IHE DAiXES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 31 1693. II? iticf An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, t-Trr op 1 1-;. manafaetured by the CuroitsiA Fie tTBcr Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining? the liquid laxa tive principle of plants known to be medicinal ir laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It U the one perfect strengthening la ra ti re eleao&in the svstem effectually, dispelling1 colds, headaches and fevers grentlr Tet prompt It and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from CTery objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, brer and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal la i ati re in the process of manufacturing- ftps are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the f AiaroRxia Fie Sybcp Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial effect and to amid imitations, please remember t lie full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAJI FBajICUCO. CAI uwuyuxa btt. xrw tokk. w. t. . For sale by all Druggists. Price 3oc. per bottia rCRlOXIL MHII05. Bamrdav's Daily I. C. Richards came over from Golden dale yeetetday. Miee Grace Cock left tliij morning to Tiait ber titter in Hood River. S. W. Childers came down from CoJ umbo I on yesterday afternoon's train. J. E. Barneit, who has tpent a week in the city retorned to bia borne in Portland today. Miss Cad Booth came np from Port land yesterday and will remain in The Dalies for a lea- days. Mis Annie Weoti, who arrived in the city lan night, from Portland, it a foetl of Mitt Lena Thompson. Mrs. F.J. Riley arrived from Port land on lact evening'! train and it visit icg ter friend, M its Laura Thorn peon. Mrs. Russell Pewall, or Portland, it visiting relative in the city and it a guest of ber titter, Mrt. 11. W. French. Mist Ella Tibbete retorned to Port land yesterday, after spending tome time with her eou.ins, the Misses Glenn. Mrt. Ida Crawford, the trained none, who bat been very ill for several weeks patt, left last night for La Grande, hop ing the change will benefit ber. Deputy United States Marshal Roberta wat in the city last night from Portland, lie assisted Xifthtwatcbrnan Puirman in arresting an bilarioot Indian. Misa Beolah Sterling, who it attend ing the Basinets College in Portland, came op from tbst place yesterday to attend the commencement exercise to night. Mrs. Theo. Liebe, Mitt Emily Liebe, Mi?t Berths Burckhardt and Geo. Liebe, Jr., came op from Portland last night to attend the graduating exercises this evening. They are gaeatt of Judge and Mrt. Liebe. Mrt. Gertrude Sylvester returned from Portland Saturday evening. Mis Alien Roberts arrived from Port land on the boat Saturday night. Robt. Mays, Jr., came in from Ante lop Saturday and remained over today. Mr. and Mrt. Peatlman and family were passengers for the metropolit this morning. Atty. Edwin Mayt arrived In the city from Portland Saturday to attend tbe funeral of bit niece, Ret Msyt. Mist Alma Fchanno, who bat been i-iMng in Walla Walla for the patt few week, returned borne Saturday. Mr. and Mrt. C. McPherton and family left this morning for Crook county to tpend thetuniroeron tbeir ranch. Hon. and Mrt. F. P. Mayt and family came up from Portland Saturday, and will remain over until tomorrow after noon. Dr. C. Gertrude French came np from Portland Saturday evening and will re main in tbe city until tomorrow after noon. Mr. J. H. Gonld and family arrived in The Dallet yesterday from Wisconsin Intending to make their borne in The Dillet. Mist Evelyn Newman came up from Portland Saturday to tpend decoration day. She it the guest of Mrt. II. W. French. Mrt. M. B. March ie, who bat tpent tbort time with her parnta in thit city, left Satnrdav evening for ber home in Lewtiton. William Ellery, prominent wool la rer from Boston, arrived In the city yesterday to look over tbe wool market in The Dallea. Mr. and Mrt. J. P. Lurat will leave on the) afternoon train for Portland. Thev re on their way to visit Mr. Lurat' mother in Monmouth. Mr. and Mrt. E. M. Ilarritnan came in from Endereby and tpent the day in The Dalles, calling at Tui Chrosicli offie thit afternoon. Mrt. G.C. Blakeley returned yesterday from I.a Grande, wh' trior ah accom panied Mrt. Id Crawford, whom the re ports at having ttood th trip remarkably well. BORN. In this eliy, May S7, to Mr. and Mrt. Frauk iJcKtllar, daughter. i PORTLAND IE A IV The largest and best equipped Dental Parlors in th9 Northwest. ia Era-- OUR SPECIALTY IS The best work at Least possible prices. We positively guarantee satisfaction. Call and allow nt to examine your work. We have the latett improved methods for painless operations. Best Crown and Bridge work 22k. gold), per tooth $4 50 Set teeth, folly guaranteed (rubber) $5.00 Beet Gold Filling $1.00 up Best allov Filling. . . . 50c np Teeth Extracted without pain. DR. W. B. CASSIL, Operative Manager. How About Your Title? ARE YOU SURE it it all right? Remember it U the V RECORD that governa. It it our business to I search the records and show what they contain in relation to land titlet. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real estate teenrity, take no nisn't word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract it at essential at a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop erty to inture, give ut a call. We are agentt for fonr of the best fire insurance companies in tbe world. If you have property for tale, list it with ut and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington & Co. 'Prion 81. 2d ,41 C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Qreate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHI8KEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. IMPORTED OOGNAO from $7.00 to $12.00 A IIIOtHA IBiMjIB "m I8.a to ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEEB on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. IVasco IVarehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ol f 11 kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SLVkd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr Thi' tloor manufactured expressly for family use: every tack it guaranteed to give tatitfaction. W tell our goodt lower than any bona in tb trade, and if you don't think to call tnd get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, P Wi!l be opened and ready for business in theCbspman block, Second Street. Tuesday, May 30, ..50c fT.itMr. J no DR. MARTIN A. JONES, Business Manager. St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co. (Tto 15 year old.) per gallon. (U to 20 years old.? f6 10"rer gallon. Istollyeart old. Blati and Olympia Beer in bottlet ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car tT. 1'UL MISEAroLI UILITH S-AkGU GRAND FOR CROOKSTO! W1SSIPEO HELENA an stCTTB TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA ' PEW TOKK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and BOITH for Information, nme cards, maps and ticket eal oo or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon oa A. D. A ELTON. Asst. G. P. A., 2 rrlson Cor. Thinl. Portland Oram Tie Dales. Portal ail Astoria Navigation Co. sirs. KepIatoriS Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland, Touching at way poinU on both tides of the Columbia river. Both ol the above steamers have been rebnllt. tnd are In excellent shape lor the season ol Ikw. The Keealator Line will endeavor to five Its patrons me neat service possinie. For Comfort. Eflniorar and Pleasoro. usvei dj mi aieamera 01 id Kea;alator i.lna. ' The above steamers leave The Dallea at n a. ml and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at destina tion in ample time lor outgoing trains. Portland Office. The Dalles Office Oak bt. Dock. Court Street W. C. Allaway, General Agent. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TBK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and ars dne to arrive at Portlai. OVERLAND EX-1 preat, fealem. Rose- 1 D' 00 P.M. Franciaeo, A. M. Los Angeles, hi Paso, New Orleans and I Eaat 1 I t :20 A. 11. Roaebnrg and way sta tions fVIa Woodbura fori I Mt Angel, 81lvurton, West 8clo, Browns- vllle.riprlngaeld and I Natron J 4:40 P. M Dally except Sundaft. Dally except Sundays 17:30 A. M. ,'orTns ana wayi S CO P. It F.MUULI ) INDEPKNDEVCE PASSENGER. Express train Dally (except Sunday). 1:50 p. m. (Lv Portland ...Ar.j 8 2Sa. m 7:) p.m. ?Ai McMlnnvllle.l.r.5 t;Ma,m t:30p. m. tAr..Indeieiidence..Lv.) 4:n0a.m. Dally. IDany, except Sunanj. DINING CARS ON OODKN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET BLFEFER8 AND HECOND-CLA88 8LEEPIXG CARk Attached to all Through Trains. - - - ' " " -! r iiminii Willi unci dental and Oriental and Pacific mall steamabis a iiw a. calling aaiea on a plication. Kate and tickets to Eastern points tnd En Af'o'TRAAUAAPAN tU1NA' HONOLULU ant All above trains arrive at and depart Iroir Grand Central station. Filth and Irving strata YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, loot ol Jeflerson street. Leave lor Sheridan, week days, at 4:90 p. m Arrive at Portland, : a. m. 'or A I RUE on Monday, Wednesday and - -j hi. inr i roruanu, l Qas- dav, Thursday and Saturday it I 06 p.m. except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R KcEM.EE, , H. MARKHAM, ilanaaer. Aast. O. F. A pan. Art Thmtivh Tlpbt ham i Tkii . ... . through tickets to all points In the F. asters --' can am ODtaiued al lowest ratea from or N. WHE,aM."LAHD T'Ckrt (9 1 ONE FOR A DOSE. - Rraora PlmnlM. vs..a PILLS JH.ada-hsan.llrarpaia. irca r.,nt mm Wl Santa F 6 Route rT.. tr.rt.lora choice of the folio inn routes east. They are all famous lor their scenic attraction. O. K. 4 N. tiew 0den and Denver. Shasta Route view SaciameLto.Ogden and Denver. Sbatta Konte view Sacramento, Lot Angeles and Alberqnerque. A dailv line of through PULLMAN P4LACE nd TOURIST SLEEPER, from San Francisco and Lot Angelet to Chicago. Thit it The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the 0. R. & N. Co. or the undersigned, for foldert and descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester. B'dg. Portland, Or. HOETHWESTEEH TRA7ELEES AEE North-Western" Advertisers !s the Shortest end Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; And also, the equipment ol its trains is the moat nodern ol the car builder s art embodying all be luxuries, comlorts and necessaries ol travel. "THE HEW KORTH-WESIERH LIMITED" (loth Century Train) Is l8ctric lighted both inside and out, anf equipped with handsoins buffet smoking librarj car. compartment and standard sleepers. Ire chair cr and modern day coach; and on which no EXTRA FA UK is charged. It makes connec tions at M inneapolis and bt. Paul with Northerc Pacific. Great Northern, and "Boo-Paciflc" trains; and learea daily Minneapolis 7 30p. m. St. Paul Slip ro. ; and arrives Chicago 0.80 a. m. For berth reservations, ratca, lolders and illustrated booklet I HKE of the "Finest Train in tbe World " call at or address Ticket Offices 218 Washington St.. Portland; SOS First Avenue. Seattle; 205 Granite Block. Helena: 113 Nicollet Aventae. Minneapolis; 3US Robert St.. St. Paul; 404 West Superior St.. Duluth. 3r address T. w. Teasdalbi. General Passenger Agent. St. Paul Miun BROS GENERAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffcrm Phone 159 THE JERSEY DAIRY. After June 1st. 1809. the followino pricet fur milk will prevail: 1 pint day. per month $1 50 1 quart a day, per month 2 25 3 pint day, per month 3 25 2 quarts day, per month .... 4 00 3 qnarta a day, per month 6 00 1 gallon 25c a daT. two Gallons nr nuin day 20c per gallon. I alto keep thoroughbred Jersey ball for service on the Lee place, eatt of the fair ground. Telephone (13. B. T. COLLINS. Proprietor. ..ciiiis. mu.. Buteheps and Farmers ..Exchange.'. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA HKEK, ncknowl. edged the best beer in The Dallea, at the usual price. Come In, try Hand be convinced. AIo the Finest brands ol Wines, Lliuor and Cigars. Sandtuiehes tf .11 v i . 1 wa S14S aaVlllUsl MlWslJI On Dana. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. for. Second & LanzUin. Tioue Ul Yon need have no boils' If yon will fake Clarke A Falk't tare cure for bollt. HOISBSllOBIS $i6permo9tr; Administrator's NoticA Kotlce In herb,- tlven that the aniwJ I late of Uaaeo ounly. Urtg.n. nw I h nll bia Anal aocuuni aud '""L auiiiiiiistrMbir. lia the clerk ol tfc. I enurt lor w eo County. Oregon, .nd '.f'S'"' , d-T the rd day ol July, lwa?.t i "'J ol nid dr. at the eountjr court ww i ! roiiuir court huui In Uallea utt Wa2?,. I lir.ffim hint v .."(T(t Ju'lhTf ol Waaro ountr, Onon, aa t'ti',i"0Ut' lor heariuf taid final report ""a All eraoim iulrreaird in aaid nttlt . by liCtitottl to apiwataald tin. Lf": ahow eauae, 11 any there be, why aaidLM ahould not in all thinira be mpnurttS .JZP order be madeilaoh.rKiN aaidadiaiuiltn., Ua ed tbia Uthday ol lla.Vj Ik. uu. Administrator ol the estate' ol' li2 aNL deceased. A-'nh, NOTICE. School District No. 50. ol Wasco eonntv n gon, will i.aue six eoupon bonds ol th'." value ol Ave hundred dollars ernh kll f" interest at the rate ol six per cent per .V"" interest parable seml-nuuall ; ,aid bf.nrt. S? Ing redeemable at the pUa.ure ol aaid 3S5 aftei ten years Irom Iheir date, butduni !!l" able absolutely twenty years Ircim date. J?'" cipal and Interest payable at the oitice J i,t treaaurerol aoo countv, Oregou, or at place as may be designated at the opUon oii purchaser. r " w toe The Uwid ol directors ol ssld district sra i. lully authoriaed tolsue said bonds l:fiZi ai ce with tbe provision ol an act ol the tive assembly ol the state ol Oregon, filedin n otticeol the secretary ol state, of OrreorrL, ary 22, 1H98, and providing among other' VhKl lor ttie issuance ol bonds by school districts In compliance with the terms ol said set t u treasurer ol said county, will receive wiJ bids lor said bonds at my office In Dalles fit? aforesaid, until 2 o'clock n. m n n, , dios lor saia Donas si my office In Dalles fit. aXoresaid, until 2 o'clock p. m. on the lot hi.. ol June Kt. All bids must be accomnanled H acerliljed cbeik ol tive percent ol the am?. ol hunila lor whioh hid I. m.H v V.TJ . ooll than ir will be considered. Blanks to tJ i T nished by the purcharer. The right to rei any and all bids la reserved. m 1 be Dalles, Oregjn, May 15, 1899 C. L. PniLUPS, Treanurer. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at The Dallks, orxook i April 4, lbW. I Notice Is hereby given that the lollowlos named settler baa tllel notice ol his intention to make final prool in support ol his elsim, and that said prool will be made befo e the register and receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on iloudsr. May 15, WW, viz: ' Isaac C. Matney, or The Dalles; ITomestead Application No. &u-8, lor the NEU, N!4 eectlon, 12, and eKJSE'?. Secttou 1, Tp. 1 8, R 11 eastW M. ,4 11a names the following witnesses to pro Discontinuous residence upon and culllvsUon ol said land, viz: A. 8. Fox, DurT Hnrtman, Peter Fagan and Daniel Kelsay, all ol Ibe Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, Pf-H Register. Ezecutor's Notice. Notice Is hereby riven that the undenlfnej has been appointed executor ol the last all! and tentum-nt ol Horace Knight. deceaMo. All persons having claims against the tstateol id deceased, are hereby l ot i tied to present them with the proper vouchers to me at my ollice In Dalles City, Oregon, within six months Irom the date ol this notice. Dated April 22, lttu9. B. 8. HUNTINGTON, Executor of the will ol Horace Knight, decesned. apltt-i Tne GoiumDla Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOrACTDHKKa OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. A good drug sign.. Yon well know that good drogii it the patronaHe which it betowo" the ttore. It It tbe purity of the gpoc' handled and the manner of doinj bull nM thtt niaket and keept thit bni!n We are pleated with the result of onr -fortt to eunnly the best draft at w bett price. We are particular about compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES ' W Qor. 4tb and Union. S Cask la CBMsfc All county warranyi rcgiatered p" to July J3, 1895, will be paid ' office. Interest ceaset after Apr" ' 189?). C. L. ruat-iP. County Treat""''