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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1899)
A. J . Ay vol. ix THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JUNE 14, 1899. NO. 37 0 ' ivinritT WW I IN MISSOURI Surfcri' S or a Wrecked Train ofDyitz aiii Irjarcd nnmans. TRAIN DERAILED IN MISSOURI Ctrnliis I'talli and Destruction lu Fifty Men, Women and Children Heroic Wutk Dune by ihe Train tie and a Porter Credited With EipciUI Presence of Mind. Kin Citr, Jnim U I'orlv-elwt.t ittrvi'-i wrm more or let ttnu!y, thre (n rliap fatally, llijurvl by lie ! nilinmt "( train No. oulh boon 1 on th K" City, Pltttburg tlnlf rail road, 'wo mile south i( Gfnv!w, Mo., it 9 ) Ut tilght. The lnjrid were hroilit to tliii city thi mornlig and tm K'ti.u.!v hurl w ere kni to St. h'upital m4 thr to the vuy hotel. Tlm wricked train Vft Kanat Citr l.t nltl.t t 8 ! T0 in I ir be yond irnlew, a email nation thirty tiilirt ( kimi) City, train ii ilcr led by p reading raiit, thetrai-i hiiriitg liett damned by recent kever rami. 1 1 urn iiir lilcti contained iikmi of ttie ii pi.ed, miui tin rlmir rr liiinn-el lately I .How ir.jj, were turned on tbelr id into ditch. The Pullman left the trx k, I'-j l rewaitird upright. Tli ri("n ted t lailiinatloti baggage and mail cur rrruaik'l or, th trick. To accident occurred during a trvavy 0'itir of rain. Tlie crew t to ark villi will to li'ill Women mt children were dragged from tli ni'l m.-n of the rr nd attended to !; possible ander tho -lrrum I'.tnr... J(ur kit lid Iwii taken out Hr started frmii tli fir In tov Ja tli rearcur. Tt.e r-orter of thlt rr rned gmt ffm by bit prerti- of kulnd in ratling hoi throng h tli root, q nch log the tr nj rK iilii(j rTirl women la la.uiii.irnt :nitr. lu tlx mokrr, wblcli wll flllfd, th .rtfrr wr foiiix.l-l I .crawl nutUruHiy tb full lrniuli to tlirrr d'Kir laM-a4., nit thronvli tli trokra win dur m 'Unirrrom, tli ijmknv uik- "t it iiu;iiill'U tu ! foot !ir. Tli" . -lo .i( lli rrck In lliewixxln, nd tl.-re wit ni bouu n r ta liirh th I oiii!i In, tkn. Kur Uie im b'diti rrn of tli Inj.ircil lirr fr blilt f tlin track. A i.,n aa Miiiible tba new of tba Wrwk ,.,t to (iranriew ari l a ridirl train lUi tartrd from Knt City. Th train uiovnl at .1 a.m., and txk b'-k It Kauaua City all of tli Injun-l. DEATH AT WHITE PASS (,ne Man Killed OutrlKhl and Two May Hie From Broken Spine (KhiT Slidit Feared. N'mo, H, c. June!). TIib itramer mur. Ciptaln U lllatin, arrived here "'ii ii.orninn from Kkagwiy and report! l't on Sunday morning. June d, men t work I'li-arinit tnow from the i'it rUMA Yllkon 1,liU.,yi j111(t over "' nimniif, w,rn Ivrrlbl llde of r"'li and mow raiua down llio inoiintalri "d", killing oI18 , Btantly, and 'ri ""T, if not fatally nJtirin other. tun Ilia, the nani of III men were not obtainable. The lidu rm (loan with nracticallv no 'hiii. and before the men could gel t eonrie tho rock an.lsnow were "Pin tl.ei,,. Another gang of men were ""'king n r, .ii,, ,,,,, fcWi,Vi , '"'hie t, ,,,. (if K.;tt ,. "olll.eirj i, .-,. f, r (!,,, nl J!' '" "'eir aliance and with other Ihng riMi-tai,,.,., ,,, w ,,, wmi tx. "'' d. but one Mat f, ur,d to bo dead I, "'"''her two, it it feared, cannot ". for Dr. Whiting; the railway tur- hrj wat toon In attendence, la lUri' hack are broken, Kvory ""If'heingdone that It pottible for ''d th Injured men. '""lid-Mra hourly expectod, and rrin haw Iwim to witti-h tit line for everal tri'rt bryoinl ,e kiiui'iiit to m to I'ive a tiln. fate of SjiliiiL'. M mi t, Juub 8. The K, rnd (Innori vcunt. i re, preparing to !,-.v (or liome, nlllt'ait, according to prinoil plMiia, Tuevday, I'ndi r tlm rin nt ordiT of the war di-i-artim-iit, ll.i. ri-iciiiifitt bring link iih it tl L m ie of in dead. Since the Muici g raiiip.,lKii endc I tl.o men tl rider to neral Siiinnn-ri Imve b en biley I ri-pailng 1 1 1 mUik. Tlm r;'"enl It In iiooit l.ea.lh, kiiilo from tlm rr-ul ta of wi iir. la In I, utile. Tlm lorn are all r x ;.m to grt aaay, mil tiulnrally are l!d tin y an. (ruing clirn t to I'urtlar.d. kuhatd I'. Illatid )yin. I.mtvjN, Mi.,Jnn8 At 10 p. in. , Mr. Illand red romewhat brigbtir, and will prubably liw tbrouuli tl. Iil,jht. IliI ban been irrli Ire for twentT-lonr hntii. Tlie phyal. ian re gar I tlm cua at hoKle, an t bave o Infoctned the lamily. All of tlm family are at the dying uiaii' bedni ' tnnlgbl, eireit bit brother, Jmtgn C. (". Dlaiid, of lb St. Iiuia nnirt A appeal, wbo bat been t h -graphed for. The PjIIih Boat h'uiUay. Waiiim. Ton, June S. The wardepnit nieiit It lcforiiiel tbnt tlm rieg .liationt for tlm remainder of tlm iv'it of-ay at It dalle aro pngrr.irg very favor ably 1 here la ttill a horx- that rongrent rn.iy aiithorir.e a raiml ieiRlea 1 of a txiat railway to overcome the oto-trnrtiont. PLAN FOR EN LISTING RECRUITS SLclctoiis of the New kii(iiticnli May lie Funned From Volunteers ho ish to Ivvn.iin. VAiiiK.t J ii no lb The cabinet, In Connection with the pota-.ble UKeviiy of eriiintirig a addiliona! form of teer. .h! ly d. iif rd a plan for en)i ing reveral rieleton rciinenla in Manila Irnm imotiit tint volunteer who to remain m the ttrvice, and aubee (iieiilly filling out the regiment w ilh re cruit enlialwl in thi rutiairy. (en eral title, acmrdiiig to tin plan, will la giveu authority to eeltct tlm olliiar of theae regiiaiuat from the volnuteer officer who are to be muttered out. The plan ahich rommrnda ittolf to th favor of lueinl ert of the cabinet Ken erally, would 'orru a nuclciit of veVfan nllicert and men teatoned to the climate ami familinr w ilh the work to be dene. Such a force leavened with vetwrant dull bt lent wot:!. I be iiumcatnratily u- perior to a force of raw recruite, n- (lieclpl.iietl and nnan-liiiialeil. The plan wat only ditciHMed ill roiinei tion with future contingciK'U', and did not reach the tinge nf action. The attorney general announced bit opinion that the army reorganization bill, fixing tlm iaximiim ftrrngth at ui.OOi), did not enliat a hospital rorpt, alKiiit "rl tO men, a-i that tho enlittet force cau be Ini reaxed that nuiulr. Funeral of Ceptain Nkhols. MtNiit. June 12. The funeral tl m s.....i ir.... vi..i.i n.i, i f V.J'l'0 .' - I the Monitor Montdnork, took place at Cavite yesterday with appropriate naval cert monks. (inlden death of Cap tain Nichols it particularly soil because it occurred just at the moment when the result for which he had worked fi r moriiht, wa about to be realinsl, name ly the capture of Parno,ue and its oc cupation by the American forces. The Monadiiock had been lying off rarampe for two months part under fire from the rebel! almost d.illy. List full I sprained mv left hip while handling tome heavy Ihxcs. The doctor I called on t lid nt lirst it was a slight strain and would soon In, well, but It grew wore and the doctor then auld I had rheumatism. It Con'inuod to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug itore and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain' Pain 1! ilm. I tried It and one half of i'iO cent bdtlo cured mo entire Iv. f ii'iw rcponiiiii nd it to all mv (in n !'.- !'. A. I: w .'( i:, Pile, P.t. V Is f. r salo by Plakel. y Ifonyhton, liriij-Mts. III own l'nicrsily. Kaw York, Juno It. The Kev. Dr. W. II. P. Pau nee, pastor of the Fifth avenue I'.aptitt church, to lay announced that he would resign the pattorato of that chnroh luimfdistely to accept the presidency of P.rown mil ycrsity. j Tropical Sen Prows Mire Disastrous Tban Fire of Insnrcnts. SWEEP COUNTRY BEFORE THEM Noon Territory an Far as raraniio Was Cleared Americans Lost Two (Hikers and Twenty-one Men Wounded Ktbels Left Fifty Dead on the Field. Manila, June 10,4:30 p. m. At day break today a forve of 4."i00 men nndur Heiieralt Law toll, Wheaton and Oven hiDe advanced f n:m San i'edro Macati, tweelng the eonntry between the bay an I Maniln and I!uy I.r.kc, toiith of Ma nila. I!y WKin the conntry will ba cleared alrot tu I'ariin'po. Tho Ameri cana lutt two oflicert killed and twenty- one euldiert wounded. The rebel re tinted (letierately at th monger of their poeitbait, and loll fifty detd In the trenchet. Many more wounded were If ft hehlud by the rehcli la their re treat. The beat daring the day wai overpow 'ring, and tht-rq wero many prottrationt of American tokliert from lAat cane. It wat ecarcrry dawn wheel the troops, in a long eileat prietaion, wound up the hiilride) 1c,ind the American trenchet and firmed a ekirmiah line. Concealed in the Jungle, the advance rebel outt fired a few khota before being teen. Tlie artillery, tho Colorado inlautry and Nevmla citMilry t o ag ar on nd the liitltopof the IWt arid orue the battle at 30. Tlm rebel uiade no reeponf irom the hill and the Colorado men cititiotitiy advance,! ttirwtigh the thick iinriM until they were oufronted by a c i !i, from whicti a few weak volley vre tired. A tpirited retpiaite follow. d and a charg.' into the treuchet found it to J i!e 'rted. In the meantime a part of theTlurte uili and Fotirtecatli regiment formed in tklrinltih line, extrnd'iif a tuile to the right and itiivportcd by the rett of the regimi ntt, twept down the valley and up the hilUide toward another trench. The moruM aerioutly liinix'red the Fourteenth, and the rvbelt, taking ad vantage of tliiii, poured n gulling fire tip n them ftir thirty minute. The Fourteenth wat taice compelled to with draw for the purpose of finding a tale eroding in the twamp. Finally the trench was entiled on both flank. The rebels fled through the wood?, (attain ing severe losses. General I.awton then pushed lilt en tiro command tooth through the centtr of tlm isthmus until a fow miles south of I'araintie, w hen he swung around and halted on account of tlm heat. During the march, men were prostrated on all t I . t 1 - 1.1- I i 1 - tine, owing iu iat- oi water ami rlM- urn tu the tun. It i( estimated that 40 ..... I .. . per cent "I Ihe troop were exhausted. The double tnrreted monitor Monadnock and three other veaselt thelled I'aranqtie this morning, and tho rebels promptly evacuated the place. Manadnock's Couiiiiander Dead. Wamiinuton, Juna 10. A cablegram wat received at the navy department to day from Captain Parkei, naval ohVer In command at Maniln, announcing the death of Captain Henry Nichols from innstroke. Nichols was commander of Ihe monitor Manaduork, Lieutenant Weslcncdvii.' Dead. Waniiinoton, June 10. The war de partment received tho following dis patch : "Maniln, Juno 10. First Lieutenant P.iehard H. Weatenedgo, inrgeon l 8. A., died hero a 0 o'clock today from typhoid fever. O ITS" Salmon Run Good. AsroittA, 'r-, June 0. The warmer weather of Ihe pat few day has had a beneficial effect on the run of fljh In the river, and laft ninht' catch wa the largest of the season thus far. All who ventured near the month of tho river re port good catchet.nnd ono boat delivered 1700 found", the retult of one day' fish ing. One salmon was received at the cold storage plant this morning that tipped the scales of 7'J pound. Despite ' reportt to the contrary this bat beii the I best leason in years for the gillneltere, j especially those who llohed in the lower harbor. Sevirulofthe fishermen have already at t.ih at Ave and six tout each to their credit, a thing most unusual to early In the year. A train of twenty cars arrived yesterday to load canned sahuon for the Ku-t, an ) will be dis patched in a few days. Shot in the Face. AtroniA, Or., June 10. Maurice Mc nonouith, jr., aged eleven years, ol ISrook field, na-ro!y escaped being killed last evening. Ha wat driving cattle through the brush near his huno, when some one fired a gun In his direc tion. The charge struck him in the left breast and face, and took a finger from bit left hand. One khot entered the left eye, and destroyed it. The boy was brought to the hospital In tbit city Ibis morning for treatment. An examination showed that tlm hot which entered hit body and face had pierced the fl' th but a light distance, and must have been tired at long range. It 1 thought Hut the (hot wat fired by a bnnler. BRAKEMAN DAVIS IS DEAD Was Injured in the Vancouver Railway Accident. VANTorvBR, Wash., June 10. John Davis, the hrakeuian on tlm Portland, Vaacouver A Yakima railroad, w ho, was injtred in the wreck last Wednesday, died this morning. The muscle of one thigh were badly crashed and mangled I'avis wat also injured internally. Yes terday inflammation set in. I).tvis wan about 35 years old. lie leaves a wife and four children. He came to Vancouver from Kansat about i ten yeart ano, and worked at a logtfer, and at different time on t tm lodging railroad on which be met hit death. He wat a member of the Odd Fel.owa and the Ked Men. Coroner Smith thi mornin- snin- moued a jury to inquire into the wreck of the train. The jury visited the scene of the wreck and took the testimony of mpIoyet of the road and other witnessea relative to the disaster. The jury returned a verdict that Davit KJtoe to