The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 28, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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i .....-.- - . - ... ...
ruiotiL tiui
Ge. E. Patter. Atrt-K-fw't
ctut, it i Tm 11. Uiy.
Si. mA Kr. L. E. Crswe rettrw-i ec
la ft tr:a fica Fsrt-a,.
Mr. eai lira, tit. Mi. Jr.. caw
!pN tic &ir -ftl tra-a L-sa PiCaiid
U a;.jM.
Ltl'.ie Erow cane aa frwa FcetU3
tat tt.t"1 i tjmu! i-er Irmi,
lines 11
Jlra. IVi. TVoij-os 3 clf-dre
vera rrten.:rf j.-tf irca Fort
lss4 it ntu j.
jmt ma i!is tr j it u r.iirj ' An Excellent Com lunation.
it pittz.l-i Ft-u A Kaya. J -j-v. jCa-t obcd r.i l-atriaj
W. 4UnL F GrnrLtFI easie BP
Jrea ia titt al are rTJ-s
cat Hr. td Mrs. Ai- K-ac-t?
Mr. ai.iMrt.H.5.
are lie --rj U Mr. ii) i Mrt. J. P.
tj Improved CYCLOWE Mgazine-
fc?r"L' i CiLe tola is all r f-it
ta it p:f
si iiir; is li kiteirn txl for
atd lutiu t ti. let it
! wat ktr Ute-rdti cijcl!, azii
' pfc-ie who te it t roti Li oaie iy
rt-frrt it.
'j W rrfer lj tt pcxm.B ee cf Klm to
ftt ore mix vgrw.
Tbe tods art a a Bfcbasickl i. riuct
to tb ai:t of tie ttca.ath and bowt: I
CiiroaxiA Fs Tirr o . il"u-.t-. j martTr tl acia .o rlrt-t !riurorrT
ned.rxi.i,T laiatre ar.4 prtsiettirfr
tit-ra ia tie Uwrm roan reirwtiic Vti
Ik-" axd aaew-pcakie to t b1 (TTm. It
w . . . liC (ISC ttCTiCT uy-k ilia- . . . . I
afna Eta Ura, ta tea atteod- t-re 4.kSJor trvtJm tni-l.T. , ai rwd tr it lai ac- j
lg trtxxji ia I I1'- icr-tj ti pcy c.ii. hnxtit aad ItTtii ' cao:o!'d ia Ui ictertrt, easit !
cw.SjK-kase. mui;T. Ii period fi4can j 1r- Hw.aaJ rOEDm-Ddi at tl
K ixUt i I, r. trrrr t jMrtiocal-ie isalitr a&d sob- ! ei aBd ferret cure lor aoor ttomacb '
T1"?- 'or in-.tauiiif taeat, mak it tia dfi . ' ,
Vrt. Ada Eratt Vrft ttlt cly t4ay .l j Stcart Djtpepr.a Tab.rtt. Tbwe Ul-j
far a abort nar ia O BSta. la the proe of mannartariBg p ; Iftt are larfe 33 fria kzeEret, rery j
v h w; , p-.d M .P31 !p3attotatieaEdettaiBUieaataral!
w. H. Wuot wett t Fcrtaxa oa jtass. bnt ta medxaaal qualities of ti ., , . i
tbc Umjb TttUrUj titmvja. 'remedr are obtained tn-m tesAa aiid j cid PpKoe asd difettire t tmrntt
.. . . j i ! mjmt 'aroosatie oLasta. It a method i esaenlial to rood (iizratioa. aod altea
StrdaT after a lire Tit a ita j Jj510" ,tb 'S7t'"L, feIT u Bt: d tL
t . -j I &erk-t!r and prom&tlT before it bat time I
to fermeat, aoor and poison tbe blood
aad aerroot trttem.
CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. I. Woertb tutea tiiat be inTariaUf
a rajurczaoo, caju 1 nm ginart'a DTtoewia T.bleta ia all
LUlHTOii IT. nr TOKX. . T. I . ...
Ft aaJe ly all Iin(riU.-Ftia Sac per boas
FOR 1899.
Ten Points to Consider:
I-I2 Picture In 12 Seconda.
2 -Shutter Bulb Release.
