THE DALLE3 WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JUNE 10. 1899 The Weekly Chronicle. jV iam k iiKui.a Vr lit l rAtttoi j"","';1 " Hulilwlitd in (ir tirs, oh H riii-c.jyt ttHnlKUTlOH KATM. it Ntu. roaraua raaraiu, m anviiKe. Oiw j'" ' ii muni Tint woiillia. '"" II M Ailvrrtla'nt ntn tMMtUiable. an eiada kuowa "a!hi'! I'll n.mmimlctl lo"Tlir fHU'Mt i.Xit" 1'W bailee. '" LOCAL UMKTiriE. Vtctluvxlur bally. Wa nnderileii'l Aire. Catiiearl li diiifprutiiiy ii! at lilt home In Oio east ntl ol the city. Toil I itrae berry weather. They'll grow end rlptn t t now at to pall Ihf planli op by lit root. Portland Intend! chart ring number of steamer tn J goiug down to meet the tolJler boyt at Attnrl on their return home. Why een'l The Dalle follow (nil and charter oti of the D. P. A. X. boat fur (! Mint purpose. night at th bom of K. H. Dufur a reception wt given to th pastor of the I'hrlalan churh, Rev. Uentr) Rushing, anil family. About lU'.y-tive vera ptett-nt tu welcome them to the cliuictt l Tim lUllei. A splendid pro grim in rendered and refrohuiontt of tc cream, cofl"- nnl eak were served. Tli war department ha tolved th qurttlon at to lb dii poult Ion of tit artillery captured from 8pln In Gibn tad Potto H'.C'i by turning tli whole miller over tu lb governor of tli states. One gun a 111 b allotted to each statr, and the governor i asked to d clde hat disposltlt'n shall b made of the gun f ir bit itete. Whet will Oregon do llh I ft xilll. Th maximum thermometer today at Tbe Pallet Ii 72. Dining the lest warm spell It teached 83. The nioit remark able coincidence In temperature tu tint of yesterday, when at Portland, Th Daliei, I'nialllla, Biparla, North port ami Lealston th oilnlruum wet 41); At Wenatcbee 4. Ou Monday at Port ltod tie maximum wis 60; at Tli Bailee and Uinallll V3 ; Wenatehre, Riparia and Lewialon 62; Xorthport W). The Columbia river district Epworlh I.tagu convention will couvene at Moro tomorrow evening. Tli following dele gate from Tb Dalle lesgue will attend : Messrs. Jii. SI men ton and CI yd Kld eell, and MUm Mabla Collin, Con runr Wheildon and E 11th Ilandall. Mr. Jolm Pa rot t and Mill Martha VliraMon a ill alio b In attendant a oS)cri of Iraguo. MiaaNetti Frtd dta, who will lll friend tlicre, will nk It a point to I pretrnt at thn meeting. KiThaDaUe will b well repreeented. Mr. T. C. Rtincle, who, wltb her hutband, Im been traveling thronghnot Callforula giving lady uilntlrtl perform aneea In eon net t Ion with tha home talent. U in Th Dalle and from all In dlcatlom w ar to have, an nterlaln meat In about ten day wbtcb will "hike up th lowo." Th ladle of th library hav taken tb matter In band and appointed a com ml tie of ladle, eoniiitmg of Meedamc Scbenck, Lngin, BUkeley, MacAUUter, Moody, Eddoo, ad MIm Lang to engineer tb perforcn ar. Mr. Koncla come with tb blgbett of recommndallom, and la lady of refinement, o that may prct a performinr of refined natnr. uriher nolle regarding It will b glren from tim to tlm In th Chnokicli. Depaly 8 her I IT Setlon and Conitabl Uill returned lait night from Balem, hither they went to convey John Stocking, aa Inian man, to tli aiylom. Th patient wa Induce-J to niak th trip lib th nndentanding that h wa to purdme all th loppliei needed by I'aele Sam at th Phlllpplnea. Tb laat thacifucerMawofpoor old flocking h mrting away, with an attendant on Itherildaof film, to pnrehaea onion toiblp tothaaoldlerboyt. Hligreateit "lety n-ejied to ba that h woold not W back In tlm lo flntih tha palatial kolel he waa erecting on tb eornr of ullron and Third itreet. Many no nbt bava noticed Dili it met are, ballt ftoilly of the bl.l of coal oil cam and lth no coming to ibnt out tha light cf y. Ilowarar, Stocking Inilited h "ik of It a threa-atory atrnctura wdlch would accomniodata 200 gneit. .i. . ll"n" u, b don with It ."'.'".r'nP'l-lor ha abandoned It down m'r,,ml 10 DT 11 ,orn ThaiMUr'a IHIIy. Oregoa Iroopi will ba tb flnt to r. " California bort follow. Barvlcei will ba held at 8t. Paler wrch next Sunday Inilead ol at King- Joieph R,y , Th Dll from "lltonKMont., for th pnrpoia of ra ' ngand ahlpplng twenty carload of I for Marcu Daly.ol th Bltlr wotLW Stock Com pany. H. Arnatt.onaof lb largeit cattl "'" of iha bar today " jrcWa forty carload ol cattl, Pwtloa of which will b ihipped to JV,I and th remainder to 0. P. ""U at Billing,. Word Hiii "wroa oy Mghiwatcnman arimao thli morning that th body of on of tha Whitney boyi, drowned r rently in the r-nk river, bad lie.n i f mod at (liaiiH. From I lie dm-ripilon ' Im IhiriKi It mift be the o!.Kr lie cl the ! Inn, J. K. Ail.:nx, hu lor eonie time lm Imri ti-N'l wmrlimikir for II. .ibe, Im opeiiril a Jelry itora and repair hop in tlio Kaat Kud. Mr. Adcos ha promn hluieelf one of the very lieat of workmen and will no doubt build up a good biiilneie In a ihort time. A Und of twenty head of liorm i blch belong to tha Itroganeitnta ere brought from Alilrlopa tody by Merirl. Cooper. Mlone and Kiuilh. They were taken lo tha Wnihlngtnn tide, where they will be kept n ..til the 17th of thin month when they will Le auctioned r H'lii tlili city. Tlrb uplli of St. Mar 'a Acid.-my will give an entertainment on Friday, June 10th, to raiaa fundi for tl.a purpura nf llglillrg tha biilMin. Kxercliee wj commence preclacly at 8 o'cl ck p. ni. Adinliiibn HO eenli. Childrrn under 7 year not admitted. Tkkete aia for vale at Itlakeley A Hooxhton', if. Her bring', J. P. Mclnery'a and Mjlcr Itenton'i. In ipile of reporli to thn contrary, the body of Will Field wai ihipped to lill mother at Crntanr Station, Mo., and reached I hero May CJlli. Tha following day tha burial tojk place, accompanied with Memorial day honori. And tbl ie th lait of Will, but till frit n il In Th Il!rl will cheriih many thonghti of bii bravery and bla nolle lacriflra In caring for hli coin rider. , Sheriff Matlock, of Morrow county, i: I lcnrneil, ii iloaly dying of what Ii knoan av "llodtkin' cnctr." .The body Ii literally covered with plmphi of laiga ni'. Tha patient ba recently returned from tha Kail, w lit re tha belt of medical attention hai been of no avail and tliere Ii now no hope ol his recover ing, the end I approaching, while the luO'erer ll being allliclrd with the nioet eicruclatliiK pain. Kvery on'e In a while aa hear of lotno man aulng another for a big amount of money for alienating a wifo'a affcctiotii. It doe leem qnrer that tl.a court will allow men to attempt through limit to obtain euitif thing for nothing. Tha average thin never leti any value npon a wife' affic'.loni until lorue other fellow hii eecored a till to thai through attention that only a woman know how to appreciate. Kit Or -goulin. A w read In th Oregunlan la.t night of th eipemlve drinking foun tain which I lo ba donated to tha city of Portland by Hon. I). P. Thomptnn, it Juat occurred I J our mind bow badly Tha Dallt'i Ii in need ol drinking place rattered Ihrougbout th city. Not that w eipecl any on to donat a fJO.OOO fountain to our little city, but that wa bonld merely have loine anpreteLtlou drinking place a her man an J baait ooo'J quench their thlnt. Then we were reminded that th only ona wa poiaeii, that donated "by the Kpworth Lejgue and iltuated near th land cfllce, 1 not fulfilling It minion, but had ap parently run dry. What I th ranre of tha water not being turned tn? Tha fountain belong lo tba city, and inrely aha cannot refuea a enp of c ld water to thoia who, worn and weary, koock at bar door and aik to mull a favor. Wera talf th netting new to ba ad vertised regarding th Atlln district tbat I daily being told by miner throughout Oregon, there would be a ruih in which mor live would be lot In reaching tbat ection tban var befor and can for mer record to pal Into insignificance. Oregon I a Klondike In Iteelf If man would only realise tbat th unattainable la not all that I to ba desired. Dally letters ar received her regarding mine which arc "no alouche" Ihemeelve. Yeaterdiy Jam Blakeney received; letter from W. T. Young, who own an Interest in th Ppaniib Gulch mine, In which h aald tbat matter wer n- couraglng ther. Tb Sand Gulch Min ing Company In ilxteen day took ont IISOO, th largest nugget being worth 10, and wveral tinaller one from $10 to 30. They ar (till running day and night, and working twlv men. Thi 1 tb mm In which Iiaae Jolet, of thli city, 1 Intereited. rridey'i Pally. Th onlrerilty of Oregon athletic club bat elected Homer Angell, of thi city, a preildent for tb coming year. J.F. Hampsblral again at bl deak at May A Crowe'a office, after a few day lllnen, which confined him to hit room, John Gavin and J. F. Moore have entered Into a law partnership, with office room 39 and 40 ever th V. 8. land office. Albert Holinan, ton of Ulen Holman, th well known newspaper man, hniic- cepted a petition with tba Eaitrrn Ore- goo Land Company In thit city. Manbal Lauar arrived oa the late train laat night, having In charge the runaway girl mentioned In yeiterday'sCuaomctt. It I to be boped sti na ueciuea mat running away Isn't quit o pUaaant an occupation at the Imagined. Larae band of cattle have been ar. riving In the city tlnct last vnlng from the Interior teaching a far at Prlnevlll. About 4000 head will be imp pea to Baandert of Salt Lake City. N. J. Bur brought In 1,600 lait evening. Invitation have been received by frlendt In The Dallet to attend the mar riage of Edwin Mys and Min Mabel Almworlh, which takei place at th First Prelltyterian church in Portland on Wolneiday, June SI, at 8 ;H0 o'ch k. Tlioe whose name appear ai do llmiueiiti on tlm tax lirt may have an cfpt'cial interest In tomorrow'! weekly CiiaoKici r, aa Ilia delinquent In Hat for 1K(.'(J will appear In that Urtie. It would he well were they to call on the iheriff and liquidate. Thoie ladles' tailor-mada sulta at A. M. Wllllumi & Co'. Have you leen them? Suit that aire eight and ten dollar! lait it-ason ar maiked down lo four nd fivedollail now. Th choicer riu in bort are mrivinu rapidly, 1'ju'l ileUV eeeing thetu, at leat. II v about the river today ? WVH it loud at 7 Ibis morning, having fallen 9. Th report ayi tho weather will So' warmer for lorty-elghl hour! and the Snake will begin iiing weit of Paico tomorrow. Ther will b a rapid riie at Tha iMllei after Tueiday, Huv. Jol. DeForeit will deliver tha baccalaureate termon to tbe St. Helen hall and Bishop Scott Academy gradu ate! Sunday evening at Trinity church In Portland. There will, therefore, be no lervic in the Episcopal church Sun day, ai th rector will leave for Portland ou the bout tomorrow. The clrcui will arilve in five eec'.lons tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock. The big parade takei place at about 10 o'clock, and the tent wilt be iltuated ou the fair grounds. Iteterved num bered ticteli and general admission ticket! CAn be prccurcd at the Snipes Klucrily drug itoro tomorrow. General ail in U lion 50 cent! J reserved seat 25 cent extra. Thi Cmhonici x hat received an in vitation to attend the e vent It annual commencement of Whitman college, which takei place at Walla Walla from the 8th to tha 14th of thla month. Were it convenient wa would be glad to ac cept tha invitation. Dillei people have a warm ipot In tht-lr heart for Whit man college, and we wish it renewed ucceii every year. The two llreet aprtiikler are doing good work tliere dayi and keep the dtut well laid. Mr. Catea is contemplating putting on a n'ght iprlnkler, at It I al most Impossible for two team to ac complish th work during th day. Th oicyclliti, however, think they hav a kick coming now a they lay In many place the itreet ar too wet to ride over and the eldewalk are forbidden them. It ll luiponiule to please every body, to the favor must netd be divided. Wo are pleated to tee that our super intendent of the city water worki read the Curonk lx, and that the water wat today turned on at the fountain on Washington itreet. We hope that he Is also conversant with the text which re fer lo those who give a cop of cold water, etc. It iemi a imall matter to aioic who pan It by, giving little beed to the matter; but many a thiisty pedestrian drink gratefully from the cooling stream, while to the poor brute who stop to lap at Itl base, It I rarely a bleating. t Among th graduate of th Holme English and Businei College in Port land, which commencement will lake place Monday evening, we notice tbe name of Ibe following pupil from The Dalle: Edward F. Jenkint, who ba finished th commercial and thortband course ; Jamet Francl Wood and Anna M. Stubling, who graduated from tb commercial court. Tb former, we ondentand, ba accepted n poaltlon a ttenographer in- lb O. R. A N. office there. The latter will continue their itudlei in th college. About fifteen itodenti who have been attending tbe Portland onlrertlty ar rived on th boat laat evening on tbe way to their respective home in Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho, leaving on th night train. Ther aeem to be a resolution to maintain the nniveraity In iplte of the difflcultiee wblcb have beset It. It may not be located at University Park next year, and there la conaldernble talk about aecuring th Portland hospital building at Sunnytide, which ran be easily arranged to accom modate 300 students. Negotiation wltb that end In view hav already been opened. - tuldler Bnys Leave Manila UoBilay. The latest cable from Oils It at follow. We wonder II It O. K. thli time: 'Majcii a, June 8. The Oregon volun teer request to defer th tim of de parture until tbe 12tn initant. They will leave for Portland on the tranaporte Ohio and Newport. Tbe Sixth Infantry, upon it arrival, will reliev the Cali fornia! at Neitfoi. The Hancock tail In a few day with Ihe Nebraska and other troopi." General Otli ha been advlied that it I th with of th president that all ar rangement! b made to giv the return ing troop a comfortable voyage, and that the beit of car be taken to tbat no ilcknesi may break oat among them. It It alto taid that precaution will be taken not to load tbe traniporti too heavily, to that tba returning troop may bar plnty of room. To Care a Cain, la One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggUtt refund tl mony ll fall to cur. 2ftc. Th lateit In cratb lult at Pease A Mayt'. DELINQUENT FAX SALE r02 THE YEAR 1398. By virtue of a warrint iued by Ihe cleric of the county court of the county of Wacn, lor the itate of Oregon, dated the 17th day of May, jsyy( to me di rected, commanding me to levy on the goods and chattels of the delicqtient tax payer for laid county, for th year 18 )6, thereto attached, and if none be found, then upon the real proper! v at let forth and described in tlio laid delinquent tax roll, or lo much thereof a ihail satisfy th amount of taxed charged therein, to gether wiib the cji:s and expenses, I will, on Monday, the lOth day of July, 1899, at the front door of the court houte In laid county, at the hour of 10 o'clock In tl e forenoon of laid day, tell at pub lic auction lo the highest bidder for cath, subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrant, cist nr.d accruing costs, the hereinafter describe! pieces or pirceli of land, haying dulv levied npon said piecei or parcel! of la-d and being unable to find any goods or chattels belonging to the respective delinquent! therein nan ed. Dated at Dallei City, O.-ejon, Mav 8, 1SKX T.OBERT KELLY, Sheriff Waico County, Oregon. Abemathy, Frank; w bf ie qr, hf w qr aec 2, 3 , 12 e $ 9 40 Abrain, I'.ora, H. R. Park; lot 22, blk3 48 Abram, Nirah, II K Park; lot 23, ttlk 3 48 Adam, W C; peisonal property.. 8 10 Alexander, Geo W ; iw qr tec -8, 6, 12 9 90 Andulon estate ; lot 2. blk 1.... . 44 39 Alnsworth, J E; lot! 2 3 4, tec 16, 2d,1i 12 64 Ain worth, L; L ad D C, lota 2 3, blk 11 60 40 Alkire, Julia ; e hf ne qr ne qr. ne qr e qr, tec 22, 1 n, 14 e 8 36 AHman, Jacob; E A W ad H R, lot 6 to 10 Inclusive, block 6 . . 3 33 Ainswortb, LB; II B park, lot 9, blk 1 -43 Alcorn, W A; H R park, lot 44, blk 1 43 Alcorn, Ida V; II R park, lot 40, blk 1 43 Allen, CyntblaC; H R park, lot 13, blk 3 48 Anderson. W A ; E A W ad H R, lota 13 and 14, bik 0 143 Asher, A deli ; E A W lit ad II R, lot 17, blk 10 74 Athby, W J; personal property.. 29 32 Bennett, Jno F; lot 4, blk 11, Baird's ad Antelope 6 40 Beversy, John ; hf ie qr sec 20, 2 n, 1U 2 4U Bishop, Tbot ; hf se qr u; !, S n,- lue id 9 Brown, Jamet; w hf qr, n hf iw qr aec ii., 4 , la 40 oo Brown, Sarah L; neqr tec 24, 4 , 13 e 13 sti Burlinirame, Geo W ; neqr neqr rc 3J, 4 I, 12 e, nw qr tec 34, 4 M2e..., 9 88 Burllngame, Jamet; ne qr tw qr, n hi se qr, se qr 10 qr sec 34, 4 I, 12 11 12 Bail. Frank 20 acre ec 17, 3 n, 10 3 10 Raker, Dauiel ; lot 2 3 and 4, blk B, Kramer ad 1) 0 27 40 Benton, T C; per prop 62 60 Blue It R ; por prop 1 2 62 Borlingame, Edgar; per prop..,. 85 Butler, C C: h blk 5 IS 84 Bachelor, hel t: n bf nw qr. iw qr nw qr aec a, 2 r, 11 , nw qr w qr, t hf l bf ee 10, 2 n, 11 12 00 Baldwin, Cbai M; tw qr tec 34, 2 p, ISe 9 60 Baldwin, J C; Gatet ad D C, n hf lot 4, lot 6, blk 25, 1080, 1C0i12O feet ie cor of blk 3, Trev ad D C 71 23 Baldwin, J j w hf nw qr, ne qr nw qr, nw qr ne qr tec 8, 2 n, lie. . 11 09 Bangi, J E; II R park, blk 5 to 20 inc 14 40 Barnhart, Mary; Big bit ad D C, lot 1. blk 11 2 97 Baitich, AG; II R park, lot 1, blkl 43 Balttch, Olga; II R park, lot 2, blk 1 48 Bart, F B E A W ad II R, lot 39, 40, bik 7 1 85 Dartell, Mn Mary; lot 3 blk 8... 7 56 Boyer, J ,C ; Port, lota 1 2 7 10 11 14 1318 19 22 23 26 27 30 3134 85 30 42 43 46 47, blk 12, H R park 80 Birgfeld, Laura E : hf ne qr, nw qr ie qr tec 20, 7 , 17 a 10 24 Berlin, CL; Iota 1 4 5 and 8, blk 2, 11 R park 98 Blank, Max; lot 3, blk 20, Galea ad D C 6 77 Bogaminen, B B ; E A W lit ad II K, lot 20, blk 10 93 Bolton. D; belrt, lot! 3 and 4, blk 2, DC 5 45 Bordie, Joseph : Bellvu ad D C, Iota 1,9 and 6, blk 1 1 64 Batiford, Florence ; E A W ad II R, lot 19 and 20, blk 3 1 85 Boorland, O M J w hf ec 13, 2 l, 14e.... 30 83 Bonrkt, Z T; H R park, lota 20 21 24 28, blk 4 1 20 Bovnton. Hallam : II R nark, lot 2t. blkS 60 Bovnton. Lvdla: II S nark. lot 23 blk 3 48 Bowman. E : E A W ad II R. lo ,t 9 and 10. blk 3 1 43 ttovd. WHi E A W lit ad II R. lote 25 and 26, blk 1 1 48 Bucket. Geo T; Mil ad D O lotl A BCWKaodF blk 95 II 13 Brown, Walter ; E and W ad II R lota 45 lo 41 Inc. blk 6 2 22 Buckley, Ifonora; mil ad I) C, lot 1. blk "li 9 57 Bunnell, Caiherini- K; mil ad f C, lotl A, 1J, C. J, K and 1., bill 31 5 04 Burke. Bridget E; II It pat k, lot 2, blk 2.. 43 Bender, Elizabeth; II R park, lot 25. blk 2.. 48 Benedict, I.nfjyette: H K prk, lot 47, blk 10 48 Bronson, F E; n hf iw qr, tec 5, 7 , l'J e 3 52 Bruchlman, John ; per prop 16 02 Brown, Jno Wj per prop 4 04 Blackerby, 8 G ; per prop 2 64 Brings, Mr ME; per prop 16 50 Camile,ll, H G; nw qr nw qr, sec 13, 2n. 10 e 3 85 Campbell, W J ; i hf iw qr nw qr, ec 13, 2 n, 10 a 3 20 Clear Lake Lumbering A Irrigit- ing Co; ie qr tic 32, 4 , 9 e 3 96 Coe, E F estate; easternmost one 01 two sprinirt in iw cor of N Coe D L C, ter Hi, 3 n, 10 e 10 63 Coe, Mist Kittie; about 30 acres in tw cor arc and 30, being untold portion of N Coe D L C; about 25 acre in nw or N Coe D L C, ao unsold portion of taid claim in ee 25 and !, 3 n, 10 e ; lots 0 and 7. blk 2, lots 8 and 7. blk A, lots 6, 6 and 7, blk B, loll 8 and 21. bik I. lot I. 2, 3 and 4, blk C, and lot 7, blk I, Wanconia Ho 41 Coon, Delia M; hf iw qr ace 17. 2 n, 10 e; ne qr no qr, be; 80 rdi w ot ne ar of tp 2 in, 10 e ; w 10 rdi, a 11 J rd.1, e 10 rdi, n 160 rdt, to bef, ecc l,2n, 10 e 13 10 Cordes, peter ; lieg cor sec 27, e 5.C3 cb, n 8 02 ch to perpendicu lar bluff, thence In westerly di r'ction ah n bluff ! interrec tion ol w Hue ol sec 27. thence e to beginning, tec 27, 3 n, 10 e . . 4 50 Cater, W A ; part of Low' D L C, tec o5, 1 ii, 13 e, except land sold to Fred r uber 28 10 Clark, David S; tw qr te qr etc 21,2ii, 10 e 5 81 Ctarno, Jno W ; n hf n hf sec 4, 8 i, 19 e; tw qr sec S2, 7 r, 19 e . . 24 14 Cockerline, M J ; Boyd mill lite, tec 17, 1 f , 14 e 57 43 Copple, Cland ; m- qr nw qr, nw qr te qr fee 23, 2 o, 10 e ; undeeded 3 40 Condon, Wm ; per prop 9 63 Catei A McCormick ; Gibson' ad D C; fract tract 4 44 Chase, F M; per prop 2 00 Corry .Alfred E; E A W ad II R, iota 34 and 35, blk 6 16 65 Cameron, Geo J ; hf iw qr sec 30 3 n,9e 2 90 Campbell, Mvra; E A W ad H R. lots 27 and 2S, blk 2, lotl 25, 20, 27, 2S, blk 9 4 44 Crehan. Wm ; E A W ad II R, lot 39 and 40. blk 10 1 43 Crocker, A C ; E A W ad H R, lot 19 and 20. blk 7 148 Corter, M W ; E A W ad H R, lot 18 and 17, blk 7 .. 148 Cotti, E O ; lot 2, tec 33, 2 n, 10 e 2 40 Coatswortb, Mrt G; lie qr iw qr, ni tw qr, ne qr nw qr er 1 n, 13 e; n hf nw qrtec In, ' 13 e ; w hf tw qr arc 7, 1 n, .4 e ; lots 3 and 4, aec 12, V n, 13 e.... 70 20 Cathrart, A 8; LadDC.Clftn end lotl, blk Id 14 So Clark, Levi ; per prop 9 17 CU?mnt, E M; lot 5, blk 1, DC. 2 37 Carting A Hall ; a hf t hf aec 31, 1 n, 12 e 8 60 Clark, MA; w hf nw qr, uw qr te I qr tec 8, 1 n, 10 e 6 4 Chamber, W M ; lot 1, tec 26, S n 10 e 1 48 Clark, Edwin T; lot 3 and 4. ; 30, 6 i, 16 ; qr iw qr tec 3b, a, 16 5 28 Cable, Albert E; E A W lit ad H K, lot 5 and 6, blk 6 1 48 Collin, Isabella; H R park, lot 2o, bit. l - 4 Collin, Chai B; H R park, lot 24, DIK 1 43 Cook, Frank; H R park, lot 33, blk 1 49 Chare, J; H R park, lot 41, blk 1 48 Coleman, Harry ; H R park, lot 34, blk 10 48 Crest, John M : a hf sec 36, 1 n, 9 14 08 Covey, Mr E J; per prop 2 75 Cooper, D J ; qr, a hf sw qr ec 25,2 n, 14 e; n hf ie qr, ne qr w qr tec 19, in, 15 ; w qr, n hf sec 30, 2 n, 14 ; nw qr. w bf w qr sec 30, 2 n. 15 ; hf ne qr, w hf nw qr tec 31, 2 n, 15 . 59 13 Dallat, T C ; 1st ad H R, lot S, blk 6 27 83 Davenport Bro ; qr sec 14, 2 n, 9 e... 78 00 Davit, J M ; ne qr aec 7, 4 t, 13 ; nw qr ec 8, 4 e, 12 19 80 Drake, R G ; E A W 2d ad H R, lot 43, blk 6 74 Dickens, C C; per prop 1 84 Durham A Crabtree; per prop ... 17 60 Decker, John ; n hf ie qr, tw qr ne qr, te qr sw qr tec 20, 1 , 14 e.. 9 00 Dentcn, C W ; C W Denton' D L C, let 20 aces in a square form ' in n cor tecs 5 and 8, 1 n, 13 e.118 98 Dunn, Mamie E; Baird't 2d ad to Ant, lot 6, blk 7 63 Don if, Patrick, eitate; w bf w bf ec 17, 3 1, 14 a 11 83 Dean, Perry; per prop 9 68 Dowel!, F B ; E A W ad II R, lot 3 to 6 inc. blk 7 3 33 Derry, Edward; E A W ad II R, lot 43 and 44, blk 2 1 43 Davii, W J ; E A W ad H R, rot 13 to 16 incl and 35 and 36. blk 10 66 Durbln. Soohla: E A W ad H R. lot 47 and 43, blk 9 1 48 D Vord, E F ; E A W ad H R, lot 1 to 10 Inc. 31. 32. 33. 43 to 48 inc. blk 6 19 98 Devenv. Wm : E A W ad HB. lot 23 and 24, blk 2 148 Donald. Jno Ot lot Sand 4. t hf twqr tee 34,2 n,8 ..... 11 62 Dawson. W C: w hf nw ar tec 13. 1 o. 13 e 33 63 Devin. Jamet ; na or ne qr tc 3, 1 o,12 2 63 Davit, L 8 : per prop 7 17 Dial, H A ; w bf nw qr tw qr see 13, 2n. e 2 163 Drake, Mr 8 J ; per prop 1 64 l).nvin, Chris; per prop 2 711 Dj k Winn; per prop 6 60) K i i;.. I W ; no qr tw qr aec 28, 1 it, j: ; o qr itt qr, w hf ne qr, n ij' ii qr eec S.i, 1 n, 13 e; w qr, ii. qr sec 30, 1 n, 13 e 13 42 Elliott, Jauie F: n hf ie qr see 30 1 n, 15e 13 65 Edward, Jalia ; te qr se qr iuc 31 In. 13 e 2 20 Edward, J F; w hf iw qr, neqr w qr tec 5, 1 n, 11 6 4 Eccles, David, ant John Stod dard ; ne qr see 14, 2 n, 9 e 7K Erwin, Robt ; E A W 2d ad H R, all blks 2 and 3, lot 4, 5, 6, 43, 44, 45, 4 ), blk 9 2 50 Eowrett, Abbie E; E A W 21 Ad tl R, lota 5 and 6, blk 5 10Q Ecclet, Marian; n bf nw qr, aa qr nw qr, nw qr na qr sec 22, 2 n, 9 a 9 72 Erwin, Jane A ; E and W 1st ad II K lota 15 to 20 inc, 33 and 34, 44, 45 and 40. blk 1, lota 41 and 42, blk 2, lot 5 and 6, 23 and 24, i7 to 32 inc, 43 to 48 inc, blk 3, lota 11 to 21 inc, 34 to 48 inc, blk 4, all in 'lk 6, except 21, 22, 23 and 24, lots 1 1 to 18 inc, 39 to 44 inc. blk 6. all blk 8 except 23, 24, 25 and 23, lota 1 to 22 inc, 33 to 40 inc, blk 0, lota 3 to 12 inc, and 41 !o48inc, blk 10 11 10 Ferguson, J II ; oer prop 8 40 Friend t. Colnuilo,, lots 4 and 6 blk 4 Biiidt ad, Ant 1 2S Farley A Frank ; L ad D. C. hot 4 blk 10, lot 9 blk 18 70 0 Fither, 8 D; e hf tw qr, i bf te qr. eel2,2n lie 12 03 Frank, L D; estate, ne qr tec 16, 2 n, 10 e. L ad D C lot & blk 10.. 81 GO Fridenberg, A ; hf ie qr, a hf tw qr, tec 21, 1 n, 10 e 7 92 Friedly, A J ; per prop 2 47 Frizzell, Wm ; n hf ne qr ne 7, 2 n, S3, lota 1 and 2,t hi ie qr eec 34, 3 n, 8 e, lot 3 t, hf tw qr tee 35, II n, 8 a n hf uw qr, tec 2, 2 n, 8 a 84 92 Fewell, Ed; beg 9.61 cli k ot na cor Benfon'a ULC, n 7 ch, w 8.61 eh, t 7 cbe, e 8 81 ch to beg, eec 35, 3 n, 10 e 4 33 Fanlkner, Lulu D; N and G ad D C, 62 ft n eud lot l.bik 14. D C, fc'iDO ft n e cor lot 1 bik 14 ... 3) 44 FitzUerald, A M ; Big Bit ad D C, lot 4, 5, 6,7, blk 5... 69 40 Fisher, Godberaon A Co; per prop 4 40 Foreman, W II; per prop 18 62 Filxgerald, Wm ; E and W ad II K, lott 31 ind 32, bik 9 148 Freeman, A J ; E and W ad H R lot 15 and 26, blk 9 1 48 Ferguson, L E; tee vol P4S7, Sim - D i.C, 81x120 ft 17 82 Fi'her, J W ; Gates ad DC lot 4 ' 5 6, blk 21 31 19 Fieher. Jo ;Big ad DC, lot 11, blk 8 7 43 Fanlkner, M ; lot 5 blk 1 2 43 Fisher, G A ; Mil ad D C, lot a b cdandf blk 112 2 31 Ferdinand, M ; aw qr iec 32, 1 , 12 7 92 Frost, Edward C; tract beg n e cor e qr ne qr tec 34, 3 n, 10 e, w 20 rode, a 40 rods lent 39 ft, e 20 rodr, n 40 rods lets 30 It to beg. 6 63 Fitch, J C; E and W ad H R, lota 43 to 48 inc, blk 6 5 0U Falltnin, CC;F. andW ad II R lotl 9 to 41 inc, bik 8, Caic, lot D bik 7 10 91 Finnigan, Mr; lot 4 except 20x30 ft on e ltde 1 75 Frtese, August II ; II R park, lot J5 13 19 1 21) Freiee, A F; H R paik, lots 6. 10, 11, 7 and 14 blk 2 3 lo Gibbons, J J ; e hf ie qr eec 4, 2 n, 10 a 12 15 Gilhousen, W H; Fulton ad lot 7 to 11, blk 3 44 65 Grant, Allen ; nw qr se qr, ne qr w qr, lot o and 7 c: o, 8 s, is a, a bf ne qr, nw qr se qr, na qr w qr sec 18, 8 , 17 e 32 28 Gray, F M ; te qr sec 28, 1 n, 143. . 7 92 Gate A Rock Creek Ditch Co, imp on land not deeded 460 Gilhonaen, W E; per prop 43 65 Goldsmith A Carr; w bf a qr tee 22, 2 O, 10 8 64 Goldberry, Isaac A Malcolm ; E and W ad H K, lot IS and 19 blk 10 1 4S Goldstein Estate; 80 ft in sw cor of 4th and Liberty its. Trev ad DC. bik C 63 46 Gamble, W B ; a bf tw qr ; nw qr tw qr, tw qr nw qr tec 36, 1 t, 8e.... 60 Green, J M ; hf ne qr, lott 1 and 2, tec 9, 1 1, 8 e 411 Gove. C A ; E and W 2d ad 1IR, lota 1, 2, 3, 17 to 42 Inc, and 47 and 43, blk 9 6 68 Gom, R J ; H R park, lot 35 and as, bik s w Greenbinm, Jetse; H R park. lota 1, 8 to 20 inc, 23 24 to 33 inc 35, 36. 38 to 46 inc. and 43 in blk 11, all blk 10 9 72 Gatet A Fisher; Mil ad D C.lot g h and I blk 12, a b e d a and f, blk 35, k and I, blk 38 4 95 Gale, N H ; Thorn ad D C, lott 9 and 10, blkl 3 10 Geiliinger, F M ; per prop 6 60 Gleaion, E P; per prop., SI 68 Glenn, Mrr H ; per prop. 13 20 Hanibury, W T ; n bf n bf, te qr te qr, tec 2, 2 n, 10 e 6 0S Haynee, Mr Eva; beg 20 rodt w, 2 rod I n of se cor ec 34, 3 n, 10 e, w 20 rodt, n 10 rodt, a 20 rds, 16 rod to beg ' 63 Hinkle, J R ; I hf iw qr, tw qr ne qr ec 36, 7 , 18 a 4 80 Ham, J ; lit ad II R, lot 4, blk B 2 69 Haynei, Leonore; w hf blk 5 57 Haynee, Joseph : w hf ne qr, a bl nw qr tec 18, 2 t, 15 16 OO Hendriceon, Mrt L A ; Mi I ad D C lott 1 and K, blk 33 10 23 Holme, W II ; n qr tec 10, 5 , 12 4 40 Hoyt, Jno 8; bf tw qr, w bf t qr see 11, In, 12 e 7 92 Hopkins, E W ; lot 1 sec 15, 2 n, 13 a, lot 4, 5, 6, ec 22, 2 n, 13 , n qr see 21, 2 n, 13 e, 6 aeree in necorofTJ Watson' D L C No 39, tec 26, 3 n, 10 , CO acre bot ot H R Towntil Co 219 OS (Cenfinwd on fowriA)