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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1899)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHKONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14 IS03. if vn.t r "ca lai-ifi Hie W. S. Chirp, .( Arlitg: i is the today. JVlia Mc'irf H ..-nae.. ou the i, ing bvund i 'f l'ort!..i.J. Mi Blanche t'u'ur is ti. T today 1mm her home i 1 1' . :rn . ill vi..l rr'aiv-s i.' iMhir. Mr. A. M.Leod. nl.ol.w fiv-rit rat two weeks with her Ha.lher tu eitv, retnrned to t er b '! dale t.xiiT. Mi. Earen;-e and Miss Mahe! Liw ' rata) ffe!f retire, w n Itlie la-en jumi a. . niv i imi o,J. S. retained to Portland ' An Excellent Colli 1)1 lint. Oil. by boat ...ia. j T(J0 ri,.ant mi and beneficial lirant E. Kell. . editor cf lb Moro tftW-ta of tlie well known remedy. Republic, end '. MeCaieb, a bai- ! TB,.p tr I !.;. manufactured by the bees man of .Moro, calleJ at the Caof-' C.liforxi. Fia Mri.l P U. illustrate icli office today, i value oC cl-taiuinfr the liquid Uv live p-mcif...' "I p!iiiw .ut.. u i inr Mxatite ami pre'ntin;r ! n t . i' i v.-, t . M. B Zdmwalt arrived frijai T e'j ' meiiuinshv Tcatrrdir to attfnl tlie cirra, however, Jul irnt forpt tt call at CaiOMi II cftce, acj uiatie a taotial call too. Tbi , tu;e anj act ptaMr to the system. It ut- iatne one prrf'i-t str'nth ninp laxa ! tire ! -aoMnvT th vvl-m nTcotaaUv. ii:;-r.ia? cil-U. Ii-(ai-lie anl ferera gvul'.y yet pruniptly kml rnal'lmp one t or-' nie hau.t-tu! Cvin.-tipation jkt mmiDl'v lis pi-rfoct fn-eilotn from every oi'VCtimuite o,nIitT anl &ub staa'e. and i:i aet.rj oa the kiilnov. i liver and !. el. ititout weakenioir H. C. RyiT U apparent; jr one of' or irritating them, make t the ileal those who borrow the t-r.iidreo for the ! laxatire. ... parpe of bavin an excoe to attend! In the of niannfacturm? firs tnecircot. Hcrimt in yesterdar with are um1' tl,rf are U te three children of hi own and' three ta-Ve but tue i,:e,l,.-.Ual .(ualme t ,f the borrowei from the neighbor.. "Fn'J-r are ? fr,;m "n "nJ 'other anmatio pi:it. by a methtid MtW'rt. P. J. SJoCnlle, of the Golden- j knun-n to t!ic f aliforxia svarr dale Seniinel. and W. McKeni e, a ! Co. only. In orrii-r to gvt its becefu-lal hardware men bant of that city, rame eftW-ta and to avoid imitation. pU a.- 0er on their bicycle this Horning to ' ramemberthe fill n;iae of theConinany attend the circni, leaving there at 6 ! priuted on the front of every p. kaif e. CALIFORNL FIG SYRUP CO. Cha. Purtin arrived in the eitr Iat eveniD from Antelope to attend the' cirra. Where he managed t find all1 the duet which had accumulated on bit! fare a qne:i n with hi frienut. It ' was a Circo to we him. ax riuKcirfO. cat. UUUIOLI IT. KW YOU, W. T. For ute tf aU UrmiAt. I'-, kt 5uc. yt buu.e Tae I.adjr Hlauitli. o'clock and arriving at The Cuhimcli cffii-e by 10. afucUAT I'ailr. J. E. Campbell, of White Si!mon, ', in the city. E. J. Prah! and wife caate ovtr rem Gienoaocnl vetterdiv. Ini Lithe left thu g for ; A ruerrier crowd than th or e ea rn vit with relative in I'ortland. !gted in reheMing for the Idy Mr. J. M. Fi'jon and Mi Crookf Minttre! to teien atthe Vot theater were paieDiter for 'Cac ad e thi more- i We Jnelay and XI. or lay r. i'.t!. Jnte i 21 and 22. it woald b bar ! to En i.aad M. E. Weir, one of Ariiryton' prorsi nent cilueiif, is rrg stered at the I'rcaliil. W. O. Hadley and w ife came np from Hood Hirer Saturday evening and re turned toiy. Mr. and Mr. Eobt. )(cIutoh re tarned .Satariay evening afier a ten day'i visit in Portland. Mr. A. Keller and danjhter, Joie, were paecger on the K'galator thi Bi orbing bcacd for rjrt.anJ. a gennine inrprie i in Jtore fr the general public, when thy ice U n.uch j tilent there i among their cn ladle ' and children ia th line of w-ri. j The end ladies band s the b-.r.n and j Umbo I ke alept4 lil they are :ioj ' preparicga rich let of refined w-tti-.rlttni ; at the eipenfe of t'.e rxipa'ar gn".:eroen j ol the town. Is gjei withoit laying that j these ke are devoid of ma'ic. The pickannioie are a Lott in Rev. J. II. Wood is in Poitland to be , Tie (ketch and cite walk aloce are preeent at the grd jt:ng exercises o( ; worth the price of! toe no.aes tiajiness col ce. Mrs. K. D. Julinsoo, who has been vintioif her (iiterin this city, returned Saturday af:ertoon to her home in Astoria. Eurrkhardt and Miss who have been gleet EiEi at the MlH Lie be, borne of of .J. A. I.iebe, fort and by boat toilay. Kev. an 1 Mr. Hoadlev retnrned to their hon.e in lniverity Park toiay. Mr. Hoadley occnt.ied trie pulpit atthe Methoditt church yesterday. Mrs. R. K;ger, who has been vi:ting her brother, hetn Morgan, ipem the day in The Ia!.e on her way to ber tome in Crvai,is. Sr.e is the guest of Mr. M. Parkins. Erlace4 Kale t . E. A. I For the Nationa". YA nciti'aal A?o cition meeting to be bell a! Lo Aczeles, CaL.Jalv 11-14. 1 . the O. K. AN. Co. will make the fj.'lowicc retorced to rate from The Dj.'e- : Glcj and re ) Sarcicg ail rail rxi'e v a Portland aci Southern Faclfie I44.I3 ; rail bo Psrt and and steamer Portland to Los Ar.grles port of call, iac'aJiEg rjiea.s and berth on steamers, retircirg same roi:te, Zrs. 15 ; rail to Port'ac i, steaxer to San , Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific from San Franc'so to Lo Ane!es, re- tariing same roate, )9.I . T ckeU on E. C. Pentland, of the Inderndence sale June .W-.h, Jjly It an JJaly s-.hto: West ide, who has been visiting ia the .s :,,.-.. ..n;m;nin..s..i For farther information call on or address Jar. Ireland, Agent, O. R. it X. Co., The Viiei. 10 J ftwna r.f r ta'.rn ( Ir.o.n rml r r r a., n Thm . .r. l' m..t l,-taw 5.h. with his sUter. Miss Minnie Lay, who bas spent al most a vear with Ler sister In fct. Loois, isei&ecte-l to return this afternoon. She wi I be tceomfaniei by Ler sister, Mr. Kxai Carlisle. Miss Le'.an 1, who baa been visitir.ij with tne fauii y of A. H. Curtis in Grand Lialles for some-mcnths pat. mornTrg for her home ia much improved in health. Miw Nellie Bu!r ha arrived in the fclarlva w. Came from D. D. E. Carg'ue, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bo' ties of Electric Bitter has cored Mrs. Erewerof ccrofala, w hich bad Itlt ttiis: caused ber great suffering for years. Portland, r,rrib!e sore would break oat on ber head and face, and the best doctors could give no help ; but ber care is com cuy iroru roriianu, arm win speno: fieri , , , , . ... ,, , . va..-ation here. l!r health is somewhat "clB "u " ucr e.-n. improved and it is thoaght rest will ion ' shows what thoaiands Lave proved, : restore ber to ber uaai state of health. I that E'ectric Bitters is the bet bloo-J ( G. C. Blake!iy left yeterday for Port-! pnrifier known. It' the supreme I lanl. v t.i.e there he win attend the , remedy for eczema, tetter, ss'.t rl.eatn, re.De .0.-0. canons tne I 'oneer A-1 nlcer, i;, ,n l ra.nirl torM. I of nai:nrs of the Pharmaceatical S ciety. B. Kelsar, of Fossil, is in the city today. Frank Peabody came in from Da'nr yeeter lay. W. II. See, of Warm Springs, arrived on the boat latt n gjt. Hobt. Mars, Jr., is in from Ar.te'ofe, having arrived toiay. Mi-s Be"ie Iienljerg came op from Hood Kiver last evening. Frank Roberts, deputy I. S. martha!, cainedowa from Heppuer yetterday. O. E.Gjtchell and Mrs. P. M. Gatchell are n:tors in ttie city from While stimulates iiver, kidneys and bowels, eibelg poisons, helps digestion and buiidr np the strength. Onir 50 cnt. S4d by Blakeley A Iiocghton,Drn;gi!'.. Guaranteed. 4 White House Clothing Company. GRHND JJlSl ill OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF GLOW, FlIRiHSPP HOODS, ITS, SHOES. ETC.. MUST BE CLOSED OUT IN THE NEXT 15 DAYS. COME AND SECURE BARGAINS. NO HUMBUG. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. White House Clothing Company, 166 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES. Notice of Sale. NOTICE. How About Your Title? rvh. lUtrtr N. ff'atl. Sill lMIt til rl4-'t1 illtff I'f 11 V bllHtfroI I- 1 ' i tlilrfivl at Hi fair of l m-r ! 1 1 (ft t t trm .n'Mis" ll)4T lrlnri.iMt mX ( .'is- (!.niir ll-r Mfl )- frori if.rir 1 r phone 81. ( E.E VOC CRE it isa'Irght? Remember it is the M kf-CoklJ that reveres. It is our bu'Lrss to Search :?. r--yr U and show what they contain in re auoa to ianl t:-..e. H too contemplate bnyin laml cr ioat:i.g -' ev on real ee'.ate lernrity, take no iiinn's w,rd. ttiss t cf,B ki':.( what tue record aliciw regard: r g te I t. A Attract is as etential a a di. c tn.if t We ra the onlr set of Abstract is t ' r ty. A.i snrk promptly n- ertited at,J :,-''.t ra-i'-.i. T,.u have r.r"t v to ii-, fievim are sgnts for foiir of t:e best :x.i'abfis - pat :n 'ie world. If you;-.;r.t !., ..--j oiand we'll flu. I a J. M. Huntington &Co. 241 St. ttto t A. M. Williams Co. N..Mrs- 1 brs ht fln t),mt t. virtu of an 7 i..-t,,l ,.i,t ..f tt, trt nit I t(ir i. IU Ift. r.111 I- U-Ul.t. wr.rrrltl W. It ktls-rUU'1 il i.,u.trT Nf).! n. t mM r Arh K 1ltr 1 i'f.r, J.-i.h A J. .I.!'.. o. H al!,rr , -l.-'i. k r.-l 1 v , J l fiitir4iiMn aitil W . l.nclu.U i . 7 ' ... y . ItlTTl I II Iftl'ir 11 Pll J j.lnHilifT ajful if4ii,.t . ,, -l. n-1m(t . ( i, 1f !-.. ("T t-'!- u.-i 4 ftl rt Uir.1 at I... til mi ti, lh i nmy I il lit it:-1 I3ih Amy . it th.- It. ,t wtr l the hurt" t In ' 'lo M.lllli I. ill tf ! Irr lor t r..ll!l "till, tll f( Ihf r.ltfh W.-.t f-MlUlvs-t l rts-r 1. 1 aw-, U,.fl wte.f. Kiiif'i , : .). t'v i," dip Tfil ( lh r ut, .V , ' ", ni'Ti- i.r I- ihu l.'lh tUy i Juno, I mm, m , M'U at j.tiMtr -h Id r. t.l . br - .Miafts-r i f 'I'lwflrr I I t 1 . i Nurd mi tailin g (! Pi tsflf he) 1 !. U- .1 J .H'.Tr. rm tnlj 1 fire UTt Villi t! r 1 fl 1 lit aa-itlt (W 111 .' i'rtlMi-f IIm irririitf ( rr jj. .", I fts a-;i Ii-r lli tMttMitr of t rt4 i rn f r'n lT. .o ji .at tM W 1 MM fa. r-lit tt Mfil . 1 ba-t.l. to m,4 Otsinfl 4 "it I tkdtf r.