The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 01, 1899, PART 2, Page 2, Image 2

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TllS WCBklV bllFOIllCie. WrVt- TYi. rU bitt? k kx-.ig 12', If a V
1 i li i- T u cxux it prophecy twa aa a3vir.t- is ; J H J, A f
.- .vt.: tl TiVff to r.-ci :iet-3 a ftw tears sco 1-
csfcCJ sxJ xj.!ln, pert who vuerrd it wos:l hive ; rfj
Yti c-iri tjJk li s k:sd ttta t znF.iiT&i as uti i c ;ti-
w4n:t. 1 lie cm i ssist. Ye i t rv-x oxJy trkg war- : j.
- -T i:Cl M Uf Ut tl.3-T WOtr iClK -
-! iIKJ , f
W IfMfc. I'J!l. . . . - r
eia of rx-:i.i. l.l Crrfca
i:rif ml ara:.:r ii.: J.ssm, l-t
;n- tntt nirt aiat toiotc rt-tt i;jm
- . . . ,. .
xwfjirer imjC wll iiilf EtrUii Ss:h irasiiisJ prr'"J
ri:rr r.xrsri?x.E.
I a i nb-Bi fit iriiar
JiV Windmills.
UT1"" -
M 'r llirTTttTtT. llit.I Ca fcfCCll; I'll II K1M iwjBtii :i xridiii 4.-i
.v., .w. - ;t w.-.O. waH.lMi Hat llT i J. wili tie woril f-f a "rut.
.r..- t,- f.-.-.t si t. ibe tra tLnf r t r: t tix skitm. : ms :
if&recJ 1.1 cciii-cj in ii Ur i2 tcc l ta lvr loo ire Cx; t ia J-
U)ii 3 Ur.I , Btia U ttia ic i
Icrx.jiJ fjf ill Vj
;ttirjt wr
li r3:jVuPresifiiriL-irt!Ktte tJi-T ta U jtmusS Cf li wcr-J jie3J tf,'
li'cs-ilk U rtjiri t trs.K$ ia ir pws. Orfrt i2 p t rtO-c, accB:iig to S.,'0,-1 1
EiiliiJ .J H tt 'at i. J i-:r, is3 tio, in fart l;ci0 fIkj, O. Ut:iJ Su: ;iro-
f:rai "-Itre U ia LiiUfs. If ce U 5 "3 - ti:rcli tie ft: iit ihU ecctirj
CLCttrT. jol!r tf 19 iTirie ' ; wotli Lit m3e iu sxt rtittike
Tbe t:r,xt Jttl j CaI Lirj f t ia w-f , tiT F:ri 41 il it tii tre'.Kitd iu ic'emn ia tLe
xirt a fctki r
e:T r:-stlry ia j ler b iilLr tf tie fc4 list tie pir;2- j-s
rt;5r JCti"ii U It ftr tie txtt ;
eisrge. j
Tit-re is x rtl f ;lore s.s:Vtt fcr '
Ertliii TVre tre cTti ia Ger j pc-nk ci lie UtiltJ Suits, ,J I : Aae.-k lutctu ia lie ctxtisk i
K,fct r. t5 ia lie .-iir Oixjue oa lixir
fti;r f tLt et tttrj, it-J a Isrre ' L TtVriw.
i:alii Taw. Tier ire xt'ce
is Eiii'tri lita lie taCk ii i
tf. fitse BriUii traku r cfts- Ia u ktil two d rtcU t.tre a
fKlkJ T He tdnriw.T frca tie fJrer fofc.
re.aia . v.rJeric oa tbe Ttclfc oreta. Ca .
lfc or ia lie cc-actrics
j -linii-e l iilo ;t, cut tin Lalf t f lie i
fxrr'!e cf a! lie oiH lire. i
We hive lately taken the zener for tie Aerie o
ter Wicdiuii!, n-J erry a et-xk on iaoj.
We carry complete Mock etockef Deep sn i
Kbt!ic. Well Porut . well at Pitcher f-pool and
Spray Pump. Se n btfore baying else here.
'lLe Aermotor Mil! ia cor.:dere4 tie bttt bj
chine on the mrket. Call and tte it.
Anti Freezing Windmill Force Pumps.
thi pnT.p hs been rrf.'cti !o meet the reairernenta of the principal Wind
jnn:'ariorcri in tits L'nitd Slice, fur a bt-tier Wind.uHl Furce Pomp i!h.
n ".! njauc
three ive, than had herelof jre been prodared. It has become the !ea)in Ami
l : . j 1 1-: I : -1 t . . 1 M
t retimu tnre wt pump, an-i ii ccriini uj n .iijujih laacuiaci'jrert and tlleri
pTterai'T, 9 the I c:t three way Windmill Fcrce Parr.p on tt.o murket. Thu Uaica
ibow OiOpIirg for col cretin? t the nnd.rg".i!cd dinharze ie H of urSf, tn(J
cn te to fait the direction t.f the j.ipe. fte air churuter pipe two ir.ol: jn
tlijiiueter, mnirn mcure? wmh i-ix reiiJ-n ma n ,-nuj tow oi water. 1 lit) Uote Coup
Lnz on t.'ie fpcat also add to the convenience of th: pa a; p.
Sole agents for
Wasco County,
The Dalles, Or.
ntiioit tf IsflttiJ xre
j Attsic- ii$ J:or-red from tie
;ftt!ice $scr; He wor!I's ro'd &
'producers. Is coM rrodect. Low- J A4SM.AiAA.4 -C V .V& a.Xft,VXLX . A t
rr -tf v txIlka " . ... -I ; ... ..iasVvrVS'Varwwvwvwwwwvwvr x
Tie o"er Jty ex-Sc-Et'.or Tr!
?t3t 3 lL ttse
t'.s..ltj. TitT Lxe lie itt cetenJ i,,.if..
iiliifriMki'jiMcatBtstbvl. .'..V. , v . i groi fctr. Tie world s output
, , ocifTiLitn lirn:f r.i SL.Ttr ULta . ... . . . - . w, l
1 ci tie vt.iow tEcia;, wii'ta Jwjan inirr AttrBptisr obti a ri
lie t!uElrY Lv Lsd. jji tLat silcer j , j., ,ls on dec,- tE,, r...r , rreteM.
:t a dt J us-se, asJ in exa:e ocl tor ncr a lie i-.!j.r liiad
Lie ctis?, erta tcj-kj jr e-trci.
A c.l4 u '.vta from a!
t.:a;r -iva tar ia wLxh it
tint J liit r ii j of li titliai of
li truia wta. J Tie till tiet
j:h sst J lo tci frt-ia a juotic
.i i dis.":txlk :itr dt-U-fl, Vet eaa ;
.LvVe ci i:i'6l lie crTe'
. " .
lial -ispnialta asd truils are
Tietrp:Jettrx jt liat K lLit tr.rCd and Wie rre-
wcuM oouUaoe on tie decline, ij S. L. Morfe, C. S. deputy manhal,
growing with a rapiJitj acl a COD lease op from Portland Tutelar for
UtzDCT endreatsed of ly the mct i' purpytt tf arre:injr David Garrion,
fco!..:.- .. l. t .i of tiia city, who is charged with Wiking
'int. ntxt to Ek bird r. B.iBd. lie c -i'ee e:attn,eLt in oid
? Jit will fce f I W.'.W.WO ia ISM sc- ri,n
is a3.U-..s la tie fjtdkiie aal
trtKi t4 oost-biaiittosiS ia Exg'aod,
litr are a lire avaber of ixcoro-
rx.U-3 txpiiif wi:h iassetw ci
U? wLka rarcillj acoorxaltz
ilai j leastbt tf lciiis. TLere
arc aiir tvgsi.iXioi c lie coDti
ieil wikk cxoitiio aai tell coo
.:i.'Jt tirtck a eeslral boron ia
t5tT to dkUle exs and deprire
aeatxrt of every Telie of inde
rB'c. No tBtrx.Ur of f aci a
lre4 Ui a ritt to Ule or tu.&'A an
order, wielitT at bo3esa3e or relaii
Ia tin wiy tie coal i&daitry of
Gn,iEy if prsctically coder tie
eoclroS tf a coh. Li nation, and litre
are nary r-Jtb ia
Ftar-ce. Tie tLensk-al icdusiry of
rntre, like till of Geio.aoy, u
lxtt txtlctivtly eoetrollex by a
Aa A ct'oo Lo hu I.tcJ lorg
ia I'ktif wtUes a slror proUst
ajitti H-iidir giria alote to lire in
tLat or acy ctiitiK-t.tal cily. Ucdtr
t'.th ckena-tUecti a gii it funouod
tdlyjtrijcf Lit b Ltr fritr.d at
Lcattneio i lea, acd ia alo lie
liclka of extt-nioc, eptcia!Jy after
it is f-ct.d tilt tit bu engaged
piifcte ft-r h ite, tUa fyajenl
K,ct ht ai-le or tie dc!y of a law.
-it fatxtlteJ to. Tie if rxtttoni
tit t eJotation in th; touctry
-Live Ixec-tre a good lLte in
Earr-j. Bat if tier were cot, tlie
eitse of Earoe are oo p!ce f..r an
utrrttttltd girL Extbarae.
Tbe Salea Matestnan ny: "The
s5te ttmirli aie apjciUe at re-1
ssr!$ ir.ttitutian? tf learning in cut!
-on cx-uiitry. Oregon Ls good
Kbjt-'.s tow ii w L i t h a'l Ler br3"j
ltd titis tia UiTe at gil
acl tteeive a gtol ijtiuclion at in j
t.Kf.eta ict::a'.iorii. ibtre i bo
ttieztt of illrer."
Tbe Salt Like Tril-o&e, wbkb be
iot jed to tie Teik-r fiction of lb
Rpuilicin !rty in 1?3C, and which
went over to tie Democracy in that
year, cite these Bitter and Warner
secessio&s as evidences of the strength
of its own position ib&t it "is idle to
keep cp the tionticg for free silver."
Tie SaJt Like paper is, indeed, in a
pretty namerons coxficr. There
is a tosh ia virion directions from
lie free silver camp. Some are
romin to the Republican party,
oilers are going to tbe Populism, and
still others are joining tbe gold Dem
ocrats. Tbe eel result is that tbe
,5O5,CK0" of le36, which we hire
LeirJ so teeth a bed from the base
money party's on tors and editors
since then, is in process of disintegra
tion. It does net cunibcr more than
5.300,000 or 4.500,000 in ad
promises to be stil! lower in 1900.
This drift froa tilverisrn wxs, of
course, tie citurl tiirg to expect.
Silverism is caly lie half way house
to straight Catism. Tbe d.fference(
telet n a 45: di'lar and a no cent
' dolUr is too slisbt to count tor much.
Tie avers 2e American voter has no
l:ki&7 for aetatflivtics. On lie
cortl cg to the estimate of the Di
rector of tbe Mint, based on the rate
cf increase shown in 193 and 199.
Tbe New York Sun thicks tbe ad
ministration is holding back some
thing in regard to the condition of
affairs in tbe Philippines. If yon ace
it in tbe Sun it is cot always so, as
was once claimed; bet it would be
poor policy to conceal facts. The
people are certain to know in lime
bat exi&ticg conditions are, and if
there Las been any suppression cf tbe
truth, it won't be very diScult to
find out bo has been responsible for
it. Review.
Corp' Crk Hiatal- Di.trlrt.
mosey or dishonest motey.
T v.! of it
" " I
a-fi W.LAa f I.K-iPDT mrrriw t-a a w r.t 1
J " uvk tb;Bkxf of had Utter Uy
Coing to put cp Ion? with tbe pan-,t boxeor o to Wal.a VTa.! barvest-
oua Tarieiy oi ii rcprcsccie I ny 4oc:icc.
Pn.v Stax MorvTAiss,
Jace21, 1S?9.
Exiiioa or thi Chxosjclx: We are
locale :n the Corper Cretk tcicisc
dirtr:ct, tni I'm (leaeed to let yoa
know bow are. Tie esaniry n
filled wi:b qairti ledrea from one to
f r:y feet in width, roalairjisr fo!d.
ilrer, copper an J lrad, lui it mistake
a niiHion dillors to develop Th
miiiet are ttaked out every CM feet, for.
clleea miles op and dean Canyon creel.
Parties are ij'.og develcr.icg work on
some of tbe claim, other bave not seen
iheir'a since they lexat'd them in
traveiicx np this trail. TLere are no
notices nor lite required to bold c'aimc rrtiMd-litfr From
ia thi sectian. Good dtve.'orffieEt U i r"'"" "
i -
returned from
pcrchaeed I be discharge cernacale
of one Jcbn F.arrett, who was a soldier
ia ompaay M, Second Wisconsin Vol
unteer Cavalry, with the intention of
reipicg the bee fits wLicb might be de
rived from a pension, and at ooce set to
work to procure it. At tbat time be
made bis declaration of invalidism be-
j fore Geo. P. Morgan, tben clerk, but in
bis own name. Finding co inch soldier
as having belonged to tbe company, in
quiry wit made and Garrison claimed
to bave enlisted under the a "fumed
case of Barrett, for several reasons, one
of which was that be bad run away from
borne. Suspicion having been aroused,
aa inspector was sent to this place and
be was placed in a sweat box. After
telling bit story over again, he finally
acknowledged the entire proceed:ogs.
He waived examination today and
was bound over ia the sum of 1 1000.
Ben If men were secured and be U
now at liberty.
Mr. Garrieoi hat lived in Tbe Dalles
for many years and bas always beer,
considered an honest, harmless fellow.
He is now receiving a pension of 8,
having been ocCl to support himself
sine service in the war, and it it
thought bv people of this city that he
does not fully realise what bis crime Is,
and is not responsible therefor. When
qiaestioned eoLr?rcioj it today, he did
cot seem to comprehend the true state
of affairs, cor to realiis what he had
obtained daring tbe past five years of
We have tua.-le arrangements to bold
oar fir:! sale o! tt.e.'O about the middle
of July aod wuald strongly tncourage
anybody that has a bunch of good
drafiy-built horses to push them for
ward as quickly at possible. Advise us
er to secure a xa l'ie meanttnis) wbfn you intend ship-
f ping, the numoer, weight, ages,
as $92 Gar-! 'le- ,0 lat we njs-T intelligently adver
tise the tale broadcast. An lmiLediate
response to this will be highly appreci
ated, and we believe will prove mutually
Yours truly,
J. S. Coopeb.
Bnlca BttardlBf tha Kiamlaatlona li
naanc:al question he watts boEC-Sl being doce cn two e'aim. lot the moft T-ndeia wo(,
Ary roar jrcsrector tL.t is horM do lo J;' .
market there
dt liars. After drorpicg tbit far
from tbe honest money level Lc is
not going to stop urlil Le gels to tbe
bottom. lie makes no compromises'
We bare learned a new way of makicg
tonne a. First, set cp six posts, three
on each slds, againft the fa?e tn the
It dgr, ard cover ever with lofjitg ten
feet in length. Then to a tore vcur
wi;h his conviction. lie will bave sheJ, drill aart put ia one r od sbct
tbe best or tbe wont which is to be T ba.f a stick of pawd-r aad Cre it,
If be snots a dollar which hasw-jlca "' CE8 t-nurd.a
lia r.rya
nj Cat in
Th'n not a d t:ce ir.iJ thit k,i
,i;a ,. .n fi.t TVibm .1 . . ....
. '. " e attempted to do anvtbiiiir. Th
as Hiring tho bottom
knocked cut of it. While he was fortn
na;e ia disposing of hit band, be tart
many mho went down from here lock
their to Southern Oregon to find
a better market.
The following communication, which
hat been received from the Union Stock
Yards ia Cbicigo, may be of interest to
dealers :
j Cmcioo, Jane 23,
I Dead b: Wa Inn nn.i..
1 I w .vuiihip,i
I ! ..... t
, uic m.w -i.u ii.,c itor;e?, nor nave
- f - i . -
rr ivr a. t it l-iii ii iz'J away i . ... , .,
fe ' tcoie ititi. tnt tf ibe silver. tes
iru u'jit i'. ttiov;, cr any youc ;
" 1 nmrt-. Te.icr anl tbe tcsjvnty of j
1 1 jt si.i'.n ia toCTie t! orancu
it be wi.I take the
021C and not t reantifale i tr
rron:!er rr in th: rwM:!iV.n larrlr r.n ti t.
Thus ,t happens that sevens, yr fc. f , oneye.; ant r:' rZ
-. I al m ten Jron m acd '.o.jk at . .u
' a -
lleicj bit in two directions.
Uliermire thev wonl-1 bate t-j
mau that kcew Lis lu:iffi to
are ccmirg over to lie Ket uMicin on d thm
Utite. broken, and nntirin,!...! I,,.
'j'it mtJe it irEp-sible to handle tho other
j of the racge c'.ast to any advantage, to
The trai l in ti'e district are a C't-
i that in the meantime we abacdjned the
Prof. J. H. Ackerman, ttate school
superintendent, hat issued circular
letter No. 16, addressed to tha various
county school superintendents, relating
to the Augoat examination of teachers,
and the rulea and regnlatioua governing
the tame. Following is tbe text of the
"To Couuty Superintendent!: The
law provide! for the holding of an ex
amination for county certificates, be
ginning on the second Wednesday of
August, next. The ttate board of edu
cation hat fixed upon tbe strne time,
Angust Oib, luth and 11th, as the time
for examination for all applicants for
st&te papers. In this connection, please
see rules and regulations under "Teach
ers Examinations", Oregon School Laws.
"Examination of applicants for state
papers will be held in August aod Feb
ruary of each year.
"After the August examination of thit
year, questioct will be taken at followt:
All qoestioni in theory and practice and
one-fifth of the questions in Arithmetic,
gram iner, geography and reading, will
be taken frjin White' Element! ol
Pedagogy. All the question! in litera
ture will be taken from Smith's Studies
in English Literature; and all theqnet
tiont ia Pychology will be taken from
Buell't Esscntiuls of Psychology.
"The ttate board of education hat de-
cided to take these books aa standards
iog shallow, from one to four feet deep,
with pay from the grass roots dotoit
bedrock, and easily worked, it li ,
deep, wet and bard, if not iuipowible n
work, with a Tery few exceptions- Bonn
would say it is purely a hydraulic prop
osition, but even for tbat tbe water it
too scarce and tbe fall cot sufficient !
profitable work, and most of the lei
claims that might be worked art tied op
by jumpers. It is nothing to see six or
eight stakes on etch claim, and tbit
miserable slack government don't Id
tend to bave a judge up here to seuli
tbe disputes before tome time in JoIt,
and they cause the whole trouble them
selves by not having a t roper goldeoo
missioner here with a set of book;,
miners' licensee, and able to give re
ceipts for tbe money they received lor
recording, etc. They bad plenty of tin
to do so if they bad any get-up to then,
just aa much so, at the uiineri whoctai
in here last August, and are now u
trouble through the negligence of t lei
laxy, indolent officials, who never mis
the leatt chance to grab and hog the lut
cent they can get their finger on, which
they manage to do in a thousand and
one wayt, and would take a good-iitd
book to itemize.
"Now, jntt a word abont boeinmud
labor. Everything ia overdone, il
thought the merchant! have held every
thing very high. I landed bare the 10th
of May and found flour selling tt 18 3d
per sack ; bacon, 33 to 40 cents ptf
pound ; sugar the tame, and everytbitf
else in proportion ; bay, .C a ton; lim
ber, 123 to J150 per 1000. Provision
are coming down a little, ns we tre ei
peeling the bcatt in. Wages were fil
per day, but they are now f-1 and (5, tnd
many who cannot get au honr'l tu'h
are getting thort of provision! and cm
not get out of the country. The ht
look t very gloomy indeed for mnj l
good man who was misgaiilel."
In writing lo Mr. MacAllister h
pressed the same statements, and il
said that peonle were leaving as isst
! possible, but i:.anv por men who coaw
not rake up the $20 which it cjsIs tol
I from Atlin to Lake Bennett, were
pelled to remain.
Adt.rtlamt Letter.
Follow ins- Is the list of letter remu-
for two reasons: First, because the!in ,n ,he po 81 T,'e m' .
normal schools have adopted tbem at
textbooks; and second, because there
has been a feeling on the part of many
of the leading educators that toue credit
should be given to those who are ttu
Cilled for June. 30th, I8ft. re
calling for the same will givedateoa
which thev were advertised
Allen, R M
Beer, Mar:
Bertleton, It K
dents of professional bookt and it bat BUkney. Joseph,
been suggested that a good way to give
thit credit would be lo base a part of the
quettiont for ttato and county papert
upon certain Indicated bor.kt. Act'ng
on tach suggestion, the ttate board of
education makes the above announce
uient, believing that in to doinit the
educational standard of tbo state wiil be
materially raised ."
aid. coo.fre.i to tbe
licit- a;e fiw.'
ttole nnrole r, i
ca who wei;t tut cf lie I tty . ,J "cp. The da.r ef
field and enromaced no man to ahin r- "",,, nt. o nmn
Brown, Geo It
Brown, John W
Cooper, Albert S
l'unbar, K
havis, 1. D
lrew, Geo
Evens. Srh
Fritti.'ll, Alice
Frederick. Paul
Kroinan, Win
Ilenrr. Madeline
Orchibald, John
K las and Winces, Twin Sittert
li. II. Kinpst'-.r.
Jones, bibs'
Kin Iter, Tynstf
Lctirus. Nj"'
Iirson. M A
Lnkinheal, Win
Letinrk, t'C
Miller, Blanch
Milier, Martin
Mi-Kalvr, Hojd
IVirv, Hall
U )bert. Frns
Thoma.. MrsJoM
Tayh.r, W h
Waters, J
; with him tLree year ao
'Ynt mnAit ma eta sir, t .li'T., hi .
" - - ' v. WW -a I llv I t III i T. t;
ate Lately iTr.,j. triit bs no eal. Y.-a e.n ' beliese they are entirely favorable or a
lo le bitk with lie j ul.licsr.s next! fet as many at one cr l c...-r to a 1 movement on a large scale ol g(xd
tesr. ibe aorc r I;tal aa 1 ti-p;U-. .V." 1". 7 . ""V- " ' l'T'r' - norset, cat we do not
.:tve tie iu!sc'.linons ascrtment ol
(ar.llitK Atlin.
ran IMt t r-f a very bi.e q-ia.;tT. Let u briclnl
T . . i . ii , n . k... ..I.. . ... k .
, . . - - v . ..... ... . - i . t..azw in,li l'l , r
, . -. . rtirr. IJ i- t -r i-. m. p-o-ca
The r-."e.Ti visitors
tr-. i next wctu in th:s slate ruiy le asloD shed at wtiii tiey see i
r r , i 1 . . . ,. i -; - .... t. . .. ... ... . . n r. ;i i ; o ir? : ; , a i ! , . M t i m . I ...... i .. . .
a."! i ,vi iuc a v j u.. u. j ivu - t ir, -jit ma i ' IT tx e ..... . . .r.ui.-(
' , . . . , . . . . p. . . I r . . , w
ivcm'crai. v . ' ' '
An iccMenl occcrrtd at IktLle-
a press
you to take Item.
Tiik Chbosuh fv;t turn when Dr.
Siddail loft The lialln fjr Alliu tl.t we
would learn tho Imth rossrding tie!
proapecta there, and we were n. t .1.-'
cc-ive.l. for ho has n it I , n f. .1 l i.. . n I
o li c on ir.e cnotrary we Jo believe Hint 'the truth thB I.. o i,.,n. ... i
iviii. ii ;
MV i. ....... r..mnj irum
That it all the e ol ' "nj Irora hat such men as Hr. S.dd ill
are :
lot if and rirers, forests and s bem. Pa., rectctlr which strikicflv ! word ti at we can say Lr tt.; dutr ct at J3? 10 l"' Leavsest and draitiest that are
St-Ms-tbougb a. new scenes these ! illustrate, tbe evolution whkh b i br ol-l rrosr... fr, r.- J "l! '""'! "
- .-. ,, - . -- n ine, HiiMit.uii vj iub enir ner.
rma that know g.J when theT tee it. I -. . i t.- .
I-.tii, W bave been working np a sentiment
try. A Jtcs Chiss. ! txor.g the rople generally for the past
ccu.J look beyond and behind the piece of arisor plate made by lie! Jos. Wnrri. two or three niontht to handlo these!
T, . torses, and feel more or !ee sen red
- - ' r . . . u ;ctuc
, ,
.il t of pacing interest to them:. occurred recettly id the dcpittxect , f
Lit they would be surprised if they of maDufjctorits tf this couiitry. A
rough pcorsca that rxeeti the vision, BctLlebem Steel Company weighing p.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Diacsts what you eat.
filler, who were never afraid to cxress Hatur In strengthen In nni,,0f.
their tentnnrnttcn any stihjrrt, tnrcly ; Btructlng thn eihitusteel til'
Dalle, people, or any who road their ! " r 'narttW
investing In tnrb ftkt mining dlsttl. t. atantly relieve and rrniam;ntlf
letterday'tOreg.inlan contained a l. ttor i Dyrx-P"!. Induction, "-.ui
from the doctor, at.d among other tlaiu-e Flatulence, Sour Kto.n)1acr,;, mns.iw
' K rlr llatnliiiMiti f .taT r 17 in tl. -
k-i tw nt(ni.t in . .-( If)
he raid:
and 1 made lo rrmnrb.r.1 ' 1 9 CiSC. nr.nnAm ..a V.rl,l . . ' inbabitintt of Corrter t'itv. rrr. I ,r1 or o,wJ neid c.n be hand.ed
all other
4 by i.CD.illiC;
For tale by Suipet-klntrsiy -