3- Snutter Automatic.
4 snutter Locka.
a I Aluminum r'latanolaera.
-St atops.
7- Specia Quick Lena.
8- Automatic Register.
e-A I parts Interchangeable.
I O Exposed plates removed wltnoit
disturbing unexposed.
4 size 3-4 x 4l4 SS.OO
5- S!za4x5 lOOO
1899 Catalogue with com
plete information FREE.
J JSt Arrived
fnead ia ParCairfL
Cepta-a aad Vrt. Sairaa
effeeta aad to aroid imitatioca. pleaae !
paesed '' remeniberthe foil us of tbeCofcpaay
tbrwagb tbe air !-:orc;T efeajaf oa pnated on tbe front of ererr pacaae.
taeir way to utmirum, Uaoo.
Vrt. E. E. Lytle eaxce from PorV
laad fratBrdar erecisc asl u
frtedt brre. tte n li-e goeitt of
J. B. Crotea.
VT. E Wa'tber retamtJ U.rt a:Lt
tram PortU&a, a ti;hT be aeeoicpaeied
Ura. Wa-'ifcer. bo ia rtttifiBj u4'.cti
treatatest ILert.
cat Ibe lMt Ijt Port: tLeifnLrrj
vat to iA i faxi.y of JJrt. K. h-jtcut j
ia Virucia, t. C. J
iliet &a:! Wi'-iattt and J&ha Crit- j
tea4ea. of tiiorr, 1.1., armed ia tbe
cut oa tatar a!:erax.a tram axd
are renctt oi Mr. asd Mri. W. Lord.
Meerrt. T. J. fofrrt, J. F. M we,
J. fe. Fitr;, 11. J. Owcaa and J. A.
Vt a Acda retsrLej ibit alterooos froao
tSe KtLiont, aear tbe tead of Dog
rtrer, alere ttey merit to examine iots
tbe eosd.tioo oi tbe vaurr ditcbet b:rh
crp!y ibit rity. T;T reixjrt tf.e rriadt
la a ld c-td,tjon, tt-r beier tbe rtt
to r ia a itb a teaia tbit year.
About to aetkt gt abfn Mr.
Titybeilt and Mite Afoet NUkolt made a
trip to t;.e Cra j-, liii Cheohcli
tiir-ojb I'.t oiouict tct tbeui b.-i.e.
Tber, boaeTer, ere birirg tath a
pVa-&t ti-e tbt tbfy declined Vt be
eat hit tt,J eoDt uofd ibeir ritit on
til tbit icoro ng, abeo a-opanied by
K e tocbJer, tbry lest for their
tonet in CVi.'oruia.
J. W. pttaart, of Corra:!i, ait a
li'.Ar ritit'jT todnr.
Mrm. J. B. HaTeriy aod on, George,
peat yetterjay abd today in tbe city.
. L. Tbctr.pKin returned !att uigbt
from a trip tbrocgh fcbermao coacty.
Mrt. W. H. MaotGeid. who btt bvo
vir.Uai tbe Miee Lacg for tbe pact
week, returned to Poulard today.
E. S. CLinJler it in from Wiiiio for
tbe firt time ia some mcctht. "Pap"
iteatbnnatlic orer the crop protptctt
ia Lit section.
Mr. aod Mrt. II. II. Leonard retarded
boaae iat ereninz. Mrt. Leonard bat
been attending tbe Grand Army en
rauj potent at McM:nnvii:e, a bile Ler
baaband hat been at the bot tprii.f, at
Ia tb-'t rity, tb:t morn'cg, Jane 27tb,
Alfred, tbe 6 week t old cbild of Mr.
ttdMri. (jto. fifilmtD. lon-ral aiH
take place toinorrov roornicg at 10 i
o clotk fiom tbe Metbodirt cborcb.
aartl4l Letter.
f lis C:lcL
' ratea of ttomacb derangement and ndt
them a certain care not only for eonr
ttomacb, bnt by promptly digeftiog tbe
food they create Cetb and ttrecglben tbe
action of tbe Leart and liver. TLey are
not a catbartic, bat intended oaly for
ttomacb diteaes and aeakneet and will
foond tenable ia a'.l ttomacb tronblet
except cancer of tbe ttomsch. Ail drog-
i gittt tell Stoart't Drtpeptia Tablet! at
50 centt per t-ackige.
A little book deecribicf ail formt of
ttomacb weaknest and tbeir cure mailed
free by addretciog tbe F. A. Stuart Co.,
Mirsba)!, Micb.
This braod of Whisker is guaranteed to tbe consumer as a
and Medical Tse. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Three houses and four
lots in The Dalles, as t
whole or separately.
cation healthy and desir
able, near school. pavi
exceptionally good inte"r.
est on investment. Prop,
erty in good condition.
Mrs.A.Fitz Gerald
839 Golden Gate Ay,
San Francisco, CaL
Bbbd the Glut.
A ttartllng ircideDt, of aLicb Mr.
John Oliver of Pbiladel;bia, vat tbe
tnbjict. It narrated by bim at follow t:
"I wat in a raoet dreadful condition. My
tkin aat a'.oiof-l yellow, eret roDken,
tongoe coated, pain contmaaily in back
and tiden. no arrietit arsnallv prnv.
Met tbe Oid Champion and Vanquished . in( weakt.r dlT Ly dtT TljrM( prTsi.
Her With Ease Lightning on ciant bad given me op. Fortonately, a
friend advired 't.ectric Bitters'; and to
Tatts Canvas Not Vet Well Set.
Following it tbe liet of lettert remain
ing in the postoffice at Tbe Dallet nn
called for Jane, 24ib, IS&U. Pertotit
ealiicg for tbe tame mill give date on
which tbey were adrertited :
Coadict, II M
Careoder, John
tiarner, Triuruat
Ifarvry, E 11
Mcradyen, Donald
M'Mg jiuery, P
Moor, Mary' L
Martin, j W
P.ank, Ciaik B
iChodet, J
Ray, Mr W
RuM-lJ, George
Jitl. li P
Site. Ei
.Siilloiger, Mary
htirnjei. 3d A
Tate, X II
Towle, J 8
War ten, Colambbt
Riddkil, P. M.
Naar-ouT, R. I., Jane 25. The first
trit! trip of tbe new Auiericin can de
fender Colombia which took plies in
Namzaofett bay tody was more lac
ceefal than either ber baildert or ber
ownen bad reason to hope. Not only
did tbe new boat thow bertelf to be sea
worthy in every particular, bat the met
the old racer, Defender, in a friendly
broth oi a mile to the windward and
vacqoised ber witt the greatest eae.
Tl-.e rice between the fiyerr, which was
over in fin tninatet, wat tailed in an
eight-knot brere under the time condi
tions, each boat carrying three lower
tail, with sheet well flattened. It took
the Colombia aboat three minotes, tail
ing from the Defender's weather quarter,
to blanket her, and in five minutes she
wat 100 yardt ahead, going past the o'd
cop defender at if the latter wat an
chored. Under these circumstances it
would seem at if the Colombia were
from fifteen to twenty seconds a mile
faster than tbe Defender, and if the can
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
7 2zwte
Corner of First and Court Street,
my great j y and tarprise, tbe first
bottle made a decided improvemtnt. I
continued their ose for tbree weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they taved
my life, tnd robbed the grave of another j
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, gaaranteed.'at Blakeley &
Houghton't drog t?ore. 5 '
'Phone 341.
Lock and Gunsmith,
and Machine work.
Charles Burchtorf.w
How About Your Title?
50 Bernard.
A reward of (50 will be pai l by the
undersigned for the recovery M the body
of Bert Whitney, drowned in the Snake
river at Palouse Rapids, near Lyon't
Ferry, on May 23, 1699.
Bert Whitney was 21 yea't old ; weight
about 175 pound ; height 5 feet, 11 in.;
smooth shaved ; dark brown bair. He
wore dark pints with light stripes, and
heavy laced shoes; hat a toft of light
colored hair on the left, back tide of
bead ; two burn tears on body.
The person finding the bodv will
please aire
C. E. Whitxev,
24 2w St. Helens, Ore.
Itcd.c.d Katr. to a. E. A.
make the same gain in a hard blow, the :
fear for tbe safety of the American cup For "ie National Educational Asso
will be considerably allayed. jciation meeting to be held at Lot
Tbe trip today was the builder't trial, Aozeles, Cal., July 1I-H, tbe O.
and althongh the managing owner, C. j B - Co- wl" make the following
Railroad Survey
STavseo.i, Wash., Jace 23. Skam
ania county itjist now taking consid
erable interest in railroad prospectl,
eaa-ed by the presence of a surveying
pft;, which it ronning a line down tbe
north baok of the Colombia river. This
party, a bich started aUrjt two weeks
ago, opposite Tbe Dailes, it now camped
jott west of Wind mountain, five mile
above Stevrnfon. The lir.e, to far at it
mn, followt the high water mark of the
Columbia very tloely, aud the en-1 H "7 W'hen I came down to work
ftB-ert report the l cition an 1 grade ! 'hi morning I felt so weak I could hardly
ery favorable. The sorvey it In the!work- I vent to Miller A McCnrdy't
lateren of theColurobia Valley Railroad j "rat tore ard thsy recommended
Company. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-
The building of thitline woold prove!rnoe Remedt. It worked like mtgic
of great benefit in developing the many I nJ one dose fixed me all right. It
natural retonrcet of tbit country, which certainly it the finest thing I ever used
at present lie dormant on aecoaot of lack 'or toinach trouble. I shall not be
of transportation facilities. E. M. I without it in my home hereafter, for
Kinds, of Vancouver, accompaniet the should not cire to endure the sufferings
Oliver Ielin, and a number of bityacht
idg friends were on board, still the Co
lumbia's designer, Nat IleireshofT, was
in charge, and alter the sail d mwo the bay
the boat wis towed hick to Bristol for
few minor repairs. It It exprcted that
the boat will have another trial Thurs
day, and by the end ol the week she will
be formerly turned over to Mr. I?elin.
In the meantime her interior fittings
will be finished aod ber bowsprit, which
apparently started in the socket in to
day's brush wiih the Defender, probab
ly will need tome attention. Before the
Columbia left for Bristol Mr. Ielin ex
pressed himself as moie than satisfied
with her, and it was a happy lot of yachts
men that witched her performance and
went to Bristol with her tonight.
Would Sot Suffer S)s A gala for Flflj
Times It. file.
I awoke last night with stvere paint
io bit stomach. I never felt to badlv in
party, securing the right of way.
Wall t aper.
5 per ct nt taved by git ting figures
root tbe S.iipei-K'nj.Tsly Drag Co.
of last night again for fifty timet itt
prlo.". G. H. Wilsov, Liv?ryron, Bur
gettatown, Washington Co., Pa. Tbit
remedy it for sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists.
rates from The Dalles: Going and re
turning all rail route via Portland and
Soutbero PiciEc 4f.I5; rail to Portland
and steamer Portland to Lot Angelet
port of call, inclnJing meait and berth
on steamers, returning same route,
f.19.15; rail to Portland, steamer to San
Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific
from San Franclro to Lot Angeles, re
funding same route, 39.I5. Tickets on
eale June 30th, July 1st and July 4th to
9th inclusive, final limit for return Sept.
5th. For further information ca.l on or
address Jas. Ireland, Agent, O. R. A X.
Co., The Dalles. 10 J
Ujcited State Land Office.
Obegos City, June 21, lttf9.
Notice It hereby given that the ap
proved fractional plat of Township 2
north srange 8 east, bat been received
from tbe iurveyor general of Oregon,
and on August 1st, ISlrJ, at 9 o'clock, a.
m., of laid date, raid plat wi I be filed in
this ofhc, and the land therein em
braced, will be subject to entry on and
after laid date. Chas. B. Moorxs,
Wm. Galloway, Register.
qRE YOU PURE it is all right? Remember it is the
H RECORD that governs. It it our business to
search the records and show what tbev contain in
relation to land titles. If vou contemplate buying land
or loaning money on real estate sernrity, take no nun'i
word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows
regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a
deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of
Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex
ecuted and saticfaction guaranteed. It vou have nron-
ertv to insure, give us a call. We are agents for four of
the best fire insurance companies In the world. If you
have property for eale, list it with us and we'll flud a
J, M. Huntington & Co.
Eac'i day our business shows
the people are finding out wc
are pushing to tbe front with
belter goods, lower prices,
salespeople tbe Terj best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
'Phone 81.
2d St., opposite A. M. WiSliams & Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from 2.f5 to frllJO er"Valloo. UToTsTeHrs'ohl" f" 1 "
IMPORTED COGNAC "from 7.U0"to 12.00 perallon7(irio 0 years old
A IIICPSIA IB till 8 I" m IS. IS To tb tU jeV,a)it.r.7T4 lo 1 lleartd
Sotloe Is hereby liven that the nnderlriil
h. tiled hi. Inml account ..executor of tlw
Ule of Kjirnh Mo A to- with tie clirk of in
count court of ihctate of Oregon, .r
eountr, and that Thtiml.v.lhe 1 itn duroi July,
1'.'.'. at the hour of lu o'clock a. m. hi hwa
lixed the time and the coutily c nrt murain
Iallt City an the p ace tor the hearing ' "
Jvcilona toaaid Hnal account and m-Ulemeot ol
aid cttlntP.
It.-1 JulT 13, 1VJ9. TIIOS. N()R AL.
Juu 14-1 :cjuir.
Btrajed bp flloleo.
Two gray horses, a light and dark to
dappled.) Tbe light gray it branded
y on left thoulder; tbe dark one
branded 8 8 oo left blp.
Ten dollars reward will be given to
any one for information asjto their where
about!, or delivering them to ot at
Endersby. Keb.i Euos.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot Pii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts.
Headquarters for "Byers' Best'1 Pend'le"
tOn FlOUr. ? manufactured e.pre.ily (or famlIt
Wa Mll our good, lower th.n"" t..hctloi
call and get cur prices and be convinced. ' d " Jro don 1 lh,n w
Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Birley and Oats.
J.akd Ornci at Thb Dailii". onanowf
June 1. K- 1
Notice ia ben-dv liven that the fnlloi
namnl aetllrr has iiliil notice of hH hit.-ntion
to make Dual proof In mpport of hl claim, ana
thnt.iiil proof n il! be made before the rwi"
and receiver at Tbe lallc, On-gon. on ratunW.
July , Iksw, vl:
aula Orlmand. Th.
widow of Plerrx (.rtinnn.l. dwnwl.
hallra: II. K. So. fCii, for the h', hK.' we--1
Tp 1 north. K li K, W M. ,.,
lie name the following wltn(M J" lr";'
his contliiuoiM mideiice uihiu and cultua"""
of aid land, vlt: o..,rI.a.
Andrvw f't.iuhart, all of The lll' V"T.1.',
JunMll JAY P. 1.1 CA.-i. Kfgll-o
Notice U hercbr liven that I have filed : w"' J
thet l.-ik of II.. i f oiintr l ourt of the "'
tmion, for Waio County, my tlntl V.
a tinhilhtratorol the etat of ('. " , 'nrt
einanl, and by an order of the '"""",,,, 1.
afor.ald, made June I. I-.W. .Moi.1-y. J'll;J
l-".. at the hour of 2orl.ak p.m.. hM",,m
x n. the lime and the oniity
III luill.- l ily a. the place for the """;,
ol.J.Tlhm. to tald final awoiiiit, and tneto.
nivnt oi Mid mate.
Jun i 11
Administrator's Notice.
Notice I. hereby ilv.n that th'i;,n','1'','"
ha. ta-en duly ai.i.lnlcd by Iho lion.
l ourt of tbe thu Male of Oreon. lor " ".
connlr, admlnmtralor of the etateoi t
Alldlua.decf.snl. Ail r-ioii.
aaaln.t . estate are ben by notllM '' 1'" (),
tlie Mme properly verliled to me at the on
my allorni)., Inifur Menefee, win"
nionlhi from the date of thl nulire . .
Uali-d at Th. ttallea, lte(y.JJ""'. ', h,
Administrator ol the Katate of Adolph Al'"7nJj
Yoacm'tcare dyspepU by l'llD'
Kit good, wholesome food, tn ln,
of tt-Kolol I)m.'J C,,ra "'"j
food without aid from tho tiomeh'nt
li made to cure. fenijej-Kinersly I"B