THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JUNE 3 IS03. 6 MAYS & CROWE CROW HARDWARE DOUBLES THE DRY UOODS SCORE. aaar Tw TMUtl4 Yirtlaaa W Kaa.a Brilliant rrfr.ll" riyl( V.alardaj VUdntnalay's Pally. Har.ltrare t. Dry Goodt vat the cm before the umpire yesterday afternoon, aud the favor were pretty well Uiviile.t, the ecarlet anj purple and blue and g IJ being at a Hand-off on the ground. The aiterooon wat iverfect, even the wind Handing Hill for fear of giving the ball a blow, while the tan actually hid hit lacs for fear he ovght get a tvlpe, CO high did the bvtr .rat they walked onto the diamond, the "Dry Good" in One of the fair aJmirere. their red toil looking at if they they were "all wool and a yard wide," ad the Hardware at thiniug in their Woe troneert and white sweater a a newly poliihed Hove. The diamond wat (orroanaed with about 3000 tpecta- ton. teeminulT reeardletl of the un certainty of a ball ; while pushing ciote to eee who could come nearest the ''diamond" were the lair admirer, who bad more than a passing interest in the game. A the "ox k of the dry good rooai" walked onto the field togged in tcarlet and pnrple, "Billy MiKinley," the mascot for the May & Crone path, tepped op a if to do him up in the Grot Bin'ct play to beat the band. toning, but cone! u Jed he'd wait until after the ball and tee if he did have any Crowe in him after ail ; bat the poor bird looked hen pecked a the game prog retted. The umpire looked wiee ad withed they bad been born tiiplett. Datch McCoy concluded there wtt ooaga of him to make three at any rate, while Ballard didn't dare even to bet ice cream oda either way, nor give either ide the Icy (hake. At one time bedtdfeel a little thaky when Evan objected to being out because the French fovod hi pott deserted. Cut the game proceeded in a friendly way an I 1 jy 1b wrangling wa heard, although the jonnt ladie declared one of the oacher said a "naahty word;" bnt he wa to raod natnreil the rest of the game that be wat forgiven. In the fint Inning Dry Good went r.p with four run to ttieir credit, aid Hard ware wa all itove to, tiaving made a roote egg, at the nine time explaining to the r trie mil who had bet marble an 1 peanut on the game bow it all bappened : That the catcher wa a little Natty, and had two rib broken; the pitcher wa a "Chawley" boy; the 6rtt heteman wa in love and the Evan Lontdal pose at tb bat. would fall before be'd let hi attention be directed from the yoong ladies near by; one fielder wa a Joe dandy, but the other bad been op all Knight; the third baseman took the game for Grant ed, bat the second was dit-Got-ted ; the right fielder bad a game leg, and came near being arretted for Dot having any visible mean to lupport Harry; and, wont of all, the thort (top wa danc ing a cike walk and trying to tuake ft hit at the tame time, when wh'i- ler gave John one la the jaw and broke tvo teeth. Ia tpite of the alleged difficult!., the end of the tecoiid inning foaud them with fonr score, aud to the game tUrted anew, and after taking a dote of cayenne pepper and ginger both nlnet "played la'l;" but Hardwaie played harder, and nude sii, while Iry Uoodt came out with two to their credit. In the fourth inning the red boyt gut in . eVTWY'T-. iluott deliver an inthoot. their work aud made clean white wath with four to nothing in their favor, auu at the beginning of the fifth they were gain even and matter grew interesting, but alat! for the handtome red boys, for in the next inning their opponent warmed no aud made flve score, while French wa the only one who (cored in their niue. The most exciting time wa during the tixth, when the Dry Good got milled. Huott got excited and stood on hi head ; the catcher taw how the game wa going and teemingly ratt hi Vogt for the opposition; he ay he' a!) rght on "catching," but not behind the bat. The nrtt Las 'man wa to lick that the file took French Wave of him; the second bats endeav ored to make some Gode playt, but missed the ball by a foot ; Weigil, In the left field, remembered he wa mar- When it came at Weigel. ried and didn't ore ab-ut making catch; the thort Hup thought he wa trying on shoe instead of (topping ball, and to played accordingly; the third basenaq let the tall Welgel from hit grasp; the thoemaker in the right field let them awl pats, and the center fielder although Cram full oi enthusiasm, made hit measurement wrong and nii.ted 'em every time. And so, tpeaking in German, the teaini came Gatsie (wipe at a grounder. out even on the sixth, nine to nothing. In the fint half of the seventh the William team scored two, and on sc connt of the lateness of the hour Mars A Crowe did not play the inning. At the bat the Williams crowd rnsde their bit, striking some dandie; while in the field the Hardware (hone, catch- Hal make a few remark on the ran. ing most of their thrasher. A to bandaomenet cf appearance it wa a ttand-off, except that one wa perbap a little dirtier thin the rest. When it wat discovered the teore stood 24 to 12 in favor of tb May A Crowe posh, ringing shout went op from the crowd, while the two team Netting in the tilth. magnanimoutly joined in a band shake. While congratulating the winnert, many were heard to remark that they bad hoped the score would biv been more lfTji"ir It r nearly even ; but it wa a game limply for the fuu to bo got out of it, and A. M. William & Co.' nine gt jutt a u.uch fun out of it at anybody, and are in good spirit in (pit of the defeat. The spectators are indebted to the two bruit for pleasant afternoon, and ex press tht with that Dry Good aill soon challenge Hardware to another game. Following I the liue-up of the trams and the scor: MAYS a CKOWg Pl'KH. Nams. 1 j H i i ; v i LI" ' 1 ' i i :l T" !' T 'i r Kult-hl, It Houn.lius, 2b . Mays, Sb Bonn. J, cl Kraiis, p Hampshire, m . Lonsdale, rf . Nutting, e, 16 .... i oo i: i, i. ! It 1 1, n ci. AVA T Total- O i A. M. WILLIAM a ro. PILL. 11 ft 1, o n n tir' Parkius, . Vos i Yieigvl, Fred 3b . ude, p2b ...... i i: Huott,:b p Peterttun, rf Cram, It Trench, lb W'.igie, John, tl t ! t I i -t- Tout. vA Score by inning. May & Crowe 0 4 n 0 A.M. Williams A Co. -4 0 2 4 1-1 tiowa lb Colankla. F.ngiceer Strack and White, tsith lull crew oi well equipped railway tor retort, darted a line of enrver down the north tide of the Columbia river, be' ginning at Paul F. Mohr s old wie house. Last Saturday the same crew of surveyors wat teen in the vicinity ol Celilo flats, on the exact line of l'sul F Mohr right of way by KSiikital'e coroner, illiam Hart, v bo wat In that vicinity on official business. Mr. Hart tayt he asked no qnettioat, but he arrer tained from one of the crew that there wat abaadant capital behind the present party In the field. Another theory of many people it that the turyry party it in the field to carry out the plant of Paul F. Muhr and Dr Blalcck. Further, that the plant ol these two gentlemen have been con toiidated, and that a quiet meeting of the two contending force wa recently held in Spokane, and that the meeting brought a boot the formation of a brand new company, composed of to toe of Spokane' millionaire mine ownert, who are known to be men who have poshed to profitable developmtnt great enter prises. East Oregonian. Ilall.a I'nlill. ehaola. Following I the report for the ;nar ter (4 weeks; ending May St) '00. TEACIIEB. KnM Ilitt Primary. Miaa Nan lu.per I and I 41 ' S M tin. fca..e :B, Hi aud ,'.U 11. 41 fnnrl flrrrl. I i Mla rtblt Ml.a K i .- Ml K'4erta MlM wrrntl MIm rhlrmau M' Flltin .Mla Martin MUabali . . 1-t II T7 . . Jl 6.i . :A . 47 . . 4IH 4.' ' I I . Il tl kS IH ;H 41. 4.. 4K '.B 4 :i . .. .ML , V't Halrtwhi SB 4 ' Mlu U Klliloill CA SA M 4'. tl Ml T Hlnt-iul 7lli If- ill i H iichn s:b j ry Hi II. ,f. V'partmriit. I'll Mint Rill I I 1 Mr. lenders H h KX W. Ml t .;;i;yici Numlr of daye of tclinoi. 25. Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 9t. JnHK Gvi, City Superintendent. Mlllloaa Ulttm Af. It i certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generou to the needy and suffering, The proprietor of Dr. King' New Discovery for con sumption, coogh and colds, have given awayoter ten million trial bottle of t Lie great medicine; and hava the tatitftc tion of knowing it haa absolutely cured thoutandtof hopeless cases. Atthms, bronchitis, hoartenets and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by It. Call on lilakeley & Hough ton, drngisti, and get a free trial bottle. Kegular size, 50 cent and (I. F.very bolt.' guaranteed or price n fun lid. 3 "- far talllnga. Fggt for setting from A stc'. II. B. Ked Garnet, per 15, (1.2o. S. C. Biat k Minorrai, per 11, $1.2.). S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, f 1 25, II. F. Zicii.XR. lm-21-w The Dallet. Orenon. Csah la titr Cbaekt. All county warrant registered prior to July 13, 1W, will be paid at my office. Interest cease after April 19, 18MI. C. L. riULLtpa. County Ireatnrer. rtKIAt atl!ITI!S. Vetiirlay 't Pally. Rev. Jarroux, cf GoMendule, I visitor in tli city. Mi. A. I. lie Jai ksoo wa passeinrer on the boat this morning tiuuiid for Portland. Mitt Mate Knrlght came down from Moro yesterday and epent lod.y eilhj Iriemlt here. , Chaa. Hilton it In the city tlay on hit way from hit ranch ntar Fossil to hit home in Portland. j Mrt. lialev, who hat been the guest of i Mist Laura 'Thompson, ill return to: Portland this alternooii. I Mrt. Ualfe Johnson cme np from Astoria Mondav, umt ill visit hersiatrr. Miss Nell Michell, for a low weekt. j Mr. C. N. Thornlmry will leave on ttiit afternoon' train for Portland,1 where the expe. It to iuko her home for tome lime at least. j Mi Annette Michell will leave thlt ! aflernoon for Portland, whereeheexpecte J to take a course in the study of sinog raphy. Friti Gottfried, a brother of Carl, and j who was formerly resident of thlt city, arrived In the city yesterday, and l j visiting relativet here. j Mist liauin Mann, alio hat beeu,' teaching in the tchnul at Pendleton. I spent yitteiday In the city, and will! leave on the afternoon train for her i home in Independence. Mrt. W. O. Hailley went to Hood I River today to spend tome time with her mother Mrt. L. Clarke. Hie wat accompanied by Mrt. F. J. Clarke, who will return this eveuing. E. C. Pentland. of the West Side, published at Independence, spent yes terday in the city with his sister, Mrs. S. L. H rooks, on hit way to Hater City. He it Hill loyal to hit old home, and wat loud In bit praises ol the improve ment in The Dalles. He alto greatly enjiytd meeting hit old friends bete. Tburadajr s Ilallr. J. Jackson is a visitor in the city from Sherart Bridge. Otto Yaitll, of Crott Kevt, arrived in the city yesterday, and called at thit office today. Joseph Straus, of the Koseleaf cigar (tore, left last night for a two-week visit In Bolto Citv. Mr. and Mrt. W. L. S'icholt left this morning on the boat to spend the sum mer months at Hood Kiver. M.G. Hall, superintendent of the Northern Pacific Ex press Co., came up from Portland Tester. lay, returning this morning. Mrt. D. M. French and daughter. Constance, will leave on the alternoon train, on tneir way to visit relativet st Antelope. Misie Mattie Stroud and Josephine pink, who went down on the excursion to Portland Tuesday, returned on the boat latt night. Mrs. James Phelan, who has been the guest of Mr. W. II. Moody for the past two wieks, left last night fur her home at Wallace, Idaho. M. A. Van Gilder, one of Watro't leading citizens, Is down from that place today. He savs that they, too, have been blessed with a rain storm and that hs always notices when we have late spring, cropt are much better f r It. Sherman county people have no kick coming at the weather. Irlday. M. P. Itenberg it a visitor from Hjod River today. Mrt. A. A. Javne was a tastenter fur Hood Kiver thit moriiing. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Brock and child are doan from Wasco todav. 8. Redmond, a prominent sheen burei from Biiliogs, is in the city today. Miss Nan Cooper left on the boat this morning to spend a few month in Hood Kiver. Mr. F. Wood, who hat been the rural of Kev. Poling, returned to Albany jet- leruay. Mrt. C. P. Reich came nn from Pirt. land last night and lelt thit morning for her home in Dufur, Hannah Schwabe. Dora and Bettie morn- Nielsen went to Hood River thit ing to tpend a few weekt. Mitt O. V. Howard, a teacher in Hid Gras Valley academy, left thit morning to tend her vacation at her home In Portland. Mr. and Mrt. Polk Mava and fan..!. will leave on tomzhl't train for Ihnlr home In Joseph, Wallowa county, who e they will remain during the summer. Mr. C. F. Cathcart arrived in th rii. last night from Astoria. Mr. Cathcart having gone into business here they will make their future home in The Dailes. Chat. Green, wool bnverwell known throughout the Northaest, arrived In The Dalles last night. He i accompa nied by Mr. Green, and will remain during the wool season. Miss Klla Cooper will arromnanv tha auilly of I'olk Mavt to Josenh. arh.r. Hie will teach In the family until they return to thit city in the fall. Mrs. A . Jotlyn. nee Gertrude Mever. arrived from New York c.n last evening's rrain, having tpent a dty or two In ortland. She it the en est of Mrt. Storrt. Her friend will be pleased to greet ner alter an atitenc of live year. Congressman Toneue. acmmnanlxl l. hi daughter. Mis Bertha Tonirna. an.'l niece from Illinois, who I their guest. came op from Hillihnro last vnin. and remained over until the night train Eueti oi Mr. ami Mrs. 13. C. Hall the congressman and Mr. Hall having heen collegn chum. Mr. Tongue waa on hi wav Vi Athena toil-ii.-r a Idres at that place thit afternoon. Makltitn At the residence of John V.t Uamlr, by Elder B. F. Bonney, on May 31, ISM, Mr. John Kenworthy and Miss Levin Savage, holn of Wamic, Oregon. boh jr. In thit citv. Jnna I, to Mr. and Mr. Ira Nelson, a ton. In thlt eltv. Mat .list, in v. .-.i Mrt. M. ripeiclnger,'a ton. The Busy Store.'i tiny cur liusinc thov the people are (liuling out wo are rnndiing to the front with better goods, lower prices, laU'speonlo tUO VirjT bctt, Uil last, but not least, buyer bi know their business and fvi the K'OJllc. bujr C. F. Stephens Second Street. aictl'AMrsraq varrarav.svav; UANE BROS.. iiKNa'RAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flart Brother' Wagon. Tniri and Pbane 159 ttkJtTevI priuate Boardi9ou5? Table board ji6 per morjtr; Qor. 4tt ar)d Utjior;. r .CHAS. FRAJ1K. ond Fftfrrnrs ..Exchange.. Ktw.. on draugM lh r.l.l.rata.1 tt.l.I'MHIA HS.KK. artniml !.! Ih. lnr In Th. Mall. at lb. u.ual .rlrw. Cnui. In, try It and I HI A I -o It.. Flueat brands ol w ina, Uiur and l Kaia. Sondtxilehes of all Kinds alwart on band. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Cealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Her. SccoEd & LaniWlD. Tcoce 157 I.'kEi). w.wilj'O's, AlTOK.srY AT I AW, Ollie ova, first Nat Hans. t ncrmiroTnM a t wiiaia If I'HTIMUTOH WITjwi a a ATTORN k yh at Law. Offleeover It' raty to nam a ... ti; hill if 7 tftai rou great wagoa l.a.t. l.u MICA III. Or.. a . - w.w, ihh m u a. tm ---iw.ra. atatabr TAN u at on. CO. BlaDKsmiins ...AND... HOisesnosrs SUMMONS. IN TIIK rorniv Hr ! Oiogmi, d.r lint uiuy f UT In Hie mali-r ol Ida r.1.,. ,. ' I ellaaW. lNiia,d,.MS J ITt,g I To Mil tluislliia P,, u ., Mra. H..I.J tarrla. lt. n :"' '"ni hams. W. II '. u ' I log s't", i,, in the nam.i. lli.ui,, o,,, , uu an. h.tvl,, ,,tr. , l rtHltilr ol Siiro, al lha I r..',. .. 'ft. ! i "". " n ii.. ?i l;"" !M..i..i.. it., mild d.r ..I Jul, W,.""'" I II, I.. .h.,w rant, II anr i ,J . M I old. f id II.. !. r.,, .i";.,' IliaUKOlM'llii. II r. I,,wt,(,.. ol a.dr.U.. -I... w. .,,i. .iT'"'"'.""" Iwll.l.iiu. , III Bi..rlad proinlwhri.,,,. ,'"", ..r II ut.d rv.i. i,.,. ,:"" ! and dl.jrlr.1 1.. .11 , th. ,,', Z I... i ii,-..!...., ,. ,,M, '"7- I l.ll. l.- HId a. ,.M... .1. . ..I lh u..lhM titartt r. t ,," " ,,u' M I and Hi. n.Hta .. II,. ", 1 ; .d tl.. W III...,.!. , tli. rlitlau, w " " " ' . ... V!"1'. I ul. I., bm i..a.. an.-u.Ht i.Tr'."1' band, lit Hi. n..lntr i.r.'M'rlul t.. i. 7 lit Hi. n..lnt.r ir..f ii.. o.d .1 lit. alio,. .,;," t"u7l. IT.a. Ih II. m tt,. H, jMjrf -.mlr ...,r ul II.. a,.,. ,j , ;, J.T . I ' .d W..r.K .Ph ,. w., ,7? altl i.d Itila anui d d.ji ul Juu. a. U iv. Jllll i II ATTfT A U k-AV,CWil SUMMONS. MatlmlilalH at .1 l'hlll,,ln ( h. . uia.t, -ll wra dol . I.rj.,,,. ., n,lw III. Orin Itani. ai.d .1) Iv i Mt i I o., I'lalulin., a. T S Mrt'oy, Ivimdanl. 1 T 1 art ..t, lb. abm. nan.rd drlrudul In lit. bant, ul lb. MaU ..I r4..n ar y m.llSr.1 and nr. .im Un., III lb. ala. tilillr.l p.... it. ,,u ,K br,.ra lkZt d.f td Ih. 11,11. ... i, HO. ...ii,., x,,? hi ..( taploM. lha 1,11 h day ttl J..ti, i, l Ilia., bi th m.ii.laliit .,1 lb. abm nai.,r. plalnllita Bird In II.. .I. .m 7 and II vi l.ll l..apaNir aud aurt iia.aiitw et'inr-lalnl . anl Um-iv.,1, .l.,uua. wi;i uu in J, . a.ln.l . h ...u. ..r s . e V.I 1 1 1 1' rr. I llm.n .u- Anrll I, l'. Vk SHS nlalntlfl. e-aila an.l dl.l,.irM.mrt.u 1 hi. nmnituia I. Mrrtr.l ui-.n ).... ,f imm rail. Ml Ihrn4 tir imlar id . . HlblK. jtidtr. d Ih. ilaitf curt, n.a.1. la aari' .rl la IMInlllt, a- I ..iml, o.. Ih. .(Ih d id Ajitll. .ii. and dnial.BS IM lli!a tinint.Mis t. M-trl U-a )mi l. .bilia. Ili.u u,rv..l. la ih.n one a wr,-k . u r..ii-riill mm tain 1 at Im It. I up.,ai, l . ..I -'' a I, .uk.iia4 arw.l) at (va.rM till, M an t, tma-, aal 1 utillrtli.n l. imntin I., tftr ..i.a .a t.4 n. tJle ttn III. JIU dar ( A tll, lfM M .ihI on lha livlr tlajr td June. I-"., l..,h .bin Inrlti.'t.ljf. PI SI K A WlMllr, l '- II A 11. ...). , ..uuta NOTICE Ft)K rt'iU.ICATloX. t . t. Laxb (.rri. a, al ii n, .i ,i NaT, J. l"f. 1 Nollre la brnrl.r fl.rn Ibal Ih. rl!.lif nalurd arftlrt ha tllt.l notlra .,( hi. Ilttrtib. t it.aka nnal f.ria.f III .tl,.rl ( hl rl.t... I'd that aa!4 lf.-l will la, nia.1. IVf'.r. H hab, l'Ullr hlafr. t-.,ti,t.ia.,inrt I -f lil.ttt'l d al bl ..rina In l-M--tidair, a ata ltiti., on, Jim. IA, 1111. 1 Saais. T.laaa,'r.4laM) ll.4nr.trad Knlrv, Sit. WJ, for Ih. aoutkanl ,iiattrr ol llir Si.rlbwra ,,iiaru-r r. hall al .d It.. t.'lilhWMl .im.rlrr. and II.. ftouowan iiiarl.r td lha ..Hitliaral ..i.rtr, a.-i,.a U. f. an.l lp i Votiti, ,4 Hatitr. I I.. I. Kill, art lla namra th. I..I lowing allnr.a. to pfntf w eottllnuou. rraldrnr. uau and cultltallna sj aald land. Tli t l..rlr. Illabla. J. l.n l',I...T. Hill ll.raaa, T..n. alallaala, all td t olutal.u. r. u , .iiif. Ion. sl.jr II W. a. I t'MIU, KrfUlsr. Notice. Timber Culture. f. II. Ijhd Orrtrs, Thr Iu.i. o rntniUlrtl hatltif hrrn cnN-rre. it IM ot hf tmtm I. Wttpfg tJt.lnkl W rmWf nmmnet W (tulurv Ui rmly Hit 1m a t tlniher mi hit Knlf S : t. rt-irej er tm N r M Ihwtt. K Nrtrtlt'a l. lot.ahl. . 4 WiUiit?tt Uvrt'liaii. Hnv II r.l. In m t oniily, .(it t rw-xin, tiiht ir t itiM crllnlion ol Mhl fiilr) , rx-ittrtiuiil illin( Ih-I Mi'1 M vlrj Mtimm.Mr nvfr l.rej r rmU Mid lr.ri rkpt kit mcir mni ntff M jr tlin sitsf ha any mm tt Mm tlantt4 lrv in etiillitgw.. r tvvtl, anil ) iu smi4 Wy untititiir tjtu( l tiisMilb tt VrUntaty. dttlf fwltti4,m.hct tMltl trtwl In th9 1 nihil tiW n1 dllTfrr Mid rvlln'iui-hmrnt U t a it Mi fJttfjiilhinfil sJulf sll I'. n. nitir of lha lalla, lrrtif, "1 whl tin atiJ rtir thrrfiti btttttts ut-0 Mitt trrt i il htw nim ltr MttJ tim rrfi.rnj". lb tf rl.hurej but light t lutrmt lu -iJ UsH lan.l. 1 ti Mist iMirtlM art hfrrhf tttninnnl I" f nr at Ihla oil lb JM). Amy ut Alrll, I' al o tirlirk a m , l t-ttii1 attJ furnu tratimou a.i'1 allif7ri Uiliir. II tl JA V. U a, Adininislrif ri.f Ju!c of Real Estift Kollre I. r.arr-t.r (I ran lhal ondrr and br TlrW fd an ...drr t.l tb. cruht. etmrl id II.. UIV Or. inn l-rf W ar t ounlr. niada on thr th at rf Janiiarr, !. In Ih. .-alalenl f W. K Km. harl. I will aril, al two. aiiflloi., al lhrr.itirlli.niHid.air In ILilr" 17. .nlilt-oiililtr and alale, on Ihrrtth 1 V "d Vf . I''., at Ih. butir id nn. t. rl.rrt i. nt . In Hi n-T0. tl hl.ld. r. all Ih. lr.oli( I" ad II. r.talr, l.i all -,.i. A. IM . I', s. I-.".. H I.J. K and I , It. Ill.a S -i Tht-Sort Ilallr. 1111112 kr-r.a'l..n A.I. 1111. .11 tosa.d I alica Clljr. IB"" rttnnlr and .lata. . Al. itl.. wral hall td Ihe ...tithra.l .inrl tst Ih. ra.l hall id Ihe ta.ulliwaal r(iiarlrr, arrll.itA In bian.i.lf. I north, ran. 14 ra.l. In essss eoiiurr, iirnc'in. . ,M l.rn.a ol ..l.-oti. hall In eath l llm.ol" and nn hall In al month., art urrd bjr V gaffa thr prrmla fl. lalea Lltr, urrwon, Ap'lU'h, l.sui M. ,iaetT. prt II Admin. t"i"' NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTI.EMKJfT. "ollr. Ii h.rrhy alT.n lhal I hsta M el1 i. t Ink id lit. ounlr I onlt "I "' ' 3 ....... .... a..... . . Ih. i iri.irt my lha atat off IV Um ilM-rarl. ami O Jorn fr.l.r nl th. t ntintv t nnrl alottHNtld, man. I. I.WI. M.iu.l.v. Jn 1. lain, al 111. 0'"" ' (a I lrlorl ,n . baa Sjra.. bird aa Ih. 11". " Ih. I imnttr I ourl In liallxa I 17 "J lor Ihe hrarlnr of nhjrrlltin. In .ala arcounl, and Uie .illrtnrnl oi wld e.taia. Jua I II Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflHallertlffetathfriO1n(lllJ' Natural In at ranuthanlncr and rtOOO tructlnirtlia eihauated digest It wn. ItUthelatcatdlKMTereflillli'"'; ant and tonic. No other prep1'0 can approach It In afflclenr. I ttantly relieve and permanently eoj" r. ai t Adinlnlntralor t'yspppaia, inflijrfstion, uw""? Ffatiilenra, Sour 6tomch, urT SlrkIIeadae,OMtral.lCrmrM ill other reulu of Imperfert 4a"W Prepare- by K. C- DeWiu Ce- Cbl For 11 by Pnlpet-Klnertly Pmf C