The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 10, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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m a i. a. -pw K
NO. 36
Prtsiieot Bdicrss Go;i Wblppioi Is
priuie William McKlwaio Killed sat
Fix Wounded, Aniuag Them Sur
geon Ellis Kebels Havt Krupp
f.uos And Each Night Atony the
lamp of S40 Fcraaada With Them.
Saw Yoax, June A Iprclal lo the
Herald from Wathington (ays: Presi
dent fccburuian, ol lb Philippine com-
liftiun, In dtapateh lo Secretary 1 lay.
til, it it believed, recommended uiur
libera! nnceaalon lo th Filipino, with
I tit ol inline I'1 miarreclion at
our. An onu-iai acquainted wun in
mewaf id it reviewed lli t.luetlon In
the itlandt tint wet ol bii encouraging
The dispatch wa contidered by th sod Secretary lUy and th
president In Knl reply. Th nature
of tlit amatr li no I divulged. It It tig-
siDeaal, however, that culDcltlrnt wlib
hit unMi to Mr. Schurman, a cable
gram at tent to General Oil wilh In
Iracliont In lioe lib th president'
U irl that lit restoration ol pose ran
only lit reached bv tha complete tub ju
ration ul Ilia Filipino. General Otit
ill cuntinua hi military operalioni
throughout tba rainy mkiii.
ll it apparent Ilia preaident dor not
look lor tlia cloaa ol lha rebellion until
Ilia Filipino ara convinced ol tha up
triorilv ol tba United Stale. Tha con
tuioni alraady offered ara liberal, lh
Siinlnitlration believe, and at lar at
tb president ran go without anthoril
from congress, bat it I doabtfal II tha
mw proposition made by tha corn.
biMiin will receiv thalr approval.
Tha airdaparlinaot It preparing plant
lu send oOOO man edel by Genera!
(Hit to make op tha 30,000 which hetayt
btmmthav lo control tba altaation.
Kegimeot will probably ba withdrawn
from Cuba and Porto Rica, to (Tic leal
ilb other regular to ba taken from lb
I aited Slates to make op the Dumber
deal red.
General Otlt advise! h war depart
ntnt that lha Oregon regiment alii
leave lor the United Hiatal llilt week.
It a ill li tent direct to Portland, Or.,
lor mu.trr-oul at Vancouver barrarkt.
Sufler la Their Couatry'a Service.
The Oregon boyt who Differed in th
recent engagement, according to Gu.
rI (Hi' report, are at follow! :
Killed-Privat William McKlwain,
company not mentioned.
Wonnded-Maj-.r-Surgeon Ellit, leg
light; I'nvat Henry M. Wagner, com
l',n. H, Iliac region, severe; Privaie
Anstnn J. Salitbnry, company II,
silliry region, tevere; Private Elmer
t". KKilittli., ronipany C, arm moderate;
I'rivaia William K. Smllh, arm, lever.
llfM ibe Trouble They are Having
'reveals the Kaiae.
Ciiicaho, JunaS.-Fariner aud retail
aealert in agricultural hnplemeotl will
vt to pay mora for their plow, bar
r", teeden and Implemeoll ol a kin
yd natur in tba future. Al meet
!' ' nty.fl raanufactnrar of
' Imidementi of farm Induatry held
7'r. It wat decided to make a general
In lh price of all agricultural Im
P nienti. A general rlaa in price wat
drorated hv thoaa pretent, and rom
n'lleri mm af(ointl to prepare a
X-hediii, f, Ul, ,,rout kij o( ,mpl,.
jnentt. Thew com mil tee will attempt
out their price Hit during tha
"mmer month, and will report to a
reeling to i ci, ,hii u
"onglil a general Increat of from 15 to
tt cent will b mad.
Chicago, Jan 6.-Th Record iayi:j
j Word hat rrecliad Chicago that nego
'"oit lur Hie propotrd V'O.OW.OOO
plow Irn.t have all been abend. n,d. Al
a meeting of iiiaiiiilartiiivrl tu be held
nere minorruw It It laid that the 1,1
ileal a III 1 olllrlally declared off. I'ro-ruoU-ri'
hop,, l,ive uyl ojntrrinlixe.l
llhln the'fd iierlixl.
