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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1899)
THE DAIXZS WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 24 1693 TERRIBLE FIRE AT Ttrts-Fcailts cfttsCliT ki'Wi HTl 261 DRUNKEN WOMAN UPSET A LAMP People Became Paoic Stricken Vast Amount of Gold Dust and Curreocj CoosumcJ. VicTOKii, B. C, May 21 The main portion of the city of Dawson was df trovei by fire on April 26, causing los of 11,00.000. In all, Ill bailding, including the British North American back, were burced. Reports say Ite fire occurred in the very heart of the business center of the city, beginning near the opera-house, on tbe water front, and spreading with un it tail rapidity. It vat driven by a strong north wind, destroviog every thing in iti war on tbat ttreet down to and including Donahue & Smith's es tablishment. The fire then tjok in ail of the water front building abreast of the tame block". It crossed the street, tnrned through and epread over to Second ttreet, covering the principal portion of Daw too, leaving it all in ashes, with the firemen helpless to do anything. The flames spread with ench rapidity tbat tbe people became panicatricken and un able to tare anything in the war of farni- tare, good and clothing. Sax Fbanxisco, May 22. It ia said tbat the banks and basinets houses have roach gold dost and currency on band. It represents their accumulation for the winter, which ther would ship down soon as tbe roads open with spring. Ta per money circulates very extensively ia that country, as it ia the bandiett .one ol tne stores, hotels or saioons are ovi ded with safes or strong boxes and that fact alone mast account for a Ire nteadoos loee of ready cuh. Early Lltcratara t Oregoa. The second lecture which the members of tbe Taine class have provided for the people of The Dalles occurred last even ing at tbe Congregational church. Mr. Geo. II. Himes, of Portland, secretary of tbe Oregon Historical Association, was the speaker of tbe evening and read aa interesting paper upon "The Early Literature of Oregon." Mr. W. H. Wil soo introdocad the speaker with a few comments upon tbe desirability of tbe inhabitants of this state becoming ac qnaicted with its early history, and stale I in this connection tbat knowledge should bin at borne. Mr. Himes' paper began with the first mention of Oregon in literature, wbich occarred in the writings of Jonathan Carver about tbe middle of the 17th century. From that time until recent years the increas ing mention of the great Northwest in the writings of tbe world was traced with much detail and told in an exceed ingly interesting manner. Tbe first printing press ever in the Pacific North west was brought from tbe Sandwich Islands early in the thirties and n:ed to print tbe first copies cf tbe early Oregon papers. This press, Mr. Himes stated, was now in bis office in Portland. Tbe lecture was well attended, ard those who were present felt nnder mnch obli gation to Mr. Himes for his interesting researches and to the Taine class for providing such an interesting occasion. T Tex Her Speed. All records for fist time on the river are in drg?r of being smashed into mitbereens before another forty eight boars have elapsed. Tomorrow morning theD. P. A A. ". Co.'s new steamer Inland Flyer a ill go oat for a test of speed, and there will be nothing nndone to attain the desired results. I' possible tbe rasor-like craft will be made to fairly flyover Ler course. Mr. Glenn, presi dent of the company, came down from Tbe Dalles this morning, and is helping oat in arranging for tbe trial. He states tbe Flyer is x pec ted to leave the foot of Oak street, the company's wharf, at 10 o'clock, and it is possible that tbe ran will txtend as far as Rainier. General Agent W. C. Allaway will ar rive in tbe city this afternoon from Tbe Dalles, aod will, in company with a Bomber of local