THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14. 1899 Iks Weekly Chronicle. . . VKMHIN "UiTl 1-Al ltK Or WAm:0 llM V, rfMdul iii I we pnrli, on HtJnti.luy fcirJ' SIBtMitimoN ItATHS. If roaraoa raaralu, IN aDVAUCa, a-",;;: i;""!.'!"!!.'"'.!!!""! ' r.iwi rwwuualile. en4 mad. known l".'i,?l!l"ill"-." o"Tlir CllltON j,U," lit """"' local tutfcvitma). HiiunUjr Pally. Pmf. Juhu Gavin, of (hit city lis ac eapladsn Invitation to ilillvcr Ilia 4t J Jul oration at l'oiur. Mrs. Mary P. Myert, ol thlt city, hut Wn elected grand toeretary ly III nw of Kaatrrii ttr which convened la Portlant ( week. waier hat f.f'l-'n tufticlently U, lock to permit the I ''ml to past lifotigli, and trenaferrliig at Iht portage iotnfceMiy "I prowtil. Xbt ilvrr tiill contlnuet to tall slight ti standing at 3 .'.2 llil ruornlng. Cool arsaather U pndicted, hut the Co In in bit yet to experience the rli itrailonad ty the pest few dayt a firmer weather. gujit. Uarclay, ol the railway mall tcr firtir'nt yeaterday In Tli Puller, rc haulm Irum a trlr to Prlnevllle, Moro uJ iht Irti-rior. We would not be tor If The (' would hear tome laina Inturritiriit rrgrliiig lilt visit ere toot. "Iiiuur father at home?'' asked allaf. "What la your name, pleateT' iKjaiied the Utile gul. "Jut tell him i il bn bid Irlu.d, Mil." 'Then I mi be ai n't t home. I herd him fell tuaima if any bill cams ha wasn't ttb."-Til-llItt. TbtGoMcndala Sentinel will In the htnre be published by Mentis Byart A McCullv, the Utter recently with the Omsk:! . That paper la much im trofed In appearance since Mr. Mi-Cully Ui Uken cliarita of It. It dreat aikiaiilly new, and altogether It It una a llit nretent of exchange which art iKtlieJ at tUit cfllce. 8pokD i to have a law agalnit tf.roalng scrap paper on the tidewalkt, sblchlta gxxl one, the mayor claiming tUtr.-crntlr several bad runawayt have Waa caused by thie habit. Then, too, it? give the attests tuch an untidy ap petnnre. The Dalles would dj well to iav-k into the matter, at that It tba ante of much id the annoy a rice of keep b oarcity liking any way decent, aiaoEgthe many vialtoit who cama lu le tte city t ly ra two w ho did not tow to attend the circus, bat to ha ll.'t taf nirrnbers of the family of I!ev. V, T.IVing. They wore lain glrla, and erirrd morning. While The Dallet wllr npr.ksl yooig men mora than ii.licf , o congratulate Iter, and Hi. Piling thet ihry were o fortunate minve lo ol li e lalrr-r nx a rliitort. ue sniiiHnt apprt't'litle Circnt dy Mmlciy more ilua anyone, and ti.e fcania well tnppiied with P.ed Men to- One of Ihent, however, derided to a Utile rin-.i. f,l I. la nmn l !)lcrlng all the fire water he could I1 a buld of. The niamhnl found it WMafjr o hand cuff him bffore. tit dbe nineu.j ,nn and landed In "kooktiin lioune." imniing thing loday hat bwu to 'Hen the hilhK.n vemlert and the lac thev no in telling Ihelr ware. "!klng op to a baby carriage or a band "Mil children, they will hand tach 1 balloon. Of conrta when the --tUr to takt It away to hand ktoltt owner, the ballet let npa '. ina to prevent a tcene the It com' to buy the rtrrltv tilavllmm '-"t'lmore aayt than ona of telling uoon. Bagley, 0f lVeie A Mayi' ttore, wjlng hit arm in tllng, the rernlt -Wit accident thort lima tlnce. ""king ihout the ttora, Bert rtn a ilivrr In hit right hand which ha '"d. A thort time after ha ttruck ""id on the corner of counter and """hit lima it hat been twelllng and Nnlul. It , now thought It it wwndillghtly, and Bert feelt touif ""inxiout concerning It. wryoot ilket to tea the Utile onet JJ! ,h,,DlM, and particularly to tttra m, ptrt , ,niwUmtnl, J'lU a large number of lha parentt Z!'4' "nded Iht clo.lng tier- jT'b kindergarten Uught by lha j,7Jl 7,0,1 nlc ku l,,B00"- Among other nurohert -ireauy pie.,,,! , J.ta Hoe ""'I Woodworth tang a Ralph tiliT.rJ .1. .... . 