The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 08, 1899, PART 2, Page 4, Image 4

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1 1
- -----s--ss--- s- M',,MM"MM T"'-
I i"-", -t. -
DcraaT Tim hchiucu .
rj Fao lULLIs '
Delinquent Tax Sale
(WiawJ from Tkird)
Rosenthal Bro; bf c 27. 1 B,
P.jbiotoo. M L; per prop S3
Ri.. C W ; jr ec I. I , 15 t 10
KiJJeil, H H. per prop 8
Root. Joo F; m ht nw jr. a qr
t v qr, qr aw qr ec S, I , 13 12
RJer. Mary : Mil aJ D C, loll K
mnl I blk 7c "
Row. II S ; part of ChipTan.coni
eh from n cor of main bU
of J M Thompson' mi. I. thence
Sv) ch, e cht. n SI'S cm, w
to be. a.l ono: J lot io Case. .
Rope. A'.ic; II R park, lot 20,
blk 1
Rope, Sophia; H R park, lot 21,
Uk 1
Robr. Ul'.ie; Winan's ai II R,
lot 3 and i. b.k 5
14 40
Trooth, I L; per prop 15 55
Troop, J .V ; Tre ad D C, I40il73 I
nw cor blk U 17 S2
Thowton, Bert: Hani ad PC. k
1 and 2, blk IS, lot J, blk 14. mil - '
ad I C 13 Ii j
TTior, J R ; mil id DC, lot G,
Hand I, b k 47 4 13
Taylor. Eunice J; mil ad D C,
tot J, bik 3 S 91
TaTlor, Mr Lucy J; Thorn ad D
C, lot 14. bik 6
Tbocna. Jobs ; nlt nel4' tec 36, 1
. 12
Taylor, Joseph M; ae' aw1 tee
5. Id, 14
Tamavaaher, Tom; ol, eee
13, 2 b, II S 75
Tibbett. Harry; 11 R park, lot
1 5W
3 30 j
2 32
43. bik 3
15. 2 r. 10 e: '. -l4': j
14. 2n, 10 e; McDonald prop,
1C 245 03
Toqot, J D ; per prop ft SO J
I Toznokint. Val W
J Thorn peoo. F M :
per prop.
4. -4 nw
4 ee 36,
K:-, Jame I! ; e qr e qr ec,26.
3 t , 13 e
Rana, Mn!y; qr m qr.Jse qr ec 8, 2 , 13 e;
qr tec 8, 1 . 14 e .Uj 2, lie
Robiton, B; per prop 33 CO j riricb. Catherine; BelleToe ad D
Rorrt A Gable, per prop 17 50 ! C. lot 3 to 5, bik 2
Rotherr, B M ; per prep 3 65 j CuJerhill, J R ; per prop
ne'4 tec 5,
i tec 32, 1 1, 13
. 5 ti
Rotherr, C E ; per plop
Sherrieb. F C ; ne qr except 10 a
in tw qr ! qr, t-JiJ to t
tec J, 2 o, 10 e
Shoemaker, J II ; per prvp
Shoemaker, B F; per prop
South, I D : t hf e qr t qr tec 6,
2n, 11 e
S' J K; be te cor of W
Jenfcio D L C. w rj rod. 20
rod, e 16 rod, n 2J rod to be;
tec So. 3 d, 10 e 7 40.
Siranahan, J A ; toI V, 233, tec 9.
2 n, I e
Stranahao, G F; rol V 529, tec 9,
2n, Ue
Siricklar.d. Mr E; u t qr. tec
"6, 4 . 1! e. hi qr, neqr ne
qr, m ht te qr tec 2. 3 , 13
Schmidt, Gaitare ; e bf tec 36, 6 f ,
hi e, nw qr ne qr, t qr ne qr,
nw qr e qr.sw qr qr.tec 6,7 ,
17 e," ne qr tec 1. 6 , 17 e 114 15
Smith Bro ; n w qr nw qr tec TO, I
d. 14 e IS 32
Smith, J M : Mil ad D C, lot A blk
40 5 12
Spiceojer, M ; e hf w hf tec 20 I n
13 e IS 90
Shekford. Mr Roiie: lot 3 bik
4 D C.iot D C G II I J K and L
blk 71 Mil ad D Call blk 43 and
44 Mil ad D C 75 74
Shackleford. Dr Wm ; all of a tract
of land or blk in Trev ad D C.
rol I. 535. Mil ad D C. lots A B
C D E F blk 82, A B C D E blk
25. A B K and E bik 30. all cf
blk 31 3-3 71, lot A B bik 73. . . 62 88
Storey. Mr J L; Gates ad D C.
lot II and 12, bik 20 ... 36 36
Ptorer, J L; tract in fee 33, I d,
10 e. 24 a, Big B.t ad D C, lot 9.
blk 22 . 14 70
Stonemao, Dora E; Mil ad D C,
lot L, blk 71 5 94
Stranaban. F C: part of for lot 2.
bol of O L Stranahao, ec 35, 3
n, 10 e I 83
Sherrill, Jame; hf owqr ec5, 1
. 12 e 5 94
Sarae. Dora ; E and W ad II R
lot 29 to 32 Inc. blk 1 2 96
Stimson, Albert; E and W ad H
K, Iota 27 to 30 inc. blk 1 2 96
S'pmao, Melvin ; nw qr tec 24,1 1, I
13 18 CO
Sternfe!, Morri; neqr te qr tec
S6, 3 n. 10 e. Idiewild. lot 3 to
Cine, 19 to 24 inc. blk 2 16 G5
Solicitor Loan it Trust Co. hf te
qr. neqr freer, te qr tw qr tec 20,
I , 14 e. Mil ad D C lot D blk 83 15 51
Sollivan, Tho ; ne qr. tec 31, 2 a.
14 e, nw qr ec 33, 2 , 14 e 15 00
bteig, Mra Sarah; w hf nw qr, ee
qr dw qr tec 6, 1 n 15 e 7 29
St. Mary' Academy; Tre? ad D
C, lot II and 12 blk 6 89 10
Smith. G A ; Thorn ad D C, lot 8
9 10 and e hi 7 bik 1 4 4S
Snipe A Smith, Mii ad D Call bik
47, lot A BCDI J K and L
blk 51, (i II and I blk 53 15 SO
Smart, HenrrC; Mil ad D C lot I
blk 9 J 149
Spencer, Mr II ; Mil ad D C lot
D E and F blk 102 II 22
Simpeon, Nancr ; a hf tec 36, 2 n,
8 e ." IC 00
Si men son, Jtmet; Tack ad D C
lot II bik 2 C 94
Sorbin, R L; lot D blk 7 2 24
Staat. J T, estate; n hf nw qr,
ec 8, 2 n, 13 5 94
Spurrier, V E; all ontold lot in
Bellerna being cart of w qr te
qr ec 18, 1 d, 13 13 20
Slocnm, A ; beg w cor frac blk
I'l. I'arkharH ad II K. L0 tt.
e 135 ft, n 1 0 ft, w 135 ft, to beg
and ail frac blk 10 0 99
Snyder, Susan ; dw qr nw qr, tec
2, 1 d, 12 e I 10
Snyder, J E ; n hf ne qr nw qr, te
qr neqr ne qr tec 13, I n, 12 e . I 10
Steele, Geo A ; e hf ne qr tec 6, 4
, 9 : 4 00
! YandeitKt,
VanJerbilt, C;
25 j
S5 ; Vanderpool L A V L ; 2 acre n
- s;Jenw'4 '4 tec 30, 1 . 14 e.
' : Vot. Geo W ; E A W ad II R. lot
5 40 :s' 4 1 moi blk Ia
i Varner, Mr Alice; mil ad D C,
1 lot E. bik 9
ne'4 te'4 ec
20, 2 d. 10 .
8 PI
99 j
2 16 i
10 SO j
12 96;
2 97 i
5 07
attention of the public is called to the fact
the Chronicle Office is equipped with every
requisite for turning out first-class
3 16 e'4 w'4 ec2, 7 , I7e; Baird'
2d ad Ant, lot 1 and 2. bik 3
Wiekham,y; wl4 ne'4ee20,
76 S3
I, I n.
9 10
7 43
7 16
5 50
Wilton. II M: e
S SO ! tec 34, 2 n, 10 e.
Wenner, Geo: e'4
tec 34, I u, 12 e.
9 e..
Winant, E T; nl4' ne1.,', n1' nw'4
tec 9. In, 9e 5 23
Watton. W P ; w , w 4 tec 22, 1 n,
9 e; Wancoma lot 2, blk 4 12 44
ITillard, Carrie P; e'4' tec 5, 2 ,
13 e 14 93
Hlnang, Mattie; te4 ec 13. 1 n,
f e: Itlnans' ad H R, lot 16 to
24 inc, blk 23 7 26
Winant, Mr Mary ; nwq', n hf ne
qr, n hf tw qr sec 36, 2 n, 9 e. . . 12 32
Winant, A ; ne qr sec 14. 1 n. 9 e.
160 a, Winan's ad II R, lot 6,blk
4, lot 3, blk 2 II 42
Winans, W R ; hf ne qr sec I, I
n, 9 e, tw qr e qr. nw qr se qr
ec 36, 2 d, 3 e, 200 a, Winan's
lots 1 4 5 8, blk 4, 1 258 block h,
5 to 8 inc blk 8, 5 to 8 inc blk 9,
8 blk 2, 1 to 5 inc bik 3, Winan's
ad II R, lots 1 and 4 to 8 inc
blk 1 0 14
Wood. John; Mil ad D C. lot G,
blk 30 1 49
Wright, Robt ; aw qr sw qr ec 15,
Wickham, R F; w bf nw qr, ne qr
neqr, nw qr sw qr tec 8, Is,
12 e 15 85
Werrick, Mrs Mary; 9 acres in sec
27, 3n, lOe 5 00
Watt, Alexander; 2 acres in Case. 17 32
Wilder, Dell ; per prop 6 40
Wood, Tho; E A W ad H R, lots
23 and 24, blk 9 I 48
Worley, Jno J ;E A W 2d ad II R,
lots 32 to 37, bik 9 4 44
Walton, Margaret ; se qr sec 8, 1 s,
15 e......: II SS
Whealdon. Mrs X; 120x180 ft, se
cor blk 14 25 2Z
Windham, AC; Falton's ad D C;
lot 11), blk 2, It offe side lot 11
blk 2 .
Sechrs, C J, Mil ad D C lot J blk
III 33
Steiner, Paulina; II K park lot 3
blkl 48
Smith, D L; II R park lot 17. blk 4 48
Schooling, Mrs II ; per prop 0 60
Silliman, L; per prop 4 00
Smith, O W; per prop 1 22
Sorben, J E; per prop 13 60
Staat , W II ; per prop 7 90
Staatt, R J ; per prop 2 18
Steel, A L; per prop 2 60
Sharp, Frank ; per prop 2 20
Sharp, Jennie; per prop I 32
Sharp, P T; per prop 6 36
Sear, Wm ; per prop 2 65
Scnlly, Tho; per prop 12 80
Taylor, Zich ; nwqr sec 32, 7 s,
17 115 40
Taylor, 8 E ; e qr nw qr tec 3d, 2
d, 10 2 40
Trout. E W; , ne4', nli se4', n
, n 4 ec 24, 1 s, 14 28 88
Taylor, Wm ; per prop 4 63
Thompson. Emma; K A W ad II
K, M 1 to 4 inc. blk 3 2 96
Wikon, II W ; Mil ad D C ; lot H,
blk 2
Wilson, A W ; s bf s bf sec 2, 1 n,
14 e
5 94
9 25
9 90
Winter. R B; 10 acre in w bf w
bf neqr se qr sec 20, 2 n, 10 e. . 4 86
Willison, WA;E A W lit ad II
R, lot 33, block 6 74
Watson, T J, truttee ; lots 6 7 8 9,
except 5 acres off n side 8, sold
to Portland Ice Co, sec 26, 3 n,
10 e 37 00
ll'atson, T, A Sternfelds M ; part
of lot 3 and 8, M m enkin D
L C, No 33, Idiewild, all of taid
claim n of Dalles A Sandy II -Bon
Road, sec 26,3 n, 10 e 29 97
li'hitcomb, M ; lot 1 sec 36, 3 n,
He 55
I 10
Hells, II H"; ne qr se qr sec 9, 6
14 e
iniliam. (I'm G ; Mil ad D C lot
I blk 122, lot C blk 123. 66
Matts, Frank ; per prop 4 85
Hatt, JF; per prop 8 40
Well, Chat ; per prop 2 43
Wright A Mannery; per prop 32 57
Wing Moody; per prop 14 85
Yoane, Lrdia B; he qr ne qr sec
24, 7 s, 14 e I 10
lettie, per prop 9 CO
Z roach, no; Tbom ad D C lot 5
blk 2 3 22
Zachery, A C; sw qr ne qr sec 7, 6
i I 10
Sheriff's siwHanlt.
Anderon, N A; lots 3, 10 and II
blk 1 32 00
Kirkendall, A ; e hf w qr, t hf w
bf sw qr sec 34. 2 n,l4 e 4 40
Connecticut Realty Co; E and W
d II R lots 25 to 29 inc, blk ... . I 25
Corson, Chas E; per prop 19 80
Columbia Packing Co, per prop. .134 00
Brown, no; E and W 2d ad H R
lots 1 2 3 blk 9 2 40
Portland I .and Irrigation Lumber
A Fnel Company ; 20 mile more
or less of irrigating ditch with
right of way for same, siid ditch
commencing at the head waters
of Clear Creek, rnnning thence
to termination of said ditch as
now eonrtrocted in what Is
known as thenniper Flat Coan
ty In 5 s, 13 e. W M. Said ditch
opposed to bs 8 ft wide and 4
ft deep 242 00
At Portland prices. All our work we guarantee' to
be second to none. We use only the
best of paper stock.
U :U) p. m.
thicagu and Eu j
Epokane Walla Walla, gpok,,! . T
. tucatfo aud Kul 1
p. m.
Kaon Potuh
For San Krancico
anil every iie Uv
tliereaiter. "
tn in
E.buudy Columbia Rv. Steamer. , ,! t
e t TO ATo,a and ' """""I
Saturday j Lauding.
lu p. m. i
. m ! Willamitti Rivra. i , .
Ex.bumlay Ore,,,, iiy. Newinrs, E,au'
j balera & Way LandV '
7a. m, WlLLAH'TTK IXD Ym. 3d, .
Tuwltmr.! hill Kivaw. mU
andent. Oree.m city.,,n.
j and Way-landings, j a
6 a. m.
IVtr r . u wi-r u n . - . .
Tue..TI,ur, Portland to Corvalli,, Tw 't Z,
amlfal. aud W ay-Landings. , uAsS?
. 1 6AKK RlVE. I I.,,,
I.T Rlparlu. Kiparia to U-wi.ion. ! 1
Puriielt flfMilrinff tr. i 1.1 llulin,
..... icatiHK I lie I'lllll'S H -U p. n
inakiiiK direct eonupeiioiiK at lleppner iniirlim
KeturnlnK makliiRdireeitiiiineeUini 1 Kcihimt
junction HitliNo. 1. arriving at The utilni:
:15 p. in.
No. !, throucht freleht. east bound, don m
carry paraeiigi ra; arrive 2:M a. ui., ilciatu
3 JO a. in. '
No. V!4. local freight, carries pnwonrn, t,t
bound: arrive 4::m p. m., d.'purtu p. .
No. 21, west bound through freight, dim n
Jrry passerjgera; arrives ;;, p. m.,
No. ii. west bound local freight, rnrri
engers; arrivea 5:1," p. in., Gepurts 8::.m.
For full paitlculare call on O. R. ft K. I'o'i
agent The 1 'a Ilea, or addresa
W. II. HfRI.Bl'RT,
Gen Pas. Ast., FortUnd. Or,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai
6:00 r,
Ti:ao A. M
preu, mi If in, Rose-'
I burg, A.hland, tiae-1
J ntmcnto, Ugden.naii !
' 1 KranriHeo, Mojave,
! Iia Allgt'les.Kl i'aso, I
I I New Orleans and I
! 1 East J
K.wbnrg ana wsy sta-
I I Via VVorslbnr.-! fori
.Mt.Angel, bilverton,
Weat Solo, Browns- i
Natron J
A. M
4:40 P. H
trm A M ,ConraIHs siid wayf s joP.V.
'' 80 A- M- ) stations I I
INDU'KNDESOK lA8SKN(iKR. Expreaitrtl"
llailv excel, t Hundav).
ifflp.m. tI.v Portland ...Ar.i 25i.a
7::wp. lu. Ai..KoMunville..l.v. ;,
8:30 p. ni. Ar..Iudependenre..l.v.) :"
Ually. f Daily, except Hund.iT.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Can rranolsco wits Ofrt
dental aud Oriental and I'aollio mail !
lines for JArAN and t'llINA. SalllI d" "
I idlcation. ,,.
Kates and tickets to Eastern P"'"'"""""!
Al HTKALIA. . . .
All ataiva trains arrive at and d'psrt iw
Urand ceutral bUtlon. Fifth and Irvinf stn
Passenger ixil, loot of Jettersos
lsiTe for Pherldan. wee days, st 1:30 p.
Arrive at Portland, :) a. m.
Uave for AIRLIK on Monday, w",'""J,ll
Friday at 9 10 a. m. Arrive at Portland.
day, Thursday and 8aturda u 3 .Oft p. ai.
Except Sunday. "Except Hatnrdar.
li,.-or Aaat. (i. F. A-l aHS. An
Through Ticket Ofllce, m Third strsrt, 5JJ
through tickets to all points I" ths
HtatiHi. Canaitaand Kuroj call be obtsliws
lowest ratua f nun ,
J. II. KIRKLANP, Ticket iP"1-
rr..rr Ml
"S.t4 ooinHT 46-
anTonaaenning iimrn V. -(,,!
Onlfklr ascertain our ol'l"'"" . !re"(T, ,-onl-
1 1, .ns si del I jf o mn.lmit iul. 1 1 mid ti"" " " Mfc
sun frws. (iMeat riiH'r for """"i'VlTrscsW
I'mi-iiis taken Ihn.nah ,f.
sprri.u aofsrs, without clisruo. In tne
Scientific JIBcrWt
A nandnnmetT lllnstTnted waekle. ' "TsJ
'"".we!. Sme.y r HU Wa.lnna.on. U--
Utter of CrHit lnl available in "',
K",ern Stft'r- T-learspn
Transfer ol.l on New Vork, l
St. Lonis, Han Frfincico, lortIfr
iron, Seattle WaRhan.l variom P
in tiregon nu n bsiiiui.", w,
Collei tlon ton le at all poi' 00
oroble term.