steamboat men, go along on tbe trial trip. Captain Alden, who is to be master of tbe Flyer when going into regular cora xniesion, will be at tbe wheel tomorrow. Telegram. W Wa vf We can f arnisb yoa with strictly first das, dry, fir wood at tbe same prices wbicb yoa bsve been paying for inferior quality. Send ns your orders and get the best. . Phone 25. Vchl. Jos. T. Pcnas & Co. , ; . . , ? ifJ tst-rft .V4 f Mr. W. I BraJ.baw sJ o. Cotton, x "T Ci.; "i -s. . fc? ' rrioreeJ Uit avght froai I'ort:aii. SN p! 55 H:-. itV Mr. W.O. Har. ihoUilii cna ?0:-ff 5Cr-2r$ f ;haiceilr:pdjnt:. river. U leave ITstx -. j3 v-",'j - -.J ' : for Xloru on Ite evening train. FSiiL" FJV i Mr A.M. VTilMen-s anJ her Miff. - ;""' -0 f t'ntFi i Tub . returned to Portland Venter 7i t -i-aV Era Hn 'EUcelleut Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial ;ffct of the well known remedy. SfRi"P or Fio. manufactured by the CxiATOKSiA i'lo Strcp Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principle of plants known to oe medicinally laxative and presenting them ia the form most rvfreshicjrtothe taste arid acceptable to tbe system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, eleaosin? thf system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome nauuuii cvniiwima per mineotlv. Ita perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting? on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating' them, make it the ideal laxative. Ia the process of manufacturing' fifrs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Cautorsia FlO SYRfP Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AH FBABTCISCO. ML. LOUISVnxl. BIT. MW TOM. H. T. Foe sale by all Druggist . Price ioc per botsla MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES. LeS All Jala Wl h tk G. A. R, I a K- mbertBC Oar Dead Hro. Headqarters.J.W.Xesmilb Post.Xo 32. Department of Oregon, G. A. K. The Dalles. Ore., May 23. 1890. General Orders No. 1. The usual memorial service on May 30th will be conducted by this post. All members of tbe post are expected to aid as much as possible, that tbe day may be suitably observed, and nothing left nndone which ruay show our resp- :t for, and remembrance of our comrades, who are our guard in tbe silent bivouac, to wbich we are ail on tbe march. All citizens of The Dulles end vicinity are reo netted to join in the rxerciets. Friends an 1 relatives of our gaiUnt young volunteers now fighting under the old flig, are especially invited to take part with us, that their fallen heroes be also fully remembered. Members of the post will meet in their hall at 7 o'clock Sunday evening, May 28th, and march to the Episcopal church to attend services there. On May 30tb the post will assemble at 12:15 p.m. sharp. All soldiers and sailors of 1661 to 1865; snd all returned veterans of the Spanish war, are invited to join ni in tbe march to tbe cemetery. C'BDER Or PROCESSION. The Commercial Club Concert Band. Co. "D" Third Regiment, O. X. G., Captain G. E. Barteil. Jas. W. Xesmith Post and all veterans. Womans Relief Corps. Clergy and citizens in carriages. R. L. Aikc.v, J. G. Muss, Sen. Vice Com. Adjutant. AID THE MONUMENT FUND By Attending- the fteonloa la Portland This Menlh. Many Dalles people are anxious to aid the monument fund, and the move ment now in hand by tbe Woodmen is a splendid opportunity for all to assist in this grand work. A reunion has been arranged to be held in Portland on Ma) 30th and 31st and Judb 1st and 2. id. A fine program lias been planned (or the 30lh, which will be participated in by the G. A. R., O. X. G., and in fact everybody in Portland. On the 31st there will be exemplifica tion of tbe amplified work of tbe order at the tabernacle, aod lu tbe evening there will be a memorial concert at the O. X. G. armory, also different addresses, in cluding a memorial oration by Governor Getr; adm!ssicn25 and 50 cents. On