The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 24, 1899, PART 2, Page 6, Image 6

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w. duy r?
HK.Bc caste ia if" VVapisitia
j-eeteroar oa b-airie.
A ire II JOt registered
at tie
l'vu.l rrvwn i-M...
If J. D. Wi?x a vil Wa
la the
rily tram tint Valley.
F)Mr McKae. J- A. McDonald sad
W. E. kexp are ia from Ante f.
Eew. Back, cf the Grafj WT
Baietar..w. rttrr O- the
... va to
this eitv bv
tirwil l') F-wlIari tti ifteravoce.
I E. Crowe :ft on yeiterdav'e ai:r
stooa traia for Fort and. ttre he will
attend t--.e Jsars-A:awc:li weddtg fc-
Urs. D. J. Ma'aik ye resin tiT f"a '
- Eake U7o. w Bre & Da rB
flea Itr ;
aite traia for PonlsL
Borkr. wto ka la attendee
ta sorxi! rrtjci at MicmoQio. ar-1
ntnl ta tte esi 1M o:!il aal i a r-:t ,
at tte beme of J. V. F recto.
ritrijr Ir t. j
Mr.. G. P. Htfnbotiutt, Moro. U
Mr. D. V. Frrbth La retoroeJ Irom
visit vita reUtir at Aie'ope.
B F. Joae. cane in from Prioeril'
yetrxty oo a I eharM trip.
Atty. W. B. Preb. cl UoldenJale,
peat yeteraaT aoa uwaj ia mm ciij.
G. H. Baker, state senator from Wah- t
s tk- h.tahM.fw.v
ttUr.' !
Mrs. Jf. L. Mr, ho ha spent the !
mm lev week ia Dafar. retarned to
that city yesterday. i
JliM A'ma Taylor left on the after-.
moon Ittia to poJ a tbort time Uit-!
imm iwinAm in Prkfl!R(l- r
John Sinc'eton and family remored
yesterday to Treat creek, where be ex- :
pxU to (tart saw mill. j
Verne. He'rn acd Laura Lrt,
f Wafco, were ia the city lajt "irf"1
Mrs. J. A. Geijeodorier, who ka
Best Taetdar eTrc;c- j
Mr. J. M. Pa'-terson asd daarbter,!
Mm Prw.Jetce. case down from Wio
vesterdaT to atttcd it niiott.-ei taow.
Assoc tl rerterd at the Cma-
Sia frwa Mor are Mwi. w. C. j
J jfcajtoa, E. G. Mteiierer and L. V.
M,( Wisn:e Carvta.. i ccd;Ef a;
short time w;t Nr. sc. I Mr. J. P-
Lacae, on l(t w Imm ysomca'.h to i
ker bo ia Pra:ri City. i
CJ. Xre. of Prioerilie, ii
n toe '
Ben Snife is ia the city fr
Ker. J. A. ?ceer ca.xe ia
friai Warm .
Fpricf TPrniiy.
Mr. sad yirt. 1'ex McLennao
the city fr ta Aoteiojve.
are in
J. P. Atitf. a proavnf n (Leepmsn this cfiice, and the land therein em
ol W.p :ti, is in town. j Ql jfCt Q nify cn
E. Jaohen retorned todaj from a j after eaiJ date. Chas. B. Moobes,
Ben Alien, PrneriiTe's banker, is
rrxistrred at the Umatiiia.
Dr. B-IIe Rinehart retarned last Creo
les; from a short trip to Portland.
Miss Alma Matter, of GoldenJale,
came orer from that piace jester Jay.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Earrett left this
BBorbinr oo the boat f jr tb
Cafode I
Ben Soothwe!) is ia from bis farm near frfect tifacllon, we fet-1 greatly in-S-Miie
and called at the Chbomclk ' debted to the ir.anofkCtGrerg of this
office to-iay. j remedy and wih them to please accept
fleien Lytle came op from Portland j oar hearty tliai.ks. Respectfully, Mb.
last uiM and i Tisiticg at the home cf j S. Pott. b,s Moine. Iowa. For sale by
Mrs.J.B. Crossen. j B akery A Hoo.Lton. Drnggists.
Mrs. B. T. Coliin. who hs spent the Z
past week in Portland, retarned home
the boat last etenirg. I hereby warn all persnnt aga:nst sei 1-
Mr. T. C. Rarcie. mho ha been in ic& or intoxicatir.g Tqanr to my
the city eiTgael in totting tn the lady
atavtre:, '
leave this ereoir.g for
Ha Torture Equal to ttia
Itching and Burning of
Ttis Fearful Disease.
tion or a humor in the blood of terrible
esema which is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli
cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to the surface. The disease itself,
the real cause of the trouble, is in the blood, although all suffering is produced
through the skin ; the only way to reach the disease, therefore, is through
the blood.
Mr. Phil T. Jones, of MixersTille, Ind., writes:
"I had Ecxema thirty years, and after a great deal
f treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gave me
constant pein. It finally broke into a running sore, and
began to spread and grow worse. For the past fire or
is years I hare suffered untold agony and had given up
all Lope of ever being free from the disease, as I have
been treated by some of the best physicians and have
taken many blood medicines, all in vain. With little
faith left I began to take S. 8. 3., and it apparently
tnade the Ecxema worse, but I knew that this was the
way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing
8. . 8., the sore healed np entirely, the skin became
clear and smooth, and I was cored perfectly."
Ecxema is an obstinate disease and can not be eared by a remedy which ia
xdj a tonic. Swift's Specific
4a nperior to other blood remedies because it cares diseases which they oaa
no reach. It goes to the bottom to the cause of the disease and will cure
the worst ease of Ecsema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to cure Ecsema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Korea, Ulcers, Boils, eVe. Insist
sjpon 8. 8. 8. ; nothing can take its place. W ...
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Spa
eiiic Company, Atlanta, Georgia. r.- ... . , s
WiUVt mi eho n r
kutui. Vhi- her Mr. hlKM taa
.iS'S -
Fred Yocer. U sad U:. eatte
Irym Eiifeaay tssiay aJ ieft
a-'terecva tra.a for Fort:.!.
tae -
, a:.
Visa Loci Kach will leave 01
eteairg a traia ur tpckaae. wtre ie
wiJ v:.l ter sister, Mrs. Ja aitr
laad. C. W. Wit is ia Uwa t-lay from
hi hoeee l Wast. H everv-
; ' "
Mr. H. W. Frvcch weal to Hood
1 T : .iv.. kw-t wfc n-bw.i I A i
Frank McFrIai. ao o'.J-Uid !"
'boy," ;a towa toJ Tl:::ojr r -
Frank Aakear. a cphe ct Mr. P.
l tla- ' ,r e:lT irom Mf'Of
T::ief c: asou lie na rrreai.r re
tsrnii fnsi Mini'i ri tnuict (J i-A
rr nrty
TisM 1U rite.
I a ok last aiKt
iih KTr psic
1 W " y
aJBylvJ. Wfc.a I eax doa U ork
thi morainj I fe'.t to weak Iroa'.J barvl'y
work. I went to MiKer A McCordj'
dreg (tore aal thry recommeoded
Chambertain Culic, Cbo'era and Kar-
irhoea Em3y. It worked like mafic
and one dose fixed me all right. It
, . . . ...
awmaca troawe. i naa aot c
vitboat it in my home hereafter, for
1 ia!J not tare to end ore the Kxffenor
of last n.fht tnia for illy time lU
prie. G. H. Wusot, LiTerymaa, Bar-
iretutown. Washioflon Co., Pa. Tbi
remedy i for ta by B'ake'.ry A Hoogh-
ton, Drazzit
3 KatSi4.
A reward of tiO will
be paid fcr tta
ondertlned fot the recorery of the body
of Bert Wh
drowned in the Snake
river at ramose Espi 1.
rerr7f 0B M,T jj
near Ljon
Bert Wf itcey was II yeat old ; weight
atoat 1T-3 poaad; he'gbl 5 fert. 11 in
f-tooth (bared ; dark brown Lair. He
'mon fnt wi;h light (tripe, .n l
fceary laced (ooe; has a toft of light
colored hair on the left, back side of
teal ; two born (car cn body.
Tfce pt-rsoa SoJicg the bodr w
o'eate wire
C F Whitset
"c,ii . ' ,V
- 1 - St. Iljuen. Ore.
Usmo STATtLiD OrricB.
j Obecox Cur, Jane 21. 1S&9.
i ! Notice i hereby g'ren that the ap-
prore-1 fractional plat of Townbip 2
nwth. raoee 8 eat. has tn rmiT
I :'rom the snrreyor ceneral cf Oregon,
' anf on Aogait 1st, ls?J, at 9 o'clock, a.
m., of saij date, (il plat will be filed in
A Card at Thanks.
I sih to ay that I feel under lasting
otliita'.ion for what Chaubet Iain's
Coogh Remedy has done for oor family.
We hare n?eJ it in to many cafes of
t . -
c,nus. 'nDB troubles and w hooping
efMljh. anil It haa T . n L. .
ei - - - i ius U1U
nnjDmd, tvter lVtersen
Mas. G. Peterjes.
Not much attention is often paid to tha
first symptoms of Eczema, but it is not lone
before tha little redness begins to itch and
burn. This is but the beginning, and will
lead to suffering and torture almost unen
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
roughneas and redness of the skin as
merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica-
EAST and SOUTH via
jThe Shasta Koute;
i Southern Pacific Comp'y. ;
Traixw mvw u4 ar da s amvw X rwt
i r.
- '.
'l Nu.a j .
30 A- M.
irnuf (excess naoar).
I Ws-xt. ilr rrtUa4 ...Ar.i I St
.. fit A'ciiiiTuir If.) wa.t
t.M. fAj-.txisfuWiwt It ) 4a.m.
ruLLVAS bcefet !Uiriu
ASD SZC6.VrXLAils tLzirts citt
AttaeatdtsaU Tmro Trails.
IHrsrt WDtsOoa M ru rrxatuto Occ
4m 11 ssd urwntai as4 ranae bu wnailif i
ilHmuca. ;
kM kad ttrteCa to Kaftrra yits aa4 Ea
frpt AiioJAFaJ!, CHi.SA, HuSOtXLC aac
Aii aar traSaa arrtTS at a ad yrt trow
Graae e astral Maiioa. Fiita ana Imaa; auaata j
TAKHiLL pmsiosr.
fiiimu tas. loot o Jtwtraow atiiaC
Lear few BtMrhUa. waca aaTS. at t:JS a. m
IrareM rorUaad, a a.
Leave lor AI1XIE oa Mofaday, Wedaraday and
Frrtar at a. n. Amr at Portiaad, I Baa-1
aar, Xaersday and MtarAa ul 6.a. I
Exeett svaday. ""Except Satarday.
laaaaer. AaM. U- f. raaa. Art
Tarwtf h TSeaet OaVe, 1M Taint mm, whr
thnocra nea to ail snta In the Eaateni
tuk. Caaala and IVaioi caa be obtained at
loweat raw rom
i. B. EIRKLAXn, TfcXrt ArraL
or S. WHI.UMiwS.
- s
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tiekets
jreiT TORE
For Information, time rani, nana and Uekau.
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAT. Agent.
The Dalies, Oregon
ARLTOX. Asst. G. P. A.,
rriaoa Cor. Thud. Cortland Crete a
Offer travelers choice of the followinz
roates tat. They are ail famous for
their scenic attraction.
O. R. & X. view Orfilen and Denver.
Shasta Konte view Sacramento, Ogden
ar.if Denver.
Shafts Route view Sacramento, L-;s
Angeies and Alberqaerqae.
A dailv line of throngli PCLLMAX
from San Francirco and Los Angeles to
Chicago. This is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the agent f the O. R. A X.
Co. or the ondercigned, for folders SDf
descriptive literature.
Uen. Agt. Worcester. BMg. Portland, Or.
After Jone 1, 1890, the following
I rice fur milk will prevail:
1 pint a day. per month f 1 60
1 jirt a day, per month 2 25
3 pinta a day, per month 3 00
2 qnart a day, per month 4 00
3 quart s day, per month 6 00
1 gailon 2oc a day, two gallon or more
a day ?0c per ga'Ion.
I also keep a thoroughbred Jersey ball
for service on the Iee place, east of the
fair ground. Telephone G3.
aula Fe eoole
fr- ll
Improved CYCLOWE MaR3Zine-
VJ s -
-7 6 -
SI 9
f&jr I JO
No. 4 size 3'4 x 4'-4 SS.OO
No. 5 size 4x5' lO.CO
Just Arrives.
: r . ft C '
.n siLk 6CJ trailer.
This braod of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
aod Medical Use. Sold bj
Ben Wilson, -
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First
'Phone 341.
WehaTeon display the FINEST, LARGERT aul most
COMPLETE line cf HAMMOCKS in the city, at prices that
defy competition. Before purchasing, call and examine our
stock, and get our prices.
170 2d St,
The Dalles.
All kinds of
j Funeral Supplies
The Dalles. Or.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Rockford "Quick Shot" z
z-Plata Magazine Camera.
I "Tnrn the lever and von sre ready for
'another." No plate holders with siides
todrsw. o (leeve or changing bag. Xo
chance to fog platee. Xo failures.
If you want 12 pictures quirk, boy the
"Quick-Shot, 'Z the only uiairaxine cama
! era that bold the plate securely after
iney are exposed. No rattling or break
ing oi piate. ueet on earth.
V 44 $6.00
5 S9.00
With onadioen plate holder..
Manufactured nndertbs Conlcy patent by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We aetl only thmuth l.-1 rnta. Aak oar
armu to thtrw you tbii "4uirk eliol "
FOR 1899.
Ten Points to Consider:
1-12 Pictures In 12 Seconda.
2 -Shutttr Bulb Release.
3-Snuttr Automatic.
l Aluminum Plateholder.
Set ttop.
7-Soeciai UuicK uens.
Automatic eg'ier.
- A I parts Interchangeable.
Exposed plates removed wltnoiu
disturbing unexposea.
1S99 Catalogue with com
plete information FREE.
The Dalles, Or.
and Court Street,
Book & Music Go.
& Burget
Burial Shoes,
ulck Sellers
The Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co.
AOENTs, 1 bs D I'le, Oretmi.
a,-- V O I
rx Tire cocnty coiRr r.y Titr
L ol Oregon, fue tna County iTl
n the matter of tha mh. h
Mia. W. taia deeeaied.i c,I-'Tio
cuaa " . vavia, oereal ana to 4... .7
liam., W. H. Van Bibber. euTlih T
reaae. and Koa. K Me .-n t C.
Ins: 1 --r; Oteet:
In lh nam of the ute ol Oreron
i ou are hereby cited and required to
the county court of tha .tale ! o-fj''
CHinty ol Haaco, at the CoU:t TrH,m FJ?,"
1 he Iala, Oton. Id tha cuntr of i
Monday, the Ihird day ol J,,r ,1?
oel.k in ta loreooou ol th.t di ,1
theie o abow eauae, II any tberv I V? n4
order ol the above entitled court ihiM V.!
madedirwtinc B. F. laughlin, a, dm ?i.Tb
ol id eaute ol bia W. avii, "&u
deem the mortsaed premikei beloniinV.
c.tte.orif .d wdempiion SSS,JB-,,,
pdient. that aa.d
and directed to 11 .11 ol the t .te'iT"6
in, lo tb eute of .aid decead" 't J"
Mrly decnb..d a. follow., to-wii iZ V ft
block Ko. , of Dalle, t ity p,TVnV,i
( ite, co count', OrernnralSs &&JtX
of f.e northweat quarter, tie tortheart
and the notta hall of the iwKithea.t ouart-i
ection 11 in township i north of ranre liV.2
of tbe M illameila meridian, in W., Sum?
Oreiton, containing sju acrea. more or kt Li
ule to be made at i ublie auction for mi,,
baud, in the manner premibed by law and ii.
proceed, of uch tale to be held by wid'admiiiT
tr.tor and di.po.ed ol a may be required br ol
order of tbe above entitled court. '
Witki.m, the non. Robert Mart, Jain of ik.
County Court of tbe State ol Oreeon liihi
County ol, wih the teal ol uld iZI
affixed tnia Second day of June A. D im
JuoU imn; A. M. KELSAY, Clerk.
Notice. Timber Culture.
V. 8. Lahd Orncs, Th Dallis, Ohoos,i
February 24, la.
Complaint having been entered at this a&rt,
by Ollle P, Webert "g.inat Wcley SorrTtruieVio,
failura to comply with law aa to tiraber-cglttu.
Entry o.SW5, dated September lst orna
the 8. E. Section 10. Town.hip , wufh
Willamette Meridian, kanze 1 eist. In W-S
County, State of Oregon, with a view to the can
cellation of .aid eutry, eontettant alleging that
aid wealry Bummner never plowed or cultivated
uid tract except about lx acre, .nd never u
any time nor baa any one for bin planted uv
tree, or culling., or eed,.nd 1m the uid Wei
ley tfummner .bout the mouth of February A.
duly relinquished Mid tract to trie l uibd'euta
and delivered ula relinqui.hment tothu.ffi.nt
aud uid reiinquiahment wa. duly fiied In the
V. 8. oftiee of The Dallea, Oreeor, .nd at Uw
aaid time and prior thereto bandmud Mid trict
.nd ha. never .luce laid time returned (hereto
c r claimed auy light or interest in uidtractol
The uid parties are hereby tummoned to ta
per at thia oltice on tbe AKh dav of April, lm
at 10 o'clotk a. m., to teopond and furnUh
testimony concerniug uid alu-ged failure.
U il J A i P. LLCAS, heiter.
Notice of Sale.
Notice I. herebv given th.t by virtue ol n
execution lueued out ol the Circuit Court ol ihe
r-tate ol Origan, for Wasco County, iu a mlt
therein pending, wherein M. D. Kneeland il
plaintiff and O. D Taylor, garah K. Tavlor,
John B.rger, Jowph A. Johnson, f. W. Cather,
Stella K. EJdv. J. C. Duncanaon .nd W. Lueindt
W bealdon aie defendant., dated the 9th d.r ol
June, l.-sw, to me directed aud commanding me
to sell all of the real property hereinaiter de
scribed, toutiafya judvmcnt in invor ol (aid
tilnintilt aud against anid delendaut, O H. Tny
lor. for the luia of ll-v.;o and coaU Uxed at
fJo.jO, I will on Saturday the
16th day of July, 1809,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m , aril at publlt
ule to the blgheat bidder, lor cah in hand, the
South hnlf of the Southwest quarter of tbe
rtoutnwesi quarter oi section fourteen (14), ana
the South hull of the Southeast quarter ol
section Fifteen (IS), towuship Two (.') North,
a nire Ten (lo) East, V. M , containing 10)
cres, more or lea..
Dated tlii a Ulh d.ny of June, 1".
jun IT-il Sheriff of Watco County, Or.
Adininisfrafrii Sale of Real Estate.
Notice ishereby given that under. nd by virtue
of an o.der ol the county court of the elate of
Oregon for W.mco County, made on the Sih day
of January, f, in thematlerof the estate ol Dr.
W. K. kipch.rt, dereaseil, I will sell, .1 public
amnion, at the courthouw door In Dalles Cltv, la
said county and state, on the 6th day of May.,
lsW, at the hour ol one o'clock p. m., to the high
est bidder, all the real entate to snid
estate, to wit: A. B, (', D, E, F, li, H, I, J,
K mid L, In RlnckrUIn The Fort Dalies Military
Reservation Addition loiail D.lle. City, in uid
comity and state.
Also the west half of the southeast qusrter.nd
the cast hnlf ol the southwest uarter.ectintt,
in township 2 uortb, range 14 ca.t, iu Wwo
county, Oregon.
Term, ol vale one-half In cash at timeol sal
and one-half In .ix months, secured by mort
gage on the premise..
Dalles City, Oregon, April 7h,
Khilv B. Kinkhart,
apr8-ll Adiuiiiistratrlx.
l.ASn Orrica at Tiis Pam.ik. owtfionj
June I", lw I
Notice I. hcMiv gtven that Ihe f. Ilowlnt
named settler ha. Sled notiea of his Intention
to make final pnxif in support ol hl claim, and
Ihntaild proof will be made before the regis"
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on !-aturdsy,
July JS', IM'J, vl:
I'aola flrltnaurl.
widow of Pierre t.rim.ud, of Trie
DbIIih: H. E So. :tr,A. tr the E1, fK'4riec.ZI.
Tp. 1 north, it 12 K, W M.
lie names the following witni sues to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of a:d l.tul, vis: .
Cbiia. A. ehut, Rock I'ary. Toui PandoJ,
Andrew I'riiuhart. .11 of The Dalles, Oregon.
JunH il JAY P. U CAS, ltegitcr.
Notice U hereby given that I have riled with
the ( Icrk ol the County Court nl the ,i"le"L
Oregon, lor Wavo County, my tlnnl aeeotinia.
administrator hi rh .t.u. nl C. W. Kees. ae-
c-ascil, and hy an order ol the County C"
.loreaald, made June I. 1, Moinlay, " ", . ... i.k. K , h.a been
fixed as the time and the County Court rnJ
in I m I lea city as the place lor the lie'"''"
objection, to .aid llnal account, and thescii'e-
meui oi Mia estate.
F. P. MAY4,
Jun 3 il Admlni-trstor.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice ia herehy glvm th.t the iiinterslgnd
haa been duly npp..nte.t by the Hon. '"'""J
Iminllia r.. 1 1,, .i ni .1,1. luille,'
Dated at Tha Dalies. Oregon. Dine ". I10-
J P Aiill'H of Hie Estntc of Adolph Agid"' j
F. s.
Vagon Shop,
Cealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor. Scconi i Laaia'in. Ttonc 151
county, aa .dtnlni.trator oi Ihe estate of Al'".1'!,
Aglillua, dcernwd. Allpi-iaona hlng claim"
sgaln.t .aid estate are hereby notified b l'"1',
Ihe same pnrlv vrrllicil lo me at the
niy attoruiys. litifur Menrfce, within '