The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 28, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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. . "v.... t- ,-i'L tjjf bsLtsf ao-cvcr'-i f
las Weekly Gnroaicie.;i3, k
! . . , t ,l k r ?- 'r tikes i.ic- It
. aje tew i v - - - .
. rT fc.-r ta UDrT : 'tv i:Jflfc ,
O -"W Tvtt .XH-fer .
1 W V1S.-T
iM4 - 3ICT - - si
vrtr .d iial a24 .lSr V.fcr a.l:i- - ;
;rr vi.r k-bl vaaec est-- aTw-TK - J
Or rrtiix .u;.a - 1 t
cr-s x.d 1 . m t W K it .
J::s.$-e a prenyl .a eccitry
i1- - - .
lls.1 E-rvr x--d
Arraa "-xV at
It. I i.: :t prx
Kr ectts tlat
Tr-its, ta-i
!: tf t: Terr iw--
fcc5;-;:l :i.:c;Vu :a Frtc c
W:rriiT. jari:. tw: lr
ti'.ig. tlat if cj--:si Hws;;a
zzz.i'r.z -li-e it wssia villa
tka ti il rr ti : tf II Mcsroe
Cv: ::- iii Itcis-t si rewserts
& t:v!u-: cf tie s;cr;: til gesls.
a ?r-e tra5 r:itrr. cec la
vi wce-is cf S.r Y-czHzlIx. C. E--
-lo wis ,-': J a few dij -Ti ia
litis crisis: -71 A-ieikaT-stave
a jcv,:"--e i J Lire t-5.
Tint cis I dcc'.l S-ti
cs? we cj f ;:ii c" Vi-
tC? ic'.T i'-lil tT C:JSii-riis tit
Tlj Lite x-
ll-f iiTii.-i tie
ifuvcx; lie c.Vl Ati;
IrT.'.;:. ti .be b:. Aser
i3 til E;rcr 1,m 13
If irc:
j cia Kf reap
Tl t-f Ci:a GIT
t -wj::ca t lis Kiiiitr f tie
Seii irtg:-a ta a liij tf ga
rtitt tlAt will Oil ilstirc'.ks
tJa c -itr aai aifa ia
;a V r tte c.Jrfi cu'y, ho
tr-.tA -i it B J tt it M W E41I-J, E1
rJ io-.4i.ef Hfip-" 'n Oregon trj
lcn lie ti:n tJ arce-ieJ in f-
rTL- f:5.c: t en thir U'p woand j
:h K i to iLrni gram. TfcfD.j
LJ tif.o Jt coart boos in ti e j
Kite- ArJ t::e tie fo-cj
;..Tit it wi j'rc:'-. Tbeu j
;J ; fL:r' were diccafftd ontil
the L. : Lroiit.t is rtfteihuif cis
Tie r:ii l c ly ttoovY.giA Terr
i; ;t f, If n:Lere d: the tauoc
13 t;:er f Jria.j;e ttia froaa U.e
Op m Firl ia Jail.
:ico wtf &ca a 11 ti.-ij
;!3 c :S l
U i is
j ; lli tix.f is ErjUl to lit, '
. is t:
e lie f;rt'.
r.b nil.
afprc::a f. will U Le 5vte
il iTc re 1 i$ tlit tJ a t :Z i'.tT Lo
Ai iLere" tsows i.erevf b-e
iV vl fv lit 0.'i"3 tvV!
A Mother's
A great responsibility rot upon mcOxm at the time iW .
ten are budding into womanhood. If yoor daughter a pjL q-Tt"
cf wcakneo, is "tired out" cpon alight exertion; ii the tThwiwiS'
headache or backache, pain in the atdn ii her temper it fitful anZ.
appetite poor, the it in a condition of extreme peril, a fit tutyctt, h!!
moat dfeadei of all diaeaaea consumption. Ii you notice any ol tSf
tyicptoins loie no time in prccuricg) w a
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
They will assist your daughter to develop properly and reeularrw
they will enrich the blood, strengthen the nerves, and all dan3
consumption and premature death will be averted.
I: :
c:- t'.i jz : tr.:.-i?. x.'c:
t . ! i. -
sr. cx -z.'.r. au wc:.s
to Lire txs r;Tea il Cittb 1 k ia
irsj. Tils Isj; i csi
f-c j zZii'.'T tf f: tra
t: ile ti;
. iti f:ca lit-! tciti ii li hit a f-jr. J tliit
Tle rT-Jc tf ci. to'--J iil TOi Slat. Lkb
AfeafiisTftjj the Cna'"ictE fpeke
ofamsar. J ataia wl;0 were opioai
fesif au:i tad Ua anJet:ng abont
tie tt, 1st Lfa rroritkm were
Uifa to th33 tier eccd cot be funl
thl it mt 3;t.-jJ they had !tft town.
Late listvcilala-: Y:3ay ui-.-rnia? Aaat BocL!erei.t
Wir3u the rrars? ti that a rusn ana
. o-xan wtre nc pJ ia the plscs where
', Lis tr'f are ke;.t, tr.d that l.e detired j
tLim reicevtd le-ar tiiey cj;e'ht ttt
ThecCctrat cr;? er.t to the p'ace
t liaa i fcwsr i -j fioc-i the wcro.a. let she M;d her
ll? PL-Iffire-j- 0:f;osba.
A tiz''tt m.n mi:c lie crtr-
j jin t-i tie : !iiJ ru !". a t-eal an ! Vic- ,
ccaTtr ia ut ilia iw
C7fuiuM o tie Cii.i ilaa rat-lSo.'iotlaLd w y; ihit l.e hil pote
i,i...n!.vrjr.-:rit i!)s tj trr atd ft t 1-3 f.'C ni the
lie ft at, O cc-arje.
dcVt, '.h. ii"jir.:r, lut tier ililt ta fc-.b ro;b tj trj a 'ocr tn trir.KKLiineBtal !ir.e
--:k t:i a fw frtje a LtTlr fi-;le Uii. ane llriviaj e ! re c:4-i it.
crowd. tz lie t.:g,ji cct ti U4.H-j
gi itiltf rs.Uiia
tie $;.:tiisia Cv:v. I; is s" t iit o tir oa g rc-cs-f.
Terr J u.k alt: tie sintf HvTi-ocjeT tt 1 otie: tsir
aiJ :i;si c
T - :
I i. B Ii XS
! Bsr-Vtr I12I2 oijr
o;iiiy. Ia ;he a;:err.oon the waiEaa
ni ttifa to the city aad littr the
u'.io mii and l-cked up.
i They pat ia a .',ea to be tent ta the
:cai:e iMiaaj to t rrotn of the ter
r ,;:. i.aUt. JeMayireJQtrd. bow
sed r-a:':E tie' i t . i. -
r - I----. -
What dispjsinoa wi'.l te
wsr tertxeau usw. ... t-.a-f 10-,x ... Arrerieaa ls o.a-ie of them La rot as ytt Ua it-
bozz !oa.1crs tf ulbcr ! c s S-?-r P"'-aWy be sett
diys Lai a short
it b dccV.ft: if ttal srirlt cr strins' -J doe to f reaction, let vbeo ;
i .... . --. "J- at-e s
is Uizy xiJM-i. asj bk I j j it tbat tl ot;z ckl trade j(J ls, a
p"iiesv:ij ;eaJ tr
eterij iz-1 tsltsre tlsa it wras wtea
rarse as 1 trtl i .,
'r Knt it . t frt in - - V. .... .
Esz'-as-. tUl He tot forasJae; ! I" 3 , r c, ,Se, ar.a u.frlr aattes
Mr. John Taner, of IS) Baker Street, Detroit, Mich.
"We had a ericu time with my dauxbirr. bhe did nd't h. X?
any tertou lllne bat seemed to rrsdaaily st awav !i
doctor called the dleae by an odd lumt which as I afu.r;.i
learned, n-.eant lack of biood. 1 ""erward
We finally ;rnn medicine that helped her. Aftrthi.
months' treatment !:cr health was so greatly Improved touoii?
not hare recovnize-1 her. She a-alDe.1 tn flesh raol'llvanrt J.!?
w in perfect health. The medicine used was Dr. ft'lllianis' Pirl
fir I'ale People. 1 have 'war kept these pill ia the J'f
aince and have told many mother about them. They
tlM-ted some wohdcrfal cures." '
from the Evening .Vetrs, Petri j,
A3 the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the feW
and restore shattered nerves are contained, in a condensed form, in H.
Williams' Pink Fills for Pale People. They are a specific f trouble,
peculiar to femaks, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of
weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health te
pale and sallow cheeks. Ia men they effect a radical cure in all casts
arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature.
Pr.Wmioros'PInk Pills for Pale People are so'.d In boxes 'nerer In kv.
balk i at M cent a box or.ix boxes lorTLoO. and may behadofalldrufsi.iZ
or direct by mail from Lit. Williams Medicine 'x, Schenectady, X. V.
ti Furrlxi lfan ciTlTitlrg Is
'lal trxulles ever recordei Lave
frcct t f Idxta.
ia Misiil:u ::a U'asit"is.KiXrTi tlere, llat agTicclture is
wia tl ijie of tie Lo-sdvs rs-i. iLe ssaje pnp!e b.j l
ccapatj Uaa cLakcj saTta ia!o iIi2 1 to ask b&w rxalters are
tie i-is; tf Virginia, cr ba tt ? iE? to I irrjrroTe.i bj our adopting
ierJen akeg tbe AtlaEUe cots, b -an Ecg'asb taii. Ttej will bare
gaa to swara ever ti Aegbeey roteetioa ia Ecglaad before we
ECU:as toarfolatbEJs Lka'bTe fre trade in this coon trr.
La.J fcrati.'j httn rt Jikua hstlirg
Tt senut talk abost eectrali
zalk ati is;rialis-a acd raciurcb
is prjies if sc&e of tie lilies of tiil. Tbis
lgVo is svsetblcg wLkh ciear
ttaIeJ Fj' doa'l take ttt stn--.
as! wbea a rct!ic Kin
tc-54b cpoa it it is cfoi!.'j a
cf ct zi f r tL ror-
fi of Kant CttiJ tas. Ceo-trii"t:t-a
ctiu-s ixpenal'jm, ts
ta? sc.:cr, wlkb t, of ccorse, aa
its: tallica ?lt e re go:rg Jo give
cp tl rejtlj;c ac-d teicit to soa.e
otl cf acVcr:
Tbe latest scber&e said to emacate
from tbe peace commission at Manila
is to pcrcbate peace at 30 (Mexi
can) per piece, t tbe Walla Walla
L'nioo. A UlegTao bas been sent
oat aotbor Izlrg tbe pcircbise of ser
r;ab!e rle from the insurgents at
list figure. Tbit's aa I Jea worthy
of lb peace commission. But re
tarts bare not been coming in that
is, notto any alarto'.cg extoct. It
Lights ica;
uray. j; fttrti i.'.at the man was
fcroojhtcp by Chas. DjjV. cn &-Mi'.e,
ria Bitm am 4 Taw
I. Daip
bat tai fallen into the cope of
; late jearr . and with the wemart, wlio
claim I ta t his wife, i a total wreck
A few m'sctes before 5 o'clock San
day moraicg tie most Tiolect thunder
storm in the recollection of the oldest
resided of Spokane, an 1 tbe erst to be
esperiecred in that art of the coaotry
in a camber cf yewre, strork tbe city.
Ia on terrific boil that wtke almost
y. K A. titsrtiM.
the who town, it tor oat the frcnt of
Elc'.nc boteL A f erce rain of short
daration followed tbe tbosder storm,
ad in fire minctes tie getters were
mniatcr creeks.
The terriSe thunderclap ".so awoke
f r u -c ii... . i v. ---
reanc fi one tf was it Addison s: . . .
' Gardner arenae, asd ter roace st.n.
Tbe fjKoaicg commoairation from
J. H. Ackermaa bas been receded arid
will no doobt be of interest to those who
are eootemp!atin taking tbe trip with
tbe X. E. A. :
Baiex.O., Jane, 1S99.
T. n., T. ., .... r. . i .
.vi-,, . v v-j . many inquiries, will sst that excarsions
thebfaofa woman and her cht4d; set'. .
... . - . . for the nalicnal EJacilional Association
asr tbe psmpjng sUUoa at Natatoriom I .... .
. . v .'v . , i wi.l lea re Portland, as fol os: "Shasta
park, which sabstoaently burned to tbe . ., . ., . , '
. . Is , .i Boot' via Southern Pacific, Ju y 7.
erooad, aad sesrebed a corner of the . , , . ...
w. ...... . . . . : By ocean steamers. Jolr I. and Ja 6.
I hare been assured that there will be
scbense for msiicg Britain t2ater of ;T
enccgh goirg on the Southern Pacific to
enab.e all who wish to go to eecore tl e
C3rate; and, aiso, encogh will go by
water to Mcore the fJi rate.
For iaformalioa relatire to routes, etc.,
confer with local ticket scents of tbe
. 1 .teV .SV w .4.. . I Ml kfl lull n ., .
orll. He rcccmmerde.l that sometbirg dreadlal tsd hapr-ned, aad j Q,ae" f ci6e,ana lice Uregoa Ka.l-
' a scbt! for swerdsruen be fcoJed. tbat llty tad been bcr'.ed djwtward) r" v..' . I "".
list of ll czir of Ritfla
Tf.:s is J1 bi-'.ei.'asb. Tie Aars r-
i -ma . . ' t KrYin f arrt ft wn w. tt V Ma.1'
II r.sw vs r T TsiraWtrt inrrd f.nt a-i-.n T.-l a- . w...u . i . -
ttcteniieat I:Se . . TK5, n,t tM.,.T ., Kl , h " uos:r0, i.,. Ange:.,
izoinlots of 1C-0, aad cballecge
I I ke cumber from itber natiocs to a
' , .. , I here a.l from Oregon are recaested to
i peced; s-3vetbins more mirtcabos thaa .. , , , in,.itu w
rer.ftM and mat thsmu !r..
jthit. An the stranst jhife of tbe
tcicg to be
Uesdlj cote bst. Of course tbe win-jwilj'occrrecc is that neither nether! TfcM"' t7 any
, uur, u j uia.itr siifinw itiey are teacn
( ers or not, aad ice ode Ibe 2 member-
f:;gbrtvJ tr ilecrrtf iartriaW B,'c ,1e w,:'1 rce"iTe lh nbmi-- " J. bty:ad a
tca- tier U bo:Ls5 ia iu Tlere CI cl
rill I no score dar ?er r, :r:,.. . orqaerea swor
it n lepreseiited by tbe ! k"lr P tf CKT-
i j . i The room was in fritbtfal
riiaren ani Enslisb-I - .... ,
; ship fee.
State Dirctor and Manager.
Farnitare was orertaraeJ. rir:nres cn '
r.mmt ' mta in I'D. were always going tb4. wer. ,wt, .cJ Ifc. M
j to win. fcjy, watn t it." U by don t which Mrs. Idottoa and soa bad: P".T. coosi-iirg oi Messrs. hea-
in fractured r:ece len' yloOT' '!. u jraian and an
tin cr tf a tbste of
wi:b!o LNco as! tie PfcHla !
rxes ia tr losi, tlin thfe!lL Amerscsts tLallecge the Fili- been as ee,. was
as -lea e rnrtu:j Alaska 9cc to a ?s-e tf base bs
t2aa to rna itMasto'lrm, iy : lhe " be
Alitb's U!k aloct :a:rru:j3i sad'10' pr'n fl sport pcikijn ia the rxm, b--i ics'ead of,11" ol u'" 1-aaibenng company.
Carurs anl s!sc J.r ar ajies "s 'ar?e- j lBIXf : W1'b tbtir outce of patriotism, restirg ia a iespeciab!a asd dignified Amoc "ber tbinzs they found the
It clip'.rap.
e the Fi.i-j0'0 as.eejf was la Iractnrtd piece,: " jmu aau tan
i"i wj-3tbe'tr"boiItthefi:or- The feather bed ! Acda "h nie" trin t J IXjit
' joo which Mrs. Da-.tca and her sen bad ! "Lr the t.' er ditc'ies ars sup
JS.ake. lllU!a jn t0!Blrj oecspied its telative i p:i' llajineJ Ue fi,J' ditches and
I ilwy will accept tie challenge, aad j Potion on i-s bed slatf, it lay stretched ,jrmtr broken in two places and
TLOTEcrrjs i all r.i jiir.
the wtr will sTca come to a brry i
... . I The Hnttons robbed their ere and
lermiCSUCD. UetEcr Uj:S SCJeS-! , ... . ! water, ant i. in
j a7iJ. u j luri eiijTrrru, i-je, ir ir.e ;
j moch of them filed with timber and logs,
! which great' redaced the supply of
Chronicle Publishing Co.
We Have...
Neat CJUork.
Quick UJork.
Reasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon,
lue trader, are cg a iocJ Ji00 ,0- JtJ C" lfcn-Ct 't wind -as bkwitg gast. o
Mlf,...fiM, 0 ,,T1Mr i-b the fclocixiing idocy of some d,;, ;a Sa.0 u,e lLrocgb held the,
sal O'.t O: II. tj. lUTCXfyer t t lle- i c.f jtptr tsrtirs. I -.. , . .... .'anmrt aril'
. . . , o' iteir tactics. taping bole -here the tabled front of repo"
ett tbat tie Uri3 is tli ttoJ-er of i l.v-v v... rirrrJ r,r in
cett tbat tie LsriJ is tl; t& of!
all trusts, but it is doubtfi.1 if bej Tbe Filipino, keep on kil'iag tbe
prove to be sutb a f.a'.wjrt ar.ti- wounded Ameiican soldiers whom
protection clxoip'ca af:er teen like lbe-T cbacce to come in contact
the boose ba 1 teen.
of repairs. A
of the water earn mis joa will ba
ter part of tLe month, when
be made ar.d. plans ar-
' r r (Tt f ,r inrMiain-.n. . 1 T 1 .
; - -. ... m v,,. juey
The ligbtaing bad ftrotk the Ircct of j r'rirt lb t9:li lo ,he Meadow, In bad
the cne and oin-haH story hen, jat . cco J;!'on; nd the road to the mill
aNjte the first story lire, and Lad tc-rn w" ' " aecessary to"sw wood
t - . . . v i a ... jftf T n f f ta sV sscaa TV a ..... I- il.
ILT. Oxoir . lie btti suc-r pro and iLUtilalir.g tie ilead. Tbe. are ,De c.apooaras an t p astenrg. ------r . ... w.e
" ' ' l"e s-Jgr rro- .... ilearin the belchamlr tx-ofd ta rw 1 naeadj-, is ia fineejsdmon aid tbe few
!Ucer..eUlroag.-ituLim. Protec creature -boa, Atkicsoa, r fom Le s'ree. aod ta v.ew , .. Brt r.i;cj ,herein h, T.
tion i, iatendel to rrclecL If, Hr' BI J Mssoa aud tLe The same Jigbtblcjt t'n ke had tsrn ! mi:tt tt5il l ::ea "." Som-tlro-zk
tcy itd jitrial coabicaticn 0,ter "51 freaks call striots of (asnnder the ld ia wh eh lrs. llottcn : c,er C4lr-rrt Q1 r- who live in the
a rroUcle l artic!e tin U made ' tbc x-stc-a sr, i Iiikcr 11.11 va- ! aad her boy bad Un tleej ir., ;eT:Eg cl' ir' f 'r biT not as jet mada their
tbeawr. wice, are saised arid cn-'J. 3Iorccr, tbe "Ocorgc Wash-1 "' '"" ' rrt oa the " .
itioat so n-cc!. as irjirir.
1 - T r. . - , i . . . i . r f li t. !!. ii: r. n t a Hn.!r s
icasvcaoie sare io.s ire eoyea," Leads
by tie o-atofactcrers, ilea it U- crecurtge tbU phc-uHabMis. f TLe total Ivss t- He X.ra-,riam 1 0"d.
t'jrcis ,n icJtis'.ry Hit does net . Tte kaa people are not re-j in. it is estimated, wii; letta t l-
protection ia I tbe tariff .-LocM 'engtful, tut tley wcti'd as aa j feen t and '-0.
Lrtd-'.ef. txrersttert to see some tf tie ccp i..,.MS.iiii.lAb..t()sr cut,.
- . .la -.. '
Ia tie face ti Le rrsrrtlosis is is.Ktu tt-i oj ie Arttricaa
rrcw.b ar.1 fleveV,: rjitt tf ttltiv 1 --M'cr, around IrxusorSia Fcrcsn-
bivs a'.atys yie'ded tle ralm to
Ii'XJ Blrer when i: comes to the
strawbrrrr qarstyr, tat t;.: yar Iltod
K nr txrries are twl l.i i: with car Mil!
creek !rries. Evirsftf r.ff to in
Oiirirj f,r ti.elr ctleVa'td lerricf,
La"f s r-cp e msde this year to ex-
(13-tnch Motor.)
and Motors
M.vsirACTt'iiin iiv
Clrnthns and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
fjct:es darlag ite twenty Cre Jo li,en o as to kara ,tt!.ei.orre week the rxir.lrs of the Tilne ";:i;3 tr:'1 ,LeT CiTC.v.'iel tl at this ;
eli.'s were Tfry i Itsuf.'; entcrtaicf d ?e' rr;P as and or.e tnl they I
were n .t only saiill, let s.ur.
vtars ii is sler ton ear to tlecUre, w lle F"iric ad toward , Dry H-j.iow, acd Lavirg bad sach a ,. tar; th n ta cr.r pto ! :c', and Leccr- j 'sj
it, scrxe do. tbat rwectioa La,!tb,n- l:-!.fol evening the were djsVIs : '"b 'beWil le n3 need of rereading ; '
s., , . I . ,r , - . . r "! to be again iivlt-. I to srr.I t.i-l e t.. at oar, are the b, for any! ,,i,.n,s ,v
Ircu c,ir t.-.a to l,e ccaulry. According to the .New Wk Jour.jJ.. Lo3rl rftl!ttf, c,' ..o tare U..el of tie la cku, straw. l'KA, U-
Irooi a r-at;c.a U;t rrije cotl;cg we(tal tf CcfflEtrce. about 1 15,0C"V ! Melissa la tLe tame nrghl.rhf, ' l':ch r '"ocgM u nit l.:n4c nC
Lire lcc tie tee Hit cake, every-. CCO cf American sccur.tie, Lave ! last everilcf. ' ( ruirktt by onr own farmers, will nevor' ' KlfiaS 01
t' ' " mll..lti. V . : f ' 1 .V .-.V. . 1.1 Vc.r Lr.rr.rn. mnn'V. . . ... 1 1 1 . . ' bt lfy! HOP i hllkWint ntllf
----- --. t . vi.,. il..u iti u via tiic American mar at t i :'.ufj nit iten . . . . j
er aside tefore ibe Ucsted ! by Europe aluce tbe leginnicz of flhe ' U!or-T tl Oregsn, asj so the! For Fire Dollar, you can tar a C-tnera ! rUnfiral JllppllC
SU.e l2ia to njitu'idare. Tie
s'.ri In -Lkbtbis coactry Las Ukea
tl'i, year. Tbi, circumstance 'S? 'V TV"? ' Uw ie,are, "'"'!.
.i-rv-.,- .v r . . ;!'a'Smeb:cb wood refresh their ether Camera on the market. For sals I
tie f.lcgtff in tie favorable trade J memories oa some of the minor point, by Cisrk A talk.
The Dftllos, Or.
Burial Shoes,