The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 17, 1899, PART 2, Page 6, Image 6

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H. D. Pia:at
9 tit u HjJ R "
d tT Sir, awsacer uu ki-
l , Sin. ai4 I;e E-ariiWe-
" T I
i - . i . i . - - 1 f I F B 1
- mm-.-- II I ft. 1 rf I I I WL 19
i n t nf t&
lira. Ti. Ear i tt.KJ J ,iaa a .&.
At tl tJ tw ie. : f s; c" It
er-aa.t,. ttrt... l
Ti La...
I Improved CYCLONE Mggjzing
Pr!. J. . LasAect was rt--.-irr.iri
ilrt. E. M- Y.:a was a Metier c; , cILYiri UiUiV
. ' ni inn nnr
S-y.trl Citstl9 tf 5
for Tl'r:T-r Eif-ars.
iz-l s-.r i-r-.;t-J toiay.
Mit Wda r'ar. f Wav. :
Hut E:-;i IiajiaJs-
Eer. J. II. U"J. wtS-s ee
W ia INiCZaad. rtlJ'tt-i c f
Jaaei re j.ct3.avr t t; e terj i
wLirfe it tassel aJ-.r tr De V!s
i.T, i ta Tte Wl.e Uiir. ! .
S'.a'.e, drsrrist (rai Peadtoa. Lxbaxcx. Mi-, Jacal-S. I :n. RharJ
arrrvW ia Tie U tiftt ard p E:tc4 ci 4 'cu tttt rort-
?n.'.r r til cntvrr:
rxi-txIkMcattt b.:: It Han. RjctarJ Prkt E:ni i:J t L:
ifU. ! hoae6T Lbaon ( 4 :3i)oVWk . m., I
F. S. Goria. of tte Wa.i fl jtr p-ffaUy iJ milioot ffic 1
Chumcii ars. t nreTr a e:i from Mr EBJ ramej hoaie wlB
W. Hri:r n1 wife. O. V. Wii; at4 , . ,-TM r-., .tf . .
wile ts4 A. W. Ui:sa rriwJ ir.131 " .
cocaJ to bit Kerne. nl Lii he!t.: b :
ctJc."t detli3el. lilt!r it pro-:
Lrt f r:ef scJ t.l the cottmaoitT i 1
it beretTol. Tto faaertt tike
p:c SwtardT, terrioet Urioj caJoc'.ed
by the Jilwonieordrr. -
FOR 1S39.
Ten Pcir.tsto Consider
1-; p-oTar in t2 Seconds,
v -' r a . o m r lateho.titrs.
O- rJ. t rrp : wltnout
11 I
r a 1
Notice of Sale.
Vail i
tiki trfttcrLt. AKKirx
Jc't Ij!k-, Inver. rt. Ft
Worth. Onib, k'n- M.iL
-. lily. tt. Uui, 1:13p.m.
ol Ire!, berc-br
ciaieoi (Jnr.,n
Uh.tH ... " 'I I l.l,..
1 Men.K. tj.iv jn!.lL:n.r.
f ia.-, Wrt, to n, d i .?Htttl u
IO Ut)!,fY a .Ui1,.". "''
i-inuir ...d .m"t !l 7C'
lo, f..r tbe iuu ..f . ,' .tl,"''-,(.
t l!ie hour
St.1 y. m
t i
i .Mum jioli". M. Kul,!
i o 1 u t b, iil Nukev.i
No. 4 sire x 4'
No. 5 sua 4x5 .
Just Arrived.
ISS3 Cat!ccu with ccm
p.ete ir.fcrmaticn FREE.
8P.m. j
For till FraiK i'J'o
ai.d every hve dayi
Sr. Lcn. Jaat 15. A Pait-Kjjmch
froa Let-toon. JIx, ttyt that .
How About Your Title?
4 p. m.
v. m. 1
Ex. Sunday Colombia Rt. Btfamrrs. Ex.buuda
lo AKTuaii ana nay
MtircUy i JjiniiiiKa.
IM p. ia. 1
4 D. m.
I ti n. I WlUiHtTTE Rivra. 4:30 p.m.
' uday Oreg'in 4 it-. Newberg, Ex.euudaJ
, ba em ic Way Laud'a.i
Dafar ye.eriaT alirr n a ci ;ft t.'. t
wot-aing Vu..Azz..:a to t!iJ t'.e
Uream cc4s!erioe cl the U. B. ciureh.
Tiiitr" txBiy
5Irt. B. T. C&'-tat 3eft I bit mornirf
for Paf.'tBd in tLe bo. of becefi'Jbf
her he-ih.
Urt. C. McFarUcd it in tte city from
Pjrtlan-i, tr-e ct cf ber iacLtr,
31 ra. W. H. M-miy.
Kn. W. H. MaatsetA. f jcanerly cf
tiitritr. rr:Tff !m eTenicj on tte boat j
axl ia i Uiticz fricodt.
VArt CttfMa a tr'p lo Ciet
by (jal app!lcatioc, at ttey cannot ;
reth tie dleatel nation of tie ear ;
Ttere It cc'y oca y to cere tirafaea j
sJlhatu by eJ.i'iilT.ioaa! rrm-iirt '
I'va'aeet it cacr-j br au lujjfiM-J coo- j
f EE YOr ?UP.E :t is :i rifttr Eemeicber it i the
W RFCOED t!;t r:rr.i. I: it car Ici.ceta to
I tearrh the resctrdi and ihov Lat tbey contain in
rr'ition to Un-J tit'.rt. I yoa contempltte toying It ml
r or I'?anic; money en real ets!e eeenrily, take no nian't
bat intiet 'opon knoairf wht the record tbowt
rejardirf tbe tit'.e. An Atfirt if at essential at a
deetl. Ii.aitt od fatTicf it We tare tbe only tet of
Attract Bock in the Coonty. All aork promptly n
ecated and talitfaction etranteed. It yoa hare prop
ertt to in fare, irt at a call. We are a??nti for Nr of
the let re insurance roniraniet in the world. If yon
l.are property for taie, lUt it witb ot and we'll find a
J, M. Huntington & Co.
7 a. m. Vijj.inrTT isd Yam-
I Tue.1hnr , hill Kivirs.
and tat. . Orcroii City, layton,
! aud w'ay-ljindiuKa.
today. M:t !a.:a it ir;
acuwed. aa i he &.-; ta b U to I
kit pa''U !f;a lay.
ilrf. C. J. S;b":rf returred bone
lack a:;ht l:r at;esl:r. tbecc-ssoircce-aaeat
1 1 trr .- of Ilijif-i B:t:nea
Coir ia PrCatd.
TLtf Grit, a . .xt tea a tts lr.t
ct Pacic f a:Te!lT at po-ett Urc-Te rt
tarsel L5D iaM tTecicg to t-cl i n
natairer tere.
F. X. Sfiofritia frtisi At':'3
i. F. Ut'J.Ts' 1, Of Wa"K, it
ia the
ei:y tiiy.
Loif LjTr:;-rt it cp frca Matter on
katuiett trip.
sr2vJ to Lii iiDnie
J. Dif lieAv
ia As-.Lt- t-.-.
Ge. W. Jr itr t riffcrrcr fr
Portland oa tf.e b at tt i;.-d j
J. Strips, cf lb Eo?e Lf cir (t. i
iitioa of tb m a roo 5 lioinz of the Ect
tarhian Tcbe. When thit tcl it in
fitacedyca Lare a nimtaut aoand or
t: perfect tearing, and when it It en-I
tirtlr cfoted, LVafseet it tiie resc'.t, ad i
' csieM the ic?imaia:ka can i uken ;
1 ost aftd ttit tsbe rettortxl to Us normal
rcsdilin. Leartcg wi:i I d?tnyed for-'
er; cise caw oat cf tea are cj3ed '
. ty zilxrrb, wtrrh it nulhicf 13 J as in- '
: iliiwi c.ii.'i'i a ot ti,e u.ur.m ar- i
; '-- :
V '.. :re IIan-:r5 I.!;jr f-x '
I ar.y ce cf IX-fi:i-? citsr l-y ra.arrat '
1 cannot crt-l y Hah' Catarrb :
:Care. Srr. j t'.tr circu'.art; free. i
j F. J. Chemt A Co.. TJeJa, O.
1 & -M by Dic.viiS. T5c. 6-10 j
5 lia.:' Family I:; are tho tU '
'Phont 81.
2d St.. opposite A. M. Williams & Co.
S:30 p. m.
aud Fri.
(a. m. ' Willami-tti Riven. 4:30p.m.
Tu..Tbnr, Furtiahd to Corvaliii, Tue., I bui
and BaL.i and Way-Landings.
Lt Riparlai
Oai.r I
Shake Rivie.
Rlparia to Lewiaton.
and But.
'wtlc ! Acenis.
are informed that
Tbis brand of Whisker is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Mtuica! Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Pardea denlrinc to sro to abould
4, iraving i u. Luiura hi o.m p. in
making direct connection at Heppner junction
Kelurtilng makingdirectponnection at Heppner
jrni -.n.n HDMi. l, arriving at Tbe Uailea at
p. in.
No. tj, throncht freleht, et bound, doe not
carry paeuengfra; arrive. 2;M a. in., (leparta
:fa. in.
No ?4, local frc'Kht, carries pnwcngern, Crtist
Dounu: arrives ::) p. m., aipurm :io p. m.
No. west b mud throuch fnlirht, does not
carry psMi'Dgera; arrive. 8:15 p. ta., depart!
j. in.
No. 23. west bound local freicht, cnrrlea pas
teueri.; arrive! 5:1J p. in., departs :M a. in.
Fc full particular, cull on O. R. di K. Co.'i
agent The lallea. or addres.
w. h. nuRi.nuRT.
fien Pas. Art., Portland, Or.
of,i- . ""
ale t.. tf.e hljr!..-t bi.:a..r
South ball of tbe'&h'itw;
lw.utl:we.t quarter v". V ,
tne l-oiith hall i ,i.l"' ' .'uit n.1
.-ii.,ii Kitcvu (I.-,),
litre Ten l.u u T,
ere. more or k-Mi. ' w iUiS1
Lutedthi, Ulbdny.f J11I)f AW) " 1
JunlMI Hiertfr.iw'SRit.
SMf .
1 of Oregon, fo, ,. Couutyo? -In
the matter of the .t,.e of i
Hi las W.iaria. deceased 1 WiTt,,,
To Mra. EmeMne Dvi Vr r.
Mrs UzzieJ. Farris, nj' E J .V.
1.hIs, Anetle fr.m.-i -M.-Xeai, li .VV
baneyaurt tffie ttuel bavin JJEI U
,-iias W. l)avi, deeessed .ni Jf i? " u'
.an,., W. II. V.i. Bibber vlt
Pe., aud Koa . K. Mc ill, mor:,.1'
in the name of tbe state nl Otnrm
i oil are hereby cited and requir,n
the county coun of the .tateVi
county of aseo. at the e,m. . Jr1'1"
J he Iiallw. Oregon, in the coun y (
Monday the Third day of Jul, " 1"W' I
o cl.k In ti.e forenoon o thst dar ,ii 1
order of the above entitled court
madedlrMing B. K. UuKhlltuuS,
u.e.o v. .now csuse, ti any iberv i .7 1
led court tK. t. i
'nme.be0na ,
pedient, tbat t-aid .Iministr.t.V K'S,
and directed to li all of the real m. i'1 '
....... v , -unite, oe onainr n, .
frieodt ia t,
f.'oso a Tbit i:f at E'in, it af Ji!tive
from jut'ice; arcjont defj'cation. He
retarccd !at ' was ta Wal.'a Walla Jane 4:h and it
iL:tl,?r tl.fT I
Mr. aal Mrs. J. .?. Rh
ereaint froi II i:Ja.
were ca.I ty l.'iv datii of Mr. F.-h"
roo her.
r r r . v . -. .
a. i-irii. :u), i,i . . ..... ,, , .....
Liwoi th-Uoloas. a'riTed in t!ie ,nchM ,n itt about 14. hair
exty froj. Inai;a: last CTen-nj to
Tis.l ber ccd.
thocght to Lave passed through Prnd-
ton on the tvjLt of tbe 4'.h wett-loond.
Description it at follows : Fire feet eleven
Sin. Wm. Layox, of Port'an 1, and
rter aiece. Nora Bonnamart. of
8 tit Lake Cry. are the gn-ttt of Mrs. M.
Parkins cf this city.
Tony Xi'tner, f the Fortiacd D;
aratcii, a Litnw-r oeatpater rutn, who
ia ao well kr.cwn tl.iongt.or.t the tu'.ire
Xortbwest. tjett today in the city.
Mist Lna Tb-tnpon left on the boat
this (DOrsin( on hr way t3 Monnjonlti
to be present at the eradiating- exercises
of the normal tcint.l, ber tister. Annie.
beinp- a m-n.rr of ti.e c!ast. She
Tttit ia P.jrtlaod be.'ure retarnicr-
dark with streaks of trrsr. smooth
shaven, thin features; when last teen
wore dark coat and Test, dark bine
t wetter over Test, and c rdoroy pantt.
Na:i-cal Sorely Company wi;i pay f 100
oa prod act ion of Carat hert in Uuion
Coooty. Aentt will give this message
all publicity possible cornranr.icatinj to
thia cfSce and sheriff of Union count r
any know!e-Je received regarding his
here. bonis. E. S. Bi.vsox.
6-1 w
DeTitt't L-tile Erly R:tert act at a
" j faultless pill rhou!d,t-leniDg and revit
I inir the ivftm inat, r.f aftalr.nirrr ;t
km men' a a.on-h ia Th i,..a !fi nt 10 n 1 entirely free troru ob-
thit a o u'.n' f .r -h -ir rwpee i re b me. ' jeoiionable dtnjs. They assist rather
Tbey were acorr.pjr.iel a far as Cts-1 than compel. Snipet-Kiaersly Dra,r Co.
Tbe greatest Care should be riren to
any little sore, pimple or scratch which
sbon t no disposition to heal under ordin
JDDClDCn IT riDCT T treatment. No one can tell how toon thew
MrCAuLU A I linO I AO will develop into Cancer of the worst type.
So many people die from Cancer simply be-
I'PRP PIMPI cuso they ,Jo not know Jast what the disease ia;
waJlL I lull LLOi they naturally turn themselves orer to the doctors,
and are forced to submit to s cruel and dangerous
operation tha only treatment which the doctors know for Cancer. The disease
nmptly returns, however, and Is even more riolent and destructive than
ore. Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood, and an operation, plaster, cr
oUter external treatment can hare no effect whatever upon it. The cure must
i from within trie last renige or poison must be eradicated.
Mr. Wm. Walpole, of Watshtown, S. D., tart: "A
little blotch about the size of a pea came under my loft
eye, gradually growing: larjrer, from which shooting pains
at intervals ran in all directions. I became greatly alarmed
and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it Cancer,
and advised that it be cut out. but this I could not con
tent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by
B. S. S.. and decided to try it. It acted like a charm, the
Cancer becominz at first irritated, and then ducharc-intr
ri''lr.-v t "1 Terr freely. This crraduallr crew lest and then discon-
" ', S tinued altogether, lanng a small scab which soon drop
l A jo " 1 J ofr- nl now only a healthy little scar remains where
I ". v'Vr- ; what ttTreatenei to destroy my life once hell full sway."
' tmiAjmj Positirelj the only cure for Cancer Is Swift's Specific
-because it ia the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root ot
the dweaae and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operation
dof-a not reach the blood the real teat of the disease because the blood can
mr r exit away. Insist upon S. 8. 8.; nothing can take ita place.
8. 8. 8. cures alto any case of Scrofula, Lczema. Rheumatism, Contagious
TiioniJL'olcn, Ulcer, fiores, or any other form of blood disease. Valuable
bonks on Cancer and Blood Discawe will be mailed free to an addxeaa by
8wift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liqnor
Yellowstone Sour
(4 to IS years old.)
HISIEY from VihtVto KlW perTslTonV"
IKPOETED COGNAC from 7a0 to" 12.00 per iralicn.(Titoi6 years oidT
A II CIIO A IPiBIHfe l' n. V.V15 to (btO ter jslt.p. MTo"iVyea"r8oii"f.'
OLTMPIA BEER on drsaht,
Irnporttd Alo and Porter.
and Val Blatx and Olyuipia Beer in bottlet
The Dalles, Fdrtland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
iri l r
fx?' l
ni-MiSi LI
sirs. Hegulator (S Dalles City
Haily (except Sunday; between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way twin's on both side, of tbe
Columbia rlvor.
Both of the above stenniera have been rebuilt,
aiid are in excellent thn lor the h-iimiii of Irwi.
Th Kra-ulntiir l.lno w ill endeavor to give Its
patrona the best service possible.
For Comfort. Keniinm, pi......
tiavel by the steamers of Tli u.
Line, "
The above stenmera leave Tn,, ti.tiu. u, . . ...
and Portland at 7 a. m , and arrive at destina'
tiou in ainpl-i time fur outgoing trnlm.
Portland fltlice.
Oak at. Dock.
w. c.
The Dalles Office
t 'ourt btreet
ieneral Agent.
J. . HcHaa,
II. M.
Hral ,
First National Bank.
THE DALLES - - . riRFnnw
A Gttueral Banking Buslneis tranwicUd
I'epoBiis rereivtv., aubjuct to rJlaht
Ih-at or ni.n. W-
Collections mado and priR-eeda promptly
iouuukujuuiy oi collection.
v Telorl'hic Exchange told ce
oaw York, Han Francisco anj fort-
Inst to the e-tjite of niri h....... ,
1-rly deacilUd as follows, b".!?' Z v1'
block No. 9, of Dalles City mmiiV
oitie .vrmri
nd the of the wntheirtsZ?
section 1 1 in town.hlp 2 north of rsi i
of the Willamette meridian, In WiiS
. r' laning oj) .cioj, more ot In, .i
sale to be made utiubllc auction forn,.!
band, In the manner prescribed by la. u?,3
trator and disposed of ns may be reuuiiM k,-:
order of the above entitled eouit "M
Witmkks, the Hon. Robert M.vs, Jndn d .
County Court of the State nl Orr.,i. 1
WSHA1.U mm uvjvvi'U UBV ui Jllllr Jl II lual
Attest: A. SI. KEhriiY,!.
jun 31i
Notice. Timber Culturs
U. 3. Land Ofnce, Thk PALLM.OKriioji
February atari. .
Compinltit having been cnterfd it tkii lJ
UJ vinu r. euer. eKsinM csjey wiramcfi
frtilnm to c.-) with In r a. to UmUrBii.
Kntrj No. su-jo. dntcd Hci tetnljer?!, 1, i.
then. K. i Keel Ion 10, Township h, kiiid
VVlllRinette Meridian. Itnnpe li erst, In .
.utility, btate of Oregon, with a view toihtn.
eei.Hiion oi sain entry, conttstaut ileiirii
said Wesley Buinmner never nlowtylnrr-nitir
said tract except about Mx acres and urn if
any time nor tin. any one for liltn pkslwii;
trccaoi ctittinits. or seeds, mid 1ro tlwitrft
ley ritimuiner about tbe month (if Kebrasrr. i-.
duly reliiniuir-bed said tract tothcl'nIMVu
and deliveied said relin(iiKliment tithUiiti
a!.d said relinijnl.'-hiiiei.t tvat dulr tiled it i
L'. S. ollieo of Tho Dalles, tinitoi', and it :s
said time and prior therein ubaiiilui.ttlMld;
and Ins never siuco said Mine returned lb
tr claimed any light or Interest lu iuJlt..
The said parties ate hereby summoned tr r
penr at this ollieo on the 2tith day of April,
at 10 o'clock a. in., to respond and fo:Lh
testimony conceiiilng ssld allwl fnl.ure.
H i! JAV 1'. LUCAS, Kdi.Sr
Adininislralrix' Sale of Real Uk
Notice Is hcrebv aiven that underawibrTOf!
of an o.der of the county court of the suit
Oregon for Wasco duntv, made on the Mb 4.
f f January, In'.iS, in tbematternf theMattiali'
W. K. Kineliart, deceased, I will sell, tlpt'
auction, at the courthouse door lnillti ij 4
saldcoiinty and state, on thetith dr ol k
iMrr.a me nour oi one o ciock p. m..lollK',
est bidder, nil the real estate lielonnini lo M
estate, to v!t: Its A, H, C, I, K, F, II, B.I. I
K and L, til Block M In The K;rt Dallw Muu 1
Reservation Addition to said l'alleiCltr,iA
county and state. J
Also tne west nnll ot tne soutneasiquar ir
the east half of the southwest o uarler, setti" i-M
in township 2 north, range 14 euat, la 1
cntintv, Otegoii. , f
Terms of sale one-half In cash at timm
and one-half In six months, secured oj
age on the premises.
Dalle, t'lty, Oregon, April 7th, le
KaiLV 11. Kiiw
aprs-ll A(lminiiratMi
I.Axn Omci at Tita In.'.J,JJ?';
Notice la herebr given that the f"1."'.'?
named settler haa liltd notice of hi',1"'' i
to make HiihI proof In support ot rn -
thiitsiiri vr.vl ulll Im. niHile liefore tnf tn '
aud receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on SM
July .'!, i.w.s.1, via:
Wlilnw of Plnrru li llliialllt. def fUSld. I
I'.lles: II. K. No. .-i7i'., for the K'j Sl1-
'. i .....ii. n l- te .
11.. .......... II... ... iiulhtf W It fSSW i"
his coniliiiiotis upon and ctii"" I
ol sii itinl, vl; , .
I'hi.M. a;. n.K-k ( are. i""1"
Andrew fr.iuliart. nil of Tbe D'lH"".'
lunllli JAY IM.l tAs, ''"
IT. iHOMPttON. .tv, a s
Si ... - ..v. k, m niin.
r. M. V illucs. i4.a a r,..
H M. nAii..
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinda
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, StTLD
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr. Thi" I,1onr " nsnnfacttired expressly for !srol!
vtr .i . "err tack it gnarantee.1 to civa tstisfootion
V7i i tel oar foodt lower than any bo,fiu the trade, and it you don't ttunk m
call and get cor price and be convinced. jiwuiim
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
and Embalmer.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Dack
3-9 ONV 1 lAin
Notice is hereby given that ti.e rff"
ins hied his ilnnl account as ex:iH J,.
am oi earttli MCAice hiui v
count court of thestnte ol ""'v".,-.!
cnintv, nnd that Thursday. 1 lie Ml" a"' j, I
Iw'.t, 'l the hour ol lit o'el. ck a. "",,1
lixe.1 as the time and the eoiinry """." jj
Dalles city as the p ace lor the he i" . I
iix.i,.,i. t.. .ut.i .t.,1 Mitiiit anil seii".'-
said estate.
Dated July l.t, Hi
Jun II
, ,,.,u voRVlI-
1 ' KieroW
nnrv iw nvir. SKTTLEMENH
. v. ' V'.:. a h.vf (lie! '
Rotice is nerenv given uiai "7, , - 1
the 1 lerk ol th. i onnlT Court o '"r,,i.l
Oregon, lor ac t oiinty. my IIMj: vm' ol the estate m ... ''.
reiiMil, and by .11 order of m" ' "" : j,!j
nfi.ressld, uinite Julie I, in'. '" "'. ' . to-
lv, at tbe hour ol -Joebek P-j "' " i
u . - ., ....1 ..... . ..lllllV ( 1
.1111 ns ine lime hiiii i"r . ' hrt;
In l.!l... 1 frv the i.l.iet. lor tne
objections to said final aceo.iin,
tuellt ol suld Cal.le. ., ,vl.
,.,,.. r A,imlnl'l"'
Administrator's Noti I
..o I
il.t the "",,c ;,!
Vtlna I. h...v vlvan
! h... -. hv the
I I mill Hi. tin, XI.IK ol OT'1'""
lot '
1 1" f'
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fi:ii...i snoi e' n.-1 , .... ,
11.. ..1. ,-,.,.11.1,1 to rur at t'1" .
.... ........... I....... .1 Meuelee,
niotiilis Ironi ih date ol tl.l , i',1 at 1 ha Dalle. Ore"". .'"I.. , I.IIA
A.imini. trator of tne r.siiiie
Wood -Wood -Wood
l f. ..!.), .nil with
OS ISU 1II....QI. J" n.1
.. . saint r
cisss.dry, fir sroou si o." y
ah en von nave ueen ii.'.-b
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ictiy I
, tviiilllr.
1 till Left.
1 Mcl.l.
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Pend nt your