The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1899, PART 2, Page 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
ti-v sBtion will aotarUlrtie: ta and there," the victor
.-hth ii !M are sullen and de-! -that if Thomas pecimen
irm.n.l to DolUt issue lo it test ! woman's wk ia politics they never
t i
A4irtUII State.
jtiLfiiiNi!r - --------
O er l InrlKK ai Mr tea
OmiMt ikm ul Uilcr mirt tuctaa.
Owtnin iae
AjJ.T uut.
w tar or Wm. w
OxtdMiort wwl''," ---0
fc- ! ea4 uw tTt toee.
Ortf tlT iacxe
Of tb swtrd.
! should U allowed to voie If
. I r rJ.nnf (hf rur. I could nevent It. CoJura.lo
'JS'whea redocei to its final analysis, governor must be itore cautious in
: i eoulemplates resort to armed force. illustrating his ideas.
1 5 : Tbet b to a. v, if or. of the power, J" 1
1 -.Should refa to TieJd to the decree P" ,a o1"'
!,., .k. .... ,.v.i twt r.r arbitral-1 umtte of the national pop-
... i. m .i.. i,.,,,., ' ulation. On May 1, according to
lion, the other members of the league . uuvu 0.f
, ... - this authority, Uiere were .0,8. o,000
i would employ their armies mad, .
people in me i oueu Elates, as m-
Seeretary Long's expression re-j navies to force unwilling compliance.
appoe, for exampie, ureal viw
create cf 133.000 for Arril. and of
io.'.".HJ I or ine lour aior.uis uic
calendar jear. Counting new pos
sessions, the cects of next year will
be in the neighborhood of 8o,w0,-
rtnlin.- porernaect for the r Tii.:p
rin i so readable that it will sin should lose ia tbe great court of!
Cad faToraJI over ti e ccuotiy except arbitration, and its government
icnafew of the impracticable ' should be directed to perform a ta
3 - 1 -. . . . rat I
J malignant, says the Materia, j tepugnant to the heart cf the Icilin
dfclares that there is cut the 'nation. 11$ statesmen ana ii
k . l.a, - V. r. I A V A . A a 1 a . 1.
least intention cf sal jasatmj tne ami peop.e d.:i.v u uuiicuiwii iu iue c unc
rnilippices. All that the president j that compliance with the decree ' States' dtlegate lo La Hague will
. A.i Ka r- rk to rr-l would meaa losa of national prestige,, advocate courts of arbitration, the.
eerre Uw and order ia the islands,; and sacrifice of Tast commercial : DOn con Bscalion of cargoes not con
ao 1 if the islasders woold co operate ; interests. It might be the case that traband of war and the extension of
the president and the peace com- j the decree indirectly would menace tUe Geneva convention to war on
mission "would enter at once open j also the commercial interests of the . tLe sea. On other questions the in
the work of their political regenera-1 United Mates. Russia, France, Ger- flueuce of ibis country will be found
lion, with a view ta giving them all j many, Italy and Austria would then 0n the benevolent side,
th-i-iT:!re which the territories of 'et about the tak of enforcing wi'U j
t. rmil sst hteen the Pacigc S armies and navies the decree of the When the boys
and the Atlantic now er.iov." arbitrators. Their zeal and activity ; come marching hoie
i,tr,-.inn and the d.res of the rresi degree cf selS.h interesU involved , presutent, iuy
lent. He undoubtedly voices them in the question. It is not improbable
ia this instance. Noodr either in! that America would spring to the as-
tbe alsinUtration or in the party tojsUtance of England, and that one or
more of the minor powers would be
xme their allies. As a result tie
world would shake with the tread of
armed legions; and all this ia the
name of peace 1
In the woids of "Truthful James,"
there "is visiocs about," aid The
Hague is the bead center of their
We have lately taken the airency for the Aermc
ter Windmill, andearry a stork on hand.
We also carry a complete stock stock of Deep and
Shallow Well Pumps, as well as Pitcher .Spoul aud
Spray Pumps. See us before buying elsewhere.
The Aermotor Mill is considered the best ma
chine on the maiket. Call and see it.
wliich the administration belongs
ver Lad any desire lo subjugate the
islands. The subjugation talk was
ma invention of the Dryans, Laughlics,
Hoars and the rest of the anti-expan-
eiooisl. The purpose of the presi
dent has beta lo restore order in the
islands, and thca to talk of civil
government afterward. Without or
der and a recognition of American
sovereignly there can be no cbaace
to set op any sort of a civil authority.
The moment that order is restored
mod Ameiicaa sovereigrslr is recog
nized, the work of devising a civil
government will receive attention.
Tbe president himself can not set op
m civil authority that will have any
permanence. The framing of a
government which will succeed tbe
military regime Is a function of
congress, and will doubtless be at
tended to next winter.
The territorial form of govern
ment which the secretary mentions
as being favored by tbe president
does not necessarily mean a governj
ment like that which Oklahoo a, New
Mexico and Arizona have. It is
more likely to be a regime on tbe
Alaska ordei at first. Full territorial
privileges wi'd come, however, in
time, but it is cot likely to be a lopt
ed at once. It is the desire of tbe
American people to give the Philip
jnes all tbe home role which Ibey
ran use with safety to their own andJ
American interests, and to increase
their privileges as thej can nse them
profitably. If the Filipinos bad
known the actual intentions of the
Administration in Washington and
the desires of the American people,
there would probably have been no
rebellion. A few reckless leaders
amoog the Filipinos and a corporal's
guard of blatant renegades and falsi
tiers in tbe United Slates deluded the
natives cf tbe islands into the belief
that this country intecded to put
them back into a slavery like that
from which we bad just rescued
tbem. Aguinaldo, in the Philippines,
and a few copperheads and degener
ates ia this countiy are responsible
for all tbe bloodshed which has taken
place in tbe Philippines, but which,
despite the endeavors of these per
sonages, is now apparently near its
en 1.
of the far WeU
from Manila
would be measured, of couise, by tbe cd are welcomed personally by tbe
ihty will feel that the
American bj serves his country is
a pretty big man, no matter what
bis rank.
No one supposed a year ago that
the regiments raised in the far West
would bear the biunt of the fighting.
War brings many surprises that may
be called destiny, for human fore
sight fails to reach them.
There is a good deal of comment
concerning the proposition advanced
in these columns some days ago for
assessing a part of tbe cost of keep
ing tLe insane wards of the state
upon their own property, or upon
that of their well to do relatives, on
whom they would otherwise be de
pendent. The justness of this is ap
parent. Tbe state has provided the
facilities at large expense, and it
must maintain the institution at a
heavy cost, for the keeping and
treatment of the unfortunates who
have neither property themselves nor
i Ja T . M mmm aAaM
'4 ht imviiiiw-wi
K JkA ini" I "II
s jh nnm rc.
T t-C III Zi " II If II
!$ Ink " "
Ami Freezing Windmill Force Pumps. J
ladlaa Jack I Sat at Liberty Ctacr
The grand jury are succeeding ad
mirably in making this term a short
cne, from tbe number of not true bills
they have discovered. Tbe latest is the
case of Indian Jack, who was charged
with marderiog an Indian boy at Celilo
some weeks since, and whom no one
tbonght had tbe least cbow for bis life,
and we doubt If be has if he ever falls
into lh bands of his fellow Los, who
will Uy for bini. The grand jury evi
dently have good reason for their find
ing as they mould have no object in
lornicg loot an Indian (or any one
else) aboai they should bv law find a
MAIER & BENTON, tiSSSZKZ The Dalles. Or. j
This pnmp has bsen perfected to meet the requirements of the principal Wind
mill manufacturers in the United States, for a better Wind.uill Fores Pump, with
three way valve, than had heretofore been produced. It has become the leading Anti
Freexing'threo way pnmp, and is accepted by WinJinill manufacturers and dealers
generally, as the f eet three way Windoiill Force Pump on the market. The U0ion
iilbow Coupling for connecting to the underground discharge pipe is of Bras9 tml
can be turned to suit the direction of the pipe. The air chamber pipe is two inches ia
diameter, which insures ease of operetion and ft steady flow of water. The Hose Coup
ling On Hie spoul aieo auua VJ lue uoii vein cute ui ima yuiuy.
Me, t dpt. Ormtby Today at the Club
Boon TkoM Who Attended.
j true bill against ; bnt there are more
relatives who ate able to provide for hooks and crocks "to consider in what is
them. The state, representing the termei1 la ''an r dreamed of in our
general public, having gone to such Jf hy' Jck M -' "om
trouble and expense, those who are! iaVe case of John Robinson vs. Alma
thus affoided facilities for care and
treatment of those depending upon
them, ought ot to expe:t to have all
Ibis free of cost, if they are able to
pay. Majiy of them would willingly
pay. They frequently offer to do so
now. But there is no authority to
receive the money. The millionaire
in the Oregon asylum is a pauper to
the state treasury. Salem Statesman.
Fiom The IIgue, where the inter
national peace commission is in ses
sion, came two utterances on Sunday
which express the essence cf the
question before that august assem
blage, ays the Review.
Arbitration,", said Professor Von
Stengel of the German delegation,
"is impracticable when two nations
are divided by a vital issue, while in
less important questions it exists al
ready." Visions and dreams arrayed against
the overwhelming weight of the
history of all nitions in all ages!
Prof. Von Stengel has put the
question In a natshell.
Law ton wages war on the Napole
onic plan of hitting quick and hard.
He would not allow tbe Filipinos to
talk unless they talked business.
This, too, was tbe Grant idea. The
terms were unconditional surrender,
or be would move on their works.
Very little ' time, moreover, was
given them for decision. They bad
to decide while they ran. Ibis is
not tbe way tbe Spaniard waged war
against Aguinaldo. There is. very
little romance or picturesqueness
about Ibis tort of campaigning. No
chance is allowed the other fellow to
recuperate. It is tbe most humane
and sensible sort of war, however.
It brings the end quickly.
The New Yoik Sun takes very
little stock in predictions that Bryan
Taylor et al.; confirmation was granted.
J. A. Golhford vs. Adolph Dietrich;
settled and dirojiued.
Tbe petit jury mi discharged at noon
dtil tomorrow morning at 9. The
grand jury is now considering the caseof
tbe State vs. F. X. Spicer. and the fol
lowing witnesses have been tnbtoecaed:
Dave McKalvey, F. W. Silrertootb, R.
J. Pilkington, Laura Stocker, Al Espiog,
X. W. Wallace, J. M. Hamilton, E. I.
Glisan, W. E. Kemp, Ethel Hamilton,
Alex McLennan, Frank Bishop, W. J.
Ashby, W. Bolton, E.C.Dickerson, W.
S. Kelsay, Sam'I Glover, F. M. Dial, P.
A. Kircbbeimer, J. D. Tunny, D. B.
Leech, X. R. Baird, Jno Little and W.
H. Herman.
A Lively Day.
The Oregon wool growers met in the
parlors of the Commercial Club Wed
nesday at 10 o'clock, with a goodly
number of members and others in
terested in attendance. Tbe president,
Geo. A. Young, presided, with F. W.
Wilson as secretary and D. M. French
The principal object of the session
was to meet Capt. Ormsby, agent of the
forest reserve, and be advised concern
ing what is expected of them and what
they may expect regarding pasture for
their flocks, which is an all-important
question at this time.
M'xt of the niorn'DZ was taken np by
the captain in reading the permit and
explaining what is to be the closed area
and bow much will be opened to pastur
age. Tbe entire document will be pub
liehed in the course of a few days, which
will give thoee who were nnable to at
tend a thorough understanding of the
matter. Among other things it was de
termined that sheepmen will be com
pelled to reduce their flocks. Also that
no charges will be made for pasturage.
These are a class of men who are ever
wide awake, and as a matter of fact so
many things combine to keep them on
During the spurt between Knapp's and
Fale's tbe engines, though "booked np,"
attained a speed of 330 revolutions to
the minute nnder 240 pounds of steam.
Unluckily, a "gasket" blew out at this
stage, causing the guage to fall to an
average of 180 pounds. Yet, the dis
tance was covered at a rate of speed of a
little over 23 miles per hour.
It is the intention of the company to
try coal on the next trip, which will be
made Tuesday. Telegram. '
Smothered From Too Much Fat.
Yesterday we published an article re
garding the case of an Indian woman at
Walla Walla, named Mrs. Lyman, who
was too fat to live, bnt bad been brought
to that place in the hope that physicians
could do something for ber. It seems,
however, that their efforts failed. The
Union says:
Monday it was decided by her physi
cian, Dr. N. G. Blalock, that -something
had to be done at once in an effort to
save her life. Accordingly, Mrs. Lyman
and her husband were consulted and
agreed to an operation. Tuesday morn
ing at 9 o'clock, with remarkable forti
tude the Indian-woman bade her hus
band good by and submitted to the
surgeon's knife. The operation did not
take long but only ten pounds of fatty
. matter could be removed as the woman
the alert, that no time tor sleeping is was so fleshy equally in all parts tha
very little of the fatty tissue could be
bulged out on either side as thoo !
propped up. The flesh hangs don M
sides in immense rolls and she ii
burden to berselL The main trouble
in breathing, she having great diffictl
to use her lungs, which must be eM
tightly with the supeifluous fat. I:
physicians will first try anti-fat red
dies, but if a satisfactory result ii
obtained shortly an operation will tJ
performed and seventy to eightr pooo
of the fatty matter removed. The openl
tioD, however, may prove fatal.
Elegant new Pullman palace sleeptr
between Portland and Chicago have ja;
been placed in service via the 0. E.
X., Oregon Short Line, Union FiciS
and Chicago A Xorth western rtilntl
daily every day in the vear. Ctnvti
the very latest pattern, in fart being
most improved up-to-date Bleeping ct-j
tuned out by the Pullman Comptifj
These new palaces will leave PortlandoJ
the evening fast train of the 0. K. 4 N
arriving at Chicago the morning of ll
fourth day and running through titU
out change via Grangerand Omaha. I?;
With the wool groners In convention,
circuit court in full blast and Xorris
Bros,' show making itself numerous.
The Dalles has been unusually Jitely to
day, and the hotels and lodging houses
were well filled last night.
If there's one time above another
when tboee who have older grown feel
like saying "Backward, torn backward
oh time in your flight, make me a child
again just for today," it is when a circus
comes to town, and tbe small boy lain
bis glory. Many a mother was surprised
uouiuig( nil, mm wuicoi iaeu. r. a, i;o. made no mia
guided the small ponies in the parade! take in naming tbe new boat the Inland
. i. : . . !
allowed. They are compelled to watch
lest the wolf enter the fold and destroy
tbe industry entirely.
Members in attendance this morning
were Geo. A Young, II C Rooper, F A
Young, Ridgeway; A H Breyman, J W
Bailey, Portland; F X Jones, W J
Lander, J H Sberar, W E Hunt.Sherar's
Bridge; J II Smith, J V Oleary, Grass
Valley; Frank Gable, Wapinitia; A A
Bonney, Tygb; C A Rhea, Heppner;
P J Walsh, J A Little, Antelope; RR
Hinton, Bakeoven; C M Cartwrigbt,
Hay Creek; Horatio Fargber, Owen
Jones, Xansene; D M French, A 8
Roberts, A R Thompson, D P Ketchuni,
John Dalrymple, RobU Mays, F W Wil
son, The Dalles.
The following new names have been
added to tbe membership today: E E
Mogan, Cross Keys; Marmaduke Max
well, C P Uren, Uidgeway ; Robt Smith,
A M Tlllson, Grass Valley; W Bolton,
C B Reece, J McAndy, T M Reeder,
Antelope; II Wakerley, Bakeoven ; John
Sommerville, Hay Creek; Jonathan
Jackson, Sherar's Bridge.
Saarte Aloag at a tS-Tdlle Cllp-She'a
All Right.
this morning. But oh what fur. for tbe
boy! The schools were dismissed at
will not carry off the Democratic j 10 :JJ ,0 en,b! lhe children to see the
Domination next year. It said a few
Tbe Boston Journal tells of a
Massachusetts woman who attended
a meeting in Denver, where Got.
Thomas remarked patronizingly that
The trouble , bit for the women be would not bare
with arbitration is the coming of a j been elected
days ago: "The Albany Evening
Journal is sure that 'Mr. Bryan will
not be nominated for president,' for
'a combination of powerful elements
to defeat him has been formed.'
There must be ghost-sects and pbo
togiapbers of phantoms in Albany.
The combination of powerful ele
ments to defeat Mr. Bryan belongs
to that viewless realm where the
money kings conspire sgaint the
producing classes."
"I made op my mind
Flyer, for a flyer she proved to be on her
offirial trial trip Wednesday.
Leaving the Oak-street wharf at 10
parade, and the st.eets were lined with j o'clock yesterday morning, she steamed
little tots. The dogs which nomber i down the Willamette at an average rate
about sixty of as fine auimals as we of speed of 18 miles an honr, which was
maintained until Knapp's beacon, on
the Columbia was in line with the pilot
home. From there she spurted to Fale's
beacon, cotering tbe distan s in i
fraction mora than five minutes. The
government course, a knot, or I 1-7 mile,
over which the torpedo boats Davis and
Fox were sped, was covered In 3 minutes
and 23 seconds giving a good illustra
tion of the Flyer's ability. Near St.
Helena the boat was headed np stream,
and then steamed np the Columbia to
meet the steamer Regulator of the same
line, in whose eompany she retorned to
ber dock about 4 o'clock in tbe after
nocn. Although this was the first trial since
the engines havs been overbanlsd and
a condenser pnt in, tbe machinery
worked very smoothly, and the result of
the trial was eminently satisfactory.
httre iwn. ami ll pnf. Kill. : 1
claimed the attention of old and young.
The tent was piuhrd in the vacant lot
adjoining Porter's stable, and a large
crowd attended this afternoon's per
formance. It you have piles, ccaa them. Xo
use nndergoir.g horrible operations that
simply remove tbe results of the disease
without disturbing the disease itself.
Place your confidence iu DeWitt's Witch
ilai-l Salve. It has never failed to cure
orusBs; it will not fail to cure roc.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
By allowing lbs accumulations in the
bowels to remain, tLe entire system is
poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
regulate tbe bowels. Try them and you
will always use them. Solpes-Kinersly
Drag Co.
: Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
removed with safety. She recovered
nicely from the operation snd it was
hoped some relief would come, but, I It artificially digests the food sod am
however, that was not to be. About i Mature in strengthening and recon
5 o'clock Mr. T vmm fnnn.i k ax I structlM the exhausted digestive o;
u.Ui.u uiiii- ; nni laths lotoot riluvtvareflfl ran
was literally ; ant and tonic
cutty in breathing and
choked to death from fatty tissue press
ing on and smothering the heart.
The case is a very remarkable one of
obesity and notwithstanding the fact
that the woman ate little food, she grew
from day to day at a wonderful rate,
flesh seeming to grow upon flesh. No
remedies to reduce her weight bad any
Bata On.
A ruling of the Broad Street Method
ist cbnrch of Columbus, O., requlros
women to take off their hats during
service. This is commendable in many
ways, and will go far toward cultivating
the Christian spirit with its attendant
As "the purpose of worship is ediflca
tion," worshippers should take steps to
remove whatever Interferes with this,
even if the barrier be a twenty, five
dollar creation of millinery art. In the
human breast there arises a feeling de
plorably akin to the angry passions
when the eyes are trying to look over a
high fence of flowers or feathers that
effectually shuts out the view of speaker
or singer.
Hygienic reasons may also be urged
In favor of a general custom of removing
the article In question. And last, but
by no means lean, of thr.bmieflta to be
derived is the probable decreasing desire
for "show" hats and the coimc.pient
shrinkage in millinery Mils. Uy all
means let us respond cheerfully to the
mandate, "Hats off.'VUnlon Signal.
Too Fat to Lire.
An Indian woman named Mrs. Abra
ham Lyman, from the Umatilla rener
vation.lsln Walla Walla seeking relief
from obesity. For theee years she has
been getting fatter and fatter until she
Is now in danger of being choked to
death by It. She Is 2H years of age snd
weighs 275 pounds, which for her height
is an enormous weight. She can walk
only with great dillienlty and her (
is drawn terribly out of shape by the
great cheeks that bulge out and bang
down on either side, while her arms are
No other DieMmtioi
can approach it in efficiency. It in-
stantlv relieves and DermaneDtlyeui
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, HesrtbunJ
fiatuience, sour Btomacn, ksusw
Sick Headache, G astralgl a Cramps."1-,
Prepared by E. C OeWItt Co.. CbiHr
For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Dru
Tk..M.Ja .m TrrlflC It.
In order to prove tha great srij
Ely's Cream U&lin, the mci enocn
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, ws Uit p
pared a generous trial size for 10
Uet It of your Uruggisl or aenu i" -;
ELY BROS.. 50 Warren St., N. ! W
t m i . k nf ih want k'
ever since a bov. aud I never nop
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm aeems w
even that Many acquaintances nan
it with excellent reaulU. war 0tm
43 Warren A vs., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowWir1
euro for catarrh and contains no co
nieroury nor any injurious drug, t1'
60 oeuU. At droggiitts or by mail-
Clyde Stallion For Sale
l'edigrea bacit for over 100 yn"!L
ported from Scotland. Coin to "
lor nnitlllv l.r.o.lino. For I,r"
particulars call at ..,.
ri......n I . t'f
a8-w2w. Sherman Co.i"'
"notns I and 1. Pi!.
nwiimr 3oi rultou si.,