111,1. Kju - " .w n f jtL ph "rrd Ml L,yi w". Jonet, Winifred Douthlt, tej, Bnlce Moor and Ilent kZf Mdo by Elinor Tay. -,. J',,0"i. The entire program dld and .howed good training. 0, .. """re Dally, nie iI?,JI,,m,h,P Monmonththlre, liad BMorlr morning from M U.mlltoB Campbell, of me u. u. M. ollhe In Ihlt city. He, In niipiny with hie brother and teveral young frlendt from 1'orlUnd, la bound for China. They will return in the fall. We lh til mi tt plvaiarit V"ge, which he no doubt will have, A lnr r le. ye licenra wet Inane 1 Klur diy to J. I). Huffman end Arale'.lu K rgi-rt, of lluod Itlver. Ali-x Cathcart, Jr., who hat been to III, we Itarn it much Im proved and in a fair way to recover. Wednesday, June 21M, It the date tet for the lady mln ilrelt. The la.lkn are prat'th-lnghard.nd all are lixAkg for ward to il with much pUarure. J. I'.. AJo'H, the watchuiakur at K4t end, .are that l.le .how nimlotr end tore It innll but It It lilted with eollJ, iiihiUniUI g.H)le, mid liot with IUl,y cheap J jI.u ttulT. Alter June 11 the O. H. tV S. check whei-U H regulitr bagngn. The old tnriff priAidlng rale, on a t.evlt will bave been ciiisA-d. The Nortln-ro l'a clfld will probably follow mit. From Dr. Klneharlwe h-arn that Turn Ma'ono, while not liiiptovii.g perceptibly It growing no worae and It what we might tay "holding hit own" to well that much encouragement it felt concerning him. V. K. Hlinonton, recently d Albany, hat accepted a po.ltlun in Ilia i.Dlce of IVaae A Mavt' dry jr hxI. .tore. Mr, Nimoutun it a tpiendld niuiiu'.an and will be a great addlliun to the band and nu.ical clrclft in the city. People who coiitemp'bte coming to (rant county lo epend the milliner pruapettlng thonhl deler their trip for fpw weekt, eirce the high inountalnt yet covered with enow. The preount high water, combined with mow and mlret In the mountain, wculd tie a ertout Impediment II protiei'tlnz wat nndertakeu at the pretcnt lime. Kagle, J. K. AJcos, the watchmaker who hat Ju.t opchcil a jewelry ttore at Ka.t End, l practical watchmaker in tl.o true teuee ol the word, lie came to The Pallet tlateen month ago with the recommendation of In-lng one of the lineal workmen on the Pacific ooaat, and be fully iUDtnii.ed that reputation during hit tixleen inonlht' employ with Ibe popular jirwelrr, II. C. Lletw, Recorder Oatetit ttrongly cnteniplat ing tludying for the mini. try, having lost a good ib title morning by not be ing thtoh'glcal ttudent. Had the voong man who broached the tnbject lo him, end then btcked out became he waen'ta nilnltter, knowo jutl what a good knot he can lie In a abort time be wouldn't bare betitated moment, but he didn't and the preacher came out ahead. Our main ttreet hat presented quite buny appearance during the paat week. being crowded at aliunet all hourt of the Iny with wool laden wagont bound for The pallet and olliert loaded with freight from that place. A great deal of freight from Tho Pallet it hauled at Ihlt tcaaon at the returning wool wagont will tiring It much rhear than it can be hauled for at any olher time. At one time on Weilneiuay we ronnieu wrnly wegona laden with wool, parting through town. Antelope Horald Jut'.h-e lUyarl It doing a Imd ofllre bu.ineft In the marriage Hue, and hit face wore a broad tmlle at the reporter aaktd if he wat guilty or n"t guilty ol the charge! egalntt him. On Saturday evening at A o'clock lie performed the ceremony which nnl'.ed In marriage Joe. P. HoiTintn and Mre. Araliella Itogere, bjlh of thltrity. At high noon today, at hit home on T nth itref-t, IVarl K. Ornduffand Mlft Milllo Mart, of Wmc, were made one. Yeetcrday morning Itev. rtronfgecat dellreied a verr earneat addrcra lo lilt conisregiitlon, enlarging upon ihetuhjccl menlloned t y Tin Ciioki'I. regarding the deplorable rtate of affairt which ra late In our city among the young glrlt, ho leein to have to little concern at lo their character. He urged the parentt to give heed lo the manner In which heir children are brought op, cautlon- ng them againtt giving to little thought to their dntiet concerning them. Pataenger train No. I, w hich It tup- lioaed lo arrive here at S :& p. m., la a tore eye to wett-bound patacngert. 8he tohloru on lime, and it it a dilllcuit matter to Bnd out Jnat what time the it ei peeled, for cue dlelikei to be con tinually "rlnglog op eto. so lo nna out. However, that eeeini to be the only way of determining, er.d the employee will, It teemt, have to endure the annoyance ol ntwerlng the 'phone or abandon their train, which would be a lad thing for Pallet people. The Columbia. It at changeable the , f . I .!'!. Ai M.k a moon, une uav u ia iainu - rate that we really would become hope ful If il were not for the reporte that give at en Inkling of her dldoee. Today he ttande at 33.0, Daving waiaeu up 1.3 tlnce yetterday. The reportt tay rite all along the line, 2.8 being re ported at Lewltton. At tnie piace Tbnreday !t will reach the SO mark. It 111 not eroat the track here nntll the 51-foot mark le reached, but 46 leel will give them trouble at the Ceteadei. VTm learn from nelghbore In the eicin- Ity of Union end Seventh etreete that Cottlngham, who wae Injured eboot a week ego when walking on the railroad .aif- la in a bad condition, being un able to care for Mmtelf and baring little of tba neceetarlea of life. Tba nelghbore bare been caring for him, nd hare ap plied to have him tent to the poor farm. It teemt to many that It la hardly fair for a man to wreck bit own life and then be dependent upon the charity of tlm citiiani of the county ; but humanity overlook! theae fnclingt and will not turn anyone from the door unheeded. Tundajr'a ImIIjt. A marriage licenee wat Ihlt morning leaned to Chat. K. pjvan aud Delia Hood lilvtA. We regret to chr ilcla the death at Spokane on Saturd yjaat of CO. Dlxou, d rheumrttiarii of thu heart. Mr. Dixon am well known In lailrond circlet all over the coaat . Among the nout new atoret In the .lty mltihl lie mcntl nied the bicycle and re pair .hue of C'tiuilie BurcMorf, next dm.r lo (.iuiiiiiiin'a blHclitmiih thop on Second ttreet. It hat betu lilted up In the nlceet kind of ttyle, aud lookt at attractive at can b. i ne river Here IomI at 3o Ihlt morn Ing and mm about an Inch and a quarter ai, hour during the day. The tivert abovi', with the exceptiuu of Initiator., how a lite. From Thursday the Colum bia will remain tlationary nntil (Sunday, hen wo may exptxt another riee. Tlie n pjrt tnyt warmer weather. Tho entile household at the home of I. N. Hargent are having a ticge d tick ncta. Mr), (-argent It juat able to tit up, and Ml Haclicl Morgan tat up for the flrtt time today, alter a tit-geof typlioid ; while, we are torry to learn, Mr. Sargent la now down with that diieaae, although hit care It not considered daiigurciua. The PalKt deli gatet who have been attending the Kpwortu I.eagno conven tion at Moro arrived borne last evening. They were accompanied by i.lne dfle- gatet from North Yakima and Kllcnt- bnrg, who will remain over unlil tomor row. In company with a nurtler of leaguera from ihlt dry, they went on an eacurilon to the Caacadea today. A. notice in lat night't Oregon ian telle of the- deatli of Cliat. V. P. Rmi ou Sunday, in Portland. Although nothing definite bat boeu received In thlt city regarding bim, and from lait account! the Chat. Host who wat in jured here a few weekt tince wat Im proving, it it feared il it he who It deal, ince the age given it tho tame at hit, at It alto the name. No wonder parent! and frlendt are overjoyed to feel that the boya are com. lag home, and that the anxiety felt at the caaualty Hat la tenoned each day, it to be at an end, for while death'a band cannot be ttayed even around our own fireaidet, there It at lent the tatitfaction of caring for thorn and fee-ling that they are with ut In the laet hourt. Yeater day't report addt two more Oregon boyt to the Hat of honored dead, that of Ralph O'Dvll of company A, and J. J. Choe, company O. The Pallet Commercial Club ha challenged for the Kehlrnhelmer trophy ant the confer t will take place at the Itoad Clnballeyt next Saturday evening, at 8:110 o'clock. The D.l!c team It com poaed of expert bowlura, and will make a great efT-irt to capture the trophy. The home team w ill be handicapped from the fact that a couple of itt regular team will lie unable to bowl, at it It im possible to leave bualnett Saturday even ing. The contest will in all probability be cloae and exciting, and will undoubt edly draw a large crowd of t pectatort Oregonlan. For alirne thia apring the fato of our rofet teemed to bang In the balance, the t?vere winter having nipped them to that we feared for their livet; but, while there are not now lo many at In former yeart, anny gnrdena are filled with them, and noautiful onct too. Thlt morning wo were thown by Carey Jen kint the king of roaet at fur at tize it concerned. It grew in the garden at Mrt. W. 8. Meyert' and meaanretfi' Inclici acrota and l"'a in circumference, lit front iinuie It Paul, but lit air name we do not remember, lloaever, w hal't in a name? It would probable amell at aweet by any other r ime at itt own. ehortly after noon loday Judd Fiah received word that hit mother, Mrt. Catherine Fiah, had died at Hilltdale, near Portland, a thort time before noon. Mre. Fiah, who wat about 70 yeart old, lormerly lived lo The Pallet, and moved from here to Lafayette. A thort time ago the wat taken to Hilltdale In hope of benefiting her, tor the bat been very ill for many montht. Several timet have Mr. end Mrt. Fiah been called to her bedtlde when It wat thought every moment would be her laat ; but the end came to gradually that they could not tell when to telegraph for ber eon. Mr. and Mre. Fiah will leave on the after noon train to be pretrnt at the funeral. Sunday evening B. Campbell general freight agent for the O. R. A. N., and a Dartv of otbert, accompanied the boyt, among whom wae hit eon, Hamilton, of thlt city, at tar at Flavel, on their long J lurney on the Monmonththlre. Wben the tteamer docked at Flavel they ttarted to go athore. All the party landed tafely txceptlngMr. Campbell and bia little eon. Wben they ttarted down tbe gang plank It tllpped, throwing botn over board. A ttrong tide wat running at the time, and both would have undoubtedly been drowned bnt tor the tecond officer and tteward of the tteamer, wbo jumped overboard and held them nntll flahlog boat which were lying dote at band picked Ibem bp. CIRCU3 DAY. four Tbou.aad Vl.ltore la lb Clty-Aa iKMfuu I'arada. Talk about Fourth of July, firecracker, peanut, and eaglnt. It may tound any thing bnt patriotic, but It Ito'tin it with client day, paradcr, balloont and clrcue lemonade, talTy, chewing gum, beet fellowt to twlng handt with, and nuru- erout other enj j inenta attendant upon tuch an auapiciout occation. If there't one day above another that ought to be a holiday itt circut day, and Itt cruelty lo anlnmlt to keep ui thut up In offices, Korea, thopt, etc., when the circut It in town, for It It at much of a circct to be on the ttreett at in the tent. Pa equally at cruel at keeping the children borne from the performance. At David Ilamm ataerti, a tmall boy will remember hit firtt circut if every thing else It forgotten. K very body wantt to ace the circut old and young, little and big, tmall and groat, and In tplte of the oft-repeated attertiuii "I wanted to have tbe children tee the thow; at far at I am concerned, I've teen lott of tuch thingt an I they nre all about the tame," the honest truth it that it lealmoat an Imporeibility for anyone to rciiat tbe novelty of it. 'Another aatertion that can't' be proven it the one which brandt tho circut at detrimental to a town, claim ing that they take the money out of it. True, they take a great deal ont ; but at the tame time how much do they canae to come InT Illuglinj Crot. ttopped here mottly for the purpoao of feeding and in that way they Individually leave much here. Then the amount expended by viailori will be enormoua, not alone In bole) billt, but our ttoret bave been crowded all day, and mutt necettarily be the galnen thereby. All day yesterday and today wagon loadt of people were coming into the city from every direction, tbo crowd com ing down the brewery grade thit morn ing reminded one of a proceeeton. Karly laat evening every hotel and lodging house wat crowded and bad to turn people away, while many families camped In tbe outskirtt of tbe city. It le estimated that fully 4000 visitor! are in town. Somehow The Pallet forgot itfclf thit lime and inttead ot dealing out the nroal wind itoriu, even caused the tame lo hide itt face to that we might be more comfortable until after tbe parade. From 6 in tbe morning the ttreett have been crowded, and by 10, at the parade began, It wat almott im possible lo past along the tidewalkt. At 4 o'clock tbe traint began to arrive and many of our cititant were on the grounds lo watch them onload, which they tay wat most Interetting, every thing being done In tuch an orderly manner that by 8 o'clock teveral acrea of ranvatt wat stretched and almost a thousand meuibera of the aggregation were eating breakfaat in Ibe large din ing tent. The parade which took place at 10 was perhapt a mile long, and the best ever teen In this city. Among the many brilliant (futures were the neat animal cages, the lour braie bands, one being with a mounted cavalry troop, tbe 15 elephants, the camel caravan, the chime of belli and the (creaming calliope. Immense crowds attended the per formance thit afternoon; but at the time of going to press we had no report of it. However, j'lJging from tbe re porta given by tho papera in La Grande, Baker City and other placet where they have thown, il it the beet ever given in Oregon. RIUHT KIND OF A CIRCUS. Everyone Ilollghtad With the Perform, anre A Clean ehow. While a fairly large crowd attended the circut Saturday night, it did not compare with the number tiiat filled the large auditorium in the afternoon, most everyone preferring the afternoon per formance at generally that of tbe even ing la curtailed in their hurry to be ou the move. Thit, however, did not teem lo be the case with thit thow, and every one wat delighted with the entire per formance, the general verdict teeming to lie that It wae the cleaneat, most meritorious circut that bat ever visited the city, being free from all gambling dovicet, fakirs, etc., and the coarse jokes to utual in the modern circut. Then, too, everything moved off in tuch a methodical way, one feature no eooner being off tbe arena that another wat on, causing no delay nor tlretome waitt. Particularly noticable wat the fact that the cottumet were to fresh looking and In contrast with thote generally worn In the ring. Then, too, tbe performert bad not the jaded appearance tuch people are wont to potteet. In fact It wat a pleasure to feel that a circut can be earried on wltbont the objectionable featurea which bave alwayt been con tldered a part of every tach thow. It It Impossible to give more than a patting mention of the different feature! of the performance. Following tbe grand entry there le deserving of epeclal mention a feature of the Introduction. II waa patriotic display that could not fall to enthute any American andlenea. Flrtt cama a band at the head ot a com pany of German toldiert. To the ttralnt of "Die Wacht Am Rheln" they marched to a potltion In ona of the rlnge. Neat cama a company of Brltith toldlerato tba tana of "God Sara tba iieen. France wae next with the "Martelllet." Afterward came Japan ese, Turks and other nationt. Last, the thrill notet of fife and the roll of a drum wat heard, and here came tome minute men of ';, with a typlt-al Uncle Sam leading. Behind theui came the best hand of all, making the air tremulout with the melody of "America," and at the head of a squad of confederate!, a squad of Union loldiert, with tailora and inarinee. While all the. banot played "The Star Spangled Banner," three figuret appeared on tbe ttage. They were Uncle Sam, Columbia. and Cuhi In cbaint. After a pan tomimic conversation, Uncle Sim ttruck the thacklee from Cuba and raised ber to a ttanding poiiiion and Confederate and Union toldiert clasped bandt. The parlor tumbling by lha Dacoma family wat perhapsthe best work done, unless it wat the taajxzj performance by Millie Tumour. Another mot exeel'ent feature wat Prof. Lock han't herds of (raised ele phantt. The trainer made those big beaste do everything but talk. Their tractabiilty wat marvelous. They walked on their hind lege, danced, rat at a table and ate a luncheon, and wben musical Ini'rumeriti were given them, nobody would hav been turprieed If they had played the latest Sousa march. They didn't quite do that, though. What they did play wat probably tbe national hymn of the jungle folks. There wat a wonderiui herd of trained borsee, any amount of high class ground and lofty tumbling and trapen work, contortion acta, alack aud tizht wire performances, and hippodrome racet. The menagerie and tide abowt were well patronized. "fihlpa That laaa la the Maht. "Shlpt That Past in the Night" waa the tubji-ct of a very eloquent and in structive sermon delivered by Rev. Pol ing at the Congregational church last night. Chooting at hit text the wordt of Job, "My dayt are pasted away at a twift ship," be then referred to the quotation from Longfellow e "Talet of a Wayside Inn," which waa the inspiration given for the work by Beatrice Harradeo, en titled "Shipa That Past in the Night," and are at fullowt: "Shlpt that past in the night, and speak each other in pass ing. Ooly a tignal shown and a distant voice in tho darkness. Soon the ocean of life we past and tpeak one ALOlher, Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a tilencc." - Tbe apeaker called attention to the various thlpt that pass na on life't voyage and of their tignificaco. If no further letson it gleaned they must l I least remind ot of tbe brotherhood of mau and hit destiny. These ships are Uod't messengers of love and opportu nity, and can only accomplish that which he intended by the messages which we accept and the good which comet into our livet by tbe lessons taught by them. Among these ships which pass ut tt the good ship Faith, which is henven bound and comet laden with the gold of character, Die pearl of great price and tbe bier sings of integrity. Another it the opportune day, which passes for all and heart messages of utmost importance. Brief life, or child life, It a thip which the speaker said might teem an unim portant thip, but tbe little voice thus heard hat tlgnally influenced many a life and wat a great factor for good ia teaching tbe lessoca of nntelfithneee. One ia to be pitted who bat tailed over the ocnn of life and given no beed to those shift w hich have patted bim, pay ing no n'if-r. tii.n to the heart messagee of ilhera. Ail ure marinert on the boeon r. of life't ocean, but whither are we tail--ing? Mother wat then likened to a tbip. which it laden with a love cargo. Hera It not merely a voice, but a life-Irene- figuring influence. May the response be a glad one. The young man who levee hit mother cannot be very bad, nor go very far in the wrong path. Two other thiol are the friend wbo influences fr good aud the niessenera divinely c jinmissloned of God lo apeak and tell of the dangers on life's voyage; lurirgln tiren tones to the path of right. lu c'osing, Mr. Puling urged hie con gregation to give beed to every thip wheti cargo wat for the betterment of humanity and to uplift rather than de grade. We clip loduy an editorial from the Ore,tonian in regard to the unnecessary display and strain caused by the gradu ating txercues of today which we con sider contains a number of tnygeetiont wbcU are worthy of careful tludy by alt concerned, although the reference to tho training ot young women, mentioced in tbe first paragraph, does not teem to apply to the average American girl of today. Not that we do not con sider that graduating time should be one of especial moment and be made an auapiciout cccetion ; but ia tt not trne, at tte Oregouan tay, that il it becom ing rather more of a burdensome than a pyous time, especially to the parente wboie meant will not permit of the ex pensive dresses, class pins, programs and what cot that are the adjauctt of the modern graduating exercises? Mary parents can merely aC'urd br self sacri fice to let their tout and daughters finish the public schools, and could cot con aider for a momtnl adding to their bur den the unnecessary expenses. Should there not be a rule, in our public scboole at least, gorerninz tbet minor matter! so far as th class collectively it con cerned, let the ind vidua! presents, etc., giveu at home be what tbey may. It ia hardly probable now that there it a mistake ahcut the boyt having started homeward boon I, for diepatcbea etate that they tailed from Manila yec terdar. With anything like tmooth tailing they will arrive in Portland on July 12th. Everybody in Oregon wiahea them a tpeedy, tafe and pleasant voyage. They have been in the thickeet of the fray for many mouths, and never faltered or whimpered. Their atata ia proul ot them and they will be tWen tt royal welcome. Da'.lea people are anx lout to be among the first to welcome tbem,andit would be a eflendid idea to charter cne of the D. P. A A. N. steamers and meet them at Astoria, then join in the welcome at Portland, and top it off by preparing a genuine old bunch grass welcome to Eastern Oregon. We understand tbe Relief Corps in The Pallet it to have a meeting Sat urday evening for the purpose of arrang ing mattrrt to that end, and if they do, every man, womn and child in the city should vie in their efforts to assist them, and will do to. There it plenty for the older onet to do, and, judging from the number of children scattered through out the city, wc have enough to line the tidewalkt with them, and let the little ones "etrew flowera in their way who come in triumphant." If we are 10 tias the 4th bv unheeded, let na cnll - 011 a holiday for the return of our boyt. WHOLESALE. RETAIL. The following lines are to be found at rviays & Crove. FULL ASSORTMENT. LOW PRICES. Garden Tools, Peep Well Pampt Blacksmith't Tools Rubber and Cotton iloee Bar Iron and Steel Winchester and Mariin Rifles, latest models Blacks-nith't Oial Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker't Supplies Bicycles and Sundilea Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings Smith A Wesson and Colt's Revolver! Barb Wire and Nail. Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted We will replace every piece if found rusted. Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware. A Complete Lino of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Planet Jr. Garden Tools Rushford Wagont John I Vera Plows and Harrows Raelne Bnggiee and Carnages Bean Spray Pumpe Buckeye and Piano Mowert and Reapera Cultivatort and Ditk Harrowt . Tiger Drills, lightest draft. Our stock ot Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools is complete in every detail. Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves. Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock.