THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7. 1899 A of NEW HIPI PODROME or TriKii.i.iNi) MM!I CONTESTS UNDER TMH LARII!.T CIM I.M I M TENTS KVER I HliCTI I). 23 ORE AT MENAOIiRICS I Ika Marvaluua, Ran and Caatty Cral4 Halnga ol Ik Earth. Far! IT a WiIhi Mil Ika Air. Tka ItlOCIRST ZtMl IN THU WOULD. . SUPER!!, (1LORIOUS, OHIOI.NAL iPARTURE. Some- thing Nw. OIJ Ideas Abandoned. Twice the LAR0E5T, MOST MAONIHCENT HOLIDAY 30 ENORMOUS 5EPARATE SECTIONS. EACH ONE A BIO GLORIOUS PARA DtJ. The Weekly Chronicle. THK IIAI.I.KN HKCIOM urrii'UL fAfKR or wmi tii'TV. rUtti in lira fiaru, on HViiifooyi and .Snur, .!. at'BiM KIITION RATKS. T atiL. ruaraaa raaraiD, in orira. One yaar RtlaiiMilhi .'!!"!.'!" Tnnw Mtniiha .. II M to aarartl.lnf ralaa naaanabla. and mada kanva ni Mi'aii,in. . -mrannl-.Ucui to"Tlir dlKON '-t. Tha lalla, Unvm. LOCAL HHKVITIata. Hatunlay'a lially R". 1. C. Ilaker hat old hit farm In Hifti I'rairla to Jndga Wllliaint.ol Tort lnd, and ha and family mora to Sound cuniitry In tha tall. Seminal. Mfnan, io wed wai thia morning iaanctl loLonlia A. Kandoi and Krnrat llnnoma, fwldrntioi Mill creek, and thla after ono at 4 o'clock Joda Maya, aaaltted h County Clerk Keltav, will tla thaknot lhat maket I hem ona. Wool traini were nanierona In town y, all tha warehouaea helng kept nty receiving It. Although tha market Hot lively ,t pre,pnt( nIOM , ,0 0,)(I,t to know predict that thera will ba a "llllon pounda told hera thla year. Every iUy ntimhera of Iwrry p'ckern l'e the city for tha patchee at Hood River and White Httmon, whera,' w hile J'y r j ,y tha yacitlon and change, UKyeanaleohe making imirh more than "I'antet. Thera need be no Idlere the. iniet. "(iTPr." Will Croieen'adog, la about prouder dog In town today, the '"Inn heen given tha place of honor In Ikeley A Houghton's rhow window "''afternoon, w her. ehe and her five l'"p are attracting general Uentlon. Tf'iinan Ihuler left thla n.omina for ""land for the pnrpnao ol accompany 1"K Mla Nellie, to thla city, "'health haabeen anrh aa to compel 10 lv P bar ichotd dutlea twforw Miami ended, and aha will tpend her n,,tlon here. J"- Q. and 8. D. Plourer sra today "Wng Into their new jewelry atora nest bain!0 U" Klril N-11"""' T' " l"ng I,., heen fitted np In aplendid . nd will ba ona ol the niott coin- 'Wind neate.t atoraa In tha dir. THE IHSHGKS E 1000 People j 500 Horses 300 Performers 5 Big; Arenas j j I Aerial Enclave 1-4 Mile Race Track. A MAJESTIC, IIPOSIIO, IDEAL, PATRIOTIC SPECTACLE, LAST DAYSMHTORY OR, TIIE LIGHT Or LIBERTY! ovt 1000 "M'll ANO MUNOMCOS Of HOfteCS IN THg CAST. LOCKIlAliTS BSa ELEPHANT COLlEDIAfiS. THE QIC sf' AT-N. -4 j v 20 TON BRAS A GREAT FEATURE. or i we-- v- v. i i y air i p i x HCRR SOUDER'S WONDERFUL FUNNY ELEPHANT BRASS BAND. BIG rJEUsPARADE'"30 SECTIONS Stm ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. SPECIAL TTYPllDQIfiMQ DRfl PflAnQ CMILDBIN. UNOCR It VCAMS OLO, ML PHICC. CHEAP LAUUIVOIUHO ALL AHILIAUHUO. TWO COMPLETU EXHIBITIONS DAILY, AT X AND H P. M. . . . DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER. THE ACKNOWLEDGED GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. DHL-LBS. gJtT" Krtervo.1 numtxro.1 aralt an J a.lnilinlon lirkuta They have a!to received a etock of goodt which Can't b t-al. We notice that on aeveral aidewalkl throughout tha cl'.y the property ownera are making It a point to drive dwn the naila. In thlt regard they have "elruck tha nail on the head," although our khovinakera may not agree with at, It being to their advantage not to. Tha annual report of The Ialle public achooli for tha year ending May 25, 1S!.1, thow that Oil puplla were enrolled dur ing tha year, gain of 25 over tha pre vloui year. Tha average number be longing waa TOO, a gain of IS; average daily attendance 070, a gain of 10; num. bar of catee of tardineet 43, a ttecreaae of 0. Today tha river itandi at 21) 5, a riae of .7, and the report aaya there will be decided rite In tha rivers approaching, and at thia pi tee tha Columbia will coma up a foot a day until Wednetday, when It will aland at about 33. At l.ewitlon the river rote .8; at Wenatchee one foot ; at North port 1.1 ; at Umatilla .6. Thera la little doubt now but that The Pallet will have an evaporator ami fruit dryer. The committee report good pro great, and Mr. rVhenno, who it eolicit in ninona our citiient, givei the moat encouraging reporte. Ha hat called up- ou but a few bueincee men aa yet, mit haa already a subscription liat which foot np aluiott I-KX10. Uingling lay it now a reoogniiwl holiday throughout t lie) length and breadth of the land. In many of the cltiet where the great show exhibits the tchnole are dinmltted and the etn ployeee of the big inanilfiictiiring cttab lithmentt are given a holiday in order to tea the fimont lntlliutnn. Such will he next Saturday at The Pallet. Itev. 8. Morikubo, a graduate of Tokyt A, ..Ih,hv n( riiiloaophv. Japan, alto a graduate of the University of California, will addrcMthe people at the Itinttmn rhiireh tumorrow t'vtriiiig at 8 o'clock, on tha subiect of hit coiiverciuii from llild Ihi m to Chrlttianity, and the dif ference between the two religlont. Hev. G. Huahlng will preach at 11 a. ui. Ktrennoiie clTortt are being made, lays the News, to Induce Mnjor McKinley to deliver the 4th of Jnlv oration at f limp ter thla year. Of cnurae it would be the poorest kind of pjlitical policy for the pretident to decline inch an Invitation, and aeveral wagon loadt of in expect to attend from here. The object of our enterprlilng neighbor II to bring he WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS John O'Brien's Famous Equine Show, the . . . -WILL EXHIBIT AT- ' : i a v -, i t im Ravi - ifc -v m SATURDAY JUNE lO (or tale on sliuw day, without any advaure in price, at the Snipre-Kinertly Drng Co.'a store. 1 Katt an 1 Wctl in cloter touch with each j other. lloppner Timet. The ruplie ol t. Mary'a Aodemy will give an entertainmen t on Friday, June i l(l;h, to raite fundi for the purpoee of flighting the building. Kxercitea will ci innience precisely at 8 o'cUck p. m. Adn.lttion oO cent. Children under 7 tears not admitted. Ticket are (or 'ale at Blakeley A Houghton', II. Her bring', J. P. Mclnery'a and Maier A Ilenton't. Tha advantage of having a band In the city wa denonatrated laat evening, when the mutic to materially atsltted in welcoming the governor. When the boat reached Hood Ktver, II. D. Parkin, wbowaion board, telephoned np and advised that the band meet the govern or at the boat, and in conteqaence, it wai in evidence at the club building, although they were not on time tor the boat. No doubt the reader! of the Chkonici.s had water and to spare this morning, it they heeded our advice and fillid all the bucket before 8 o'clock. And now Superintendent Crnssen appeareth and tayeth that we were mistaken; it was 8 p. m. inttead of a. in., and to tonight from 8 till 10 the water wlil be shut off. How could this) paper (or any other) imagine a superintendent eo thoughtful of our housekeeper i to work on the pipe! after working hour to avoid dis commoding them, lint such I the case. The theater lint is a thing of the past, and Just when the ladies had resignedly given up the idea of show ing off the newest thing in theater hats, they find the brother have not buried the hat chut.bnt that thoee who sit behind them in church are beginning a tirade on the church hat. In an Kaslern town a rule haa neen made in a certain church that all Indies m nit remove their hats, ami (he ladies in that congregation are grad ually ro lug less. It is claimed that it would re a mure healthful practice (or the ladles to adopt this plan. Wo won der If there would loon be a bald-headed row for women were the suggestion to he followed. Think over it, ladies, for we have heard that the new idea has many strong advocates in The Dalles. llolxlar's Pally. This li circm week, RingHng Broa. big show will be In The Pallet next Saturday, The Daut Optical Jewelry Co., are now In their new quarter and ready for busi ness. Call on them. Stocking bat Anally made hll ap o THE INVINCIBLE MONARCH OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD. 65 Railroad Cars J j 25 Elephants j j j 100 Dens and Cage 12 Acres of Tents J $3,700,000 Invested j $7,400 Daily Expenses. THE ONLY EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD PRESENTING Gl-HORSE ACT. 61 nn. unntrQ ,: OXR u,,ta- at r time. I BKF.D 11 WIlJ PtKMJHMLI) BY O.NK MAM. OUDER THAN THOUSAND UMAN BAND HEN THE ICCE5TI BAND OUT. pearance and officer will tako him to the asylum on this afternoon' train. K'dcr Clifton whs unable to fill his pulpit at the li.iptist church yesterday, he being in very poor health for some time pa-t, and taking much worse yes terday. Misa Julia Hill, of this city ha been elected principal of the Antelope school (or the next year, and Mist May Sechler, another Pallet young lady, assistant principal. Passenger train No. 4 had a tussel with sand tnia morning about ten mile above the city, and wa (our hour late in consequence. It take s good deal of laud to withstand these windy winds. Yeiterday's Oregonlan announced the engagement of a Dalle yonng man, (for we (till claim him) Mr. Edwin May, and Mil Mabel Ainaworth, daughter of the late Capt. G. Ainiwortb. Mitt Aim worth la a resident ol Portland and is said to be a very estimable young lady. His Pallet (riendt extend to Ed their heartiest congratulation!. Last Wednesday night in Washington City, Columbia university graduated a young man well known in The Dalle, Alvah W. Patterson, brother of Otia Patteison, receiving the degree of bach elor of lav. Mr. Patterson ia young man of more than ordinary ability and by close application hat won a foremost place among tho students of the uni versity and bids fair to bn among the foremost lawyers of the land. Mr. and Mil. C. C. Weigel, who have heen visiting their ion In Omaha, re turned home on tbil morning's train. They happened to be passengers on the second siciion of the train which was robbed Friday at Wilcox station, Wyo., and saw the wreck, the blown np lafe, etc., and also the camps w hich were made be the robber as they laid in wait for the train. They report very exciting time on their train when the bridge ahead of them was fired and they learned o( the robbery. Many w ill remember Laura Donaldson, the poor unfortunate young lady who wai taken to the asylum about a year ago. Word wa received yesterday that she had hung herself In her room at that Institution yesterday morning and her remain will be brought to tiii city on this afternoon's train and be bnried from Crandall A Burget's undertaking parlors at once. Laura's life tf late year wa a sad one. Fighting againat ill health and poverty finally overcome htr and destroyed her mind. Of a NEWNJ'IV - Cj&bh BIO SEXTV' " VT TUPLE CIRCUSES." &r .f A MULTITUDE GFS'fZ. DARINO AND EX- - PERT OYMNASTS. A DOZEN FAMOUS EXPERT BABE Vyv BACK KlUEfiS. Sf r HUNDREDS OP ( . ( TRAINED Ji f y ANIMALS OP V f" EVERY KIND. j2L A Scintillating V . xi V-, ''i Whirl of Evar- "C-i-jjl changing Sur- v' prlaaa. Inter- xam " 1 "5' paraad with tha v-T Eihllaratlng, X rjSa&e Youth-RennvlnCi V- " s4? LaurhCompllln( Ant lea ol MORE THAN 20 FUNNY CLOWNS. A Continuous 2-Houra Saasloa by Company y ol 300 Arcnlc ArtUU. M Occupying f y 3 RINQS, VirL ft STAOES. iltt-fS HIPPODROME, iVi' AND AERIAL PfSJ 1 W Y-Ko","l"'' PRODUCINO ASTONISHED DE LIGHT, FUN AND GOOD HUMOR. WORTH MANY TIMES THE PRICE OF ADMISSION. sensitive, refined nature the circum stance were too much for her (rail con tlitution. She wa not considered vio lent, but melaccholia probably caused the act which lock her life. She will be buried by the tide o( her (ather. The Columbia is coming op at a lively rate. At 1 o'clock it stood at 32.2, a rise of .8 since 8 o'clock. During the last (orty-eight hours it has come op 1.8 at Umatilla; 2.2 at Lewiatoo, 2 (eet at North port ; 1.7 at Wenatchee. There i water enough on the way to raise it to 34 by tomorrow. Ten (eet more of water will make the river touch the O. R. A X. track above here, but it will take about (ourteen or fifteen (eet to reach the track at The Dalle. Let ui hope thia cool weather will have the desired effect. Cottingham, who occasionally make himself famous by narrowly escapin; erijn injury, bad perhaps bis closest call last night. Having been "cele brating" in bis usual manner during the day, he somehow managed to be on the railroad track, this aide of the depot, at about 12 o'clock, just as the delayed No. 1 atarted down from the depot to the Umatilla House. lie wa between two flat car and stepped out on the track right in (ront of the engine. In an in dent 'he wai knocked over, but at the train was going (lowly he fortunately fell on the pilot and was dragged a very (hort distance. The train wa stopped immediately and supposing of course that he was killed the men hastened to bis side and were surprised to find that he was not injured very seriously, al though the sole of his right foot was badly torn and his leg bruised to the knee. Nightwatchman Pbirman had hi in taken to the city j ll, where he re ceived needed attention ami etill remains. Dalles people were urprised in more way than one yesterday regarding the excursion (rout Portland. In the first place, we were expecting 3000 visitors, when but about 700 got off the train. Then we were pleasantly surprised by the behavior o( tha excursionists. Judging from last year'a per(orniance we antici pated a lively time and dreaded their coming ; but, on the contrary, they were extremely well behaved, consisting mostly of those who had come to visit friends. True there were about ball dozen boys In the crowd who were out for a high old time, and three of them succeeded in being placed in the jail. However only one possessed any money, and paid hi $2 fine, while the others wero let go to get rid o( them when the : train left. We understand this is thai laat of the Sunday excursions, and w j are not sorry. Could they be eon fined to those who come op to visit friende or ' tpend the day quietly, thera would not lie so great objection a they would not j h: about the streets, but, judging from the nnmbcr of Pallet itet who war scarcely able to walk straight yetterday. we are afraid the Influence i detriment al to our visitor. Tuesday t Dally. Genevieve, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frltx is very dangerously ilh ol pneumonia. P. M. French is having s new side walk and fence placed around his resi dence on Fourth and Court street. John Little, an extensive sheep raiser, shipped twenty car loads, or about 6000 head, to the grazing lands of North Dakota this morning. A. M. Williams & Co., are closing out the haance of their 1898 Tailor-made suits f ir Ladies, at half the regular price. Head their ad. in this issoe. We ask all ladies visiting The Dalles in the near future to rail and inspect oar suit offerings. Every 18C8 Tailor-mada suit reduced to one-half the price. A. M. Williams & Co. Ground was broken yesterday prepara tory to laying the foundation (or a resi lience to be built by E l. M. Williams, on the Williami lot on Fourth street, between Washington and Federal. Louie Comini left yetterday morning lor Walla Walla and the country inter vening in the interest of his marble workt. During hit absence Mr. Wicks will have charge of the business here. At a meeting of the school board held thit morning the present rorpa ol teachers of the public schools wai re elected. It is possible another teacher may be e i ployed, which matter will be attended to later. The tale now on at A. M. Williami A Co's, should interest every lady who want! to dress in' good taste. The dif ference between the styles of 1893 and 1899 in ladies suits is very slight, while the price difference made by this firm is exceptionally liberal. They will, no doubt quickly find new owners (or every suit. Bead their ad. Mr. Elmore Rice, an accomplished violinist, who hai been giving recital in different citie throughout the United States, arrived in The Dalles last even ing, and will no doubt give a recital here. He ia at present calling upon those who are musically inclined with that purpose in view. It is reported that the O. R. t N. agent at Eigiu had taken French leave, and is alleged to have taken with blra various valuable which w ere not exact ly his own property. It was Saturday or Sunday that the event happened, and he has not ' yet been captured. The amount taken was not large. A (ew clips of wool are being told at the warehouses, but often are private sales snd consequently reporters sre not informed as to the price. Wool is still arriving; but not so fast as in other yeart. Presumably there is some heat tarcy in regard to high water; but we art informed at the warehouses that we are to have no high water. Tbey prob ably know whereof they speak. We don't. bo varied tave been the reports con cerning the return of the soldier boys that one scarcely knows whether to place any confidence in the dispatches or not. One day they inform as that ws may expect them immediately "if not sooner," and the following dav wa learn they cacnot be spared. Yester day's dispatches say that General Otis advises the war department that the Ore gon regiment of voinnteeia will leave (or the United States this week. It will be sent direct to Portland (or muster out at Vancouver barracks. Early last week Thomas Maloney, who) was employed ss a deck hand by the D. P. A A. N. Co., lacerated his arm with a saw and wai given somelinament by one of hit fellow workmen, which teemed to heal it rapidly, and little at- . ten lion was paid to the wound until it began to swell and became very sore. It was then reopened and a course of treatment begun. However, it grew worse snd blood poisoning has set in. Yesterday he wa very dangerous? ill, and although slightly improved to day, he is still in danger of losing his life. The most interesting topic of con versation and conjecture seem to be the Columbia river, and the question aa to whether or not it is to encroach upon the property of citizens so r.s to com pel them to turn over their titles in its faror. This morning it stood at ."3 5, a rise of 1.1 since yesterday. At Lewiston the Snake has fallen 1.4, and reports say the weather is much cooler in that sec tion. However, they also inform us that tomorrow the Columbia will stand at 35, and will raise three feet before) Thurs lay, on that .l ite reaching the 34 mark. m Tuomsi Thurman, deputy sin riff of Troy, Mo., says if everyone in the United States should discover the virtue o' De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve (or piles, rectal tnuMesand skin diseases, the de mand could not be supplied. Snip Kinersly Drug Co. Harmony whiskey (or family snd special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jL :