THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. JUNE 3. 1899. The Weekly Chronicle. lAI.Mt. . . altaWMIN ' I'uhluhfJ in " part; vh Wtdntttlnyi a.ij'fd.ltit. If Mm HllfUrl KATKH. it ruarao ttirtiD, im advahc On. yaar ti niunl'is Tblt IMOIllll" II Ml 6U Ailri'rlUliil rato rMaonablt, and madg Uowo 'Vu!.iVl' .mmnlrU..ii lo"TH r f 11 HON i U.,' I '" " oretjuu. Tba Hny W ho Iliad. Curl lh llaa" III H !- ! """. lh iril I ! awl I'""!'"' morrow; hk (! chrwa Hi ihruula "I men; Muflic II. "' Ituiii Kalit url (ha ' rii: i iti' n' rill tin' In !! tnHivn ili children'! sir, Li 1,1,1 in tilv lili uuimwiiul An,p. tr II or with laural wn-aih, ih. lrltut' f liuih ui lurura' drain furl Hit t1. r'url Hit n.' 11-wrH total sr 'hiii.-d In lh doom ol riaaih, 'Ii..y .I"! It'' Hi ei.ain of tli oreaut brralh, In an IH Inlol.on all alien atraml, Witb Uo'ii I" I" lh" tla.iof i.uU rltil band - rurl t ll. I.OCAL tlllEtlTlfc. WedlieMlar IXllly. A ono dollar per month Oregon re.l driit telepheti connect )uu with the uu'.ili) mill I. T)i weather we J.rlrct yralerday ; but Ihe rain today mean much to u nil, til l it more than welcom. Th ban ball boy f urnial.eJ no victim for th undertaker, but tha jihyticltnt ar (omewhal belter olf tlian If tha gam had tint occurred. Mashed fiiifrrt, l.rukaii teeth, ale. ara nnuierou around tha two tlore today. Key. I., t i rty having resigned at pastor of tlia Lutheran church in thlt cily, preached hit farewell tarinnn Sun day an. I will leave Tlia lallct thi after noon. Ha expect to villi friend In Ore,!' n City and I'orlland fur a lew day and will leave later to attend tha a nod Io Milwaukee. Having areepted ipn lorat In Ohio, lit will remove to thai tutaln tha (all. Tha Colombia la jut now at a food height, whara It really ought to atand all tha lima. Having rlien .7 ilnce yes terday, It now louche tha 28 0 mark. Th reorl tay that lh rlara will re main nearly itatiooary lor flv dajra. A auiall tarantula wat found in hunch ul hanauat which ajar unpacked hf tha Commlailon company Monday. lf didn't aeain Very lively, but it wa thought beat to inak aur ol him by preserving him In alcjlml. Ir. W. It. las.ll and Ir. M. A. Joiim. cl the I'orlland Ueulal I'arlura, arrived in Tl.e (al!r) yratrrdar and bae nenrl tn nlli.-e in the t' bulldlna, whara II, cr ara rrady to do the wry beat ol drntal wmk. ('ail ai.d tt-e theiu. 1.1,1, St m king, familiar and ecoan trie old rhararter who hailed from Sher man county formerly, but baa been around Tha Pallet (or tout time, rat tituiiurd thli inoriilng and ljndgrd lutane. A lew montha tlnr b nu fianniie I lor tha tain malady and let f. II baa now la court ol contlrur Uun a tuiall tbark on Third ttraet, wlilcli la taid to b regular reodevoua luf Irampi. Tha Itallea City ihould b chrittenad ovtr and called tha "llinuiutr," Every on hit known that ah could mak ilitm all take water, but their turpi Cioni wer conOrmd yeaterday nrd rtarhed hr that ah bail mad Hi trip from her to I'orlland In flv bourt and lliirty-flv minute and car fled .10 tuna ol freight. Xha'a all right and a ra proud ot hr. rih alao carried bout thirty. (iva pataetigera who will tland the riarcltea In i'orlland, th proreed of which ara for th monument fund. Thursday' I'ajly, Wa anderttand that Mr. J. M. Flem ing ha accepted a poaition at book keeper In lh hardware and grocery itor ol VV. A. Johnaton. Hili noon today waa th hour tot for lh marriage of Kdward French and Mi Alice CluiT, at hr home In Lynn, Mat. It wa the intuition of th young Couple totrt Immediately on their j urney to H'elr wrrtorn horn In Th Dalln, wher wmy anon expect to wtlcom them "d ft ml our )P,t m.IP, or their 'utura hnppinea. n acciiiiit ol th unuttial rain ttorm MM-rienccd latt night, tha la, lie wer Wmpellnl to pottpoim the entertain Bimt to haro been given at Mr, llarrle' Until tonight. You will mint much If 1n (ail t attend, fur a tplcndid pro lrni ha h,.,.n prepared. John Kto( Wing, who wa .ljiuhted In- -.,r ye.ier.lay, ha hung hit ttocklngl P "I another locality, evading the eagle "I the mllcer., w horn he did not allow wii't hold o( him yttterday; but h la """""'Kli lo keep away from them. u" h not a yet been captured. Hchenck A ra today domiciled "heir new nnarterton th corner ol o"'nd and Kedoral itrecta, and a neater ' hiillding It wonld he hard to find. Wylhing look at clean a a naw pin, "J m ""'H at can b. W have not f' '"""d who la to occupy th build '"I Vacated by thelu. At,r. U. W. Thompton, John Uanton aiidd. W. McCoy (lh latter ol Wa- plullia ditch lama) cam op from fort land laat night repreaenting th Oregon l and Irrigation, Lumber and Fuel Co , and appeared In court Ihla morning and ohj 'cti'd to thla court proceeding In tha caae oil he Slate vt. their company, con tM.iiiiig that Multnomah county ihould hav juriidlctlon over th tame. Cooler weather, to lh report tayt, will prevail, and no material ria will take plac in th river until th 8.h. There hat been a rite ol .4 at thli plan tinea yetlerday, now ttanding at 2K 8. At Lewlaton It full .1 ; at Werialche .7; at Umatilla .1 ; but at Nortl.poit there wa a rie ul one loot. Klngling Uriither' World' (ireatent bhow a are conducted on atrlctly honor able buainera prinoiplra. Kvery ,io caiithn it uken to protect Kingliiig llrothera' patroua from gambler and harper ol all kind, and a complete corp ol detective I maintaimd during tha i aton to guard the public Irom Impoiitlon, Tin CiiRoNici.a'a illuDtraird edition yeaterday attracted much attention, and the hoyt were much tnrpriacd to tee themaelvet at our artiat and other ectatort law Ihein on the diamond, ihutu who failed to find themaclvei dcp'cttd therein may feel aurred that tha aitiat lelt a little backward about attumpting to them justice in to tuull a (pace. Mr. 8. l. Adam claim that he wa caned by the trachi-re ol the public ecboolt aiiiie week ago, he thought It uo more than fair that he get even with them by tuow balling them. He, there fore, tvated hiintelf comlortahly in a large arm chair on.ltr a big rnowhall tree covered In bloom, holding In one hand a una 111 and In tho other hi new cane, and had hi picture taken to preaent to each ol the tchool inarm. The likvnett waa ierfert, and they are much appreciated by the tcachert. Kveryone wat delighted w hen the rain came down In ttich abundanre laat even ing, and for a lime all Ivlt tura wa were about to have a genuine thunder ttorm, but it t.n panted over. During tha alorm a little child atked where the noita came Irom aad upon being aoiwered from the rky, the taid. "It God running hi bicycle?" Thli I a naw Interpreta tion of the way thunder la produced. I luring the day .40 ol an Inch ol rain fell and .'M In the evening, making a (all ol .00, and from what we can hear the alorm i tended pretty generally Into th country. IrtJifi Kal'.y. Tit board of Or delegate are getting in their work and have called another meeting (or Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Tlil board I not atleep and we may rxpect to hear aoinetbiiig interfiling from them toon. Mitt Cain and Mlat Clara tirlmet ar rived on the late train latt uight from I'orlland, and will remain until to morrow evening, and perhap until Saturday. Thoee who detire to have drettmaklng done can find them at r jo m No. 4, In the Chapman block. Hernia Selllck I in today from the Iloyd dittrict, and la very enthutiaatic in regard to the outlook (or crop. He tart they hav had tplendid rain In that tec t ion, Wedneaday night (urniihing a water tpont near there, which made the treamt miming near experience a rait. All ol twenty-three cowt examined In Chicago recently were lound to be tutfer log with lubercoloeit. There were no outward tigna ol diteaae, ytt at much at ob pint ol germt wat taken Irom th lungtot on. Milk Irom all ol thete cowt it taid to hav been told in Chicago lilt week. The beat corlew ordinance, tayt a re ton-table head ol a full grown family, it the one that It adopted at each firetide where the old man act at mayor and cinncil, maiiha! an J calaboot keeper, and where fine and punishment go to gether, and where a good hickory it mure to be leared than to much lolly pop. Margaret Montgomery olfert, In the June Ladiet' Home Journal, tome ex cellent tuggeetiona lor apendlng a turn mer't vacation. The article ia bated on her own experlencct In patting her "Vacation In a Vacated Farm-houte," and it therefore) practical. She attertt that the day were delightfully tpent, that the party gained In health and real, and that the exiente wat tmiill. There are probably enough vacant houtet in many of the funning dittrict to give a number of ticnl-up families from the ciliea the opportunity for an ei joyabln outing. Mr. Hiirrl is a hottert who never doet anything by half, as wat attested by the manlier in which the entertained her gni'tta latt evening, tho occasion be ing an "Kveclng with German Author and Composer." Tho parlor, which are Jiit tiiited to such an alLiir, were ar ranged very prettily, and the program wa exceptionally fine. Among other good number, tahienn, "The Lorell" wa especially beautiful and wa ar ranged on the lawn, while Mr. M. S. Huntington tang the tong to familiar to all. At the dote o( the program Ice cream and cake were terved and Ihe re mainder of the evening wat tpent In games and other eujoyment. An appropriation (ot contlructlon of a canal around Ihe dalle of the Columbia at Celiloltthc principal big item Oregon will try for at the coming tetilon ol congreat. TMt it the opinion tx-Con-greatman Llllt, who it in the city, acd who It well potted regarding the out look lor Oregon river and harbor legit lation, pending, and to b inaugurated. Th canal, Mr. Kllia tayt, will be about 13 tulle lung . But a there I c intolera ble of an eddy along the court ol the route, much cutting away ol ground may be avoided, thu making two cauala in fact. Telegram. Tue wool market in Th Dalle I not particularly lively at pretent, but 1 hold ing it own. liuyer wie not nutneroui and are not willing to pay more than 12cr 1 -1 for the bt quality. Th few clip that have been told went Irom 9 to l'.'.'u centt. Wheat Jut gme up to 87 In Chicago, However we aro not feeling the effect t at yet. Having the Interest of tint w hole com munity at heart, it become our duty to notice tha effirt being put forth by Ihe Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. to give it telephonic connection with the interior. Their line now building to I'lineville It coiling a tuug fortune and that, ton, w ithout the atturance of a lair return on the investment. Thlt Hue will bring to The Dallet, buiiueit that today i without creation. We are here to encourage every industry that tend to enrich the people ol our town. Let u hope for in early completion of thlt line. It i a gjod thing and we push it along. Marshal Lauerit nothing if not gHllant. At the lame time he it alto vigilant, and Tiik Ciiiionr'I.x reporter just drop! thil hint for Ihe benefit of my ladiet who may pretum'e npon hi reiutation for being a ladiet' man and continue to ride their hicyclea on the ti.lewalk. Had it not been for the pertuaaive power ol one of hi friends, a lady would have found herrelf up before Ihe recorder tbit morning and paying her fine, that it providing Ned could find It in hit heart to fine a lad, which we doubt. I'.ut, ladiet, look out, tomeoue, who wat either wise, or thought themeelvel to, aid thai "men are deceiver ever." Hotel men and even the railroad in eveiy part of Die country are complain ing of lot of boiinem couteuent upon the recall of "traveling men" on ac count ol the formation ol o many Irutt and combinet. It it estimated that at many aa 75,000 drurnmert have been thrown out ol employment by reaton ol Ihete Industrial c jniolidationi, and the lot lallt directly and mainly npon botelt and railroads, and thote depending upon them lor a livelihood. A lost ol fully fVW ,000 a day I being tubtracted from the receipt! ol thete institutions, and the Item it ol lufiicicnt magnitude to be taken into teriont account by thote Con cerned, and their name it legion. Alaannl ltaualon. ' On Monday evening, a happy event took piece at the High tchool building of tliit city. It wat the annual reonion and reception olthe Alumni Association ol The Dalle schools. The room wat tastefully decorated with potted plants and cut flowers, while on the blackboard wat drawn, by Mi Violet Kent, the likenettof Supt. John Gavin, wreathed with laurel, and above the picture wee Inscribed the words "Our I'ride." At nine o'clock, when all had -embled, President Edward D. Baldwin called the meeting to order. The retult ol the election of otficert for the ensuing year wat at follows: I'retident, Mr. George Kncb; vice-president, Mitt Male Klton; second vice-president. Mitt Nonib Kjwe; secretary , Mitt Eliiabeth Bonn ; treatnrer, Daton Taylor. A happy featur ol tb evening wat the permanent enrollment of Trot, and Mrt. Oavln at honorary members ol Ihe association. After the butinett teuton came the program which had been pre pared at follows: Addrett of Welcome Harriet Marden Ketponte Clyde W. kid.lell Vccal cola Bertha Hill F.taav Ena Cren Vocal Solo Elixabeth Bonn Kitay Ivan Oakea Vocal Solo Harriet Cram America Full Chorut All pretent then repaired to th table w here dainty refreshment! were terved. Prol. Gavin pretiding at toattmaster, added greatly to the mirth ol the even ing. The flrit formal toast "Our New Clats" by Daton Taylor, and Ihe re tponte by Nettie Fredden of the clast o( 'tt'J were well received. "rrogrese of the Alumni" by Mits Beulah wat an able addrett, and well represented the general Interest of the alumni. Dr. O. D. Doane, the only member of the tchool board who was able to be present, was then called upon for an ex teiiHorftneons toast. His encouraging advicoand good instruction certainly penetrated the hearts o( all present and hit words will not toon be foruotten. Twelve or more informal toasts followed, Interspersed with much merriment and Iringhter. Very interesting letter were then read from Waller Dickey, of Hood Kiver, Herman Heppner, ol Portland, Homer Angell and Charles CampU'll, ol the University ol Oregnn. At 12 o'clock the old friendship tong "Auld Lang Syue" wat tnng and thu ended tliit pleasant evening ever dear to the memory of it participant. Judging from the large attendance and the lact that each clast wat repre sented at thil meeting, it It certain that Inter -it it awakened in the practice ol reuniting encli yfr with Iriendt and clasamate to join iu happinett and pay tribute to the abeen cuit. MEMORIAL DAY. A tUaulirnl Day For Baaatlful Bar t lea- Haw It Waa llliitrnd. It would teem that even the elemen t( j lined in commemorating Memorial Day, and after yelling her lac and dropping a few lean npou the gray of our dead heroei, Ihe heavent wer lit up acd th tun in all it glory went befor aa a pilar of lire escorting the proceuion to the cemetery. In the morning tb cemetery wit crowded with tboso who remembered Ihe loved and lost by ttrewing their gravet with beau'iful flowert, and at they left the city of the dead it bloomed a garden of tweetett blotaomt. At 1 :30 o'click the Commercial Club band playeJ a number of aelectiont at the proceivion formed on the corner ol Second and Washington, at lollowt, with Capt. Bartell at officer of the day : Led by the band, the militia followed' then the G. A. K. and Son of Veterans ; the W. K. C. aud bringing np the rear were a large number of citixent In car riaget. Keaching the G. A. R. cemetery a male quartet tang a very pretty and ap propriate selection which tb occation cauted to be th tweeter and more tol einn. Hen. Vice Commander Aiken then read-the ritualistic tervice, which it beautiful and impressive, and at ill close the G. A. II, aud Sunt of Veterans deposited Sowers at the foot of the mon ument in memory ol Ihe fallen heroei of their various regiment. It ia always a very solemn service when the gray haired veteran!, w hose rankt are rapidly thinning, perform thil eervice io honor of their lout comrades. A thrill pasted through every breatt ai Private Bentz, a volunteer ol the late war, limped to the monument and dropped the token of love in memory ol thote to dear to many hearts, who have fallen t.s mem ber! of the Second Oregon Volunteer!, and coming nearer to our own heart tonei, Capt. Bartell rerueubi-r.d thote who were member of Coi'pany L and from The Dallet Wlllia n Fields and Henry O'Flaherty. Tean itood In many eyet at tb mi litia boys tiled round and deposited the beauti.ul flowert in honor of tte fallen dead of Company L. M jet every num ber in tb rankt ol Company D. ha en listed tioce oar brave boyi marched forth to real battle, and while thought ol our absent heroei filled the breatt, at the same time a feeling ol eatitfaction and trust at to our future prevadad all as they beheld the noble facet of those who are preparing to march forth to the firtt call that may be given. They ar a brave lot and made a splendid show ing. . Keturning to the city, the G. A. R., and militia marched to Fraternity hall, where the W. R. C. terved a line lunch to the old and young boys in blue, who, never missing the hard tack, thor ough' eujoyed Ihe spread. At 7:30 o'clock the G. A. R. and W. K. C. met at their hall and etcorted by the militia, nr arched to tb Methoiiet church, w here, after two beautiful selec tions by a quartet composed of Meisr. Landert, Norihup, Doaue and Lundell, a tcripture lesion by Rev. Rushing and prayer by Key. Wood, Rev. Poling de livered an address which want eloquent and able an effort at a Dallet audience baa listened to for tome time. He opened bi remark! by laying that hii lory ii on continued argument in lavor of the doctrine ol the equality ot man kind, and war, although a harsh teacher ol thil important doctrine, mutt be heeded ; we canuot tarn away. Review ing lb biatory of the wart from early day to th pretent war, the epeaker proved that all bad for their Incentive thil on end. Th Almighty desire that each nation mak the moat of itaelf by an uoselfltb policy, aud America' motto should be "America for tte world." HumauitarlanUin ihould be oar watch word. In. closing he laid American hearti ask not why we keep Memorial day, but do to with hearti full ol love and are glad of an opportunity to do to. "We feel tonight that the great heart of tb nation beat in gratitude to the Grand Army ol th Republic. At you near th muttering out time may your last hour be lull ol hope. And may God bless our boyi now on the field ol battle and restore them to ui toon." All joined in tinging America at the close ol the add rets, and Memorial day ended with its ttraint ringing in the eari ol the congregation. Oda VIw of Ihe Sltnntlon Thk Ciikomci.k tins never to tar been guilty ol taking a pessimistic view ol matter in general, but, variety being the "spice ol Ue," we may be excused il ! we deviate lor once at least, and look at I the river question on the dark tide, thus j giving ourselves tufiicient reason for be- j ing thankful that the weather still re-1 maim cool and hoping that it may to, continue. While quite a number ol experienced! river men predict that there will be no unusual high water this year, there ia a probability, or we may say possibility, ol th river reaching the 't4 mark. We have, io far, had no summer weather. The moon changea lor warmer weather next Thursday. On Tuesday the river at The Dalle will be 31 leet. Suppose w should get fifteen day hot weather (and thi Is not at all improbable) with the amount ol snow in the moautalm It soonEi 24 In this ratio we will SCOTCH for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 5c Lawns at 4c. This is one of the most attractive li ncs ever fdinvrn tha nntitio .Tnat iI.a neniiAr i,in rv. hirt waists and dresses for those warm ui. lumi ami ice vuese gooud as displayed m our f.asl W indow, and be convinced they are Just as represented. LADIES' BLACK HOSE. One of the best values ever offered. Fine quality, fast black, full fashioned, Uijh, spliced heel and toe, double sole, elastic top. Actual value per box of three pair, 1.00. Special price on this lot per box of three pair, 89c. CHILDREN'S DRESSES. Wash Dresses from 1 to 4 years, rullle and lace trimmed, 35c. White Dresses from 1 to 14 years, embroidered and lace trimmed. ranging in prices from 35c to $5.00. LADIES' WASH WAISTS. It will interest you to see our grand assortment of Lidies' Wash Waists, all colors, all styles, all materials, at from 50c to $3.50. Ladies' Silk and Satin Waists. Just received a shipment of high-grade Black Taffeta Silk and Black Satin Waists at correct prices. Our Special Sale of Boys' Clothing- During the past week has been appreciated. We know this from the great number of sales made. For the benefit of those who were unable to call last week it Will be continued during this entire week. REMF.MBFR, we give a genuine watch, not a toy, with each suit of boys' clothes from (2.50 up. Do Not Overlook Our Grocery Department. We are constantly receiving new and tempting goods, and you'll find it well worth your while to drop in and see them. We'll call your atten tion to these today : COFFEE that will suit you. GRArK NUT BUTTER, the new health food. PITTED RIPE OLIVES; let us send you a bottle. ' VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP, new crop. Try it on hot cakes. BEECH NUT SLICED BACON, packed in vacuum giass jir3. ROYAL BENGAL CEYLON TEA, in one-half and one pound lead packages. Delicate flavor; you're suie to like it. PEASE All Goods Marked would be an easy thing to get a raise ol l't per day, or a 22 ' foot rite above Tuesday' mark, making 5Slt feet at The Dalle, pretty cloee to the '94 mark. Should the weather continue cool, ol court there will not be much danger of the river reaching the above figure; bat in the meantime let n cease "kick In i" at the weather, the weather prophet, etc., when we realise that thil i perbapi our only salvation from a flood. LIVELY FIRE DRILL. Five Streams Plaj oo M'aaco Warehonaa -Treasure . That Dallet people are Interested in their fir department (and tbey have every reason to be) waa proven Thursday evening by the number who witnessed the test dri'.l at the warehouse. One might have thought Dewey had reached the city lore enough, (and it certainly was dewey for a time) judging from tbe procession which followed the depart ment np Second street. "The "procesh" was headed by onr new band, which furnished marching music for the following companies: Mt. Hood, Jackson, Kst End, Colom bia, South Side aud Hook and Ladder. While each company pitde a good show ing, we must mention the new S.nth Side No. 3. which turned out in lull tc", only three members being absent, one being ill and two in Portland. If aptiearance stands for anything tl.e east hill it tafe in cate of fire. Marching at once to the Wt'C) ware house, the "boy" went to work in earnest, inspired by the strains of ti e band, and soon five streams ol wat.r were playing on tho building at lively as if the w hole thing wat iu a blaze. The drill was for the pnrpose ot testing the pressure ilnce the new plugs and li tre preseure has been pot In. The engine was stationed at Skibbee' corner, and with 2500 leet ol hose in use and five streams two hose attached atthe corner ol Third and Taylor, two at Second and Taylor, and one at Second and Monroe it was determined that eighty-four pcandi pressur could be obtained. This il a to 12 quote you prices on LAWNS. days that we hare been warning you & MAYS. in Plain Figures. large per cent over what we could depend on before the new tyttem wa pat in, end Est Ender teel a great deal aaler than formerly. The test being made, they proceeded to the engine, where occurred a teet ia which the steamer wa tried against the pressure obtained Irom tbe plug. Thi time Engineer Brown wat outdone and the ping came out ahead. The East End hat always seemed to be the place to be dreaded on account o' fire, as has a'.to that distr'ct oa Second street between Court and Union. Wa anderttand that in case of a fire in the latter section eight stream at least, and probably eleven, could be turned on at once, so that that section it not to be dreaded as a fire trap so much as it ha alway been. The board of delegates are much en couraged over the outlook for a new alarm system, chemxal engine, etc., and we expect to hear encouraging new from them toon. Let us assist them in every manner possible, for their efforts are only for our benefit, their service being given gratis. We owe much to our fire department ; let us keep this ever in mind. The Moriara Heauty. Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glow with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If hr tyttem needs the cleaning rcti in of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle aud pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California i'ig Syrup Co. only. If yen suffer from tenderness or fuU ness on the right tide, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, lillout ness, t-lek-headaclie, rn 1 feel dull, heavy and t'eepy your liver is torpid and con gested. DeWitt'l Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, p'easantlr and permanently by removing the congestion acd causing tb bile ducts to open and flow naturally. Tint abb good pills. Snipec-Kinemlv Drug Co. Ham oay whiskey for fami'y and peclal use, (old by Cen Wi'lon, Tbe Djlle. it