The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1899, PART 2, Page 3, Image 3

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ffi SALE
r0BTlEAE 1895.
..,.ni issued by
01 nf theco,
ri:; of Oregon, datec
findinZ m. to levy on th,
' Chattel of tbe delinquent tai
S county, for the year 1895
Icbed.amlif rone be found
itX real property a. set fortl
PP0 . rinlinauent tai
H much therof as shall satiety
I ..(... charaed therein, to-
,itb tbe costs aod expenses,
'' the 5th day of June, 1899,
L front door of the court house
Uonty.atthehourof 10 o'clock
helorenooD oi b'u r
Jction to the highest bidder for cash,
to redemption, to satisfy said
rllll, cost aud accruing cost, the
iiafter described pieces or parcels of
'. lovipil nnon said rjieces
Wliof land and being unable to
Jmt goods or chattels belonging
iihi reepective delinquents therein
lilt Dalles City, Oregon, May 4,
Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
mi. W C, Boyd ; per prop .... $16 80
irlnncii U.U "I I '
12e; 160 a
9 98
4 90
19 38
14 82
2 70
torn. BF, Dufur; per prop..
In Churchill & Co, Portland ;
r" . . -oi o in. iDi
Eijie'4 eec oi, u, ij c, . .
worth, i E, The Dalles; lots
: 3, 4, sec 10, 2 n, io e, ioa. ..
... Irab. Sellwood; E & VV
Lj to Hood River, lots 1, 6, 7, 8,
10. blk 6
hhiui. Rosa, Hood River Park ;
lot 22. blk 3
lihim. Sarah. Hcod River
fr,rk; lot 23, blk 3 54
worth, LB, Hood R'ver Park ;
lot 9, blk 1
1 30
14 25
10 44
Li.WA, Hood River Park;
lot , blk 1
Ian, Ida V, Hood River Park ;
tn, Cynthia C, Hood River;
jt 13, blk 3
Imon. W A ; E & W 2 J ad to
flood River, lots 13, 14, blk 0.. .
bte, C C, Dnfur; e blk 5, 4
M, Site, Antelope; all unsold
pvti to tialrd s ad to Antelope.
Jin, Cbas M, The Dalles; bw
(w34,2n, 15 e, 100 a 7 42
Mwin, J C, The Dalles ; Trev
utoDullea City, se corner lOOx
:20,blkE 34 56
ki, J E.Albany; Hood River
'irk, biks o and 20 inc 12 60
kn,EN, Portland; sli bw4
t.seci.Hn, 10 e, 120 a 0 13
Murt, Mary, The Dalles ; Blf
m Miles C'ity, lot 1, blk 11 2 88
tab, AG, Hood River Park,
i, Dik l
Juts, Olga, Hood River Park,
u, dii i
B.Denver; E A W ad to
Hood River, lots 3'J and 40, blk
J C. Portland; Hood River
1 30
, lots 2, 3,7, 10, 11, 14, 15,
J 19, 22, 23, 26, 27. 30. 31, 34,
,38,3, 42, 43, 40,47, blk 12.
4 23
Mr, George, Antelope; ne'
we i, o s, in e, 4(1 a ; se1
"find e.'4' se'4' sec 17, 0 s, 18
1. 1 '11 a
7 40
Wd.Liura E, The Dalles ; s
6 38
famin, V B; EA W lot ad to
fld River, lot 20, blk 10 CO
fMra, Daniel, heirs, The Dalles;
KlwCllV lots 3 an.) 4. hllr 2
6 13
Joseph, tec 18, 1 n, 13 e;
Mevae ad Dalles City, lots 1,
'"i blk 1
1 43
-Hom.Horence. E A VV lBta.l
Hood River, lots 19 and 20,
-wlind. O t rt.,...i . n in
a? River Park lots
21. 21,20. blk 4 100
.""in, Hood River park
Linton. T.cli. IT. V V.. " ' " n ' '.'
lot 28 bit i ' Ter l nrK
""n. E. E 'w'.'j"ti.i
r,lot,98ri(, jo b!k3
d. W If
1 30
River, lots 25 aud 20, blk 1 1
.J,';0:?". The Dalles; swt4'
Heal V ,V "Je'4w.U
CV"'10". a.. ........ 6
, niuillH ; fj VV 1(1
6 99
. naier J, Hood River; E
blk 6 '0U 45' 40,
C'u19'1". Wamlc; winw
l.,wl.4,i2e, 80.:...'.....
""""Jin. fir. n i. . . .
s'tiBi - . oriianu w'i
Siiiin'l,',.Th!r,',,Ms Mil
rtSH&A 1100,1 RWer
2 10
9 38
9 98
U. i. iV . ."d se'4' se'i see
v -", iiMia ...
r" .loti7 li ,10ou "iver
Blik." H7 blk 10
BriMh.TV' lM Dales;
blf r1 DHei City, lots 2 and 3
41 2$
3 19
3 00
4 99
Sb,r'c,;,.2n. 10 e. 20 I
4,U,2n, It) e,40...
Carroll, Abner W, Victor; sec
10, 5 s, 13 e, 320 a 7 98
Carey, John W, The Dalles; p'2'
nL and nt1 sec 13, 2 , 13 e,
240 a; s'i s'4 sec 1. 2 , 13 .
80 a; eSj ie4, nw'i
nw1, nw'4, iw1 gf'4 and
ni4 sec 12, 2 , 13 e, 4S0 a 43 18
Chandler. Fred, Wamic; wig sw
4ie.lis4 and 83. eeI4see
13,4s, 12 e, 160 ....'..:.;.. ...
Coe, E F, estate, Hood River;
4 99
eastern uiosi 01 two (prinfra In
sw corner of X Coe, DLC, Hood
River, iVasco county 15 00
Cooper, D R, Mt Hood ; n hf eeqr,
wqrnwqr ana ne qr sw qr sec
28, 1 n, 10 e, 160 a
Conple, E, Hood River : se or nw
9 98
qr and nw qr ee qr, undeeded
land, sec 23, 2 n, 10 e, 80 a 3 33
Condon, William, The Dalles; per
prop 29 54
Carlton, E R, Antelope; per prop 12 00
Curry, Alfred E. Portland; E fc
W ad Hood River, lots 34. 35.
blk 6 13 50
Campbell, Myra, Portland; E &
W ad Hood River, lots 27, 28,
blk 2; lotd 25, 20, 27, 23. blk 9. . 4 06
Creban, Wm, Portland; E & V
ad to Hood River, lots 39. 40.
blk 10 1 30
Cracker, A C, Albina; E & VV ad
to Hood River, lots 19, 20, blk 7 1 36
Croter, M VV, Albina; E & W ad
to Hood River, lots 17, 18, blk 7 1 36
Coatswortb, Mrs G ; ne qr sw qr.
a hf sw qr, ne qr nw qr sec 12, 1
n, 13 e, 160 a ; n hf nw qr sec 13,
1 d, 13 ft, 27 a; w hf sw qr, sec
7, 1 n, 14 e, 80 a; lots 3 and 4,
sec 12, 1 n, 13 e, 18 a 71 25
Crossun, J B, The Dalles; per
prop 28 16
Cathcart, A 6, The Dalles; Lad
to Dalles City, 61 feet off n end
of lot 1, blk 15 14 40
Clements, E M, The Dalles;
Dalles City, lot 5, blk 1 2 30
Campbell, H H, The Dalles ; L ad
to Dalles City, lot 5, blk 13 86 72
Carting & Hall, The Dalles; s hf
bf sec 31, In, 12 e, 160 a 5 99
Clear Lake Lumbering & Irrigat
ing; Co, se qr sec 32, 4 s, 9 e, '
100 a 3 99
Chambers, W M, Hood River; lot
1, sec 20, 3 n, 10 e, 40 a 1 14
C'arno, William, Antelope; w hf
se qr sec 32, 7 s, 19 e, 80 a 4 79
Cable, Elbert E, E & W 1st ad to
Hood River, lots 5, 0, b.k 6 1 36
Cromwell, EM & E E, Belmont;
lot 7 4 99
Collins, Isabella, Hood River
Park, lot 25, blk 1 64
Collins, Chas B, Hood River Park,
lot 24. blk 1 54
Cook. Frack, Hood River Park,
lot 33, blk 1 54
Chase, J, Hood River Park, lot 21,
blk 1 54
Colleman, Harry, Hood River
Park, lot 34, blk 10 54
Decker. John, Boyd; n hf se qr,
sw qr ne qr and se qr sw qr sec
20, Is, lie. 100 a 9 93
Dimick, Mrs A, Mt Hood; ne qr
sec 33, 1 n, 10 e, 160 a 5 99
Divers, Wm S, Hood River; ne qr
seqrsec21,2n, 10 e, 40 a 5 47
Denton, C VV, The Dalles : C VV D,
1) L C, less 20 acres in a square
form in ne corner sec 5, 1 n, 13
e, 329 a; Mil ad to Dalles City,
lots H and K, blk 41; Mil ad to
Dalles City, lots C, D, E, F 109 00
Dowell, F B, Portland; E & VV ad
to Hood River, lots 3, 4, 5, 0,
blk 7 2 70
Derry, Edward W, Portland : E &
VV ad to Hood River, lota 43, 44,
blk 2 1 30
Davis. M J, Ran Francisco, Cal ; E
& VV ad to Hood River, lots 13,
14, 15, 16, 35,30, blk 10 5 40
Deveney, Wm. E & VV ad to Hood
River, lots 23, 24, blk 2 1 36
DeBord, E F, San Francisco, Cal ;
E & VV ad to Hood River, lots 1,
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,43,41,45,
46, 17. 48, 31,32,33, blk 0 10 20
Devine, James, Hood River, ne qr
neqrsec3, In, 12e, 42 a 2 60
Dorbin, Sophia, Billings, Mont;
K A VV 1st ad to Hood River,
lots 47, 48, blk 7 1 36
Davis, L S, Tbe Dalles; per prop. 6 40
Edwards, J F, w hf sw qr, ne qr
iw qr sec 5, 1 n, 14 e, 120 a 0 28
Erwln, Robt, E & VV 2J ad Hood
River, all blks 2 and 3, Its 4, 5,
0, 43,44,45,40, blk 9 2 30
