The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 28, 1899, PART 1, Image 1

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NO. 39
i M
at o.taaizations Will Not Be
Liitle Probability That Formal Call Will
Issue Civil Government of Cuba
Porto Rico and the Philippines
Is Not Looked Upon As a Thing
Very Far in the Future.
Kkw York, June 23. A special to the
Hld from Washington says: Presi
dent McKinley will authorize the enlist
ment ol additional men for the Philip
pinea when he returns to Washington
There is the understanding of well in
formed war department officials. The
idroiuistration has at least coire to rec
ojnizi the necessity of reinforcing Gen
eral Otis' command. It is apparent that
lome department tfficials are figuring
on the advisability of enlisting sufficient
men to form ten complete regiments
Acting Secretary of War Meiklejohn
laid if the president authorized ad
ditional men, the number would be de
terruined niter a cousultation.with Gen
eral Otis. It would not be surprising
were the department to hear from Gen
eral Otis before the return of the presi
dent, in order that the hitter may be
supplied with the neceseary information
in order to take immediate action
"In any event," said Mr. Meiklejohn
"there is little probability of a formal
call for volunteers. State organizations
will not be ai cpted, although there are
many applications on file from thorn for
master in and be dispatched to the Phil
ippines. The president, I think, author
ised (lie department to direct its recruit
icg officers to make enlistments, and I
m confident that men can be obtained
in such numbers as to form a complete
organization and be ready for service
with General Otis during the fall
Should the president authorize the
formation of ten regiments, recruiting
officers who will have to obtain 15,700
men to fill them. At least 4000 men will
be required for the three volunteers or-
fanintions which General Otis has au
thority to organize, making about 20,000
of the 33,000 uien of the provisional
"my, uie enlistment of which Is au
thorized hv law.
President MeKinley's policy iu regard
to the future form of government for the
imiippiiies and Cuba is still undefined.
Bt regardless of what future develop
ments mny bring forth as to our attitude
loard tlioe islands, he and the mem
tors of the cabinet f nil v appreciate that
military governments in all of our
dependencies must givo way to civil gov
ernment as speedily as possible. Pre-
"umary to the establishment of civil
J'Vernment, the cabinet has concluded
"at there should be a new civil depart
""nt with a cabinet at its head In
durated and have control of the new
pvetninents which Bconer or later will
w .
That Throbbing Headache
Would (lllti'llltf Innvn Xi vnn n on1
"'- Kinu'( ... T.lf Tknnnmll
"'sufferers have proved thoir matchless
for sic k and nervous headaches.
he. mako pure blood and strong nerves
,rd build 11 n inn, K lih V ...... lul.
"i mem. Onlv 25 pni.
"oughton, druggists.
Money back
Ulakeley &
ne.ot Yet Passed the Temporary
Organization Point Will Indorse
'ryan for President and Black
burn for Senator.
''"v.u Ky., J0e 23.-The third
"yof th. ),.... ?'kl" ""dor the temporary or-
"".ation. Ti . 1 .
'ili I tiniimiiipo on creuen-
l4lred ,tn llie X)J contcileJ ,eal,
until long after midnight and then left
its task unfinished. The majority of the
committee on resolutions has drawn up
a piauorm endorsing Bryan for the presi
dential nomination in 1900 and Black
burn for Philippines. The fight between
the three United States eenators.making
iree Biiver again the prominent issue, re
affirming the Chicago platform in Its en
ttrety and containing a strong anti-trust
In regard to the policy to be pursued
in dealing with the new possessions, the
uiaprity is conservative. The war with
Spain to secure the liberty of Cuba was
sustained, but the adminstration is
blamed for pushing the campaign in the
candidates for the nomination for gov
ernor is being warmly waged with the
advantage with thn Goebel-Stone com
bination, which controls the organiza
tion. The convention was called to order
at 9:30 a. m , and after the adoption of
eulogiBtic resolutions in memory of the
late Congressman Bland, took a recess
until 4 this afternoon to await the report
of the committee on credentials.
Labor Organizations Urged Tbcra Not
to Go to Coeur d'Alene.
.Wallace, Idaho, June 22. Missouri
miners for the Standard mine arrived
tonight, coming from Tekoa on a special
train. Part of their baggage arrived to
day. When this parly left Missouri it
numbered 130, but the number that de
serted is unknown. All along the line
representatives of labor organizations
have been trying to induce thn men not
to come, and doubtless some have
stopped off, Mr. Campbell doesn't kuow
about the desertions. lie says the ap
peals to the men not to come have been
almost continuous. Permits will be
issued to the men immediately on their
arrival and the mine started up to
morrow. Still Parleying at Wallace.
Wallace, Idaho, June 22. The de
fense was not ready this morning with
motions to quash indictments, so court
adjiurned until tomorrow morning with
the understanding that the state would
be furnished a copy of the motion, that
both sides might be ready for action to
morrow. TO EXPLORE
From Stanford
Coming Here.
Palo Alto, June 20. An expedition
under the United States fish commis
sion will start from Stanford university
July 1 to explore the rivers of Western
Oregon. Dr. C. . Gilbert, professor ol
zoology, has entire charge of the work,
and will have as his assistants J. O.
Snvder, instructor in the zoological de
partment ; W. F. Allen, '00; F. W. An-
rWnn. '02. and K. C. Robinson, '02. The
purpose of the expedition is to examine
1Kb utrPBinn In order to find out what
fishes liva in them and under what con
ditlons they live and to determine the
character of t he streams.
This work is part of a complete survey
which is to be made of the rivers of the
western coast of the United States, tor
the last four years Dr. Gilbert has been
wnrkirw ulnntf this lina. and has ex
plored the streams of California to the
southern boundary of Oregon. The ex
ploring party this summer will be out
two months.
A Tliounaml Tongue
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., I hil
adelplia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Cor.snmptlon
had completely f ired her of a harking
cough that for many years hai mane
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Koyal Cure-"It soon re-
moveil the pain in my chest ana i can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout me
nniverse." So will every one who trios
Dr. King's New Discovery forany troumo
of the throat, chest or lungs. Trice 50c
n.l it. Tr a bottle Ireo ai iiaeii-y
Houghton's drug store; every
Will Mailt teat Eeai if Colonial
Of the Government Is Necessary to
Meet the Conditions Now Gather
ing Information.
chiefs of the army, the same as they are '
responsible to me for all which occurs i
within their commands. I count there
fore on you as you may count on me.
"Dk Gallifet."
New York, June 25. A special to the
Herald from Washington says : A new
executive branch of the government
with the title, "Department of Colonial
Aiiairs ana foreign Commerce, or
something similar to it, is deemed by
the administration absolutely necessary
to meet new conditions which confront
the United States as a result of the w
with Spain.
The word "colonial" is repugnant for
political reasons to so ire of the mem
bers of the cabinet, because it smacks of
imperialism, and it is probable that
some other title will be adopted. The
meaning, however, will be the same.
Preliminary to recommendations to con
gress on this subject, data is now being
complied concerning the control of the
colonies by foreign powers and the
extension of our commerce into foreign
fields, and members of the cabinet and
subordinate officials of the administra
tion are giving much thought and time
to the details of the proposed new department.
American consuls on doty in the
colonies belonging to foreign powers, es
pecially those of Great Britaio, are to
be led upon for full reports upon a
list of questions now preparing for sub
mission to them. Robert P. Porter, who
is looked upon as the probable head of
the proposed cabinet offico when created,
will be consulted in regard to the plans
for extending foreign commerce, which
is to become a feature of the new department.
IT.. thai fioat results nse the
Camera, For sale by the Fostofhce
harmaey. '
Minister of War Issues Circular to Gen
erals of Army Wherein He Cautious
Tbcin That While He Desires Co
operation, He Will Hold Them
Strictly Accountable for Occurrences.
London, June 24. The Evening News
publishes the following from Its corres
pondent at Rcnnes, France: "With all
reservo I send a repo-t that Dreyfus ar
rived here at 5 o'clock this morning.
A special train with four passengers ar
rived hero and the passengers forthwith
entered n closed carriage, surrounded by
six gendarmes, and drove to the military
prison, where the coachman was de
tained, presumably for four of leakages.
Tho authorites declined all information
and the railway officials are sworn to
Paris, June 24. The cabinet hns sent
a circular to the prefects saying rew
ministry has been formed to defend tie
republic and that it puts aelde all parti
san feeling, which example, it is pointed
out, should be followed by the prefects.
The latter are urged to promptly inform
the government of all acts affecting the
respect of established institutions and
public order, and to be ready in case of
need to act promptly on their own re
sponsibility. Tho prefects are also
warned to let bygones he bygones and to
perform their duties with precision. The
minister of war has also sent a circular
letter to the generals as follows:
"My Dear General: I have been
forced, much to my regret, to leave my
retreat and assume official duties under
the eyes of the country and the govern
ment of tho republic responsibility for
the army. I am greatly honored and In
no wise frightened and I beg you not to
forget that I am responsiblo also for the ,
Indians Fight Over Religion.
Vascoiveb, B. C, June 24. Three
rival factious of the Indian community
at Port Essington had a bloody fight last
Saturday. The steamer Princess Louise
brought the news here, and many of the
Indians who took part in the fight came
on her. It appears that a few week ago
the Indians encamped at Essington went
on strike in the salmon-fishing business.
A corps of the Salvation Army ai rived
shortly afterwards and commenced to
bold revival services. Ttiese were very
popular for some time, and the Method
ist and Church of England missionaries
then decided to emulate the example of
the Salvationists, so that soon they had
camp about equally divided among them.
