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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1899)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 31. 1899 asms mm WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS 1000 People . 500 Horses 300 Performers 5 Big Arenas j J Aerial Enclave J4 Mile Race Track. 1 IAE3TIC, MP0SIIQ, DEAL, PATRIOTIC SPECTACLE, LAST DAYSthe CEIITURY OR, THE LIGHT OF LIBERTY! OVEN 10OO PCOPLC AND HUNDRED OP HORSES IN THE CAST. THE INVINCIBLE MONARCH OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD. 65 Railroad Cars J j 25 Elephants g j J 100 Dens and Cages j 12 Acres of Tents j $3,700,000 Invested j $7,400 Daily Expenses. THE ONLY EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD PRESENTING John O'Brien's Famous Equine Show, the ... 61 FINE-BHED 61-HORSE ACT. HORSES IX ONE RING. AT ONE TIME. PERFORMED BY ONE MAN. LOCKIIART'S S"A ELEPHANT COMEDIANS. ACTUAL PHOTOBBAFHIC VIEW I C-v " I nvrn eree Mannr-rmia 1 or thk THI-II.OOU. (rL-wJ 0VEB I-8C0RE piBourmno, sensational finalc or WUT M8TURIII8, PYrlAMID-MAKINQ, j 80R6E0M EQUINE. HERR SOUDER'S WONDERFUL FUNNY ELEPHANT BRASS BAND. BIG IJSUPMIMS'O SEGTIOnS EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK. ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. CHILDREN, UNDER IS YEARS OLD, HALF PRICE. special rvpiTDCinxTO on Dun Dnnno LAUUAOllMO ALL AHILIYUHUO. CHEAP TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY, AT 8 AND 8 P. Al. . . . DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER. THE ACKNOWLEDGED GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. -WILL EXHIBIT AT- THE DALLES, Saturday, June 10. W Reserved numbeiel seats nd admission tickoti for tale on show day, without any advauce iu price, at the Snipes- Mcersiy Uiug uo.'s store. The Weekly Ghroniele. TBI DALLES. - OKKGON OFFICIAL PA FEB OF WASCO COUNT. Puliluhed in two parti, on Wtdnetdayt MM Saturday). m SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T HAIL, FOSTAOS rilfAID, IU ADTAHC1. Tt fl M J month. 75 Hrt. month. .......I........ 60 Adrnii.inK rates reasonable, and mad known application. K-L. Th. ballea, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday's Daily. Have yon seen the Dewey torpedoes? II not, call at Jacobsen's store and get s There more fun than s box of monkeys. The body of Reta Maya will be brought this city on the evening train, and jh funeral will take place from the Isoilly residence, next door to Robert residence, at 4 o'clock tomorrow Mernoon, Rev. Poling cjnductlng the Wvice, It appears that people who want to married nowadays, most get op in the morning, as at about 8:30 mi morning the county cletk Issued tollnes, one to R. M. I.lmateer niMrs. F. A. Douglass, and the other to'. K. Kenworthy Knd Lavlna Savage. Both couples were from Wapinttla. noble Red man who must have B(n drinking rock and rye from' the Vf a a- L. ' ' WR handling the rocks and PUing every other Indian who came "IF. KB,l t.w 'LI,l..ll.. Jn Phlrman last niglit and he was "8i in the city cradle all night and a Portion of today; pntting up 2 for his this morning. Tha Astoria bowling team remained in the city today, and this after- elnh 7' ll" vic,ors of laBl nlhl 00 t,,e . ' llpy. the result of which we could determine. Tonight they will bowl v , m imposed of Messrs. Delluff, n,Kurtnd Stadelmen. Ladies iusTm b ,d'nlltd'' evening, pre U.u , b"ran8 tonlghfa team Is more ""MbI than was that of last night. The Starbnck Signal says : "SUrbuck th" ""a" lu,,ilant over ,h8 rePrt lh,t tun ' . A N" "Tenter shops, now 'rbuck ' l it s.been some time since Dalles people have heard the re moval of the ahops mentioned ; for s time we heard nothing else. This, bow ever, must be just a "report." lor we believe if they were to be again moved, it would be no' further np the road than The Dalles, C. E. Whitney, whose two brothers were drowned Wednesday morning in the Snake river while rafting bridge timber for the Snake River Valley Rail road, passed through the city this morn ing on his way to his home in St. Helens. He is returning from Starbock, where he has been attempting to recover the bodies. In another column will be found a reward offered for their recov ery, together with s description by which they may be identified. It is s satisfaction to feel that more we are to have a good band in The Dalles. No city or town, large or small", ahould be without s band. Somehow it "livens np things a bit." The Com mercial Club band has started oat in earnest, and will furnish ns all the music we need; but we understand has de cided not to accept any engagements for Sunday excuralons which may visit our city, many of its members objecting to such, which In our estimation speaks well for the moral "tone" of our band. Prof. Tollman, the well known mag netic healer, has been recognized by the public of The Dalles as a thorough man in hypnotism, ventriloquism and science. Prof. Pollmnn gave an exhibition at the Baldwin opera bouse May 18th, which a crand success and showed the rare ability of his marvelous work.: Therefore, the Prof, is requested by the . citizens of the Dalles to give another entertainment before parting with his j acquaintances and friends here. William Fields, of the army hospital c.rpa, whose remains have just arrived in Kan Francisco, died at Manila, Sept ember 3, of typhoid fever, having woi ked unceasingly among tho patients. His mother livei near Vancouver, Wash., and he enlisted at Camp McKlnloy, in company L, Second Oregon volunteers. The Associated Press dispatch from Pan Francisco says that his remains will be sent to Centaur, Mo., but that is pro ably a mistake and they will be brought to Portland. Oregonian. The breaking waves dashed high as the grntU zephyrs fanned the bosom of the Columbia this afternoon, and she bids fair to reach the required mark by tomorrow-28 fict. This afternoon she stood at 20.2, having risen about a foot today. This morning at Lewiston the high water mark was 14.2; at Wenatchee 22 6; at North port, 10; Umatilla 10.2 The Snake will cease rising tomorrow, and the Columbia rise less rapidly. The li-efrom Pasco westward will decrease Monday. So sayeth Pague. There Is much agitation in our city at present regarding the organization of s humane society, many recent occur rences having shown the necessity for such a society being started at once. It wonld hardly teem possible that in place of such refinement and with , such people as claim residence here that such s state of affairs should exist ; but never theless we must plead guilty to the charge of allowing instances of cruelty to go unpunished which In many places wonld call down the wrath of the entire populace. Monday's Daily. Ed Warren, who was arrested last fall charged with causing the fire which de stroyed Canyon City, is a tree man. The grand jury refused to indict him. Prices for sheep here this spring seem to rule about as follows : Two-year-old wethers, 2 SO; yearling wethers, 1.80; yearling ewes, 2. Crook Co. Journal. A purse containing a smal 1 sum of money and receipts was lost at the opera house Friday. Will the finder please return to Mrs. C. Richmond and receive reward. J. D. Hurst, who died Saturday at Aurora, has been a resident of Oregon since '02, hen, after crossing the plains in that year, he stttled in The Dalles. He was a1a married here in that year. He served for a time as government miller at Warm Springs reservation. Despite Pagues 28-mark prediction, the river here stood persistently at the 27 notch all day yefterday and today, with a fall of .5 at Lewiston ; a rise of 2.2 at Wenatchee ; rise of 2 feet at North port, and of .0 at Umatilla. It is slight ly warmer on the uoper Columbia, which will continue to rise, while the Snake and the rivers west from Pasco will remain almost stationary. Often ure we led to atk, "Are Dalles people unappreciative; do they lack en thusiasm, or what is the occasion for such coldness as is displayed at nearly every entertainment given in the city?", when but one or two In the audience are heard to givo applause, no matter how deserving the performance. Saturday night at the graduating exercises of the high school thoughts were expressed where applause would have seemed to 1. . ... i i ooi oi piece ana leseeo their effect; s lively one. Bat Hood River came oat out patriotic sentiments wore riven ahead, the mr. k.i. i . a ... from the stage which in many places o'clock the steamer left Hood River, wonld have lifted the audience from its reachinc here ahoni an. rw iw, i , j. . . . .. - . j . uU v.uix-u ueaieemg appianse. MoniJ In the r Dra of ih Are we asleep, or is onr appreciation too celved at the hards of the Hood River- lies. deep to admit of demonstration? Mr. II. C. Rooper informs na that the results of the horse ride last week were quite s surprise to everyone. The re port had gone out that s large number of horses on the range, had died daring the past hard winter, whereas, Mr, Rooper informs as, there are more horses AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM. Sack Waa That ky th rabll Bckl raplla. Dalles people always expect a treat when they attend any exercises given by onr public schools. on the range this year than ever before, they in the least disappointed; surely In the ride in which be took part, about not when they listened to the exercises ow neaa were ronndea np. Antelope last Friday night when the pupils Herald. of tha - .VVlUJH hi IQ High school, gave the best entertain- their bowling record which thev estab- ment that has been elven bv them. ex. lished Friday evening, by meeting the cepting, perhaps, the cantata given at same team on the alleys Saturday after- th Baldwin. The hall was packed, but noon and winning two out of the four seemed not to have the slightest effect games played, oar team beating them by opon the children, who performed their sixty-six pins. On Saturday night they Prta as though they did dot realize rolled against Messrs. Delluff, Nolan, that hundreds of eyes were turned Stadelman and Kurti, beating them DPn them. The little tots were so tnree games and coming out fifty pins weet that the entire audience felt like ahead. Their visit was s pleasant one bugging them, while'the older sirla ami the clnb concert band that a good por tion of the time was spent np stairs listeniug to ths mnslc. If last night ie a criterion for what ws may expect later on, all are satisfied with onr new bavsd. and are delighted that at last we are to have an organisation in onr midst which, will eolivm us with its harmonious) strains. At the close of the games the bowling teams and a few friends repaired to the Umatilla House where s banquet was enjoyed by the hungry bowlers. The scores by games were as follows: A. F. C. In Jn Id rat Laws 30 29 27 ?J Burroughs 61 39 45 32 Wise 31 28 34 40 Sovey 33 38 30 33 145 134 136 133 COMMIKCUL. Bradshaw 43 31 40 35 Baldwin 35 42 28 64 Houghton 31 31 47 48 Schmidt 61 62 40 3ti 160 16H 155 171 for all concerned. uei out your colors; your arnica, soothing syrup, and all necessary ad juncts, for tomorrow is the date when hardware crosses bats with dry goods, ooys aeiigbted all with the excellent manner In which they took the parts assigned them. Each number is certainly deserving of especial mention, and a column minht The ambulance will be on hand, and the ,fl""d Uh dwP" ' the beauty young ladies are preparing to soothe the aching brow and bind up the wounds. The game will be called at 30, which is the usual time for all professional games; but we would ad vise all spectators to take a few cookies along for breakfast. Madam McClnre, whose dressmaking oi ine costumes and the acting of the participants, so the writer dares not at tempts designate one number at being superior to the other. We cannot re frain, however, from congratulating the teachers who labored so faithfully in training the children, upon the success they attained, for none can realize what (jatitsui-e, wnai untiring zeal such an A WALK-OVER. parlors in Portland have always been undertaking calls for. To be a successful neaaquartera lor ladies who go from teacher In this age, one must, it seems, here to have dressmaking done, has sold embrace the whole field, and ha .n.hi.H out ner Dusiness to juiss cam, wno lor not only to teach In the school room " urou u uor eujpiuy. a com- out lo possess bistrionic and other pany witti Miss uiara urlmes, the latter talents sofflcltnt to impart to the pupils will aalna tM ..! T J a. I . 1 .... F f iiTEj iu iuii city AUODUBjr UiiiVf I lu6 DcCoBBftrT trftlDlDaT (Of UCh fiXflmiUM. I i aaii I aim remain novu inursuay evening, ior men, too, they are fortunate in having me purpose oi meeting any laaies wno such good material with which ta arnrlr may desire to have work done and take for the talent displayed last night was their orders. Further particulars will remarkable, especially in such young be given as to their Iocat'on. children. Nor should the h. Believing that if any day should be rgotten, who so signally assisted the observed as a holiday .(particularly this teachers by preparing costumes, etc., for year) It is decoration day, the Chkonicle lne cnuaren, wbich is not s small item will not visit its readers tomorrow, but ,n give its employes an opportunity to Btn, we bave renewed reason for oin with those who remember our fallen De)0 Proud our pnblio schools, when heroes by covering their resting places we Permitted to listen to such ea with beautiful flowers. All will feel the wriainments as that of last night. more like resuming the duties of the morrow, when feeling assured that our duty has been done in commemorating "' Team win ah roar Gam. the deeds of those who unrchaaed ftir na th" Coate.t. t I our irwuum, Tk..i..i l . . ...v wuvn, uuwuug tournament oe- A very pleasant surprise was given tween the Astoria and Tbe Dalles teams Supt. Gavin Saturday afternoon when on the Commercial Club alleys last night he was met at tbe High school by the might be termed a "walk away" for our pupils and teachers of that department team, as they won all four games as and presented with a fine oak writing easily as rolling off of a log. There was desk as a token of their regard and their no very brilliant playing done. None appreciation of his efforts, as well as ex- of The Dalles team, except perhaps pressing their sincere-regret that this Schmidt, attained their usual profi was to be bis last year with them . The ciency, and judging from the scores made presentation speech was made by Thursday night in the games with the Clarence Gilbert, and Prof. Gavin, al- Commercial Club in Portland, the Asto though almost too surprised for otter- rians were far from being at their beet ance, responded in an appreciative Burroughs was high man in the visiting manner. team, and Schmidt for the home team. A quiet home wedding occurred at the WMte a large number of spectators home of W. D. Richards in Fairfield die- were P'Msnt to witness the game, but trict, about eight miles from tbe city, ttractive was tbe mnaic furnished by yesterday morning, when Miss Lizzie Richards was united in marriage with John M. Mann, Rev. Smith performing the ceremony. Miss Richards is a young woman of exceptionally fine character and is generally liked by all who meet her while the groom Is a luan of good principles and steady habits. Mr. snd Mrs. Mann left for Hood River this morning where they will remain for a few weeks and returning will make their home on bis ranch near Fairfield. The members of Ja-res W. Nesmith Post, G. A. R.t Sons of Veterans and Woman's Relief Corps attended the Episcopal church last night in a body for the purpose of listening to a memo rial sermon delivered by Rev. De Forest, who took as his text the words of St. Paul, "I have fought a good fight." Taking the stand that the wars in which our brave soldiers have fought were just, and could not have been honorably averted, he enlarged on their results and the good which baa come out of them, drawing from his text many les sons for all, and especially encoursging to the heroes who listened to him. The music of the evening was especially good and the numbers well suited to the occasion. About 125 D.illes people boarded the Regulntnr yesterday morning bound for the ball ground at Hood River to wit ness a ball game between ths Hood River and Dalles nines. However, for a time, the excursionists thought their anticipations were to be dashed to pieces by the waves of tho Columbia, for having in tow a barge full of sheep and other circumstances combining to retard their progress, the steamer found itself stuck on the sand just below the Umatilla House. Finally calling the ferry boat to its aid she was soon on her way down the river. Landing at Hood River at 10:30, they were met by a committee which took them in hand and made the hours very pleasant until din ner time when they were served with a spread at the Mt. Hood hotel. A hack then conveyed tbe nine to the ground and at 1:30 the game began, and it was Vi.w. from Tha Oall.a. Lee Moorhouse has developed the plates used In taking photographic Views in and near The Dalles on his recent visit there, and finds they will make some elegant views. One of them shows the house used by General U. 8. GrarU, at Fort Dalles, when he was there in the early days. There are many others which bave been looked at with interest by local amateurs. Mr. Moorhouse found amateur photo graphy at The Dalles has been carried to a high degree of perfection, by many persons there, and upon the occasion of his visit a company went out with a four-in-hand and secured many fine views. The party was composed of Mr. H. L. Vorse, Mr. T. A. Ward, Mr. Moorhouse, Mrs. W. II. Wilson, Mrs. B. S. Huntington, Mrs. F. L. Honghton. Miss Nell Michel!, Miss L. Rucb, Miss Carrie Butler, Miss Grace Hobson and Miss Hattie Marden. East Oregonian. Aa.artl.aa Lattar. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice st The Dalles un called for May, 29th, 1899. Persons calling for tbe same will give date on which they were advertised : Thompson, TF Martiu, Lillie Landsay, J Fagan, Heniza Faggain, Frank Fredricke, Paul Raenbeold, Frank Hall, E A Palmer, J H. Sinsheimer, Sig Lunnelburg, K Hunt, ChaaC Johnson, J H Hendershot, C H Busch, French Mathews, A H Seneat, Will Miller, Harley II. RiDDiix, P. M. Whan Natara Needs assistance it may be beet to render it promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remediee only when needed. Tbe best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup (X Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing; that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness Into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building np the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton. S WHOLESALE. The following lines are to be found at RETAIL. Mays & Crowe. PULL ASSORTMENT. LOW PRICES. Garden Tools, Deep Well Pomps Blacksmith's Tools Rubber and Cotton Hose Kar Iron and Steel Winchester and Marlin Rifles, latest models Blacksmith's Coal Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies Bicycles and Sundiiee Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings Smith & Wesson and Colt's Revolvers Barb Wire and Nails. Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted We will replace every piece if found rusted. Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware. A Complete Line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Tlanet Jr. Garden Tools Rushford Wagons John Deere Plows and Harrows Racine Buggies and Carriages Bean Spray Pumps Buckeye and Piano Mowers and Reapers Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft. Our stock of Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools is complete in every detail. Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves. Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock.