fHE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7 IS93. GRAND ZOOLOGICAL DISPLAY. Kl(ll( Iim.' Maeaaarl tha Largeat ad riae.l la tha Warld. Ringliiij Brother' menagerie i the fineat aoological collection in the world, llaay innovation in the way of arrange jnent bave been introduced, thus adding to the effectiveness of the display, and ytuplifying theouportunllies for itudy. The vast menagerie pavilion U laid out like a toological garden. In the center ta the pachydermium, in which ia ex hibited the largest herd of elephant Tr een in the Western Hemiiphere. There are twent-five of these inter esting and powerful teaati, ranging from the tiniest baby elephant to a pair of the laigeet proboscidian in the world. In tbe middle space are alto displayed the various led animal, including a core of Arabian and Bactrian camels, water buffaloes, sacred cattle, and dwai ( ponies. The cage line the outer wall, nd the several species are arranged in neb a way a to readily illustrate the radical difference between the herbivor on and carnivorous beasts. The am phibia are represented by a remarkable collection of hippopotami, tea lions, eel and other water-frequenting ani mals, exhibited in huge aquaria, with constantly flowing water. The aviary comprise nearly a score of mammoth gold-illuminated cage, in which are exhibited an onriveled ornithological display, comprising the brightly ploni ged bird of every land. The children' menagerie, with its tiny cage of wild animals, has been augmented by com plete exhibit of simians, from the dimin utive ling-tailed monkey to the almost human anthropoid ape. In addition to those already enumerated, there are hundreds of other rurions wild animals, including a ferocious ti horned rhi noceros, a magnificent specimen of the multi-natural horned horse or gnu, a manlike Congo chimpaniee, mow white Polar bears, a den of black tiger, fero cious lions, (inuous tigers, and other in teresting beasts, the who'e comprising a display impossible to duplicate anj where on earth. Kingling Bros.' me nagerie ia a worthy introduction to the great show for wbicb it form a man: moth vestibule. The free street parade, a magnificent gratuitous spectacle, in thin, mnn.m, ufUnni hi,-h i.k. i place at ten o'clock on the morning of ! next Saturday, June 10, and the brll- j liant introductory divertisement, "The Lt Dav of tbe Centnrr," are the most resplendent spectacular display ever organized. A. C. Glger Kobb.d Saturday Mailt. Ednday morning when Mr. A. C. Giger aweke and began to dress he wa astonished to find that he had had a caller daring the nigbt who had not an nounced hi arrival and left a uncere moniously a be came. He, however, had made the call one which counted a far a he wa concerned. Mr. Giger i visiting friends in Salem and Mr. Giger occupied tbe front bed room. The door of the bouse leading outside were all locked, but back window was found by the caller to be unlatched, aod raising it be poshed ! il eel tee aside, and entered. Mr. Giger had left a jet burning in hi room, which evMently afforded light enough for the rt bbtr to see hi way clear, a he left it burning. On the dresser wa a WHOLESALE. The following line Mays & FULL ASSORTMENT. Garden Tools, Deep Well Pomp Rubber and Cotton Hose Winchester and Marlin Rifle, latest Fishing Tackle Bicycle and Sundiies Smith & Wesson and Colt' Revolver Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted We will replace every piece if found rusted. Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware. A Complete Line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Planet Jr. Garden Tool Rnshford Wagon John Deere Plow and Harrow Racine Buggie and Carriage Uean fprav I'ump Buckeye and I'lano Mower and Reaper Cultivator and Disk Harrow Tiger Drill, lightest draft. Our stock Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools ! complete in every detail. Majestic Steel Ranges Before buying elsewhere watch, which Mr. Uiger bad given hU wile wedding present, and which wm valued at (80. Thi ha had the good laate to appropriate. II alio look a uit of clottiea which Mr. Uiger had worn the day before. Then he walked into the parlor and must have felt that ha had plenty of time, for he emptied the pocaet and placed penknife, paper, He, in a neat little pile on the couch, taking the clothe with hiiu. In the Teal pocket wa a watch worth tU, and on the chain a Knight Templar' charm let with diamond!, for which Mr. Giger paid (33. These, of course, lie did not neglect to appropriate. In the panti' pocket wai a purse containing four twenty-dollar piece and tome check. The check be kindly folded and pet back in the purse, laving it on the pile of "refuse," hut the twenty dollar piece he forgot to leave. hvidentlv feeling satiiOed, he an - - , --- locked the hack door and let bin. self Out that way , ,, . ,, . .. , It seemed but a small transaction and yet Mr. Uiger 1 the loser by about -, i not counting the cuit of clothes, beside k. .,..v..,i . ... i..i. v,i..k the value attached to the article, whish I cannot be reckoned in dollar ana cent. In both of the watcne were picture of their little boy and girl, but other than those, which can be easily d- st roved, he took nothing which could be nsed a a clew. Kcsis Uensaih ibt li itiiit riottri. i. i ......,. . A. might be.xpected.a very large number of friends ttendel the funeral ot the late Mrs. R. F. Gibon thi after - noon at 2:00 o'clock at the residence on Fonrth and Liberty street. Nothing could be more fitting than that there should be a profusion of flowers, for dur ing her life time it wa a noticeable fact that wherever her lot wa cast there she surrounded herself with the sweetest of blossoms, and on the altar of the Congre gational church Sunday morning wa a beautiful bouquet of white peonas, which was an offering from her, and which was placed on her grave this afternoon, with the numerous token from her many friends, an.org which were bouquets from each member of the Ladies' Aid Society. The Congregational choir sang very sweetly "OoeSaeetly Solen n Thought' end Dr. Dan sar.g a lo!o, " Thy Wilt Be At ,,IC clo,e 01 m0" "pre- "ve na n-lient eu'ogv on me Hie 01 ,be epted hj Rev. Poling, her pastor, the choir again sang a hymn which was an especial favorite ol Mr. uidoiis , en titled ' Hold Thou My Hand." Tbe following friends acted bearers, tenderly consigning to as pall her last resting place all that remained of one who was o universal a favorite: Messrs J. M. Marden. J. P. Mclnerny, W. L. Bradehaw,' J. B. Crossen, J. W. French and S. L. Brooks. She now rests beneath a coverlet of flowers, which were her favorite c m panions in life and the last to remain with and watch over her after death. He Fooltd lb Sarcaoas. All doctor told Renick Hamilton, of West Jeflersoo, O., after suffering IS month from Rectal Fistula, he would die unlet a costly operation wa per formed ; but be cured himself with five bo let of Butklen' Arnica Salve, tbe surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cent a box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Uruggist. 4 RETAIL. are to be found at Crowe. LOW PRICES. Blacksmith's Tools Bar Iron and bteel model Blacksmith' Coal Wagon Maker' Jnpplie Wrought Iron I"ir and F.tting Barb Wire and Nail. of and Cook Stoves. examine our Stock. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beiirtlcial sfTeota of the well known remedy, Svhit K 1'ioa, manufactured by the Caufohxia Km NviU'i Co., illustrate ttievalneof obtaining the liiiiid laxa tive principles f plant known to he medicinally lusutive and tircscntiiiir . . . t- . i I. . . .1.. I (tni ill Kit? kmiii iiiai rt-:rriiuiK vo in. taste and aivvtitiible to the system. It 's tll "ue 1'' l-l t hltvnr.rth ning- lu- live, rleansimr the avatem etfoctuully. disIH.lliuff collis, headache and fovera frently yet promptly and enublinir one to overcome habitual constipation per- tnmeutlv. Its perfect freedom from l viry 0i,j..tioi,,, qllniitv Buil gllb- uance. ami its nctinir on the Uidneva. j liver nn.l bowels, w ithout weakening I "UinS' t'"M"' n,k " 11,0 ' in u,e pro.-ess of niannfactiirino; flira ; are used, as they are pleasant to the i taste, but the medicinal (Uulitieof the remedy arc obtained from senna and other aromatic plunls. by a method ! known to the Caufoh.nia Kio hVKt r Co. onlv. In order to iret ita beuetifial . inJ to nvol(, imitatio.,s. plea.se rememherthe full name of theCompany 1 printed on the front of every paekatre. I CAL1FORMA FIG SYRUP CO. t FRANClaCO. CAI, louravtix ky. kxw yobic. k. t. Fur ulc by all LiiuuiP't" I'rict Joe. per bottia THE EDITORS ARE COMING. Haw hall KeeelT Thein-Llltl Tima for frvparatlaw. Less than a month will intervene be- j for about 50J editor from all over the United State will spend a few hour in the city on their way to the meeting in fortiaml. i hey will stop over In Ihe Dalle at the invitation of the Com mercial Club. So far a we can learn nothing ha been done toward entertain Ing them. Such a matter if no doubt safe in the hand of the club, which w,yt fj;( its pt of the contract, and , wiU surely do so wLen by their special I jnvlttion these representative men are Lue.ti , tn, tity. However, it does seem that our citizens in general should be taking more interest in the matter. Perhaps they do Dot fully realize w hat it means to have such a body of men in our midst. It is the opportunity of a life time to receive advertising, wbhh is more far reaching than any that could possibly be obtained in other ways. Then, The Dalles, having the reputa tion for being the largest wool shipping point in the United State and with the varion resources with which she is blessed, cannot sfl'a.d to allow every other place along the line of their route ! to give tbouj inch a royal greeting, and fall behind herself. Something shou'd be done at once or uch will surely be the case. As there will be bat about two hours given a in which to entertain them, and breakfast will be laken here, wouid it not be well to follow the sueg-stion already given, which were a lollowa: To have on hand at the Cmatiila House, where breakfast will be served, some of our best strawberries and cherries, flower and everything that will make the tables attractive. Then some litera ture, descriptive of the city and it resources, should be given them, that they may have something to refer to in future write-ups. A good plan also would be to show them about the city, taking them to the warehouse and through cur business houses, and, in order to give ti era an idea of our beautiful scenery, they should be driven up on the bluff. To do thi we would be compelled to call upon all who have conveysr.ee, single or double buggies, wagonettes, etc., and perhaps arrange to take a portion of lh?m at a time. In this way the hour could be spent pleasantly and in a manner which will leave a good impression on our visitors aod be a lasting benefit to our city. There 1 little time for preparation; let our leading business men and citi zen take the proper interest in the matter. 10O HEW AltD K reward of -"0 each will be paid by the undersigned for tbe recovery of the bodies of Klmer and Bert Whitney, drowned In the t-'nake river at I'alonse Rapid, near Lyon Ferry, on May 2.1,,n ',ro' Coanty DKHCiUFTlOX Klmer Whitney wa 20 year old; height, 6 feet, 7,',' Inclits; weight 100 lbs. He ha a dark mustache and wa dressed in overall; wore either a dark or light shirt; lace sportsman shoes, tan color. Btrt Whitney wa 21 year old ; weight about 175 pound ; btlght 6 feet, II in. ; smooth shsved; dark blown hair. He wore dirk pant with light (trip and heavy laced (hoes, and has a Inft of light colored hair on the left, back ilde of head ; two burn scars on body. Tbe person finding either of these bodies will please wire C. E. WiiiTxir May 27-2. St. Helens, Oregon. f BHaON Ai MKNTIOM. Patuiitay'a lUr. (1. A. I.lebe !ett thi morning '"r Portland. Miss M. Ponthit left this iiinriilug lo send a few weeks In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ulake and family will leave on thi evening' train. Mr. Blake for Wyoming; while Mrs. Blake and family will spend mine time In Spokane, where she wld undergo a course of treatment under Ir. Suther land. Mra. J. K. Scott, of Corvalll. arrived in The Dalles last evening and will re main for an indefinite lime. , R. ti. Dvenxirt made a trip lo Port land iidy on business connected with Tn Ciim jMci a mile. He will again bo at his post Monday. Mrs. J. W. Blake and family will leave tonight for SM.kne, where Mr. Blake expects to undergo a course of treatment under Dr. Sutherland. Frank iVSeill, district passeniter agent for the Northern Par lie. spent this morning In the rilv. Mr. O'Neill was a lesident of The Dalle tllieen year ago. II. D. Parkins, who went to Portland with the Woodmen, relumed last night. Hesavs, in spite of the never ending rain, the ricercises were a tlrcidtd suc cess. Mi i .' Pally. Geo. A. Young is lu from Kidgeway today on business. Chas. Lord came down (rom Arlington vesterdav and remained over today in tne city. Frank Irvine, the Antelope merchant, cam in yesterday on a visit to his father. Mr. Smith rrench was a passenger on the delayed train for Portland this morning. W.llf. Hobson is unable to he at his desk today, being con lined lo his home by sickness. Miss Annie Went, who has been visiting in the ritv, returned to her home In Portland today. J. I!. Zine. publisher of the Oregon Reporter, the official organ of the A. O. L'. W., called at Ihe t'liaoxu t bltic this morning. Dr. and Mr. O. C. Hollister will leave on the af'ernoon train f ir Portland. Their friends regret very mnch to see them leave The Dalles. TllfMlay f'ally. Frank Fullon is down from Biggs. M. J. Anderson is in from Dufur today. W. H. Ward iovtr from (iohlendal. R. B. Sinnott wa passenger this morning for Portland. Mi-s R. Pfunder is registered at the Cmatiila from Portland. John Fender, of While Salmon, is in the city today on business. A.CIarnoand John damn, of John D.iy, are in The Dalle on bnsines bent, J. X. Burgess came in from AnteIoe thi morning, arid spent the day in this city. Mr. H. E. Ankeny ia In the city from Eugene visiting her sister, Mrs. P. Ie Huff. G. W. Phelp arrived In the cilv on t fie delayed train las' evening from Heppner, on hi way to Portland. Mis Lawrence and Miss Mabel Law rence, of Portland, are guest at the horn of Mr. and Mr. J. S. Schenck. ' M.s Slay Seehler will leave on thi afternoon' train, going by the way of trie Northern I'acitic to visit relative in Little Rock, Iowa. She will spend her vacation in ttat state. Worthy Matron Mra. G. W. Saunders, Mr. J. B. Crossen and Mrs. linrvet l-lt on yesterdav afternoon's train to alien. I the Grand Chapter ol the F.artern Star which convene in Portland today. N. B. Whitley, representing the American In. Co., Is in Ihe citv tndav in the interest of hi comnanv. He is accompanied by hi wife. Mr. Whitlev is a life agent and is doing good work here. Mr. and Mr. Edward French arrived in Tbe Dalle thi morning, and will make their future home in thi ritv. Kd' friend here extend their ronirraln- lation and a ish them much happinei in their new relation. m it ii 1 r. it. In Lvnn. Mass.. Thursdav. J in lit Kdaard K. Kieneti. of The' Dalles, and Miss Alice V. Cluir, of Lvnn. No cards. KUHV, In this city. Sunday morning, June 4, to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Collins, a jn. Weight 11 pounds. I iii w A ganla. Agent are Informed that James Cartithers, ex-agent at F.lgin, 1 a fugitive from justice; acc-jnnt defalcation. If wa in Walla Walla June 4th and I thought to have passed through Pendle ton on the night of Ihe 4th west bound. Description is as follows: Five feet eleven Inche In height, weight about 14 , hair dark with streak of gray, smooth shaven, thin features ; when last seen wore dark cost and vest, dark blue sweater over vest, and corduroy pant. National (Surely Company will pay $100 production of Cnruther In Union Agents mil give nil messsue all publicity possible communicating to winomce and herilTof Union county any knowledge received regarding hi whereabouts. K. 8. Bawao. . a-iw Tha Mnrtara Meanly. Thrive ot good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glow with health and her face bloom with It beauty. If her system needs the clesnlng action of laxative remedy, the use the gentle and pleasant Hyrnpof Figs, mad by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Drink Warren' I'nre Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-cls.s bars. C. J. fitubllng, agent, The Dalle. M17.3m EAST and SOUTH via Tho Shasta Route or Tiias Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leav and are dua lo arriv al t'ortlat llVaKI.AM) aX ) pre.., hWm. H.im 1 tint. A.lilana, -rmnt iil.i, vS'lll.Hall rrn.'l. M.ilava, oo r. m. V M l .i. Aligi'lea.M l'.. I N.'W uilaaua ami I rart K.m-butg and way ta II. in. H 30 A. M I 10 I'. II Pally eivi,l uiid a. Via W.x.lMiM lrl I'.IlT rlc'l-l I Ml.Ai..'l, Hllrxrl.m, I Tlll.,riiriu(ltrld and NaUoil J 17 M A. M i ll'orvallla I f.lallolia . INIiKI'KNIiKMCK PAHUKSUKK Eapraaa Irala rally (.nwi'l aumiai. I.VIpw. it... Portland .. Ar t 7 HI p. III. (Al VVMIlillnllo I V J S p. lu. CAr . llldi-pvlideu-...l.v. i !.. Portland . . Ar. a. m b. lu. (,r . Illdt-lw!ideu-...l.v. t -v Pally. illalir. airvt't RundAf. MNINd ('A Ha (IN (HII)KN KOt'TK. rt'LLMAN Bl'mtT KI gPr.K AND HKltlMU'ljlw al.KKPIMtl ( AKa . Attached load Tbrouih Traltia. IHm-l eoniiM-tlon al fan Smnrl.cn lih (rrt dtftiUl au.t oitetiUl and Pai'lllc mall .n-aln.hl) llura lor JAPAN and I lll A. Hailing dahia on .i i.li.-.ti.ni. Halm and tlraata In Kaitern lailiita and Ru r.'I. AI-ijAfAN, I'lll.NA, IKl.NUl.l'U' it HTKAI.IA. All abaiva Iralna arrlr al and di-tMirl lra Uraud l auUal liuumi, rUtn and IMlna alnatU YAM II I I I. PIVIHIUN. faaaenret IM'kH, I.m.I iI Javraun Htv. Inn hr Hharl.tan. waes daya, al 4 90 a. Arriraal I'urlUnd, JU a. m lars lor AIKI.IK on M.hi.I.t. W'nlnmlay and m-lar al S Wa.ln. Arrive al Purlland, TUaa dav. Tliuraday and Haturda) II S US 01. Knpl aun.l.jr. Krpl Katunlar. H KiK'.I.KK. II. It MAKKIIAK. Uuaa.r. A I. II. t. It fmmt. Art ThnMiah TI. krl iimre, 111 Third siiwt. wSvts thriMiau lll.la In all pinu In in. Sa.lvra HUlr.. rana.la and Kunita eau ba uhtaliiMl al Uiao.1 raU (nun J. H KtHKI.ASH, Tl cl A(.ul. or X. WHKAl.lMiN. He Dalles. Fortlani and Astoria Navigation Co. sin Replator 4' Dalles City lially l.'.l Mliidat) Ulwarll The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. T.iurhlnf at way twnn'a nn tlb tide ol It Loluiuhla rtvwr. Hlh ol lh alMiv . tram. r. hare l-n rrlHilll. and arv lu .iivll.nl tia. lor llio mMin ol 1 ha H.ralatnr l.lna a. II I .i.divur to iv lit ymittmm luc pni w-rvice p.M.llja, For rnmr.irt. Rcanamv and Plaa.ara. iiari-i uy in. au-aniora ol in. H.aulatur The al .Irainara Irar. Th HallM al a a m arid I'nrtlMii.l at 7 a. l.i . and airlv. al dllna Ua in amtl. lime l.-r ouiaoliis Iralna. I'.irll.nd lll'lra. T. a liallr. nmm. u.a Kl. . l our! Hlrrrl W. C. Alia way, l..nral Aent. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Car. Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. I' AIL a I UN K A POM Hl'LlTII rAKOO iHAl ma L'KOOKaTON IIKLKMA an MtlTTR TO Through TUkets CIIICAOO WASH I MOTf Iff PIIILAIlBLnilA HW YOlIK HOMTON AMIS ALL POINT) BAIT a.d aoCTH for Inl-rmatloii, Uma cards, mapeand Urkaw, sal on ur art la to W C. AI.LA WAY. Aent. 1 ' Jalli, Ornwne ARLTON. Asst. O. P. A., rrlaoa Cor. Third. Portland Uretne A. f). OHK TOR A D08I. PILLS Hmn wa A 1, i:m'.hV!'.'t "ii..i'a. S 5 Administrator' Notice! rmir i. b. i. i,r .Iran n, aiuniii.irai..r 1,1 Il.e r.,i. . ., """lm. :::'::. . v'"- .". , .... ...,...,,,, ,1 ,, - ' .. 1... u . .. .......'.'"..' niiiiiiii r.mr. t . it.. ... II.. I l.ir I ....... ' tr. i tinv in, .mi in, in July ai..i Ill ..Itl llMV .1 Ihu . ' ' " mniiir court bniiw In iiailnni! .,""" " a -"a iwn ii al liy ,a n ""iiir Jil.lae .1 tt'o i.uiilv, II,,,,,,, ' '"nil, pi.. . (..! hmiliK id IH..I r. ,,', U ""'i All ..r..un luirrci.i ii, ,.!,, , i.y i...ii.i,.i i...H.r.i,:r .rr;"' . .h,.w t-muw. II any II,.,, '," M .l.m.1.1 U..II.I all llil,,,. W .,,,,' ;r'a tt"l or.l. r IH. I....I..II- Ii.,,,,,, .,,(, , , '' " u Pa r l llils PUhday l jf.), I'., """"K. """ mini. Aduilnl.lratorol II.. 0.0.1.. ... "u"'t:Vr, trih II NOTICE. N-h.ki lll.lrtel S... ,f IU-.U ,,- b..,. ,Tn' .hi. ..( ria loiii.lmi dii. ,. :' far lnl.i.1 at Hi. iaU.o( .Ii ,..r , """I'll li.lun.l Mal.U M...II aiiioi.ll, ,., ins i.,l.,M.l,l,..t , VI. .Mir. ..(,?' J',1'1 .l,l.l..il..lv Un.lv ',.;;, ", lay- ril-i and lnl. r.,l haiahi. .1 ,. ,,,1,4 ,','?. Ii.aut.r id a-.. -..i,i,i . ii,, ' ,h .i... a. inyb.il M , .urtli.Mr. 1 ' n l la. 1 1..- l.Hn.1 n dlnel.ir. n ..u duiri.i i 'y '"' ...Ilol.n, Im'i.i, ,' JI ai rv .III, Iha .r..l.,. ( , ,, 'J nir.d ii,. i.,uiy,.i.i.i, ,.ii.,;;,', i",U ary :n. Imii, and .'..vl.l .,, ,," J ..r Hi. l..uauo...l b....,t. b u li., di.01,1. III r.n..liai,iw allli ll. i,,,,,, ,,, . w lr.aur.r .. Mid ...iinlt. Mill i,rrt,. T-'J blda lor aald bond, al niy i.rl,... In lnlunT an.raaa lull . o .,. ,,. , ,,,, . - i. .dJun.lw. All 1.1.1. aoi.l l i L a -lllll.t eh o 11,. , ,., r k' ti.. .i.H1M, 01 wiiiii. i,.r wiiirii iil.1 I. mail. N'l U4 .4 nan r alll n. r..i,.i., m lll.i.i. any andallbnl. i.m.ivMt. " " nKi 1 b lialli-., uri in, May 1 ., v.i I- I'lUMIN, 1 r..tum. NoncK for rnu.ic atiox! Laaii Orm a at Tub tun ... na.,.., Al'lll i I1'! 'i Nolli-a I. h.r.l,y slrrn II. .1 cl... iiai0. namrd m.,.i ha. ill. I i.tl. ,. m. ini.,.!. m.k Itnal n.d In U.rl ..I 1,1. rl " II..I aald .t .d nlll h ma.l. I-I,. . th,. rriuL. and rrlf al 1r lalln, llr..n. on V,.irf.V May IV laiai. l. ' I .a a. I . Mala.y, r Tha Hall.. llom.U-ad AIM'llrvll.m hu. k,. S,.lf..u I, Ip. I . V II raaltf M ' ll.liaum Ilia loll.. ln llim,m 1,1 hUroollniiou. lM.tlir U.ii aud rullhalkai al Mid land, VI. A.a. !, iuiy liartm.ii. Ivirr Fasaa and Hanl.l K.l.ay, all ol 1 1 n.llr.. ui.v.. MY r U . AS. I"" a.l.lrf. ..I,.., nj ,i.i.-,H,,-r TI.. ...... ... - III! Administrator's Notice. Nnilra I. h.raty l n that II,. un.l.niriial ha. hn-n duly ....lnt y il, 11,.,, .W01. . ..lirl of Ilia Iha Slal. of 1.rr...n. f.4 Ham rt.ttlily, a. adlnllll.tr. !. id 111. t-ui..rf Altera Asl.llu. d.y.1 Alltwl.on. I,.li,( rlim .S.ln.1 Mid ..lata ar farrvLy uollfinl t (,rrw.t III. Mm. r".,o.m y.cin.d to It,. .1 II.. ,,sirs . n.y aiiornay. Imfor A tn.i.v. aithta iu 111. .nil,, in.ui th.dal. of Hit. unit,,. I'al.Tl al lb lal,ra, ur.a. n. In.,, v iw J Y A. ,11,11 Adlnlul.'rah ol ft, l.,l.l. 1 1 A... h AWii, NoncK for rriuicArios. I.ASutiysi. a art as l'.u. m.i Aran. 4. i Nntlna 1. h.rrliy alv.n thai II.. f. .!!.. nain.l alllrv ha. Blrl li.tll.-v ol tilt InlrtU' lu mas. Bl.al . i.H.f u .U.trt of l,l t-l.lin. an Ih.l Mid .r...l Mill tm n,..l.- h..,r. IIm t.al,Uf i,d lt.cwr.fal Ilia liallM. uiraun. ,.a m.m.4.1. May IS, 1U, ! Iianl.l Arthur K.l.ay.orTh. Hall.: II meau-ad Aphllrailon N.v Mnl, f, in. I.i I and . Mrtl.-ti kI, and I. I . ll.nl U. loan, Ola I nntih. rani. 1; m.i, ill. Iln II. ham, a Ilia l..ll.ml.a .llimMl In prrw. hi. eoniiniom. rt-.ldcuev ut.ni and rulil.tuua ot Mid laud, I. . i, rt r.u.h.r. I. 1. F.san. ('. ii. ) timer. A. Turtirr, all ol 1 ha I1.!)... iir-n. ara J V f. LI 1 ,k, N.lilr Executor's Notice. Nntlr I. h.nliy slveit thai the undmlrmd h.a tavn a.t ,li.t.-d .IM-Utor of lh I..I lll and iMlani. nl "4 llorara Knl(l,t. 4.Mia All M,rao... harllif claim. aMl,,.t lit. al.l.nf laid llirw.il, ara li.rrhy I ..llllr.1 In frw.nl lli.m ullh ih. tii.N-r yourh.r. lo m. .1 atf nic In l.allM I nr. or. a.m. alll.lii tn nonlaa from lha dat. irf llil. Boilra. IMIad April u, lws. n a. 111 m io tit. ut..t of Iba trill ol II, .im hioilii. d a knlalil. , .ll KOETH WESTERK TBAVELEE3 ill North-We.tern" Alvertiri la Ihe Shortest nl Uel Rout W CH1CA00 nJ the IZAST tla MINNCAItlLIS end ST. PAl'U tnd al'n the ,.il.mrnt ol Ita train. I. tk n.i. r,i 1 I III. . ir h.iil.lrr a arl r '""';'n' j ha lu.urle. lomforta and aer...arlr. , w. "IHE HEW HORTH WESTERS LIMITED isoih c.nlury Tralni fa l-rtrir tiirlit. d h, Ih In.Me ami ": "TT liM., Willi han l. tm. Initial .nioiina " ' ar iiMnlin.t,,,. ,il and alandard '"'I' aa-a ch.lr car and 10.Ml.rn .! .'oarn: an.i .' an K.X THA KAIIK la rharard " Un al y ,nn.ai,.,',U and HI Paul t ., . 1 kr, on , Mil r,.... Parirlo. iir.m Nnnnein snd Irai rt ilall. Mli.n.aiM.lia ' ' e - ' iu n 1 and arrlv.. hl"or ' "J tl 1-4.1 1 I ' 1 Kor h-.Hi r..rnnil.n. rat... -lr. l,,.,klfl I l K K nl lh a World rail al or aildrwa 'TV. IIS Wa.lilimron M. I'irll.nil; TLT 111,1.1 rtlr tl,. iimr.. 11a w a.ninn-on , ,----- .,,; Av.nii. Srallle: (Iranlia nu IIS Nlrollrl A. .nil. SI l' ,il; tun Weal Mii-ri'r - ir it.t.lrr.. T W. TaaiiAIJi ll.oarai raw . 4ul SI. Paul Diltia Offer traveler choice of the Mj' rontee east. They are all i'u' " their acenio attraction. . mmm O. K. A N. lw Ogden anil '""",' hhaata llo.ite flew 8018!,'" nd Denver. ij Hliasta Konte view Sacramento, Angelea and Alberqnerqiie. . A ilallv line of through Pi ' '""R P4LAC and TOUKIST Hl.hfc from Han Francisco and I MSlt,w Chicago. Tin I The Short Line from aotithern California To the East. nnlv to the event of the O- R- Co. or the nndrirsignfd, for foM" descriptive literature. J. J. PEV Santa Fe p O.n. Agt.Worwiter'.BIdg. PortUnl, Or.