The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 24, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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    .4 .4k . A . II
vol. ix
NO. 33
W( Beneficial Law May furl
mm urn.
omen May Be Discharged by Whole
sale July l And Men Put In Their
Places Law Requires That Em
ploycrs Shall Not Permit Women
tn Work Over a Limited Number
of Hours Per Day.
Chicago, Juue 20. A special to the
imes-Herald from Omaha says : Female
tmployes in the larf e mercantile estab-
shments and factories in Omaha are in
condition of unrest. They do not know
Irhether they will hold their present po
itiom alter July l.and if they are dis
htrged they do not know whether they
an find another place in which to work
What ii true of the women workers of
bmahnis true of other large cities in the
ittfe. This condition of on rest is due to
W l regulating the employment of
Iromen paesed by the last soBBion of the
legislature, and which becomes operative
Julj 1. It it estimated that 25 per cent
si the women employed in stores and
yactorici throughout the state will be
Idumiseed and their places filled by men.
1 The provisions of the law are peculiar.
Jt regulates and limits the hours of em
'jiloyment of females in manufacturing,
mechanical and mercantile establish
liiieou, hotels and restaurant. Every
employer is com pel led to provide sui table
.seats (or the female employes and per
tinit the women to use them. It fixes a
iPenaltyoIfoO for every infraction and
jmakes it the duty of the deputy labor
cuuiiuiBsion 10 see mat irte law is proper-
y enforced.
Throngh a committee's efforts the
women employed in many Omaha stores
Brill .. :.! . i i k
crriuiiieu 10 uegin wore anoui
10 o'clock Saturdays in order that they
jmayremaip late in the evening of that
(date, without laying their employers
l'able to fine. The proprietor of one of
jthe largest department stores in the city
jMid that he did not think the law would
(oee the dismissal of a large number of
"uurcn iq Disestablishment, for the pres
"it, at leant. His firm will obey the
law ctrictly, and if its observance shall
'fUKijMt economy in the weediwr out pro-
that matter would be taken up
The law w ill work a great revolution
'ii the conduct of hotels, resturants and
nil shops, w here women are expected
'owork from daylight to dark. Pro
P'ietorj of these places are opposed to its
enforcement, and are talking of going
""othecourtstotest its constitutional-
"Yon can rest assured the law will bo
Mlorced,-' said Bert Iiuch, a local labor
ler. "Organized labor supported the
tetw the legislature, and is in full
Tmpathy with its provisions. The
luty state labor commissioner can be
depended open to enforce it rigidly."
In Lincoln, tho big storekeepers are at
ranch perturbed over the enforcement of
w as are the merchants of Omaha.
battalion encountered the enemy's force
oi twu men, marching to attack Imus,
successiuiiy impeding its progress,
ii-i . ...
uuraion, wiiQ two guns and two
battalions, harried forward and re
pulsed the enemy with heavy loss, the
enemy leaving over 100 dead on the field.
Our loss is five killed, 23 wounded.
Wheaton was reinforced last night by a
battalion of the Ninth infantry and is
driving the enemy beyond Das Mariuas,
which is now in his possession. Casual
ties today not reported. Wheaton's
qualities for a bold and successful attack
are unsurpassed."
Wheatoo Returns to Imus.
Manila, June 20. 8 p. rn. The
troops commanded by General Wheaton
entered Perez Das Marinas today with
out opposition except on the part of
rebels, who inflicted no losses on the
Americans. The town it an uni.n
portant place, turrounded by swamps,
and Wheaton will probably return to
Watson Artives.
Manila, June 20. Rear-Admiral
Watson arrived today on board the
transport Zafio from Hong Kong, and
raised his flag on the cruiser Baltimore.
The commanders of all tiie warships
called upon tho admiral during the day
As Sin As f tl mailer Is Fairly
Rao on a
Rock on
Den man Island
Victoria, B. C, June 19. The steam
er Danube, which left here today for
Lynn canal. Alaska, struck a rock on the
north Bhore of Deninan Island, tearing a
large hole in her hull. Her captain ran
heron the bench, where she now lies.
The steamer Maude took off her pas
sengers and a large part of her cargo.
The Danube's after hold is full of water,
and the freight is badly damaged. As
sistance from Victoria lias been wired
for. No fmther particulars are at hand.
Among the passengers on the Danube
were Lieutenant-Governor Mclnnes and
ex-Mayor John Grant, of Victoria. The
steamer Tees will take tho Danube's
passengers on to Alaska.
Anderson Propably Murdered
Near Aberdeen.
Wcre Rctiirninji to Imu With Force of
Hut Met Americans on the
ft'ay Hattalion From Wheaton's
Brigade Impeded Their Progress.
"'in(iton, June 20. General Otis
w'd the following
'Manila, Jne 20.-Adjntant-GeneraI,
Wntton : Wheaton at Imus, Cavllo
prV"iCf, with four guns, four battalions
Fo,,r"' ! Fifth infantry, Nevada
oath' n'' rav,rT- pen battalion
tin. ,0,reronnoissance In the direc-
arinas yesterday morning.
tln of Da, M
whers tl
' enemy was reported to be
rating their Ucrca iorcct. The
Aiikrdkk.v, Wash., June 20 Two
weeks ago ten boxes of salmon were
stolen from Damon's wharf, on Gray's
harbor, about seventeen miles from
Aberdeen. Suspicion was directed to
Joseph Anderson and Daniel Downing,
fishermen living in the vicinity. Of
ficers armed with warrants searched the
hut of Downing, but found no traces of
the mit-sing fish. Anderson could not
be found, but subsequently his dead
body was found buried in the sand. The
remains were buried, but the coroner
became suspicions and exhumed them.
Upon opening the coffin a ghastly
sight was presented. Tho head of the
body dropped back, disclosing a clean
cut from ear to ear, while the skull had
been crushed with some blunt instru
ment. Downing has just been arrested
and charged with murder.
Last fall I sprained my left hip while
handling some heavy boxeB. Tho doctor
I cilled on said at first it was a slight
train and would soon be well, but it
grew woreo and tho doctor then said I
had rheumatism. It continued to grow
worse and I could hardly get around to
work. I went to a drug store and the
druggist recommended me to try Cham
berlain' Tain Balm. I tried it and one
half of a 5) cent bottle cured me entire
ly. I now recommend it to all nty
friends. F. A. Baih -oi k, Erie, Pa. It
Is for sale by Nlakeley A Houghton,
Oregon Naval Militia.
WAsmsnTO, June 22.-Acling Sec
retary of the navy Allm today perfected
plans for a drill of the naval militia or
ganizations of the Pacific coast. The re
sult is announced In letters addressod to
the governors of interested states. The
naval militia of Oregon will bo embaiktd
at Portland August 21 on the Badger
and will be absent eight days.
Drink Warreu'i Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17 3in
Rebels Will Again Be in Full Possession
of the Islands 100,000 Men are
Necessary Properly to Subdue
and Hold the Islands and No Other
Course Will Be Successful.
San Fbancisco, June 21. Dr. Chas.
A. McQ'iestion, who was on the staff of
General Otis, and who was health officer
at Manila, has returned home, invalided
by the climate.
Captain McQtiestion made a close
study of the conditions of the Philip
pine situation. He if of the ouinion
that it will take from 100,000 to 150,000
soldiers to properly subdue and hold the
islands. He also says that the peace
commission was an absolute failure, and
that its work from the start was without
effect. He strongly supports the mili
tary government cf the islands, except
that lie thinks more men will be necess
ary than has been estimated.
"Dr. Schurrnan knows that the com
mission is a failure, and is coming home
in July," added Captain McQuestlon.
"Uuless troops, thousands of them, are
sent to the aid of our men there, they
will be driven back into Manila in the
course of the next few months, during
the rainy season. Our men simply can
not stand the climate. Fifty per cent of
them will bo incapacitated by sickness.
Manila will be in a state of siege again.
"One. of the great dangers that onr
men Lave to face is the climate. The
new-comers will be at a disadvantage
because the volunteers w ho are returning
home are inured to the climate. As a
matter of belief, the Filipinos t'.iink they
have the Americans licked already.
"One solution of the situation might
be to enlist colored troops from the Gulf
states, and this might settle some of the
race questions of that section. These
men would be better able to stand the
climate conditions around Manila, and it
has been proven that they are good
"I want to say a word for the Western
volunteers. They make the finest sol
diers in the world, and their fighting
qualities are wonderful. But the volun
teers all want to return home, and I
hardly think that the plan to enlist three
skeleton regiments from the volunteers
now in the Philippines will be a success.
The men enlisted to light for their coun
trp, snd they are nit the kind of men
w ho want to stay and fight an insurrec
tion for money or the fun of lighting."
Europe would rather see today than the
existence ot their factional linei in oar
cil'ienship. If these foreign colonists
get a foothold In the United States our
power will be ou the wane."
When asked what he thought Admiral
Dewey's programme would be on his re
turn to this country, he replied : "I be
lieve hi will go at once to bis home in
Vermont. He will not make any trip
over the country in response to invita
tions to attend jubilee celebrations. He
does not like that kind of glory nor does
any one of the army and navy officers.
Admiral Dewew will probably attend the
bacquet to be given in his honor in New
York, as Governor Roosevelt, who ii an
intimate friend, will attend. Besides
this, he will attend no other celebrations
or dinners,"
Yellow Fever Among Soldiers la Cuba.
Washington, June 21. Yellow fever
hai broken out at Bantiago as is shown
by the following bulletin posted at the
war department:
"Havana Adjutant-General, Wash
ington: Death reporti of the 19th:
Santiago Private Mulhern, Fifth in
fantry, died 18th, yellow fever; Privato
Jennings, band, Fifth infantry, died 19,
yellow fever. Puerto Principe Private
Haldermtin, Fifth infan'.ry, died on the
19, yellow feyer. Brooke,
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
oval ftAKtna pemvr oo., rw vo.
Trusts Are Ortanizei at Eipss
la the Presidential Campaign to Come
Next Year Republicans Invest!
Legislature Will Be Asked for a $50,000
Appropriation This Year Infected
Cattle Will Be Promptly Killed
and Owners Compensated.
Captain Cogblaa Believes the Hero of
Manila Will Attend Only One
Dinner or Celchration and That
in New York.
Chicaoo, June 21 special to the
Times-Herald from Terra Haute, Ind ,
says :
Captain Coghlan, of the Raleigh, who
stopped here on his way to Pnget sound
to visit friends of Mrs. Coghlan and bis,
in this city, where the then young naval
officer first met his wife, who was a Miss
Barbour, thirty years ago, talked inter
estingly with thsse friends of the occur
rences which have brought him into
prominence, except as to the Union
league Club speech of "Hoch der
That affair, ho said, Is a closed inci
dent. He said thatofa trunkfnl of letters
received from all pnr!i of the United
States, only filteen were in criticism,
and of that llftccen, fourteen were written
by very ignorant persons. The captain
did speak with feeling against what he
called "hyphenated Americans." Said
"If a man Is an American citizen, he
Is an American cltix'n, pure and simple.
I have no patience with this hyphenated
citisenship. There Is nothing that
Chicago, June 21. A number of busi
ness men and physicians met at the
rooms of the Chicago Medical Society
and foiined the Illinois Society for the
Prevention of Consumption. Mayor
Harrison presided at the meeting. The
object of the association is the eradica
tion, so far as possible, of the baccili of
consumption from anin.als nsed for hu
man food and from the surroundings of
beef and dairy cattle.
Figures and statistics were submitted
showing the rapid increase of consump
tion, but it was the opinion of those at
meeting that scientific act practical work
will eventually check the spread of the
It was decided to urge the state legis
lature to appropriate funds adequate to
the needs of the state board of livestock
commissioners, this sum to be probably
$50,000 the first year, $30,000 the second
and f.'O.OOO the third year.