This condition of affairs resulted in a se
rious riot on Saturday, in which many
Indians were injured bat none killed.
Wheat Sales in Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Wash., June 22. Dur
ing the latter part of last week consid
erable wheat changed hands here on the
bulge in the market. Buyers estimate
that 150,000 bushels were sold at 50 cents
for club and 53 for bluestem. Should
the market go back to those figures again
it is probable thnt the Valley would
be pretty thoroughly drained of its sur
plus. The growing crop is in good con
dition, but being all spring-sown it shows
the need of continuous showers, and
unlees another good rain comes before
ripening commences, the crop will be
immature and the heads poorly filled.
Has Undertaken a Big Contract.
Dknveu, Jone 24. Kid McCoy has
signed a contract with the Colorado
Athletic Club of this city to fight any
three men who might volunteer to meet
him, oneeachon July 10, 17 and24. This
places the meetings a week apart and,
according to the agreement, the associa
tion has the right to bring on any three
fighters they mny arrange with.
Drowned in White Salmon.
Hood Riveb, Or., June 24. Henry
Kellendonk, twenty-two years old, was
drowned yesterday in the White Sulmcn
river by falling from a log. The body
was recovered four hours later oi.e mile
below tho scene of the accident. The
funeral was held today, at White
Declare for Expansion.
North Yakima, Wash., June 24. A
meeting of the populists of Yakima
county was held in the city hall this
afternoon. The Omaha platform was in
dorsed. It was resolved by tho meeting
to keep the party in this county intact.
Expansion was declared to be a good
thinp, and tho trusts were branded as
enemies of the public welfare.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Ovai DAKrlvsl prwrn co. , ttW von.
Citizens if Emit Ujiosttli Interfcr-
cue at Waiter.
Street Railway Employes Will Return
to Work Without Further Trouble
The Strike Over.
Poisoned by a Black
Fli.ida, Wash., June
23. An IS-
months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Davis, of this place, died yesterdaj.
The child was bitten by a large bluck
A Card of Tliniik.
I wish to say that I feel under lasting
obligations for what Chitmberlaiu's
Cough Remedy has done for our family
We have med it in so many cases of
coughs, lung troubles and n hooping
cough, and it has always given the most
perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly In
debted to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wish them to please accept
our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mas.
S. Doty, Dos Moines, Iowa. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Body Found in the Columbia.
SiKVKsaoN, Wash., June 25. The
body of a man was found floating in the
Columbia near Stevenson Fridav. Coro
ner Kukman examined the remains,
but deemed it unnecessary to hold an in
quest. The body had Deen in the water
sometime. The clothing consisted of a
blue woolen shirt, Mark trousers, red
woolen undershirt and cotton flannel
underclothes. The body was buried near
whero it was found.
Butte, Mont., June 24. there was a
public open nir meeting tonight here to
protest against the action of the military
authorities iu the Cuvir d'Atenee. The
speakers wero Judge William Clancy, of
the district court, Peter Breen and T. S.
Hogan, secretary of state. Mayor ic
Carthy presided. Speeches were made
denouncing the military arm of the gov
eminent for assuming to dictate to the
men of the Coonr 'Alenes whether they
should leave the ranks of union labor or
surrender their right to earn a living.
Tho resolutions adopted condemned
the imprisonment of men at Wardner
"held and tortured to wring from their
lips words which might be used to es
tablish their guilt, under conditions
which mako theSpanish inquisition pale
into insignificance."
The resolutions characterize as in
famous the "brutality exercised by the
military authorities over the men who
died in the bull pen by denying them
the right to religious consolation at the
hour of death." Thev call upon Presi
dent McKinley to order ti e cessation o(
ths usurpation of power.
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys thi nervous system,
and predisposes to Insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are
quickly cored by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of cares aud is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are such that it can't help curing.
Snipes-Kincrsly Drug Co.
Dropped Dead.
Tacoma, June 20. W. F. Sargent, a
prominent mining man, formerly a bank
er of this city, dropped dead from heart
failure this morning while in the office
of Dr. H. W. Dewey, where he had gone
for treatment.
The Strike Over.
Cleveland, June 24. An agreement
between the Consolidated Street Rail
way Company anl Its striking employes
was reacheu at o o clock this evening
and it is probable that the cars will be
running as u-mul on all lines of the com
pany tomorrow, the agreement pro
vides for the hearing of grievances and
resort to arbitration In case the men and
co (i pany cannot agree and it also pro
vides for the reinstatement of practically
80 per cent of the old men at once, the
remainder, except thore who have been
guilty of violence, being pl.iced on the
waiting list.
Insurgents Have One Well Organized
Force Four Thousand in Tarlac
Province All Other Organizations
Arc Scattered.
Washington, June 20. General Otis,
ii reply to a cable from the war depart
ment asking f ir information regarding
Die situation and conditions in the
Philippines, today cabled a long reply as
follows :
"Manila, Jano 20 Adju'ant-General,
Washington: It is the rainy season,
and there is little inland campaigning in
Luzon. We occupy the larger portion
of theTagnlog country, our lines stretch
ing from Imus, south to San Fernando,
north, nearly sixty miles, and eastward
into Lngnna province. The insurgent
armies have suffered great losses, and
are scattered. The only large force to
gether is about 4000 in Tarlac province
and Northern Pampanga.
"Their rcattered forces are in bands of
fifty to five-hundred. In other portions
of Luzon in Cavite and Batangas
provinces they could assemble possibly
2000, though demoralized from recent
"The mass of tho people, teriurlzedby
the insurgent soldiers, desire f eice and
American protection, anl no longer flee
on the approach of our troops, unless
forced by the insurgents, hut gladly
wolcomo them. There baa been no
recent burning of towns. The popula
tion within our lines is becoming dense,
and the Inhabitants are taking up land
cultivation extensively, being kept ont
of Manila as much as possible, as the
city popnlation is becoming too great to
he cired for.
"The natives of southeast Luzon are
combining to drive out tl e insurgents.
Thu only hope of the insurgent leaders
is United States aid. They proclaim the
near overthrow of the present adminis
tration is to bo followed by their inde
pendence and recognition by the United
States. This is the influence which en
ables them to hold ont. Much conten
tion prevails among them, and no civil
government remains. Trade with porta
not in our possession, the fi rmer source
of insurgent revenue, is now interdicted.
Am not certain of the wisdom of this
policy, aB the people In those parts are
without a supply of food, and the mer
chants are suffering losses. The courts
are in successful operation, uuder the di
rection of able Filipinos.
"A ff urs in the other ish n Is re com
paratively quiet, awaiting the results in
Luzon. They aro anxious for tride, anl
repeated calls for Amnio in troops arc
received. Am giving attention to tho
Jolo and Palawan islands. The Ameri
can troops have worked to the limit of
endurence. The volunteer organiza
tions have been called in and replaced
by regulars, who now occupy salient
positions. Nebraska, Pennsylvania and
Utah are now taking transports, and the
Sixth infantry will ho sent to Negros to
relieve the California?. troops
are in good physical condition.
"Sickness among tho troors lias in
creased lntely, due mostly to arduous
service, and climatic influence. There
is nothing alermirg, however. Of the
12 perctnt of the con man d reported
sick, nearly 0 per cent are in the general
hospital, of whom 3 per cmt ty
phoid and 17 malarial f. vor; 12 per cent
have intistino trouble, and tlu remain
ing 55 per cut have various ailments,
fourteen of which are due to woun I in-
j irVe. Many of the officers ni d men
who served in Cuba break ('own under a
recurrence of tho Co bun fever, i n 1 the
regular regiments lately re eivedaie In
adequ itely cfficeifd. OTIS."
Gun-shot wt unds mid powder-burns,
cut?, bruis:s, rprunu, woun Is from
rusty nails, instc'sst'iigs and Ivy poison
mg quit kly liealo 1 by D.-Yiu'i Witch
II a z -1 Salvt. Tositivjlv prtvmta b!ood
poisoning. JJewareotci nnttrteits. De-
Witt'a is safe aud sure. Suipet-Kiuersly
Dru g Co.
Ohio Paper's Hazardous Undertaking
Toledo, O., Ju le 20. The Toledo
Press C.'u'j has issued a letter to the
newspapers of Ohio asking them to as
sist in determining the nvjst beautiful
woman in Oiiio, ihe judges to be emi
nent artist of Cltv.-land, Cincinnati,
Dayton and C. lum'.m. It U ropjsed
by the Ohio cen en lial committee to de
tcrmino by c-iiupnitivj Lallo'.inr the
most beautiful woman in the itt4 and
she is to be denied in all the dtsins to
be use 1 by the O iio ex csitlou.
Dcitb of Ju Martin.
Pendleton, Or., June 25. County
Judge William Martin, died at 9:30 this
morning. Ho was e! ct"d rounty jude
in I, ha 1 lie live 1 until i ext year,
would have s. rve 1 liyeais in that office.
Hu bad been si erff of this county three
terms, s neriff of Siskiyou c.unty, Califor
nia, and mayor of Pendleton. He was
one of the early pioneers, and had, be
sides the title of judge, that of captain.
which ho earned in the In'Ui wars.
Jndge Martin was 77 years old, and had
always had good health up to June 15,
when he suffered from a apoplectic
If yon contemplate a trip Fast this
summer take advantage of the f-tl round
trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit,
Mich., Tickets sold June 2:h,only, and
good for return until Augmt 31-st. This
will undouMtdly be tl.e lowest round