iiia death from an unavoidable laccuit-ntou the Portland, Vancouver & Yakima rait ay. No blame wag at tached, either to 'he tailway company or any of it emp' jt es. HUMAN SACRIFICE WAS OFFERED Medicine Men Torture a Young Girl to Propitiate the Spirit That is Ruin ing the Tribe. Victoria, C. C, Juno 11. The In diana living in the nei-hhorhood of the npper watera of the Stewart river are in a most deplorable condition. A terrible famine prevails in that district, and the unfortunate natives have already been decimated for lack of food. Conditions have been growing rapidly worse In thit respect, and three miners who have jnt-t reached here from that country say that tlie pitiful scenes enacted among the starving Indian beggars description. They are now almost entirely w ithout food of any kiud, and are now literally perishing In great numbers. So hopeless is the situation, that in a single small Indian village no lest than thirty persons died from hunger just previous lo the departure of the prospectors for this port. The miners who are authority h r these statements declare that nnless abundant supplies are immediately dis patched lo the relief of Iheso famishing and despondent people, their practical extermination is inevitable. j The same trio of returned miners also tell a shocking story of the killing of an Indian girl by a medicine man at the instrtnc t oi fie chief of th tribe to which the girl belonged. According ti the story, the girl was made the victim of a savage ceremony directed by the medi cine man, under the oiders of the chief. Her barbarous death w as for the purpose of propitiating the great spirit which had sent the famine, by the offering np ol a living human sacrifice. Troops will bo sent to the scene of the outrage to arrest the murderers, and bring those guilty of the crime to justice, if they have not already paid the penalty by the slower process of starvation. Absolutely Makes the food more THE WAY IS BLOCKED Germany Hostile to; tbc Arbitration Principle. COMBINING WITH SMALLER FORCES Great Danger That the Schemes Before the Peace Conference Will Fail. Wamhsgtos, June 10. According to private advices reaching here from The Hague, there is great danger that one and all arbitration tchernea before the conference will fail. It is said Germany is markedly hostile to the arbitration principle, and is making an active can vass to secure the support of tome of the second-rate powers in the opposition. If the movement is successful, even in a limited degree, it it feared that arbitra tion is doomed so far as this conference is concerned, for, to carry any weight and show practical results, the delegates must be nearly unanimous. lirussels Conference Section. Tub II AGi-E, June 10. The Ciutsels conference section n et today. Major-General Sir John Ardagb, of the British delegation, declared that Great Britain could not bind herself to sign convention drawn from the Brusseli conference of IS75, but must reserve the right of jndging of the ne cessity of tha expediency of abiding by stipulations of that conference or this conference in general order to her armies in the event of war or in the event of opening a campaign. Professor de Martens replied that Russia did not ask the power to sign a convention on the Brussels conference, but deeired the powers to undertake to embody the stipulations now agreed upon in the instructions given trcopt at the openicg of a campaign. DEPENDS ON UNITED STATES In less She Scuds Over One Hundreds Millions in Gold by Fall, Serious Difficulties May Be Experienced America a Light Purchaser. New Yoi:k, June 12. The Timeb' Lon don finaccialccrrespondent cables : This has been an untoward week, and busi ness ail around has been unsatisfactory. The only tiling that ha cheered us it our foreign trade returns for May, which show a satisfactory increase in exports; yet the figures of the leading branches are rareiy up to th-ist? of 18:17. Your re-" dnced purchases of texiles are tl.o prin cipal cause of thi?. Taoyeirs ego yon brought in the tirt live month ti,I37,lW yards of woolen and SV07,l'O yards ol worsted tissues, whereas this year the respective totals have been S 'A 0v0 and f), 1 11,000. In djes and b'.Mched cottons, however, you nro now d ling much more w ith nt than a year a:o. Coming to finance, th; week br.s Iven worrying. The Japanese loan has been a failure because it is t o big nil I has been badly managed. Not or.e.i ight of it sold to Investor. Tho first install ment of tho Russian lo.'.n is also looked askance at, but it is said it w.d ail be told. Yet tl.e market is nnhappy, and when the r.ewt of Kroner's obstinacy pame Thurs lay we were in a mood to soil everything. To add to the uncomfortoblcnesp, the banks aro beginning to discus tho inad equacy of cur gold reserves. The proposal, briefly, it for each hank to tet aside a fixed proportion of its dc- .Pure delicious and wholesome potits in gold to be kept by the Bank of Kngland in tintt for use in emergencies. A committee of bankers noald bave charge of the fund thus created, with power among other attributes, to prevent inroads upon it. The gold exports from New York have revive! reports that enough may come to 011 us up before autumn, but I am anxious to believe you mnst send ns tlOO.OOO. NAVAL OFFICERS' PAY IS FIXED Dewey Will Receive Jijt.S'W Per Vear, Work or No Work Schley Gets More Than Sampson. New Yoke, Juno 12. A dispatch to the world from Washington says: The navy department has issued a circular fixing the salary of officers under the navy personnel bill. Admiral Dewey will receive I3,o00 whether on duty on shore or sea. The ssnior rcar-admiral'a pay it fixed at 7,500 at tea and t3,375 on shore. Kear-Adiniral Schley is in this list, but only receives the minimum amount as he it aligned to shore duty. The junior rear-admirale receive fo.oOO whileonsea duly and 4,67" oa shore. Bear-Admiral Sampson is iu the junior list, but hariog a command at sea re ceives the maxi'tum pay, Shonld Schley be given an aebign.nent at sea he. would receive J0CO more a year than Sampson, but as it now is, bis pay amounts to but $S7 more. Captains . receive $.!x)J at ea and $3ti75 on shore. Democrats Will Force Free Silver Issue. New Yoke, June 12. The silver men of this state will leud representatives to Chicago to the meeting of the democratic national committee on June 20, to urge the adoption of a resolution, which it is said w iil be recommended by ex-Governor Stone of Missouri, diclarin that only such delegates as come from state in which the democratic convention en dorsee the Chicago platform will be seated at regular delegates in tho national convention. John Gardner, of thi citv. a personal friend of Bryan and one of the leaders in the "dollar dinner" organ'zatiou here. said that he intended to be in Chicago when the democrats meet. Hi said that it would be a LOod thing to force Tammany and Ihettntj oran'z ilion to declare either for or ncainft the Chicago platform in the state convention here. Would Not unr So Again ror Fifty Tliiira II trlr. I awoke last night with s?vere pains in my stomich. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I feit so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller Jt MiCurdy's drug store and they recommended Chamberlain's Cohr, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kerned,. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest tiling I tvr used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hcreifter, for I should not care to enduro the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its price. G. II. Wii.on-, Liveryman, Bur- gettstown, Washington Co., Ta. This remedy is for sale by Blakeley A Hough ton, Druggists. Terrible Ending of a Bridal Serenade. Wichita, Kan , June 12 Whilo a party of young men were serenading Mr. and Mrs. Kiy liiggine, near Watonga, Oklahoma, ti e bride and giojin of two hours appeared oa the front porch and ordered the seienadi rs to leave. The party, cunpo-sed ot a'-ont. montv triends of the young married couple, refused to go. Instcal they c .ntinr.e l to make deafeniig noises by bcata; on phii and tiring thot guns. One of tho party , II itv !' in i oiv, de libcratcly pointed his gun at the voting people and tiro I. Tin- bride's f.-. ami breast was ti!l d 'il'li buckshot. She fell irj ir.d, shot through tho lnng, and died a i hour Inter. The groom wat alsofdut in tho fac., bat not. fatally. After the accident the! party flod. N j arrets hava been made yet. A small brother cf tl.o bride was also wound.'d, but not ieriouslv. Ice cream poda now on sale Palace of Sweets. at the 4 f.