The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 31, 1899, PART 1, Image 1

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    tit ffTrmr it it id
NO. 35
ktCiSsro Is Therefore Mallne
Siiw Frwess.
!i Is Believed That France and Russia
and Even Germany, Will Ulti
mately Agree With Them.
Losdox, May 20 All the diapa'ches
to the morning papers from Tlio Hague
tbo tbit the peace conference is suffer
ioj from lack of preparation. The
Monvieff circular contains heads and
chapters, but no details. Its author
emphasized disarmament, but slighted
irbitrstion. M. de Staal, in opening
the conference, absolutely reversed this
order. What is wanted is something
for daily wear and tear.
The Daily News eays : "The British
and American proposals, though simple,
ire more practicable than the scheme of Maartens, of the Russian delega
Mn, and it is likely that France and
Ead'n.and even Germany, will ulti
mately aicree with them.
War and Tyranny.
Thi Hague, May 20. Madame Selen
ka, the famous peace advocate and pro
moter of the woman's peace crusade,
presented to M. de Staal, president of
the peace conference and head of the
Russian delegation, an illustrated album
containing the text of resolutions In
favor of peace, adopted by meetings rep
relenting several million women. The
titan was accompanied by an addiess,
"in the name of the women of eighteen
Diuona," saluting tbe conference, as
suring the delegates of the faith of the
memorialists in tbe results of its labors,
begging that the hopes of the people
might not be deceived, and that the con
'mm would decide that the evils of
war eonld be cured.
The address concluded as follows:
"Your litters, on behalf of humanity,
ppealto you to realize the ideal of
fraternity in order that war aud tyranny
y perish with the century."
oe Staal had written Madame
Wenkatbat he could ' receive her for
in minutes, bnt he was so interested
he kept iter for half an hour,
urmen Sylva," Queen Elizabeth of
H'omania, contributed a poein to the
Ihom.and Queen Wilhelmina sent one
Jj her secretaries to congratulate
"adarueSelenka on the work of the as-Miations.
Senator McB iMp Suva ihm Crafa. Wilt
.... wuj w UV UVUtV
Reive Spanish Cannon for the
Memorial Monument.
aiiiixoton, May 27. A rumor that
J President would call for the 35,000
J1ona troops gained some circulation
"T. bat was emphatically denied at
wM:s House. Should the situation
' th Plillippnel prove to be discourag-
"hich Is contrary to official advices,
lonteers would only be called for at
"J of the rainy season.
jP'Mident finds it difficult to be-
" Press dispatches from Manila,
"""y differ .n -i.ii. , . i ,
Qj. "'"i iron, i nunc ut
'tdRherman. Ons thlnr, however,
k!h i We'''1 10 U" PreM JIPlches
0'cttt,.t il,cr ftr, ceniorcd, but
rtcji.tly Instructed! to be less
"'towm I-
- -itorinj press dispatches,
Before leavinp, he presented to the sec
retly of wnr, with his own indorsement,
telegram from Senator Simon urging
that the Oregon volunteers be brought
home by way of Portland, and stating
that snch was the general wish of the
people of the state. As the secretary
bad just cab ed for the wiah of the vol-
unteers themselves, he did not make any
promiee, for he wlehes to act according
to the desire of the men themselves.
Senator McBiide says that he feels
reasonably assured that Oregon will re
ceive four Spanish cannon from the
Philippines, to be placed around the
memorial monument, although the
matter bas not yet been finally decided.
I cons ider it not nly a pleaeute but
duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about
the wonderful cure effected in ncy case
by the timely nee of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was taken very ba lly with flux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A few
dojes of itffected a permanent cure.
take pleasure In recommending it to
others suffering from that dreadful die
eaie. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, VV. Va. Thi
remedy is sold by Blakeley & Houghton
never been claimed that Chamberlain's
Pain Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds
bear testimony to the truth of this
statement. One application relieves
the pain and this qnick relief which i
affords is alono worth many time sits
cost. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton
Will Hi! Eeacl Horns Until Tla
Damaging Evidence Obtained From their
Records at W'ardner.
"d (his
ar "Plain the situation in
McBrideleft W.shlngtou to-
Moin in v ...
r insre !
Mi ""BW r. Tht length of
e,7 he
uncertain, but from
""I go direct to Salem.
Wakdner, Idaho, May 25. There are
325 prisoners in the new bullpen. No
one has died. There is only one in the
hospital, and his is not a serious case
They are well fed. The sanitary regula
tions are good.
Tbe inquest will last about a week
longer. So far 300 witnesses have been
examined. Very damaging evidence has
been secured aralnst the rioters. The
records of the unions, which were seized
by the military authorities, show con
clusively the criminal methods of the
nnions. Black lists of men to be run
out of the country were freely circulated.
Only a brief examination of the records
bas 13 far been made.
General Merriam left today for Den
ver, leaving Major Smith in command.
Million Olvcn Away
It il certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be eeneroos to tbe
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. -King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley 4 Hough
ton, druggists, and gel aree trial bottle.
Regular size, 50 cents and $1. fcvery
hnttln ffiinr.inteed or price refunded. 3
A Coney Island Fire.
Nzw York. May 26 As the result cf
a fire at Coney Island, seven blocks of
frame buildings were destroyed; loss
ir.n vwv Tn one hour after trie tirst
warning a large square filled with tiniiii
loirs utilized for such purposes as photo
graph galleries, saloons, dining rooms,
dance hall, theatres and line, were m
The Most la tho World.
We believe Chamberlain's Cough
Itemed v is the belt In the world. A few
weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold
an 1 troublesome cough, ana Having
read their advertisements In our own
and other papers we pnrciiaseu
bottle to see if it woold effect ns. It
cured us before the bottle was more than
half used. It la the beet medicine out
for colds and coughs. The Herald,
Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake
ley A Houghton Pmgglst.
Kosa Honhcur Dead.
London, May 2(I.-A dispatch from
ifari today says Rosa Bonheur, the fa
mous animal painter, Is dead.
It you have piles, cubs them. No
use undergoing horrible operations that
simply remove the results of the disease
without disturbing the disease itself.
Place your confidence In DeWItt's Witcb
Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure
otiiiks; it will not fail to cure too.
Snlpes-Klnersly Drug Co.
Eughsh Officers, Wealthy Merchants,
Travelers and Government Officials
at Hong Kong All Take a Deep
Interest in the Admiral but Respect
His Desire for Quiet.
Washington, May 20. Admiral
Dewey today cabled the navy department
that be will stop at various places on
his way to the United States aud reach
New York about October 1.
New York, May 20. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from Hong
Kong says Admiral Dewey shows great
improvement already. Installed epaci
ously at the Peak hotel, with lofty wind
ows that catch every mouthful of wind
from the sea, he is losing the air of languor
that he wore when he landed from hi
blistered crniser. It was rest that he
needed rest and cooler air. He Is get
ting both.
Society at tbe Peak is well bred. There
are no disturbing factors there. It is
here that the English officers and their
wives, tbe government officials, tiie rich
merchants and distinguished travelers
take refuge from the heat and noise of
the town . They all feel deep interest in
the hero of Manila bay, but tbey respect
his desire for quiet. He has become one
of them already. With the. eaee of
polished man of the world, he has
dropped into his place in the little com
munity that resembles a house party at
an English country residence. Strangers
to that community cannot intrude upon
him, however. The government detect
ives see to that, and so do the detectives
hired by Consul-General Wildman. So
do the swarms of Chinese servants.
At dusk today, when the sea breeze
came in, Admiral Dewey took a walk
along the bluff with Consul Wildman,
and they remained out for half an honr
The victor's bearing was alert and bis
voice vigorous.
Doatnoas Cannot bo Cored.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tbe diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the repult, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever: nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
earned condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cuinxv A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o. 6-11)
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
No One Can Remain Well, No Chronic
Disease Can be Cured Unless tbe
Stomach is First Made Strong and
This is plain because every organ in
the body depends on the stomach for its
nourishment. Nerve, bone, sinew, blood
are made irom mo wu.v ...
stomach converts to our nee.
How useless to treat disease with this,
that and the other remedy and neglect
the most Important of all, the stomarb.
The earliest symptoms of Indigestion
are sour risings, bad taete in the niootn,
gas in stomach and bowels, palpitation, J
all-gone feeling, faintness, headaches
constipation ; later comet loss of fl -sh,
consumption, liver and heart troubles,
kidney diseases, nervous prostration, all
01 wblcu are the indirect result of poor
Any person suffering from indigestion
should make it a practice to take after
each meal one of Stua-t'a Dyspepsia
Tablet, allowing it to dissolve in the
mouth and thus mingle with the saliva
and enter the stomach in the most natur
al way. These Tablets are highly recom
mended by Dr. Jennieon because they
are composed of the natural digestive
acids and fruit essences which assist
the stomach in digesting all wholesome
food before it has time to ferment and
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
druggists, full sized packages at 50 cents,
Tbey are also excellent for invalids and
children. A book on stomach diseases
and thousand of testimonials of genuine
enrea sent free by addressing F. A. Stuart
(Jo., Marshall, Mich.
Ah Epldomlo uf Wliooilaf Canh,
Last winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
the disease, having severe coughing
spells. We had used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy very successfully tor
croup and naturally turned to it at that
time and found it relieved the cough
and effected a complete', cure. John E
Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House
Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale
by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists.
'An Bmmo
AnsoiuTEiy tonne
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
WQvaH lJr fOWOf W CO., HgW VOUH.
Will Visit Portland During His Sum
mer Vacation.
Washington, May 20. President Mc
KInley will visit Oregon during his sum
mer vacation, unless his present plans
are upset. He will be there In time to
vieit the Second Oregon volunteers after
they return from Manila. He will go to
Yellowstone Park, and to every state
that had volunteers in tbe Philippines,
according to the present plans, if tbe
state troops are all returned before Sep
tember. He wishes to go to the coast and
return before Dewey's return, which will
be about October 1, as he will be tn Ne
York to receive the admiral. It is
claimed that this will be a political tour
and the first sounding of the Western
states on the issues of the day, so far as
the situation in the Philippines is con
concerned, and the other questions
which have grown out of the war. Tbe
exact time of his visit will depend upon
the reception in St. Paul, which he has
promised to attend, and at which he will
make speech. This reception will be
held when tbe Thirteenth regiment,
Minnesota volunteers, the comrades of
the Oregon boys, under Brigadier-Gen
eral Summers, return to their home
state. Politically, it will be regarded as
the opening of the president's campaign
for asecoud term.
by Large-sized
Fossil., Or., May 27. Storms of una
sual severity have passed over this part
of Eastern Oregon during the past few
days. On Tuesday the heaviest hail
storm ever seen in these parts fell on
Fossil and several miles of surrounding
country. The hailstones were three-
fourths of an inch in diameter, and in a
few minutes all the water-courses were
overflowing. Small chickens were killed
or drowned before they could run to
shelter. Gardens, orchards and grain
crops were badly damaged. A large,
thick pane of glass In the new addition
to the Fossil Journal office was broken
by tbe hail. This storm felt In streaks,
and, while it missed a large portion of
territory a few miles south of Fossil,
Wagner, thirty-five miles tonthest, felt
It full force. The hall was accompanied
by thunder and lightning.
On Wednesday, a severe thunder storm
passed over the May ville section. George
Gibbons, a painter, lost four of his best
work horses, worth $100 each, at his
ranch a few miles northwest of May ville.
They were killed by lightning, which
struck a barb-wire fence in bis pasture
boslda which the horses were huddled
during the storm.
For Five Dollars you can boy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
News From the Philippines
Proposes to Enlist the Macabebes
Against Their Old Enemies, the
Washington, May 27. Owing to the
gravity of the situation in the Philip
pines, the feeling of supreme confidence
bas given way to apprehension. A rails
tary censorship at Manila indicates that
General Otis desires to have It generally
known that lie wants reinforcements.
General Otis has asked tbe volunteers to
re-enlist. The withdrawal of the latter
would weaken bis command 15,000,
while the fighting force will be lees than
30,000, including tbe regulars just ai
May Enlist tbe Macabebes.
Manila, May 27.-6 p. m. General
MacArtbur is in favor of nn experiment
of enlisting tbe Macabebes against their
old enemies, the Tagales. A delegation
of leading Macabebes visited tbe general
and its spokesman read an address as
suring the American commissioners of
their friendship and willingness to tran
fer their allegiance from Spain to the
United States. They complained that
the Tagales murdered tbera and burned
their villages, and asked to be protected
and given arms to protect themselves.
Tbe Macabebes have greatly assisted
in posting the Americans on the country
and tbe positions of the enemy. Gen
eral McArthur would arm 100 of these
men and make them touts, and if tbe
experiment proved successful, be would
enlist more of them. General Otis has
issued orders inviting the volunteers to
re-enlist for six months, according to
the act of congress bearing on the
meal off a steamer table instead of stuff
ing cold grub into our moutba with)
frozen fingers.
The trip can be made, when the rail
road is finished from the summit to
Bennett, in four days from Seattle to
Atlin, as some of tbe steamers w ill run
direct to Skagway in three days, ami
the trip np the pass to the summit and
on to Beunett ie perfectly grand and
will be made in lour hours at least.
Then it will be most magnificent
trip on the boats to Atlin, making;
one portage at Taku City across to Atllo
lake one and half miles, then across
Lake Atlin to this beautiful little city.
Although rough as yet, still Atlin City
is a wonder for its ge. . Many fine log
and frame buildings two storiea high,
but the greater part are tents and
canvas houees which give, it a most
picturesque appearance, lviug with
nice slope down to tbe lake's edge, tb
highest point of ground being only about
forty feet above the water with plenty
of room lor a large city, and It will be it
only the gold proves to be here, whiclr
is as jet only a mystery. As far as I
can learn the country is not being pros
pected, so I cannot write intelligently,,
but will try to wriie more In the future.
I should judge there are about 250O
people here, with many more scattered
ont on the different creeks.
1 have seen Mr. Butler. He came fn
from his claim yesterday but returned
again. He lias not got down to bed roc to
yet on either claim, as they are deep and
wet and the season very backward, with
plenty of snow all over the country.
The claims are laid oyer until July 1st
Henry Michell is here but I have not .
seen bim yet as he Isn Pine creek. IIe-
and his wife are well. Jess and Mat-
Watson are here. They just came from
Pine and saw him.
As for myself, I am interested witla
three different parties who are ont now.
They think tbey all know tf something
good aud if so I will be all right ; bnt if
not I shall only consider I am on the
losing he rje and have to stand it, bnt
shall do my best this summer. With
best wishes and kind regards I remain.
Yonr old fritnd,
Dr. Siodalu.
Wht lie Thinks of tho City
and Ita
The following letter from Dr. Siddall
lias been received by Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Atlin Citv, B. C, May 13, '99.
Mv Dear Fkii.nus:
I arrived here the 10th inet. at 5 p. va.,
being four days and six hours from Ben.
nett City over the ice. The trip was not
so very unpleasant, although we had a
good deal of cold wind, and in some
places it was quite dangerous, as the
Ice was full of crevasses and the weight
of our load, being 3000 pounds when we
were all on riding, cansed the water to
boll up as we passeJ over. There were
three of us besidos the driver. His
load was 2100 pounds of hoy and we bad
350 pounds of baggage and grub. Tney
were all j )lly good lullows, and we made
the beet of it. Yes we had a whole lot
of comfort; but I think I bear you say,
'Yes, cold comfort." Well, we were
like the bed hug, rather slow, but we
got hre all the same with only one
horse to drag ns along, well, happy and
n good spirits, hoping for the future to
repay us, which I think all deserve for
coming 150 miles on ice.
As for the scenery, I can only describe
itthusly: Bennett Like, Taulsh Lake,
Taku Arm and Lake Atlin are long nar
row bodies of water, surrounded by
barren rocky mountains covered with
now and Ice that make cold chills run
down your back every time you look up
from the ice below your feet. But we
would all see It with different eye were
we floating along in a nice boat, sleeping
by Clark & Falk.
tf on a comfortable bed and eating a good
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery lias been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened Its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest teets, but ber vital
organs were undertermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could not
sleep. She finally discovered a way to
recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle oi
Dr. King's New Diecoveiy for Consump
tion, and was so much relieved on taking
first dose, that she slept all night; and
with two bottles, has been abeolntely
cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutx."
Thus writes W. C. Ilamnick & Co., of
Shelby, N. C. 'rial luttles free ut
Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore.
Regular size 60c and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
If you Buffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right side, pains under
shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious-'
ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy
and sleepy your liver Is torpid and con
gested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
ill cure you promptly, pleasantly and
permanently by removing the congestion
and causing the bile ducts to open and
flow naturally. Tiizy ark good pill.
Snipes-Kinersly Druit Co.
t-tcam Saw Nullco.
On account of the dull season now
bvlng at band in tbe wood sawing line,
Wtt. Cates has decided to run the steam
saw but two days In the week, Tuesdays
and Fridays. Patrons will, therefore,
govern themselves accordingly and pre
y nt friction in the matter. Call np
Phone 201. 9-t
Ksd Hot Prnm tho flan
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadmao
of Newaik, Mich., in the Civil War. It
cansed horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Theu
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures ruts, bruise, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Curo
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Hough
ton, druggists. 3
By allowing the accumulations In the
bowels to remain, tLe entire system is
poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Kisers
regulate the bowels. Try them and yori
will always use them. Sulpes-Kinersly
Drug Co.