THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 31 1869. The Weekly Ghroniele. Advertising Kale. ftr tnek Oit inch or lew in pally.. ....... .... J O f two iticht ami under four Inches I O ' lour lut-hes aud uuJor twelve Inches. . J 6 . twelve Inches . 40 daily r wr.iciT. Jne Inch or wt inch - Over one incn and under four luetic J Orcr four inches a:il under twelve Inches. . I f Over twelve inches 1 w ELECTION'S IX SIX STATES. There will be elections for gov ernor io six slates this coming fall, namely, Massachusetts, Maryland, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio and Io wa. Massachusetts and Iowa will certainly go Kcpublicftn, nnd Missis sippi can sifely be plated in the Do moeraiic column. Maryland, Ken tucky and Ohio Lave Republican governors at the present time, but it is doubtful if executives of that faith are coutinued iu power in a'l the states irenUoiu'd. Ohio will probably elect Nash, the UepuUican candidate for governor, but h;s majority is not likely to be overwhelmiiiii. Iu tint H years the state has cm-sen only futir Demo crats for Us highest otlice, ai:it no one of these has ever received a sc ond teirn. Although fs clioual dif. ferences were apparently patched up at the last convention in Co'umbu?, when Senator Ilanna succeeded in bavins his man nominated, some apathy is certain to be displayed in spite of the fact that nn Ohio man is president and that his candidate for governor was nominated and will re ceive adruinisttation support. Under normal conditions Kentucky is Democratic. With 5000 gold Democrats in levoll in 1 8DG McKin ley carried the slate by 200 voles only. A year ngo old party lines were again straightened out and the Democratic plurality was over 18, 000. Although the Republicans ex pect to wae a very vigorous cam paign, there is slight chance of their winning a victory. The contest in Maryland is likely to he close. The slate now has its first Republican governor in 80 years. The country districts arc Republican, while the city of Rdtimore is Demo cratic, and the election will probably turn on the vote of the municipality. A new honest election law is now in force and the frauds of former years in Baltimore are not likely to be re peated. Thi: fact, the Republicans claim, will be something greatly to their advantage. EXTRA Will A A' r LA S'O VA GE. munity where the rights of life, liber-1 Tyler' coi tv and the pursuit of happiness are to rapid the - . t':ll......'4 be sacredly protected. spokesman .7 "7 a-., 'iii-irk nun mi I IQIHM course in the presidency ,H-AJ tJ lUL-l-IUl V1 1 Whig party for tue lime. Review. TJE WHEAT CHOI'. Ed. Iloyce, formerly miner, but now profesional agitator and would be reformer of the world, is a good deal off in liia history, if the published account of his speech in Butte is cor rect. He sirs: "The conduct of Governor Steunenberg and General Meriiatn surpasses anything that has ever been attempted in I he world. History does not record nn instance when it was necessary for a working man tosecure a permit to seek em ployment in any country under the sun except Id.iho, whore a Demo cratic governor has descended to the depths of depravity in conjunction with a general of the r.rmy to com pel workingmen to first obtain their permission before accepting employ -merit."' Evidently Boj ce hasn't given very profound tho iht to historical studies, lie isn't acquainted with a good many important happenings during the last two or three thousand years, otherwise he wouldn't say the con duct of certain officials in Idaho sur passes anything that has ever been attempted In the world. There is nothinu' very startling in the way in h:cii Steuiicnberg and Mcrriam took charge of olTiirs in a riotous mining district. They mcre- II is evident from the report of the wheat condition, which has Just been made by tuo government, that the yield in 1809 will be smaller than was expected a few weeks ago. The cold weather last winter ami the absence of an adequate snow cover ing for the ground injured the winter wheat to such nn extent that the condition, as seen by the government report, is about 23 J per cent below that of a year ago. I he spring wheat, too, is not up to the forecast made iu May. Conservative estimates based on the acreage and average condition male the wheat yield of 1800 from 520,000,000 to 550.000,000 bu.-hels, as against a crop of 075,000,000 bushels iu 1898. It must be re numbered, however, that the 3 it Id of 1898 was the largest ever bar vested. The 000,000.000 mnik in wheat production was never passed before in this country except in 1891, when the yield was Gl 1 ,780, 000 bushels. The laigest yield in an1 other year was that of 1897,! which was 530,1 19,108 bushels. The jield of 1699, therefore, even at the lowest estimate yet made, will be as great as uuy ever bai vested except in 1891 and 1898. On such an ex hibit as this the country will Gnd no discouragement. Moreover, a sur plus of about 100,000,000 bushels is still left unused, it is believed, of laat yeai's crop. In any case the wheat yield of 1899 will be suflicieut to meet the wants of the country for food and for seeding, and allow a fair margin for exportation. That there will be a considerable demand from abroad is exceedingly probable. Russia's wheat crop it is believed from the latest indications, will be much be low the average of recent years, and that country is ordinarily a heavy exporter of wheat. In the other European countries in the aggregate the crop, it is figured, will be about j a mean yield, lhe reports of tue wheat situation at home and abroad justify the recent advance in that cereal. They also indicate that the American farmer will find a good demand for his crop, while the American consumer is not likely to have to pay exorbitant prices for his food. Globe-Democrat. Vill.nnr.'a enn.'liiet in llie imc M IIIIUVi V m . v . ' House arrayed a powerful element ot tie Northern Wliisjs against him, and prepared the way for the overwhelm ing defeat which came to his pirly in 1852, when it canied only four slates for President Johnson's cod Qici with the party which elected him when, by the death of Lincoln, he went to the presidency, precipi tated the most profound convulsion of the whjle reconstruction period. Arthur, on the other hand, made a (liscicct, capable ami satisfactory president. Ha went to lhe higher oil'icc einder conditions of great per plexity, but he met the most exacting demands of his post with a tact and ai Intelligence which won the ad miration of all political elements. There is a probability, indeed, that, wilh Arihui's personal populaiity in New Yoik, if he bd been nominated in 1881 Cleveland would never have been elected, and the succes?ion of Republican presidents might have continued to this day. But whether this surmise be correct or not, Chester A. Arthur was a public servant whose memory the people, without distinction of party, delight to honor. EXCURSION AND FREIGHT TRAIf-S COLLIDE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC. It. V 1111. of Turtlind. Killed loJured-Much !! Suck Killnl. cvrral The Populist professors who aie to be run out cf the Slate Agricult ural College of Kansas ore merely meeting the f.ite which is befalling their brethren everywhere in the country. The United Spates is turn ing against Populism with a vigor and a unanimity which arc doing almost as much as the victory over Spain aad the enlargement of the nation's area to advance the prestige of the country all over the world. The Populists are sure of an asylum in the Democratic parly, but as the Democracy is very nearly as dis credited as the Populist parly the condition of the poor Pops is not helped much by that circumstance PoiiTi.A.M, June 19. Special to This CiiKoxiti.K. As the result of a ruifun nVrstan.ling of orders on the part of the train crew of a freight on the Northern Pacific, which left P irt!acl at 8 p. n , an txcuraion train returning from Clat op beach collided head on i ne mile eal of Linnton last evening. The engineers on h th trains saw the danger in time to check the n eed. thus avoiding much greater disaster. Oie mar:, I). V. Ball, cf Portland, who w9 in the bairBflfe car on the exftirr ion train, was instantly killed. The in iurcd are: Homer Darling, 1 ft arm broken; Mrs. l. P. Bell, bruise?; Jas Mallon, ens'nrfir, K' cot; Miss Pit mar, West Cliehuli?, spine injured; L. II. B-irne, brakeiuiin, slight; John sen, Bridal V i1, teKh knocked out, lip cut. Tlio taj-gage ear telenciped over the tei.diT of the CEiarekn engine. A car containing live stock vai demolished ami much t-totk killed. Injured lire in the i'.irllund hospital doing well, except D.irlirg, who wi'l lose his arrru Kiwi uf the CT.Hiiter. STATUE TO ARTHUR. The unveiling of the statue Thurs day in New York to former Presi dent Chester A. Arthur marks a fitting tribute to a capable and worthy public servant. The case of Gen. Ailhur was a Gne illustration of the steadying it.fluence of great responsi bility. Previous to his choice as vice president he had never held an elective ollicc. He hid filled some appointive posts, but aside from thai of collector of the port at New York, none of them were of much political importance. Everybody remembers that there was some distrust iu Republican circles when, at the dcaih of Presi dent Garfield, Vice President Ailhur went to the higher office. Never, however, were misgivings so quickly and so completely dissipated. It was assumed that as Arthur belonged to the opposite faction in the Bepublican party from that wilh which Garfield was identified, war would be made on Gai field's friends and the Re publican party would be disorganized and placed in a minority in the country at large. The new president very protnptly and very agreeably disappointed his critics. The lie publican party did, indeed, lose the It is remarked by a discreet friend that the wbite gowned girl graduates in their essays possibly settle no public