(Iiiheeltiittba report that lh plow
combination la trembling in the balance
cornea lh information Dial the pro
jerted r.VlXXV00 arnalk-ametion of
threading machine manufacturer! la hiv
ing In trouble, l'fi,m tert have not ob
tained aumi'ient fund to pay rab for
pianle, and propotitiont lo give half
rath and hall tlock have not met with
Many Cane
u( I'roMriiiori ia tw
. ion, June S. Thit wat the
hotteat day of tba aeaaon In New York,
and there were many raaei of proet ra
tion. At 4 o'clock tbit afirrnoon Ihc
thermometer rrgiatered 97 In the thade.
Al H o'clock In the morning the mercury
ttootl at Hi), and it continued to climb
onlil it reached t7, and then brgau lo
Heat at St. Lou in.
PT. tafia, June 5. At 3 o'clock thit
aflernoou the Iheruiomeler tlood at Wl in
tba thade, tba higheal reached Ibit
ton, and remained at thit point for eev
eral boor. There acre two raeee of
heat prcatrall m at the city boepilal.
Ilottrat Jane Day on Record.
Toi i. ()., Jnne 5 Thit it tha hot
teat Jon day In Toledo in the bittory ol
the weather bureau. The high record
It M degree in 11, but th thermom
eter y reached W',. One tunttroke
I reporlet today.
Chicago' Third Hot Day.
Cmicaoo, Juo 5. Thit wai tba third
day of tceetiv beat, the government
thermometer regiiterioc a matimum of
M degree. A number of borte were
killed by lb beat.
Saaatroke at Cinciaaatl.
C'lNCDoari, Jon 5. Tba mrcury
thit a(ternJon reached by lh govern
ment iotlruiueott. Three tunttroke
ere reported.
Troatralioo are Frequent.
PirrtHi'Bii, Jan 6. For three day
th mercury ha regittered In th nine
tie. Today promiaet to break th re
cord. Many of the mill bav been
lorcwd to that down temporarily. Many
prottraliooi bar occurred.
Waahiagteo, Too.
WAaitixuTo, Jon .The thermom
eter today reached th Mgheat mark ol
th yar. At 2 o'clock it recorded t4
Body of "barefoot' Stolen.
Pa Fbakcim-o, June 0. The report
come from Honolulu that when tha
tomb of I.onalilo, the "barefoot king nl
Hawaii," wa recently opened it wat
lound that the remaint had been re
moved and that the metal caaket con
tained only portion of the grave clothe.
!t li turmlied that the body may have
been taken by native to a heathen grave
In th mountaini, at a thunder ttorm on
the day of th burial had much affected
bl toperttilioUl tubject.
I.unalilo wai elected king In 173, but
thirteen month! allrrwardt died of cn
tumption. Allhongh he ro','',
large fortune ha foliated on going about
the lree!t barefooted at all timet, lly
bit will, which wit not ojened nnitl
1KSI. he left hit entire fortune to found
a home for aged Hawaiian'.
Hand of Sheep Killed.
Loao Caixa, Or., Jana 5. Pertoni
irr vlng Inthliclty lilt night brought
the newt tint a band of trail theep, be
longing to Hubert Fotter, were thot Into j
near tba heal ol s hie creec mil .non
day. Full particular! of lha affair were
not obtained, further than the ihooting
reiulted lit tha lot! of 200 head ol iheep.
A largo number of iheep ara being
drlvm E-itt thit tenon Irom Morrow
and Gilliam coonliei, ind In lha patt
ten dayt about 49,000 bead have patted
through tbli city.
Tbomai Thnrinan,
deputy theriff of
Troy, Mo., lay if everyone In the United
State! ihould ditcover lh virtu of !
Witt Witch Hirel Salve lor pile,
rectal trouble and tkin diteater, tha de
mand coold not be inppIUd. Knlpe
Kinemly Drug Co.
liDttiorilies Tarn Eack Tbonsanils of
Rtites AttLDiplmiloC'jflie
t Manila.
OllitiaU are Silling Kice for Immediate
Need of SuflerrM Insurgents to
Wear White loiform to Deceive
Our Troopa.
Niw York, June 7. K ditpatch to
the Herald from Manila tayt: Thou
audi of refugee who ara attempting to
com t ) Manila are being turned back
by tha authoritiee, who are fearful ol
lha city becoming overpopulated, cant
ing a pettilence aud famine. There ar
fmiueiit tightt on tha country roadi of
men, women and children itaggering
along under loadt of houaebold effect!.
The refugeee are hungry, but not
ttarving. Tha American official! are
iatuing rice to them for their pretent
need. Many ol the refugeei tell of be
ing forced to give up their (iipplie to
the inturgent army. They are afraid to
return to the enemy'i line on account
of pottibl attackt. The inturgent
government it to inue an order for all
the military forcet to diecard their uni
form! and wear ordinary white in order
lo deceive our army.
Communiitic rieietiei have been
loruied in northern I.uxon for th equal
divition of property.
Killed Himself in Manila.
Vauisoto!, June 7. Fred A. Tearc
vbo committed tuicide in Manila, wat
appointed a cadet from Oiagw Mill,
Ark., June, 18U3, and graduated in 1W7.
He wa eta'gned to tha Sixth artillery
in March, 18HS, at tec on d lieutenant.
Hi father wa X. P. Prarce, who waa a
graduate from the military academy in
1HA, but retigned from the army In
1S6H. Ha became a brgedier-gcneral In
th confederacy during the civil war.
New Verier Are Much Interested
the Coming ContcM.
Nitw Yoke, June 7. Tlie greateet in
tercut taken In the Fitttiinmont-Jeffriei
lla-ht li ihown bv the tale of eeatt. At a
recent auction tale of boxee every boa
a at told, bringing t J 1,00. One box told
altera ara by a speculator to a party of
Wall-etreet men for :!"ifl, l.itt nigtit
the director of the Conev Itland Sport
ing Cmh met and ad led thirty five new
boxee, nearly all of which have already
told for a good round turn.
The $15 teat have been liberally pnr
ctiaaid while hardly any of the f 10 eeatt
are left, at trail tix rowt -having been
told. Th demand rxceedt that for even
Die Sharkey-Meher, Corliett-Sharkey or
McCoy-Shaikey fight. At a rough eeli-
mate the Coney Mand Club hat wld j
L . - . I . I
(l.i.OOO worth of teat.
Juba X. Elder Dead.
Hxi-i'Nxa.Or., June 0. John N. K'der,
a pioneer and prominent ttockmin of
llilt country, died yriterday it hit home.
Ha wat lixty two yeiri old, and had
lived In Idaho and Oregon for thirty-five
San Francisco's New Hotel.
Ham Fraxcikco, June 7. The Call
rayl that a corf oration ii being formed
... . . 1 lV i Ck'k'l Knlal lvn alovlaa
IUBIWI f .(W.-,n-v IIVIV )..... ..v....
In height, on the lite of the old Baldwin,
ll ilatea that $1,000,000 hai already lieen
mbtc.lbed ind lint Including the par
ol tba land, the total amount to b in
vetted will )e about $4 500.000. Th
name ol the capita' stt interested are
not disclosed.
Europe is Hot, Too.
taxno, June. A hot wave similar
to tb on ifftc'.ing New York prcyailt
over Europe. Hot weather at early in
June almoet brekt all recorda. TLer
mometert In tbit city have been regitter
ing 88 io the thade f ir five dart patt.
There have been teveral drat tit Irou
heat, A commercial traveler comoiitted
tuicide yetterday. ia)ing: "I muft get
out of the world ; I will tuffjeate."
Woman Capture a Murderer.
FkEvo, Cel., June 7. Ah Chung, ho
killed Cbnng Sow, another Chlneee, at
Porterville two weekt ago, and for whote
capture a reward of -'00 a at effered, hat
been captured and brought tolbecouuty
jail by Mrt. O'Neill, a retident of
Madera county. Tne murderer wat
chopping ocd for tha O'Neillt, when
b wa identified by a Chineae peddler.
At Mr. O'Neill' reqnett, J. B. Git
covered Ab Chun; with a revolver, and
ordered him to turrender. He etarted
to ran, when Mr. O'Neill knocked bim
down, took a knife from him and bound
bim band and foot.
Columbia Southern Extension.
Mono, Or., Jam 6. The CViuabia
Southern railway baa eurreved It line
ixieen milet aouth of Moro, via Gran
Valley. Conttraction work will begin
in about two weekt.
Hanna Flatty Denies.
Cl ival aku, O., June 7. Senator
Hanna todav flatly d nied the report
tent from Wathington that he intended
to retire from the chairruanehip of the
national republican committee.
Dahike in jail at Colfax, Charged With
Drugging and Abducting Wife of a
Kaosas Man.
Colfax, Waih., June 7. U.J. Dahike,
a Baptitt uiinieter, hat been lodged in
jail her to be held until the officer ar
rive to take him back to Kantat for trial.
H it accuted of hiving hypnotixed Mr.
C. W. Funk, wife of a prominent Hilla
boro, Kan., graiu dealer. He it located
alto ol having drugged her and then ab
durted her. The mtnitter wai arretted
while holding revival ervicet at Sol t ice
Junction, near here. Mr. Funk, who
came from hi Kantat home to recover
hi wife and punith Hie uiinitter, inter
rnpted tba revieal tervlce by wiling
Rev. Dahike and (lippinga pair of band
cuOi over hi writl.
After a bearing before the justice of
the peace at Oaketdale, Dahike wa or
dered committed to the county jail in
default ol)1000 bail.
Object Is to Pretent any Further
Damage by Freshet in the Kiver.
Washington, June 3. Captain W. W.
Hail hai tuhmitted to the aecreUry of
war a pr. ject for expending the i!,000
appropriated by the last river and har
bor act for the improvement of Iherunal
and locka at the ruradc of the Colum
bia river, and the proj'ct hat lxen ap
proved. It ii more in the nature of
continuing the work already begun and
nearly completed, but, more explicitly,
the money will lie expended in rebuild
ing and protecting the aim; on the north
tide of the lower entrance lo the canal,
repairing and completing the elope wall
on the anntli bnnk of tliM Inaer pntrancA.
ro)(lm.,i ;r( , lnov,b,
! daiu anve the upper gate! of the upper
lock. Tliit it considered the mort urgent
work remaining lo he done to prevent
further damage by Itoodi. The work
will le done by contract, according lo
tprciuVation which are now being pre
pared. A t rdr Tk.nka.
I m lii thai I faliiniltr lamtir
jobllgationa for what Chambetlain a
Coagli Remedy hat done for oar family.
Wa have nied it in to many catei of'
I iwinaLi ). Ipniil.l.a .n,l kI.aai.Iii i
Wu,ll., " " "
cough, and it hai alwavi given tha mott
perfect ealitfartlon, we feel greatly in-
debled lo the inanuh.clnrt rs of tbit
remedy and with Iheiu to please accept
oar hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mas.
S. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by
Blakeley ,1 Houghton, Ihrnirgitts.
Harmony" Whlakar.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special nse, told by Ben Wi'son, The
Dal lea. jl
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
arvAt iwia
He Has Dissolve! ins Pbilippice Con
Meanwhile His People Cootione to De
sert Him Even th't Insurgent
Leaders Ask Protection for Their
Wives and Families.
Lomion, June 8. A special ditpatch
from Mauila today tar it it reported
that Agaioaldo baidiseolved the Philip
pine coogret and proclaimed himtelf
Troops are W ell Fed.
Washington, June 8. Auiing the re
port which accompanied the report ol
General Otit regarding operation! about
Vinili, are thoee relating to the iubtitt
enc of the army. It appear! from these
tbit the tubiittence orpi wai prompt
in every war in (applying the troopt
with food.
Under date bf March 20, Major Robert
FiUhngh, committioner of inbtiitence,
nyi that on the evening of February 5,
after bard fighting and general advance
all along the divition line, that tbe troopi
were given their lupper promptly at tbe
regular bour, and during all tba eubte-
quent movement, while the troopt have
been constantly confronting the enemy
either in line or in tbetrenche, the con
tiauoo (apply of rationt bad been main.
tamed and at all timet reeerva of at
leaat two day' travel ration bad been
kept Ob hand.
Otis Outlines Situation.
Washington, June 8. The situation
in the Philippines is described by Gen
eral Oti in the following cable :
"Manila, June 8. Adjutant-General,
Wathington: The result of tha move
ment in Morong province wit to drive
the inturgent! into the mountain!, cap
turing Anttpoli and other towm in tint
tectlon. They retreated and scattered
before our advance, leaving twenty-five
dead on the field. Our lots wis four
killed and a few wounded, moitlr alight.
The city of Morong it garrisoned. All
other troopi are withdrawn. Tne in
habitant of the provinces protest friend
ship and ak protection.
"I.irge numbers wish to enter Manila,
hut are refused, as the c;ty i population
is increA!!i.g too rapidly. Leading na
tives about the island, including aclive
iiiriirtfeut lenders, seek permission to
send their families to Manila. Il is con-
idered the n!y place of personal tecar
ity." The conclusions drawn by the wsy tie
partment officials concerning the condi
tion in the Philippines, given in the dit
patch of General Otis, are that the in
surgents are little more than a maraud
ing lumr which w ill continuallv decrease
when the men find theie li life and lib
erty under the Americin government.
The people who are e niing into the
Americin linet iking protection are
considered like those who (ought pro
tection in the fortt during the early
tliget of American development in the
Nothing iteaid at to ti e intention of
Otit lo continm active- in t'.tlitl , but
tbit matter it U ft wholly to bit discre
tion. He will no doubt tight or rest, at
the circumstance! determine.
tnJ of War a Loig Way Of.
Nkw Yokk, June 8. A rpecial to the
World Irom Wathington taxi: "The
end ol the wir it a Ion way off,"
writet Brigidier-Grneral Hall, row on
duly In the Philippines, in a letter to a
friend in this city. The letter it dated
eirly In May, about tbe time Agninaldo
wat making hit overture! for peace, and
ihow that oar aimy ofMcert hid little
n Baking
wwnrt CO.. mrw maw.
faith in the tincerity of their request for
peace negotiation.
Even the Casualty List Is Held I'p Sev
eral Days Before Being Posted.
Washington. June 8. Tbe war de
partment declinea to make public any
dispatch from General Otit regarding
the situation. He hat been instructed
to ttrictly censor all newi and to be
consilient. The war department line
the departore of Secretary Alger, hai de
clined to make public anvthing received
from the Philippine. Even catuality
list! are held op a day or two before be
ing polled on the bulletin board. The
department ii pursuing the lime policy
it thit for the month or tlx weekt prior
to the attack of the Fi;ipioot upon the
Acting Secretary of War Meiklejohn
itateil that while some advices had been
received from General Otie he was not at
liberty to make them public. The same
reticence ii displayed by Adjutant-General
Cor bio. No dispatch has been
posted Irom General Otit detailing the
lituation for more than a week. Tbe
indication! are that the department will
now endeavor lo conceal everything.
No credence i attached to the London
report that Againaldo defeated Generala
MacArthar and Li w ton.
Believed to Have Only a Slight Attack
of Pneumonia and Appeared Better
Two Hours Before He Died.
Jane 7. Augastin D!y died
taddenly thit afternoon.
Nxw York, June 8. A dispatch lo tbe
World from Paria layt: Mn. Daly and
Ada Reban were with Auguitin Daly
wben be died. Mr. Daly had been ill in
London two weeki with a sever attack
of the grip, and a coniplei rest bad
been ordered, but be wanted lo come to
Paris on nrgent business. Hi physician
strongly advised against tbe trip, never
thetrst Mr. and Mrs. Daly and Mist Re
ban crossed over last Saturday. On ar
rival here Mr. Daly immediately took, to
hit bed an I never lelt it.
He would Ke notody except an old
friend, Eugene Grivase, a celebrated wa
ter color artist. Mr. Daiy jo9ting!y pat
him in charge of the ladies. Mr. Daly
was treated for a iiilit attack of pneu
monia, and iiit condition caused no fear
of a fatal issue. M. Grivase accompa
nied the ladies through their shopping.
Tuesday Mr. Daly was moree and w
trained nuns wat railed in, but Tuesday
nighl the patient wai better and talked
cheerfully until late, lie talked again
Wednesday iteming, but wassilent from
noon until 2 o'clock, when he bad a.
flight spasm and died. Death was pain
less, tudden and very unexpected. No
body had been notified that there waa
anv fear.
Bolb Mrt. Dalv and Mitt Rehan are
dittracted with grief. Mm. Dalv will
not leave the room. The body will be
shipped to America at loon a poa
lible. Mr. Daly' mother it there. Tbe
ladiecwill to in I he s me ship. Mr.
Daly had been seriously affected by
worry ovei a London lawsuit through
which be was trying to recover posses
sion of b'e Kn jlinli theater, wl. c i is i
th hand ol Mr. Edward.
Dreyfus Will Sail For France.
Cavenni, French Guiana. June S.
Th dispatch boat Goland will leave here
Ibi afternoon for Devil' i-land in order
to take Dreyfus on board the cruiser Sfax,
which will anchor thit afternot n off the
island. The Slax will probably leave
for Benrst tomorrow morning.
Us Clarke A Falk' Fioial Lotine for
unburn and wind chafing. tl