June 1st and 2nd there will be enter tainments given at Cordray'a, to which the admission will be 23, 50 and 75 cents. Our people are to be given tbe best of chances to attend these exercises, the Dalles City having been engaged to take an excursion to Portland en tbe 30tb, leaving here at 4 o'clock a.m. and ar riving at 10:30, and the round trip will cost bat $2. Tbe D. P. & A X. Co. has not only been of inestimable benefit to The Dalles and surrounding country in a direct way, bnt through the advertisement given the line of steamers, tb Colombia river valley baa also rerired much advertis ing and benefit it would otherwise never have obtained. The Ciiboxiclb job de partment has just piinted a pamphlet descriptive ol the scenery along the river, wbicb, it w do say it ourselves, is a piece of work any office of far better facilities might well be proud to put its imprint on. It is composed of cuts oi all the beautiful spots along the river, and descriptive matter is interspersed witn tbem. They make very pretty souvenirs, as well as so advertisement which cannot fail to attract tonrists to this line as tbe one where grand scenery may be found. s' T'.r, ' I"iSM day Mrs. H. Wents. who has spent tie! past two week wrh friends here, v. 1 1 1 1 leave on the afternoon traia for ben fcoxe ia Portland. I Dr. O. C. HollUter wi.l arrive in The j Dalles cn the evening train, and it is ; expected he wiil remain in the city three or four weeks. ) W. II. Lowden, manager of the Xoraxh Union Ius. Co., and A. V. tiiesy, aent j fcr the fame sient todav in the ci:y in ; I the interest of their company Mr. and Mrs. Moses a Thatcher and f. and Mr. and daughter. rf lt Like Mr. Geo. Tnatcher, of Logan. I tah. visited A. D. VVbituey and family iaet t evening. P. H. Lvin was a passenger on tbe j boat this morning for Portland, where; be expects to give a one set skeich in j conr.tction with the camera club en- j tertaiaaienU j Men lay 's Dally. II . R. Bine and Frank Gable are in from Wapinitia today. M. M. Pe.-k, father of Mrs. Gifford, left this morning for a visit in Portland. ) Miss M. E. Brink and Miss Crooks were registered at the Umatilla yester day from Prineville. Mrs. W. Jobnson and son, Xello John son, of Oregon City, came op with the excursionist yesterday. tt. A. Clifford and r . M. Klondin re turned Saturday night from Portlan where tbey went to purchase some need ed instruments for tbe Conviercial Club band. Mr. and Mrs. Balch, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bishop who have been visiting tbem at Dufur, spent today in the city. The latter will leave tonight tor tbeir borne In isconsin Among tbe visitors to the city yester- dav was Or 3. A. Hardy, formerly leleg rapher for the Western Union office here, but now nieht operator in tbe Southern Pacific office at Portland Tuesday s Daily. Ex-Governor Moody I a visitor from Salem. M.J.Anderson came in from Dufur yesterday. S. t. iouig is a Grass alley visitor In the city. J. If. Eubanks was in from bis farm at Wapini it yisterdar. G. W. Bowen and wife, of Glennwood, are over trom tbat place today. Cbas. McAllister, an extensive stock raiser from Glennwood, is in the city. Miss Juiia Bybee, of Port Is n I, is a guest of ber cousin, Miss Jeseie Fisher. J. V". O'learv is In the citv from Grass alley to attend the wool growers meet ing. C.L. Solomon, Prlnnerille's merchant. and John Hansaker came in on today's stage. X. R. Baird, one of Brownsville's couocilmen, is in tbe city attending court. Mrs. Gertrude Sylvester was a pas morning's boat for senger on this Portland. Miss Hattie Ricks came np from Bon neville last night and remained over until tuis afternoon's train. Frank Fleming, who has -snent a few days in tbe city on basiness, left this afternoon for bis borne near Bakeoven. W, II. H. Dufur and wife came in from Dufur today. Mr. Dufur is here for the purpose of meeting Capt. Orms by, who will arrive this evening. Among the Antelope people In the city attending court are E. C. Dicker son, Peter Kircheimer, X. W. Wallace, W. H. Herman, Sam Glover and F. M. Dial. A UlTlne" Tramp. We have beard of tramps, who being left to fioieh a meal in the kitchen while tbe housekeeper went about her duties, were thoughtful enough to leave on tbe plate a piece cf paper on which was written, "I thank you bnt yester day was the first time our attention has oeen called to one wbo was fo nnappre ciative as to help himself and then in flict on his benefactors spring poetry like the following: An hu ruble, way-worn tramp Came along by Jones' camp, And finding Jones not at home, Took possession all alone. Feeling jast a little hungry, And, as usual out of money, Helped himselt to toast, so fine, And rested with contented mind. If at home you do not stay. When again I come this way, Be it clear or cloudy day, I'll get my lunch'witbout the pay. The worst feature of the affair was that we have since learned tbat tbe aforesaid tramp a as none other than one of our prominent divines. This tramp question is surely assuming a serious aspect. The Best In the. World. We believe Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is the belt In the world. A few week ago we suffered with a severe cold an I a troublesome cough, and having read their advertisements in our own iiu oiuer papers we purchased n j ., bottle to see if it would effect us. It cored as before the bottle was more tban halfosed. It Is tbe best medicine out for cold and congh. Tbe Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake ley dt Houghton Druggists. For Bale Cheat. Ilarricoffilay press, good as new, in quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith (bop. Majl7tf Improved CYCLOSME M rn ) i No. 4- size 3-4 x 4'4) S3.00 No. 5- stZ9 4x5' lO.OO Just Arrived. ! c ! IJ-.-.-.- ie.-a j:a w;.aaoi:er. 2 . r,--...:-.-v How About Your Title? ertv to insure, give us a call. e are agents for four of the best fire insurance companies in tbe world. If yon have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phone 81. THE STEAM Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson S choice, but the Cevera high as some people C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First 'Phone 341. IVasco VVai ehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinda Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S? Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Thi Floor " manufactured expressly for famllj i. ne: e'erT,,:lck foaranteed to give satisfaction. N seii oar good lower tban anv house in the trn.lo ami if a,...u call and gel cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Rockford Quick Shot" 12-Plate Magazine Camera. Simplicity Durability "Turn the lever and vou are readv for another." N'o plate holders with slides draw. No sleeve or changing bar. Nn chance to fog plates. No failures. If yoa want 12 pictures oiiick. bnv the 'Quick-Shot.'! the on v inaitazine cams era that holds the p'ates securely ader they are exposed. No rattling or "break ing oi piates. uesi on earth, 3U-!4 $6.00 5 $9.00 With one dozen plate bolder. Manufactured under tbe Contey patents by the Rockford Silver Plat Co., KOCkFOBD, ILL. We sell only throned local aienta. Aak our agents to ahow you thia "Quick shot." C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whistav. TDITTnTTtW I . . . ' ' - jromsoio mtHj per gallon. " ru, u ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. In)Lffl.!E.I?C,.da"bt' "d V" JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. FOR 1839. Ten Points to Consider: 1-12 Pictures In 12 Seconds. 2 -bhutter Bulb Release. 3- Sruttr Automatic. 4 Shutter Locks, i Aluminum Clatsnalaers . 6- Set stops. 7- Speclai Quick Lens. 8- Automatic Register. 9- A I parts Interchangeable. 10- Exposed plates removed without disturbing unexposed. 1S99 CatalORue with com plete information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. i! f RE YOU SURE it is all right? Remember it i the W RECORD that governs. It is our business to search the records and show what they contain in reiation to land titles. If you contemplate baying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no man's word, but insist opon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the Connty. All work promptly ex ecuted and eatitfaction guaranteed. It yoa have prop- 2d St., opposite A M. Williams & Co. DHLLES LAUNDRY. standard rates, which are not think, and we want to and Court Street, THE DALLES, OR. Quick Seller No Complaints 5L' . 7T -i " The Snipes- Klnersly Drug Co. AGENTS, lhe Dalles, Oregon. j - (4 to 15 years ohl.T in im u rr f it i ion B1l Olypm Beer , bottle Sa ' YA .5 i SUMMONS, I vn Ciacriv Cocbt or ihi t... 1 fir WKumaniv. ""'"ortW. .Maxim illaiu Vu. t ri rhllir, Jr. ... linn, pan ten Coin hn. ... n,t- ine ii.-in name nod ij le t,( 'ft VS. T. J. Mr-Coy. Ik-teaaant. I o J.J. Mr rv In 'be ram ' oitiie sLtsnf Ore1TWl ran,- Vim re Lerebv notmi ...j in the aljove entitled eonrt. on nil liv"1 d-.T ot the pUbli.-ii..u ol Ihl"0.0" m. or before tbe loth day of June, te:a to aiiuwer the comp!illt ,i Jtt named plaintiifa flicj in ih, ,vl t. ' ,h . and if fail , ,Pp(..r Tnti " yu.iuiui lor want loi rei.f, t,l,ibti; ''"'is iwls.ueiit gninat you fr tU "Z 'tT 1 gal tut nt therein ilnoe akII i!l 4 with plain till.' c.,u and diburei,J Tu"ts 1hiamiiiu;oni.erv,Q ui"n ?,n't cation thereof by order of U.'n Via' Judge of the above named eoUr't rourt in Iiallea City. Waeo Coiiuiv i J" "fa thevhdayof April, "J Ibla turomons be nerved Uk.b you f. tion thereof, not lei than uce " consecutive we. k in Thb Uauib "m.',"' newspaper ol teneral oltt-ul,,tiri f11 weekly at bullc t.ity, W,co C'ou ii.W."l,t aald publicalion to Uifia t lhe , Jt. newspaper on the UOlh day of Auril Lr end on the loin day of June i-i k Tri" Inehihively. ll"FL K i ilisiln ai-ta-U Attorney. for'pUin Notice. Timber Culture. V. S. Uxo OFFICI, Thk DALLas, Oimot I rtbrury,les,, Complaint having been entered at tki.' . byOhie f. Weber "eainM wisie, Rn pa failur. to eon,ply"with I." a. Z lnE??! Kntrj No. 302.-., dated eet'temter?' ST"'1'11' Willamette Meridian. lUnre U eisi u County. State of Omron, with a viewVuJS cellation of aald entry, c imatant nlWiT? S wid w e,l-y Sun,,,, er nerer piowJdo 3, aald tract exeept about Hx iere. .nd nem'2 any time nor baa any one for him pUntaT.5 r. e oi cuttitins. or aetda, and ali tliVfe ley buinmner about the month of Fbru, ? 5j duly re liiquialied aald tract to the UnTOiS and hM never said lime returned oSZ la'nd "r 'lght r ,utcr0k "I aairJnwS The aald parties are hereby summoned to n. pear at thia office on the Anh dav of April im at 10 o'clock a. m., to ,epod testimony concerning aald all.ired failure uu JAVKU-fAi.Kejiiter NOTICE. School IdstrlctKo.Sol Wasco Comity Ortmn will iaaue two coupon bonda of the par rtliMoi tour hundred dollars each beaihie internt u the rate of aix jier cent per annum,lntrwtT.T ableaemi-annua'ly;aid boiida bring redeemibli at the pleasure of an id district alier ten yeail from their d.tte, bnt due and pavuble (ib,iuu.!, twenty yeara fiom date. JTInciple and intenu payable at the office of th TretiMirer of Vim County, Oregon, or at uch place nu bt designated at the option of the purchmicr. The board of directors of aald district are In. fully authorized to laaue aald bonds in acrord. ante with the provision of an art of the Leeiiii. tlvc Assembly of the State of Oregon, Bled In the ollice of the Secretary of Btate l"ebrury a 1VJ3, and providing among other things for tS Issuance of bonda bv school dintiiets. Ill compliance with the terma of uld act, I, aa treaturcr of tnld coiintv, will iecc;ve bida for aaid bond at my office li. Kullei tin afiireaald until 2 o'clock p. m. on the lut dT of May lMi. All bida must be aecompanledhyi cerlitled check of five per Ct-nt of the amouuiol bonds for which the bid ia made. No bid for kss than par will be considered. Rlniiki to be submitted fur district to execute. The right It reject any and all bids is reserved. 'iha Iiallea, Oregon, April 1, Isyj. C. L. fUILLIPg, 'ireai NOTICE. School District No. 50, of Wasco coiintr, Or gon, will issue aix coupon bonds of the p value of five hundred dollars each, besnui Interest at the rate of six per cent per annua, interest payable semi-annually; laid bornli h ing redeemable at the pleasure ot said district aftei tun yeara from their date, butdueauapsf able absolutely twenty yeara from date. Prin cipal and Interest payntil at the ollice of lhe treasurer of Wasco eountv, Oreyou, or at sues place aa may be designated at the option of the purrhasor. The board of directors of said district art law fully anthni ied to IsMie said bonds la accord a .ce with the provision of an act of the legisla tlve assembly of the state of Oregon, tiled In lr o:ilceof the secretary of state, ol Oregon, Kebrs-a-y 22, lhi:l. and iraviilliig among other things f ir the issuance ol bonds by school dlstricla. In compliance with the terms of said act, 1, aa treasurer of said county, will receive sealed bids for said bonda at my ollice In Iiallea City, aforesaid, until l o'clock p. ni. on the l.'ith dir ol June lhiw. All bills must be accompanied bf a cerlitled check of rive r cent of the anonnl of bonda for which bid is made. No bid lor lea than pur will be considered, ulanks to be fur nished by lhe purchaser. The right to reject any and all blda ia reserved. lhe Dalles, Oregon, May 1,'., C. L. PHILLIPS,. Treasurer. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the onderrlewd administrator of Ilia eatatenf tjarah A. Krilsv late of Waaeo County, Oregon, now deceased, haa filed hia flual account and report as suck au mlh 1st ralor. with Ilia elark of the count' court for Wasco County. Oregon, and Kr uay me nra any ni July, iv.s.i, at J o riuea P of said day, at tbe cotintr court room In th county court house in Dalles (. ity.Waseut ouutt, ""'("li, nave peel, nxed br lhe Hon. wiuini Judge of Wasco Coiintv, Oregon, as the lima and place for hearing said Ural report. All persona interested in aaid estate are here by notlliid to appear at aald time and place aod ahow cause, if auv thera be. whv said report should not In all annroved. and as order be madedlscharging raid administrator. i'a eu una I'.ith day ol May. 1V.1. Administrator of Ilia estate of Marali A. '"" deceased. M Advartlaecl Letters. Following is the list of letter remain ing in the poslofflce at The Dalles un called for May, 20th, 1800. rerwni calling for the same will giveuRtson which they were advertised: Harrows, A( M Kampli, Keen Birchard, Ueorge Boir, M T iiiiis, j a Cooper, Kusell Donaldson. Laura Ilydn, Nellie Ilinnason, Kha Ht-cknr, J J I less, Jay llellwell, f J Knectitly, S Miller, Joseph Wilson, M 0 Smith, J A I'attc, r M Kelly, John Joss, J Vhnlan, Martin Odell, J U Brown. 8 J null, Wtn Wilson, II E Johnson, Constace Moody. C A Jones. Irena Lenecal. Lena Katnph, Kretl Hpothurk, T Smith, Grace Shirley. W U Corey, Clara tV.lsun, Llbbie Chltiv, J W, J Shirley, W I) Benson, J A Itav, Walter II t'atiiphell, Allen Hill, Charlie I'arry, Harry Koly, Kd Hess. II J (iregg, Walter Davis, W II Kdwards, L N Blsml, T Hsgen, Biron Barium. Bessie Karlson, Kmm Williams, Iva Paciflo Corset Co Jacobaen, H C Johnson, TheaJor Melligan, diss C-onley, J II Ford, Kll Kilhary, KH Mahear, Harry Kohlnson, Grace Morris. C H Spencer, Hattie Itedana, Joss Ilnston, H (lauible, Thomas Fritfgerald, WalW Klllott, Charley Clark, M J Pahlman, Jo Brada, John Klcket. Bos Htootaman, Joe ?;,d aald relinquishment Wat duly w iT V-.h?mee"! The ,""lc' Ore..r, " id 2 mu tiuiu iiu iiriur introin airutti.i,. II. II. Btt)i x, P- M'