IBGlceftlg ill o VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JUNE 21, 1899. NO. 33 -sweasaav m a srm S WAV 0 COMBO RE- PORTED KILLED V Oils Confirms Reported Assassina- EATH REGARDED A GODSEND I Principal Obstacle to Peace Is N'ow BtlieTed to Be Removed Tons of Powder Captured The American Troops Are In Complete Possession tf I urns. KnicAGO, Jane 16, The Tribune to- prioU the following: Indon, Jane 16. An unconfirmed Lrt ii circulated liere that Aguinaldo knet i (ate similar to that Dieted out General Luna two days ago. Details theiMassinaticn are lacking. How ler, u the report was brought into Ma li by nUive, it finds (orue believers ere, tod the Lo idon papers have made irj effort to verily it, bot to far have en unsuccessful. It is (apposed here tt the murder was done by Luna's lends." Otis Confirms Report. WtswNUTox, June 15. General Otis cabled confirming the assassination ienert! Luna, which he regards as and to have a good effect, as his large owing will now nndonbtcdly be for fiiir York, June 16. In an interview Brunele with a Herald correspondent, Andre, ihe Belgian consul-general at fcnili, decUred that Luna's death was 1D(; that lie was the soul of the lion ami Ihe most sanguinary man I Aguinaldo's army, and one who :ared Spanish prisoners acd lived by predion. il. Andre Jays the assassination of removes the principal obstacle to pibidi the Americins have now a Ml chines of speedily securing, even Jiui!e persuasion. Imus Formally Surrendered. "York, June 18 A dispatch to Henid from Las Pinas bv wav of N says: Spanish prisoners who p into the American lines from Imus M that the en?mv have retreated in- p mountains. They brought to Imus "wiesot 100 killed and 300 wounded reenltof the recent fwhtinir 1. fa Lu Pinas and Bacoor. Spanish further av that the Fili- Morces are demoral iz '1 nrl without aoition, and that many rifle Lave "tlimin into the river. The alcades 'town o! I i us deliver el the town 'Geueral Lvvton.di daring that the on!d no mil if ,t mere nnt for 'Mo'icut throu band. CaDe Vieio fortel to have b n deeerid t the TlionsanJs of noi.-combatunls "w.nj the American lines. The r report shows that 121 bodies of in- TPMnial , r-uavaneen buried since the re- tK "laments. The American sol '"Hid fin ling bodies. Ajuinaldo a Lively Corpse. ""kotos, June 10.Tbe war de- a DlInt l.J twin" r,?ce, "dispatch from f ' Otis announcing the renulse of "'Orirenr.' .i,.l. . - - - upon oar forces f,n'ernindi. T t, ........ i " heavy lostm. T. " Benere wounded. I : I v.. nuuno irom Cleveland, O.. says : The stove manufacturers of Cleveland, who control about 80 per cent cf all the gas, coai on ami gasoline stoves maunlactored in the United State, have practically completed plans for the combination of their interests. The new company will be known as the Standard Gas Stove A Manufacturing Company, and will have a capitalization of 15.500,000, which will include 2.500,000 preferred stock and f 3,000,000 common stock. Railroad Surveyors at Colutnbns. Golden-dale, Wash., June 15. The Columbia Valley railway surveyors ar rived at Colunibn ferry last evening, and are today driving stakes across the vineyard and orchard of the tld J. W. Prceby property of 210 acres. The iine, as the con r.e seems to follow, will cot squarely in two some of the principal building lots in the town of Columbus. The engineer in charge seems to be mak ing the location regardless of expense. POISON THE MEANS EMPLOYED Unfortunate Womaq Ate Had Been Treated nine to be Used Poison. Wheat Tbat With Strych- for Squirrel OPPOSE A BOAT RAILWAY Emitters Say lit Cut Ml Be TftctiiiJi. THE HOUSE OPPOSES IT And May Not Make an Aoorooriatioa for the Scheme Caoal and Locks Suggested. Repm Denied. ;)t . Ju,io.ihe Fiipino JanU , "W'W no tiuih in the reinrl eiren. I' nth in the report circu Li i ..a ami a.i i. thai a., t .... , lied. '" nas the United tern mil "with of Troop Goo I. !,",!'""' Ju' "'--The statements d-!."?1 ,h,t ,nff' 'ounl Manila tlm., . ' iiiii ms war ue- ink,. , '"'nieiiea to sop- i eaiin report wliicli U,OQl ifi frf.t. .: l . a I sTOflfl m . . the l.e.ufa conditions in sot o" M'ny a"d"rGenrl t' " itrol ,""l""i,,,in'r iwllenl. L I r,nr In Un,,n.l ....J ..... )Du on c.rretsp.M.dent of the iill Control Stoves Spe;a o the Shebwood, Or., June 16 A sad trag edy occurred at the home of Albert Kus bob, living about two miles south of town, near noon yesterday, when Mrs. Emma Km bob committed suicide. Mrs. Kasbob had returned home Ihe evening beiore Irom the Oregon insane asylum at Salem on parole, after having been confined there during the patt three months on account of a mild form of dementia, and on being left alone at home during her husband's hurried visit to a near neighbor's, found while wandering about the house, a can of poi soned wheat used for destroying squirrels and other small auimals on the farm, and partook of the contents. Rtv. J. E drige and wife, near neigh bor, called in soon after Mr. Ku9bob had left and found Mrs. Kushob eagerly eating some s'nd ol preserves presum ably to destroy the intense bitter taste remaining in the mouth, yetj they did not diccover what had ccenrred during their visit, no evidence of the tfgejy being vieibleor su'ptctcd by teem. j Directly after their departure Mr. Kus. I bob drove op to the gate near the bouse, when be heard a cry and splash a, the well close to the kitchen door, and on ioveetigatirg found tbat his wife hal jumped in feet foremost, alighting in water some fuur feet deep. r?he was reicued as quickly as possible, and apparently no visible damage lal resulted from the leap except an abrasion of the ekin on one finger. After con sciousness had l.een reetcreJ, rcsui.i-jg from shock and particles of the poieoced grain found, she finally admitted she had lasted it, hut wouid give no further par ticulars, n'y she hal taken both methods of ridding herself of life. Dr. A. L. fiaylor was called in quickly as possibly, and evtry tfTjrt was made to counteract the deadly ponoD, but without succese, convulsion succeeding convulsion at intervals until about 10 o'clock, when death ended the woman's sufferings. Mrs. Kuibob was a very estimable Christian lady, aged 44 years, and had resided near hero a long lime. No family except hcrhuihand remain to mourn her nnlortnnate death. A Card "t Tlianfc. I wish to say that I feel nnder lasting f.l.IU:iona for what Chumberlaiu's rv,,i, Kerned hal done for our family. I Johnson, ' ! I I 1 f. so maov cases i appear irum uvzv -. Wasiiisgtos, Jane 12. As negotia tions for the right of way fur the boat railway at The Dalles are in prospect of completion, the subject of what is best to do again c-.mci up for consideration among mej who must deal with the bulject. UiuUr the act of congress there is no doubt tbat the engineers will go forward and prepare plans and specifica tions for the boat railway and make ar rangements for cairying out the law. Although the bouse of representatives placed in the last river and harbor bill a claube providing for the repeal of the en tire boat-railway project, and this could be taken as a sort of notification to the war department that one branch of con gress, at least, did not believe in the boat railway, the senate afterwards struck out this repeal, leaving the matter as il stood, and the engineers now have nothing else to do bat g'l forward with the work. However, the delay in secur ing a right of way, together with the time which it will take to prepare plans for the boat railway, wi.l no doubt carry Ihe affair into the next section of c in grese, and pooiiuly by that tiaie a differ ent proposition Day be brought forward. A great many men who have given the matter careful tindy believe tbat Ihe most feasible proposition u canal and locks, end that it would be a goo-J thing for the Oregon delegation to make an effort lo substitute canal and locks for the boat-railway project. It will be al most impoesiUe to get appropriations throngb congress for the boat railway. The temper of the fio-Jse. wat thoWQ jij tU passing the repeal of the project, and if there is a river and harbor bill in the coming session, there is no reason to doubt that the committee of rivers and harbors and the house will ag tin pnt in Pennsylvania delegation to the next national convention as against Rrvan, and connt on the New England, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and Illinois delegations. and on uninatrurted delegations from other states who can be Influenced and controlled af.er they get lo the con vention. George D. Evaos Arraigned. Olvmpia, June 17. George D. Evans was arraigned before Ihe superior court this morning, the specific charge against him being forging a atate warrant of $(183.13, payable to the Dausch A Limb Optical Company. This warrant was is sued April 21, 18S5. When Eyans was brought into the courtroom the trial judge and prosecuting attorney stepped np to him and shook Llin cordially by the l and. Evans asked further time and was given nntil Monday to plead. The superior conrt jury was dismissed today, with the exception of those men lo the Riley case. Judge Linn told the fury men that court would probably be re convened August 1 for special term to hear the Evans rase. Eyans' bail has been fixed at fSOOO, but it Is doubtful if be can iet this amount. A GREAT RECEP TION IS PLANNED tr 'An Baking jtBSCLUIILY tURE POWDER Makes the food more delicious and wholesome CANADA GIVES AN ULTIMATUM Tells Eoilatd to CIoose Eelwccn Her ill Htl Slab BOUNDARY DIS PUTE IS WORSE General Sbaftcr Says All the Troops at the Presido Will Turn Out As an Escort. Sas Fbanciwo, June 17. The Second Oregon volunteers will find many old friends to welcome them when they reach San Francisco. Oregon residents here will co-operate with the Red Cross Society of California, Mayor I'helarj, Mj r General Shafter, and other pat riotic citizens, in extending the heroes a wholehearted welcome. The regiment is expected to arrive here early in July. Paris Kilburne, president of the state harbor rominiesion, iid today : 'The Oregon boys are we'e une lo the opper nave of the new ferry depot for a reception parlor. Decorations would make it Ihe mot beautiful place in the citv. Anything else a! our disposal will be theirs while Ibey reir.aiu in S. n Francisco. We think as much of the Oregon boys a they dj in Portland." Maj r-G neral Shafter will give the Tolontetrf a tu li ary reception, and ail available troop at the PreeiJo will (urn out a an escort. "The Oregon Voys will not remain brre an hour longer than is absolutely neces sary," sid Genera! Shafler, Great Britain Cannot Proceed With the Negotiations In the Face of Such a Predicament, and Officials Cannot Pla.:e the Blame at Her Door Re port Positively Contradicted. Nkw Yolic, June 19. A special to the Journal and Advertirer from Wathing ton says : Canada has served nolica on England that she must choose between the L'nitet! States and the North Ameri can Dominion in the settlement cf ti.e Alaskan boundary question. It is stated on the highest authority that this state ment represents accurately the condi tions submitted to England, which hs delayed the negotiations between Ao,- bassador Ct.o ite and I.ord Salisbury in the provisional line of the modus Vivendi. The position to Canada is known here officially. The official to whom k ii kooan fee's authorized in saying th.t there are only two ways out of the dif ficulty; first, tbat Canada will volun tarily recede from her demand lor a Pa cific tidewater port, or, second, that the L'nited States shall surrender the prin riple la'vl down by Secretary Hay, in hie tentative boundary line, that Americans will not grant temporarily or otherwise any port facilities to the Canadian. That Canada will yield is considered by the state department officials, who have diecnsee-I the new and acute phases of the situation, as improbable. It i asierled on authority that Eng- I do cot ! 'and has w-en lorejj lo yield lo Canada and that the L'nited States an 1 Er gland here Sainrday and were married that morning by Rev. G. II. Morden. The groom Is aged 67 and Ihi bride 60. The. happy pair left on the noon train for their future home in Colville. Sampson Not III. IiosTOM, June 18. The statements published to the effect that Admiral Sampson was ill and would retire from the command of the North Atlantic squadron Lave been authoriatively denied by an efficjr of his staft as wholly unfounded. On the contrary, Admiral Sampson is now in better health' than he has been at any time since or during the war, and has no intention of ifiylng op his command. CANNIBALISM IN ALASKA Three Eastern Men Get Lost and One Is Eaten. this repeal. Perhaps in Hie compromise i know how much time i: whl rtqiire for there may bean opportnnlty loaotf.orlze j the handling of ihe reg ment, Lut while j 'e iier apart May in the controversy the canal and locks. Members of con- j they regain here they w i.l be heartily j :cc the aij larcmer.t of the huh gress have been advised by prominent 1 we' corned. " j jiint commission. engineers that ibev private! do cot te- The reception will 1 cr.der thej In the light ol the present news, the !':eve in the bokt railway scheme, and auspices of the Red Cross Society of this j h:le they say that they could construct ! state, the membere of which speak in j a boat railway, they at Ihe same time ; grateful terms A the O.-eg'-n society. j point cut that the expense would te j j something tremendous, and that it would. Will Pay Off Second 0re;on. be better to build a canal. Very ftw Was iingt.v, June 17. Mtj r G-n-i i f-rjiuieetft have ev.r uvorei mo prop- j M-.naghan, pjymaster, has been or- otition, and it is doubtful if any recom- ; dered to Portland, for duty pertaibirg to mendatkn will go to the coming conress ; ihe cirment of mustered -ont volunteer in favor of a boat railway. Tr.e O.-egcn j retQrLin from Manila. He is to tit off.e"1''1 office today were shonn thed s- cotifi'ct, wl.ici the provisional l-oundary iine was intended to prevent, may be precipitated at any moment, and with greater il.ow cf probability when It be come known that England has derilcd l s'.an 1 irrevocably oeh'n 1 Ctnada. England Denies It. Losnoy, June 10 The cfiiciais of the delegation may be able lo secure a pro- j s.rond Oregon nporj it arrival. pet for a canal. They will receive the,' Captain Cha-ie L. Hlge, Twen' I , She Was Murdered. Armsutos, Or., June 17. The bodvj of the young aoman found in tr.e col-1 umbia at Spramie landing. Ihe other day, j i patch from Washington saying that Car. , da had eerved notice on Great Britain hearty endorsement of engineeers who ; fif;u infantry, is orJarel t Prtlacd lo i'hatsrie fr.osl crioose tt-.wten Lotted have investigated the sutjfrt, and it i ! relieve Captain Jor-eph P. O Neii from j -'ates and her North American domic believed tne war department wonld give jrecruiting duty. j ion in the settlement of Ihe Alaska its approval of such a scheme. ( Second Lieutenant Frank A MeCal!, u nndary di-po'.e. They drc'ared Ihe Urst IJaho. i dieeharired on account of : 'or? lai-e, o.iin in snr srance ana ucl, a wound received in a.-.ion. j1"" !t cn U further reoflirmed that a rooms viveiMi was reacne.1 early last DearneM (( core. ! ek. as cabled to the Associated Pres bv locI applications, a they cacm t at that tiir e. I -:f i ; reacn loe aiaeawii porwon oi iu ear iue ininriutui ia irrwi out- uo Circle Cjtv, Alaska, May 29. Vi San Francisco, June 19. A story of pos sible cannibalism and death on llio Yukon trail has jntt reached here. Three men who left Dab) river On DecemtsrT-1 for Jimtown, were not heard of &rr anil i they were supposed to have been lost.. Nothing was heard of them here till tiro- -steamer Hideout, which arrived today, brought a terrible tale of suffering and . ..orror. The men were Michael Daly, Victor ' Elair and M. Provost. They were u " Providence, R. I., Woonsocket, R. ., and Brockton, Mass., respectively. They were discovered seventeen mile from the mouth of Old Mm creek, they hav ing lost the trail and becomo bewildered. Having left Dahl river with only three week' foo l, but which was amply stiffi cient for the 150 mile to Jimtown, the poor fellows were soon reductd to starva tion. Daly' body wa fuood, partly eaten, in a tent, and on the stove just as it wa left when death overtook the other were found some scrips of moose hide and moccasin of which they were endeavor ing to make a sU w. Daly'a Uxly wa identified by the clothe. The other two men were found dead five mile away from the tint. The fact of the tent flap beinj shut down when found woul I preclude Ihe possibil ity of Daly' body havin been eaten by annua;-. I l.e other m n d olt!ees wire driven by hunger to the a I'll extrem ity of cannibalism. Four hundred dollars were fonnd on the bodice. I... I.n i.lonlifta..! tlllt diisolu'e per)n, who dis-, - 30 It is be- D1 1 v w.l7.UUU'Jliai iriUDJin j une o ii.it.oi piv ci .1 witoci Wehaveuteil It in so many . . .hi Lewfnee is CACseJ bv an iDtlame1 con- coughs, lung trou'ilcs and whoopirg ! lifted here that tr.e woman wa ""-' dition o( tu Uincoas lining of the Eu cough, and it has alwav. given the most I dered. and her body thrown into te;UrLUn Tabe Wfc ube U la. river iq j fi.irued yoa have a rambling ound or iiperfct hearing, and when it I en TWF rANniDAf.Y !iirelyc:oee.l. lVafcei the result, and I I IL. VI 11 1..... ..iUfa.il,n. we lerl ereatly in- ril-. ri..c ...... , - denied lo the mannf.cturer of thi remedy and wish them to please accept onr hearty ihai.ks.-Kespectfully. M". S. Dirtr, I s Moines, low a. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Mrs. W.J. PI) male Dead. jAt7Ko.NVll i.K, Or-, June 17. Mrs. W. J. I'lymale, a pioneer of 18hi, died at the family residence in Jacksonville fifty four years ami hnsband all grown last night, aged fourteen days. She leaves i and large family of children, but two boys. J. A. Schcar.-if Hedalia, Mo., taved his child from death by croup I y using One Minuta Cough Cure. Il cure cough, cold, pn-nmoi.u, l.grip.e and all throat sn I lung troubles. Suipe Kinersly DnU Co. OF GORMAN- Gaining f.toucd Kapidlv trn Males, in the East W'aniN(.Tox, June 10. The idea that j Gorn.an is an active and delcroJced , rival of Bryan, an I is rere.v.ng scu' erv materia! alstane, is f a n n nn.l rapi.lly in ihe hist, at. I unless the itf animation can be taken out arid thi tri'je reetored to its Lormal condition, hearing will Ix destroyed for- sar; nie ont of ten are caused hy catarrh, which it nothing but an in '. ffaaie-.l Condi' ion of the mucous tur- fa.e. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any ease of Ivafnes , cans.! by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Care. Send for circulars; free. F. J. fiiisit A Co.. Toledo, O. gJLffu'A by Dmiyist. TV. 6-iD Ha'.'s Family Pill are the best. gnji thought hy many it.ai orn-iily declare his can Ii fj"y. il is ,rn;aa w .. sx n The ii r- nun ni'ti are hoj efn! of carrying the j iu,,t(. HarmoB whirkey faxi'y and pc;ai cee, soi l by LVn Wils'in, The dien'on, and when thev are settled ! final rrangnn nt w ii! be entered into, i It may Le further said tt.t the li ndiry juried npr. fohoas the suni.mts of : Wl ite and Chilkoot paet. . Wedded After Fifty Years. Eol AiD, B. C., June Ii rornanticj ri!arr!a;e toox p'ace here recently. Inl.y t.aif a centnr ag George Kuchle and : Bertha WeiJI went lo school together, , and sobfe'joent'y tecimei r.gageil. Cir 'comslai.ee separated Iheto, however, and in the eoarnr of time c of them ' marrle-f. For Iwenty-five year the two never me', and eventually one lost a 'mach-lovei hnilar.l l,il the other ' mournel the loss of a devoted wife. Each ' learne-1 by tnuie means of the lone'y con ' diticn of the other. They u.et aain, an 1 ' the ear'y iffrxtion w hith had to long lain dormant in their breads ; ring into l.fe j wit'i ncahted ;gcr. The ret followed ' ii a Diit'er of course, T:.e fair cam Itnlbcril Hat, In . K. A. for the National Elucvtional Asso ciation rneet.nj to be heM at l. Angeles, Cal., July 11-14, lV-:, the O. k. & N. Co. wi.i n.ike the foilowiiiit ratrs from The Dal'es : Goin and re turning all rail route via Portland and Southern Pacific 1 14.15 ; rail to Portland and stiamer Portland to j Angeles port of call, including meals and bertlt on steamers, returning same route, 130.15; rail to Portland, stealer to Sara Francisco and r.-j.l via Southern Pacific from San Franc's-to Lo Aneles, re- lurriiag same ro'ite, :!9.I5. Ticket oo rale June .'iOth, Jny 1st and July 4th to 9:Ii icclnsive, final limit for return Sept. 5th. For further information ca.l on or addrei Jas. Ireland, Agent, O. P.. A .V. Co., The l) i! tt-. 10 J II.,l,trl lha lifar. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the S'jhjrc', is narrated by hi in a follows: "I was in a ruort drea I'ul condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continu.iil in Lark and aides, no apfe'.lte gradually gr j irt weaker day t.y i!a. Ti ue i.jli cian had given n.e up. Fortcn ite'y, trier.d adviired "Electric B Iters'; and to mygre.t j y and surprise, the firt bott.e made a decided i:n prove mint. I cr.ntlnuel their ue for r.ree wetkr, acd am now a we!! man. I ki.cr ti.ey saved my l.fe, and robbed the grave of another victim." Nj one ai.ou.d faii to try them. Only 50. guarar.tTedat Blakeley A Houghton's dru, store. 5 For Five IM ars yea can t oy a Camera hat will taka larer p c 0'-s t ian ar.y other Ca.-z.era on the market. For sal by Clark A Falk. tf