The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 24, 1899, PART 2, Page 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
- - i. . r T(j. r,.tm,Ml Kt U tf tKt M 10 Vet
trtsa-v, J. S. XI ;C y . a.nuu J ii-al p-ir uup-lty. Tiai j.ila
half it,
ti rc-t-
J. art
j tw K- teat - TutiT - K U
h w wim ml mH Jjt' jtkS-. .1
v itfL? .aiTOw tuta uaCus Tr"rfa -
JHl - -
hai.v an TOiil
Ja twi it na. xt :vi - - IT
trs ,'1 .:J ka r.lir .:- ilfnw i
,wt vt- ! w has turn r - .Ulan S
tTr X a iBijia S i"
df tVe : sxrreT. pit ti usM f Jls-ri otitic were
.: 7T.:M X - eiltV I - -" - :- ' 5'J s3
tic-a t MTikj tUt it ave a Et-iiJ ' -J --iJ l wr-:- iT"
ef te errcc c-f 2:...0 -.:! Kat i -Aefeal f-r lb tc--l:ui
sxijxlraiX, if ;t L.J ,-cit eo fcr-Ler.
It a i cti;--i tbat tiert i ' t:I Lav left Lio aa sS
i a t u
ii d rtrtr-' bttwe-ta tbe trre ; ti.i:ttii ai. i m.c j.-...
rver-itcrat t tuts- u t:ii- ;i --,"--
lit ail of tbe K;e-::-.urir-u tbe ! ffscwj I ti5Iic-ori 3te-if.(3
server, wt3 eat is tbe ' -i t war.?- D'.frftN i: Ksi'i cf fS:-.f5 cieW'Si.--. ;xtitc--v, itfil
cf it cf '-be cSeiiL Eves. ' iJ -r, ti'J avowed Li ts.e to
Lcci:i if ti t? --i OB-' tirr jxs-liika lite 1 iJ irrii t-'e bilk-:?, e.a
eT-t:u ta riMxi-Jj liat aa tie Ti. i c ii to ii rjrr- J -- K:-iti it! iz.1l st.r acre
r::J yxsti ti X'3-f-2-:a Ij-Jca c-f lit Un.t l Slttt ia its -i-rs 5Jt D sJ csuf. Lavt
lir'il pc;t:uc cf U 1 tci J tc'JLitf. lie m r
- a M A
1 7 ' t ii.f t.fce tj is iifcc-jic-c&j eyer a
cirr:yj szitjis jjirxr.- (
H r:j"e tf Greit L.-Iua are
V:t ? rj lv li fI lie Azzit
i:zit xn t:ii t I t f.eai3-
L notor
tic l-e
3:J1 f SLe fri a.v-ici.11 t-irs. I;
leh it jx.-!
is e tie t f-:i -I Iittcivle lafjict in
Lc.Isl ixa Ilijktt w&5 tLe
Le Arf:cii:i Pre ia L?ilt5 : , t.k. l tl tiae f ibe i!tt'i fecro, ii sir-tr cf rerea-rccie .'
i IS
Ait lie
Ast-nr. re rt cst tiiiK.hi;
;tc t- J f -c-a L'-ii Uj are
gnlis. j tit mo t-t
crtilrj" ia Esrtj. I Vrcw c-f a
iS:-a cf Iz iis2eir. ti tULtias cf tie Mis;sri !t! - is a -J:rx':lka astt 1 exc- tioa lx dragt-l tre an J .
M.-TiUre Kitli-it:!. t arii l L'.-ii ii"-eris is the dirt .i tT:;jgx
f ltc ;a lie$ c-f Hi jevV I i-wt f sb. ai iLe bicqstt
le t-r-clkix-a L;ta TJ l f i-tii ii- toit-it d:iec'iaeft m a?.a -'
ia iLe txtt'.rr -r LI:e.
We hive1t?!y taken the zency I-jr tUe Aernio
ter Windiuiil, cd cmrrj m ttot k on tisnd.
We a'o rarrr complete Hock ;oek of Deep an-1
&hai)ow Well Porni.f, as trell as I'ileher Spout aud
tpny Fuuipi. hee os befure tojirg eieewhere.
Tbe Aerraotor M.ll is eociilerel the bett n;a
eLiiie tn tbe Luatket. Cail and et e it.
Ami Freezing Windmill Force Pumps, i
is T1
TLi pc:r.p has been perft-c'ed to meet the requirements of the principal W;e4
rciil mtr.::rlu:er in ih- L'nitel Siatef, lt a lt-fer Wmilaiiil Force Puhjp ;.
.... II... ,.,! 1,,.. l..i. ..rl,i.4 It i . . k '
I reezir g'lhre way pnrap, an ! ' aceepted be WinJaiill manufacturers and ria!n
;r.erai;y, a U.e test ttne may WiEdis.ill Force Paxp on the market. The Union
LVtow O-mplirg fc.r cocnct :BZ to the ocdfrj-round i1. it charge pipe ia of Bran ted
can te to $a:t the direcliun lI ll.e pipe. The air charuler r.ioe is tmi..L:.
diameter, which infurc eafe cd rprninn and a (teadr Cow of water. The IlufeCcos. i'
l:ns on the spoai also aJJs to the convtuitcce of this puujp. " "
tie. cf c-t'-ri, So'i
52-Zrfi.f-e CiTsl.l. J f.3 l:cii i'.lh-' Jg . f !.t;jj e .TlriC-a
TLe ;tri::teJ bJ l-iiTt3 ot-U Mary cf i
i'.;s 'KatTi fiks-Ia U!jTe lhX L; -
Sole agents for
Wasco County,
The Dalles, Or.
Lili 1 izfit L?re to f:.- a j ir : fui lasUot, s,J
r.i t;i Li.firal a Ltsra ctc5cr, ct. c,a tcrj itrjuw
. 5 friEC cf ibe li t tbree jeirs wiib ; 5r'fVJ
tbs U35C-rrilie Ja lis-! ia t i..r.T.-i
lie tiU5 cf Lis Jti"J. TLe be
tare cc.J.i: f-'-r froia
Tie iTi-ie. As raUti prc-w ira.en ue iiui-z w i.--uj ,
Frss-t ai-J Ei.:. il ccc- !t.3tr lVe c.j ix,cri-i-e ia pc t-iili Lia tow 1 ibtir teirf&l ec'cics i adi T.k. th. r acd
air r ifl -.' V ' t r 1 - - - - . 1 . ' I n . ' . 1 . 11 V -.r All IT- T .
tits il t. f:;y, tii ii'
srt rt Li tf- z ir. J tct
tix4 tr wt'tn fr kx tEC-sliij." jitiit il.
At rav.r of f-. Hi A&tnasvv tr il t U2
u;.i:t t: c:L:t; e J.iJ i Th j f 25re, it 5et1,
aa4 OaartBB-
-:-t.-. .e..:-:: ia txlsl. bowTfr,j ioli-s deal al Lebanon sr$ tot
;Lie v c-o ?:ch! to serf:- tirir kitd, ac I liit is U's ttst j
iijLkli'.aiU is j epitajh. GI&t-e-DtBB&cral.
Sl 7LJ'' .fj''l !
ri rertrtj-5-nt a i
low we are led to question
Ue the I. r. A. y. Hnm.n ,
Cbarlrrrd and Dallei Pnopl. j,
Ib lb Firtt Greetlac,
Ia yttraiia a law was recetL'v
I whether there is anytbifcg in which tbe
In 1'.. I..':.. . Tk.i I .
j i'aj.rT ii.CB lULUi run. iwrj ntr
! tnrxeeded in o'.htr years m everything
etctlTT :a tbe wold tbriws a rate cf
sir-ia,.; ijn. 2 a aiAit i.l He
I,,i'.-ii at, ct tine li.-oiii tirt-
e:.. 1 cvtuci lie n;-'J cf ; rf. a ei;a:M aEjwbere tear
Ktati. tart ucrerfea lrtj-t : gTi tt lhi WLca IV-ijta.D j
Iti ia iL- Itrt tea ttci; aFrti!il-a j.-, 420 fX!.ile(j In-
krre rit cf 'be agr5cB:israJ -crejBii;y of Earcr bj rkiic?
ciJietr tvew is f ,5 Etglaxi u cfju vlrf rf ,t rejVic of tbe Wes.,
Tor '.be S'-Jiti rL w,f was pcr-j.j j dble ia populaUoa ererj
ciai is ilia out try Utat it j qtr-ir of a ceclcry bis e-Uimale was
cxH l-e J.:.TereJ ijta tj aa Ttrj f frotB v- wi2i! M
As-ericaa cc&ceni tban by an E-liifa G:d Wor! top:Kli.
Eief; tie M;5.6 J aod ocber large!
railway jf.x bare receaUy or- BLASD ASD HIS BETEAYERS.
da I m large teeter &f kiOcnvc'jTts
f-i , i c . i Br lie death of Richard I Blaod
Irt cf li. aatbioety Bind ia Eog-
w:h. "o olUr ' Psiw'J 10 l''r tbe cotillion o! j neT Lave undertaken, bat octil the ar
ix younjpirl?, part of whom took the
part of iy, gave a eon and dance
which wa rscrful in the extrt-me.
J MaJiiii Oe Kai.kie Dj K'.-komade her
appearance and sacj; in iroe cxn ety'e
. ,. 1 . U - .1 I I I TC L 1 T . ..
forth the Painpkui Colored Cot n, who j home coming of the volnntri, nil
fare enough made their appearance, the i The Dalles is not behind other Orepsl
little girl in a ni(fnt gown and the tiny i cuits in its anticipatios of tb tv
toy in a little night ehirt. The audience ! and desires to j i:n in the ce'ebraiion. L I
was wild over them, and when they j is not a lack of patriotism which has 1
woascn who work in snores aci riral of Mrs. Rancie in our citr thev Spe-J everybody fairly j tiled with de- canstd many t3 over:ook the
- . r T I
Tfii. rtnrWrt lrf-a-pn have coLtectediy left mint trelsv to thei"ifu -upny - compoeeu 01 lesuviues oi tne national holiiliy, bt:
1 . - . . i . ; . V . n; .1 . : i ...1L..1 . . . 1 ... I
male portion 01 lue cotnccuDity. uatj,,'" e"'-t unmg twiumr, nu . raiucr 11 nas given piace mis ynrwii
1 - . . . ... 11 .1 1 i i. ..pi' n Mil ti 1 1 a n.l 1.1 .1 & i.nnAa ! I ' T I . I. T ... A I : , 1 1 I i . ' I
liiS QomiCicn in iui?t as wen as oiner ue i - a kjh. i uuiiujt unu ruiuea a uuie raiw itui
partmtnts, has ben icvadeJ, and last I This was a tery taking feature of the month.
! fs.clK-Si.
cow to snbstiiDle ma.e help for tbe
ibo&dredsof voxea at vctk ia ibe
state, ra:ber tbaa coxjly wjlh tbe
law, acd tbe worxen are ra:sing a
jrcat row OTer iL Perbi, after
all, tbe a an who drew tbe bill knew
wbat was best for tbe woxea of bt
state, at.d also for tbe men.
ia maa of isaiked character acd
i .- - . ..
bs 1 ia eocGcctiM with electric work J woc qaaiiues auapara iiora u.e
b cf Aaenus aake, as3 an electric- j IIe n
alexin, jt4 ttimlzg, aays tbt!B!,n wfc'a h died' Tfcue Jci"
i r:.v a.- ..a t. . , , i azo be was io b.s vigorous t-oatoritT
i-i .1- ii n jiAiiu ivi WI t il I. iJ II I -
af.i:ar.- wj,l iefeae
ia ti ml few Tfr.
ib1 lK fnrit nrrimirril tiir in
i lie Democralic patty. Erects bad
a a gooJ deal cfjg"b:ra tbat posiiioa, though be
of tbe Atoeticar. WM P!5n frnjvT c'1 wel 00lhic"
night the lady cooes were on parade, I Parana, so perfectly did the girls exe-
andtornch an extent that they fairlv i cn,e le movemenU. Bnt what brought
j carried the city by storm. We may be
said to lire in country town, bat
Dalx-s people are critical when it comes
to shows and know when then see a
cood one. Ibey were not fooled last
night, and they attested that fact by
the hoase down was when the seventeen
little ones, from 4 to 12 years of age,
came ont and sang "Hannah, Go Hide
Your Bloomers." It w just too cate.
Io fart it couldn't be beat.
The last number was a fitting finale,
the lood end continued applause given. ! when ererybody carue out and a regular
It is figured cot tbt there is in
circulation in the United States jasljOor ladies are a',1 right. Indeed their darkey jabilee was held. No one could
about a round billion dollars in gold,
or almost a third of a billion more
than tbeie was four Ttars ago. Tbe
increase of gold in circulation bis
far exceeded tbat of population or
rrinstrel performance was wonderful, i mag;ne we had so many graceful
With bnt ten days in which to practice ! dncers in our midst as one by one they
wbat was to them an entirely new ;-'! their little j'g. It was a revelation.
departare. the
remark ab'.e.
success attained was
But the cake walk "took the cake."
We have never set n more agility and
Truly Mrs. Euncie mutt be a maei-' grce displayed even annng profetsion-
rolurue cf boiioeis. This is one ' o accomplish eo much in so short a i 'e Four c.iuples arrayed in beautiful
fact thut bas done mDch to thai tbe
moults of the free silrer proragsn
to tbe arts cf jo'r.icians. He bad,
with rare energy and tenacity, de-
roted bi-Lfcif to a Eticcial idea. J
He ff tlt that th !iilvr nnt'.::r. i
-. . , . t awaiting tbe application c-f industry
wouj t foscc iu w ar to tbe front and i .
, ..." -. . jand caoital. Bjt if gold was re-
txsrel a cstiocal TerdjcL Tbe issjc b
i ..I . . i . . i i .
i Ici7ieu si ue .uriu po:e, many iooi-
Tbe TelegTam tays: Diwson is
tbronged with nen who are cut of
woik, while tbe mountains acd
gulches of Eastern and Southern
Oregon are filled with rich ores
c-oaiei!ik-3. Ep!ii critics are re
Btaikiiz tbit lve:r cr T-Beenag man
ifct3Ter are !c:iig ia energy acd
etterj-iit-." it' tbit their wcfkmcn
a:e r!x-'ai-rg ia fkilL" scd that.
;-abii. rtte-'ai'v. tbe Er liu are
i - . ... . . !t-ne lo a l-f"r the rrl
aa;.Bz it-.o aa n.ieu...r tv;;oBto. ' ,. . , i?h people would leave a good thing
l-e AxfT-M-f. S.r b r-nia C .., , to try lo get there.
E'ow lo tu tliUr cf Uie"ellt'OLt of tbe Utile fr
yal! Ilerie-. ifclo seme of j Klr,-T al' " fcrTf nt cd r.. cM.. a. c-r.
llewtxa;,,: ad admiU tit ioj snrS in ibe faith as ay crusaier bT ..j M
ofol l, be was Ditcra!), in view ofj,
ca.e Jxeie is a cea'cre of ' " j reacn vtie cieeaseo fomoa ot tte ear
V En'va ccuM I1 r.r- : - ttirdirf, csi-acitj and j There is enly oce way to core leaXne
mwil-'r ,rJ exjieritcc-e, Jbe leaflicg caadulalc ofidhati by cj-ftivationil remediet
itf41 y targe atcouct cf gr-ois. ' , .. . Leafaees is cd by a itame4 con-
ia ibe l'i,iud Stales, there c.
scite otr pe r;ii'.:oB, bat be fin U to
eicvuraetretit in tbe ibeorr thai
ialt l-e j b; r:5j for ,he PreK,-cJ
. , I cot fc;riir.T tint he went n
jccnTctlion with Dearly
It is
IttcUretf ccicaHdItref Utaecol1 ,iTL B:nd' devotion antl
the two counes. II srs: TLe wes to tbe silver caM, bis rir-
j dilion of the maeons lioir.c of the
into tbejtarhian Tabe. WLen this tcbe is io-
310 V0t(S , flamed roa bare a rn-uuini eonnd or
imperfect Learir.g, and when it is en
tirely clcitcd, IeaXoes is the result, and
an less tbe icfiainmatioa can betaken
oat and this tabe restored to its normal
t:ine. However, her appearance on the costumes, eliJed across the stage forra
stge showed the artist she is, for we I icg '' ,ort cf fiiures, and surprisicg
hate cever seen a better female darket 1 1,18 ,Ul1ienc'- un,il u almost im
character. Thin her ladylike manner
throughout the entire rehearsals and
possible to tell which should have the
cake. It was, however, evident that
performance was rery apparent and wen ' e eeejna Bn ' ,l"rd couple were favor
htr the esteem cf all. ites and they were presented with the
When ILe curtain arose last night h ft " U1"" ol rS ' the young
dircTored fifty coons, black as the ace of I nien mho BWcefulIy assisted their
spades. There were big coonp, little ! F rnera in -his Prl cf the program,
cooes, fat coons, lean coens, sanrv j for hvy lh,re t(l T he honors,
eooas, modest coons and kid coon, ail ! w ,'"-ot do it j.iflico. You must
arrayed in coon style. Their overture j !ee tl,e rer'rmance to appreciate it, and
was imxecse, and tbe way those six
end men i ?j c.acipn'ated tbe bones and
tamborines was a caation.
Aftr the overture cune a (jaartet,
"Ben Bill." splendidly rendered. Then
Every day tbe remark is bearJ, "I'd
going to Astoria to meet the bori i
everything else must be inbserrieol it
that end." Io view of tbii fact, it
certainly wonld be a splendid idea ti
charter two or three steamers anil bit
every cne, who so desires, dots tbt
river to join the procession which oa
lo Astoria to join in the welcome.
With the volunteers are a laree tim
ber of Dallea boys, whose entbgiiut
would be unbounded were they te w
among the other craft which escort thetc
to Portland, the Regulator and Di'ta
City, which all Dalies people bin
grows to claim as their own and to tab
an od bounded pride in, and on their
decks, with welcoming hands and heart,
cheers, to see not only loved on W
the faces of friends eager to give thm
the hand of greeting and lore.
What a meeting that aoold be! Aci
it mnst be.
It will never do to have onr tori W
in vain for the welcome of their on
home rveccle. We do not wish it
but are ail eager for the contrary to be
the case. Let's begin at once atd-
rsugu for the trip. It could leaniiw
pensive one so that all who os w
will be given another opportunity lo- j a. .ns or broihers
The roster wa as f dlows :
Javne, Huntingti n, liroat, E Idon,
C.iger, Stephens, Moodv, Garretmn.
five cxn girls, lsed regardless, ren-! ll""le.'. " 'd, Butler. Mis-es Lang,
dered "Ihe Whistiinrr Girl." ar.,1 nton. Fredden, French, Cilshinir.
theauiieccea hictof thesplendid danc fc"Ibelh B"nn Kftti" Eddon, Helen j ihflo
icg they were to witnesf. iioueon, ii.nsy ieane, esla Bolton,
Everybody applaoded when the little !Effie Bj,tODi Marguerite Kinersly,'es) came out and sang '! Pearl Grin-e. Wasco Morris, Valeeca
, j i.irw, r.niuy . roi
I mori
returning heroes can make tn wf-
Pit t aKmil.l 1 1 u r aa 1.0 anv b0. M
lack of the wherewithal, might be-'
n!l.J in ( n i)!i-a-.ire. let "
r " " ' " F ' " .
irrtnni that lliv inV B'l l"
' . - .... j,
pense. This much is cerism'j
;et Lmilytrossen Rosemary Bald j d u t)Wn
in Lucile Crate Lena Zimmerman, the ouUi(Io coln
Lores Ma Haney," and well they might.
fcr Ibeir actice waa so running an.t ! "
their dtnc'ne perfect. Inks Whin u I ",,l,nM Sargent, Mary Mclnernv.
icg inl spoted, Serapbina Appetite and BBroeU Schooling. Grace Hohson, May
Ike Rcra iotro-luced their selection,! Jfk,"' Gr"M lenn, Pearl Joles,
"My African Kirg," which showed to ' ElU Rice U"'" Glenn.
cess as a poblic cnan, and bis an- condition. bericg will be destroyed tor- j ,cd
advactags the sweetness of their voices
was acted we!!. Then out came the
If you contemplate a trip East this
i summer take advantage of the f 81 round
aai we have r.t,.e. which, of cour.J . rl.",J' l 90 1?"':"? tf !B Ve i Snc-la:i, , so
, i m 'inui.T uiii ira itiiu'jj viiaj-i-i .,-.. u iu I iq, fare uet;'ate. sir ir
1 DlP.t if'. in m ... 1 !
t -"-i, i. : 1 . I UZM CJMi OI Uie l5cOCi tDN n . n. I. ..;.. ..1 .... '
, aiinri. u.... M nwjir. j - w )(,r msy ,wj forreiarnntitil
i r.i:tn'.i R'.n.l il.;: " ! eoB.dc t bel j showinz their ar-Dreria-1 .:u ... .
t,-(V. S, .! T".;..J i. ' "e W will (h,m IIan.W.1 rr.t-. lr t . .. - ' " '" uuu ",l " Ul? i
v.- i ;j'IT UB'.. . ... ... " - 4 lion. fflDtll llim nilt MVS I Mil J
.tan in i a i.l li I in . ', n ! f 111.1 .r T.. r . . - "
f't s at
Tbeie e-.n I little riooV. ibat pro-
nobry ' f,i n t at A fio. Tl. ri . I i- . ..
- - r ..i... ..'ii iniill io IH'irOI',
but Mich.. Tirtnta a.0.1 l-...-l. ..!
( , . .u.- w hi- .i ii, uii iv, mui
. . i . ...
Ang'istaUt. This
the lowest round
trip rat to the List this season. This
..,un...;. . , " m I J "" -"n any rae ol i.ea!ce9 caceed ty ea-irrh i...
..Ur, , UM , w lca , , , t .,..! ! rcuiau t tier T0C. ! r. J, ,, ... , ...
ivimt'i iu U.a. Ma 1 - 4 i.l .. ai KUU'Jl lc I'JJPi iW 9 4lrrn ' an I v li.i. . V . . I . , . U , V, ... . .i - "" i"inniil"iu
- i... lilt II I PI II nt a oi
c-ecome p iwirtu'. so tit. tLer Cin
tot ot y si .6 1 ly tlesxfelve?. lot
al i c iTij.? w j;b otl t r cc-ttr.Jrics at
lb!iUP. 1t.ej b4e jiir.el ex-
or tins kir.J Uisn I t ncenjt.ejs. , cre.
li.srea ws ta, and Lis nay was
's Fa-ni'y r.i'.s are the b-et.
ti Te ;'e t ! . si i
tbeir i :r n -..r.:c:
ptiz;.ti'.-r.s, m 1 ''..ey
t'..e bi .-.I f.t."
eilaMitbc-l all
t-c-s ih'l r
Cia r.ow tep
St-ni f,ir riTCslnrs: free,
F. 1. fnEMt A C-... Tu'rdo, O.
C .' 1 1 V f I . r' m . I
it i . i-i ..:- v'' ' ' . r, w-.i.
iiji . nan uvuvri iu eitij jt
and. in fact, like tuarr rcea to wbora
lecti; is forctfn, cool 1 not ccxpre- ta.t.i.
Li.. .. t . . t . i . . ,
to ,
! T f V.. i. t i . ii .i 1
i-.-1-rni.-.iwif, a.i recofnued j,,!. 5 h ,
teauj. w i'h 1
: r v
lt Tl.i
tbe I'd'! i
1 St
ia 1 ' Live
It-in rtale ly tlrte eifL, As
t.r..'i-e lo ;otuvte iLexrelvcj by
r-liT;r.Jr iir- : :r ar.l Irr-s,--!
liiit 1 wss a victim to j:t sutb
. bypfctl.., sr. 1 Kae cf lb', a will
, 2cik to Lis fi.rf.n.1 to tied ciocodiie
teara n 1 t.'r. tbfr r.n1 Ira.U ,. 1 10 A -3gaat l.lst5, will b
. g .j ..-.w cEere.
x-b"tg fr cor.'jiracy. TboagU jt.Uvv.
was lie 1 llit Ihe catrpa'n cf 1 b'.C
jits sweet nets and kn.w they'd have a )
! treat, borry bsrnhart bad a most diffi- '
jci'.t le'.ec'.iua in "F t Ye P.lAckhirds," !
; bat the was trjual lo it. Ia fact there's !
to t'jc;j won as lull applad to that!
co.-!; she's a birJ, a blackbird sure.!
Cleiiiintina biy.'oit was li'.a, l,ut shi (?r
; g t there jjft the same acd warn ed ti e '
er; ;.nv op wi;h a" Watirn-.t'cn Party "
im iiliirunt. j Tr:e prr.d Cnale grai d. ar.d l.ow i
A'i coast warrant reristerJ prior i the ac.Lerce did am.n.i n .
pJ.J at
ot C tm-tian l.inleavor Society nt Detroit
Cail on James Irr-
iii.!. nm O. K. A N. Co. for furtl. r
p .riiculars.
. . ..I Ih. .nr.ninmtntali"'" D"
hem ulaoned lo be held at Silem. I-
rlnnin nn ll.a 10. Il and Min lf"
.n.rnre, tO H
" 1 " i I
..n.,.r.i ot the
ualher al Pnriland and camp m"1"
eeveral davs. tuning In the welcomi"!
parade. The fall lorce will total pv
Thotie who go c"ow n Irom The Dal-
cculd also remain over in Portlantf i
take part in the celehrati.-n there,
then npon rolnrning home, j-tn "
the W. R. C. in the final home ww '
T)..vrr.iil l.a we'cnilicd tf' 0l" '
Lut'a ia in at once lo prepare to rpcelt(
them as thev dcsetvi'.
l or al h.ati.
Harrison Hay press, good aio"-'
Lane Bros', blacksai"' .
quire at
Two atid
liv(r. Month's wirk;
piyeUe wetk'.y cr Ui'r th'y. Arj ly
W. II. rt:j,
fN V Fl
Dyspepsia Cure.
Dicjcsts what you cat.
1-aJ.J II 11,1 ,.1 M.:... .... -i .1.' t, ...
Ict.:rtft ceare-s r';r Jons si. . ""- -c'" ..u u.e ruuciaiiy fl ecMsthc food Rnrl olds
O. L. PriiLrca, 1 . '-" c;,m:any sai.g -tiumf.ia the "'"7 RrTcncthonln-- nnd rccon
r-wntT Treat nrer. .c..m r; the t'cean.-' Ihe dai.ilr.i I v , . rsnansten rtixtlve or-
ar.t D : fxr of C traj Viri(! Cjtrcs would te pivoted oc silver, a Itm-, TUaai Tbsrmac, dtpsty sheriff d
fial about , ccia'.ic jjrta was force J to preveLt TrcT. Mo- everyoce latLeUcite-d
cut tbiV Lis I v
TjO'i'.-O pn
Ibe United tbe rc-r, ;r;i.ticn of Bland, tbe on-
i t!aU s should difcoTer the virtue cf Ie-
.Witta Witch Harel Salve f,r piles.
lites.exc uMve of H.waa aal cf doubt 1 s.iver c Lampion. Tte jatta , lftab:.ta tv!a dl.. ... .,1.
ga te iai a reju.t O' ILe tocgt;; a core piiatie can, oaj wLo maad c-ul I tot be surplkd. Smpes-
-pa-tib war, whin lie n3atiatioaiwould yitlJ obc-dieic lo tLu an I j Kicersl DrugCo.
ot.e of the yonng ladies, dremd in red I .nd ' 'IS1
white and bin., added um.h to tie rShlt n Kff'H:
e2"cct, and ihe's a dancrr there's no rt;r-tly nlicv.M and PcrninnentlT cure
n.istake. -' 7,?,;l,s1'. Induostlon. Henrtbiirn.
via--'. - t y ..a-avri
I mm
i. . ' ii !
Part sr end opened wi;h an overture Sick Headache
by the orchestra, which ii ..,,..1 ... ; all Z,ittlVl'it (. r?"'P nd
- " mil" riect a jratlnn
in, aed w itb the spirit cf the occasion Pr00,,- - C ixwiu a CsL Chiei.l
an J uyed extra w eil. Six black birds
For sale by Si,ips Klnerely Druj C).
Ar-Tvnr wmtlns -ke-i-h i"i.,'hhIi"1.-.
Bui mi bi. rv-. n r-if '!"" - , . nnn"""".j
i.,r,ii-.n .i i r..t-' i',1'';'.''' mi ":"
l'-.t.ii lM Ihri.uuh ln nn '
Scientific Jliacr Wft.