The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 08, 1899, PART 2, Page 6, Image 6

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An Excellent Combination.
The ploant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Stbi'p of Vii59, manufactured by the
CM.1K0KSIA Fio Sviil'P Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and accept able to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
pently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
tast;, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other "aromatic plants, by a method
known to the CALIFORNIA Fio KVRl'P
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
rememberthe full name of theCompany
r printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggist. Price 50c. pcrbottm
7 I IT'
is l Tbat lit Gawiraeiit Promisti
11)3 Filiniios.
Opinions of Prominent Men on tbc Ail
Absorbing Subject Congressman
Hitt and Senator John T. Morgan
Defend tbe Policy of the Adminis
tration but cx-Senator Edmunds
Does Xot Agree With Them.
military elorv ha been the cans of the
downfall of all the republic of the p't,
but that I not true. The past had few
or no true republic, certaiuly nut any at
all comparable with the United State, a
republic organic! ou the principle of
representative povernment by all. We are
making precedent. There eem to be
a great war c!ouJ furmuu over Cl.ina
auJ the forct mueterinir there are
mighty enough to produce a war of t lie
greatest magnitude. But I gee no reason
(hat will rcqnire us to j trj the conflict,
if conflict there ia to be. TuO.jbIv interest
we have in the matter ia a trade inter -at,
and our great epochal war have never
had their origin in anything o imlid.
Senator John T. Morgan, of Aiabaina,
write: "Tbooe who lament and decry
tbe conduct of our government In dial
ing; with the Philippine a being viola
tive of cur constitution are too late to ac
complish ranch else than to echo the pa
thetic appeal of Aguinaldo that we do
not deetroy our government in order to
cave the Filipinos from the fatal power
of hi dictatorship.
"It i not far to go, nor ia the way ob
ccure, to find in the constitution of the
United States expressed power given to
congress to do what was done in Louis
iana and Hawaii, and what our self-respect
compel us to do in the Philippine
islands. The flag we have planted on
the Philippine is consecrated to the
same liberties it shelter cn the capito!
at Washington."
Es-Senator George F. Edmunds, argn
Ing against expansion, demands tbat
tbe government disclose to the people
precisley what took placo before the cap
tore of Manila, and what promises were
made the Filipinos. He asks if Spain
had anything but a 'preteuded" sover
eignty to cede, and demands the reason
for tbe sudden turning of the Filipino'
iriendfOiip into hostility. He concludes :
"First let ua know the whole truth of
what ha happened and then perhap
the advocates of c'ory, or dominion, or
trade of civilization and religion ad
vanced by the cannon and tbe bayonet
and suppoited by tbe blood and treasure
of our people can point out to us how
these are 'the war of pleasantness and
A Frightful Blunder
Will often causa a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best In the world, will kill
the, pain and promptly heal it. Cure
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils.corns,
felon and all skin eruptions. liest pile
core on earth. Only 5 eta. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 5
IB limard.
Nkw York, July 6. Iu today' issue
of the Independent appear varhu arti
cle upon the foreign relation of the
United States and expansion. Congress
man Hitt ; chairman of the committee
.on foreign relations, writes:
"There aro some who say the lust for
The above reward will ba paid for the
recovery of each of the bodies of Wong
and Jake, Chinamen, who were drowned
in the Columbia at Blaltcks last Friday.
Chfe Kick Co.,
29-d&wlm The Dalles.
"We have sold urany different conuh
remedies, but none gave better satisfac
tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr.
Chtirles Ilo'zhaiier, Drn?gisr, Newark,
N. J. "It is perfectly safe tuid can be
relied upon in all case of coughs, colds
or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton Druggists.
-TTPKifanr ti i aiinTra i tilwiirt'' imtivwi Bi-rntfcmxawwin
and at a
Positively. ?? A WAA 'Fjt 1 fA 771 aa1I K m im y vm
IT is grown in the mountain district of Ceylon and SPECIALLY
prepared to suit the American trade. It is packed on the garden
where grown, in one-pound, half-pound and quarter-pound
soldered air-tight lead packages, thereby retaining all its wonderful
fragrance. It is sold only in these lead packages never in bulk. If
you want the very best tea, ask your grocer for NABAN.
Franklin MacVeagh & Co., Chicago.
Exclusive flpnis.
Wcdnndajr's Dal'T
Frank Fulton of Bigfsi in the city, j
l,,';,. Ij..-er. t,enlT of Malheur 1
county, ia iu the city.
N. C Kvans, county commissions
froui Hood Kivtr, is in the city.
Monday evntrg Rev.DeForest left for.
Denver t.era he wi l speuu a i-uu
H. S. Wilson has retr.rncd from
Arliiitftm where he'deiivertd the 4ih el
July oration.
Oinntv Commissioner D. S. Kimsey,
of Antfl")pe, is in the city atteudiu the
coantr court.
Nicholas J. Sinnott returned today
from Uoldendale, where he delivereJ
an oration yeetcrday.
Messrs. K. Y. Jndd sn l J. M. Kuseell
returned last nittht from a fishing trip in
tho vicinity of Mt. Adams.
G. W. Miller and family will leave in
the morning for N'ahcotU, Wash., where
they will spend the summer.
Thursdays Daily.
Wm. Streets, of Portland, is in the
city on business.
Mrs. E. M. Wilson made a trip to the
Locks this morning.
E. B. Seabrook, an attorney from
Tortland, ii in the city.
Orin Kinersly left on the F.egulator
this morning for Portland.
Cha Levin, a prominent sheepman
trom Antelope is in the city.
Hon. John Sommerville returned to
day to hi borne at Hay creek.
Walter Van Duyn, of Sompter, is reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
M. J. Finlayson a prosperous sheep
man from Antelope, is in tbe city.
Wm. Wortswei'er, of Prineville and
M. Sichel, of Portland, are again in the
Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Sargent, of the
Fort Peck indran reservation, ara in
the city.
Fred W. Wilson and N. H.Gates were
passengers for Collins' Landing this
J. A. Douthit returned last night from
Portland where he went with the
National Editorial Association.
Frank Irvine,who has been in the city,
since Monday attending bis father, left
for his home at Antelope today, his
father being much belter.
J. S. Landers, city superintendent of
public schools, left on the boat this
morning for Log Angeles, where be will
attend a meeting of the National Educa
tional Association.
Mr. J. W. French and wife, Mr. G.
V. Bolton and two children, Miss Burke,
and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. French will
leave in the morning for North Beach,
where they will spend tho summer.
J. II. Sherar came in from Eight-mile
A. K. Wi'cox rf Grass Valley has re
turned from a short trip to Portland.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson and Miss Patter
son left on the train last evening for
Simeon Bolton and wife have returned
from Portland where they epent the
Fourth. -
Ray Logan entne up on the boat last
evening mid will visit in tbe city for
some time.
Messrs. E. M. Brannik, Meyer Abrn
ham and A. Roderick Grant, all travel
ing men, are in the city.
Dr. Charlotte B. Brown, of San Fran
cisco, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. P.
Roberts, of Dry Hollow.
Brent and Frank Driver, who spent
yesterday in tho city, left this afternoon
for the!r respective homes near Waruic.
Rev. anl Mrs. G. Rushing arrived
home yesterday evening from Turner,
Or., where they were in attendance at
the Oregon Christian Missionary Con
vention. J. A. Donthit left on the afternoon
train for Astoria, where he goes to at
tend a meeting of the State Elitorial
Mrs. J. S. Cooper and children who
have been visiting with Mrs. D. J. Cooper
for the past few days returned to their
home at Independence on tae boat thi9
Dftafufts Cannot be Curec.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucoui linimt of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you bave a rumbling sound or
Imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out aod this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed (or
ever; nine cass out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the raucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
uny case of Deafness (caiiBi.-d ty catarrh)
that cannot he cured by 1 1 all's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0.
tCSSold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Halt's Family Pill are the best.
To Cars a Cold in Ona Iajr.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
let. All druggist refund the money
it fail to cure. 2oc.
I Imniise
AErtf Wheels
! x 13 " - -
III V &w w
19-lncn Motor.
Circulars and particular furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
Executor's Notice.
Notice la hereby riven Hint the unitcrxlziirri
lifts hern iluly pinpointed hr tho hnnnrnhle
t oiinir rniiri or (hihtc or Oregon, for wmvn
ronntr, an executor ol the entale of Ir'helieJ.
tlniffht, deceased. AH persons hnvlnir rlnlnis
M"l""l Hid eatnte nr nercoy uotlltitl to pre
avnt the name, properly vetltleil, to me at my
olheeln Dulles ltv, Oregon, within alx months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 5th day of July,
Kieentor of the eatnte of fuebe J. Ilnlyht.
deceaavd. Jlj
nflu;ou vvhitft wash? Yes. and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Uur prices are not
Hnhsnn '? choice, but the standard rate3, which are not
B aa- w a
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
Phone 341.
It will be our aim to carry a
Complete Line of
the Purest Drugs.
And we invite your attention to our stock of
Successor to Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co.
Teeth Extracted FREE
The bert work at the least poeeible cost. 800 set teeth in one year ii our re
cord in our Portland office. Saiitfaction guaranteed in eyery case.
Best Crown and Rridae work (22k. gold), per tooth
Ht'Bj set teeth, guaranteed
Kent Hold Fillinu
Beet silver or alloy tilling
11.00 tip
50c up
Chapman Block, Second St. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
W HISKtY froiii'f a Id OO r Hoti." 'flTo"l VVb'm oftlT) "
IMPOETED C10GHA0 fr..tn7.n) to 12.()0 per "iralh'iiir J 11 to" ) y,m oM.J
ALIIQ) llI-l )lb t" ii. in f (Q ler ytiT(,ri."74 to" 1 1 "ycara" ojd.
0LYMPIA BEER on dratiicht, and Val Blatx and Olympia Beer in bottle
Imported Alo and Porter.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle.
fS THE COfMY oi t!T r .
Ia the matter of n of
filial W. llHVII .o j ' fir.-. ...
- 7r.ij. -iioa
To Mm. EircMne Iliris Vm i
St. UzzieJ Karri-.
lama, W. H. VanHU U-, 6ilih I
iu thanameof the atatool Ore.,B.
tie county c.ui't of the aute ol'T,!. I,,l i
rotinty of Wua-o, at the tJr''" 'wj
M.mday II Ihiii day of jui, !;-.
o elrck l.l tn foreuoou of tht V "
mder ..f theUe,utllc1.i aw?'?
made directum B. V. UuRhlin. n m ;1
of Mid eatate of Si.a, w. bav": 4
deem the inortKand prc.uist, below
t st.ite, or If mtid redvmi.tlon 1 to k4
lent, that kmd adminlMr.toV
aud directs to wli all ,ne trar, uli.M
ill(f H tht e.utcof .aid d.-a--d .,
lrly dejciibtd aa follows, to-wfi.' .'IJ fna
blwk No. 9, of Imlle, 1 ity M,
Itv, U a-o count., Onn; alwthJ'u
of the nortliweM quarttT, thetc"ta."lll'
and the nortn halt of the .uth.?J,',"."n'.
wtlon 14 In lown-hipi iwtihol .. I1? "
of the Willamette nirridinn, in "
Orenon, containing ffJUecrea, more WWl
jaie to be made at ublio !,, for.
hand, in the manner i.rpwrilK.-d br 1 T "
prtwoeda of anch fale to be held b ai,i . 1 "
trHU.r and dlapoted of a. may b. TrwuhS T
order of the above entitled coua bl
Witness, the Hon. Robert Mava. Jai .
County Court of the Btate ol Or'iT
Countvof Wasco, wi.h the w, I S u'?la
amxed thli BecoLd day of June A. i.HJl
1 8 E A Ll
J in 3-il Attist: A. M. KELSAY n.
1 VKlt.
Notice.Timber Culture.
U. 8. Land orrica, Thu Daum, onam t
February Jl.teB,")
Complaint having been entered at tfau
by Cllie P. WcbenjwiM WwleyVuiZS
failure comply with law aa to llmberSl
Kntrj No. 80.'o, dated Sertember i w -the
H. E. 'A Bec'tion 10, Township ffijgl
Wlllnmet.'e Meridian. Range U '1012
County, Bute of Oregon, with a view totberS
ce nation of auld cnt.y, contektut allejinViJl
aaid Wea'fy bummner never plowed orculiiviiS
aaid tract except about tlx acrea and nenZ
auy time nor iiaa any one for Mm BimJ "
trees 01 cutting. or needs, and alM tile widvu
ley Sa.nnincr aliojt the month of rVbrnrr uT
duly relin(tiihed sulci trf ct to tbe Init-d'sbS
and delivert-d a.iia reliniuihment to tbia aifant
aur' auid lelinquinhinent wan duly Hied in :tl
U. S. olllee of The Uallea, Oreifor, aiTd IS S
aaid tin-e and prior thereto abimdi ned Mid tiw
and !)-a never aiucc niil li:ne returDcd thereto
rrcluiined any light or Interest iu taiduittal
The nid parties are hereby giimmnned to
n. 1111D I'll ,liv 111 UHT Ol April. P
.1, 10 '...flr A ... n 'A i . ".
at 10. o'clock a. 111., to respond nd furntit
testimony concerning axid Rlieced
ll-U JAV I'. LUCAS, Kejisla.
Notice of Sale.
Notice la hereby given that by virtue of n
execution lanacd out of the Circuit Urart of the
etatc of Oregon, for Wasco Couutr, in tun
therein pending, wherein M. I). Knetlud a
plalnlill' and O. D Taylor, Sarah K. Into,
John Harper, Joseph A. Johnson, 0. W. Caihcr,
KtellB K. Ed'lv. J. c. Diincunaon and W. Lueiniii
Whouldon nie defendiinlx, dated tbe 9th dai of
June, lx'i'J, to me directed and emiiiiuiuliiif n
t cell all of the real property nereinaiter dc
acrlhed. to hatiafy a judanient In Irvoi ol Mid
Iilaintllt' and ugulnat aaid defendant, 0. It. Tj
or, for the ail 111 of $1 Im:..' and coaUtuedil
ISi.W, 1 will on Buturdiiy tho
10th day or July, 1800,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m aell at pobUt
anlu to the hlghcat bidder, tor cash in hand, li
South half of the Bouthwest quarter ol tlx
Southwcat quarter of aectlon Fourteen (II), tad
tho South half of the Southeast quarter of
section Fifteen (IS), townxhip Two (, Nonb,
nuiKe Ten (HI) Laat, W. M, containing 2UM
acrea, more or leaa.
IJaU-d thia Utn day of June, WO.
Jnn 17-11 Sherlfl of Vaeo touuiy.Or.
Land Ornti at Tin DAi.Lia,nuno;
June 10, M. I
Notice la hcrebv given that tho follcwlct
named aettlcrhna hlrd notice of l)i Intentioi
to mule linal luoof Iu aujiiiort of his claim, and
that a lid proof w ill be made before tbe nuism
and receiver ut The Dalles, Oregon, on SaturJaf,
July , viz:
I'anla Orlinaurt,
widow of Pierre tirlmauit, d'nwil, ol The
lmllea: H. K. No. Willi, for the KVj M'ii
Tp. 1 north, K la K, W M.
He 11 ea the following witmasei to prnvi
hla contliiuoua resilience upon and cultluiwi
of alil I111U, vl. ; , .
CIiiih. . Bchutz, Rock Cary. Ix)ul 8iH
Andrew Uniubiirt, ull of The lialles, Oron.
junll ll JAY I, l.l CAS, rteijlster.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice ia hcrebv given that the iinderlr
hiiabwn duly appointed by the Hun. mJT
Court of the the Mate of Oregon, for uiliiiiiiistiiitorof the esUtcnl A""'l"
Aliidlila, ilwvascl. All pciaol.a lstvitipx
OKiiliiHt said eatHtc lire her. by untitled to pwnj
the same properly verlllni to nip at th offlce
my atl.iiiiiya, Imfur A: Mcucf.v, wilbm m
iniiiiiliH ironi Ihcdnle of thin notice
Dated at 1 he lmllea, "t!'',"',!'','!,!':
Ailmlnlstrntor of the Eatnte 'of Adolphaf
d .-cltrd.
Notice in herehv given that I have H
the i.h-rk ol the County Court of 'he " " ,
Oregon, for Waaco County, niy tiiml i""""
o liniiiiNtriitorof the estate of .
ceicl, and bv an order of the ( i IU ' c;
Hforcaiii.1. mini'-' June I, I Moll''"hu, w
l.'.i-.i, at the hour ot 'JocIikK nl,1,,,,
lixid 11a the time nnd the I oiiniy ; I (
In lmllea City 111 theplncc for the
ol.Jectlona to said Huul account, and to"11
incut ol said estate. ya
inn 3 II Adinluwr
.. ,',,',0""'VT.: h. 'io"'"4
mnice ia neiooj koi'
Mimed settl' ra have tlliil notice
t:..n .,, tin ill i.roof In SI
claims, and that said proofs will I for
W. II. I'reshy, Culled mates . on ml". I '('. ,,,.
IHstilct ol wasiiingion, ai ""..,( II, 1W'
OMic, nuHningtoii, on '"
"I.: , ..
a,.., lion Marlrts.
IfnmcstcBrl Kntry No. tsl. for the : ' .,
N. K. 1.4 H. K. '4 Section Ili. atH y -mP))
ol Heclloii 20, Townahlp 3 Norm, u.
Kast, W ill. Mer. ,, inornrt1
II.. n.inca the following ''"V"'" .",",11111
coiitluiioua realdume up"" ml c
H11M Imut vl! finrfrf
t art Franen, Chrlallnn n')"r'i
llnrdlMin, Marlon Hplawn.aiioi
Ilomestca.l Kntry No. W'l. 1thi
H. K. LI of H.Ttion Id: the 4 s, iu
l-. rlloi. ai: K. 4 of N. K. ' ' '"' ','".," ,
...... .. r ,. i.i u, .11 11
anils it isorin, "i nr ,,,.. to 1"
lloiiauica the following H '". ""illiisU
lilsconiiiiuoiia resldeiKC u'ii."iu
of aaid bind, vl.: . , ., .,, flW?
Car Iriilizeli. cnriairin 1. .s
Marlctt, Marlon r)plawii,all ol '" " w.
11. ail W. K. UCNIIVB.'W
""notice fok ruiTi.iCATWN.
V.. UNOCrriril.atTii l.
... mo i"!?!
Notice la ncrrnv g"c"., '',,, hi. lute""" ,
name.1 aeltler ha tiled notice of n ' ' t
make llnal pr.a.f I" "l,l";r ",, Th K"''
thata.ld i riH.f will I- i'i.'le ' , ftW
and Hccclverat'Iho Wal.ea, uc
llomtcad Entry, No . :. Jr th
lie iiamna the following "'" j jultlnlW
poniinuoiia reaiuKii" "i
aaid land, via: .. .... v A. I""
I'. J. Aghllua, Mart n ,;, rst
and Oliver lloweia, all ol J."' l.l'J;i.
il)H II