion for another merchandise store. He
is representing A. M. Williams A Co., of
The Dalles, and if suitable arrangements
can be made, they will open out a gen
eral merchandise business in Prineville.
Secret societies and lodges wishing to
be represented in the decoration of our
steamer "Dalles City" by Ernest Jensen
will have to take immediate steps, as the
time is limited. The banneis will coBt
$3 complete, and after the volunteers re
turn each lodge will be given their ban
ner. This is no money-making scheme
the object being to represent all the
people of The D.illes in the welcome.
It was a j .lly crowd that gathered at
the home of Miss Gussie Mcintosh,
Saturday evening, to give a farewel,
parly f'.r Miss ltrowii. of Illinois and
Mies fierrin of Spokane. The evening
was spent in games, after wl
cream und cake were served.
hour t lie guests bid goodbye
transports, Dut the department doea j purchated abroad in excesa of I'.OO io
not see fit to comply with onr wishet so ! value should be assessed with duty,
we must be satisfied as things are. To As to tbe irnportat on of cu.ios, war
l'Hik at the other side of the matter e relics, souvenirs, etc., all such articles
should reniemlier the hov from other which have no distinct commercial value i
slates who are in tbe Philippines, and and are not imported as nierchun.lise !
le land of for sale and profit, may be admitted free j
are unable lo do so on ' of duty. New piece good, chinaware.
curios, articles of ladies' apparel, linuors, I
ammunition, arms, etc., in any ion-1
sl.lerable quantities are liable to duty.!
Yon will be governed accordingly, ami j
treat such cases in as liberal a manner
as is possible consistent with the law
and regulations governing the imposi
tion of duty on imported goods and
graced its
paper yesterday with the following:
" Western Union Bulletin Special dit
patch: "The Second Oreiron Vo'nn.
Rooper, of Antelope, is in the . teers landed in SanFrancho at ll liO
last night. The Ciikonklb has been
untiring in its etlorts today to verify the
statement but up to the time oi going to
press have been unable to find anv
j truth in the assertion whatever. The
I Union probably struck upon this scheme
j to make a hit by getting the news first,
) but they have maJe a mistake for there
is no truth whatever in the statement.
WcduewJiiy a Hatty.
C. C. Alvord, of Goldendale, is in the
Alfred Wiley, an Eastern wool buyer,
is in the city.
W. R. Maacall and family are in the
city from D.iyville.
Hans Hansen left on the boat this
morning lor Portland.
Miss Lee Herriu and Miss Bertie
Brown left on the train Jast evening for
for Spokane.
All Redmen are requested to trail
toward the wigwam on this Tuesday
sleep of the eun.
James Keenan and II. J. Lister, stock
men from near Prineville, are in tbe
city on business.
Rev. Woody and family returned on
the Regulator this morning to their
home at Portland.
T. Brownhill and family left on the
boat this morning for a few weeks visit
in the Willamette valley.
Yesterday the sheriff held three sales
besides the delinquent tax sale which is
in progress again today.
Mrs. Lacock and Miss Nora Bonne -mort
passed through tfie city list night
on their way to Salt Lake City.
Miss Frankie YanVactor returned this
morning from Goldendale, where she
baa been for the past two weeks.
If you are afflicted with tho desire to
give advice at every opportunity, became
a lawyer or doctor and sell tbe stuff.
X. It. Huhci Appolutetl Minhal, N.
iiutra fur lurnrdrr ami O. A.
1'hlrniau, Night wat.'hmau.
A. II. Breyuian. who is interested in
the Baldwin Sheep and Land Co., of
H.iy Creek, is in the city from Portland.
Yesterday and today more fish have
been received and put up at the cannery
here than at any other time during the
Mrs. Nellie St. John and daughter
returned on the stage today from Gol
dendale, where they have been visiting
Mrs. Alex McLeod.
Miss Rosamond Shaw left on the boat
this morning for her home in Portland,
having spent the pnBt six weeks visiting
with her friend, Miss Sara Henderson.
Those desirng a hammock would do
well to call on Jacohseu Book and Music
Co., as they are offering the best values
and the largest stock to select from in
the c'ty.
Last evening the marriage of Owen
Jones and Sophia D. Roth was solem
nized at the residence of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Horatio Fargher, Rev. D. Y.
Poling officiating.
Mrs. Fred Bronson and family, and
Mrs. B. S. Huntington and son, went
down to the Cascades this morning
where they go to meet Mr. Huntington's
sister, Mrs. Clark.
Since Mr. Hardwick has determined
to leave for Walla Walla there is no
pawn shop in the city. However, R. B.
Hood will open a shop in a few days
and will accommodate all who wish to
do business in that line.
Wall a. Walla seems to have a gang of
ll.a ..lit. (luhlf.lun 1 t lour I
IUUIIB.1 Uio Hit t i-oim J linn, mui
barns burned to the ground, and three
were scorched, as a result of the sup
posed work of incendiaries. That so
many buildings accidentally caught fire
in one night seems improbable.