Eowrett, Abbie L; E and VV 2d A
11 R, lots 5, 6, blk 5 1 15
Erwin, Jane A, Hood river: Eaud
VV 1st ad to II It, lots 15 to 20
Inc, 33, 34, 43 to 46 inc In blk 1,
lots 41 and 42 blk 2, lots 3. 6,
23, 24, 27 to 32 Inc, 43 to 48 inc
blk 3, lots 11 to 21 inc, 37 to 48
Ino blk 4, all in blk 5 except 21,
22, 23, 24, lots 11 to IS ine, 39 to
to 44 inc blk 6, all in blk 8 ex
cept 23, 24, 25, 26, lots 1 to 22
Inc, 33 to 40 inc blk 9, lots 3 to
12 Inc, 45 and 40 blk 10 8 10
Farley & Frank, The Dalles; L
amlDC. lot 4, blk 10. lot 9, blk 1
18 w "
Ferguoon, Jane, Wapinitia; ne qr
sec 9, 5 s, 12 e, nw qr sec 10, 5 s,
12 e; 320 acres 11 vi
Frank, L D, estate, The Dalles ;
ne or sec 16, 2 n, 10 e, lw) a; L
ad DC, lot 5, blk 10 9 12
Frary, Jno II, Hood River; ne qr
sec 21, 2n,10e,100a W
Fredenborg, A, MtHood; s hf se
qr, ahfswqr, sec 21, 1 n, 10 e;
100 ' m
Friendly, A J, The Dalles ; person
at nronertv
3 63
Frizzell, Wm, Cascades; lots 1
and 2, s hf se qr sec 34. 2 n, 1
, UK) a; a hf sw qr sec 35, 2 n,
12 e, 80 a; n hf nw qr, part of
Atwell'i DLC, sec 2, 2 n, 8 e,
Fox, M.The Dalles; part of Cald
well's I) I' V, sees i.J nu ,ip
12 63 a
5 99
Fisher. Oodberson & Co, Mosier;
per prop
FlUUerald, Wm. I!"'' .
addif R, lots 31, 32, blk 9 1 .
Freeman, A J; E A VV add II R;
lots 25, 26 1 J0
Fredenburg. J H, Ml Per 2 34
Ferguson. L E; part of Sims' D L
C, vol P, page 487 15 1
Fisher. Catherine, Dalles; part of
Sims' DLC, vol O. pane 176; L
ad D C. lot 12, blk IS; L ad D
C, lot 2, blk 14 C9 12
Fisher, Joseph, Dalles; Biglow ad
D C, lot 11, blk 8 7 51
Fisher, Juliua, Dalles; per prop. . 7 40
Farley, Margsrette, Dalles ; mil ad
D C, lots F, G, H, blk 76 5 76
Fitch. J C, Portland ; E A VV ad II
R, lots 43 to 4s inc, blk 6 4 06
FitzGerald, Maurice J, San Fran-"
cuco; mil ad D l , lots E and F,
1.1 1 ri.-t
3 78
Falenins.CC, Cascades; town of
cascades, lot D, blk 7 4 32
Finnegan. Mr, Bellmont; lot H,
except. 20x3M feet on East side. 1 74
Friese, A F, Hood River puk ; lots
(.0. 10. 11 and 14. blk 2 9 19
Friese, Angust II, Hood River
park; lots 15, 18 and 19, blk 2. . 127
Goldsmith A Carr, Portland; n hf
te qr, sec 22. 2 n, 10 e 8 93
Gleason, E A, antelope; per prop 13 34
Goff, Frank C, Dnfur; s hf 8 hf,
sec 20, 1 s, 12 e; 160 a 17 67
Goldstein estate, Dalles, George
Williams agt : 84 ft in sw corner
of 4th and Libertv sts. Trev ad
D C, blk C 53 10
Gamble, VV B, Dalles; s hf sw qr,
nw qr sw qr, sw qr nw qr, sec
30, 1 s, 8 e; 160 a 8 27
Gray, W C, Hood River ; n w qr se
qr, sec 21, 2 n, 10 e; 40 a 4 47
Green, J M ; e hf ne qr, lots 1 and
2, sec 9,1 e, 8 e; 124 a 3 99
Gove, C A ; E and W 2d ad H R,
lots 1.2, 3, 17 to 42 incl, 47 and
48, blk 9 5 40
Gum, R J, Hood River park; lots
35 and 38, blk 3 106
Greenbaum, Jessie, Hood River
nark; lots 1, 3 to 20 incl, 23 to
36 Incl, 33 to 46 incl and 48, in
blk 11; all of blk 10 9 52
Haines, Lenore, Dufur ; w hf blk 5,
town of Dufur 8 45
Hinckle, J R, Hubbard Valley ; e
hfswqr, sw qr ne qr, sec 36, 7
s, 16 e ; 120 a 3 74
Holmes, VV H, Salem; ne qr, sec
10,5 s, 13 e; 100 a 3 99
Hoyt, John S, Tbe Dalles ; e hf sw
qr, w hf se qr, sec 11, 1 n, 12 e ;
100 a 7 98
Hood River Macfg Co, Hood Riv;
see record of deeds, vol J page
13, tp3n, 10 e; 1 a 16 44
Hey man, M, Cascades; per prop. 5 80
Hurley, Harrv A, Portland; E
and VV ad 11 R, lots 31 and 32,
blk 1 1 36
Huskey, A C, Portland; frac tract
com se cor sec 35, running w
18.37 ch, n 10.70 ch, e 11.37 ch. s
10.77 ch, tec 35, 3 n, 10 e; 19.80
acres 5 40
Hamilton, Rose, Portland ; E and
VV ad II R, lota 25 and 26, blk 6 1 36
Harnett, D H. Portland; E and VV
ad II R,. lots 47 and 48, blk 2... 130
Hartuisn, Marv E, Albany; E
and W ad II R, lots 21, 22, 25
and 26, blks 5 and 4 2 70
Hartman, D F, Albany; E and VV
ad 11 R, lots 37 and 33, blk 3... 130
Holmes, Sadie L, Tacoma; seqr
sec 17,2 n, 12 e; 100 a 14 73
Haijeny, J H. Portland ; mil ad D
C, lot F, blk 51 1 45
Hogne, C R. The Dalles; mil ad
D C, lots F and G, blk 83 1 45
Hastings, Harrv, The Dalles; ne
qr seqr sec 'i,2 n, 12 e; 110 a. 2 29
Hawkins, James A, Hood River;
s hf se qr, ne qr se qr, se qr ne
qrsecl5,2n, 9e; 100 a 5 99
Hursell, Alma, Portland; II R
park lots 54 and 25, blk 3 85
Hudson, T G, The Dalles; seqr
eeqr sec 13, In, 12 e; 39 a 2 00
Hurst, Miah, The Dalles; sw qr
sec 22, 1 n,15e; 100 a 17 11
Harris. Nathan, The Dalles; 8 hf
seqr sec 36, 2n, 12 e 3 09
Henry, G R, Ridgeway ; nw qr sw
qr, sec 15, 7 s, 16 e 2 00
Hilton, Chas. Fossil; eeqrnwqr
sec 36. 8 s, 19 e 2 00
Horn. Herman ; mil ad D C, lot G
blk 86 87
Hyde, Edward ; H R, lots 3 and 4,
blk 5 1 36
Hedstorm. N J; II R park, lot 28,
blk 1 54
Hamilton, Harry; H R park, lot
24, blk 2 54
Joss, Alexander, Mt Hood ; r.w qr
nw qr sec .'4, 1 n, 10 e, n hf
ne qr and se qr ne qr sec 15, 1 n,
10 e 6 9J
Jacobson Book and Mueic Co, The
Dalles; personal property 67 20
Jones, J D; personal property.... 2 44
Johnson, J A, Portland ; E and W
ad II R, lots 25 to 30 inc, blk 0. . 4 00
Jackson, Helen B, Hood River;
Gates' ad D C, lots 7 and 8,
blk 20 2.) 97
Junny.John; personal property. . 4 20
Johnson, MaryC.heirs, The Dalles;
mil ad DC, lots H1J, blk 82... 3 75
Johnson, HollisC, The Dalles; mil
ad D C, lots H I, blk 83 1 45
Jones A Jordan, Rherar's Bridge;
se qr sw qr jec 35, 5 s, 14 e, 40 a ;
e hf nw qr, nw qr nw qr, nw qr
ne qr sec 205 s. 14 e, 100 a ; n
hf ne qr, se qr ne qr sec 27, 5 s,
14 e, 120 a; sw qr neqr sec 18,
5 s, 14 e, 40 a; shf se qr sec 35,
5 s, 14 e, 80 a 4(1
Jones, Fred .V, Bakeoven ; e hf sw
qr sec 31,5 s, 15 e; lot 3 and se
qrnwqrsec6, 6 s, 15 e, 177 a.. 5 99
Jones, Leonard C, Portland ; all of
blks 3 to 13 inc. lots 7 to 12 inc,
16, 17, 18, 21 to 24 inc, blk 2 ; all
of frao blk 1, except lots 1, 2, 3,
4, Idlewild 27 00
Jacob. Morris, Hood River pat k,
lot 1, blk 3 64
Jordan, Hugh O, KM?r'lt ,,f 7 0, 7 or 8 Of, 1
Jones, Geo VV, Hood River ; L A
VV 1st ad to Hood River, lot 20,
blk 2 " 0J
Johnson, J J, Hood River park,
lot 4.1, blk 1 84
Wtt.!":"'' 600
Koonti, John L. The Dalles; lot
1 sec 30, 2 n, 13 e : 4 00
Ranker. VV T. Portland; h A VV
n to Hood River, lot. Sand 6,
blk 2 1 36
Kerron, William. Portland; E A
VV ad to Hood River, lot 2, blk3 69
Kane. ) C, Boston, Mass; E A W
ad to Hood River, lots 25 to 29
inc, blk 6 2 TO
KorUn, Mrs Ben, Portland: 27 ft
off e side lot 4, blk 3, Dalle City 8 64
Kramer, Henry, The Dalles; Mil
ad to Dalles City, lots D. E. F.
blk 23 15 40
Kendall, VV L, Nanscne; se qr sw
qr sec 2, 1 d, 12 e 2 00
Kinisey, Pierce, Antelope; all lota
blk 6, town of Antelope 13 37
Kreft, Paul, Tbe Dalles; mil ad D
C.lot A, blk 54 8 21
Kreuss, E VV, The Dalles; aw qr.
sec 20, 2 n, 15 e; 160 a 7 90
Klindt, Fred J, The Dalles ; mil ad
D C, lot A, bik 1C6 20
Kulhman, Andrew; E and VV 1st
ad Hood River, lots 27 and 28,
blk 6 1 36
Krochman A Hartman, Portland;
E and VV 1st ad Hjod River, lots
29 and 30, blk 6 1 30
Lewis, W MeD estate, Wapinitia;
n bf seqr, ne qr sw qr, sec 21,
5 s, 12 e ; ne qr n w qr, sec 19, 6
a, 12 e; w hf nw qr, nw qr sw qr
sec -U, 0 8, l J e; sw qr se qr, sec
18, 5 s, 12 e; se qrnw qr, sec 21,
0 8, 13 e
33 99
Lauer, Chas F, The Dalles; per
prop 3 20
Lynch, Peter, Albina: E and VV
ad Hood River, lots 29 to 32 inc,
blk 7 2 70
Lvnch, Alice, Albina; E and VV
ad Hood River, lota 21 to 24 inc,
blk 7 2 70
Lamotte, Frank, Portland ; 8 hf se
qr, sec 6, 1 n, 13 e 5 13
Lewis, Chas, The Dalles; com at a
point 209 (t south from nw cor
of w hf sw qr, sec 32, 7 s, 17 e,
thence south 209 ft, thence eaBt
209 ft, north 209 ft, west 209 ft
to beginning 3 76
Lombardson, Wm, L ad DC, lot
2, blk 8 15 85
Liberati, Elsie, Hood River; lot 2,
sec 26. 3 n, 10 e 2 43
Lindbard, Belle; Hood Riv park,
lots 14 and 15, blk 9 85
Logan, Frank A, The Dalles; Big
ad D C, lota 1 and 2, blk 2 23 04
La Dow, Mary N and F K, The
DalleB; mil ad DC, lot B, blk
15 1 45
Larson, E S, Vancouver; Lad D
C, hf int 20 ft off east side lot 9,
blkl , 2 88
Laird, Martha; E and W 1st ad
Hood River, lots 23 and 24, blk
6 1 36
Liesse, Alfred ; Hood River park,
lot 2, blk 3 54
Liesse, Jeanne; Hood River park,
lot3Hblk3 51
Larson, E M; Hood River park,
lots 12, 14, 15 and 18, blk 3 1 00
Larson, Henry; Hood River park,
lot 21, blk 10 54
Larkin, E A ; Hood River park,
lot 22, blk 10 4
Listman, Susan ; Hood Riv park,
lot 37, blk 4 54
Manley, A B, Victor; sw qr, sec 4,
5 s, 12 e 10 00
Marehbanks, J W, Cascades; per
prop 18 40
Maupin, C P, Antelope; 1 a in nw
cor bw qr, sec 32, 7 s, 17 e 7 57
McCaffery, Mr, Hood River; lota
3 and 4, nw qr se qr, sec 36, 2 n,
9 e 4 20
McQuinn, Catherine, Fossil ; Thos
ad D C, lots 4, 5, 10 and 17, blk
11 5 48
Mooney, Mrs E C, Hood River;
beginning at a point 3'' chains
south qr post below seca 35, 30,
3 n, 10 e, thence south 57'.., ch,
west 4'4 ch, north 57)i ch, east
4'4 ch to beginning, containing
2 a, seca 35 and 30, 3 n, 10 e. . . . 4 29
Mack, J O, The Dalles; per prop. 15 40
Mowery, C, Bovd ; aw qr, sec 20,
I e, 14 e ". 11 97
Motter, Frank, Portland; E and
W ad Hood River, lots 33 and
34, blk 10 1 30
McCulloch, Mary L. Albina: F
and W ad Hood River, lots 15
and 16, blk 2 1 30
Mcintosh, Honors, Albina; E and
W ad Hood River, lota 23 and
24, blk 8 1 36
McAnley, D, The Dalles; pern
prop 5 38
Marshall, Mrs E J, The Dalles; L
ad D C, lot 4, blk 3 21 61
Martin, P J, San Francisco; lot 3,
blk 4, D C .' 60 48
Moreland, J C, Portland; hf Int
lots 1 and 2, sec 33, 2 n, 13 e; hf
Int lot I, sec 34, 2 n, 13 e; 02'i a 14 02
Mooney, Elizvbeth ; rail ad D C,
lots K and L, blk 46 2 83
McCauley, Emma II, Mil ad to
Dalles City, lots Dand E, blk 83 1 45
McCabe, Andrew, The Dalles;
per prop 1 18
Marsh, Adolph, Hood River; lot
3 sec 26, 3 n, 10 e 2 43
Macmm, VV S, Hood River; w hf
sec 35, 1 s, 8 e 9 98
Meldrum, Jno VV, Wapinitia; w
hf ne qr sec 6, 4 a, 9 e 3 00
McRea, Duncan, Antelope; sw qr
bw qr sec 30, H 8, 18 e 1 01
McKinnon, Jno M, Antelope; nw
qr ne qr sec 20, 8 s, 19 e 2 00
Mixer, VV II, E A VV 1st d Hood
River, lots 7 and 8, blk 3 1 36
Maix, Daniel, Antelope; L ad to
Antelope, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, blk 4. .. 9 14
Metzar, J G, Hood River park,
lot 30, blk 4 54
Malarkev, ChasA, Portland ; Hood
River park, lot 10, blk 9 54
Nickelsen, I C, The Dalles; Mil
ad to Dalles Citv, lota C, D, E,
K and J, blk 30; N A G ad to
Dalles City, lots 3 snd 4, blk 6. .202 82
Newton, E It, Antelope; per prop 6 06
Nolin, John, Dufur ; per prop. ... 613
Newgard, Annette. The Dalles;
Mil ad to Dalles City, lot I, blk
2 1 45
Nickolson, Emma, Hood River;
Hood Rivrr park, lot 20, blk 1. . 54
Oiler, Mrs M A, Hood River ; ne
qr sec 12, 1 n, 9 e 5 59
Ollnger A Hone. Hood River; 1st
ad to Hood River, lota 7 and 8,
blk A 25 80
Oalund, L P. The Dalles; Mil ad
to IHille City, lots A, B and C,
blk 24 ! 9 38
Patison, VV VV, Warulc; I'. ain
Prattville, sec 14, 4 a, 12 e 2 18
Perkins, Geo, Mt Hood ; nw qr se
qr, se qr ne qr, ne qr sw qr, sw
qr neqr sec 5, 1 s, 10 e; 160 a.. 7 99
Totter. VV B, Hood River; fras
tract in nw qr nw qr sec 3, 2 n,
10 2 94
Patterson, J N, Dufur; personal
property 3 13
Fattiuon, II V, Wamlc; personal
property 4 89
Patterson, S L, Estate, Wapinitia ;
personal property 168
Talmer, Richard, Dufur; personal
property 6 93
Parsons. John, The Dalles; rail
ad D C, lot A, blk 2 4 33
Pooocock, A and E, Portland; II
R park, lots 12 and 13, blk 2 85
Pintier, A J ; E and VV 1st ad HR,
lot 19, blk 2 G9
Power, Davey ; E and VV 2d ad II
K. lots 10, Hand 12, blk 5 174
Paddock, J W; II R park, lot 40,
blk 8 64
Petrie. RG; II R park, lot 41,
blk 8 64
Reed A Monger, The Dalles;' 8 hf
se qr, e bf sw qr sec 16, 2 n, 12 e 13 27
Reeder Bros. Antelope; s hf ne qr,
s bf nw qr sec 14, 7 s, 16 e, a hf
ne qr, nw qr se qr, ne qr sw qr
sec 15, 7 8,16 e 76 16
Remington, J E, Tbe Dalles;
Thomp ad D C, lot 5, blk 13.... 6 08
Riddel), GH, The Dalles; sw qr
sec 2, 1 n, 14 e 12 12
Rogers, Bert, Antelope; Halrd'a
ad Ant, lots 5 and 8, blk 7; per
sonal property 6 14
Rnffner, Peter, The Dalles ; s hf se
qr, seqr seqr, sw qr ne qr sec
24, 2 n, 12 e 5 99
Rock A Gate Creek Ditch Co, Wa
mic; personal property 14 70
Robbins, E C, Portland; E and
W ad a K, lots 26 and 26, blk 3 1 36
Ross, Mrs Mary, Portland ; E and
W ad II K, lots 23 and 24, blk 2,
lots 29 and 30, blk 9 2 70
Robertson, Robt, Portland ; E aud
w ad 11 K, lots 47 and 48, blk 1 1 38
Robbins, Edward C. Portland ; E
and VV ad II R, lots 25 and 26,
blk 9 1 30
Rosenbleth, Herman, Portland;
and W ad II K, lots 33 and 34
blk 7 1 36
Rosenthal Bros, Portland; e hf
sec 27, 1 n, 12 e 19 85
Robbison, M L, Cascades; person
al property 30 UO
Riddel, II II, Tho Dalles ; person
al property 0 70
Rowe, II S, The Dalles; part of
Chapman DLC, com 200 ch
from nw cor of main building of
the mill of J M Thompson, s 20
ch,e9 ch, n 24.50 ch, thence
southwesterly to beg, all sold
lots of Cascades, yol N, pg 324. . 13 73
Ropes. Alice.; II R park, lot 20,
blkl..... 64
Ropes, Sophia; II R park, lot 21,
blkl 54
Roes, James H, Kingsley; ee qr
se qr sec 26, 3 s, 13 e 2 00
Sigman, Melvin, Dufur; per prop 17 30
Sigman, R, Dufur; w hf ee qr, a
bf ne qr sec 13. 1 8, 13 e 32 32
Smith, II VV, Hood River; 5'3' a
in nw qr ne qr sec 2, 2 n, 10 e . 2 13
Smith, I D, Hood River; a hf ee
qr se qr sec 6, 2 n, 11 e 6 00
Smith, J N, The Dalles; lot 3 In
se qr nw qr, ne qr sw qr and nw
qr se qr sec 9, 1 n, 13 e. 143 a. . . 25 65
Smith Bros, The Dalles; nwqrew
qr ecc 30, 1 n, 14 e 27 91
Smith, JM, The Dalles; Mil ad to
Dalles City, lot A, blk 40 4 74
Spicenger, M, The Dalles; e hf w
hfsec20, 1 n, 13 e 19 25
Strickland, Mrs E, 8 hf nw qr, sec
36, 4 s, 13 e ; se qr ne qr sec 35,
4 s, 13 e 5 99
Storev, Mrs J L, Tho Dalles; G
ad to Dalles Citv, lots 11 and 12,
blk 20 33 12
Storey, J L, The Dalles; tract in
sec 33, 1 n, 10 e, 23 a ; Big bluff
ad to Dalles City, lot 9, blk 22. . 14 45
Shultz, Sanford, Cross Keys; per
piop 7 31
Savage, Dora, Portland; E A W
ad to Hood River, lots 9 to 32
inc, blk 10 2 70
Stiinson, Albert, Portland; E A
VV ad to Hood River, lots 27 to
30 inc, blkl 2 70
Steinlule, Morris, Portland ; ne qr
se qr eec 30, 3 n, 10 e; Idlewild,
lots 3 to 6 inc. 19 to 24 inc, blk 2 13 SO
Solomon, Thos, The Dalles ; ne qr,
eec 31, 2 s, 14 e ; nw qr, sec 33, 2
s, 14 e 11 97
Sharp, Frank II, The Dalles; 8 hf
nw qr, nw qr sw qr, lots 1 and 2
sec 12, In, 13 e 5 05
St Mary's Academy, The Dalles;
Trev ad D C, lots 1 to 7 Inc and
10, 11 and 12, blk 6 144 00
Segher, A J, The Dalles; mil ad
I) C, lots F and G, blk 9S, lots
FandG, blk 99, E and II, blk
100, A, B, C and I), blk 111, A
and B, blk 125, I), E, F, G and
H, blk 110, F, blk 101 5 64
Smith, G A, The Dalles; Thomp
ad D C, lots 8, 9 and 10 and e hf
lot 7 in blkl 4 27
Silvester, EG, The Dalles; Lad
DC, lot 4, blk 13; Big Bltfad D
C, lots 7 and 8, blk 22, lot 7, blk
8 19 48
Snipes A Smith, The Dalles; mil
ad 1) C, all rlk 47, lots A, B, C,
1), I. J, K, L, blk 51, lots G, II
and I, blk 53 21 77
Snencer, Mrs H, The Da:ies; mil
ad D O, lots D, E and F, blk 102 10 82
Sorbin, It L, Cascades; lot D, blk
7, Cascades 2 06
Staats, J G estate, Dufur; n hf
nw qr, sec 8, 2 s, 13 e 5 99
Spurrier, VV C; all unsold lots In
Betleview ad D C, being part of
sw qr sn qr sec 13, 1 n, 13 e 11 07
Slocum, A K, Portland; tract beg
at sw cor frac blk 10, Parkhurst
d Hixid River, south 150 feet,
east 135 feet, north 150 ft, west
135 ft to beginning, and all frac
blk 10 8 10
Snyder, Susan, Portland; nw qr
nw qr, sec 2, 1 n, 12e 1 01
Sorbin, J E, Cascades; n hf ne qr
neqr, se qr ne qr ne qr, see 13,
In, 13 e 101
Steele, Geo A, Wapinitia; hf ne
qr, .ec 6. i s, 9 e 3 19
Seuhers. Chas J, The Dalles; mil
ad DC. lot J, blk 111 29
Steiner. Paulino, Hood River; II
R park, lot 3, blk 1 54
Shane, P A, Antelope; 250 head
horses 37 80
Taylor, S E, Hood River; seqr
nw qr, sec 36, 2 n, 10 e 2 24
Tolbert, Geo E, Hockinson.Wash ;
E anu VV ad Hood River, lots 33
and 34, blk 2 I 36
Turner, Mrs Joseph, Boyd ; hi
nw qr, w bf neqi sec 28, 1 s, 15 e 11 97
Taylor, Wm, Dufur; per prop 8 23
Thompson, Kmma, Portland ; E
aud W ad Hood River, lots 1 to
4 Inc, blk 3 2 70
Talman, L E. Portland ; K and VV
ad Hood River, lots 37 and 33,
blk 2 1 38
Turner, Geo, The Dalles; mil ad
DC, lots U and H. blk 70 2 02
Taylor, James, The Dalles; part
ot lalhert Lowe D L V, sec 31, 1
8, 13 e 8 61)
Taylor, Jos M, The Dalles; eeqr
sw qr, sec 5, 1 n, 14 e 2 57
Tamawaeher, Thomas, Hood Riv ;
n bf sw qr, sec 13, 2 n, 11 e 3 72
Tibbetts, Harry, Hood River ; II
R park, lot 43, blk 3 54
Taylor, O D, The Dalles; se qr se
qr, sec 15, 2 n, 10 e ; sw qr aw qr
sec 14, 2 n, 10 e, 40 a ; sw qr se
qr, sec 15, 2 n, 10 e; the Mc
Donald property D C, 100x120 ft
beginning 10 ft west, 60 ft south
of land sold to G VV Rowland. . . 64 82
Vogt, Geo VV, Portland ; E and VV
ad Hood River, lots 37, 38, 41
and 42, blk 10 2 70
Vogt, Frank, The Dalles; 26 feet
off north end lot 6, blk 3, D C . . 40 32
Wallace, N VV, Antelope; e hf se
qr, sw qr se qr and se qr sw qr
eec 28, 1 s, 17 e; Baird's ad Ant
lots 11, 12, blk 7 70 99
Watson, W P, Hood River; Wau
coma, blk 4, lot 2 5 22
Watson, T J, Hood River; ne qr
se qr sec 30, 3 n, 10 e ; sw qr n w
qrBec31,3n, 11 e; Waucoma,
lots 1 to 4 inc, undivided lots
5 and 6, blk 6; lots 1 to 9 and 14
to 26 inc, blk 4 12 27
Watson, T J, and M Steinsfels,
Portland; Idlewild annex 25 60
Watson, T J, Wm Laddand others,
Portland; Idlewild 17 10
West Bros. Hood River; 2d ad to
Hood River, a hf lots 1 and 3,
blk 6 8 67
Wickbam, J, Hood River; w hf
ne qr sec 20, 2 n, 10 e 9 20
Wilson, Aug, Cascades; lot 2, blk
1 4 92
Winans, Mrs Mary, Hood River;
nw qr, n hf ne qr and n hf sw
qr sec 36, 2 n, 9 e 11 17
Winans, VV R, Hood River; 8 hf
ne qr st c 1, 1 n, 9 e ; sw qr se qr
and nw qr se qr sec 30, 2 n, 9 e;
lots 1, 4. 6, 8, blk 4; lots 1, 2, 5,
8, blk 5; lots 5. 0, 7, 8, blk g;
lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 9 ; lot 8, blk 2 ;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, blk 3; lots 1, 4,
5, 0, 7, 8, blk 1, Winan'a ad to
Hood River 17 55
Winer, Geo, Hood River; e hf sw
qr, w hf ee qr eec 34, 1 n, 10 e. . 6 b9
Wolfard, C M, Hood River; lot 4,
blk 4, VVinnn'a ad Hood River;
lots Q, It, Hood River proper... 17 20
Woodward, Gertrude, N Portland ;
com 40 rods n of se cor Win Jen
kin's DLC, sec 35, 3 n, 10 e, w
11 rods, n 10 rods, w 13 rods,
12 rods, e 37 rode, n 20 ft to beg 5 29
Williams, R E, The Dalles; per
prop 58 12
Winan Bros, The Dalles; n bf ne
qr sec 1, 1 n, 13 e, lot 1, sec 36,
2 n, 13 e 59 05
Wilder, Dell, The Dalles; person
al property 5 45
Wood, Thos, Portland ; E and VV
ad H R, lots 23 and 24, blk 9... 186
Wolfard, John, Silverton ; per
sonal property 3 73
Waldron, II J, estate, The Dalles;
n hf ne qr sec 34. 3 n, 15 e, eec
36, 1 a 15 e 3 90
Williams, Rebecca, The Dalles ; L
ad D C, w hf lot 9, blk 15 20 16
Whealdon, Mrs N, The Dalles;
120x180 se cor blk 14, D C 24 48
Windt, Robt, The Dalles; a hf a
hfsecll,ln,9e 5 00
Wilson, A VV, Hood Riyer; s hf 8
hf sec 2, 1 n, 14 e 10 48
Willison, VV A; E and Wist ad
II R, lot 33, blk 6 69
Watson, T J, trustee. Hood River ;
lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, except tract
lies nw cor of lot 8, 8 15!) 91 ft, e
13 62 ft, n 159.91 ft, w 13.02 ft
to beg, sec 20, 3 n, 10 e 2 86
Whitcomb, M J, Hood River; lot
1, sec 30, 3 n, 11 e 67
W ells, II VV, The Dalles ; ne qr se
qr sec 9, 6 8, 14 e, bonded to F
N Jones 1 01
Williams, Wm G.The Dalles; mil
ad D C, lot I, blk 22, lot C. blk
123 58
Yettie, Mr, Cascades; personal
property 8 70
Zuchary, Albert C, Antelope; sw
qr ne qr sec 7, 6 s, 19 e 1 01
Bherlft". A.mut-Unpaid.
Brown, Jno, Portland; E and VV
2d ad II R, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 9 2 55
Diel, W L. Tbe Dalles; bw qr sw
qr sw qr sec 13, 2 n, 9 e 1 63
itaiser, Margaret, Antelope; all
lots blk 6 9 14
Kerkendalo, A, The Dalles ; hf
aw qr, hf w hf sw qr eec 34, 2
n,I4e 4 20
Portland, Land, Irrigation, Lum
ber A Feed Co; 20 miles more
or less of irrigation ditch with
right of way tor same, said ditch
commencing at the headwaters
of Clear Lake in Wasco county,
Ore, running thence to the ter
mination of said ditch as now
constructed in what Is known
as the Juniper Flat country, in
township 5 s, r 13 e, VV M, said
ditch supposed to be 8 ft wide
and 4 ft deep 220 00
Worley, Jno J ; E and VV 1st ad
H R, lots 82 to 37 inc, blk 9 .. . 8 10
Watson, Jno W; E and VV 2d ad
II R, lota It and 12. blk 1 ; lota
47 and 43, blk 8 ; E and VV 2d
ad II It, blks 7 and 10 Idlewild ;
lots 1 to 4 Inc, blk K 14 8