The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 08, 1899, PART 2, Page 5, Image 5

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
ii.-W in tu0 parU, on Wedntday
tnd Saturday .
o-T-'i" ::::::::::::::::::: 11
Three month ou
AiTertHin ratee reaaonable, and made known
"ffrill ramnnicationa to"TH OHRON
jtU." Tne iMllei. Oregon.
Wednesday'! Dally.
Designer for August now on Bale at
Pease & Mays.
Hon. C. V Fulton delivereJ the
oration at Independence yesterday.
To lav the Wasco warehouse shipped
(oar carloads of baled wool to Boeton.
Jonathan Jackson appeared before the
county court today and took out Lis
final citU-'BBhip papers.
Leave your orders for the August De
liver at Pease & Mays and it will be
tent at once to your address.
A great many coyote scalps are being
brought in and from all indications the
bounty allowed ie having a good effect.
Tacoma is ovenun with footpad?.
v.nturdav eeveral boiu upa were re
puted and in ono case the victim was
Had not the editora arrived yesterday
the Fourth in this city would have been
decidedly quiet as there was nothing go
ing cn whatever.
Tbs crops in the vicinity of Antelope
are looking gaod, says an authority, but
the spriDg grain in beginning to turn
umeand is in need of rain.
The river is falling and will probably
continue to fait for a few days. This
i morning it registered 39.6, a fall of a foot
daring the past twenty -four hours.
Mn. A. II. Tack in an has purchased
the greenhouse, plants, shrubs, etc.,
from Mrs. Stnbling, and they are being
removed to the Tack man property on
Eut Hill.
The county court is in session today
with Judge Mays and Commissioners
Kiuter and Evans present. Many pro
bite matters have come up before the
mart but tomorrow will be the first day
lor the transaction of county business.
Laet night Mt. Hood was to have been
illuminated for the benefit of Portland
teeidenta and many people from The
Dalies were under the impression we
would be ble to see the light from here,
I bat 11 yet we have not heard any Bay
they noticed the illumination.
We learn from parties who have just
returned from the Wamic and Tygli
l ridge country that the crops are looking
line in that vicinity, in fact have
a w looked better. In some localities
I the train till harvest forty buehels to
the acre.
J. B. Goit who in company with VV.
II. H. Dufor, supervisor of. the foreBt
reierve, baa been running the line of
the Cascade forest reserve from White
Inter to Hood river, returned lnet even-
Ii'UMd reports a successful although
not overly pleasant trip.
Monday evening the council, with
j'ttly elected member and mayor, met
11 the intention of nominating the
:l! Earehal, nightwatchman and re
"ltt, but owing to some of the council
not being present the meeting was
turned until Saturday evening.
" have it from good authority that
Hitrawberry crop in Hood River has
H"r been picked. Although not so
151,t berries have leen shipped at
'. oeverthelers the returns have
r "iteaier than in former years. The
'" price paid ), been one dollar
IJwerday during the stay of the
f '"0". the Indian. Mart in Kneilaa. and
poibcrof bis comrades were the cen-
I "traction for an hour and durimr
,.1 1 I
P'""" WVB nearl . t,
Phsandhia picture will ad rn tdaces
Eminence in homes thonsanda of
W.T D,arket Is very iaie'
- small clips leing sold. A
"ny0 tho ..,.. .
. ..,,,10 Having i ienv
J;tt' In lo,i!.nd have not re-
"owover, a great deal of wool
" "ceived by waon from In-
rNDtl ml .1... l... ...... . ..
iHi u ranro.ui. liotn
BooJ' nd the YV.. .
I "tin- ""w WKI7IIUIIID
rOnin i),i, k.,.. ..
- ai iuii mast,
UU.OtO founds of wool
I bout
i"r''on yaerday was a decided"
Nw ;rKV' '""ul.tor
10:1th rn I nu t, ,.f ...
"Hi ll,... .
lUksa " """"" persom
1 w,ntto r ' 1 1118
, .' ""ore
"!... v,l,"Klown the wind
"hrtu r.r"ml 11 """I'-ite chilly
win in. . . t
r niuFt pieasani.
0 rir!,,.i ... 1 . 1 .
vet..,. 1 ,lel uei larea
"O'eth.n .lfti,oI with their
y Dari
"g the
term an
1 .
is - - iitaiiii
L " ''COrilr, 1
"tronVj ,,0,",, on,,ouble,1y
""""w Fount, ,Utv, , rt.
minder of the trials oor forefathers went
inroogh. hen a celebration is at bnd,
we take more than passing pleasure and
thonght, but a day like yesterday when
a good share of our tonpeople were
away there was but little to do or see.
However the small boy land we mn!,l
see ourselves as others saw nsj made
the weUio ring with the firiug ol
crackers, bombs, and other ear splitting
noises that some larger boy has put up
on the market.
Since C. M. Cornett has taken poeset
sion of the Pnneville stage line he has
made numerous changes. Among others
he has increased the stock and is mak
ing better time between here and the
above named point. The lime of de
parture from The Dalles remains the
same, but the stage will arrive in Print,
vi!leal6a. m. and will leave thereat
noon which will give merchants and
residents of that place ample time to
answer their correspondence received
from northwestern points on the same
day, which will be a great convenience.
On almost every excursion on the
river there comes the repor ithat some
one has been hurt or drowned. These
rumors are very annoying to persona in
terested in making the affair a success,
for they create much anxiety to persons
naving iriends and relatives on board
the boat. Yesterday it was rumored
that a child had fallen overboard and
drowned, while shortly after the rumor
was so changed that it was a man who
was the victim, How these reports get
out is a mystery, but should be stopped.
Last evening many mothers who had
children aboard were on the verge of
hysterics thinking that perhaps it was
her darling who at that moment was be
ing rocked to Bleep in the bosom of the
mighty Columbia. Persons with regard
for the feelings gf others will refrain
from uttering these stories unless they
are positive what thev state is absolute
ly true.
Thursday's Daily.
Very few Balmon are running and the
season promises .to turn out very poor
for men interested in the business.
The past two days have been some
what warmer than the Fourth but still
they are not too hot to be uncomfortable
A seven-foot fall of the Columbia
would be sufficient for boats to pass
through the locks, which would greatly
facilitate trade.
Moro claims the honor of being the
only town in Sherman county that cele
brated the Fourth of July this year, and
says the cause is by no means a lack of
patriotism, but that moat of the other
places celebrated last year.
Since the Columbia has began to ie
cede the back water which has invaded
the premises and alley between First
and Second streets in the west end of
town is beginning to raiso an odor
which is anything but agreeable.
The following gentlemen spent the
Fourth in Portland and returned home
yesterday: Messrs. W. A. Johnston,
Dr. Sturdevant, II. C. Liebe, W. C.
Fredden, Bert Ilollister, Grant Mays,
R. R. Ilintonand Fied Schmidt.
S. W. Aldrich, of Portland, has se
cured the contract from the 0. K. & N.
Co., for straightening the track between
Vienta and Portland and will begin
work about August I St. W. F. Johnson
of this place will act as time keeper
while the work is going on.
Wm. Winton was brought back from
Sumpter yesterday by Sheriff Kelly and
last eveuing was arraigned before Jue-
tice Bayard. He waived examination
and was piaceu unuer fiuuu uonua 10
pear before the grand jury which will
meet in November. He secured bonds
last night an 1 is at liberty.
The hoys say swimming time haB
come again ana irom an appearand
they are not loBing many opportunities
for a dip. Daily, crowds of youngsters
. t .1 ... - m:lt
can ue lounn uainmn in inui ui
and they seem to enjoy the sport Im
mensely although the water is not
nearly so warm as it usually is at this
time of the year.
"Many men of many minds," is what
the reporter heard a collector say today
and on icqniry was told that the old
adage was never more tommy orougnv
to mind than today when every oiner
man he struck had a cute little fairy talo
fixed up to sing to him, or would tell
him that yesterday was collection day
and that he better come around next
When we heard that J. Harvy Smith
had sold three years Btock of wool in
The Dalles at a good figure last week we
felt like striking him for thousand to
fit tip this shack with a power press etc.,
bat when lie came to see us he corrected
tie report. Ha sold throe clips all
right, one wbs his, one belonged to
Hobert and ono to Alex. All clipped this
year. The Observer.
k -1 ...
- v.m .1 luciy, When one work I ment, and :t will be necessary for pait
year in the same place, plodding along! of them to occupy tents. This will not
n the old grove, life at times become ! be a hardship, however, as the weather
monotonous and a few weeks 'mid
new scenes adds via: and life to work
ben the return is made.
Syirester Pennoyer announces that
he it negotiating the sale of a half
interest in his sawmill plant in South
Portland, and that if the deal goes
through, the mill will resume o Deration.
in the near future. This plant is one of
the beet In Portland and its capacitv U
100.COJ feet of lumber a day. Between
the years 1877 and 1S94 it was operated
continuously, but since the latter date
it has been closed, Mr. Pennoyer de
claring it impossible to do business at
profit under the gold standard.
This morning the street sprinkler in
passing dow n Second street came very
near the curb at Frerch A ("!. h.nlr
and as a number of gentlemen were
talking on the corner and not noticing
the proximity of the sprinkler ther were
considerably wet. The words spoken
were not the most flattering, as there
was no occasion for baptism. There has
been a number of complaiuts trom
oicyciist?, who have had their wheels
ttorjughly soaked when left standing
netr the edge of the sidewalk and it
peems as though Borne one has been
W hen our soldier boys arrive home it
would he nothing more than proper to
nave a state holiday, and all turn out
and give them a rousing welcome. The
Dalles and vicinity has quite a number
of boys in the Second Oregon, but more
were Bent away than will return which
is a circumstance of war that cannot be
prevented, but let us show to the living
that ihcir services were highly appre
ciated and that they have with dignity
and honor held up the name of our
Btate. Gov. Geer being approached on
the matter of issuing a proclamation
....II! . . . .
caning upon the people of Oregon to
observe a holiday when the volunteers
arrived eaid: "Yes, that is what I
shall do. I am only waiting to learn if
possible, the day the volunteers will ar
rive. Juet as SOOn as I act this infnrmn.
tion, I expect to call upon the people to
observe the day as a holiday. This will
give every one an opportunity to turn
out and show the boys that we are glad
toeeethera. If I find it impossible to
tell the exact day tbey will arrive I
shall issue the proclamation soon, any
way, naming the day of their arrival as
a holiday. Iam of the opinion that,
there has not been a greater day in Ore
gon In many years than Volunteer dav
will be."
Friday's Daily.
The famous summer resort Cloud Cap
Inn is opened for the season.
The Prineville stage has changed time
and until further notice will leave here
at 6 a. m. and arrive at noon.
The meeting of the National Editorial
Association which is being held in
Portland is still in eeBsion and has had
eoiuo very interesting subjects come be
fore it.
Yesterday afternoon Samuel Wilkln
xon and Anna B. Francisco were united
in marriage, Judge Maya officiating.
They left on th evening train lor
Heppnor, where they will spend a few
Mr. Edward Morse arrived in the city
last night from Portland and has ac
cepted a position with the Butler Drug
Co. For a number of years Mr. Morse
has been head druggist for the Skldmore
Drug Co., of Portland.
Work on the Yam! ill locks w ill be
resumed as soon as the water is below
the point where work is to begin. It is
thought that the water will be low
enough by next week, as it is now falling
daily. One hundred men will be em
ployed, and the locks will be tuihed to
Mayor Barret, of Hillsboro, has Issued
acalltothe citizens of Hillsboro and
Washington county to meet this even
ing and make arrangements to receive
in a fitting manner the boys from that.
county on their return from Manila.
On Monday evening Geo. Herahaw of
Pendleton was so unfortunate as to lose
an eye. Ite was standing on tne street
when someone threw a good sized bomb
on the ground at his feet just as it ex
ploded, throwing rocks and dirt, the re
sult of which Mr. ilershaw lost the
sight of an eye.
The second case of smallpox in one
day, both from the eame nidus or nest,
fell into the hands of the city health
officers at Spokane Wednesday alter-
I noon. The man's name is John Cine,
and he hails from Wren A Ureenougn a
griding camp on the Clearwater river
extension in Idaho.
The many friends of Edward Jenkins
Hill he surprised and pained to learn
that he i In St. Vincent hospital
will W warm aud the location dry and
The wool market Is very qiirt today
and will not open up much before Mon
day. More woolgrowers are iu town
than at any other time during the
season and are watching the market
very closely. Wool Is arriving daily in
large quantities, and although great
deal of it is being shipped East never
theless the warehouses are crowded to
the utmost.
The case of the State of Oregon vs.
Cnrisman Bros, is occupying the atten
tion of Justico Bayard today. The
charge is that their slaughter house,
which Is on the Chrismao property be.
low the Masonic cemetery, is a nuisance
and should be abated. The jurymen
weighing the testimony are, John Bonn,
M. Lane, F. Burchstorff, M. Randall,
C. F. Stephens and John Cates.
An adjourned resular meeting of the
water commissioners was held last even
ing at the recorder's office, President
Senfert presiding, and Commissioners
Fish, Moore, Buchler, Phirman and
Randall present. E. B. Dufur sub
mitted a deed for the right of way for
the Dalles City supply pipe from the
reservoir at the Meeplie place to the city
reservoir, which was received by the
board. Election of officers for the cur
rent year was next In order, and T. J.
Seufert, the present incumbent, was
unanimously re-elected president, as
was J. B. Crossen for city superinten
dent. On motion of Phirman the super
intendent was instructed and directed to
employ a man to take care of the ditches
at the headwaters of Dalles City water
supply on Mill creek for at least three
months. Nothing further coining before
the board the meeting adjourned.
Arson was attempted twice in Ppo.
kano on the night of the Fourth and the
following morning. The home of Arthur
E. Houchins was soaked with coal oil
oy tne vanuais oeiore the match, was
applied. The oil had been spattered on
walls and on furniture with the inten
tion of making a thorongb job of it, but
the blaze bad not made much headway
when it was discovered, and the neigh
burs broke into the house and saved a
large part of the furniture. The IIou
chins family was absent from the city
and none of them had been in the house
for several days. The origin of the fire
is a mystery. The fire department ar
rived in time to save the house after It
had been damaged about half its value.
The other attempt to destroy valuable
property was at the Sacred Heart school
A large Chinese bomb was thrown
through one of the second-story window
ipto a vacant room, where it exploded
and scattered burning straw over the
floor. Luckily the straw did not burn
sufficiently to start a blaze in the room.
The bomb was evidently exploded in
the building after 11p.m., as Father
Kusters was about the building until
that hour and did not hear the ex
plosion. He discovered the evidence of
it in the room Wednesday morning.
The window hud been smaBbed when
ttie bomb was thrown in.
ards Of the Choicest Of Summer Food rnnsislinrr r,r
I- J -
L.ace Jaconas, insured Lawns, Lapper Stripes, Figured Or
gandies and ltaye Cords. All at one price,
813 cents.
These goods are the accumulation of the various lines,
and although but ono and two pieces of a number, represent
Choice Novelties
at a figure much below the cost of these goods in stock.
The Ilallei Public School,
The public school of the city will be
gin on Monday, Sept. 11th. TheChrist
mas holidays will he from Dec. 23rd to
Jany. 2nd. The following is the Assign
ment of teachers :
East Hill Primary MisB Ivan Cooper,
1st B, 1st A, 2d A ; Miss Emnla Roberts,
31 B, 4th B, 5th B.
Court Street Miss Mary Douthit, 1st
C, 1st B, 1st A ; Miss Ella Cooper, 2d B,
21 A ; Miss Catherine Martin, 2d B, 3d
A ; Miss Etta Wrenn, 4th B, 4th A.
Academy Park MissSalina Phirman,
1st C, 1st B, 1st A ; Miss Margaret Flinn,
2JA,3d B; Mrs. Kate Roche, 4th B,
5th A : Miss Elsie Ball, 5th B. 5th A.
High School -Mrs. Ellen Baldwin, Cth
It.Ctli A; Miss Louise liintou', Gtb A,
7th B; Miss Tena Rintoul, 7th A, 8th B:
Mies Minnie Michell, 8th B, 8th A.
High School Department Prof.JuBtna
T. Neff, principal: Miss Melissa Hill,
Prof. J. S. Landers, superintendent-
' II ! 1 11 fc. nil. iiv ......
A creature naiii i ... 1 Portland with not more than even
man, hut not st.ictly .11 ."d I , ,r ,,. rer0Ty. He was taken
Image," disgraced an or.iiK-ontiinii Uet . Tnepi-V flI1,l a doctor being called.
Monday by beating and chokmg an in- , C1(f, ,PpPdeHlis, and
nooenl calf nearly to death, and when 1 r(,movt,j , the hospital when
hlswifo remon-tratetl he knocked r I mnrtion was performed on him.
clear over Into the "dog day anu was
arrested therefor. On the trial his dull-
.i;ufl.M,r,l m il mouiiy i"'1"
111 11 p us ' -
.:... 1 1.1. 1, n iii-iii fi ami lie wan
IVIIIl'M 1113 l.......
charged -Crook County Journal.
Many are making preparations to go
to the coast and mountain This is
the time of year when one's thoughts
turn to cooler field', and those w ho are
fortunate enough to get away can .ndeed
There is a great dfiil of activity around
thegarriwn at Vancouver at present.
Preparations are being pnnhed rapidly
f,.r the reception of the S.cond Oregon
volunteers. The company quarters are
being thoroughly overhauled and tents
are being erected on the parade ground.
The barracks ara no. lar.e enough to ac
commodate all the members of the regl-
Itnlibrd lh raa.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a inott dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken.
tongue coated, pain continually In back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunatoly, a
triend advised 'E'eclric Bitters' ; and to
my great joy and Burprise, tl.o firtt
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they laved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." Xo one should fail to try them.
Only 51V, guaranteed, 'at Blakeley A.
Houghton's drug store. 6
If you contemplate a trip East this
slimmer take advantage of the $81 round
trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit,
M:cli., lickcts sold June F.iih, only, and
good for return until Angnat 31t. This
will undoubtedly bo tli lowest round
trip rate to the East this Benson, This
rate is made for the annual convention
of Christian Endeavor Society at Detroit
July 5th to 10th. Call on James Ire
land, gent O. R. A N. Co. for further
Hosiery Sale.
25 dozen Ladies' Silk Finished drop-stitch Hosiery, stainless
Misses' and Boys' Fine liibbed Hose, high, spliced heel and
toe, 12ic per pair.
Ladies' Vests.
Ladies' Fine Summer-weight Ribbed and Lisle Vests, ecru
and white, 10c, 13c, 19c and 25c.
Jersey Ribbed and Lisle Union Suits, low neck and sleeve
less, 59c.
Ventilating Summer Corset, in white, only 25c.
Men's Straw Hats at Half Price.
We have an assortment of odd lots which wo wish to disposo
of, and will sell them for one-half of their marked price
while they last.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
Thry Spent Two Hours in the City and
(Vera Greatly I'leaied.
Although a good share of our peole
had uone out of the city Tuesday,
nevertheless when the members of the
National Editorial Association arrived
at 3:45 Tuesday afternoon there was a
larite crowd to meet them and make
them feel at home. There were thirteen
care, consisting of Wagner's and Pull
man's, and they were drawn by two
large engines.
Arriving at the depot the train w hich
contained the 35i edi'ors and friends
waa cut In two and til of the sleepers
were drawn to the Umatilla House,
where the occupants were dined, some
200 being seated at the first table.
While these were eating the rest of
the party were being entertained by
our citizens and the committee ap
pointed, the members of which deserve
much credit. When the first table was
cleared the rest of the party were taken
to the hotel and were seated to a spread
that would be hard to equal cant of the
mountains. Many editors were heard
to remark that it was the best meal
they bad partaken of eince they had
been on the trip, and complimented our
people on being able to prepare such a
spread. Messrs. Sinnott A Fish exerted
themselves to the utmost in giving the
dinner, and indeed deserve much credit
for their labors.
Ttie tables wero tastily decorated with
palms and flowers, while in the line of
edibles our home fruit was predominant,
and many were the remarks made by
our visitors about such delicious straw
berries and cherries.
There was but little time in which to
show the editora around bo it whs
mottly devoteil to conversation, during
which our resources ami surrounding
country were given the beneflt.- Since
the editors arrivtd in Oregon they have
been more courtesy than in any
other state thrt ujh w hich they passed.
They left at 5 o'clock for Portland,
having spent an hour and three quarters
in our city. They expretsed themselves
as being greatly pleased with The
Dalles, and were only sorry that more
time could not be devoted to seeing the
surrounding country and places of
inteiet. Their last words wire praises
for our people aud thanking us for the
hospitality shown.
Myiterloua liuappearanca.
whereabouts of J.
Veil, is shroudeJ
Scott, of
says the Telegram. Monday morning
his boat was picked np, floating in the
Columbia river, by L. Dupnis of Van-
couver, and its occupant was mlscing.
Scott left Bridal Veil Sunday mora
ing in hia boat, bound for Duncan lake.
That was the last Been of him.
About 6 o'clock Monday morning Mr.
Dupuis discovered a small clinker-built
fkiff floating in the river, apparently
without an occupant. He took a small
boat and pulled out. The craft was
empty with the exception of a few
articles of clothing, and a Winchester
rifle. Mr. Dupuis towed the skiff ashore
and immediately began an investigation.
The following-named articles were found
In the boat: A coat, hat, Winchester
rifle with one shell discharged and the)
hammer thrown back, an umbrella, av
kid gicve and a quart bottle about one
half full of whiskey.
In a pocket of the coat was an en
velope addressed to J. J. Scott, Bridal
Veil, Or. The envelope bore the post-
mat k of Seattle, May 24, 1809, and
contained a receipt for an express uioney
order for the amount of 2.
Mr. Dupuis immediately telephoned
to Bridal Veil and asked for information
concerning J. J. Scott of that place. It
was ascertained that he was a resident
there and had left in a boat Sunday
morning for Dure in lake and nothing
hid been seen nor heard of him since.
When the boat was picked up, there
was one oar banning in the lock. Three
or four locks were scattered about the
bottom, but no oars were In the boat.
The skiff is a valuable one, clinker
built, and varnished inside and ont. On
the bow is painted the name "Cap
It is generally suproied in Vancouver
and in Bridal Veil that Scott has fatlan
overboard and Is droirned.
Keriured Kalra to It. K. A.
For the National Educational Asso
ciation meeting to be held at Los
A nel.s, Cal., July 11-14, 1 99, ite CV
I!, fc N. Co. will make the following
rates from The Dalles : Going and re
turning all rail run to via Portland and
Southern 1'acirlc $44.15; rail to Portland
and steamer Portland to Los Angeles
port of call, including meals and berth
on steamers, returning same route,
$:!9.I5; rail to Portland, steamer to San
Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific
from San Francifo to Los Angeles, re
turning same route, f:t!i.l5. Tickets on
sale June :)0th, July 1st and July 4th to)
9th inclusive, tinal limit for return Sept.
5th. For further Information ca.I on or
address Jas. Ireland, Agent, O. It. A N.
Co., The Dalles. 10 1