The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 05, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghromele.','
O jt ijw f ia I'fcJ.f i
(. ifitautlfc! ... J
x oi- iix-w i u-Y rcTt istu . -
O.xr ratii ut;-M . . -- a
x rt r jt rf an K
Cnriiiiltif tw ...
O- I .r iuim u uM ta. u-.ltt I
Crrr twtir iw w
a active aid i:u"e-l as asy
! rights and rivilec to the ta'-ve
ia c-xiiiz wi.i tw-r cctidl::.
there oclx to I i d.cju:y is
cf-irli'rr for a ci kx-al yc-era-tx,s.t
list will I snUtfacteey.
nf trici:tlcti.cc4 0J w to gave
Hcme-i a a sacs'. :".w-cw ti if of r
B.l. :'T, j:J cd f-l- L-"-v ?
tty r i m as jIt"2; wr
:.W-w Lu a-ll tJ '- a3 tfcw ; ie?.
r5--'? ittTf.v dree.
it Utter ar.J tccnitr, or tbe so? ;
I: wa M-:nt'i t 1 ib'
tea, ; tie, , im B-.'E; Kll5 3 20 AlSlISt Oil LIElS
There is co reason f the jgJ IV.! c,: c tiarch. tiocgM L
Siixf cl cf ctkIl f J st. Thai was Usf.m. Was be? What sba.1 we
woaM aria that ai the c iEciftJ :ii " lt ,k" ' fj
,, . . . . - m-,:. resr-oasii.: tit owa -U? WLat
WCtiJ t apjOinCJ irviw Maiswii-j
nm a i rT niioil
i ' tMVBt jtirf ELiii-d bo ; 1 1 II I mil riirM"!
It UTtrr snulrizs I Lnr till " " " k-s? ia!i; liy etot fit.
io iatttf (iu feOjtc iet.a-. i- .i . - v. .j .
cm ,1 riu cf nftr A J- ;rpet-t?5es mw. .h., tk i
;rc'.Jl 2L:i &ir i tidi U I
tniZr IU do lie yit ia a privs-.e t" ir-t"11 liE5 tise ! tu mix itTrir. Tb
rathr. ft zJ dl cf TabierftgftuatUTKff crowd
Amtrkaas Ut One Mao Killed and
Far Wonalcl Kcturn of Vol-
CpCtO i
. . UjC una murk i t m l. v - w
diu-iOntrt;on at San
Ttre 5i iainbj ft c;";,!fl Bt tT:L" ItciTte cecesstrr, A trot J txtrt a. in : reffft;& , FeraiEd; last eTeo:cf. Tliey tooi aa-
to -rTec4nke'e'u dUti le tf e tibet j biy. Who 1 e,.kc4M ,ca f4ia t0 cstke ,
i9,Tec.u.s. .i a-?, I'M, . 'a flTe jj.ja i, Liast-.;? AbJ st , , ....
! dett. l-Bt the rcv'-'e of the net ; ,v v., ' po cf aeaoTit tte Amer-.cuns. Lot i
is sometimes caused by overwork, either mental ornW
-a1 Thfw are manv other excitinor o n . PySk
exposure to cold, excesses, emotional influences t
The approach of the disease is generally gradual ' r
quently the first warning is a vague feeling of headacT
vertigo and muscular weakness. ""i
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
restore the nutrition of the nerves and have cured man
cases of paralysis when all other remedies and methods of
treatment have failed. The record of this remedy entitle
it to a thorough trial. 1
venty years of are. A boat three year aeo I nnrri.
rnumbneM in the feet, then creepta upniYetVnT?T
jr. I grew Tery thin In, my appetitW,"!S?"J
ulshed phyilcln, one tellln.
r that I tadCTeeplnpirSr.?
no good and I contmued lo
thiT rrt wli:r lo kt it
li.e wsr is terUia to t ts'kc-.l crtr
reL The : tcr7:lcrJ' tri&c'a L i'U""J ftii rrss- , ihc.ri anJ acl tjrt :o rp;iWT u;.t-jnpain ir.e.r cuam.
'osit'e lilitcde in tie aJmia&ratioa ; roset. I ste m treat ciOr lUsiianrfu kt a private of
for a r :oi Eitr rtirs -J Iter will , " v " .--v.-. -
le d.'firet: of (f it
fit Cfr-t-eLillT tntjjf!
:a a
TLe rt Etiirorsa cf
jid t&t.:oe ia t 37fn;t tl ti.e tco ia,:
J aai trcih. il n.ce ua n cSt ice, wiih
iil ' a tjVtt. We ?e tuI-J ia tte
The i
Serectetnlb rgi1.enl k.i'ed aaJ four j
CJf a oar.di.l.
j Tte Cring bean at 10, aaJ the rebels
laitrv aaJ as t j "Lit ccght
Lt-tn du L;:L ts cci dc
elDewfTwlUwcryntodeit. TLu i : tit tL It of a. FDt.;.fBieJ great q -.nt!t cf .amoai
Ti- i .. , , . - , - . 'itii:iei.t..i,' ie c:.j.-a n ru i t4trj. A. tuC UMJU IiJ?-.De 1 10 en-1
c. U.s-Ih'.hIv S.::ri e3 m Krir. wj.h . . . - '
r.-H.-!,rv',.ii,!l , r , .T , . ' " '--' '"n rr0rr.uJn. j t,e,fb) in xp?t.ul-on of a general at-! w.Jar.jes.sirto.-tcaitd ,'J.e ts:e of the diilir-.i.-bod tiTal; wi.j re car cwn jarctt?'.Vho c uo-! J . L
!"ti:,r,.r.iy,-,'ll';h:(lif,J.I .ir.t 4 - ...v; !'"- 1" Hten-.wn;a, n,e iire;:in tea
I lthe rt'Icilioa of tLe c;ril ; TLitk what ft rcrt-ons a?a;r the 1 li eca ia-J:v"iJaa3 seal twin xiiieJ,
tni :iti (i.i, a&rre irre t: 11
Perhapi there U do man better known in the city of Lawrence Kan.,
than Mr. ti. H. Hnyder. To a reporter Mr. Snyder reiatli;
wonaerrui ury. neiaia:
I am now aevent
en red a coldness or I
lireaTiea my oxiy. i grew Tory inin in nean, my appetite was Hrm
nH 1 itiA nnt rellah mv food. At litjtt 1 hMn I rr
move alouL I consulted several distiniruiehed i
me that I had locomotor ataxia, anouier I
I took their medicines but they did ma
iron norse.
-One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Pale t'eople. 1 Immediately commenced Ibelr use, throwing all other
medicines away, llefore t had finmbed my first boa I found thatthrr
werebeneliuog me. 1 used twelve boxes In all and was perfectly cured!''
From Iht Journal, Lawrence, Aaiu
Dr. Williama' Pink Pills for Pale People contain, in a condensed form
all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and'
restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diteasei
as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuraW
rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-efr-s o ihe pip, pa'lpitation of
the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either
in male or female.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for Pale People are sold by all dealers or
v. iU be 6ent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50c. a box or six boxes for h w
(they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williant
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
r arlicVi ft few -ftirs x;'j ia a pep- , reform wciili be if Gii,c:al Mile j
j;ir ECf.Lij mz-me- were to wr it, and Lave at
Eut m k-cg a we wl-ic T:cU?kcs,it si-e lice the priT:!cge of dt-iiLicg
is lie wImt cowrie to ts'.k oc'j of jiil
tie p!ear,ter featisrvt- cf ccr t-i - j - "
i.i. wfcere were we? I 11
r.rA t ir.r finrrani'r t, r,T t1,: ir,-
l"e jjnoctii.a: "Maa t-r tby;f for in
kbowitg L;-ue.f Le know! the nniverfe.
TLe a:rc:es if! farmed t tbe prat
r-t.'j:-ji on 3i.J at J k-. Ai for Ex-Sx.tcr BIsir, of 'ejlscp-
tlite frKfikl jLl4(&, let tie prin-; L':rt, says in regard to trutU: "It
sptls KiUe tlir&a ten c-r .fia jer i the Lciiat-s of lie icjub'.ican
Leooe wba Hey Lire DO'Lir? tie tolfrtj o icre'tigite and deal with
do fttJ the jti.t i$ rsot ftrftited j this tew aspect of our business and
ri j trilsrj aai taral tkkeritji : nitiotal affairs ani End lbe trne
hkh in-ottt to tvoUiic-'. jtoiution. That touches the mar
row cf the queilion. TLe Republican
parly is the only one with the will
and ability to regulate lbe trusts.
Oj'pc-stioa lo lbe adxictrlion
ta i'j PalllprKGe folicy and its con
nect of tie wtr c-n mere partisan
groQ&ds is likely to be overdone by
tsotae of the Demoiratie leaden.
A Urge portion of politicians and
Death- all Aajeric ns are politicians
re iccp!y -"agio" any adasicistraliuo
jf He oppoMoj frtr, and er?ry
thln; it o?s, good or bal, right or
srroaj rni offxase it when it Is
right td cOi-s wc-11 jest ssstreca
oasly ia :be o'.ber eveoL What
ever it ds they are bound to
e-oodeasn. A grett tnsny of those
who are now sTtt ia the'r criil
c.srn of tie presMect for iro-ecnting
the war were the loadest ta dtrcacd
iag war. When t te preitdect hung
back aa 1 tried to keep oct of war,
they were fcr war, right if rnd red
IajI; liit as K'(-n as lbe ccun try be
gan wr. anl wLile it is rcces
fcavnly ct-:.-ju;cg war, ibey afJecl ft
nhleov itiditialiii at all that is
Water Ciaawlmn Sf eet.
Friday night at 7 o'clock the follow ios;
water commiet-iooeri met at the re
eorder'a cfSce : Mewra. Crosjen, Bolton,
Fish, Randall, Dufar, Pbirman and
Secfert, the latter freridinj over the
On motion of Fish, the superintendent
was authorized an! diit-cted to employ
four men to immediately repair the
water ditches and other property at the
head of Miil creek, wbkh were reported
by the committee that visited them to
be in a bad condition.
Yesterday roorc'mg a conference wa
be;d with Jobcs, of the lamberitg; com
pany. It teems that the ten-years' lease
of the Saae for bringing tbe water to
tbe city txpired tome mouths since,
and the lox.beriuj company now pro-
muter were cot ruirtc es at all. cu.j
deia njtra'iti;! cf ni:trf:l laws. There
is no sach tbicg a "spial prjvldecce."
It is foliy to exptet och tbirg; if cte
Las earrrti what ll.ty detire, and can
work truli the law, then tbey have rea
son totxpect their desires to le faifilled,
otberir-e do axoont of praying will
btioj the.-n. We bare ,t-en tte time
wbea the whole nation was praying for
lbe l;fe of one maa did it rare him? No.
When the hoar etrnck for Lim, he
passed thronb tha door. So it will be
with each one. Nothing bat their own
onion with tbe"b,gber self" caa swerve
the immntable law, and the sooner peo
ple begin to understand the difference
between tbeiiiasiocary and tha real, tbe
Sooner they will believe that Jescs told
them the Irtith about finding tbe God
within. Then they will become satis
fied oi the great heresy of separateoees,
and realize that God to tie no distinc
tion between man, no matter what
color bis skin. Perfect man was tbe
highest ideal of creation, the difference
beicg only to bis own exertions, belped
on by the eternal laws cf evolntioc.
So, if tbe cc latorers of Mr. Durrant
have chosen to bave the doors of tt.e
workshop closed ajiinst an innocent
man, CMrnicg an honett livelihood for
his family, tbe cool law won'd be im
perfect, if this barning s'jatce did not
reboonl with fall force upon them, for
i 3 Ai? IRV
noses to tax tbe cilv 11000 a vear fni the
ose of tte flame. It c'aims that we wiil i eh 039 is DO 'tertban h.s fellows.
be e&mpeiled to cse tbe Came, as it caa
never be tacoes?fn".!y rrocfht down in
any other manner. T:e matter still,
bivr, be settled Thorsday nlpht at
tbe aieeticg wLich was ca'ied (or that
date. were read acl orJeieJ paid as
bad abandoned the Philippines ihcy j B eraser, sop't salary . . .
would hive bowled Sgsiost that 1 C A Borders, teller's salary
,. . ,. . X 11 Gates, eec'y sal arv. ... .
pJirytxen more loudly taan lhcy!NedGsU ' VT,Tnt treigl
v c :.i ti, ,i- j Wm Morganfitld, labor
are simply "agin" McKicley
b cause Le is not of their party.
rtt?s chronic av hidebound
paitisao kukers are ia a s 33 ill minor
ity, however, as they will discover
after the Tttes are counted next year.
J Falmer, labor.
A A L'rqaharf. labor
! l Garner, labor
S J Yifkers, labor
Jacb Wetle. labr.r
G A Van And, 3 days caide. . .
J B Crosn, prepavmenl biils.
r a Gannicg, reps;
. 60 00
. 60 00
. 10 CO
. 3 (
. 2 i 00
. 2 03
. "4 00
. 17 00
. 10 00
6 00
. 19 23
3 60
Dalles Limber Co, lumber 1 61
Hansen A Thompson, lumber.
Hut such nen never karn anrthin2. ! CnaosicLa Pub Co, printing
- 0 ft..- n . In J fc. . I 1 ' . CI
t ,l,,.rr " C'ewi v, wt
4 00
tvot even
hij-ped. Eveoin? Telegram.
pieces r-ipe 352 93
Mays & Crowe, mdse OS 2"J
nfert Bros G 5V:oud rope . 4 40
P F Karl, soi. haolin 1 50
L I) Oakes, haolir.g 4 23
May 1 Total boak acct...
Collected du.'inj lu nl'..
Jane 1 Bsl. cast, on ban I. .. .,
li-c'd d'jritijf tji'.'a'.h
L. A. TLurstoe, former mi Lister
from Hawaii to the United States,
rrivei! in 8so I-Vaneisco on Friday,
ajd while talking aliut the iilstds,
ai t, smocg oilier things: -We have
no politics there now. We are wait
tog for coijsss to act. What a
ask fur i a territorial government,
pie and simp!?. Wc wr.t no
coto"u2s1 system tr anything of the
aod there sc;s t3 be hardly I Bl. cash on ban J
uy U;blt tLi-.t cnre?s will give os
the kiaJ of gorercxeot we ask,
sance the commiision his made ft
rcec aitDeoditioii to that end."
Tbe Hawaiian iople ought lo be
given bout whit they ask for. A
( artitorial government can te cttab
lisheil which, while retaining ft full
measure of sovereignty for the United
Stftls, will ft'low the people to run
tLe itttrnal affairs of the island to
149 75
l .CJ 25
Anl none cm say Low soon tbey them
selves may be overtaken with sorrow, al
most aobearal le, for humanity ts licked
together by an ind:tso'ubie chain w bich
reaches back farther than the finite
mind cin cor csivs to e fiiet great
universal csuse. And like tbe loirp of
yeast in the barrel of meal wLirh
lea vec el the whole, to an ir.jiry to one
indirectly itijares the whole race. Tbe
Dnrracts are children of tbe same
Father, who is no respecter of person,
ant if they can have, thrucgh their
great sorrow, learned their lesson Ihit
time, it wiil fre well for them in the days
that are to come.
Kespectfally submitted.
By a Obseevib.
ste laaa regiments patt'cipa'eJ ia tLe
ectia,et,t, bat di j net aJrai.ce beyond
tt.e ontpc-st. j
After cae hour, the Fi'.Sipinos fired ;
rackets, apparently as a signal to cease'
Cririf, but there were scattered shots all
nht long, which kept the Americans
ondr arms. Tt.e ecea.y's loss was not
discovered, but is probably small. The
Americans were guided in their shooting
olIv by the fUshes of rebel rifles.
The transport Ilancoc't sails for home
tonjibt with 740 men of the Nebraska
regiment an J 2o0 men of tbe Utah ar
tillery. About thirty of tbe Nebraskans
and twenty-five of the Ctal.s remain
here, a majority of tbein re-enlisting. I
The Nebraska troops have been living ! call and get cur prices and be convinced
on shipboard in the harbor this week,
awaiting the Utahs' readiness for de
parture. The soldiers enjoyed this im
mensely, after the month's stay ia tbe
ehoiise Oo
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otpii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tmunl,
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr This Floor is manufactured expressly for balls
use: everv sack is guaranteed to iriva satiaftHiM
Ws sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't tninkss
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats,
S)0O Steward.
A reward of f x) will be paid by the
undersigned fot the recovery of tbe body
of Bert Whiiftfy, drowned in tbe Snake
river at Talouse Rapids, riear Lycn's
Ferry, on May 23, 1SC.
Bert Wl itcey was 21 yea's old ; weight
about 175 pounds; height 5 feet, 11 in.;
smooth shaved ; dark brown ha:r. He
wore dark pants with light stripes, and
heavy laced shoes; has a tuft of liht
colored hair on tha left, back side of
2.5 50 Lead ; two bum scars on bedy.
j Tbe person finding the body will
j p. ease wire
I. i.. V HITMT,
St. Helens, Ore.
25 3 80
lC14 20'2j.2,
S41 09
Pay rut ia'ere.'t on w;ter binds 75 I OJ
Warrants rcdvemed V01 W
Farm for Sal.
Pries tlSOO. f'.COOdjsn; on terms.
051 93 Two Laodrelsnl einhtv acres in.
55 i closed, one hundred aj.d taentv
A. Q. Barnam ia down from Wasco.
J. M. Eussell left for White Salmon
Frank Malone came in from Aatelope
W. R. Barrett returned from the Cas
cades yesterday.
Miss Bessie Isenherg came up from
Hood River last night.
Cbas. Frank. Sr., returned last night
from a trip to La Grande.
Mrs. C. M.Alden came np from Port
land last right to visit at home.
F. H. Kid lie, a stock msn from Island
City arrived yesterday afternoon on a
business trip.
Henry Peterson was in from Victor
today, and did not forget to call at The
Chbosicle oSice.
Misses Fffia and Vesta Bolton left on
tLe boat th's nx.rnir;(t for Portland,
where tLey will visit friends.
C J. and Sirs. an I)i;vn returned
to their home ia Tvgh todav, after a
visit in this city and Portland.'
Mrs. P. M. D?ka:n came nr. from
Portland last night and will remain over
till Monday as a guest of Mrs. Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Houghton and
Mis. Lord started this morning for Tygh
where tbey w ill spend a short vacation.
Mis Bessie Suipesleft this morning
for Monmouth, where site will attend
tbe rummer session of the normal school.
A H. Huntington, sheriff of Esker
cour.ty, who Is a brother of B. S. and J.
M. Hnutiniftca, cf this cite, is in the
city spending a few days with them.
Mrs. A. M. William, Mrs. Mary
Clarke anl Mrs. E. J. Marshall left on
the boat this morning, the two for, tier
for Portland and the latter for Oreeon
Mr. an! Mrs. A. P. E-tahrook arrived
in Tbe Dalles a few evenings since and
will remain frr a short lime at least. At
present Mr. Lstabrook is employed st
Biakeley A Houghton's.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work 13 such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phons 341.
This space will be occupied by the
Butler Drug Company, successors to
the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
V - V "
Th ree horses June 10, ISM, described! ift t
as follows: two weighing alotit 1400 ' XAi "
each. One a light chestnut branded D ! f YlTV RF. " ' '
I deeded land, good title; tietwecn fifty
'and sixty acres in graio and meadow;
on left shoulder. B'ack horse branded
C on left shoulder. One btld faced
sorrel weighing about 1200; rosched
msne. A literal if said h r infoimation :
oi the wiierea routs, or the rsturn of
ssir.s. A. Masox, J. Pavh. Contractors,
V:ento.Or.,or II. V. Himiand, .Afosier,
O.. M.lm
To the Editok or Ti:e Ciiiioxicle : good bouse cf stva rooms, rood barn
In rui T. n r m A a m l..n. T . " . 1 r. I I .. t 1 CI. It. .
inhuman treatment toward the father j place; well of water on the porch ;creik'
of Theodore Dorrant, by his ca-Iaborers j runs tbroufh tbe place; 400 hearing'
ia .tl e shoe factory where he used to , fruit trees, gooj gsrdi ris: fcrtr stands of 1
llffirnnn fn?
mm iui Ddiij
Li.: w ...
t3-lnch Motor.l
"I wheels
anu IVJU IUI 0
work, sod that he snd his w ife ere suf
fering thereftom. Can it be that sny of
these know they are living bamaa be
ings? Vet with man-made laws, and a
man-made God, anything unrighteous
bees; good sssortment of sma'l fruit. 11 head Of Good Work
This farm is well improve!, four miles ;HorS63. For temiS at)T)lv
seems possible, entirely forgetting the creek
from Dufur, four niles from Eodersby , fn
r.eaiuuauie terms. Apply 10 1 ix
SorrHWEtL, cn the place, on 8-Mii
At M. M. Waterman's, on 8 itlle.
Circular and particulars fnrnlshrd on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent