I f W 10111 VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY JULY 8, 180l. KO. 40 CHICAGO MAN'S Ail WONDER MOTOR 1;kI;i:s Ten TiMSlls Power Dt tue BEst Boats. NAVAL OFFICERS INVESTIGATE Takes Only Thirty Inches of Floor Space For a Forty-Horse Power Machine, Is Onlv Thirty Inches High and Practically Noiseless; Automatic Feed and Friction Reduced to a Minimum. Chicago, July 4. The Record says : Forty horsepower, or about ten times 88 much as the best engines develop at preient with a half-inch feed, 71 ill, ac cording to the claims of the inventor, be extracted from the tamo quantity of iteam by a motor which will be in spected byJAdniiral Mel ville, chief of the bureau of iteain engineering, United States navy, I ine time this month in this city. The motor li 24 inches high, and occu pies a space about 30 inches square on the floor. It is practically noieelcss. It has no packing in any of the parts. With slight mixtions it is modeled after a smaller one, which has been successfully operated by both steam and liquid air, and throng; h which the attention of Lieu tenant Zeatineki, U. S. N., retiree', was interested. The machine is composed of two diece, one revolving within the other on a sep arate axle in an opposite direction, and all Incased in a metal box of circular shape. Each dice is forged into alter nate spaces and partitions. Tho spaces trethree-sixteeuths of n Inch wide, and have parallel lines. The bludes or pnr titiouti are three-eights of an inch thick. These alternating spaces and partitions are cot on tho disc at such u angle that the steam wiiicti is fed through the axle or shaft passes through the ("paces on the disc nearest the axle ti the partitions of the next disc at a right angle, thus propelling the second disc in the opposite ditectiun. By this arrangement one of the diece revolves in one direction and the other in the opposite, the power of both being harmonized on the power Bhaft, by a re vereinggear connected with one of them. The force of the steam utilized is that of pressure an 1 not of impact The motoi extracts approximately all of tho power in the steam before it reaches the circum ference of iIik disc, and therein, accord ing to the inventor, J. V. Brady, of this eity, lies its superiority over o'.her mechanisms. The inncliine is adaptable to either hih or low pressure, tho friction is re duced to a mini mn in, and the adjustment otleed is automatic. QUEEN'S DEATH NO SURPRISE She Was Well Along in Years and a Sufferer From Cancer Visited San Francisco. Fkaxcihco, July -A. The news "ought from Honolulu by tho Coptia of the death on June 24 of the Dowager Queen Kt,i.,i,...i . .., 1'"...,., nt,B imv n BillMirr, no Wf death had been expected for some lim. She was sixty-five years of age "d was a sufferer from cancer, and re cently h l a stroke of paralvsis, follow several attacks of apoplexy. She much esteemed in the Islands and death was sincerely im.urned. Her "mains lay in state for eight days and ere buried with impressive cermonirs. " left no children, and during her 'e devoted much of her time to charlt ) " ork. the Kapiolanl home for leper lr ni l other Institutions having been Jd.l by hr. hhn vl,ed g,n FrM "co in ,tllte ,887 with her ilster-ln- Mhen rrlncoes Llliuokalanl, and was 'wn royal we'ome. With Sampson's Fleet. wi'ort, R. I., July jj Th, flrl)t iih a""' ' t,e,trucllor' 0' Ihe Span Mttff Santiago was observed here today by the ships ot the North Atlantic squadron, by the attaches of the naval stations and by vessels in tho harbor in seuerai. me celebration, tegan at 8 ocloc when at "colors' the warships ran up fljgs and bunting of macv colors. Other shipping and the yachts in the harbor were gaily dressed, and in the city the Stars and Stripes were displayed at all points. The national ealute of twelve guns was fired at noon from all the ships of the squadron, and the Constellation, and each crew had a special dinner. Sports and races by tho several crews, minstrel and vaudeville entertainments on the several ships were features of the anni versary. Red Fire on pike's Peak. Summit Pike's Pkak, July J. Tie Fourth of July in Colorado was ushered In at midnight by a magnificent illumina tion on Pike's Peak, 14,000 feet above the sea. Seventeen hundred pounds of red, white and blue powder was set off promptly at midnight and the crimson glow was flung far out over the moun tain and plain and cities within a radius of 100 miles witnessed tiie magnificent spectee'e, the whole crest of the peak appearing to be wrapped in Hemes. The celebration was unique in the history of Colorado and Pike's Peak. THEY TALKED THINGS OVER Emperor William Does Not Like Bis marck's Son and the Son Appar ently Docs Not Like America. New Yobk, July 4. A dispatch to the Herald from Berlin says: Prince Herbert Bismarck's visit to Travemunde is eager ly discussed. His enemies say that the kaiser refused to receive him. The Klein Journal, which pretends to have special court information, says the audi ence was prolonged : that Princi Bis marck refused the Washington embassy, for private reasons, but said he would be willing to accept the London embassy. The truth is that the audience took place behind closed doors and the kaie"r took the opportunity of hearing Pi In Bismarck's opinions on politics in jo eral and especially 011 the canal bill. ENLISTMENT ORDER ISSUED Thirty-fifth Regiment Is to Be Obtained From Washington, Oregon. Califor nia, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Alaska. Washington, July C The order for the enlistment of ten new regiments ol infantry was isFiied today by the secre tary of war. Daily instruction of both of ficers and men will be a special feature. Applicants for commissionf, except of ficers of the regular army, will be re quired to pass satisfactory examinations, and must have had service during the Spanish-American war. Enlistments will be made for the period ending June 30, l'JOl, uiiIcbs sooner discharged. Ex cept in special case", only unmarried men will be enlisted for these regiments. Regiments will be enlisted accordiug to the provisions of the act of March 2, 18!W, and will consist of fifty olhoera ami i.u men each . Among the districts for recruiting the designated regiments are the following: Thirty-fourth regiment rort l.ogan, Colo., Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Minn esota. North Dakota, South Jhikots, Montana, Arizona and New Mexico. Thirty-fifth regiment, Vancouver lar racks', Wash., California, Nevada.Orrgon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska. Samps.in Will Not Meet Dewey. Washington, July It Secretary Long said loday that ho knew nothing of Un reported plan to Iibvc the North Atlantic squadron, under Bear-Admiral Sampson, meet Admiral Dewey on the Olympia at the Ax ires and escort him to the United States. So far as he knew, the plans of the North Atlantic squadron did not con template their leaving the shores of New England. Thomas Klwads, Centcrfleld, ()., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or elxht years. No remedy gave me relief un'.il DeWitt's Witch Hanoi Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured I me." Soothing, healing, perfectly Harm less. Beware of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. A THIRTY DAYS' TRIP oreeon sun Bat at San Fractal ca JbIt 14. THE CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Vancouver Barracks Will Probably Be One ol the Recruiting Points. Washington, July 3. The war de paitment calculates that the trip fiom Manila to San Francisco by transport takes just thirty days, which should get the Second Oregon regiment there July 14. No record Is kept at the depart ment of arrivals of transports at Nagasaki. The call for the 10,000 additional vol untoers for service in the Philippines will not be made as was the call of over a year ago, by etates, but certain points have been selected by the war depart ment at which the regulars will be re cruited. The names of these place sare not yet published, but are supposed to be the largest and most convenient mil tary stations spread all over the country. Vancouver barracks is very likely one point, as it is highly favored by army officials. It is certain that some of the ofllcers will be chosen from among the officers of the Second Oregon regiment, as those who have seen active service are to be given the preference. It is likely that what officers of tho Second Oregon are chosen will be assigned to the regiment raised at Vancouver barracks. Brigadier-General Harrison Gray Otis, in an interview today, said that it will require a force of 50,000 men successfully to terminate the rebellion in the Philip pines, and that evec then it cannot he accomplished before the end of the next dry season, which ends in April of next ar. He savs that our force in the islands now can successfully cope with the insurgents in battle, but a larger force is needed for garrison duty to hold captured ground. Speaking of the soldiers who have fought against the Filipinos, he said: "Better soldiers never lilted a musket. They are the best th-.it ever went in battle." FLOODS IN TEXAS ARE TERRIBLE Sickness and Death May Follow Sub siding of Waters Flooded District lias a Length of 500 Miles and Is so Miles Wide Telegraph Poles Submerged. Hoi,HTON, Tex., July 5. A correspond ent has just returned from a eoyaje through the hViod district. The hail has not been told of the havoc wrought. The disaster id so appalling that description is not possible. After tins flood will ome sickness undoubtedly. What a week ago wa9 the fairest part of Texas is now almost a God-foreaken wilderness. The waters of the Brazos have for six days covered its valley to a depth of from six to thirty feet. Whore a week ago there were on every hand fields of cotton and corn and thousands of aeies of watermelons and contalonpes, today there is slimy mud over all the vegeta tion, the carcasees of cows, muljs, pigs, dous and cats, mayhap, humans, for ninny are missing. Our party left Bryan at uirije yet- terday morning, going to NuVieoto bot toms, and to a point about three miles from Millican. Everything is undir water from two to seventeen feet. I. looked on all sides like a great lake and the water was so high that for a vast area it completely submerged the telegraph and telephone poles along the line. In truth, portions of the bottoms are even now a perfect sea, extending four or five miles wide at certain points. All the planters slated that the out- shlu world has no conception of the floods or Iowa incurred by the destruction of crops, stock and buildings. Nearly every nlanter has built boats and sent tnem through the flooded districts to render asslstaiie-e to the people, and if possible save some of their drowning stock. The fl wd district has a length of over ."-CO j miles, a breadth of probably fifty miles, j nd in all this vast space damage incal culable has been done. The loss to life will never bo fully known. To show the damace done, the following estimates have been made by men who are in a poeitiou to know : Lives lost, from 100 to SIX); loss to farmers, in cluding crops as well as livestock, from 7,000,000 to $13,000,000; to railroads and country bridges, I2.000.COO to $4,000,000. These estimates are taken on the whole area. TRAIN LOADED WITH GOLD One Claim Furnished All the Treasure Eleven Horses Could Carry Klon dike Cleanup Is Coming. San Francisco, July 5. A special from Seattle says : Gold dust was pour ing Into Dawson when the Humboldt's passengers left. They allege that on the morning of June 20 a pne'e train of twenty horses, each animal carrying "00 bounds of gold du9t, arrived from Eldor ado creek. There were two tons of it, worth fully $1000,000. It is said that e'even of the horses were weighted down with dust from oue claim. Another Dawson party" baa arrived from the north today on tho Dirigo. Joseph Putrau and Henry Berry had jointly 700 pounds of dust. Aside from this, no ono man had to exceed fifty pounds. The total on the vessel was about $150,000. Tho City of Topeka is close behind the Dirigo with considerable more treasure. Richard Fmuions, J. Ostium and O. W. Jackson sought to reach the Copper river country from Dawson and came near Btarvlng to death. They were making the journey for the North American Transportation & Trading Company. Their Indian guides deserted, and the men were left for ten days. The men have reached Dawson from Copper river without gold. They say they explored the rivers as far north as Helisland, in the Arctic ocean, but found nothing. A copper vein, outcropping) of which have been traced a distance of sixteen miles' has been located at Williams point by a Sau Francieco syndicate. THE SITUATION IS TERRIBLE People Hang in Trees Three Days: Then Fall From Exhaustion. St. Lofis, July ft A special to the Post Dispatch trom Dalla", Texas, says: At 11 a. in. today a short dispatch was re '.eived from a lineman at Dewey, just across the Brazos river from Sealey. It read : "River falling slowly tince 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Conditions here Bre terrible. Everything in the country is swept away. A laruo number of lives lost in the bottom, and it looks like starvation for those left. Situation is not exaggerated. It will bo several days before line repairs can be made with anything like system." This telegram was received over a wire spliced from tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway and Postal ' Telegraph Company's lines, and was the first that had been working into Sealoy and Dewey for three days. Tho wire only worked five minutes and was then loit. Efforts to connect it since have failed. Shortly after this information was received by wire, Deputy SherilFSwarenigeratSealey said over tho long-distance telephone: "There is no improvement in this sec tion of the flood district. If anything. the situation is growing worse. No re lief boats havo yet reached here from Houston or Galveston. Sealey md the neighboring tonus have about exhausted tneir resources lor relief. Another negro family wnseeen from here drowning, cut off from laud about two miles, this morn ing. Several lives havo been lost sir.ee last nu'tit among tho lefugees on the mound near Old San Filipe. A number of negroes fell into tho water from the tree tops from sheer exhaustion, after hanging three days and nights. "A rumor is current here of an awful disaster near Richmond, below here in Fort Bend country. As we are cut off from all that southern section, we can not tell definitely what has happened, but the situation naturally must be as bad thore, if not worse." Use Clarke fc Falks teeth. Rosofoam for the tf ifvixVA n Lj ICV V jtassiurri.Y'PuRE Makes the food more ovi tfNi AND JONES TALK J)s;s B: loss 11! West Does No! ff aal lie Islands. AND INDULGES IN BUNCOMBE They Express Widely Different Views of the Philippine Islands. CmcAcn, July 5. A special to the Tribune from Marysviile, Mo., eays: Ex-Scnator Peffer, of Kansas, was the principal speaker at the Fourth of July celebration in Marysvi'le. He said In his address : "Scarcaly had the smoke 'of battle be tween Americans and Spaniards blown from over Manila, when that part of the earth began to show signs of American prosperity aud order. Everything went along smoothly until some of our soldiers were fired upon by certain ruffians. It immediately became our government's duly to defend the lives of our soldiers and the honor of our country, and to secure and preserve peace and order. "When that tias been doue we can find time to dispute among ourselves about minor questions of government but not before. Those who oppose this policy tell us that we are violating the principles of the declaration of inde pendence by forcing our government upon people ithout their consent. Will you opun tho doors of our prisons and turn out all the men who are in carcerated there ai;:einst their consent? This country originally belonged to the Indians. Did the white man permit tho Indians to burn und kill? To re strain him would be to govern him with out his c liisent. "We were dealing directly with Spain, and when tho Spanish ti ;et was sunk and Manila captured, the Philippines camo into our control under tho inter national code, ami we came dircct'y re sponsible for them and th a-!s of their inhabit ints in the eyes of the world. ihey are e-ura to eli3pose of m much as any territory of this nation, and if the administration refused to put clown thai rebellion it would be as derelict in its duty as it would he if it failed to put down a rebellion in Missouri, or Kansas, or Texas. Senator Jones' Opinion. New Yoiik, July 5. Senator Jones. Nevada, Is quoted in an interview as lol lows : "The Democrats certainly will make a strong fight against trusts in the next presidential campaign. Just how the subjpct should be treated, I will confess I do not know at present. It Is a difficult problem. It is easy enough to shout down with the trusts, but what are you going to do about it? "Tak.i the one that is most often made the target the sn,r.ar trust. You g') to the members and they say : 'Yes we own all the sugar refineries; we are incorpo rated according to law.' Now will we pass a law that a oncern shall own onlv so much proherly, or what shall we do? What difference would it make to us if there were a thousand independent re fineries and as many middle-men?" 'Djea the anti-trust idea for a demo cratic campaign issue meau that Bryan will be the candidate?" "Certainly. It will be Bryan and Mc Kinley over again. That does not mean that the silver question will be shelved, either. It will be rather overshadowed by the anti-monopoly movement. There are many people who will never under stand the currency question, and in the face of semblance of prosperity the silver issue may be submerged for a time. It will not stay down, however." "How is the Philippine situation re garded in the West?" "In California, where all the troops have been shipped, the people have made 4 ?OWDE delicious and wholesome PPwr co.. rw WW. money out of it, and mer want the Phil ippines. I cannot see what any one else can want of them. I th'n'e the question 1b weakening President McKinley in other parts of the West." NERGR0S MAY GET IT AT ONCE President Scburman, of the Philippine Commission, Makes a Very En couraging Report to Washington. New York, July li. A special to the Herald from Washington says: The departureof President Schurman, of the Philippine commission, will leave at Manila three members of the commis sion Major-General Otis, Professor Worcester and Colonel Denby. It will be the duty of the Inst two named to coniinno the work of establishing home rule within the lines held by the ad ministration troops, iu tho hope that the example will be followed by tho Filipinos outside of tho lines, and show then', the beneficent purposes of this government. Pr.f. Worcester and Col. Denby will also aid Gen. Otis iu the conduct of any peace negotiations which m.'.y foliow fu ture operations ol the American troops.. . Mr. Schunnan's dispatch is on the whole very encouraging, and the au thorities are very much gratified at the . conditions be reports having found at the points visited. It is evident from what the officials say that Mr. Schur man believes the suppression of Aguin aldo's insurrection mean; the establish ment of pence throughout tho archipel. -ago. He is confident that many cf ttie people throughout the southern islands do not openly express themselves In favor of an American protectorate sole ly because of the fear of Aguinaldo mid his Tagal army. Mr. Schurman speaks well of the sultan of Sulu, and it is evident that he feols that there is no danger of trouble from him in case the United States ob serves tho treaties which exist between him and the Spanish government. Mr. Schurman makes a number of recom mendations regarding home rule for some of tho southern islands, and that they will probably be adopted by tho prcsi.iiM:'. The conditions in Negros were found tj be of a highly satisfactory character by Mr. Schnrman ai;d hoius tulo will undoubtedly bo given immediately to the people of that island, al; hough same alterations wero necessai y b. fore it re ceived the preshlent'd eppruv.l. A Thounaml Tongue Cou'd not exnre-s ti e r.in'ur.- of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Ho.tard St., Phil- ade'pl ia, Pa., when the found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely c ireJ her of a hacking cou 'h that for many years had made lifo a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she lays of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep Bnnndly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like souudirg i'.d praises throughout tho universe. So will every one who trie Dr. King's New Discovery fnrany troublo of the throat, chest or lung. Price 50c and $t. Trial ho'.tle free at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Bad Fire at Oakland. Oakland, Or., July 6. Two blo -kn In the business par tot town wero destroyed by fire yesterd.iy, cunin a lo-" of about MO.OOO. The lire started in the roar of Joff & NeuT's storo at 2 o'clock and spread rapidly. As tho town has no fire department, except a bucket brigade, the flames weio not brought under con trol until they hail swept tho city from the Depot hotel to Smith's stable. Only two brick buildings were left standing in this dittrict. They are ovtne-d and occupied by Young A Co., and Page A Dimmick. The came of the fire is not known. Gun-shot wounds snl powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison ing quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. Dj Witt'i is tuft and ure. Butler Drug Co.