Summer weather prevails and a gen
eral rain is not probable for two months
more, says B. S. Pague. A few showers
west of the Cascades and thunderstorms
east of them may occur. The move
ment nf the atmosphere is such that
hot northeast winds are not probable.
The grain crop is now in its critical stage !
and an absence of hot winds for two
The common council of Dalles City
met Saturday night in tbe city hail with
Mayor Knck presiding, and Councilmen
Clough, Gunning, Stephens, Keller,
Michelbach, Johnston, Shackelford and
Kelly present.
The minutes of the previous regular
and special meetings were read, after
which Mayor Kuck delivered his mes
sage to the council, which was as
follows :
Tu the Common Council of Inlk Citji:
As niavor of Dalles City it is my duty
at this time to recommend the adoption
of such measures as I deem expedient
and proper.
The most important thing for the
council to consider is the finances of
the city, and see how we cun get money
into the treasury as well as out of it,
and that tbe money in the sinking fund
is kept bearing interest continually.
The sewer proposition should be taken
hold of with renewed vigor and pushed
to an enrly completion.
I consider the city financially able
(with the present tax levy) to provide
street lighting and recommend the ap
pointment of a committee of your body
to see what can be done to that end.
I recommend that the collection of
the road (ux be continued until all who
are not exempt have paid t lie same, us
it is not right to collect only from a few.
I call your attention to the fact that
the reprinting of the new city charter
together with the ordinances to date
would be bandy fer reference, and, if it
meets the approval, adviee that the
same be printed in pamphlet form.
The vault in the office of tho recorder
has been in bad shape ever since the
high water of 1804 inundated the same,
when the water so suddenly came into
said office, it was necessary to quickly
move tbe records to a place of safety in
order t o save them from destruction
and in so removing them they were
mixed together and are not now in.
proper order, and I therefore recom
mend that said vault be overhauled
and said records be re-arranged and that
all old books and p.tpers be conveniently
stored away in said vault in order to
make room tor those that are to be
hereafter filed and preserved. And I
finally recommend that you give what
assistance you can to the board of
fire delegates in their efforts to get a re
duction in the rate of insurance by pro
viding the city with a chemical engine
and fire alarm system.
Respectfully submitted,
IIknky L. Kick.
The bond of the treasurer, C. J. Cran
dall, was then read and approved and
placed on file. Next in order was tbe
appointing of officers for the ensuing
year, and Mayor Kuck in a few well
chosen words presented the name oi X.
D. Hughes for city marshal and he was
confirmed by a unanimous vote.
The name of N. II. Gates, tbe present
incumbent was presented for recorder
and was confirmed without a dissenting
The petition of G. A. Phirman, Jas.
Like and John F. Root for night watch
man were then read and a vole being
taken Mr. Phirman was declared
A petition from B. A. Gifford was
read praying for a deed to lots 7, 8, ! and
10 in block lo, Gates Addition to Dalles
City and on motion of councilman Gun
ning it was referred to the judiciary com
mittee. The reports of city officers for the
month of June were read as was also
I the recorder s yearly report and were
j accepted and ordered placed on file.
I The treasurer reported as follows : .
Amount cah on hand June 1 . )fl '.'."( I :0 i
Received during month y.Mll H4
"A House Wife's Delight a Nicely Ar
ranged Table."
linj your goods of us ami get a set of this
The above cuts are representations of a lew pieces of hamUomelr decorated,
hand-painted china, now on exhibition at our store, which we intend giving away
free to our customers.
We guarantee that our prices on goons will remain the same. This special
offer is made for the purpose of increasing our trade and showing the people that
we truly appreciate their patronage.
This ware is raoi.lly taking the place of White Granite or Iron Stone China.
It has that soft, white, velvety finish ; is of the finest quality, and without doubt
tbe best in the world. The shapes are the vety latest patterns and have been de
signed to meet I lie tastes of the most fastidious.
It is only by our guaranteeing to line a large quantity of this ware that we
have been able to get it at a price that, enables us to give it to the trade absolute
ly free.
Our assortment consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, Breakfast Plates,
Dinner Plates, Platters, C iver.d D dies. Cream Pitch .rs, Sugar Bowls, Tea P ,1
and everything that goes to make up a fine set of dish- s.
We earnestly invite you to call and insueet it, when w will cheerfully give
you full information. Very respectfully,
A. C. GIGER & CO., Props., he Djlles, Or.,
Pease & Mavs, nidse 50
L D Oakes,' hauling 1 dl)
.1 W Blakeney, " 1 50
Win Iienzie, " 1 Vo
Win Michell, repairing and oflice.
rent 4 50
Nothing further coming before the
council on motion the meeting adjourned.
Julinaun Hound Over.
Helditig Johnson, the man arrested
for passing counterfeit nickels was
brought before United States Commis
sioner Huntington today and waived ex
and has acted as foreman for II. Glenn
during tbe buihiin of the Maya A Crowe
edifice and on many former occasions.
He will surely be the- right person in
the right place if during this year the
sewer proposition is taken up and a
new system put in, for he is a practical
and competent man in that line.
Of the re-appointment of recorder
Gates we will Bay no better choice could
be made. He has devoted his entire
time to the city and has been a conscien
tious and an exceptionally accomodating
t nl!..l..l
animation. He was bound over in the
eum of $500 and will be taken to Port-
land this afternoon by Deputy U. S. I
Marshal Roberts to appear before the
United States grand jury. He ad- j
mitted having the money on his person j
but denied making it and dated first
G. A. Phirman has given general satis
faction during the past year, and as
nightwatchman is rather a trying posi
tion he is deserving of more than pass
ing praise.
Of Chas. F. Laner the retiring marshal
that a saloon man of tiiis city had given
it to him, while later he said he pro
cured the spurious coin in Walla Walla.
It is very likely that he has an accom
plice who manufactured the nickels for
him to distribute.
our omi'lali.
we will say lie has been iintiriDg in hia
efforts to please the citizens of The
Dalles and in a general measure has suc
ceeded. He has been a trustworthy of
ficial and during tbe time be has served
tbe city has devoted bis entire energies
for the welfare of tiie community.
Tlie officers appointed Saturday night I a t hud Bnjoja.
will undoubtedly give satisfaction. Mr. j The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
Hughes, who was appointed marthal, is ; B00thing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in
no stranger in our midst for lie came to j nee, 0f BXHtive, and if the father or
The Dalles some sixteen years ago. but j mother be costive or bilious, the most
after remaining some months removed I gratifying results follow its use; so that
to Yaquina. He again returned to The j it j9 the best family remedy known and
Dalles some ten years ago, and has been j PVery family should have a bottle,
in the city off and on numerous times j Manufactured by ti,e California Fig
since then. He is a carpenter j Syrup Co.
The following lines are to bo found at
IVIays & Crowe.
win rants issued.
..H'"H LM !
. . l.'.ot! lo ,
Garden Tools, Deep Well Pumps Blacksmith's Toole
Rubber and Cotton Hose Har lion and Steel
Wmches'er and Marlin Rifles, latest models Blacksmith's Coal
Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies
Bicycles and Sundiies Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings
Smith & Wesson and Colt's Revolvers Barb Wire and Nails.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
We will replace every piece if found rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
weeks more wl'l hIIow the greater Balance available cash IfliUiO!)
portion ot tbe grain crop to mature j Ordinance number liO.'l was then in-!
without, shriveling. The rivers are full- troduced by Clongh, regulating the
eh ice ling slowly ami no uanger oi nicner , construction of circus billboards, ami on ,
At n late j water exists. The rivers will continue i inH reading was parsed. 1
and (tod- I above their normal heights fur several ):i motion of Stephens tho mayor n p- 1
pointed F. S. Gunning to fill the
t ... . I... u. iii.ii, holies nnd lioninu' to weeks.
sen them again at n hue dale. When it was first nrranged Unit the
From the latest dispatches the Ore- Second Or. ton volunteers should return
son troops a ill tie brought to Astoria on i direct from Ma-ill., to Portland. Collector
. . i ....,l (?tiNtiiia Patterson wrote to li e de-
llietraiis...i.- , ...., ..,.... i ...,., ..I li..i,t. .,,.1 l...., U-....L,
u tier., liar 1 11 1 fll I 111 , llionnom . u . ...iit, .....i.. . ... . . ....... , ... , ...
' . . . .. .
vacancy on the sewer committee caused ,
by M. T. Nolan going out of office. j
It was moved and carried that a com-
inittee of three be appointed on Ihej
lo Vancouver by river steamers.
they will be mustered out. This v. ill
i,h welco news to the citizens ol Ore
gon, for it looked as though our boys
were to be discharged at San Francbco.
By having the transports come to
Astoria will give an opportunity (or all
to go down mid welcome the volunteers
home. Of course we would like it a
great deal heller if our boys could be
brought direct lo Vancouver on the
regarding the free admission of effects,
curios, relics, etc., belonging to them.
In reply the secretary of the treasury
wiites as follows: "Their personal
fllecls, such as clothing, articles of
peisonal adornment, toilet articles, etc.,
are, of course, free of duty. Cigars In
excess of fifty brought by any one
passenger, should be assessed, and
articles in Hie nature of personal eflects
appointed the following councilmen :
Gunning, Shackelford and Keller. :
Toe following claims against the Hiy
Here read nnd on motion were ordered I
pnid nnd warrants issued for same. !
C J Crsnilitll, for payment ol bills 7 lo!
J K reritusou, hauling 'J 50:
Tiiiies-Mountaineer, prinlingelec- 1
tion tickets ft 0(1 j
CniioNici R I 'tib Co, printing elec
tion tickets 3 00
A Complete Lino of
Planet Jr. Garden Toils Rnhford Wagons
John !eeie Plows mid Marrow Ricine Buggies and Carriages
Bean prav Pumps " Buckeye and Piano Mowers and Reapers
Cultivators nnd Disk 1 1 ir rows fitter Drills, lightest draft.
Our stock of
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
is complete in every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock.