THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. JUNE 17, 1899. The Weekly Ghroniele. Advertising States. Pcrtfek fl tt Inch or Irss In Dsilf f O sr two Inches snd uifler lour Inches I i ler lour Inches sud under twelve Inches. . 75 O'er twelve- inches 4 DAILY 1IIO VIBILT. One Inch or less, per Inch 12 so fw .uia hiH an.l un1tr fmir Inches 2 uu Over lour inches cud under twelve iuebca. . 1 SO Over twelve iuciiee ADMIRAL DEWEY'S 1I0V6E. Ad ruiral Dewey has done just what might have bern expected of him, in refusing to accept the home which U being planned for him. A private cablegram sent by him to a friend gives the authority for the statement that while unwilling to accept it for himself he Is desirous that the money collected for his benefit bo used in the establishment o' a soldiers and tailors borne. Ia naval circles gen- erally, and among tflieials, much satisfaction is felt at the admiral's decision. It has been stated that be would find a home such as was in tended a white elephant, and would prefer to live as he has been actus tomed to. In ?peaking on this question re cently the SpcliCeraan-Keview says the idet of presenting a house to Ad miral Dewey has practically been abandoned and no one will that such is the cat-e. Tbofc who with misguided zeal thought that a mansion costing 100,000 would be an appropriate gift for the hero of Manila have found that the public generally does not asree with them, and the fund which they believed would be more than subscribed at once is ridiculously meager in its propoitions. Hardly a tenth of the amount required has been forth coming, and it his become evident to whether the guilty .hall go un punished. Much depends upon the result of your Investigation as to whether Insurrection and rebellion shall exist, or continue to exist, in this county. Remember that the law protects the innocent, and be as firm and ready to exculpate and ex onerate the innocent as you should be to indict the guilty." This is strong, rugged advice, given in the interest of good order and with a nigh respect for the law. It, will no doubt be heeded with an honest fidelity to duty and a resolute determination to see that the inuo cent are protected and that the guilty are dealt with as they deserve. Spokesman-Re view. HIS OPINION ANENT HIGH WATER. Oar Old FrKid Cretan. rs nrvlved the W later sd Hasn't rorgoltsa Is. SIORE HEX FOR THE 1-IXES. that the whole scheme will end in failure. That the American people are proud of Dewey was long ago made tranifest. The preparations for wel coming him home arc already under way, and in what esteem he Is held will be fittingly shown when he has put foot on shore and the people have an opportunity to do him honor. It will then be demonstrated the American public feels that it ran not do enough for him. o rar as giving me admiral a Loii9e is concerned, it was a testi monial out of place for the reason that it was not needed. No one knows where the admiral will decide to reside, if be retires, and, in any event, he is financially able to live with every comfort. His pay will be over $1,000 a month, and so far as this world's needs are in volved, be is abundantly provided for. If he needed a house ' there would be no hesitation iu donating one, but it is doubtful if he would look with favor upon such a gift and the collapse of the house movement will not be followed by any very sincere regrets. THE G7i.LVJ JURY AT WALLACE The grand jury in Shoshone county will probably do its full duty. It can accomplish mucli in the in terest of peace and order, for upon a careful investigation of the im portant matter now before it depends in a great measure the future wel- The fact that more men are want ed for the armv in the Philippines than were thought to be necessary a few months ago does not mean that the campaign thus far has been a failure. It means that the president is determined that cot only shall the resistance by futuie AguinalUos be averted, but that all guerrilla dis turbances shall bo prevented. It will be very rnsy to suppress the present Aguinaldo. The determina- rc,ret lion of the government is to render all Aguinaldos of five, ten or fifty years hence, impossible. Moreover, a large army in the Philippines means quicker work and a smaller loss of life. The rebellion will be crushed sooner, and it will stay crushed. Capitals or uny other sort of towns held by the Filipinos can be captured at any time. It is never difficult for the American troops to drive any number of the Filipinos out of any point which they hold. In the future, however, some thing more than this will be done. The town which is captured will be garrisoned and held. This neces sarily requires a somewhat larger force than would bo necessary for merely whipping the Filipinos. Un der the new plan, when they are whipped they will remain whipped. Great work has already been done by Otis, Lawton, MacArthur, Hall and their associates. No soldiers whom the woild ever saw could have done more with their means. Their resources will be enlarged now, and they will do still better work. The moral effect, too, of this'increasc in the force in the Philippines will be salutary. It will have a deterrent influence on Aguinaldo. That astute personage relied on the discharge of the Vf1iinfors tr w zf. 1--n n 0;m' Army permanently. He thought, therefore, that while Otis could diivc him from any position which ho could occupy, Otis would not have enough men to hold the position. This is where the new programme will hurt Aguinaldo. The places which will be captured will be retained. When the rebels arc driven out of a region they will never again be able to get a glimpse of it except as prisoners. Guerrilla fighting will be prevented. A district which is cleared will be pacified for all lime. The new programme will Li merciful to the soldiers and will give satisfaction to the countiy. The Gmskxiioiin, June t, 'ID. Eoitob C'iiuomcll: I am constrained to write a few line for theold Ciibomclh fur several reasons. One because I feci that way; another because I am egotistical enough to be lieve that in many readers would not be displease'! at perusing1 an article from my p ncil and following the vagaries of my vagrant mind; tut principally be cause ibis is the 5th anniversary of the high water ol '91, on which occasion the Columbia served as a baptismal font, and The Dalles did service as the "kid." I notice what you say concerning the possibilities of high water this year, and I Indorse your statement. The weather clerk has done grand service for you people of tbe Columbia basin this year, rillLlV- for had average temperatures prevailed the water would have gone over the top of the CiiHoxai-E building. We have had a few warm days, followed invaria bly bv cold nights, and tho snow has gone slowly and steadily. However the danger of high water has not yet passed, though it is fail to presume that con ditions will not chung-i radically, and that therefore you will not h.ive un usually high water. On the other hand there is a vast area still ctvered w i'.h snow, from two to sixty feet deep. This snow is now in the shape of granular ice, and just in condition to gie up its waters freely at the touch of the sun. Tn days cf successive warmth and you will have thirty feet moro water at The Dalles, but I do not believe the ten suc cessive warm days are in the catalogue. Sunday was warm : Sunday night the ground froze. Monday it snowrd go that two inches of the beautiful nuisance lay on the ground until noon. 1 do not believe you wiil have high water but if you do, it w ill be a dandy. I have another reason for believing the snow will hang en indefinitely, and that is that I am interested in having it go as quickly as possible. I da not be lieve that Nature changes her plans on my account, but I do believe that when the old jide gets a cranky spell on, that I wiil run up against it. The snow is all gone from around our house but across the creek fifty yards there is from one to three feet of it in the drifts. Be tween them purple iris, buttercups, dog tooth violets, spring beauties, phenom enally large ants, and a variegated fljwer garden ot bugs of all sizes, kinds and degrees are in full bloom. Around the house the old tin cms, gum boots, discarded socks and undergarments cast out last fall, have found their way to the surface, giving variety to the land scape and epice to the belated breezes of lazy Spring. The roads are beginning to show through the snow, in spots, and the yellow-legged mining expert Is everywhere visible. Many mining prop erties are changing bands, and the Greenhorn (the country, not me) is having a veritable boom. The Banzette mine, a four-inch vein one mile from us, was sold Monday for 30,000. A pros- ppct hole near Granite for 125,000. The Virginia near us has been sold, but on private terms. A big pump was hauled in over the snow and is now fast bring ing the water out of the old drifts. The Bonanza is putting up twenty more stamps, and will build a new 100-stamp mill this fall. This means that this great mine alone will produce in the near future $2,01,0,000 a year, or one half the gold credited now to the state. $ m t JISV I 1RV I Ami ermofor WndNils. We have lately taken the agency for the Aerino ter Windmill, and carry a stock on hand. We aim) carry a complete stock stock of Deep and Shallow Well rumps, as well as Pitcher Spout and Spray Pumps. See us before buying elsewhere. The Aermotor Mill is considered the beet ma chine on the market. Call and see it. THE DEMMING Freezing Windmill Force This pump has been perfected to meet the requirements of the principal Wind mill manufacturers in the United States, for a better Windmill Force Pomp, m ith a three nay valve, than had heretofore been produced. It has become the leading Anti Freezing three way pump, and is accepted by Windmill manufacturers and dealers generally, ns the beet three way Windmill Force Pump on the market. The Union Klhow Coupling for connecting to the underground discharge pipe is of Brass nd can be turned to suit the direction of the pipe. The air chamber pipe is two inches in diameter, which insures ease of operetion and a steady flow of water. The Hose Coup, ling on the spout also adds to the convenience of this pump. . w i Pumps, j i MAIER & BENTON. Sole agents for Wasco County, The Dalles, Or. NOMINATING CITY OFFICERS. Kui'k rur Mayor Election H ill lis Held Next Monday. At the time of the Dunraven episode Bcvcral vears nco. roanv nre- fare of the county. A condition of ; hn, :.'.:! ,M1,-,i, ,.. nlTairs has existed in some parts of the Co'ur d'Alencs which ought to be thoroughly lovikcd into and venti lated, and ii fluences which have worked to the detriment of the com m unity should be summarily up rooted. As public agents for the accomplishment of this woik the grand Jury will be given all necessary authority and their labors ought to result in lasting benefits to the min ing district which has of lale been in such sore trouble. The charge of Judge Stewart fully sets forth the importance of the tak which the grand jury has before it. There should be a thorough investi gation. As he well says: "Ascertain what was done, who participated in theso acts, by what authority they acted, who directed the action and what were the motives; then fix criminality where it belongs, whether ft may be one, two or many ho were implicated in these unlawful acts. Let me impress upon you that your duties are grave and important. Much depends upon jtur actions as tween sportsmanlike gentlemen were over, and for all lime. The coming of the .Shamrock to meet the Colum bia, and the courteous challenge sent by Oxford and Cambridge to Har vard and Yale, indicates that people keen for sports will come together in spite of war, iaminc, boundary line disputes or joint arbitration committees. The government is again sending men into tho Yukon country to try and improve tho mail service. In asmucb as it requires six months or a year for the delivery of a letter ot most points not odjiccnt to Dawson and Circle City, It would seem that there is an opportunity for good The steamship Paris has been given up. It is rather unfortunate, if a trans-Atlantic liner had to be lost, that it should hnvo been one flying tho stars and stripes. There are too few of these vessels and the country can't afford to have the number cut down. Senator Hearst, one of the finest min ing men or any other kind of n man, once remarked in my presence, after having come from Arizma, that "If an old projector could strike pay diggings in hell, he would write home for his friends to come, and go into raptures over the mildness of the climate." in some respects the Greenhorn climate is superb. True, it begins to snow in October nn 1 forgets to quif, but then, bs the fellow enid w hen his best gir! showed him the front door, and requested him to ttay on the other side of if, you have uo uncertain actions and know w hat to expect. I knew a fellow once, who used to go to visit a great big girl out in the country. He and the girl got along all riiiht but her father, who had eloped with her mother, ol j.-cted to the young man's visits. One day along in Janu ary tho smitten fellow oiled, but the old man was at home. The young man was invited to remove himself. The snow was about six Indies deep and as the young fellow walked out, he saw the old man gather a shovel and as fast as he could he gathered the tracks in tho snow on his shovel and them over the! t .i leuue, aii i men me young n an was re quested to keep his tracks on that side of tho fence. I have kept pretty close on my tracks this winter, but I have not seen any fence, any tracks on the other side, ar.y old man or shovel, no nothing but then I always was, and am still only A Gkekmiokn. Cash In Hoar Checks. All county warrants registered prior t) August 1 , 185-5, will .be paid at my office. Interest ceases after June 0, ISM. C. L. riniLips, Conntv Treasurer. Although not eo large a number as should have been interested in our city's welfare and the officers to be nominated, attended the mass meeting last night at the court house, perhaps 200 citizens were present for the purpose of nomi nating officers for tho ensuing year. John Gavin was chosen as chairman and H. If. Kiddell as secretary, alter which the meeting at once proceeded to the businees for which it had been called. As is usual, enthusiasm seemed to be lacking and there was but one nomination for each office, and as theee seemed to meet tho favor of all present, no dissenting voice was raised. Ex-Mayor Menefee took the floor as ! be returned to the owner, Collins, who was in town trying to dis pose of a fine sorrel team belonging to his brother. Mr. Kelly Et onre begun his search and fonud him in Skibbm's saloon under the influence of liquor. The man protested sayii.g he was not the man, but, assietod by Mr. Thrall, the sheriff started for tho courthouse wilb him. Ou tho way they discovered a Smith & Weston revolver in his pocket, which they appropriated. Upon almost reaching the courthouse he got away from them, but only a short distance, and was captured again, when he was landed in j lil, where Wilbur Hendricks identified him later. The sheiiffdid not rest until he had discovered who had the first horses sold, and found that olb was here and tho other across the river, so they will INow Ll.tcu! soon as nominations were in order and in very complimentary terms nominated II. L. Kuck for mayor of the city. Mayor Nolan seconded the nomination, and as no further nominations were made, on motion of F. W. Wilson the secretary cast the ballot for H. L. Kuck. T. J. Seufert then nominated C. J. Crandall, the present treasurer, for re election to the office. No other nomi nations being made on motion the ballot was cast for C. J. Crandall for treasurer of the city. Nominations were next in order for water commissioner at large, and John Michell named J. F. Moore, and a ballot was cast in his favor by the sec retary. It was then arranged that a meeting for nominating councilraen and water commistuoncrs be held in the various wards Friday night. The meeting for the First ward will be held In the council room ; for the Second, at the cir cuit court room and for the Third, in the county court room. We have heard no further names mentioned as candidates for the mayoralty, and indeed, we doubt if a better nomination could have been made. Such an office should be filled by one who has proven his ins interest, in me city. Micti an one is jj. iv. auuk, wuo uuring ins term as councilman has been faithful in the few things rerjnireJ of him, an 1 deserves to be made the ruK-r over many things. Especially has his ability as a financier of the city's affairs been ehown to good advautage, he having fathered the sink ing fund project and others of a like nature. He has also made a success of his own bneioess affairs and therefore is the more competent to serve the city. Mr. Crandall might also be said to have proven a "treasure" In tho office he has so successfully filled acd no douSt will be re-elected. Mr. Moore Is a good man for tho place of water commissioner at large, and Tux is glad he was nominated. Wu only hope that in filling tho re maining offices such good material will be fjund as candidates for them And Jailer Fierald now has a hot re on Collins, who wiil have his examina tion tomorrow. While I do not profess to be in opti cian, twenty-live years prnctical ext- h nco in fitting t-yes enables ms to jive better satisfaction than niaDyoltho who do make such professions. I till not try to "look wise" and bewilder yon with technical terms, but use such terai ai far-sightedness, liear-sightodne, cataract, etc., those we cm all under stand. I will give'yon a comfortable lit, at a moderate price. My glasses arethe very best that are made, and for (I to l I will fit you with glasses, that would coBt you from $10 to $25 I' bought from so-called professional opticians. Respectfully, J.E.AJcoi. The practical watch maker and jeweltr at the East End Jewelry store. 'Plicae No. Sib. Our Trails Number. Notice to IVatrr Consumers. 0ingtothe great amount of water consumed in irrigation and otherwise, it is absolutely necessary that all con Burners comply etiictly with the regula tions laid down bv the cominissinn. which have been published and posted on the premises of each householder. A failure to comply with raid rules will subject the offenders to having water shut off w ithout further notice, and will also cost $1 for having the water turned on again. A word to the wise is suffi cient. By order of the water c immission. J. It. Ci;0!sex, Suit. Mtssllattie, daughter of Hon. Alex I Cameron, hurl a lit it., o i... . i I ...... .vivruiiuac .iiu iiiiirr day, which almost inadu her faint away. She walked through her father's orchard and found some little birds. Locking up In the tree she? noticed their nest and she preceded in her kind way to replace one after another, through the aid of a ladder, bllt no sooner arnra'tho worth andbir(iH ln UlBr . ,. drop out again. For some time she kept on in her work of mercy, but finding it of no avail, she fin illy reached up and put her hand in the nest to ascertain what was the matter with it and as she felt down, a hugo snake 1 joined up and entwined her bare arm. She screamed, like a girl under such circumstances would d , bnt the snake lit out and worn she left tho icarie the birds snugly in their nest and at rest. Miss name will remember her little ad veuture to the last day of her Iile, If not longer. w. W. Union. Tins Ciiuonikcl has in preparations "Trade Number," w hich will be issued in July. The object of the work Is to present a trustworthy review of I he bus iness interests of The D .tiles, and to that end Tim Ciibosiclb-has employed the services of Messrs. Sargent & Rohra. bacher, two able and experienced com mercial writers, who wid collect data, prepare matter and solicit business lor the work. Ask your ' Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL. SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury n"r any otlier injurious drug. It Is quickly Absorbed. Gives lic'ii'I st once Tt nnnns and elennsos the Nasal 1'aMitgi'S. Allays inusinmsiiOTi. - . Hu'tls and Protects tl Membrane. Kenses ol Tsute snd Hmrll. Full BtotOe.P COLD HEAD i Membrane. IlMtnrti'1 nell. Full 6iWC-STMl Hize inc. t st ltniEcists or by miL ELY BBOTllEUa. M Wsrrea 6tret. rw ion. : jiooitfc jntis osvis. MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT I. AW. Rooms 33 and 40, over U. S. l-and Office. Sold Ills Employer's llrs s. About ten days ago Willis Hendricks. ol Dtiltir, with his family left for a short stay in Portland, leaving bis place and all connected therewith in charge of Frank Collins. No sooner had his em ployer gone than Collins proceeded to dispose of Hendricks' horses and up. propriate the money. He brought a team into The Dalles and sold one to March ie and another to Lewis Torter. He also sold several dozen tgg, etc., and bought goods for himself. Learning of bis proceedings Wilbur Hendricks wrote to his brother and asked if he bad authorized such sales, fielng answered to the contrary, he tele phoned to Sheriff Kelly last night at 10 o'clock and asked him to hunt up Doug Lingille made a trip to Cloud Cap fnn one day lat week. He found plenty of snow. The gulch j ist east of me inn is nilcil with snow. Starting at thecottsgts In (he reai of tho hotel, the coasting down over the gulch Is fine. On the way tin Dnni r.iri.i. ,i strawberry pickers who were on their way to visit the mountain. They didn't reach the hotel till 8 o'clock In the even band were alwut playrd out from wallowing through the snow. One young fellow with light tan shoes, froze his feet. Glacier. Theproseiil w eal her Is veritabln straw berry weather. It is to bo hoped that the sunshine will not only HpCI), but greatly Improve the flavor of the berry, w hich has scarcely hail tho flavor of our usually luscious 'Oregon product. It seems, however, that there la great de mand for them as ninny are shipped each day from The Dalles and tho gross sales of the carload shipped to Fargo, N. D., by the Davidson Fruit Co. a few "ooo"inC' amounUd to.ometh!n(c over Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artl flcially d igests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon Btructlnjrthe exhausted di Restive or gans. 1 1 is tho lat est discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation were can approach it in efllciency. 1U. ' .f i, i (i cnra Birtiiwy relieves ana perniuinuin - Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckHeadacbe.GastralsTla.Crami.'10 all other results of lmpcrfectdl(rcHia freparetj by c. c. Dswitt a to.. (.n"-"-- For sate by Snipes-Klnersly VntC The following lines can ba found lierWfl a Cement, Lime, Hulpher, Salt, UnMmr'ln Hose, Winchester K lies, Revolvers, Fishmif Tackle, lllfjclo Nnndrios, Ilarbed Wire and Nails, Delft Knnineled W are, Oratiite Ware and Tin Ware, i'.uilders' Hardware, Step Ladders, (larland Stoves and Steel Mangel. Complete Line of Groceries, I'pep Well Tumps, . , . Cleveland ar.d Crawford Itlcjcle. Wo buy our awls right and J positively not be undersold by J