Also to urge that the commission be
empowered to apply the tuberculin test
to all cattle in the state and against the
wishes of the owners of cattle if neces
sary, and that all cattle not proving un
der the tuberculin test to be free from
tuberculosis, to be condemned and the
owners compensated by the state at the
scale of prices fixed by tbelivcstock com
missioners. The legislature was also urged to de
vise an efficacious plun for the preven
tion of the sale of tuberculosis meat In
Chicago. John McLaren was elected
president of tho society.
Forms a New Cabinet for France.
I'arih, June 22. Senator Waldeik
Rousseau was recalled to Elysee palace
this morning, where President Lou bet
requested that he form a cabinet im
mediately. Later it was announced that
he had reported successful progress and
hoped to be nble to complete the cabinet
Ibis afternoon.
Pakik, June 22 Late this afternoon
the announcement was made that Sena
tor Waldeck Rousseau had completed
the formatiion of a cabinet. The sena
tor, accompanied by the cabinet min
isters, proceeded to Klysee palace at 6:10
p. 111., to present his olleagues to Presi
dent Loubot. The new cibinet, ns or
ganized, follows: Senator Waldeck
Rousseau, president of the council of
ministers and minister of interior; M.
Deleave, minister of foreign affairs;
General Marquis de GallelK, war; M.
Delanessnn, marine; M. Monis, justice;
M. Callaux, finance; M. Milierand, com
merce; M. Leygues, pnplic instruction;
M. de Crais, colonies; M. Jean Dupuy,
agriculture; M. Pierre D'Audin, public
For the Fourth of July the O. R. &
N. Co. will sell excursion tickets to any
rail station within .100 miles from sell
ing station at one fare for the rcund
trip. Tickets on tale July 2nd, 3rd and
4th and will be good for return passage
op to and including July 0th, 1SW.
Sax Fhancikco, June 22. Henry T,
Oxnard, president of the American Beet
Sugar Producers' Aesociation, has pre
pared a reply to 11. O. Havemeyet's re
cent argument before the industrial coni'
mission at Washington. He flatly
denies many of Mr. Havemeyer's state
ments, aid accuses that gentlemen oi
seeking to destroy the American beet-
sugar industry in order to foster the
refineries thathandle foreign raw materi
al, besides attempting to divert public
attention from the sugar trust by attack
ing tho tariff. In his statement given
in the Morning Call, Mr. Oxnard says :
"The two largest, in fact, tto pioneer
trusts In tho country as every rne know s,
are the Standard Oil and Sugar trusts.
The Standard Oil Company does not en
joy l:s monopoly from the tariff and the
American Sugar Refining Company, ac
cording to Mr. llaveiueyer, receives only
3,'a per cent protection. How absurd,
then, is it to say that the tariff is respon
sible for trusts, But right here, I wish
to dispute Mr. Havemeyer's statement
regarding tho protection afforded to
sugar refining, claiming that it only re
ceives a protection of 3'.j per cent.
"In the Dingley tariff act sugar refin
ing receives a protection of an eighth of a
cent per pound and the testimony pro
duced before the ways and means com
mittee, of which Mr. Dingley was chair
man, brought out the fact that sugar in
a modern refinery, with the best ma
chinery, well located, can be refined at a
coBt of about a quarter of a cent per
pound. We therefore find that sugar
refining under these conditions is re
ceiving a protection of not 3,' .j. but 50
per cent advatorem, based on the cost of
refining sugar. The protection granted
the sugar-producers who make the
article ot sugar itself, is 50 per cent
on t lie cost ot raw siuar today, or
Identical with the protection granted the
sngar-retimng companies.
Mr. Oxnard declares that American
sugar-pro Jucers would suffer and the
development of the beet-sugar industry
be retarded by the adinUsion of raw
sugar free of duty. He adds :
"There is no trust among the sugar-
producers of tnis country an I there never
can be, for the simple reason that the
beet-sugar industry can be started in al
most any part of the Union."
Deep Water at Columbia's Mouth.
AsroniA, June 21. The channel of the
Columbia, or, as It is gent-rally called,
"the bar," is rapidly shifting its position,
due undoubtedly to the effect of the jetty.
There is now almost as much water in
the old north channel at In tho present
channel marked out by the buoys. Yes
terday Pilot Matthews went out on the
tug Wallula and made soundings around
the month of tho river. He headed
abjut northwest between buoys No. 1
and l'.j, nearly in the lice with tho old
north channel. Ho found in it no less
than twenty -fire feet of water, and that
only at few places, clear out to deep
water. Captain Matthews says that,
while the channel is undoubtedly shift
ing to the north and Peacock spit is dis
appearing, there is as much water as
there ever was, and though some sand
Is piled up by a westerly wind, it soon
washes clear again, Fully realizing the
benefit that the jetty has been to the
bar, lie feels confident that its extension
milo further out would increase its nee-
fulness and permit the largest vessels to
enter the river almost regardlesi of the
Judge Martin Critically 111.
Pundlxton, Or., June 21. Willfara
Martin, county judge of Umatilla coonty,
lies at the point of death at his home, in
this city. He suffered a stroko of apo
plexy a few days ago, and since then be
has been gradually linking. Attending.,
physicians have no hope of his recovery
Judge Martin is serving his 11th year mm
judge of this country . He is a pioneer
of 1813, and is the bent-known citizen of
Eastern Oregon.
General Wheeler Will Go to the Phil
ippines Alger Gave Indirect Con
firmation of the Report.
Washington, June 21. A denial Is
made at the war department that Gen
eral Milet is to succeed General Otis in
command in the Philippines. This war.
hardly necessary, as it is not likely that
the war department will ever do any- .
thing for General Miles as long as Alger.,
and Corbln are managing a flair eV
The rumor is again revived that Hor
ace Porter will succeed Alger as secre
tary of war, and that Whitelaw Reld will
be sent to Paris. This is another un
likely story, and la evidently pot out by
those who desire to seo such a result
brought about. Reid's recent and con
tinuous criticism of the administration
s not likely to result in any appointment
for bim, and the president will find great
difficulty in getting Aler out, If Alger
determines to stav.
Will Be Sent to Manila.
Chicago, June 21. A special to the
Times-Herald from lotosny, Mich., says:
Secretary of War Alger gvo indirect
confirmation today to the report that
General Joseph Wheeler is to be assigned
to duty In the Philippines. When
questioned about it as lie and General
Wheeler were about t3 leave for the
Grand Army camp fire, lie replied
promptly : "There is nothing to say at
least not till I issue the order." The ac
cent, however, was uuuiiptakal.le on t tie
words "the order."'
'I am still in the service," said Gen
eral. Wheeler, when questioned, "and
am subject to orders. 1 am not now un
der orders how soon I will be is for
Secretary Alger to decide."
A Thouamjfl lunguvi
Could not express the rap'. lira of Annie
K. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil-
adelplia, Pa., w hen she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years ha I made
lite a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no holp, tut she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something 1 can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's Sew D.seovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle
guaranteed. 5
llituct Itntr to ft, K. A.
For the National Educational Asso
ciation met tin; to be bel.l at Los
Angel, s, Cab, July 11-11, IS'0, the O.
R. AN. Co. wi.l make the following
rates from The Dal'es : Going and re
turning all rail ronto via Portland and
Southern Pacific fll.15; rail to Portland
and steamer Portland to Los Angeles
port of call, including meals and berth
on steamers, returning same route,
(39. 1.') ; rail to Portland, steamer to San
Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific
from San Franciso to Los Angeles, re
turning same route, $39.15. Tickets on
sale June 30th, July 1st and July 4th to
Ot'u inclusive, final limit for return Sept.
5th. For further iuformation call on or
address Ja. Ireland, Agent, O. R. & N.
Co., The Dalles. 10 J
Use Clarke A Falk'i Flornl Lotiue for
unburn and wind chafing. tf