The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1899, PART 2, Page 6, Image 6

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Miris fcixsiiiirs Hits U!t K: ;
Lii, 1.1 tie Lif.n.l t-i
TairJ Iafaatrr Bad an AM IaT"s Ffet
a ad Wei Vkterr, With Tas VI;a
Maxila.Mat 25. The FUipiio com
aaiaalcnsH iet Vt a rciai tTain loltT. !
TheT will l ecur!d to their iicet cn
der a fl 4 of trsw. Iiit expec.ed tlatj
they will retn-n koo. Pretident Gin
xaga, tf the PLilippice cir.n:wioa
ererioQt to hit depart are, taid:
We '
thecocrteeT shown )
frextly appreciate
a. We have spent twme time w
jmi cocaaiUtlonert incidectly consiif er-,
iaf American annexatioe. lit prin
ciee impnti ot profoandly. The p'an
ot gorerament odered the Phil;ppins
tin theorr to be a coxl ccbiial
r.,. k, .i,,!l4,(P who recent!y made the trip
, l to Portlatd and rTidently miated coth
aaakea euliov of a itetant peop.e. who . ... . L
- r i ing whxb was worth cot:c:Dg along the
bare ten eo lot g CgViticg a:nit Spjin
to secure the mm right yonr annex-
ation give? Yc-n focght the tame batt e
ia An.erica when yoc foegbt agaictt
Seat Het Scnmmagtt.
WaaaistTOS, Vay 25 Genera!
cablet the war department :
Q1'- !
il ani. May S3. Oa the 2 d intt, the
Third infantry, while retarning to Ba
lloig. were attacked mocning, neon ard
ereniog by a lrt-e force, the enemy tof-'
feting ia carnalities two men killed and
uurteen woonaed. ite enemy was re- p,-; lno0(.h a popolation of The
F leaving on th- field ixteen ki Wd ,vei lt nurj third of hat of oor
asd a large namber of wconded and'ovn cj(T-
prisoner. j .A teaatifal and commodioos high
Ye'.erdy the enemy appeared in the vi building has been built within
Tir aityof an Fernando and were at- s ,he TtAT at thM pIce ,nd lhere
tacked by the Kantas and Montana re-g- i ,re in it tont tighlJ h:ga Khoo sta
imesu. which soiled a slight loss. jen,gf tn jradoatiug this vear.
The eeemy was drive throo -h the r:c j .'Aroond The Dalles also are now com
eid. av;Bg 50 dead. SS woonJed and io, inl0 bearing tome of the finest
28 pritooen, M rifles and other property. J orch,dt in the ttate. It teems plain
Their retreat through the amp lands j ,hu ,jje Mrliest fruit in the Xorthwest
waved them from total dettruction. Law- j jt projocfj on lhe qoick To!cnic
ton it retaining, leaving with Mac-j o kH anjill the rocki ,nd Mnd
Arthcroa the front rvgwar troops to al T,rious points up and down the
replace the voiontrrt. j Columbia. I observed, however, near
Has Ceadavcd One ei tbe most Decisive
Wars - ia Modera Times Will
Sarelj be Nominated.
5iw Yoik, May 24. The Evening j
World print an iiterTiew with Senator j
T. C. Piatt, in which the letter is quoted j
at strongly advocating the renomination
of President Mckinlev and Vice Presi-'
T.2 Torture Equal to ttis
Itching and Burning of
This Fearful Diseasi.
-i,ui. u - .v uion OI , Bamc blood of terrible
ema--whih is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli
cations of ointment, sal re a. etc.. annlil tr k ti,. ai.
Itl!ri !?UM!., kro1b,. ' Wood, although all'suffering is produced
tJghthaskia; the only way to reach the disease, therefore; is through
Mr Phil T. Jones, of MixertTille, Ind., write :
"I ntd Ecsema thirty years, and after a great deal
cf treatment my lea was so raw and sore that it gave me
oostaot pain. It finally broke into a running sore, and
began to spread and grow worse. For the past five or
1 nTe suffered untold agony and had given up
ail hop of ever being frea from the disease, as I have
been treated by tome of th best physician and bar
taken many blood medicines, ail in Tain. With little
faith left I began to take 8. 8. 8., and it apparently
aaade the Ecsema worse, but I knew that this was the
way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing
B.&.8., the tor healed up entirely, the skin became
dear and smooth, and I was eured Derfeetlv '
''.J1? fi .obstinate disease and can not be aured by a remedy which ia
only a tonic Swift's Specific
ta superior to other blood remedies becaaae it eures diseases whieh they oan
not reach. It goes to the bottom to the eauae of the disease and will ear
tha worn ease of Ecsema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
ana only blood remedr roaranteed to he frM tmm ntm.u
ether mineral, and never Tails. to cure Ecsema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
ZZZa T?,iJtttitrBhe.u?fim0p'I, &on' Ukn BoUaTet. ln.t
upon sJ. 8. 8. ; nothing can take its place. O
Bk 00 th. wiU be mailed frea to any address by Swift f?P- stirring events of the hour. Liberty
Cne tympany, Atlanta, Oeoryia. jtVr,.- -yA. . rfa'tJplW by a series of allegori
desk Uirt. Tbeintesview sa.vs
"Senator F'.att :J tfcat tie eri
turn j
Hen has ta fat at VcK.ioy cn- J
cot avter ts fc-., aid tiat th prvi-
dent fcas c;ivi tn-le-J ia a s:cEt
tj! t'te sf,oiTet asJ m-ostt decisive war ;
c4 modern t:a.-a, an J 'simply atociLi j
1J w h '-ith u
stiaior P:a:, "ta bad endoobted
did it.
B9i ;
oncMraiioa by t
r.mi t't recert Ol
. , ,
'wherever he hat
le. Witioct a
shadow cr dcat-t he I Boouinated
'and e".ed. The EepaKxaa rr U
:nrs?r thaa it eTer . Vk Prrti-
dfnl Hibrt. ai:i be e erted aith Mf
K;nT. He it iist chaiw fcr T-ce f -
i .
has oik'.r cne isa and that La
been refdiased by the entire ooactry.
I There it eerta n'y to land era te'.d
f by the fni'.ed S:a;et ccot erer be re-
the peace eoaference at
The Hm
at "vlwicnary, beaatifol,
."bat impracticable." "Cniverta! peace"
i he taid, 'it not for th:t age.'
Sfaeraaa tVr Sfatcr.
Wabigtox. May 54 . Kepretenta-
tive Sherman, of Xew York, bad a brief
conta ution with the president today.
, darmjc ncl be tormai:y not:cea tee
pretideiit of hit candidacy for the speak
! What Walla TTallma 9a)f Tk Oallaa.
The Walla Walla Mitnta bat the
t HiOaing from an ohetrricg citiien of
; roote.
j -The Dallee is the largett wool depot
. io United Sutet, if not in the world.
. wool it handled even from the
j border of Malhear and Lake coontiee,
(three Londrtd or more mile. The
' ,. , ... . . . .
! Daiie was reboi.t with manv nt and
attractive boo after the fira of "SI,
mnji it mf-t I 1 - - - J that it m itAMi
wiil btar comparison
itbocrown. In
fact there it perhaps oniy one store here
that compare in e.epicce and general
completeness with the stores of Pease &
May and A. M. Williams fc Co. at The
Graots the danger that attends the
I proximity of sand, for part ot one fine
orchard has been buried ia heaps of
i drifting sand."
Aa Cpldtnlc of Whoop lag- Csa(h,
Last winter during an epidemic of
rhooping cough my children contracted
! the disease, having severe coughing
spells. We had need Chamberlain's
Cough EemeJy very successfully tor
croup and naturally turned to it at that
time and found it relieved tbe cough
i and effected a complete cure. John E.
Cuffobd, Proprietor Norwood House,
x- Y. Thin remedy is for sale
oy iaae:er tlongriton, druggists.
Yon need
have no boils, if you wiil
ke Clarae & Falk't ur cure for boils.
Kot much attention it often paid to the
first symptoms of Ecitma, but it it not long
before the little red neat begins to itch and
burn. Thit it but the beginning, and will
lead to suffering and torture almost unen
durable. It is a common mittaka to repaid
roughness and redness of the skin at
merely a local irritation ; it is but an Indlca-
E. C nii Patrick ia ia froaa Ti
W.. Lander, erf Sail 5prif. is ia
V.C. Erwk caxe d.n f ro Wasco
. -
C B. Yeacxel raze fer from vc:er
MI I Ja Ward le.'t this naorcirg on
f the boat f. Portland.
- "
, . , f , ..J
thit Biorcicg.
Per. A. Horn wat a pAftfTftr lor ' aadroottf Gen an UhUnt and French
WLite Saltnoa oa the boat todty. 1 taat:cr ; platooct o( KattianCotsackt
II. C. Koorer.J. A. Uu'e and A. E. ! from the Steppet; the Imperial Bshi
McLenaan aad Mix Loeddruan ar- rxooki ol the Soltan't body goard ; a
rived from Atteior yeetenlay. UeUchment of Japinee eolJieHy, and
Kt. G. R-iiire, ife and fimi.y ar-
irirJ teierdT Irom La tiracde. P.e
1 bat arceDted the r-aMorale oi
J lt Ctriesian ctorch in thit city lor the
cooiic Tear.
j we notice J. H. Miith ol Graft Valier,
who it attend:ne the convention.
did not Uet Th Chbomcu, hot gave
cs a tnUunnal and pleaeaot cal.
attendicc the coTf tod7; tatbrr
I ing itemt w hich a ill be of occh interett
! to the readert of hit jarna), wbicb
vUitt moet of the borne of Oregon 't
ttccs men and farmers.
fm t ttr ti n' -
w .,,,
attack of rrippe bat left Mr. Biggt in
poor health and he will tomorrow Diorn
ing leave for the hot tpringt at Wind
nver while Mr. B:ggt will tpend the
time in The Dalle.
ThnrxUT't Daily.
Chat. Davit it a Kincsiey visitor in
The Dalle today.
Mires Mabe! and Ada Smith aie over
from Glen wood todar.
Mr. D. M. French left on yesterday'
afternoon train for a short trip to Port
land. Hon. John Sommerville and daughter
returned to their home in Hay Creek
thit morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Emerson, of 15
Mile, were passenger on th boat thit
morning for Portland.
Mr. C. L. Dageett left on tbe boat
thit morning for Holton, Wash., where
the will make her home.
W.- Lord returned last night from a
trip over in Klickitat connty. He says
the grain in that section locks fine.
F. R. Htnke, traveling freight agent
for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul,
arrived in the city on last evening's
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hendricsnn who
were married last Sunday at 3-Mile, ar
rived in the city this morning to spend a
few days here.
Etnil Iltckler, who is one of the lead
ing sheepmen of Wapinitia, came in
from that place yesterday and remained
over today in this city." I
A. L. Bunnell, a prominent sheepman
from the Washington side, who paetures
bit flocks near Glennwood during the
summer in tbe city today,
and called at thit office.
R. Sigtnan it in from Dufur today.
Wilbur Bolton returned to hit borne at
Antelope this morning.
jjiss Irene Callison, who bat just
elosed a term of school at Echo, is in
the city, the guest of Mrs. C. L. Gilbert.
Wm. Menefee left yesterday for Ante
lope and will return tomorrow, accom
panied br Mrt. Menefee, who has been
visiting relative there.
Mr. C. B. Durbin, who has brea
spending some time in Portlsnd, came
up fon that place last night, and left
this morning for her borne at Antelope
Hon. Rjbt. Mays and danghter, Mrt.
L. E. Crowe, went to Portland this
morning in response . to the telegram
announcing the death of little Reta
RlDflleg It rat. fitw Military DUplay
Create a aaatloa.
A new patriotic military spectacle is
the latest colossal novelty introduced by
th famous Singling r rot hers as a pre
lude to their unrivalled World' Great
est Shows. There is something in
human nature that demands beauty and
light and color, and which finds its
higtxst gratification
in the glories of!.
spectacular display. one knew this
Kr.n kn- fKU
better than Ann..n.
the Great and even Napoleon Bonaparte,
and these great leaders of men
"U '
nations controlled the heart and won
the loyalty of the people as much by
the magnificence of their public spec
tacles as by the power of tneir legions.
While partakiog in a large measure of
the military character of tbe times, the
Roman and Greek spectacle artistically
modified the glare and panoply of war
with tbe tumptuout arts of peace, the
Kuuujeni oi a ciassicaiiv poetic are.
the love of luxary and the deiigbt of the I
populace for glittering display. Ia their
new patriotic spectacle Ringliog Bros,
have conceived and brought to realiza
tion a display that dazzle while it de
lights, that mingles startled wonder
with gratified aatooisbment, that awak
ens all that it noblest and best io human
nature through the thieefold intelligence
of tbe eye, tbe ear, and the intellect.
Ibe comprehensive and striking title of
Ringling Brothers' new spectacle is
"The List Days of the Century, or tbe
Light of Literty," but this doe little
more than suggest tbe scope of the dis
play or tbe possibilities of gorgeous
ornamentation and brilliancy of apparel.
The display it a magnificent refl-x of
the regal splendor of the ancientt,
combined with a vivid portraiture, upon
a teal of unequalled magnitude, of the
hich are tbnlliog.y pic
tared the genios
ol American insutu-
1 lions aad the glorious
triumphs of
land and sea. In
tmn'Ctn arms on
' the varied ecene. of the spectacle there
! r alii id orer a tMnsand characters,
representing aith marTelicus flde'.ity m
; .n.r.t and eostuniicg the mi.iury
I W "
whole troops of
posers oi mo -"-
; American caraJry ana enure uaii.i.uo.
' 0f ji'.y jack tart; Her Majesty's 7th i reg-
nf Hnwart. the tei:l oi
: :cd-t crtck miiiury orginiwtiont, led
; kt their lamoot monnted military ianu ,
j 0.v..r mi'.itarT orn'xlionf , all appear-
irg in a tremendous epecicuir ur.m.,
in a hich the American Goddeeg of Lib
erty riee, nr.der the halloaed folds of
the ttart and ttripet, triumphant over
' ihe military poaert of the world. Thit
tret pectr'.e ail! be teen in aa us
j ;fic.nt eoroptenett when Bingling
. ... . ,;k;i.
I Brothert world famous circus exhibits
in this city Satnrdty, Jane 10th.
Ul'iBtii It, forWa Caa Da Sa 1
Lou and Mack Gain ta All.
Some very important matters were
discussed last night at the meeting of tbe
board of fire delegates, which if carried
out successfully will mean much to The
Dalle and be of great benefit to ber
After the meeting was called to order
at 8:30, it wat ordered that tbe entire
department give a test drill next Thurs
day night to determine the pressure of
water at tbe new plug near tbe Wasco
warehouse. Five companies will take
part in tbe drill, and as many streams
of water play on the warehouse at one
time. This is splendid practice for the
department and should occur frequently,
For some time it has been considered
that Tbe Dalles was sadly in need of a
fire alarm system. At present when the
eenertl alarm is given much coneterna
tion is caused from the fact that no one
hat any idea where the fire is, and much
time is lost thereby. Not long since the
fire underwriters made a proposition to
tbe city tbtt if a good fire alarm system
were put in and a chemical engine
bought tbey would reduce tbe insurance
of tbe city ten per cent. The question
was diccussed arid a committee consist
ing of Messrs. J. F. Moore, 3. A. Mc
Arthnr, H. Glenn and R. E. Saltmarshe
wat appointod to confer with the busi
ness men telative to tbe proposition and
to placs before them the idea of each
donating the reduction of one year on
their insurance to tbe purchasing of tbe
engine, book and ladder and putting in
tbe alarm system. Should all coincede
with tbe committee and agree to sal
scribe the amount gained by tbe reduc
tion on a year' insurance, a sufficient
amount will thus be procured to make
tbe necessary improvements, and the
saving thereby in future years will be
Surely none will object to this ar
rangement, as no rsduction can be ob
tained in any other manner, and the
benefit can be easily forseen.
A chemical engine it just what we
need. In nine caes oot of ten more
damage is done when tbe fire has scarce
ly gained a start, by water than by tbe
fire itself. With one of these eneinis
one man can climb to a roof or in c'ose
proximity to tbe blaze, and in a short
time put the fire out and virtually to
damage be dons other than the small
blaze produced.
Just at this time there are many calls
upon our business men to aid In one pro
ject or another; but this is an excep
tional one, which can be given with no
loss to them and much gain to all.
Almost Aa Accident.
As F.oy Brock and the Misses Laura
and Helen Lytle were returning from a
(drive Sunday afternoon they had what
,crlu" Dal
'"""""'eiy no one was-Hurt. Ju,t
! ,neT wer approaching the railroad
I CT0"in b,"Io,r 108 one of tho horees
a - a a a
tuc nun out di ueien s nanus, wtio was
driving. The horses began to run, and
as Roy was endeavoring to regain the
llnet be wat thrown from the buggy.
Helen then jumped ont and Laura re
mained alons to take a wild ride behind
a guidelest team. The horset ran into
town, keeping the road faithfully, and
ts they came into the street In frott t f
TV. S. Bailee's residence, Laura sot
I.. ) : . tTtt .
in ,be n 'nd oceded "gin
iu vu oi me lines ana circled tbe
horses around in the square by Mrs,
Leslie t i lace till they ttopped, when
she dismounted, turned the team over
to tome men that had arrived and
ttarted back to find Roy and Helen.
Save el'ghtly bruised sbouldeis. on
whith both the young peopl lighted,!
no one was hurt and all were happy
aith so fortunate an ending. Wasco
Farm far Hal.
Six miles south of Tie Dalles, com
posed ot 495 acres 203 in grain and 100
in summer fallow. A good house and
other buildings, end all manner of farm
ing implement. This is a desirable
farm at a bargain. For terras, spply to
G. W, ParrtHHON.
6-tw Th nn.
Us Clark A Falks Rosofonin for
Ub:oi, in
27, IS99.
Tie Dales, fortlani ail Astoria
Navigation Co.
strs. Regulator Dalles City
Daily lexw-pt SundavJ between "
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at war poin'a on both side of the
Columbia river.
Both of th above iteamera have been rebuilt,
nd are iu excellent shape for the wn ol lwy.
The Itccalatur Lib will endeavor to give ita
patroni tbe best aen ice possible.
t For Comfort. Economy and Pleasare,
tiarel br the steamers of Tbe tteuiator
The above steamers leave The Dalles at 8 a. m.
and forlland at 7 a. m., and arrive at deatiua
Hon in am pli time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office. The Dalle Offloa
Oak bL Dock. Court Street
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
..GHftS. PRAM..
and Fanmeps
Keeps on draught the celebrated
edged tbe beat beer in The Dalles,
at tbe usual price. Come in, try
It and be eouvinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquor
and Cigars.
of all Kinds alwavs on hand.
). 8. 8CHE!k,
H. M. Bait ,
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
DTaft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
8ight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa
New York, San Francisco and port
land. DIRBOTOK3.
D. P. Thompson. Jwo. 8. Schihck.
Eo. M. Williams, Gio. A. Liibs.
H. M. Bbalu
Trie Columbia PackiDgCo..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
F. s.
Wagon Shop,
' Horseshoeing.
Cor. Second & LanaWin. Tfione 157
and Erabalmer.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back
French ACo.'s Bank.
"aw 113 OMw 1WQ3
T ma CiarriT Court or thi st.t.
MsxImiUain Vo,t and Phlll,.piM , h.
' trt r doing bu.. ,Vt rhJf '
Ihe Arm name and .lyle ul v UCT
& tu., ttainuc,, ' 1 t,xtt
T. 1. McCoy. Defendant
To T. J. McCoy, the above n,i .
Iu ihe name of the Mate of 4Mtt
ou are hereby aolined and reivL.
in tbe above entitled eourt, on m to"
d.y of lb publication of thi. sun, " tZ
oa or bt-iJW the luth day if
tbre to anwer tbe complaint of
named plaintiffs filed in the above W.1 l
and if you fail to aonear .nn Sam
eui plaint for want thereof, plaiut.ff.
judgment .KaiiiKt you f.., the k!
iil: ."UlJrseaieiil,
This summons is terved utn t i ,
eation thereof bv onler of H.'u Win7
Judire of the obove named court ni!. i"'
Cfcurt ia Dalles C ity, Wax-o t ,uiiiv
the '.4th day of April, aua
this lunniom be serveJ u,n ru T. . "
tion thereof, oot leu Ih.n once a wIp?t:'
eou-utive-ekia Th I'allis ( Hsovif,.
newspaper of general circulation
weeklr at b.ilea City. Wa-co olu?,, '? ",h
aaltpubiieaiion to bin in tneKua
newspaper on lha J9th day of April iL.JH
a.d on the loth day of June, wihTh1
luelnslvelr. bl'Fl K i lias'rhE
apU ii Attorneys for plainui
Laxd Ornca at Ths Dium. j,.,i
Notice Is hereby given tha'the foUowiL
named settler has Bled notice of hi,
to make Bnal proof in snpport of hl clsim .2
tbat said proof will be before the dS!
May 15Tr?Ws? be ''"
Daniel Arthur Kalsaf, ofTha DalH.
H ineotead Application Ko. 5101, for the lot,
and S, section ai, and lr 9, section at towS
I north, range U et. Will. Mer.
He names the fallowing witnesses to
bis continuous residence upon and cultivt'tk.
of said land, vis:
i. W. Fansher, P. C. Fagan, C. 0. Wermc
A. Turner, all of The Dalles, Oregon
apr8-U JAYP. LlCAS.RejIjto
U. 8. Laud Ornca, at Viscorvia, wUI i
May, 2, lsta. '
Notice ts hereby given that the. follow!,
named settler ha filed notice of bis intentjoiiS
make final proof In support of his claim, kA
that said proof will be made before W. B. Pmbr
t'nlted btates Com miasioner for District of
W'abington. at bis office in Unldendule, U tah,
lugtou, on Thuradny, June 15, lswi.vlz:
Thomaa Talaset, (Indlaa)
Homestead Entry, No. bras, for tbe Souths
quarter of the Northwest quarter; West bill of
of tbe Southwest quarter, and the ftiutbeut
quarter of the Pouthweat quarter, Section n
township 2 North, of Range 14 Kant, Will Mer.
He names tbe following aitnektwsto prove hji
continuous residence upon and cultivation i(
said land, vis:
Chsrley Hlabia, John Patoosv, Bill Homra,
Tom Blattwata, all of Columbus f. 0., W.ihint
May-ii W. B.DCKBAB, Register.
Notice. Timber Culture.
U. B. Land Ornca, Thf Pallrs, Oainoii,;
February U, im. j
Complaint having been entered at this offiw
byOllie P. Weberg against Wesley Summner lor
tailors to comply with law as to timber-culture
tittr) No. 3u--'.i, dated Bepteniber 22, ItSNt, upoi
the 8. . Section Id, Township , south of
Willamette Meridian. Kange 11 est, in Wain
County, State of Oregon, with a view to the can
cellation of said entry, conteotant alleging (hit
said Weely Bummner never plowed orculiivtled
said tract except about six acres and never at
auy time nor has any one for bits planted an)1
trees or cuttings, or seeds, and also the said Wes
ley Bummner about the month of February, Is,
duly relinquished said tract to the United glutei
and delivered said relinquishment Uithii(lil
and said relinquishment was duly filed in the
U. 8. office of The Dalles, Oregoc, and st Ihe
said time and prior thereto abandoned said trset
and has never since taid time returned thereto
cr claimed any light or interest in said tract of
The said parties are hereby summoned to -penr
at this otilce on tbe Aith dsy of April, If
at 10 o'clock a. in., to reopond and funilifc
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
11-il JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
School District No. 50, of Wasco county, Ore
g.m, will Isaue six coupon bonds ol the jar
value of Ova hundred dollars esch, besrlnf
Intereat at Ihe rate of six per cent per snnua,
interest payable senil-annuall) ; 'aid bonds be
ing redeemable at tbe pleasure of said diitrlrt
after ten years from their date, but dm and pay
able absolutely twenty years from date. Ms
cipal and interest payable at the office of lhe
treasurer of Wasco eonntv, Oregon, or St sues
place as may be designated at tbe option ot u
purchaser. , .
The board of directors of sal I district are law
fully authorised to issue said bnmli la socnnl
ance with tbe provision of an act of the l's
tive assembly of the state of Oregon, riled la 1st
office ot the secretary of state, of Oregoo, t-eom-ary
22. l.-iwi, and providing among other thiDft
for the Inauanoe of bonds by school district".
In compliance with the terms of said act, ',
ss treasurer nf said county, w ill n-eeivo ae"lt
bids for said bonds at my office In Dalles OT.
aforesaid, until 2 o clock p. ni. on the ."J
of June 99. All bids must be accoinpsnled or
a cerillied check of five percent of the amount
of bonds for which bid is made. No bid for lea
than par will be considered. Blanks to be fur
nlhrd by the purchaser. The right to rejan
any and all bids is reserved.
lhe Dalle., Oregon. Ma, , p9,
1 rUfr
AdininislnlnYSale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that underaiid W',,J
of an older nl the countv wpnurt of the "J.
Oregon for Wasco Cnuntv, made on hfS,l,,7,
cf Jannarv, 1 , In the matter of theetllteotU'
W. K. Kinrhart, deceased. I will sell, at pub 1
aiictlop, nt the con rtkouse door In DallesJ lif. '
sniil enuiitv and state, on the nth d:iy of ''J:'
lM' the hour of one o'clock p. in . to Ihe hU"
t bidder, all the real estsla bi'ioiiging l
estate, to wit-UMs A, H. C, D, K, K, II, ,H. ''
K and I., In Block In The Fort Dalle" M'""JJ
lie.orvstlon Addllinn to said Dalles City, m
oimity and state. , ...,1
Also the west half of the southeast quarter s
Ihe east ball of the southwest quarter, sectl""
in township a uorlh, range 14 cast. In B"v
enmity, Oregon.
Terms of .ale-one-half In cash at H"'0V "J
and one half In six mouths, secured by
gnge on the premises.
Datlasi t lty, Oregon, April 7th. 1W'
aprt-ll Adinlnlstratrl
Kgaa far Sattlncs. for settinx from A 1 stoc'f.
B. B. Red Games, per IS, $1.25.
8.C. Blaci Minora ta. er 15, 1.25.
S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, l-25
if. V. Ziiolsb.
1 m-2d-y The Dalles, Oregon.
Cash la Hear C hacks.
All rnnnttr warrsnta reiriatered V"0"
to Joly 13, 18P5, will be paid
office. Interest ceases after April m
18W). C. L. Phillips,
Count Treasurer.
Don't think you can cure llt 'ib
attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or tw
II will enra lt..lf Vo.tol DrsnensiaCn'
wii.t. cure ll j It "digests what you k
and restores the digestive orns "
health. 8nipes-Kmersly Drug Co.
! i. i , -..,.!, C0lJ'
s iioiiMiuuia, ia grippe, .,
croup and whooping-cough readily J'
loOna Mlnnte Cougb Cure. t
remetly In time an t save a doctor'! F'
or lha undertaker's. 8olpes-KmsiI
Dru Co.