The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 31, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghronlele.
itfMIWM Stales
OMlWkWlMllVuIr - . IJ
O er two Inches aa aer loar lse .... 1
Oear toor Ix-lM. ao4 sank Iwali. tnraoa . 7
Oral Iwalr. laraes SS
0M tara er leee, M
Onr on Inrk awl endee toar tataes
ftvar fcair lnrBria aad Bode twelve inches. . 1
One twiT incbee I
-I bTe the greatest enthusiasm
in the future of the Philippines,'
svs Admiral Deev, UI hop to
see America poesras the key to Orient
al commerce ami civilisation. We
will never part with the Philippines,
1 am sure, and in future years the
ilea that anybody should have seri
rnly suggested it will be one of the
curiosities of history.
This is the pinion of a patriotic
citizen, expressed at short range,
wys the Spokesman-ReTiew. It is
spoken on the authority of long and
close ttudr, and will carry weight
against the utterances of the arti ex
pansionists, who hare been speaking
at random, with imperfect knowledge
of conditions in the islands, and
fanciful notions concerning the char
acter of the Filipinos.
Admiral Dewey has read, of couise,
We history of his country, and re
calls that every movement made in
the iast century to carry the flag
west of the Mississippi river has been
resisted by we U-meaning but short-
sighted politicians. They opposed
Jefferson's acquisition of Lousiana.
They were against the annexation
of Texas. They ridiculed the move
ment to bring In the Pacific North
west. They did not want California;
and Seward's parchase of Alaska was
characterized as an act of supreme
folly. Thirty years ago the nation
would not have cared a copper if
Seward's deal for that territory had
gone by the board. Today we are
wrangling wun Canada over a nar
row strip representing an almost in
fioitesimal part of the area of Alaska.
Why this remarkable change in sen
timent? Because the great mind of
the nation realizes that every mile of
American territory is needed for the
fullest development of American re
sources. And thus will it be 20 or 30 years
hence with the Philippines. From
that base we sball.'develop an Orient
al commerce which will add immense
ly to the wealth of the nation, and
the day will come when the sons of
the snti-expansionisu of the present
day would volunteer to shoulder a
riflejfor the defense of one of the
smallest of these islands, if its owner
should be claimed by another power.
dara together, and that full
during active campaigns were seldom
practicable. No arany ever raised
in this country had been as fully and
liberally supplied as that which is
now in service, or has recently been
mustered out. This is no more than
its due. The country Is glad to
bestow the most generous care upon
its valiant defenders. And it is
pleased also to have the acknowledg
ment from as thorough and dis
tinguished a soldier as Law loo.
At Minneapolis on Friday the
Presbyterian general assembly be
came involved in a controversy over
the end of the nineteenth century
Some said it would end with the
vear 1899. and tbey were wrong. It
will end at midnight of December SI,
1900. In other words, the year 1900
will be the last year in the present
century. The 20lh century will be
gin with th year 1901. This ought
to be readily comprebetded. The
wheelman who rides 99 miles has not
covered a "century." lie must round
out the lOOlh mile, and he will begin
another "century" with mile 1.-Spokesman-Re
rations ! t thoee w ho look part : I va E. Qa kes.
wboM sobfrt was "SBim ot larty
Politic TUy ; Gora H. Bach, "The
Are in Which vVs Live;" Ens E. Ursa.
"The Value of Rdividaalitv Grace S
Willrrtoa. "Earth's BatUeBelda."
At the close ot the reading Sopi.
John Gavia presented the well-earned
diplomas ta a manner which plainly
showed bis iaterest la the -radoatr.
Us impressed a poo them the idea con
veyed in the word "commencement"
snd nrred them to go forward or the
inevitable result won Id be a backward
teodeocv; there is no soch thief as
Undine still. He alto arm red them of
the eood will which be and their farmer
teachers Ml for them- as they leave the
school room, aod of their interrst in
their future welfare. Load applause
was given as the diplomas were awarded
and he gradoite received the reward
of years of hard study, for cue cannot
leave The Dalle High school bavin?
kimmed over thtir work ; but must be
And so ended the gnuluat rierciees
of "99, amid the coflgratalatiooa of the
hosts of friends prevent.
It is cabled from Manila that Gen
Aguinaldo is absent from camp on
a scouting expedition." The cipher
probably intended to say on "a scoot
ing expedition."
A French scientist is trying to re
rive interest in Populism by declsr
ing that be can grow hair thirty feet
long on a head that may for years
have been as bald as an egg.
riflMB Blah MmI rllsBeeele Their
Dlpl-aaae Seaae SplMl4 Kitr-
In a letter from the Philippines to
an old army friend. Gen. Law ton
makes two statements of especial
interest. Law ion is a man of deeds.
In the war with Spain be directed
the operations against the strongly
fortified position at Caney, near
Santiago. He went through that
most trying campaign in full health
and in due time was transferred to
Manila. In the Calumpit advance
be held the right, swinging his men
swi'Uy and far into the enemy's
country, cutting off their retreat to
the east snd threatening their rear.
Lawton served in the civil war and
is also known as the man who walked
the Apaches to death. Comparing
the volunteers of today with those of
the civil war, he says: "The fight
ing qualities of lb men are the same.
The American soldier is one with
courage, nerve and giit. He has
been just the same at all times, as be
always will e, a courageous and
brave soldier." This compliment j
r - i ....
irwo a man wuo Knows win be ap
preciated. Referiing to the Santiago cam
paign wbere he was at the extreme
front from Drst to last, Lawton re
marks: "We had a deadly climate
to contend with; worse in that re
spect than anything we had in I be
civil war. It is true that for a few
days we were short, but that was
for lack of transportation, and then
we were never without some portion
of the ration, and that portion more
tban our soldiers had at the best
during tte civil war." Every soldier
An eiereiM which always elicits wide
spread interest is that of commencement
day, when the school work is ended, and
at the commencement of real earnest
life work, the graduates tell ns of their
aspirations and hope for the future,
while teachers, schoolmates, relative
and friends join with them in celebrat
ing the momentous occasion which
marks the closing of school labors and
tb opening of wider responsibilties,
Tb stags at tbe Vogt presented an at
tractive appearance Saturday night. It
bad been decorated with palms and
flowers and appropriately draped in oar
national colors, tban which nothing
could be more fitting for soch an oc
ration. To add tbe finishing touches,
daring a selection by the Commercial
band, eleven "sweet girl graduates" and
four of the noblest boys of onr city, took
their place t hereon, the class personal
being Martha K. Baldwin, Harriet N.
Cram, Harry E. Curtis, Nettie M. Fred-
den, Grace L Hobeon, Heater Kent,
Lena C. M. L'ebe, Ivan E. Oakes, Clyde
W. Riddel!, George H. Rocb, Martha A.
Schooling, Lena L. Thompson, Ena E.
Uren, Martha C. Wbealdon, Grace X.
Tbe exercises opened with two splen
did selection by the band and inter
cpersed with the essays were the follow
ing mnsical numbers, perhaps the moat
classic a a whole yet given in the city :
A piano overture by Misses Jalia and
Clara Nickelsen ; vocal solo, "Tbe Angels
Serenade," with piano and violin ac
companiment, by Mirs Myrtle Mlchell;
violin and piano duet by Clarence and
Mande Gilbert; quartet, "Jaanita" by
Messrs. Landers, Kortbnp, Poling and
Lnndell. j
as i tie exercises progressed, many
were beard to remark that never bad
they listened to gradcating essay which
displayed more deep thought or ad
vancea oeuer ideas man those read on
this occasion, some thoughts being truly
wonderful coming from students of their
year. Tex Chronicle only regrets
that it pages are not many times tbeir
site that it might reproduce tbem, for
they were productions of wbicb any city
might justly teel proud, and, a a
minister was heard to remark yesterday
in the pulpit, if tbeir pi erepts are heeded
in practical life will make an army of
young men and women whose influence
will be a power in a community
Not alone were the essays good, but
their delivery was such as to give every
thought its proper weight and foice and
prevent that annoyance when but half
the words are distinguishable.
Tbe subjects were chosen as follows:
"Gladstone" by Harry E. Curtis;
"Build Thee More Stately Mansions,"
Nettie M. F redden ; "Englith Poets of
the Nineteenth Centnry," Martha A.
Schooling ; "Life is What We Make It,"
Lena L. Thompton ; "The Influence of
True Ideals," Martha K. Baldwin;
"Creation's Crowning Jewel," Lena C.
M. Liebe; "Tbe Advance of Govern
ment," Clyde W. Riddel! ; "For Value
Received I Promise to Psy," Martha C.
Wbealdon; "Shall They Who Wrong
Begin Yet Rightly End," Heater Kent;
"Leaves Yet Folded," Harriet X. Cram ;
"Tbe Stars snd Stripes," Grsce I. Hob
son. As speaking was left optional with
A reward of f50 each will be paid by
tbe undersigned for the recovery of the
bodie of Elmer and Bert Whitney,
drowned in the Snake river at Palouse
Rapids, near Lyons Ferry, on May 23,
Elmer Whitney was 26 years old;
height, 5 feet.T.',' inches; weight 16) 11.
He liss a dark mustache and was dressed
in overalls; wore either a dark or light
shirt; lace sportsman shoes, tan color.
Bert Whitney was 21 years old ; weight
about 175 pounds ; biUbt 5 feet, 11 in. ;
imooth shaved ; dark hi own hair. He
wore dirk pants with light strips and
heavy laced shoes, and has a tnft of light
colored hair on the left, back aide of
head ; two burn scars on body.
The perron finding either of these
bodies will please wire
C. E. Whitsiy
May 27-2. St. Helena, Oregon.
Oat the Feathers CleaaeeV
Tbe great Western Feather Renovator
is in The DaUes cleaning feather beds
snd pillows. Have your new feathers
renovated to destroy theeffective feather
moth also its organism ; your older
ones for health as well as cleanliness for
tbey will be as good as new and as large.
In houseeleaning yon clean everything
bnt the feathers. In sickness or death
yon clean everything but the feathers.
By having tbem cleaned by the new and
improved process your feathers will bave
more life and bulk. As an illustration
two will be as large as three give me a
trial and be convinced. Satisfaction
guaranteed or no charges msde. Court
street, between Second and Third street.
m27-lw. O. A. Kacs, proprietor.
Ask your
for agenerou
Ely's Cream Balm
rHlWTVrr3 -W,
j Chase &Xanb0jw jl
...maler & Benton
Sole agents for this brand ot Coffee.
ll:i0 p. m
b:40 p. m
f aoa Dall.
Bait Lake, Denver, Ft.
nortn. umana. nan
us City, t. Louit,
cmcago ana caat
Walla Walla, Bnokane,
Minneapolis. St. Paul.
tin lath, Milwaukee,
iiucago auu tut.
Oean Steamships.
For San Francisco
JanuaiT 12,
andeverjr nve days
tie! en iter.
contains no cocaine,
mercury nnr any other
injanoos arag.
It is quickly Absorbed.
litres Relief M
Tt opens and
the Nasal Passages.
Altera loflainmatioa.
Beale and Protects tbe Membrane. Restores tbe
Senses of Tsste and Smeu. Foil 61a See. Trial
suae toe i at iragnnsrsor oysasii.
BSOTa&aJk Warrsa Brest. BW Tork.
n7 n n
it lit a .... i
fcV ,, ; "nc,esl the member, of tbe da... the following
when no rations were to be had for J withdrew that more time might be given
ni in
Dyspepsia Curo.
Digests what you eat.
It artiflclall dls-eat th tmA anit Hih
Nature In atrenirthenins? and .
structlnfcT the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered dlgest-
u auu vonic no oiner preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
ayspepaia, indigestion. Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
suiuLucr results ui imperTeciaisrestloo,
o sv. v. uewttc ce, Cqlcaga.
For sale by Snipee-Klnerely Drug Co,
A Beautiful Skin.
Lailcf, if rou desire a transparent, clear and
frenti complexion u e l'i BouMon'a French
rei!n: complexion wee,. Tnelr effeet la
simplv musical i(,iin tbe wi;rd touch
in prndur.ii euri n e e; iu? a besatilul trans
parenry neilurirt cl lir.i of complexion,
shapely rnulonr o.' .o..,i. b e,e, soft
mi moo,,i,kiu nnise me ten- eex's.s.
the enarsest end mo .ej u'llre 'ln. .narred by
irerxics, mou, ht. ,-uneads, pimplrn, vulgar
r, un-, ve"oiT mil munoy kin areperraanpnt-
,7 iii,or,i, uu a i?in-ioaai j clear ana reonea
complexion a. - J.
nice per!' box, SO cents; large bo, l,or
six latre boxus, t. bent to any add resa post
paid and under pi in wrapner uj-m rrreipl ol
biuouuu 1, rue lor iree cirruiar.
The Parisian Drug Co.,
Lil Monlon;ry 1 rrmloi cl,
liakaB HI g 4ar-o MANHOOD
Cures Icq potency, NihtF.nil,lor.s and
vrastinp; diseases, aU effects of self-
J2 abuse, or excess and indis
yLj cretion. A nerve tonic and
'7n Idoml builtier. Prlntrs the
pink glow to pale checks artf
Vr i.3Wia KHM till; ui uuiil.
i!raiBymaI150crier box;Oloxcs
lor $2.CO; with a Trritten iriiaran.
tee to cure or refund the money.
Clinton Jt Jackson Sta CHICACO, ILL.
S d. m.
Ex. Sunday Columbia Rt. Bteamera.
1:15 p. m.
4:00 a. m
4 p. m.
iv p. m.
Astoria and
i p. m.
WiLLaarrri Ritir.
:30n. m.
and eaL
Orotron City. -Newbtrg, Ex.l Jday
ealem A Way Land s.
and bat.
Tuunmi ahdYah-
Oreiron City, Dayton,
and Way-Landings.
8 30 n. m.
and Fri.
Lv Rlparla
Wiimrrti Ritir.
ro- . .a to Corvallis.
" nay-unainga.
Blparia to Lewiaton.
4:30 p. m.
ud Bat.
rartlea dMt,lninM u 1 1 .
ZZii.-l' ",u "e iiaues at S:: p. m
maklnr dirert mnnt.1 a.. . , n, 1.. r
d. .. ., ,,,ci juiivuon
iuneuon with No. l.arrilug at Tbe Dalle, at
4. id p. m.
Ko. S3, thrmirbt freiaht. east hmnil Ar
?S0a.m,'eD!Cr,i "nve 2:50 - " t departs
hV4, ,ff' ,"!i;Dt' earrlea paasenaers, east
- yi-"a a 1 P. m.
- wo. uouiiu inrougo Irelght, di
r-" i-whicib, arrives 5:10 p. 111. ,
.I D. n.
No. 23. wt boond local freight, cutrrlt pu-
' - ..w a-, hi,, ucpai o .iJ a, m.
- a - - " v.uo, o, Nuira
Oen Paa. At., fortland, Or,
ea not
U jk 1
a. 1 r a
'frill'' Copyriohts 4c.
Anrnne seniltns: a sketeh and draerlMlon aiar
pulely asoenain onr opinion free whether an
tneentkm is prohahly patentable. Commiinlei!
tlon.toctTv,nnclenlli. Iliuinhook on Patenu
sent free. Olrleat aaenry for seeunns patenlU
I'stenta taken throuah Mimn CuTreoalTS
Sarrlal matt- .llhi nh.M . . 1WV.ITS
- ' -- Ma .11 m
Scientific Jlmericam
neiy uinwrralei weenie, y.sreeat elr.
r any w-iermno Journal. Terms ti a
m"ba,L Bold by all nawsrlealanT
& Co.8,B--. New York
Otnoe. & F Bt, Wsahliiafoq, lit.
Letters of Crelit Issued available In tbs
".astern states.
Fight Exchanm anrl Tlun..k..
Transfers sold on New York, Cbicairo,
M. Louie, ban Francisco. Port I anrl n,.
ton, Seattle Wash,, and various points
Collections mads at all nnlnta n ...
orabls terms.
The Girl ol To-day fi&
will be the wcinin of to-morrow.
SRC O0C nor, snon H,psinspi
hr mother dock not fully
understand it, but between
the "to-day- when he i
ft dirt and the to-morroW
when she will be a woman.
her life's happmets and
health are in the balance
If she is to be a full-breasted
strond, healthy woman she -must
develop rightly now. She
is at a crisis. She needs more
strength, more blood to tide
it over. Or. Williams Pink Pitts
for Pale People are the one
medicine that Will dive her
the str?ndth and make the
Our new book. PLAIN
TALKS TO WOMEN, e.olains
why these pills are of special benefit to drr.
ind dirls. A copy will be sent to any addrett
rnTee. on request.
IsirraQkleHalhawey.orSixteeDtb Street, Holland. Ifieb ..u
81 years old, at IS I was pale and weak and did not ail" indJ
wwi ma 1 tun k i
weak I eould not walk acrr-I
14 m7 ,l'n bmd )t all S?
LILU 7.f
1 1 11 1 ill 11
f 1 f f 111 11
doctor's ears. Other treatment brooerht no battar m.i. n.?5alr,e
time 1 was nineteen years old I was so weak I eould not walk
tbe floor. 1 was terribly emaciated ana 1
baa andheibra I had taken ail oftha nil I. t ftitttirf ... Ik.T. i.uf a
me food. Appetite lnereased and tbe bsaltby color began to sbo if
my ebeeka and lips. I continued to uae the pills ontll F badtakansa
tsea boxes aod found mrself permanently cured. Since then K
bad no return of my old trouble ant) cannot remember whan I .
strong and bealthy as now. I know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, a?
Pale People saved my life, and I believe that no otber msdlolns ooniJ
have dons lt,"-FaA.ia Uarmawa v.-OOowa Drut, Uolkuid, Utct
Look for Oh full nam on the package. At drugjlrts or dlrsd fro th. r.
VUliami Msdidns Co., SchsnsUady, N. T. 50c per box. t boxes 2.5o7
Chronicle Publishing Co.
We Have...
Heat Ulopk.
Quick Ulopk.
Reasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Hayana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is nualitv and th
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some noonle think, and wo want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
Phone 341. twv. tiatt.ES. OB.
All kinds of
Faneral Supplies
Grandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
The... chronicle