to leara tkat e aa ! . I tw a c-ly "" I U . I, re el r--r- i StSCS O IB . - . aaxk to aac i- . jT, j Cn 1 a a.. " . . .... - ha t.r-wT C-I -. rfjr.-. - C Orea asl ut:rr Tito to a B.:w-l tact- that ?-- t-ar la exce-j ia P"" tk C c5yf ,r"4 rexter of ski w - ,B tmpUlK eacy d Ts, txamoad RoLr MS- were bait about re year p ly ta ir.t pro nrkrttw. Mr. Ajona H. Curti. wfca --to cm t the -BBtu seat of ike be sxa. to.g of sea .tartan tg l SB Bra I upr vim of Mr. W. H. Grt. wna hist tM BtilJ r " V Hr OJt a tt ( tk Eaar WMl kjtr bms tr 13 Clwia4. 0 m. a4 k a Bulr H ifn4 aat traa ta IteiCtaaur. Liwma M3ii. af Aa. M-aa. H I Maifiw waa m prrty rfjPtj aaJ cant aciat at irwst mnJr ia. t varvdL Tara i certy Mr. Gruat. a ntwsuan TV Ckjvaartt r ce:.T dba liaa tW r- troem l eriar-rMaa 1 iW root Par a lj t7 a arfar AH cccra. aa to lrai ta a kcua. Is. anara- ffwa mXl a. M-srt l! arA2T to avaa!artai4 ay j t E. P. AT Oa?!r. Jtaa-asa-: Me toe r foraawi ta raca ta a: W asd to &at to kaa a ta Grarf exor-Zirac. vaira fart ttnciu f r j--Jt- Ttyrr ar at a ! ri iJr aaV and xrwat aVasaad. rr- t24ni r?sj-r a craataaa r4jr. c(t-4 ar ji74 ia ail &eyn x:t sirr-ail r"-r. ararat.rr j amct ta ariTl. aad ta aaotMa!r aay asi rcrir. ani ta prcif caniiraft of ti xt;tr arxrrrai a vacaJ to ttt ka-a t tk trad a4 ci-? f erfsae. To aaarsitwir of ta fcia riJ ti arte-:. oir a ta "P:t ,lraaa.-ra acar bm b t? tk Piwtn" 1 a raiiia aA.vt'iiar iaint.r f t9 niSa. U;k tura oat he52 to as tT' artia a caafKjr 3-- J711M ft f hsbrr ailT. jJm-1 of at: ul f:-3at:r j Tfc traion Ta Ep LsnWir tsr ;to wansa. Ito rimwr a tl ra;asT to a uai rxxica aad fia- er t. r ar aoscat. taaaJwr. aatsfanond frooi sturt asrf .-rJL T 0:4 T. & aval iiz to t tuaoer. a&-l tt to to atat. ia a a arrfco. aid aa aace Kort ia roeawtic. tlsat ta Orr-in as4 f xet. awal asd ti to csaal aafeicrtoa f -r-.s yVid ta bt laiabrr syT &BU. I nnmtif a ta te-srat. Tfc ra W atr y ia wrissaoa tiat tkea ar for Ifeto ar ao f r t- k Tfc r!faat a attrtM as! jo ta, tat feaa prwt a ka;.;r rw:iia raT. a4 t?w J4ort -f ta ! ciT Mr1k , ,CTOri,-. r,-, to a a a -iit -T . e!t " iml pitta f-xsr fcraa a4 Sirt rs japvVr aEjKk2fT asj tb se-- ia-1 rTa tas raa ryi"o-nt. rav. j. . .KTi:roRn;R rTaitaa aa4 araoa- . . . I aj-i j.'j 04 5k ajrsra! r.xirl oar anil. or arrfflt of vtr arirfal ' tne-jL aid ! aJS of i a'.3r.:T o c5W ttLaas. Tras ei tcrti bar! . :tt frva af r off. aati, ett-sTr-! sqx tloeaa sa tirr KirtiJoa. ar fr S ti'r &59i.lj ay rfe ruaiT. 7V: aft. lfw. aS wrr ti W -. cams Jor rtrTri.; I ; ant of ll ir ia fc-!.ar a ra a rraa tts-!larra- uref ta atK5. aaid astazsaarata f s tJS aa or&tir aancT r jtf ocal ava Mka it ar rin 'aid, tkat aukar of It ia:tr ar itui aa aau of toansacc tk Euan ataa a msrgirs asl twmj irn ar. t a crat uuat. piyinf IrvV ac 10 ta a;awv and of ato ova iKga- Tkt Cv. J. A. Gswadrfr fsrs2iba aa tosuuac ia amat asaks kiai ate Ha kaa K(oBrd ia Tk Eai. or ta ti2as arjr circte of fnravi aad ac tiiaaM riiadt dsrias kU prarUo ia us of tk atatr. L"? GtomJr3cfr to a aasfT aoa of Or tf-xu tins ta feera ia AJSaay. Lisa car. kr a au rar4 aad riTl kss mtIt arkKs-fcjC. Hi po(93(al 4-Bk-ala was rc.iJ at Marioai jin cc:$f. fft. Laua. M.. aal Jeff rraoa c-Tc!i.-ai vi. of PtaWi;4ua. froaa vkirk isicrtatu a rradaat-! r;t-rr- ta 1. aarf If:. H- Ikrrt arartici ia Se. Looto. a?r--a irvi rrtaraed to kto stair fctaok. K (aa aaoct a rar aaj a !ti-"f as to Ta Iaiia. ar hr rTr d a awwt ri- triaate 13 kto vkca aad aity ia ez at oar aorordd tk troaja of Bsaar of ta bst faia tSe n tk r-.T as-i roaary. T2st Or. 0sirfr lu aoittod BiaaaHf aritk heecxr aad &ri--a-r ia au aar nid to trtSiritrasir idiand ky kia tare aa j Wis fc-actk:. Maay ar tk pratos vavra ia k-i iki:f ia aoaas vacr kit t:x--:y al kas ayd tk rad kiad of d5aaa. aad ar a kaa ctrd aa a awss-r of aurcr. tmnj to r ces tke i'k and aSctd. Eaia ktiaw a BBa!r of tk ssatrla a&fixa- Er. teaMorfr to a iqiovtaitot ia iuj. ad kaa arforaMrt auy r-rtt-i -ti opvraoia ariik a awreaa a kick aaa I r a:ts kir rkiQ. Ilj oOr to pro-a-Rk tk Satt toaprord iaatni awu aad twuia-n kaoara to aardira. axd nrrVai araroc. an tk dortgr tak. a jaat irUV ta kfx&s faisy akrat of k- rrofflwtoa. Dr. aad Mr. Cijadotfr ar faaiHiar rra ta axayt irtis of Tk ralia aad. atoc tak2a n tkir ridaK la tksa city, aar ndard tk9rra to f frtowto. Mr. Gtolorfr ka ":'y irtiti'wl froai a t arrka" TMt t Ponaad. aad it to a-ttk piranrr Th i-cjotic arajda Er iw COL Mat I BBEkVEHT. Aaa. Cockle. Praarlrtor. It kas ka owr aim la preparteg fbes aketcke for tk trad number of Tb Osroaneia. to gtv re reseatatr r and eater; toe la tke various line 'Of srannfacTar aad trad, aad to gtv sctal proauaeac to tao mea aad lscJ;a:toa wkick form a nart of tk 'ii J ktotory of tk ri .r ia preparing la sketck tt to gnllfyir-g to be ab to stat e it we are Introducing tk reader not oaty to on of Tk Dalles' most Im portant eaterprt -. but. as well to oec of rk etty's saost prominent and kon eeed crt iaee. Tbe Cotumbsa brewery to aa old ani wU-stabitoked eaterorto. having b-en ia ! ratioa ever sine tt was built, wkkk was ta KK At Hr a sm11 e ra. ta piaat kas been from time to time enlarged to meet tb larrm istn d. irx4 fcr Its product, uaiil today it covers j . to BEilDOt. aa ectir biota. I . . Tk product of the Columbia brewery ! E-tat ..4 MI.e. a arst-auaaty User beer, and It Is not I Ini:ranc ka com to be so mark a too mock ta nay tbt. In ex?inc of 'factor In conservative business methods taste and parity of ingredients, this brew ' rd etoooay that tbe well-eondacted rr: tk best Immrted beer of Mi!- ! Et' to a necessary concomitant of tb wane and "t. Locts. Mr. Bu'Wer ha 1 trvwrerity of a towa or community. It i. aa ex?rlen d Germaa brewer In tbe 1 therefore, cause for congratulation that person of ki br ther-tn-taw. but helnc $ Th Dals has an agency that to ail that hfm;f a skilled be ewer, the whole t ' to be desired, both as to comparii rera;! c-ier bis direct sujierv Ision. He ' rerresented and In It management. Tb hov te best th market atf rij f r j 'orm er are the New Zealand, ''.-in in v dartint of hi business. JAaierican. Fire Aociat1'-a of Philadel- W'nile trt b werr doe a very larre j V- t. Springfield. X mbem Xssuraac of local tr -1 ih !.-. hote's. revtaa- ; Lnnd-. Vvrdeba s1 st-. of urtda. rant aed aetrate families asvie from It and th Xiacara. The oU-lIn com n 1 bar. it kostnes extends ail over , panic ar o famiiiar to persor at aU a t eastera part of tk state and tnto ' quaiated with tke great insurance com WasMertoa and I lake a well. Colas- j panics of tb world that their connec bsa kieari f br to always oa tap at ' Hon with aa agency to sufficient t ea tb best bar ia tb city, and it oca- tabiisk tt reputation, and to those un slo.s r little earprtoe to straarer vis-' familiar with the compar.ies th aaso Itlng Tb DaK. to receive la renty to nation of Mr. X. WkeaMoa with tbeen th Inquiry. "What brew I tkto" th! agnt ! cffMer.t to retura tbe co -aaswer that K to a bom prodact. It kas ' ptimeer. This ajrrry larludea. also, the aa saM that it befcoores every ail " Travelers' Life and AcrMent Insuraac for tk weifar of tk roamunlty and , Coapvay. of Hartford. Conn. Hmsif. tndivU?any. tbouh prkaps la- Besides tke maaagrawwt of tk tocal directly. ta aatroeiae boa tadanry. We may add. hi a different vela. It behoove every aaa who appreciate tk-amber tererag t rail for Coiasabia brew. It Vml W kaow. for wb hav tried ftrtw was horn a aer- 7- H .-e t. ih. laned Seal, m .... . IC bl BM- TT. TiTa-sTat a-a r . M. kll t a oa v Hr ku feul-t . aa tndustry of Ikt tutM --- . ' , . . !ar. at ti 2t of kV I T Mjar at Bdow. rv H aoc t-w im. kM kvwbfxt ar froaa Wf e-.ixr aai Mast t& rt Bamfaarla; Fran ml OnM aaJ WualcciM aaoM. tar aivw W taiwatviy aw:l sua iter aoairtat tiaaber r mtnrwa. azai. a c ibr rrvncaEir KrmSer cwma off liM czrim at ta aiif. w tikr pwiarr is prrtia a rrcT ta-M -a at Ti IKltes Uat-X Tt J lib !r a laratni 3atml Lg;c i 4 avaHUMry. rarardjc nit aa4 ta tatr afwraiioa feat yrrra pij mm t w af ta aaot ramcl BMYfeajEk? ia t rtTa haM ry;tix;i ta ta suat. Caw9 totwr taraa : a ana prwiart. Svc ta k f atatcnal aakt aaaHsMrr: at ta kaaor as taei r5 ysd Vr tato ccacfaar atak It posaa- brat At ta rarda la TS a-hr a 4r- i or BMrrawaarvraBwV'ivrd. 1bnnsiunv j k9 In nock. Mi for ts boI&S jaarf retail trad, rwntiiif in ih a-ay I of 4mrs. artnioa-. awrtiiiers. fcoc? fin f tstiiar. dry er. fsn and wk m-ood. bc!M j ixc aaaWruiL awoa titr. rwarh and asiad rarai. sf and a fall !-ir of . , V ' . 7t " ; 1.i-r . -,7L n V . fT jwiar car wJoet id rtw'uitctioa auk ta amaiiUr omrtmBt to th 3eT for aTral oid-bw Br hmiraac t9EpaBi. amxc m trh a- not? 1 b l rriiatvi Ostxnul, lav-rskxi awl r ;- . . . aasiand ar-1 iBorporatd ia l. Tb o.T- rt ar Tboaaa Jokra. prrsiiBt. ao4 S. 5. Ji4ik, atnuiy aad tra-jrr. Tk ia:tr to ta - Biiuxrr of th company ic;rMs ia tkia rity. arkrr b has r S1 for tk part li yrara. H ia a man far;iraiarty wsl iualiftd to fill tk re rpcenki oosiUoa It fcool. acd baa dn ziark to xtad tk txina aad popo iaxity of tk coaipar. He to a familiar ea-iir ia aorial cirri, aad. as a ritt ao. taa always manifs:d admirabl pc&!Sc spirit in furtkenits aU taovrs de iCBd for t grarl waL PniM dt MTMHKE. Faraitar aad farms Etr. fftti th ktotory of Tie V-s akall bay ba arrilsB. tk ataur f Prtes A Nltsrkk ri';i be trirea promiEent places a-aonjr i:s itosnra. acd. as sreli. amene its prc7rotts acercbaRis. As ptotr. tfcey srere tmocf eariy s;Urs of to cl'.y. mo bere rapwtiriy ia - asd 'Ta. As mcrckaDtw. tbey stand tBKEf tk Cm ia tkeir lines of trad: rut of Portland ia the state, and aamcc tk moot esteemed ia tk city aad coat: try tkey bay k!(d to transform from a siidcraess iaio a venial tcardea. cele brated for the abandonee and rHkaers of i;s fruits aad other prod-jcta. Tker to proUakiy net a firm la The ra!ies ahica. ia lis MuineM career. ba ron:f s;ej a mote du-rriminatlna: Jiidr- mer-t of tbe wants of the pukiic than Pnn a: XJuckke. Their personal ac auiataace ia Wm and cocUxnoas coon tie ts cxreptioral. and tkeir trade lance arid extended. Tk buKtaes occupies on? of tk finest arvd nj:ct niesrooms in tb -ity. Tre tiro is a buyer in carload lots, direct from tbe factories, and. la poir.t of variety and extent, tb ft irk Is surpass! by co other of tke kind In this section of tk vtaie. It inciudes everyihlna; In the ):s of fumitcre. from tbe plfcln bat serr iceah toaiity used by th laboring- man's faad'y. to th exquisitely carved and up koisteted furniture which adorns- the bom of the wealthy. The extenvire stock of famitu'e ts sapplemented by a Keneral lise of bouse furntohancs, lncludina dra periea. certains, portieres, carpets, ruaa. iinoleasu. mattresses, beddirs; and a very cofcplet line of andertakinr aoods. Is tkia connection It Is prrtlnent to state that Mr. Xilschke Is a skiiled undertaker and ensbaJmer. It la worthy of remark, too. that tke firm' undertakinc rooms ar provided witk attic aed modern rri-n-tic appUances. not only to xuard acalnsi InftMtoa. bat to remor from view tb depressin; appendare of tbe last sad office which the undertaker ts called upon to nerform. Tkeodor Print and Joseph N'Hschke r K'ivs ef Germany, but came to tbe I'niied States la - aad 1TJ. respfctirely. Tbey estaoltoked their present business tn l". purrhasicr tke stock and store of John Morain. By keeptnr tkeir stork up to tbe demands of tkeir patrons, tke firm has extended its trad ail over Eastern Oreron aed as far south as Prine-rllle and tk lower aorttoa of th state. This trad is more or lea constaat. and a the country continues to settle up tk trade of this old aad trusted bouse will Increase la rrotwrtion. r-siae- of tk tnsuraac roanaBlea. Mr. w hear)- coadueta a general real estate and loaa busiaesa. buying and el'lrg city aad country prorrty. both oa THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JULY 12. . si, w. aero-at aad for cue-la. ad !- m kaa preferred rarui. atoa mtereauw ta ta AateKv xvamm sstrtrt. ketSisT eatrasted wua a U w al rraaatsaac ctolsas ta tkal to-JW t3ty. is ia tk 1-1-T "J' th prAak fwtar of tkto c-. Mr kU said receatly to a rr?ree3ia - nv of Ta CfcroaarseT TV iw...r- Tk DaUea rli attkia tb next ta dcato. yWA eaue oal to akat has keea takea freax k saarfar dmrwc tk pas T. L. of ta aaesx miaeral Uad ta l. nmin ta toeated about 3t miies soutk- east of Tk (aaiiea. la tk Aauiopr ttw. tk sarfar kwtS4rs af -" hav aot keea aale4l aaywker !s vtaitt.- Mr. Wkni elr- ktmi 1 if as lh nn real, troa aad otker annerato will be foead ta a--uaaar ta tkto vwtslry. aad that M will arov c of tk rk-keM anctaoats ia Ik s:i. X. Wkeaidoa was bora ia Ofei. ket was kroBckt by -to parent, t. Cr-t aka a was bat two years oM. He -e t marlinwd ta tt state. wan r a n-s keea catenated aad kesaa ki -' career. H was U Bttei by xnereac to eater tkia Seid waea K estakJwiied kosiaeea four year axo. Mr. Wki-iioa ; j, ve-jc axre wortky of prom kas tk Caes coUectVa of mineral la i irietit soeiitioa ia a cs vrhi I retiew of Tb -:. asd extetwls a cordial tavtia. j JfcJlE ibe cj:j x:-e ict elec- Uoai ta iMerested ta sack spec. : Jrv. tf 5,, j., aaea to caa aad per By tuect k j IWl., Elecrtc Urhu Telepbor.e - cabiaeta i r-r. v raaiiv was ere-JiiXed to conduct " j a cMMcai eec?ric basis-. hoMir fran CVEOalbB stt CM. 1 t-tes far ctric li.tsT.c telepkoae serv Tker to ao name amosur taose of tke a-erckaats of Tk Iaes better or more favwab!y kaowa tkaa that of Georr Rack. Ta tk caterer for hotel and rrsta-raat and to aVm bo-ss-alre prtNa; over keaaea. tk e aame f cserts p-ieraes kav so lorr been linam-Ul vtoaoB of taaie lurarir ta eadle ( v- ' aBa vtKITKi fart-cr of The Dalle that r-ety. To tke saaa aarrckait oS tk ia- ism-drx-Doe is rrs-Ty. Any enter erior It teJi of tb bayer ta ouaautic r v m-t-to wViirk t- inSuectU! names of sta.r4e and fancy rixKerie. asd o-e ot ta urges wboles le stork ia tke C'T- To tk cilia &s of towa. cocaty aad state, tk nam uxr -ts intrrry aad -beraiiiy far ta upprt of pjiixr eaterprise. As a nentut. Mr. Ruck to imhwwilt ' pj-s a .j-ra. tv it capa -tty I with-a.-&wlewred to be a lea-er ia ki kae flKI, rjrM- m tae cwast. It consist of Misine ( He eibssed ki b nuesa is i . ... v 1 j ..-- M-t;u Tk Dalies In 10. and has. tkerefor. be-a year a resident aad merrhant rf tkto city, d-jrinc wkx-h time be has. hr b?s be-aest eadeavor to meet the demat4s irao m in Best ma t. Tier poior. aaa r y bis uaiuic courtesy to -'-" .wcmaii,..or a a Timn-Houton 30- "'"'"J anaoiuiy woica E xe it ajjj-v, ir? tj- r- to trJe at kto store. j Tr,e to are i ckarre of 5!r. J. A T" f If f ' Mr" afh i McAntr. aa ericaaa of years' ex so tost- rrore-r trade In ttis rt,.1 ajf wkark were spent as ru- 1 , - ,Tk . , . J . t!..I irZw , f r.e. H: !1J r.kJUj i!"1 of Tbe Dalles and surroundin coanzrr and cater to tke best patronare in tke , county. Havirjr an ample capital t ki ' (eeouBd, he to enabled to bay in 1T' -ii. f. .k .w.. ..1 .ki ' ;7 " " J . . ' ibl to tbe cheapest market, aa evidence of which is noticeable In the excepU(iaJ , fairness of his price. His salesrooms in i Mtuated In Ms own business propertv. on one of the prominent business -ner j of tbe city, and in their pocery oifl-la i rive token of the experienced merchant- i The shelves are lad -n with a weaitk t 1 canned and bottled roods. mprtein ' i-iir.rr ii nni innt. !.-... . vea-etables. and a very full and coopiet line of condiments, etc. Produce ia ae- son. and staple acd fancy rrocerles of every descriplioa and in every arjetr ar carried. A liberal line of candies. confectionery, cisars. smokinc- and cfcew- tnr tobacco, etc.. Is also handled. a wi-anown in niacK- A special feature of the business, shk-ki31 cirrtes la this section of the was. for a time, dropnei but to happUy ' 'or er of year, having been now rcTivad. Is the baker depart me nt j business in Bakeovea: and which sunpties evervthlnr in the wsv c. it to ia no small dear due to then- in bread. roils, cakes and pastry to parrc ' d!rtd 11 r-patations as competent work fresh every day. Tb city trade necewi- J ' trustworthy business mea that tales tb runnins of a waeoa for dViiv- jkT kav been accorded so generou a ery purpows. and arocery and bakery or- I hrr of trale in their line of work since der are taken aad fitted at tke ki tehee jro-sir to The Dalles, door. j Lane Bros.' shop Is located on the cor- Georse Ruch was bom In Pentssvlrar.!. I r f Third and Jefferson streets, and and to .f German d til He wwrsmsi "l'Wed in tb best modern manner in a marked decree those characteristic of kf rare wbkh have won for the Ger-maa-Amerkaa so universal suecesa. Com ing a a pioneer of to Oreoa. b grew up with the slate, and to toia? reaping the reward -f lr-duvtnr and tirift- He Mjir.i deservedly fcixh in business circ!e of The Dalies, and ts re cted alike fi nis business abCMy and Irreproachable character. CIFFOHCS STtDIO. Htak trt Pkotaarraphy. It is an oft-expnssed regrt t amocg pro- k- of culture and arUstiTtaste thflWhe art of photography has been to o mil,J.rVT ZT . 22 v1. C a decree usurped by Incompetent anelua- "V"1 '"T" nmr ? The IkUlcs .kill oraVor. The avenge T tbn" I 45, "5 nt Por,,n, ra'idier know, Mule or rothfng of ... i 1L 'J,'" L orkmn"llp in its higher conceptions, and to. hi miny vLI 7 ' . L-?' Bro- , , instances, devoid of ,T knowiedge of L? ,1 ? lT ,'sncr for .,F';h applictioB to pbotogripby. But r al-' 1 Trtn "V ture and lae ki lem.aded K. there i fJJT 71 k'?! ha. ansea another class, whos talent and h.? 11. ,'h' J"1"! study of art hav elevated pbotoajrapay f?htr poT rtt?- A """lL"' to a station eou.l with that of iL , iHTL II aold this season In The ette and brush. Dalle and are warmly recommended by Anent the above. It may be takes as a 1 "7,"'. ... compliment to tke refined taste of tbeLh.71N, Jt ' . citiaen. of Waaco county that It, mMroo- 'l.VraTn'i oil. and trad center has attracted to It "TT X - iLHl,, 1r"ln rites photographers equal in talent and skill to any la tbe state. sure, therefore. Beniamin A. Gi irlorNhaUrbo:! V"" 10 . ..... h. .4, !,n1 carriage building, while the latter tographer ta tbe state has riven more ! careful or comprehensive study to th art. or bad a snore valuable experience. Mr. Gifford auk a spectorty of the finest work, aad pride kimself ia always putting forth his best efforts. He pro- . " V V meitmTVboroa.' He-ka, ahVtTr , iulty of obtaining perfect and natural ptc - j lure of tctani and ckUdren. aad hal 1 aron quite a reputauoa for tkto specialty. H eVuU,mV;,;V. The Tf backa-TOunds. skvkahu M ataAa conduc to tk most perfect results of skill and effort- Hi patron are num bered by tbe hundred, and bail from all nan of tbe county and beyond Its lim its. Benjamin F. G-lfford ts a native of tke state of Illinois. He studied pkotoa-ra- phy under th renowaed La tour, of Se-!J. Stublina; to suggestive of th- best ol dalia. Mo., with whom ke spent two years. I American whtokiea. French and Cal; fter whirk be eaMrbed a txmstw In j fomia wine, fin Imported cigars and a Fort Scott. Kaa. He kas keea tea year j broad-gaug Western bosnitaUty. oa tk coast, and before coming to Tbe j Mr. StuMing kas been li year In the Dalles wa eight year a h djrtg photor- j Unaor business In Th Dalles, and It I rph-r of Portland. Mr. GtfTord ts a a j aot loo snucb to say there Is no merrhant of practical busts aens and expert- I ia bis line of trad who orcuniea a Metier . eece. im. rai:a-cg mil talent ts noia- j aossuoa la tat regard of the general pub. jing aritbout work, ka reaped tke reward 1 itr. nor on who maintains a more repu lof his labor In a proftieoy wkkk bai table establishment. Mr. S'.ubling ha been j woa him sn honorable n al aa j loeated ax kis present stand since 14, excellent rep-jiatjon Hi Indian pnr-1 having eatered th pc as a member ot ,rait and CoiamMa river Wew harjtbe nra of Stubiing A Winiama. which made his fax s a landscape and character artist. CO is t!!-aa as a pko- j logTapker tn tae rd ry sex VULLItW HHHEIU t a dec taker and Esa-alsar. Tbre ar fw kusir-e or recfesev-mal calling la wtk-h en marked a ekang has taken place tn tke last two d-ca4- a that of tb undertaker and eabalmer. Volume have beea wrtttea about tke lost art of eabaimlr.g possessed by ta Egyp tian, out modem actecc kas o far sur passed the anciert ia eab-aialcg that re. rrts for tb tost art ar no longer ard. Tk undertaking tab!ihaet of Wil liam Marbeil to on of ta oW t ta tb city. It to all oa tk grownd S-nr. acd tk rooms ar fitted ap Blth a view to T!! tke .aertakira kuin. Jaj especially to ai.-cwt a ik asori j' oj ta meoera vnatn- -.c t. a rpi.l Un of r:akr rm' ; ATcr t-a fren tke inexp. ci ve. . - 4t t U TTl. . Banal ii tbe farPcrR:- attead- f ike d are car- -rraics ar-4 r. . . J. - M a ai;v of E.-r-an- 1 , -v- cwbltt sac at " r r He tsas keea at dlf ; ia ta wae-makire ana I-!Kaja.,j fc'f ce tabashiri f ... kaa aas each uma ; Mr. Micbell has aio keen a fwatjir3L kern. err-J tao terms as , csai:y T-f.rre of county, , . -rs-i tHK DtUW tXliir UOHT. TEU VTHOXK A NU - ; Aj. Itop, M feattir inou tn f r de saerJ wrtaji BJe tLe t z-x-d liv tkan the ' f --. jr. so t there no ice i acwer s;y. A yet bowerer. the c:eiht ka avaik-d itself only ol v -Ti-r einvlkwe.. Tbe ckaractr ct ! jj, c'r?Mratka to -i.ffK irr t:y ctabll5ked hr tbe persranel of it o&oerv who are ii w Ft-tj nmiint: J. W. French. , treasurer, aad S. FntKk secretary. The? are cw.ix-rt-wl to aa ajsssred saccsss. and n to TrjBii Ikat The Dalles Is ? ---Ail mi-k riar rf ii ke-si system ut j ei trie LyktSr ia tk ssat. ; Tke ccrf j-last ooroed by this com- 1 n.Di- xnrwHd tot va:oe by other ) ,1. irT v' wheel, connected T , , s-juj -4ar. tn the shaft of tK a-r ier jwOtey cocnectol bv belt 1 rtv, , ,t i-r -Ki 1 avar-ai Tka rone 1 1 1 o- j ,m f fcT v loun ma. 1 chsm. oae K- W. Gtaeral Electric a!- w&ext cf tk piast. He was for- .:j Wlt-.--e Falls Electric ke P General Elec- j trk Ot.Bay. hct. ffuiL H to etarta::T. however. frm ike ceie-ati trk Electric Com juu.. r Or-.r.ixi. O. ia w--klrr of the ' " r. ai-Anuur stJ fc beta ctd with no plant bad C71 m better sail if faction, and be iw.aiii a axy works In the state give Ll'K MOTHER, riarkaaaitks aad Wkaicoa.aiakera. It may he asserted without fear of sue '-slal ctradr!M that there is no firm ,. wner nitra riy '1 13 - I?T indivlJ- t v wm a iesr.timate success "- Bra- ,b Wacksmlrh and 5 -- ri Tbi Arm established Its "s-1 l- It members, how. for a general Macksmithlng business and tbe manufacture of vehicles. There are three forges, all tke necessary tools for wood and iron work, and a full line of materials used la the line of manufacture noted. Ia blatksmltbing. everything Is done. tarlocJng fim-clas horseshoeing and gen eral repairing, steamboat and mill work. etc etc. In the manufacture of vehicles, a specialty Is made of delivery wagons, tr cks. farm and spring wagons, cart, carriage, buggies of all kinds, stage coaches, etc. Among the recent work . "Pneni. we note buHt. f.or P8"' ". RT turned out in this department, we note I their trad they became all-amund men. but In their partnership have divided their spend kis time at tke forge. When oc casion arises, however, either can go to tbe assistance of tbe other or take his puice. Both devote their entire time to : bu!4n aad employ only skilled help. j There are generally from four to six men .LX .! iw VIVr . vl ! too murk to say. In conclusion. L -Uo business 1 .... -i--u"i. r. j. m bi.iu. alar. Usjawra aad Clarar. To tb ritiaea of Th Dalles and to the traveling public a all acquainted with our ' place of popular resort, the nam of t firm be surr-eeded after Mr. William' de- mis, two year ago. In It elaborate fixture and. appoint ment II bar is In perfect harnwmy witn th superior quality of liquors served, and a a place of refreshment I headquarter f-r businei men. traveling men and vts iuir to th rlty. To supply the stock ot bis bar the celebrated dls-titlrrie of this cor.tlm-nt and the vineyards of California and Franc yield up their best. Milwau kee beer Is received direct from I he brew eries and Olympla beer Is kept constantly on tan. In connection with the bar I kept an elegant cigar rase, filled with the best brand of cigar known to th Mm. merrlal world, and this one feature alone would make this resort popular with connoisseurs of lb weed. In view of Ih fact that this house doe a large Jobbing business throughout th it may be well to bear out tk statements above mad by appending the foilowinr tit of branaa. wnicn win uui- caie the character of th stock: xei.ow- stone." "Green River." "mo i "Harper"' wbicies: atiia'auae. Weinhard. Gimbrinw and Vancouver beer, and the best of Key West and Im ported eia-ars. Mr. Stublln a cellars mil storac room for his immense stock, and ar or, -Died aUo by his bottlln. pla nL The temperature, even on th hottest days, la low enough to preserve the choic est wines. Mr. Stubllng is hi own trav eling salesman, and look personally after ail the branches of his business, tie employs skilled mixers at the bar, and ina nuxed drinks of thi house are a feature of its popularity. C. J. Stubling Is a German by birth, but has been years In the United States. He to a man of family, and Is Justly proud of the fact that his son was on of th first young men of The Dalle to respond to th call for volunteers for the late war. He sailed on the first expedition to the Philippines aa a member of the Second Oregon regiment, but, owing to the appar. ent unlikelihood of hostilities occurring;, accepted th release secured for him by his father, and was mustered out of tbe service. On his return, he brought with him an excellent assortment of Filipino Implements of war, which are attractively displayed in a wall cabinet In Mr. Stub ling's place of business. It Is well worth any one's time to call and see these relic, and Mr . Stuhllng extends a cordial lnvt bMion to all who may wish to do so. " THE POrrOPFH B PHARMACY Clarke Falk. There is no home In The Dalles held In better repute for fair and honorable deal ing or commanding a greater degree of confidence among Its patrons tban the Postofflce Pharmacy. This fine store had Its beginning in October. 17. since which time it has built tip a trade second in volume to that of no other bouse of the klr.d in asco county. The business was established by Messrs. Clarke & Falk. the present proprietors, and was aa assured succers from the day of opening. The stock carried by this popular drug r tore comprises everything usually han dled by a lirst-clars drug house, and In cludes, besides the general line of drugs. Uifd.cines. proprietary remedies, etc.. a full line of Imported cigars, fine toilet ar ticles and druggists' sundries. The spe cialty of the house, however. Is the pre scription department. Only the purest drugs are u?ed. and nil prescription are submitted to R close examination before being compounded. It has b.'cn said that a thorough know ledge of the business is the best capital a druggist can have. Admitting this to ) a fact, this firm ha an of capital at Its command, for Mr. Clarke, a ho devotes his entire time and atten tion to the business. Is a prescription pharmacist of long experience and great ability. He Is a manufacturing chemist, as well, and puts up no less than a doxen preparations for the trade. Many of these preparations and remedies have be come so well known to the public that their names are household words over a large portion of Wasco county. Among such, we note the following: Lemon, VanlUa, Raspberry. Strawberry. Pri-earplc. Itanana, Apricot Flavoring Ex tracts. Quinine Hair Tonlo. Rorofoam Tooth Wash. Floral Lotion for Chapped Hands. Boll Cure. Sure cure for boils. Cone. Extract Jamaica Ginger. These articles are sold In no less than 72 stores In and about The Dallc-J. This house is agent for the celebrated "Columbia Bromo Salts," which are ta rcclally prepared for its trade, and un der it. name. In New Tork. It Is alo agent for "La Plata Sheep Dip," and "F. & T." sheep-marking paint. An Important feature of the stock of Clarke & Falk la the txtcislv line of kodaks and photographic suppll. a. They carry the famous "Vive." "Cyclone," "Poco Cycle" and ' P.x-o Magaxlne" ko daks and the "Vive Telescopic" camera. Ti.ere is no more complete or varlei stock of the kind In the country, and th'a store Is regarded a headquarters for everything In the above line. F. J. Clarke to a Canadian by birth, but has resided litre 1J years, eight of which were spent In the employ of the Snlpes-Kinersly Drug Company. He hi had 1 years' experience- In the business. H. A. Falk was born in Germany. Be fore going into partnership with Mr. Clarke, he was IS years in the stick busi ness In Crook county. Both gentlemen are men of sound business Judgment and their sure Is but the nntural se quence of their personal ability. COl.l MM A HOI EL J. M. Toomey, Proprtrtur. As the only flrst-rlas hotel, ronducte.1 upon both the Kuroocan and American plans, in The Dalle, and one of the most popular hotel In Wasco county, the Co lumbia Is Patronized hv tnnrUi, clal men. mill and mining men. merchtn:. ram-nrrs ana siockrcn and the traveling public. Tb location of the house makes It eper!ally convenient f-.r persons arriving by boat or train, a the latter tops In front of Its door, while the wharf at which the former lands I a short two blocks distant. The building occupied by th Columbia Is a snactous three-story structure, con taining 70 Sliest room ull ..i- i neatly furnished. Heating facilities are ...... .... .. ,v....a 1 srately warmed, and the house Is lighted throughout by electricity. The orHoe. dlnins-room and Ku w . An , t. . m iiit 111 ,mi n 1 nn 1 ca. r, nu . M.u , . floor, and are especially suited to their uses. The dlnlne-ronm baa pacity of over lua. and the culinary de- i. mrni. wnicn is in ins hand of sallied chef and caterer, Is the pride of the house. The Columbia has been under Its pre, ent management for the past three years. Mr. J. M. Toomey. the proprietor, ha rcsiura mucn longer in The Pallrs, ho ever, and la well known all over the county. He was formerly In the employ 01 the o. R, N. Co., and has a wide acquaintance with th traveling public. Mr. Toomey la assisted In the conduct .1 .ii-. nour ot nis estrmanie wife, w ajio is a helpmeet Indeed. She has charge the bouaekeenln rl ,.n. .. .1 of the cleanliness of everything gives' ubiquitous testimony 10 her presence, J. M. Toomey I a nntlve of the Kmen Isle, but tins been lu years under t Star end Rtrinea mnai nt i,ih tii he has lived In Oregon. He has pronerty in i-oruni nnn Astoria. beiil hi ho property here. He ha two mm of wh it I jlltlv lroilrf ami -vtwim V l. P Ing to become good American ritlgena. . tit MMI, niaek.mlth aad Wagon-maker. it is granting In thi age of haste and snoo.iy to nnrt occasionally mechanic of the old school who tko a hero-nlng pride In th nmduet or t v..i. k..ii Th Dalles I especially fortunate In thl repect, and among th many liU.k- 2i!i of thl r"y '"'""""I for their skill a mechanics, none I more Justly popular than F. 8. Gunning. Mr. dunning ratabllshed hi present bustnera Inst September, bill wa formerly well known her, having been a member of the firm of Gunning Ilockmnn. bis, k mlth and wagon-maker. He Is a fi. rl r and Iron work.-r of long riperlenc and great skill, and ha mad a reputa tion for workmanship and honorable deal. Ing which Insure him a fair hr of th best trad In his Una, II. employs th f workmen, at Present TTI a" whoa, 1. a. .v7XBt worker. The work doll V 4 among wood general hlrk. i.wi ateamhnat mnA 111 . airle wagon buildln n.i . "- . shop, which is located on tT Second and Laughlin trt, jar resort for farmer, and hoelL In its equipments is fitted taTr- m tbe best work that .km ... ""i. F. 8. Gunning was , ."??. learned hi trade !n hi. naoviT" was there In -business befor, ZL, coast. He ha been eigh, !!fUat"S Dalle durina which time y?V Tk wide lraualnia-ii. .. m aa-u. iinunc with tile r--.7 Uon and built up a bj. placa him among the permanr? " lisbed men of the citV it. ? "T manifested 0 r .,' . ' ',. work turned out by hto shop ! Ulraesa In prices ka mvi, a, - onfldencs of tb public MOIST HOOD D.IIKT, J. A. --, Pro,rietw. Wa are In the miri.t siva era. and the -owledg.eLfc the pagea of science is now .TS nnlil Ih.l 1.- . .. . " (enenil. ri- - i 1 ueui nave es-m. regarded as delve into science In Its various but it I. a duty we owe to cTllu anow someining of sanitary mci.. " in view of this fact It uS that so comparatively few ev educated people, know anythij V.T its vnderlylB, principles. ir"? " generaUy supposed, confined to thi and workshoo of th. -i....r "lot plication Is general, and it. nee!!. everywhere. In thi. .i. . .. rs,t, . . 111. f aa An. B pose to caU attention to lu lmiZ!: as aDDlled to the ri-.i- .-JporUw lustration, no better example ii tttLZ to the mind of th. w-.- PfentH known Mount Hood dairy. W it is a tact that not aione In th, of milk depends its purity, but M W?2 the care of cows from .ki..i. The first duty. then, of th dairyr,, i-j. neaieoy cows im the next, but not les in-iv,,.... .. .. care of milk. Milk, to b ic,," honlH h kent In 1 lute cleanliness Is th k.-.-n,. . v!" . .uuui niro uairy at present mile, bout 20 cows of mixed hi. n . predominating, but wilt soon lncraHtH nuiiiuer .o a.j. i ney are pasture and tnto fed and receive th. mn a....i ... lion, being regularly Inspected for tuber culosis and the various disease to which the bovine kingdom Is subject Every thing Is arranged for the proper ran n milk, and all the requirement above met uunea are religiously observed. J. A. Simonson Is one of the million Ci-nadlan-born Americana who hav isora alleeianc to l-n.-l. fiam ii - 1 l . . . iic ua. om 1! years In the I'nited States, and for He i""" " year a resident, or nasco com- iy. urecoii. xic nas oeen inree yean li the diiirv hn.ln. K.r.. .ml ha. k..iu an extensive trade among the hoteli, mv taurants and families ef the rlty. Bis ranch, which I sitnntcwl nKnne tv,- -p. south of town, contains TOO acre, all u- aer cultivation, tne enter product belli m-hn ut. th... K.. and the best of home-raised feed. Mr. oimonson nas maae a specialty and study Of the best methods emuloved tn the aud. ern dairy, and devotes his personal it tentlon to his business. He rum a wan on for the accommodation of patroni, and personally delivers mux in time lot early uirniiui rri j morning. THE ORCCOX BtKF.HY. A. Keller. Noth'rg else, perhaps, hss contributed so much to lightening the drudgery af the housewife as the perfection of tat modern system of baking, and the es tablishment of bakeries in all our town and citie. Faml v bakinff dftv his w lenger any terrors for the tired home- keener. fr frtsh or rnll ran Of bought dallv at ati.'h nrircl that it B really economy to buy of the baker. .iv vis"ii a m.ri j lie .-i v.... etablthJ bakeries of The- Dalles, nanni been fonnte.l IC rnn im and there S probably not another In the city hiring a. mir. rvtrnilffl hiulrHi thsn thia TtK1 nutmit of Ih. Kak.rv affrrerate about 3M loaves of bread dallv. Brildef lup- n. in av large noiei. niim.". "u 1 1 v lr..U In th. nllv . mn.Merblr bill- ln Is rf..n. with flh. aurrvundlnc tCWtf . n .4 . n . . n . . an...iv I mad a furnlahlna- to order, at reasonable prices. h . . v. i uiiiiii ,. w ir i u , , m-!.tln. a.I.. KlrthH.V rake. faWT Iivu ciftl'l. smal case, an .."- " i rv r.h .v.rv Amv MnA th. finest ctniu and HinlMllnn. l.rvelv of home nVinuflC- ue. a. T..rt oda fountili adorna Ih aalearoom. and I a popular , . . -rttir as is also lb t cream and oyster Paris' .1 1 .1 v. . Cf. L UUI 1 1 IK ...v ' in the rear. In reviewing the success of And Keller, we ar reminded of the state In Ik. k. ..... i ,. A n... mn.lll. B wit: "Th Germun txcl In Prvw a nr-sv Tit 1 1n ii nJr t ha mMt tWt ..IV l". I , ... WIIG V. V... ..... d rcumt inri lndu.-it rv nd economy Thritd irlti. rnaUla him IO BCCOrnpli"" Kreac reaulis in tlmont anr fl lJ ' ln . , , -tuiAa tt ntas t Xf ll.s . nf lf-m.ll birth ,.. K I . ! thl . . . -a a araf 10 ivunirT. ina lor in ui i- .- r-... il Coill.f fUfl . ll l I .i BriAi iW nan -HRJlpe! IlKM M. IfUf iiriiw. j v iaa Mf aa mirc at ' a i ' - WARM a ROBEBTSOS, Proprietors City Livery "" Some IS nm ago the City ww Stables were established by Z. Kern In this city, and were conduce" under that name until ISM. ,n year Mr. J. T. nobertson purer Interest. From that date- unlll tmo T ago Inst April, the business wa ed under the firm name of Ward, M" A Koberlon. al which time a chn made, Messrs. Ward - Robertson -romlng tht sole- proprietor. . Tho City Stables sre not only om ths moat popular livery rota01"11".., of Th Dalles, but. as well. n,onf 'j. large.t and mo.l compUlely ulry Th building, a mammoth t"-" of rtructure, cover an area of a ou u a block, with ample yard room. modern In every respect. Accomnw tlona ran be furnished for more it" hiimlred head of horu and the vehicles, harness and paraphernalia ihetr use. , ,he rWrrn head of horses nr kepi lor livery service-. rh srlevted wlin , to Its especial lltne. and n""" lh tlnrr turnout be coured than ' u, fhlonahl and poPl;ir ir. shout, wagonette, phnemn. rt. surrey, hark snd all Ihe varie.1 mnt of carrliiai. found In . p- clus livery, are at the disposal f Irons. Ward Robertson te ! . pr .lo In giving b,mrdr Ih nmi . lent care and atunt.on tnni n) upon their own well-groomed sto . a conclusive evidence of the l"1", r-i lntlon may b een In Ihr n . h, the fir. hor-.i entrusted to their rriresentatlvs horemm of 0ffel A a le stable, thl firm " gc, special Inducement and u",,,,r,k M,r. rcmmixlntlon to driilt r In toca. (t. Ward A KolH-rtson r ,nnr("'1'", th''r men. They have pent munIM,tcrit live In the ad.1le. and niore ' Judge of horf1eh r not to oe In thl part of th country. rsal.aatdssr.JT