-m -twt. 11 t ofi' Si--ii. iir at wrt -Hi-a ! Uk Kl I I V lliitj , NoflCK H)K I'l lil.ICATInN. I M t'rrn k at T it i i .Katftrl r la .1 ..!..! IS fr-' i t -f !! If'- t.r, ,-Mn. B..4 in IV f ..-i lfrf-a. ,. ..i t e t-a-P e--f 4llHrt- In xmtlthr w I th tfif trn- t rl M' i i. a a .. . . ii. . i. laa.laal I, It I lil'is HirHIU I'lll'IS l ni) ' v- in t. rmnt'i, until rl--ri P t.t n th I th ! of -J.inr WO. All ll.U -rv-mptBhO w a rv.fHi.-sl rh k of tl r - r ful -I K.I..U lor whu-h bi.l l- " v.. I..1M than far will tut roti.t.l- fl D anat U nl.hs.l hy th fsnrrhsiH-r Ihr (K tl fc any at..! all iil- I r-ax rw-t 1 riTf I OO KKtfJIRD THE STEAM DULLES LAUNDRY. tS anl wa.-li white. You K reward of i." each .ill 4 nU h. ............ , u:. I Oil Cilll the nndersigned for the recovery of the Havana thing warll'.-'l at the Steam Laundry. The bo-lies of Elmer and Bert Whitney, j yjaj ng lf)nt j3 riualitV ami the drowned in the Snake river at I'a'one , , - ... , . . . , Rapids, near Lyons Ferry, on May 23, ! Memtt of Olir Work li Filch that t0O.le ) i. I Miles to ratronize :s. Our r-rircs nrp tuA. ; ! HODSOn S choice, but the Mallard rates whic! Atrti-o I.tfrl. c.ri-k. .r....Tv lb!.,1. .... . wcicia '";' "- j"-' -jm; in i ii iv , ani w i wail I lo C-U-B-A customer .A our.j. !.! I I. l)ti,.:a I .lurir 10, Ivj t S..lin. la I.cfrt.v ,!,. t;-l (,,,,, r..llll .IlliT 1. fW.-l t. !..- c , t . nink- final it.-. I In .i..i..rt ..( ,, rlalm. ii. tl.'.f - ..'I .T...f u . ,.,,. ,,, ,., n.1 r. i -t.ll i,t i.ii, lit. i, ur,l., , i July .-j, l-r., - ' I'.nla flrlnia.4, ! ..iw ,f Ci.ti.. I. to, an. I. , ao.l. ..( Th '"'" " r - '"' II S I '. f I lp I imrlh, K IJ f . M II.- i, hi ..-, ii, r ..'l,,:i, witn,,, ni. f'.lill'ni - .11 a n .1.1 ill .an I. ii. I, . 1 , I li.., A iwluit, K.a-k l.rv, tml. Balul.u, At.-lrrw I r.Uliall. all ..I Th. I .l Ira. I rron J""1'" J W Till A 14, KmlaU-r. NOTICE OF UNA I, SE TTI.EM F.N t. Ni.lliel. hrtvl,. iI.mi thai the , Hr, .'1, lo i.rvi.. r i,-.ti ami rullllln it I a rm VKHC BIPTIOX Elmer Whitney was 2 year height, 5 feet,"', inchrs; weight IQ lbs. j fie has a dark rnotacl.e and was dressed : in overalls ; wore either a dark or light; shirt; lace sport'man shoe, tan color. ! IJtrt Whitney was 21 years old ; weight ! i are not K. F. Allen and K,a, Alf Allen, came in from Prinevi.le yesterday atd left lor ! Portland tl..a ni-.ti.iMf I , . , , I aboat 175 ponnds; btlgbt 5 feet, 1 1 in. ; Mrs JVM. I'atte.s-n srd dswhter j ,mwttl thtTe,,; dlrk hlom tair ,)e Corner of First and Court Street, . mcrlth witu re.ativi: iu S Mr. H. W. French and 8ewai and bole son left Ir..l a an at ran i t l tl'yA Hiver. a.ein. rf. IlTiell Veaferdav to place near i head wore dirk panti with light t'.rip and heavy laced shoe., and bas a tuft of light co'ored hair on the Wt, back side of two birn -ars on b-ylr. 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. Ml. .if r.r.h Mrli will) a rlrft .f Hi -,.! ii I r r.... rt . .f 1 ..... la t.. ..f I ir.,, ., .,r n.arn r...iiilr, ami II, .1 hiirul.r.tlir I uli ilarnf July. l-. .1 Ih. h. ur ..I r., ,, ,. r... ,' fl"l llii- llr.-ami II,.. nlr rr.ufl t...i ,l l.all... I II, a. h. .,. I... ii,- ,i. .,.,. am final ai.'iinil a tl. I M-lllnurul nl I.. II.HI. In .rtl'l r.lalr I'atnl Julf 1 ; J'.ll II 1 lvJ. 1H0?4. Ni'ttvai. I irrutor. Fv. W. Y. Hawk, p!or of th North Yakm.a M . E. ihurc'i, arrived in the fitylrom Mori la.t tvrliir.g ar.d e:it tlown on the exciiraicn today. JIf. ft. W. Sa'inder arrie l home lat nijht (r .ni p.jrt.and, where !, I.a. 4e-n atrend'i'Z the l.ran'! ( hap'er of the Order '1 Eu'tern Star. .Mri. Meyer retnrned f--nr.)ay, .Mrs. Cro"en mo usy and Mrs. horget mi.l arrive toniiftit. MilKM In thi" city, Mondav, J-ine I2th, Mr. ar. I Mrs l). V. K--tcbum, a ter. The person fin iirg either of the. bolie will pieae aire ('. E. Whitest May 17-2-. H. Iliflens, Oregon. The tnpils of f-t. Mary's Academy will give an entertainment on Friday, J-in loth, t) raiae for.ds f r the pnrpoe of ligl.tirg the build. ii. Exercifw will ci!fcTier,ei r rec'aelv at H o'rh r k n. m ! Admifion.V) cnts. Children un !t-r 7 ! Fun&ral SiDD!l&S , rr DKALEIiS IN fill kinds of year not admitted. Tickets are for tale at EUkeley A Houghton's, II, Her- daogh. I ''ring's, J. P. Mclnery'f and Maior A I fcent' n'p. toi Crandallfi Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or, a f a-eaiT a a iratava vaa r t BtOS. Administrators Notice. N..flr I. hrrrtiv ;.n II. ! t1".""'''""' (,..1-11, ..,..lnl..l t.T ' ',.Ji .iUfl the Id m "I ""... . r..lliilr. a. ..l.iillil.Ual..f I'"- r-I.lrl AlHlm, ilminl, AH ' ' K' 'JLjl a.allial aa.r.lalr are h.-r.l. ii..lln"l ' r . II,- .am. .riiwrlv .ellfl-l " " ' ' " ' In, al..fl. I., Pllllir Al Mrnrl,. l '" tintfitha Ir th. lat. il l!"i" "1 I'alrJ al lh. Ii.1I.hi. l",'J"-(!"A'',,ii .! Hi. H.lalr nf A'l'"l Executor's Notice. that tti' "nT , . j inr - k i. . 1 Sirftre i hrreli. slT.n ml tratamrnt ol ll.irm. k '" ,.... All -ra..i,. harln( rl.lin. a."!"-' !r ril . .l.. .--.1. .r. I.rt. l.r i '"" -', h.-m wim ih i.r..T r ""'""", ...oim 1.I1NI1I l lh HUT III I ia I l.-a It,, lire. from the dale nl lllla null' e. K.W.I April U, !'. ST,-T". . Keeil..ri.l 111. will ol ll..r.v K J,1 NOTICE Hlt I'VliMCATIOS. ,. V . . I.asn ( rm t, 1 1 K S K K A I. eiacKsmiliis Ni.llr. I. her,l.r I vrn tl.meil aelller ha. Illr.1 m il make final .fil III ."I'I"' thai aahl will I" m.'l' I It I tr.1 I ottinii i . c i vl. t-.'f;",Ta f-1 lil.., ia -.i. ...... I.i. ..rtn-r III iiiat'in, "ti i iiuiinr, jui 1 I Ih.m.. Tel.".. II. Hr.e.le.4 N., .,la,..r..l the ,S..fth.t I""' ' Ill II, . f,Hfli.. " arrll'" U .AND.. .,ii irh'f. .14 I -I. Robes, Buria! Shoes, Etc HorsesfiQeis t ; i 1 k , ........,.,;...,.l iliialler nl the ".mtlir I..I.I.. 1 S.irlh ff K .. . ... .. - u . .... II. II. mi. III. i-i "- " . ,,.ll a. ,. .I.I. I..O III-1" "' f"'" Mil. I laml. VI. hail, r ll' .'i'H T.-in plaim.l Ion. .ill- .r.' .11.'" May II Wagon and Carriage Werk rih Brothers' Wagon, Thirl asi Jcid i-.t..-r.;i" ,, ,. I nil, U.I 'I" ' a D W. K. lit M! R I'ritik Warret,'. ',x (linger Ilrandr. For sal at all flr.t.cU.s bars. J. r-tuhllng, agent, The Ihilles, M 17 3in it 1 h" . .!.' " f II. " """, V Nonci Mire I. Iirrel,f (!v 1 III Ih. I lefli nl IL. I "llii'' 1 I in .i.n. I',r 4 a-en I . .. . . , t v lulmlnl-llaliir nl the e-l ih i ,-a.ial, an. I lv an ' ft,' af.,i,Hial,l. ma.le .lllue 1 I-". .1 Ih. h"'ir i, .' I. .-l a. IMe 1 1 iti ""' In .;i... III ll.rfl-r- nf.a'i' It I ,il. lliml " III, III nl .al l ran.'"- p p M V. ,, A.lii'i"'"'''" JnnSII . i . ... Tl f..r ..i.iii. IT """, ,'