questions but they present some interesting views well worth looking at. An.l this is very im portant and very good for this and coming generations. Thry Oft Triers. lv said thai laws should be respected ! congressional election of 1882, the linn not vioi.ucit, anil tiecause a mis guided union had terrorized the eoni- The Prineville stage horees evidently are aware of the notoriety w hich that line ha had thrust upon it of late, and becoming a little kittenish have decided U take matters into their own hands ar.d show their preference for a Bailee stable. They therefore got there with bolh feet early yesterday morning. Having taken a passenger to her desti nation nn the hill, the driver started down the Union cut, when, j.iet In front of C. L. Phillips' store, the brnke staff broke and caused the horses to run away. Like a flush they shot down the strei-t, never turning till they reached the Umatilla house, hen they turned op First to Court, and then up Second o Federal, and on to Ward & Robert son's stable. Reaching tlie goal they rere in such a hurry tc get in that a slight puil by tbe driver caused the wheel horees to run against tbe side of the door and one of th-m fell down. The tongue ef the stage pi nelrated one of the leader's ehoulderp, canting a bad wound, and it whs thought the animal might die; bat fie will probably he ready for another chase ere long. Lawson, who was the driver, stuck to the stage, aud only when they reached the stable was he throwu out. He foil under the wheel hone that was lift standing, bat like lightning jumped over the hor?e that was dnwned, and mirac ulously escaped injury. In writing the article last week con earning the foolish, unguarded conduct of some of tbe young girls of our city, Tiik Out jnici-e euppreseed a portion cf the facts which had been brought to light for fear of thwarting the plans of cfBcera who were at work to bring to juaiii'e the parties concerned thertiu. Through tho vigilance of our post master it was discovered that letters were received by these girls addressed to "Maggie Coin," a fictitious name letters which were unfit for any human being to read, much lets young girls, who are hardly yet able to write an in telligent letter of any sort. The postal inspector being informed, hastened to the city, and ferreting out the whole affair, discovered that one Temple, who is a member of the "Noble Dramatic Company" was tbe author of these scandalous epistles and was also scheming to pereuade one of the girls to elope wilh bim. The inspector at started for N-'w Whatcom, where the Noble Company was billed to play, and finally arrested the fiend at that place a few days since. This, we hope will bo the last of hlui, as his is a penitentiary offense; and surely the girls have learned a lesson which will prove of lasting good. Keiult ut Election. Rheumatism is a disease of the blood. Local applications msy furniii, porary relief, but to CURE the disease it it neceMaijT ha through the blood. tt Locomotor Ataxia is a disease of the nerves. The one successful method of h ment is by a remedy that will restoi nutrition to u,, ,7" Such a remedy is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People These pills are a specific in cases of Rheumatism, Locomota Ataxia, Paralysis, and other diseases of the blood and ntrvet because they supply the necessary elements to build up the blcoj and strengthen the nerves. It is in this way that the pills effect,, many cures in diseases of apparently widely different character Kdwln Jl. Tripp, Postm. MlddlellelU Centre. N y S J MlLAfkr-fl l-V irhnl t i ' . Slleura nire Ciimi'iit. Having heard no word, el' her of denial o othrw is, from Salem regarding the article published recently In Tun Ciiuon id a cji crniuK the manner in tvhielia body had bevn shipped the innne aryliim to friends here, we have abnut emiie to the coi.clu-J.m thatsilt-nee uives onsent, an 1 that no explanation is denned m ceisary. Our cmciusiorii are niunity nnd paralyzed industry, they insisted that for a lime at least it should not be allowed to exert its bad Influences in the operation of the mines. There is nothing very remarkable in this as an event. It is merely the display of a praiseworthy determina tion to preserve the peace, a plain, common sense way of bringing order out of chaos and converting a turbu lent district into a peaceful corn- year after Arthur went to Ihc prcsi- confirmed by tho following from the lonfi- It b. Aril,,.,'- Salem Kentiiicl: .... j . v vu. U V. "1 1 J am . I, J , Tt.... .. . 1 1 . - 1 iew 1 oik in that year, and it was . , ,. , ' i r.rilunt At thn evlimi iwnlau ' "1 ""'K defeated for president and congress in 1881. The causes of these re verses, however, had been in opera lion before Arthur reached the White House, and they would lave worked the same way even if he had re roained in private life. Gen. Arthur was the one vice presi dent who, going to the presidency on the death of bis chief, gave satisfac tion to the party which elected him. Laura Donaldson, committed from Waeco county, removed her niht gown and from it made a ropo. This she tied to the window guard, placed tier neck In the noose and lying down on the floor slowly cbocked herself to death. This was a less shocking occurence than the one of recent date, where one weak patient about to be bathed was placed in the bathtub by another patient who turned on the boiling water and scalded tbe weaker one to death before tbe at tendant arrived." Election yesterday failed to create as much enthusiasm as did the circus or even the dog show, and we understand that but 111 votes were cast thirty eiuht in two ward?, and thirty-seven in tho other. There being no rival candi dates in the field was probably tbp cause oi the few votes cast, each voter being aeeured that his men would get in without his support. Ana bo the election resulted as fol lows : Mayor, II. L. Ktick. City treasurer, C. J. Crandall. Water commissioner at large, J. F. Moore. First ward Chas. Michelbach council man for lonz term. 11. Cluugh for short term. August liucbler water commis sioner. Second ward W. Johnston cjuneil j)an for th.irt term. Jjs. Kelly for long term. 8. Bolton water commissioner. Third ward Dr. Shaiktlford council man ; K i Phirman water commissioner. A Tliounand Tnnxura Could not exprets the rapture of Anuic b. Springer, of 1125 Howard st.. Phil- adelpr ia, Pa., when the found that Dr. King's New Di.-covery for Consumption bad completely cured her of a hacking coujh that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and dtctors coold givo her no help, but she esysof this Kojal Cure "It toon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing bt I ft.c like sounding its praises throughout the iiiiiverne." (So will every one who tries Dr. King' New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lung. Price 50c aud 1. Trial bo'tle free at Waki-Iey Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle giHratiteed. g Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling somo heavy boxes. The doctor I culled on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon bo well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain's I'ain Balm. I tried It and one half of a 50 cent bottle cured me entire ly. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Druggists. Frank Look, who lives near Len non,Mlch.,8ayi: "I waaflrst token with a pain in my back. The phy sician pronounced my case rouacu lar rheumatism, accompanied by lumbago. My disease gradually be came worse until I thought death would be welcome release. 'I was Anally Induced to try Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills for Pole Peo ple. Before the flri-t box was used 1 could (ret about the house, and af ter uslmr rive boxen whs entirely cured. Since that time I have felt co return of the rheumatic pains. Am connii'Tt that Ir. Williams' i'iuk Pills saved my life. Frank Lono. Hworn to before me at Venice, Mich., this 15th duy of April, G. B. Goldsmith, Jutttce oj the Peace. The full nunc is on each package. Sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid br Dr.Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.V. Price r box; 6 boxei.ij., was attacked by what I learned was locomotor ataxtn T-n.i.iij!t doctors did everything Uiey eould for mo. 1 beca nie worse, could not move even about the room. I did Dot expect to live very lone The turning point wn a doth. paper arliclo. It told how a man who had sullered us 1, li8, h.i! cured by Williams' Pink PiUs for Pale People. 1 took tMo bo-es of the pills; then four more twit, My Ralu was steady; my return to health was a source of dally (rati Mention. In all 1 took eighteen box cs of the pills before I n entirely well. I owe my cure enllrelv to Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills lor hi. People " BUMcrlbed and sworn to before. m, ilOHEU H anna, .Volary Crandall 5 Bctrget fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoe Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles. Or. The... Chronicle Publishing Co, We ficxVe... PRINTERS. Heat Olopk. Quick Work. Reasonable Prices. The Dalles, Oregon. c-4 crocks 7 How About Your Title? JiK YOtTSrifKitlHollrighl? Uemeniber it i m.iwiti timi govern, it is our im--"- ,- . ftan h tlm rrRoril nml hnw what tliPV col U" , n liilioii lo lun.l titles. If ,,,ti onti-iiiplalo hnyinil !''," r loaning iiiohpv rn real imitate H'tnrltv, take no wrn!, imt insiet upon knowing what tho nror.1 jl'"" ri-gariling ihu liti... An A helmet Is M msfiinal " I"H. lueint on having It. We have the rt " Abstract Hunks in Hip County. All work promptly' cute.l am eatieiVUoii cuaranleH. II yon hv prPJ rtv to innr, (ive n a call. We re nl fr l'),ir" llm beet (Iro liieiirnnc comparing in the world. 'J '. have 4ropprty for salt', Hit it Willi ui and we'll IU"1 buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono CI. 2d St., opposite A. I M. WIIMamic' Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle.