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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1899)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JULY 1. 1399 6 rutoui. uno. Gay MtliTtTrerrs! v:ray fr Va.ttew Ti;, Jr., ii ia fcs KiaXy t.iy- Xn. Btn rrt-. 4 Wcj, a j a mrr x"T i.r F.'CUs.aJ l-ii. F.J.TMif, ci Eiifeway, r.ETt.d last aiftl irxa a tr-t Pitaxl- Vr. al Mr, -a. J. Ktiew re- M.t. L Ciit avi cUsfVter. Kr - HaiT. tt if frits h:i t;rtr jra- tenia t. Tjr'.a TfarJ mt dsa e tl tVit if rk a i iT' wt at lie GamM-s. TV. Wj;B:rt ti Si5e Te :a fr.-a Mm y".iiT a&J l-ct Isr Pvrt-aai a:x:i. C. J. Vas Dtva arl w"i, oi Tlt were retira-Eg fr-:a Prl lad Uft aU-t- tor G. A. Yxi. j Graat Mt. b lat ptt ti r-1, ni is KcVtcd, rwirMl lc-as c , last tiftt'i iraia. EJ Xi.&i. of CWfM Ci:y paud tartfb tt c:jy tUy oa Lj ay to rait at h..c.c -. B. M. Of ifa, tht ienrase taa ao- f oasceii ty ti iilti Kt, mm PorUaai laM aicbt. J'JILf Jf ilMillt Vvay Irco ri 3 asl jell tottay lor ; M-t-. ? Doa-a!! KtKar ted lXaai air i. Ir CttTT Crk tie ror- oldpasxfcJ liirwyji. j J.H. Preto. amrl ia Tto rviCrt i oa Bsn. Vcat., ttit twM-sicctoae ceM a totiio aita E. Jocttn- f ft CviH mr 4 ' of rVarrr !o ' 1 A. .-aara ... 01 Ktsrrr. iw, u aikxi i utr ol Itt tnfl, al toj Portiaa-d ti !xt tia ctcrcirj. Mr. E. J. Varba i cae np from Onvxm Ci aitbt ard it tre rcit of ker ilasf.ter, Mrt, S. L Vcsm. ' JlwUtL1. el Tte Da ar- nel ia iitsrj y.-ay asi a. i utt ; Leaari Hi'Jzes, Ar3tur Btl', P. H I cis :) i. l-xa are ia te O.ija:rfiatoileoa.r,urfw " ! Mr. at. J Mr. Fraik Ctrltxaa tre ;atff t-a la! fj'-l tra:a. r. Ckriwu La ta ia C. !.r.:i fcr tt ct aic:Lf ij tie Ucrit c4 Lr bealb. Mr. A. M- iT.s, ! Jarr.ej aad Ptri Wj.iiaa. Carl acd Ivott V . ..1 VI-. 1 Mr. Xrr Cark ad Mr. Mar.a 1 tr caftx-ia Parttei ltatte4 tte Wi.taxt- j rpi aell.rr, ica lain y.?- Go. Oree. E.W.e! it ia t5ar (rra Dike Gol V::: Jft ta ti loat Prtai4. tiaT fr Bmbt Arre'l wet! 1 Cafcaie Lxlf a (be t-:t nisrz-iz f. lin. J. P. McIswrBT aa J Ivi ch: eat to Pt.-r-.Usd oa ti boat re'.. ; rea : dy. G. A. Tvr-niM aaj Iro Jacri.ter were ia Ta tx yetterlay fraa Wiite Jo Cyro acl wife, J. W. Howard , aad V. Getter are Prioeri. TittVort is ; tariir. i Hh Ha aa, who bat ten atteoding j ait. Aacei c j .ere. retarced booi oa . tb boat last tif t-t. Miaa RMeRicktcame op from Bonne- Till lt eveiir id) tpeat today with Mra. Geieeedjrffer. j Mra. W. A. Gi"'.iaui aed family moved tKtay lo Caeca i Lock, a Lere Mr. Galiasa it emp.uyed. ; Mr M. A. Hertt, who bat been viit-' ig frie-id. at W.jir.iua. retorne-i to LrraoatiiHlenUtT. P. O. D-Vow aod wife and C. E. i Cbapwas and wi.'e r.eerd tbrocgh the Soils and Pimples Oi U UNFJULIKS SISN THAT her aace riTlICC I? lDEril IVC Help until UG an I Villa It PU I UlUilU it. Boils and pimples are an indication that tha rratcro ia accumulating impurities which I DID UCI D mmA be rottn ri.t of ; ther ai an nrj.M ar.1 .-o.. lUil IILLfs a warning that can not io neziect to pomr mean mora than the annoyance of aoxtmgbLlr pimplea. If these imparities are allowwd to rewuuji, tb system aasramba to any ordinary illness, and ia anmabls to withstand the many ailment which axo so pr Talent darinc tprint; and gammer. Mrs. I. Gent tie, Soo4 beoexni Arena. ScAttle. Wish , mys : " I was afflicted for a km; time with pimples, which sverererT annoyinr. as they diafijmred mv faos fearfullr. After Bainf; many other remedies in rain, h S. H. promptly sawl thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice In good eotnplexion, which I rtsrer had before."' tJapt. W. H. LronUp, of tbe A. li. S. K. K., ChattAnooca. " Strreral boiia and great pun and annoyance. My blood seemed to be in a riotooa orsaditinn. and Bothinsr I tnnlr tmul ,. a &3 4 sjjt frood. Six bottles of S. 8. 8. cured me completely j ana mj Dooa nas -A C. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD it the best blood remedy, becatisa it la ruralr wsvotVKI is the one that is ahealntely nrmptly turia the blood and thorooghly cleanses tbe a-vatem, bailda np that greral health and strength. It cures Scrofula, EcwmaCaaoer. Rbeuma. taaoi. Tetter. Bcaiia. Bores, eto by going; direct to the causa of the trouUs and tonanc; out all impure blood. SoosA free to an a-idrest by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gtv Vty yrrurUr oa tlrir wsy t Hxl j R. ver oa a rs;.-Vi u.js J Mr. E. F- Lcs, wb Eat 1 it tr err. J. P- Lsra. irw4 fcer ia M.-a-:i Swiay. I. Lvi'. r. ?. snpert s;rit wees-iar i Tt lu-Jts axi Jit stS t t-:t Mr. Li, Jeft , UvUt ii a trip ParVAStd. ' XriL P. L Cv-t aii thCir-en r n-xreJ 14 Casraie Uoay, aTr a Ti-t ! Mr. II. A. II. Pi-t!sl. tea fr-osa tiat f oe t t. ft awd n i V t f-a: c Ji r. Kr.cit l-r a ; T. H. I I at r!an.J f"a Li : Ersjs.r tj si ct fn-a ViMtarw. Ti- ia Itl : ' M II VfKiVVea Mwt E ta is r: Ita-V 5t a t.t a4 a. fxtl , si Mrs. . M. Wic-a. Girr U. MfLfoi it ta trcta Kixfy C. J. Crala!3 t to Pjrt'aaJ yet- trdT aecrtirg. E. B. SstoSt mrrtK'd iarta-ftt from a U:p to PkMloJ Hca-C. M. Ca'twrfM or fro PorCaad irtJerday. Vr. aa-J Mrt. J. DoT lie AbJ art is Wb. Krba cpfrcm Purtlaai , . Joia S. Ech, U PortUcd, trat yet- iOT " E. T. Jad J. ci tie Prts Jtoa Wooaen M. U U lie cy today oa boaue. G. F. Gaic'.ber an! fanii.T left tbit iiawrcirrto ttci torn lia.e catcpicc M HiXd V; I .i.x Lt-te via t oa tie a':aa traa to reiatire is 1 Md ,jr " rer' ,t- JT:a Le Hrr:o. cf Spokace. arsm- rE4 t Mit Cmie P.ron. ol Creoie 1'- lt c"? . , oo;n f M;a Htrrin iter, U:H EJna. arriTd from Port- ibJ .ift r..rr.t asd. we a:e tlrt to! Purt.acJ fjr peveral aosllf at :ea. Ia tii c;?t, TaiaT eTerjicg. Jaoet iT:h. to Mr. and ilrt. John Prarroc, caij iter. Ia lii riTT. W-.1crfjr evening, tj Mr- M'- X- H- Faan, axat'rT- Gevjrre IJ. Hinie, the wr-koown rrtiitrr, Jrc ;.(J :r.:o the Glacier office! one Jit lat nODtb, int at we were! about so r to rre. He aest to the cae dI eet op in type hi own perfocal, ' .at;c that a tramp printer Ltd railed, j etc, acJ gave hit Base. Next day, cd S2 the btel rroadeJ, l.e went to a pr.tate hoae atd tcztd a bed fur the niht. The lady of the house afterwards read ia ti Glacier the item about the Iracp printer and when her bosband ranie borne tn in deepair, taying: "Just think! I've taken in a tramp and 1 civen bia a bed for the nifht. He waa uur dre.jd and looked like a rentle- man ; bat here I sad hit came in the a tramp. Too bet he'll pay for bit bed before be orcapiet it." Wben the ji'r:nP" eo:e ronnd to torn ia e fcoad a lamp burning in hie room, bot he bad to ante np the price of the bed before he went np ttairt Uocd River Glacier. - w v..! &c ol it'll riKTTJHir ui ior li: e ' ttn. "When Nature is orntaxed. aha haa : wt way of riv-in notice tha aoxt- : ia needed. She does not a&k for j it U impoeiKiWe to ret aloii witbout 1 safely be ignored. j the tiool at this painful boiia and Tenn.. writes: carbuncles Kroke ont nrn . Peea penectiy pars ever since. " i free from notash and mnrurr it Warning J mm St 1 tMU. I a. li I S Arra va Xrxvev . FX Ti4 jc-j. tUausi. atV w i i a. :'.uk. k a. a J 4 turn ' I m. j stciy ! ; ) a.av ' Will wttk Kma. : 4 9.m. I , '. eajeBtay :. rtiXiwrrr m Tab XiMalaxr. Orarva t -tr. uva. az4 f a. ; aaa a T I ai1-o . m. Wnuiim Eirta ntf rat. Trar. iot-&a i (onbltclkt aa ml, aiU a amtiry, . aad Ml 1 i laira tllll IITIIL Kina K Lrwuaoa. Lr KiM i ! i Faraei 4nt to r Et"-t t-bdid itu t. tenti iwMinuiSK n . iuihi a:nt ctzroob i Hcj.wt .-c-dc ri airBrti-ii.a ai . Mm. i x ttiTOttt f-rrirtt. ea bPonJ. aot rja.S!'" """" ''!"ri ! ? LL'rl, JJTTTi " Na mert fc3Ia ii" mnt. M eia, mtat lj a. n, ctiju jt a. m. -. ' . rv o . . .. 1 I tail Tac or aMmi W. H. HTELBrBT, Gea Fu. Act.. ForCaad. Cr. MIORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Pullman Sleeping Cari Dining Cars Sleeping Car Elegant J TOXUTist T. Pari. I.VitlarOLI DCLCTH PAaceo obakd roc CgOOX'TOH WISMPKO BILKXA aa rri-rt: TO . . 1 nrou9n 6KetS ' : rH," 7???-. . phh.adki.phia BOSTOS ASD ALT. POIXT9 BAST aaat SOCTH I For lnfcTtaaOaa. time cards, asape and Oekeaa, j eat oa or write to W. C ALLAWAT. Agent. The Daiiaa, Ortaroa oa i A. D. i AkLTOX. Asst. G. P. A., i rrtsna Cor. Taint. Portland Orcgoa le Offera travelera choice of tbe followine ! roD,p f hey are all famous for their scenic attraction O. K. A X. view OrJen ar.d IYenver. hhasta Kcmte tiew aciamento.Oi?den ,ca tvorer. Sbista Kiate Tiew Sacramento, L-t and Alberonernne. . r . r A daily line of through PULI.MAX P 4 LACE and TOl Klsf SLEEPER, ! irom can rraccisco and Lot Angelet to Chicago. Thit it ' The Short Line from t anthem California ; To the East. I Arply to Ibe agents of the O. R. k X. Co. or the ondersigned, for foldert arc arrrUT Uteratore. J- T EVEREl'X, ; at UnN.... pu. tiu.i s ' i. r aooaa. cavigt MOORE & GAVI.V, ATTORNETa AT LAW. Rooms x and to. over C S. Iu4 B t srsrniisToa a I w;iaob ir rSTIXOTciW A W1IJIOW. ATTOfcSFT!- AT LAW. Offtesevr tat Kat Ba&a sap Fe Rod Our Bicycle Repairing Department It trw ia siape to properly Le all fcnps of work poscfare to building a rrs a Also repair Locks, Guns, kinds of light This department is under MAYS & How About Your Title? i RE YOU PURE KLCOKD tearch the i I ( ( . j ; , ' .1 the ben fire insurance companies in toe world. If yon hare property for sale, list it with na and we'll find a boyer. J. M. Huntington & Co. 'Phono 81. "Harmony" GClhiskey. This brand of Whisker is cuaranteed to the consumer as a FIKE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Improved CYCLOWE Mine. Milt No. 4 size 3l4' x A1) S8.00 No. 5 tsiza 4xSi 10. CO Just Arrived tbeonij raaafin lycra iih bulb ahatter. 1776 JULY 4th. Headquarters For Flags. Fire crackers. Lady -crack era. Colored Fjs, Put Wheels. Hobson Cheels : 170 2d st, Jacobsen jThe Dalles. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply everyl body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Orocer. and all '3 1 Sewing Machines machinery, etc. the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. CROWE. it ia all right? Remember it it the that rorerna. it it cor bosiceet to reeorda and show what thev contain in relation to land titles. If yon contemplate boying land or loaning money on real eeta'.e teenrity, take no men', word, bat iniist open knowing what the record abowa regarding the titie. An Abstract ia aa eeiential as a d-d. lofist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Eookt in the County. All work promptly ex rcated and (titfction gnaranteed. It yon have prop ertv to inare, g''ve at a call. We are agenta for fonr of 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams ft Co. FOR 1899. Ten Points to Consider: 1-12 Pictures In 12 Seconds. 2 -Shutter Bulb Release. 3- Shutter Automatic. 4- Shutter Locks. ft-1 Aluminum Plateholders. 5- Set stops. 7- Speclai Quick Lens. 8- Automatlc Register. S-A'l parts Interchangeable. lO-Exposed plates removed without disturbing unexposed. 1899 CataloRue with com plete information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. fcVA aj 1899 Cannon-Crackers, Dewey Torpedoes, Bombs, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, and other Fire Works to numerous in mention at Book & Music Go. CITATION. rx the corMr .ocrt or , Ia the initM t.l ,,. . . 111 laa H . I t a. !!,, j cnM To Mra. Emetine DTi v Mra UiJ. Karri., su.'t in Ibenameof theitatcnirir You are berel.y .Ld rL, f)eeouutyertolth lUtoT, The W,e.. oe.0. tn thennt3 a" Mondar, I he third dar of w oel. ia .... forenoon I, th.,' 5 order of the above entitled erVrt20-a" made directing B. F. Uufhlin,i, ? " of aaid taute ol siU w. Ixvii.'XS! Btw ptdimt, (bat aaid ikn. and diieetol to tell ail of ice lr Jxi! ii( to tut eute of aaid deceaid r larly deaeiibed a. follow,, iot' bloek Ko. , of D,llea t it V C ity, Waaeoennntr, Oregon :JJTr f of ue north wet onartcr. tb e n&f" and tbe norta hail ol the .uthitn'1'u-'v'. eetion 14 in lown-taip north of rli"" ol the VVillametl, inertdUni? Ore,,', mor.TuL'"ti aale to bemade at i ublie auction fo, k"? hand, in the manner prewritxd by u3 2?,fi proreeda ol roeb aale to be bvid by aVid'-Sf i2f trabJC and diapoaed of aa may be reTnTrf' order ol tbe above eoUtled e.'u7l WiTKxsa, the Hon. Robert M.ti, Joj. Connty Court of the isutte of OrerXil t-ooDtrof Wateo. wi.b the leal aua'f amied tbU fcecoLd day ol Jucea. D IfaaL lw' Junm ATratr: A. M.KELSaT.Clert Notice. Timber Ctatnre. C. 8. Lad OrncE, The Bailx, oIfi0i , February 14, K. ' Complaint havinf been entered at tkta u. by Ollie P. Weber, arainat wSleV'U'1 failure to eomply with law aa to Umber-mla!. Entry No. ao.-5, dated eerteoberi!, lSj i the t. E. -i fteelion JO. Town-hlp , mST3 Willamette Meridian. Ranee H eTst law Jl County, State of Orecon, a ith a tiew to Hum eellation ol aaid entry, oonteMant allcrini aaid W el-y Summuer never plowed orculUiual aaid tract except about aix aerea and antra any tiaie nor haa any one lor bin planted m tnea oi eullioet. or aeeda. and also the laid W ley en m inner about tbe month of Ftbniirr 1M. duly relirufuiabed aaid tract totlelnii(l5tt5 and deiirered aaid rvlinauiihmpnt tothi..... ai.d aaid relinquiabment waf duly filed ia ibj I. 8. otfiee ol Tbe Daliea, onuor, and at tb, aid time and prior thereto abanduned nidtnet and ha never fioee said lime returned uVnto cr claimed any light or iuumtl in uidtncigi land. The aaid narilea are hereby summoned to ia. pear at this omce ou the A'th dar of April, )m, at 10 o'clock a. m., to resrml and iurata testimony concerninr aaid alicecd failure. 11 ii JaV Y. LUCAS, HftUia. Notice of Sale. Notice ia hereby riven that by virtue of n execution iaa-jed out of the Circuit Court oitht state ol On eon, lor Waxeo Comity, in a mil therein peodii:;, wherein M. 1). Kneelaod i) plalnlirT and O. D Taylor. Sarah K. Inlor, John rtarevr, Joaeph A. J.'hnwui, C. w. Catber, Stella K. Kddv. 1. C. Iuncar.son and W. Ucimli W hoaldon aie defendants, dated the 9th dar of June. l-'-'J, to me directed and commanding Be tt sell all ol the real property bereinailer de scribed, to eatisfy a judgment in lavor of nil phtintifr and SEainst uid delcnJant, 0 I). Tit ki', for the sum of f and ccuta taxediu J.;.50, I will on Saturday tbe IStk day of July, 1890, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., sell at public sale to the highest bidder, tor caxh in hand, the South hall of the 8onthwet quarter of I be Southwest quarter of sertlmi Fourteen (HI, rod tbe ctouth half of I lie Souihmt qiuner of section Fifteen (l.i), townshii Tvro J) .North, a i' ire Ten (10) F.aat, W. M, contalninf 1U1 crew, more or less. lated this Ulh dar of Jane. Iv4. k(HhT KELLY, Jun IT il Sheriff cf Wawo County, Or. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby glvan that the nndenlrnel hat been duly appointed by the Hon. Cnuntj Court of the the Mate of Orenon, li Wreo count r, aa admlnibtrator of the eKtateof Adl AkI.IIuk, dtrcael. Allpeinom htvinr claims tainut aaid estate are hereby noli tied to pmenl the same properly verified to me at tbe otnee ol my attoriM ys. lu(ur V Meuefoe, within ill in on Ui irtm the date of this notice. Listed at The latlea, Oregon, Inue I1?. J F AtilDU'U. AdmlnNtralor of the EsUte of Adolpb Agidios, deceased. i" Adaiinislralrii'Safc of Real Estate. Notice la hereby given that under and by virtue of an o.der ol the county court of the eute Oregon for W acm C-ontv, made on the Sin Hf of January, kw, in tbe mailer of theetlsteoiur. '. F.. RireharL deceased. 1 will sell, at public anrtioi", at the court house door in lullest itf.U said county and stale, on lheth dsr of MiJ.. the' hour of one o'clock p. m . to the m est bidder, alt the real estate t" " estate, to wit lxts A, B.C. I'. K. F.ll, H.I. K und U iu llloca S in The Fort llle Military Keservaiion Addition toaa:d I'alles City, in saiu county and state. . Also the snl ball ol the southcntqusrtern tbe east hall of the southwest quarter, well"; in township 2 uortb, range 14 et, io ssw coiinlr, Oregon. , . Terms ol ale onehalf In cash at timed " and one-half in six months, secured by swre gsge on tbe premises. UaMeaClty, orsa, April Tth. 1- r'MiLV B. KikiwM aprt 11 . AdmiiiulraUix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lakd Orncg at Tut Pai i . t1""0"! June Kl" Notice Is hereby given that Ihc J"'1"" "; mmrd settler haa riled notice of Ins J1'1"""! to make final proof In support ol hii elsilm. that s mt prool will he made before the rrfl and receiver at 1 be lialles, Oregon, on Hatumir. July lii., vl: I'aala flrlmtnit. , ,,, widow of Pierre l.nmaud, deceased. " I'alles: II. E No, .':., lor the K1, l,.', Tn. 1 north, rt 12 K, W M. MVt He names ihe lollowing wltmsscs his coniiniKMis residence upon and cuiuisnv ol said l.nd. vis; . a.ilnl. Chas. A. JchnUr, Cary. !oiil M''a(M' Andrew I rouhart, all of The lal!rs, '"" JunU ll JAY F. Lt CAs. Kffit'' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT- Notice Is hereby given that the has tiled his final account as eieriilorol ine tale of oarah McAtee with I e cirri ; ' couiil court of Ihrstate ol Oregon, lor county, and that Thiiradav.lhe 1 illi ""!. J" Ivsi, at the hourol 10 ocl.Tk a. ". n".rTB llct aa Hi lima and the county c tirt n'-. Kallesiliyasihe pace lor the besr Ing Jecilons to Mild Una I account and sellleii'e said entaic I'sted July 13, ln'.fl. Jun 14 I Tiles' NiiKV.tL. j. v,ut' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT . ...... wlt isonee la nerehy given inai n- -. . . ... . - . ....... ..f liie I1' have ni"i in lerk ol tha ( oiinly Court ol tt ... I.. U..i ....i.lir in, n Hlfti' a.1ininiliatvr ol the estate ol t. ," ' 4 nurl eeaeil. , ami by an oer or inr . ... '..i. :), al lw'. at tha hour ol Jo clock p. ni.. " Used as the lima and the County I In I'alles l ily aa the place for VsBtU ol.Tltons to said final account, and m.tllol said estate . p y . jun I II ' Admiultr,'i For the Fonrth of July the 0. N Co. will tell eicursion tickets to.nJ rail nation within 3tW mllet Iro'" Ing tlalion at one far for the round trip. Tukrttontale Jnly 2ml. 3'B'j 4th and will be good for retarn p"'' op to and Including July 6th, T. . . - w ..... ". .. i . m . hss o- !